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Reporter while firefighters are on high alert during extreme weather, there is a who were willing to offer a place to stay for free. Chance people could go home soon. Cal fire says in the next this offer is good through couple of days, there could be september 20. If you take any photos, we would like for you to send them to us. Email your photos and videos to repopulation in some parts of napa county, towards highway 80 and parts of the myers fire within the complex north of ktvu photos foxtv. Com. Jenner. That, of course, depends on we may share them largest fire fire activity and if it is safe enough to let people in. Reporting live, sara zendehnam, ktvu, fox 2 news. State is burning out of control thank you, sara. And the northbay. The big concern firefighters in moments, we are are facing today and what can expecting an update on the cause new fires. Firefighting efforts of the ccu lightning complex fires burning wild fire crews are working in san mateo county. Around the clock, theres we will take you there. Another challenge to deal with. Theft and looting. Who was victimized, and whats being done to keep others from the czu lightning complex fires fire has claimed its first being taken advantage of. Victim. The body of a 70yearold man who had been reporting missing has been found. Federal Financial Aid has been approved to help people that are victims of these fires. How it will help those who dont have insurance. From ktvu fox2 news, this that area near the town of davenport and big basin state is mornings on 2. Park has been under mandatory evacuation orders. Cal fire reports that they have you dont often hear me say earned 115 square miles. This, but thank goodness we it has destroyed buildings and made it to monday. What a weekend. I am Gasia Mikaelian i am dave clark. Damaged another 12. It is not clear how many of it is good to see you and those are homes. Rosemary as well. Rosemary, very busy because of everything happening in our i had an opportunity today world right now . To go out and view a little yes, good morning to you. More of the fire area. It is pretty devastating, the amount of destruction that has we are waking up this morning occurred, not only in the with a few scattered showers, a watershed, but to residents in the communities and in santa little bit of cloud cover, and cruz countys. Several people are defying thankfully not a whole lot in these orders, staying so they the way of thunderstorms in the can try to save their homes. They have teamed up in a united bay area. Sacramento valley into the sierra, quite a bit recorded. Effort to fight the fires in the for us, just a few sprink czu lightning complex fire area. Cal fire is planning an update very soon and we will bring you to that live, asso that leads us right to rosemary at 6 03. I can tell you both, the ground in the parking lot is now wet. So, there is some weather changing. Yes. We welcome the rain. Light showers are falling over the bay area. Most areas, traces. We will see the possibility as we get to the next few hours. The risk of thunderstorms will be with us as well. Here is a view of Storm Tracker two. You can see, this is a sixhour time lapse. As expected, that moisture pumped up last night and into the overnight hours. Thankfully, the air mass is a lot more stable than what we saw last week. With that, we have not seen a lot of activity in the bay area. San francisco and the syrian folly are a different story. We see scattered showers. Farther to the north, areas of lake county are stretching to the arena, those might be over napa. For today, we will call for hazy skies, a little cooler. The red flag warning remains until 5 00 in the afternoon for the isolated storms. Those gusty winds and dry lightning we will have better details coming up in just a bit. It is 6 04. Lets see what is happening on the highways with sal. Good morning. Good morning, rosemary. We have those lights turn on. Look at the big crowd as people are driving on a monday. Traffic is going to be backed out all the way, there are no problems, there. Traffic is looking good in both directions. People are out on the roads. At 6 04, lets go back to the headlines. It is 6 04. We are watching cal fire. They are holding a news conference, the latest on the wildfires. Lets listen in. Just a few things, as usual, mute your telephones, take any conversations outside the press briefing area, keep your masks on as much as possible. There will be time at the end of this conference for questions with representatives who are up here. Just a few things, the fire group. It is 78,000 acres as of 6 00 this morning. It is now 13 contained. We continue to make good strides to increase that containment, however, there are 24,300 structures that are threatened around the fire area. We can now confirm that 231 structures have been destroyed, both throughout santa cruz and san mateo counties. We have a more specific takedown we can get you later this morning. We continue to increase the number of firefighters that are arriving every day. We are up to 1511 firefighters, state, local government, including ones from outof state on this incident. One thing to note, there was an evacuation warning that went out in Santa Clara County yesterday afternoon. That warning went out in abundance of caution based on potential storms that were forecasted yesterday. We do not believe there is an imminent threat right now. I just wanted to clarify that, because that is a whole new county right by us. With that, it is time for an Operations Update from the management team. Good morning. The past 24 hours, we are in a red flag warning, we have actually had the opportunity the weather has not been as bad as we were expecting. That is good. That has given us an opportunity to make Good Progress throughout this fire. Starting here, again, a lot of good work up there, you can see this on the line. That is a control that i established and verified. We have a good set of control lines on the north end of the fire, throughout the entire north end. Down on the coast, it is still burning brighter fuels. With the humidity, the lighter fire is extinguishing itself. That is very good. The fire is still hung up on the ridge top. Once we get more resources, we will go directly after that. We have a good control line around protecting that community. On the south end of the fire, we continue to improve the control lines around the south end. We have this control line that runs, we have a secondary. We did one operation. Then, in the dune area, that widened and improved tremendously. It created a very good control line to the south primary and a secondary. It really puts an excellent protection for the uc campus. They are not 100 out of danger, but we are confident that these lines will hold and do what we need them to do. Moving along, fires are still up on the ridge. Again, we proceed with caution. Until that is completed with the red flag warning, the thing about that, we have been able to establish lines. Are they as robust as they would like to be . No, absolutely not. They were to keep the fire in check. We are keeping up a technique in which we push or heard the fire, like i said before. With that, it is not the line we would traditionally put in. We can try other suppression tactics. Therefore, with that, due to it being steep, rugged terrain, lots of canyons and that sort of thing, drainages are difficult to work in. It gives us the best advantage. We deal with what we are dealt. We are given the best shot based on that. We do the best we can. As a result, you will see setbacks. There is nothing pushing or threatening to the community. You will see some flames and so forth. Youre going to see that. We are far from that at this point. We have heavy tools and rugged terrain. This is going to take time. Anything we do get, we move our resources. We take care of these things. The material might rule out under the steep frame. That is going to happen. Youre going to see that. You can start mitigating and keep it from getting down. There are a few places it will highway 9 is a good place until part of the fire is distinguished, that brings a nice control line as well. We will continue that. The progress will take a lot of work to do it. We have the solid control line. We are working to do that. In the area, again, the number of structures, steep and rugged terrain in various parts, our crews are making advancements every day to make that more safe and get the Community Back on its feet. Speaking next from the Santa Cruz County Sheriffs Office is doug. Good morning. In terms of Sheriffs Office activity, again, burglary suppression was the goal with welfare checks and checking on folks as those calls came in. In terms of total calls for service, how many calls did we get . We got 10 suspicious people, as well as to others for checks. We sent deputies out for both of those. The missing persons, we still have four missing people who we are trying to determine where they are. In terms of activity, when it comes to suspicious people, we did make three arrests last night, as i said before. I will continue to say that we have a lot of personnel. Last night, we had a lot of personnel. Today, we will have 79 total personnel. I cannot speak more highly of the local agencies over the hill. They contributed 46 to the total today. The personnel be looking for people who should not be in the evacuation area. That is kind of in the same vein last night, for people three in which we arrested, two in which had warrants. They were taken to jail, arrested for the warrants. They were charged with being closed evacuation area, as well as a woman who is seen Walking Around with a backpack, not from the area. She was arrested for being in an enclosed evacuation area. We also cited one person who was not supposed to be here. He was escorted out. I wanted to touch really quickly we got a number of calls with regards to the city of santa cruz. They did a prewarning. They were going door to door. A great thing to be prepared, but i want to reiterate, there is no fire danger right now to the city of santa cruz. So, cal fire has done a great job securing the border. As long as the weather stays the way it should and conditions stay the way it should, or should not be an imminent danger, at least, not right now for the city of santa cruz. Lastly, has been a lot of interest. I think we are all blown away that someone would actually steal from someone who is trying to help. We have a detective who is dedicated to the case. We are running down leads. I guarantee, if we can find out who did this, that person is going to jail. That is the update on the activity. Thank you. Speaking next, from the san mateo shot Sheriffs Office, is the sergeant. Good morning. Right now, no significant changes for san mateo county. However, we did have an incident yesterday were six people did enter a restricted area to check on their property. The end result is, they had to be rescued. They snuck into an area that was restricted. They were surprised by the fire. We had to redirect resources to get these people out. We understand that when people are evacuated they are anxious over their properties. That is why we have Law Enforcement protecting those areas and keeping them secure. Please help us. If there is a restricted area, do not enter. What happens, we have to redirect resources. We put those responders in risk , you put yourself in risk. Other than that, we are working hard around the clock to make sure you guys are given the information, up to date, anything significant, you know about it. We are putting information on social media channels. For san mateo county, if you want more information, download the app for android or iphone. Thank you. Speaking next, cal fire incident management team, three, billy. 48 hours we have had a lot of success, a lot of small wins. They are leading to larger wins. We are increasing the personal numbers decided in the incident. We will continue to do that until we have suspicious resources sufficient, to manage the perimeter. Mother natures have helped quite a bit. We have increased humidities with reduced winds. The ground have taken advantage of those opportunities that Mother Nature has presented us. We worked extremely hard to develop what we have, currently. We willcontinue to progress as long as same or improve. Obviously, we are you know, what type of weather pattern we are in, what type of winds we had, what type of drop in humidities we had, we will be watching that closely. Well be prepared to be proactive if those conditions resurface during the next week or two weeks. We can be aggressive with maintaining the perimeter and reducing risk to all communities that are endangered and the infrastructure that is out there. Thank you. Our final speaker, chief organ. Good morning. It is nice to see we got a little bit of weather helping us take advantage of the opportunitieget people out of the fire and start to get some action that is positive. As you can see, the increased containment is there. I want to add focus on what the sergeant said. People are still trying to get in and to see if their property is there. Those fire crews are working diligently. They are establishing websites. They will provide for public information. We have numerous teams of inspectors were looking at each of the properties, gathering information so we can get back to the public as soon as possible. You can have an idea of what is left or the properties that have been damaged. These be patient with us as we get this information out to you. We need to make sure it is safe for inspectors to get into the area so they can assess the damage that has occurred, thank you. That concludes the formal speakers. I would be happy to answer any questions you have. The time is 6 18. You have just heard a live news conference. I will take 30 seconds to give you a recap of what they talked about. The weather has helped the firefighters tremendously. The fires did grow overnight, 78,000 acres have burned. It is 13 contained right now. 24,000 structures are in danger. 231 buildings have been destroyed. They are closely watching the weather. They have made Good Progress, particularly on the southern end of the fire. Four people are listed as missing right now. Three arrests were made of people who were in places who should not have been where they were. In santa cruz, there is no imminent danger right now for the city of santa cruz. They are still searching for whoever stole the wallet of a commander and trained his bank account. Now, there is a lot more that is going on. Mainly, the rain has been helping. Allie rasmus will have another update coming up at 6 30. You will see it right here at ktvu, mornings on 2. We will continue to update the fires. Heart of that is the air quality. A spare the air alert has been issued for today and tomorrow across the bay area. Smoke omwildfires is significantly affecting the air quality. This is what it looked like yesterday afternoon in lafayette. The camera is pointed towards mt. Diablo. It is hard to see through all the smoke. Much the same around the bay area, look at the san mateo bridge yesterday afternoon. You can see smoke. It almost looked like fog. The heaviest impacts are expected to hit the santa clara valley. Smoke could impact the entire bay area. Again, a spare the air alert. The oakland zoo might close due to the bad air quality. It closed early yesterday. On twitter, they said they might stay closed because of the unhealthy conditions for guests with all the smoke in the air. An official announcement has not been made yet, but anyone who has a ticket can go to the website and rebook for another date. The time is 6 21. We are still checking the commute for you, if there is any out there. Sal, you have the latest on traffic, sal . Yes, we are checking the commute. It looks okay. There is some slowing out there. I want to mention that. If you are driving in the area, there are plenty of closures on highway 21 and in the Boulder Creek area. Those areas in purple are closed. Highway 17 is not. You can see traffic on ia. D. D. Is good. There is a pretty good backup at the toll plaza. It is 6 22. Lets bring rosemary back in. Good morning to all of you. We have a few light showers falling. We have the possibility for isolated thunderstorms. Lets look at the Storm Tracker. If we look towards the Sacramento Valley, quite active overnight. It has pushed to the north and east for us. We have remained fairly quiet. There are one or two lightning strikes reported in the last hour. There are a few scattered showers that continue. Right now, we are looking at a little bit of light rain. That is further to the north. The wind is generally light. That is great news. Fairfield is reporting 13 miles per hour, even in the hills, i am see wins from 10 to 15 miles per hour. That is not bad. On the flipside, we have air quality to deal with. It is unhealthy for sensitive groups. For the south bay, the east bay, that remains unhealthy for today. Half moon bay, 60s for most of us at this hour. We are warmer with higher humidity. For the afternoon, we will remain isolated with thunderstorms in place. We will have the risk of at least, this afternoon. We will have the extended forecast, coming up. Tesla is looking to install new technology in their cars, up next, the actions the bay area carmaker is taking to keep kids safe. A treatment for covid19 is getting emergency authorization, what it means for certain patients, straight ahead. Welcome back to mornings on 2. President trump has announced what he is calling a major breakthrough in the battle against the coronavirus. The president says his administration has granted emergency approval for the expanded use of antibody rich blood plasma to help hospitalized coronavirus patients. The president says he is confident that this treatment will prove to be a game changer that could help millions of americans affected with the deadly disease. Today, i am pleased to make a truly historic announcement in the battle against the chirac virus that will save countless lives. We dream of 35 mortality reduction. This is a major advance in the treatment of patients. This is a major advance. However, critics say President Trump is misleading the public by promoting a therapy that shows promise but still needs to be adequately tested. Some also question the timing of the announcement, because today does mark the start of the Republican National convention. They will vote to renominate President Trump. A limited number of delegates will be in charlotte, North Carolina in person. Speakers include senator tim scott, nikki haley, Steve Scalise and donald trump jr. Now, we will have complete coverage of this convention from 4 00 this afternoon. Then, we will bring you the big name speakers on ktvu channel 2. The time is 6 27. The largest wildfire in the state history is burning in Santa Clara County. We will bring you updates on the effort to get it contained. Superfast internet. Its a beautiful thing. Superfast internet with an xfinity flex 4k streaming device included . Even beautifuler. And now flex also comes with peacock. Ooh la la. This rare bird lets you stream tons of movies, shows, news, sports and more. And with flex, its all at your beck and call. Show me parks and rec see . The best really did get better magnificent. Switch to xfinity intern with peacock premium included for no additional cost. From ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. Good morning, thank you for joining us. It is monday morning, i am pam cook. I am dave clark. It is so good to see you. Welcome back from vacation. Thank you so much. It is nice to be back with you, dave. Rosemary is here. It feels good outside our studio. The ground is wet. I dont smell a lot of smoke at this location. That is a nice surprise, dave. Welcome back. We do have partly cloudy skies around the bay area this morning. Scattered showers are falling early on. We have the risk of storms of the forecast. What a nice surprise. Here is a look at the time lapse. You will see all the moisture moving through the bay area. We are not out of the woods just yet. This will continue to wind down through the afternoon. We are picking up on this green on the screen. For today, we do have hazy skies that will remain in place. Not everyone is going to get that nice, refreshing rain to clean things out. Temperatures will be kohler for some. We will continue with the poor air quality. The red flag warning has to do with isolated storms. The lighus for the first part of the day. We have a possibility for gusty in and erratic winds. It is 6 31. How are the highways doing, sal . We have a problem in San Francisco. It looks like they might have just cleared a truck accident. It is unclear how they couldve done it so quickly. There is something going on on north bound 101, transitioning to eastbound 80, going towards the bay bridge. I would suggest giving yourself extra time coming into San Francisco. The westbound traffic is going to be slow as well. It is going to be tough before 6 00. Give yourself plenty of next her time to give into and out of San Francisco. Lets go back to the headlines. This morning, we continue to get updates on the huge wildfires that continue to burn across the bay area. Four people have been killed. Another four have been hurt in the complex fire that is burning in the north bay. The scu lightning complex fire is burning in alameda, Santa Clara Countys. It is 10 contained. In the santa cruz mountains, one person has died and another three are missing in the czu lightning complex fire. Cal fire just provided a live update. We listened to that. Allie rasmus joins us with the live update this morning. Reporter the news is somewhat good. The fire did burn an additional 4000 acres, but the containment is up to 13 . The weather did help make progress with the fire overnight and kept it from spreading. However, many structures have been destroyed in san mateo county. It is unclear how many of those are homes. The fire did claim the first victim, the body of a 70year old man was found in the santa cruz mountains. The Sheriffs Office says there are a total of four people unaccounted for. Right now, they have deputies patrolling the area, making sure nobody has come through to burglarize any homes. They did arrest three people for being in those evacuated areas. On the northern and end of the fire, the fire is not moving east towards Santa Clara County. Yesterday, fire crews built lines on the eastern side. Overall, things are looking good for the community in uc santa cruz. We created a good control line to the south, a primary and a secondary. That puts an excellent protection for santa cruz uc campus. It doesnt 100 clear out danger, but we are confident that these will hold into what they need to do. The Sheriffs Officers say they have 80 officers patrolling the area. Reporter the bottom line, they dont want anyone in these evacuated areas because of the danger to people with homes burning, as you see. They want to keep the roads open and empty for these firefighters to continue doing their job. Overnight, the weather did help with high humidity and low wind is on the fire. One of the people speaking at the briefing said, as long as conditions stay the same or improve, they believe they can continue to make Good Progress containing this fire. For the latest on these fires, 13 contained, reporting live, ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you, the second biggest wildfire in california history, it includes the hennessey fire in lake county, the walbridge fire, and the myers fire north of jenner. More than 543 square miles have burned in the avenue lightning complex fire. It is only 21 contained. Also in north bay, the woodward fire is not considered part of the ellen new fire. More than 1700 firefighters are battling the new complex fire. Even more are coming in to help out outofstate. Cal fires priority, keep any new fires from becoming big ones. We do have a plan. In order to immediately attack those fires, it is going to take some work. What i am asking from all of you is, with the weather predicted flag warning issued, i cant ends stress enough the importance of being ready to leave. Many homes have been destroyed. Cal fire predicts that the lightning complex fires will keep burning for weeks, maybe even longer. This morning, firefighters are still trying to contain three big complexes burning across the area. They have been burning for the past week. One of these fires is the lightning complex fire. This goes across the seven counties. Claudine wong is here now. You have the latest on that firefight. Good morning, claudine. Good morning, dave. When you talk about the he put with. Containment is at 10 . The lightning we are working on they do have more than 1000 firefighters on the line. That is a fraction of what they would normally have. Take a look at the lightning complex map. There are two major zones. You have the canyon and the other section, the deer zone section is at the north part of the screen. That has pretty much been handled. In total, we are talking about 343,000 acres. We are talking about seven counties. It used to be five, but now it is seven. It is all of these areas here. This is what we are looking at right now. This is welch creek road. Our photojournalist is up there. You can see him pan over, a lot of smoke, a lot of he is. As you drive up the area, just to give you an idea of what firefighters are dealing with, this is a one lane road that is about four miles long, it is precarious as you get up there. There are not a lot of houses up there. If you take a look, this area is north. We have had evacuations. Everywhere south to the fire lines that is the area that has been told to get out and get to safety. The fire has been burning for 5 days now. We have a lot of area it has covered. You are looking at what firefighters have been dealing with as they have been driving through there now. Firefighters have kept those away from heavily populated areas. Many structures have been destroyed. 20,000 buildings are still in the path of these fires. They are watching the potential very carefully. This is an area that is under a severe drought. Any of those little embers that and land, 90 of them will start a fire. Once those brush fields start burning, we are expectingce of those embers go anywhere between three quarters of a mile and up to a mile. That is also what is hampering the efforts of troops on the ground, the Long Distance spotting we are seeing in the old brush bottle. The area where the canyon comes up has a lot of history in it. However, this area has little fire behavior history in it. We are dealing with areas that have never burned in the recorded history where we are at. It is posing difficulty to us. When he talks about troops on the ground, as well, 1300 fire personnel, they have helicopters, dozers, that all sounds like a lot, but when you think about it, resources are thin. Normally, in a situation like this, they would have 9000 firefighters. They have 1000. That is what is keeping them white knuckled. Reporter making it stretch through the fire lines is unprecedented. They are taking this hour by hour. That is how long this could last, even in these latest press conferences, talking about all the months through thanksgiving, if that is hard to wrap your mind around. We will keep an eye on this situation and give you the latest. Reporting live, quoting wong, ktvu, fox 2 news. Thank you. We are keeping an eye on all of these fires and the weather. Dont forget, you can stay up todate with all this information by that is where you will find the latest evacuation orders, reports on new fires, and how you can help the fire victims. The time is 6 41. Overnight, protesters set vehicles on fire. Look at your screen. We have details on an officer involved shooting that sparked outrage. There are two storms barreling down the coast. How people are getting a ready for landfall, this morning. Coming up at 7 00, why parents have a hard time finding equipment needed for their students online learning. Another day, another chance to bounce forward. Lets do this. By making internet speeds fast and reliable. So you can keep up with your customers. By ensuring those speeds have wireless internet backup. So if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. And by covering all your connected devices with serious security. So we can handle this. And this. While you get on with this. And this. Be fast, be secure. Bounce forward. With comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Call or go online today. Welcome back to mornings on 2. It is 6 44. Hundreds of california Prison Inmates are battling wildfires and in other parts of the state. The pandemic is creating new problems in efforts to put firefighters on the lines. Last month, a dozen camps used to train inmates for wildfires were locked down and placed under quarantine. Cal fire says only half the prison crews are currently available. They play a Critical Role in not only the extinguishment of the fires, but the work they do when fires are not occurring throughout the state. We want to change our lives. We want to come back into society. We want to give back. State Prison Inmates can volunteer for firefighting duty if they are nearing the end of their sentence and are considered a low security risk. The committee for the San Francisco board of supervisors reportedly worked on a compromise plan to slash the Police Departments budget. They would cut the Police Budget by 26 million over the next two years. This would not include layoffs. But, it would force deep cuts to the classes and overtime spending. That committee is due to take a formal vote on this plan later this week. An overnight curfew in kenosha wisconsin, after crowds gathered and set cars on fire and police shooting. Kenosha is 40 miles south of milwaukee. They were responding to a domestic incident. Neighbors say the victim was trying to break up a we are not sure what led to the police shooting. Jacob was shot seven times in the back. He is in serious condition. Last night, neighbors said that the shooting could be a breaking point for kenosha. We saw the police using their brute force, their manipulation tactics, their bigotry they used every tactic in the book to get over and manipulate us. Reporter the criminal investigation will investigate. The officers involved have been placed on administrative leave. Today, and expected vote on a controversial project. This project has been under discussion for 10 years. Projects supporters say that the complex would be less than two miles from bart and is what they call for in a Regional Housing plan. Opponents say the largescale development would create problems along the route and the vulnerable during wildfire season. A new survey of economists shows supplemental jobless benefits and the Paycheck Protection Program for Small Businesses they found two thirds of the experts believed that the u. S. Is still in a recession. More than half say the u. S. Economy will come out of it either before the end of this year, or sometime during next year. Joe biden says, as president , he would follow the advice from Public Health advisors if they called for a shutdown of the economy to stop the spread of the coronavirus. In an interview he said we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. There is a motion detection device that can pick up whether a child was left behind in a hot car. This Hightech System would differentiate between adults and children. It could gauge the temperature inside the car. Last year, 52 children died of heat stroke after being forgotten and left inside of a hot car. Lets check in on some of the weather. The gulf coast is bracing for backtoback storms as weather systems could hit the area within 12 hours of each other. People in louisiana are stocking up on groceries, boarding upcould ramp up and be classified or reclassified later today. It is expected to bring flooding and strong winds. The governor has already declared a state of emergency before marco makes landfall tonight. Tropical storm laura is shaping up to be a big threat. It was still a hurricane when it coupled pummeled haiti. Several buildings have collapsed. That laura storm is expected to move along cubas Southern Coast and go to louisiana. If the two storms overlap, it would be the first time in history that happened. 6 50, as always, steve is off, but rosemary is here. Pam and dave, we are looking at scattered showers. We are anticipating the threat of thunderstorms. While it hasnt gone away completely, we will remain in place for the next few hours. We have not seen anything compared to what we had on last monday. The red flag for mornings remains. We have the dry lightning, strong winds from anywhere from 35 mile per hours or so. In the overnight hours, you are watching it move through the Sacramento Valley and the sierra. For us, it has been fairly quiet. Here is a look at the six hour time lapse. If you look really closely, you can pick up on those lightning strikes. That has moved into nevada and northeast of reno. For us, we have shower activity going on. There is a little bit reported over ben lomond. As we go to the other side of the country, there is marco. It is coming up short. The panhandle of florida stretch it back a little bit, there is Tropical Storm laura. As we get into the next 48 hours or so, we are expected to reach 85 miles per hour. Of course, that would make it a hurricane. Lets come back home. Lets see what we are expecting. The wind is generally light. We have 13 miles per hour, air quality is suffering. Today, the rain is improving. It helps cleanup just some. It is unhealthy for sensitive groups. In the inner east bay, the valley remains with the worst weather for today. Temperatures right now, upper 60s in livermore, low 60s in santa rosa. For the afternoon, similar to yesterday, a tad cooler for some, 70s and 80s for some, antioch is expectedto 95. There is your extended forecast. Temperatures will cool more. You havent seen the risk of what we have had. Some of this was reported in overnight hours. There is not much change on thursday. It is warming up slightly on friday and then cooling down for the weekend. Back to you. Rosemary, thank you very much. We are looking at a clearing in San Francisco. They had an earlier crash. It was taken out of air rather quickly. It was first reported as an overturned truck. I dont know how they got it out of there. Traffic is moving well in both directions. We do have a big backup driving into San Francisco. If you are queuing up to drive into the city, give yourself extra time. The san mateo bridge also looks good as you drive through. San jose, northbound 101, traffic is driving up towards a. D. D. Lets go back to the desk. Thank you. Changes for people coming back from overseas, in the next hour, why the cdc lifted its quarantine recommendation, and destroyed. Tens of thousands of people were evacuated, as the czu lightning complex fire burned overnight. We have the latest on containing the flames as firefighters are bracing for another possible problem today. First, we will show you what one High School Marching band date to help people who lost everything in the fires. Experience the ultimate sports hub. Where you can find games, news and highlights. All in one place, right on your tv. The xfinity sports zone. Use your voice to search every stat, standing and score. Follow the teams you love. And, even get notifications with breaking news alerts and more. So youll never miss an update. With the xfinity sports zone everybody wins. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Click, call or visit a store for details. Welcome back. Some bay area students spent the weekend helping others. The venetia High School Marching band collecting donations for fired victims in vacaville in fairfield. Clothing, water, tents, and more will go to victims of the lnu lightning complex fire. A lady brought some blankets that she crocheted and handmade face masks. This is the third year the venetia High School Marching band for bay area fire victims. After seeing friends and neighbors hit hard, students

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