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Briefings this was held at the department of health and Human Services not at the white house the briefing was held after the number of new coronavirus cases in the United States, hit an alltime high of 40,000 today. I think what we are missing on this is something that it is not just isolated to you because if you get infected, you are part innocently or inadvertently, propagating the dynamic process of a pandemic. Because the chances are, that if you get infected, that you will in fact someone else. You may feel well. 40,000 new cases today making the total case count in the United States more than 2. 4 million and as cases surgeon some states there are nearly 2 and half million coronavirus cases again here in the United States more than more than 124,000 people have died from covid19. In minutes we will bring you the governor speaking live as he updates the states response to covid19. We do know the number of new coronavirus cases and hospitalizations continue to rise in california, our state saw another 5000 new cases yesterday. According to the latest John Hopkins University numbers california, is now at more than 201,000 cases with more than 5800 deaths. The number of cases in the bay area has risen to more than 22,000 with 557 deaths. Alameda county has a most cases, contra costa and santa clara have also been added to 15 counties that are raising concern. Urbana is having a increase and marin county 1600 cases including an outbreak at state prison. Theres an increase in both hospitalizations and the percentage of positive test over the past two weeks. Authorities report, work place clusters including marin sanitary, where at least 43 employees tested positive. The largest outbreak is at st. Quentin where 505 inmates and staff have tested positive. The number of of infections was about at 100 last weekend, the marin county coroner is looking at the death of a inmate and whether or not it involved covid19. A man died in his cell on death row he was found unresponsive, Officials Say there were no visible signs of trauma. More and more states are scaling back their plan to reopen as covid19 cases had new records nationwide. The biggest announcement came today from the governor of texas. Florida is also rolling back its reopening. Casey has more. Reporter more than 39,000 coronavirus cases reported in the United States, on thursday. Its the highest single day count of the entire pandemic. Surpassing the previous record by more than 3000 cases. So far more than 2. 4 million americans, have tested positive for covid19. The cdc warns that the outbreak may have infected more americans than previously thought. Cdc director Robert Redfield saying quote of the virus causes so much asymptomatic infection, we probably recognized about 10 of the outbreak. Cases and hospitalizations searching and much of the south, texas pausing its reopen plan. On thursday, gov. Greg abbott halted elective surgeries in the states biggest counties. As well as pausing its aggressive economic reopening statewide. Texas has reported more than 17,000 new cases, in the last three days. Texas lieut. Gov. Dan patrick says, covid19 testing is way up in the state, so seeing the spike was not a surprise. Heres a good news. We are not seeing it translate to the icu units, or into fatalities. Reporter according to the cdc younger people are feeling the impact across much of the country, florida gov. , says a median age for positive cases have dropped to 35 years old. Meantime several sheriffs say they will not enforce the states mask mandates. Most the majority people i see, are really wearing them. Reporter casey stengel, ktvu fox 2 news. Many Health Officials are concerned about Community Spread, as we approach the fourth of july holiday. We have the story. Reporter for months americans have seen signs about social distancing, and wearing masks, the coronavirus remains a risk. Now some see signs of virus fatigue. I think people have gotten more lax 23 weeks. Reporter the number of americans worried about getting a infection has dropped from 78 april to 68 in june. Support for stayat home orders also dropped from 80 in april the number of americans worried about getting a infection has dropped from 78 april to 68 in june. Support for stayathome orders also dropped from 80 in april 2 50 in june. Im still concerned a little bit, but over the last couple of months, my concern has gone down a little bit. I am starting to see me people more often and im ready for things get back to normal. Reporter the us has reported more than 2. 3 million confirmed coronavirus cases. The cdc warns the number of people who have had. We have to interrupt because we need to get you to gov. Newsom is giving a News Conference right now. Lets listen in. I wanted to begin by updating all of you, on the numbers of trend lines related to covid19. I want to make a announcement about one particular county here in the state of california. Then, we will introduce this formal partnership, with the California Manufacturing technology association, partnership with our state business and cal oas our operations Mercy Service team. First, let me begin with the top line which is, the total number of new positive cases, here in the state of california over the last 24 hours, we did report today some 4890 individuals, tested positive for covid19. Tragically, we did lose 79 lives in the last reporting period. And we have seen a modest increase both and hospitalizations, and total number of icu patients in the state, hospitalizations went up point some 3. 3 in the last 24 hours icu patients went up 4. 4 , as ive been doing over the course the last number of days we have been marking trend lines increasingly headlines across the nation as it relates to Positivity Rates. Ill remind you Positivity Rates become foundational as we increase the total number of tests, remember just one day or so ago we announced over 101,000 tests, that were completed in a 24hour period in the state of california as we increase tests in the state of california, naturally, we are going to see a increase number and total number of individuals that tested positive. It becomes important that we look at Positivity Rates, thats the percentage of those we test, that test positive, to really give us a sign an indication, of what we refer to as Community Spread. Ive noted on charts, when we did the first 14 day cohort going back to april, going back to the Positivity Rate we did spike at 40. 8 . Last 14 day cohort. , it is up to date that includes the last 24 hours our Positivity Rate is that 5. 3 . But slightly higher than the 5. 1 that we saw a few days ago. And the seven day trend higher still. At 5. 7 . So Positivity Rate, in the state of california over 14 day period, 5. 3 , over 70. , 5. 7 , we were able to conduct 10 1000 tests as we did 48 hours ago but in the last 24 hours we conducted 77,000 tests, let me just take a moment on the tests to mark the following consideration, i did note yesterday that weve averaged 88,000 tests per day over the last seven day period, 100 thousand testing marked a milestone in the state i want to say two things about testing. We still need to test more people number one, number two, i also want to mark appreciation today, we and the formal task force the Testing Task Force that we put together a number months ago. And i want to think the cochairs of that task for structure charity dean, and Paul Markovich they didnt outstanding job, i cannot be more grateful, on behalf of the grateful state, for their efforts. The fact that weve averaged over 88,000 tests over the last week is testament to their efforts, and their entire team that they put together. I recall just a few months ago we were testing, just shy of the 2500 people, every day. 2500 per day. Their efforts, were able to achieve milestones that we set out at 15,000 today 25,000 per day, a goal of 60,000 per day a stretch goal of 80,000 per day, and here we are. With their efforts, very advanced and i want to congratulate them on a Job Well Done and thank them for volunteering, to take that role and responsibility. We will be reconstituting that task force, with a different frame of focus and a Different Energy in terms of now looking to more target our testing, what some refer to perhaps lazily as smart testing, or just more targeted testing at communities that have been underserved or under tested or under resourced. So the next generation with of our testing we still want to see the volume but not just the volume you want to see we want to see a specificity of testing and the sophistication of the type and target of the testing so we will make more announcements, in the next number of days, weeks related to those efforts as well. But age been monitoring and it made this abundantly clear over the last number of days we have been monitoring all 58 counties in the state of california, for Community Spread weve been looking at the Positivity Rates, weve been looking at icu, weve been looking at total number of hospitalizations not just deaths, as it relates to this pandemic. We have been doing so, recognizing, i cannot again to say this enough that california, is the size of 21 states combined. The size and scope am in california, require a disciplined understanding that there are parts of the state that are very distinct and unique, from other parts of the state. So when i began these presentations as ive done today, i do talk in the aggregate but again none of us live in the aggregate. We live in counties, cities within counties and communities large and small where conditions are very distinctive. At least from one another so while we monitor all 58 counties, in the state of california, we target our engagement efforts, based upon conditions that present themselves. We talk in terms of these at test stations, these are the guidelines that we put forth, at a state level, that must be met in order for counties to come forward with their Health Officials and their county representatives to attest, that they have plans, protection plans, and containment plans for the cyprus. Those are point in time. As some of the out test stations change based on conditions, we do offer Technical Assistance at the state level. We have done that now, for 15 counties that are formally on what we refer to as our watch lists. Where reaper for provide more formal and targeted support. By the way that is not just for counties that have not tested. Imperial county has never move forward with an out test station because they recognize they could not meet the criteria in the state of california that has been put forth but nonetheless we are engaging them with Technical Assistance. They are one of 15 counties that were actively working to address considerations, concerns, trends, within their various counties. As it relates to Imperial County, we have made it abundantly clear over the course of many, many weeks, arguably over the course of many, many months, imperial counties conditions require, a unique set of support, and counsel. As a consequence, we have made it clear over the course of many months, that we have been sending Additional Resources down into Imperial County. Imperial county, is unique in this respect. We have now had over 500 individuals, transferred out of the Hospital System, in Imperial County over the last five weeks. Weve averaged anywhere on the low was 15, but more about 17 individuals every single day that we are transferring out, of their system, decompressing their system in the county and then providing support in surrounding counties. What has become crystal clear, over the course of many months, these interventions while they have been forcible, and helpful, and hopefully ill and hopefully allowed for the decompression of the Hospital System and provided additional sports that we are now in a position, that we are working with the county officials, and advising them to pull back, once again reinstitute their stayathome orders. We have been working with county health officers, and with their city administrator and i want to thank the county health officer, city administrator, members of their lack did, for their stewardship and their support in their collaborative spirit over the course of many, many weeks including the conversations that we had today, with our key Health Officials. They are going to be convening their county supervisors and county leadership over the course of the next few days, and making a determination, to lead that effort at a local level. We are advising and counseling them to move forward, and reinstitute stayathome orders. They will move at their discretion, if they are not able to come to some consensus, i am committed to intervening as is my role and responsibility as governor in the state of california. But im confident in their capacity to make that determination for themselves. Thats based upon again the criteria conditions that continue to persist in the county. Let me underscore what those conditions include. Not only the need to decompress the Hospital System, because he simply cannot absorb the number of patients with the limited resources in that county but also, Positivity Rates. I noted a Positivity Rate over a 14 day period in state of california at 5. 3 , the Positivity Rate over a 14 day. In Imperial County is approaching 23 . We have sent what we call these 69 individuals down that have gone down into the county to help support their efforts i even brought 44 National Arts men and women in their medical unit down into the county over the last number of weeks. We have brought out support a number of weeks back what we refer to as f fms field medical association. So trying to help for nonacute patients this was done in support, been down, hhs has been down, we are working with customs and Border Control because of issues as it relates to the border, in mexicali and calexico, and issues we need to address in and around the border. We obviously are at a point where the impacts with Public Health within the counties is such, that we believe it is time to dial back, as it relates to their efforts. Remember, they never moved forward as far as other parts of the other state but nonetheless the conditions are such that it is time to pull back further. We have too often served sites you may recall, our partnership for testing sites that are in the community. We have also provided 1. 1 almost 1 point almost 1. 2 million 1. 151 to be exact. Of masks, into a community, that includes 180,000 population. 1. 1 million masks. We have distributed, down into the county. Over half 1,000,095 masks just shy of half 1,000,095 masks we have provided gowns, gloves, face shields and the like we are committed to providing more resources, in real time, to help support their efforts as well as i recognize, good enough never is and we are finally in a position where with these large contracts rather where we have received just from one contract, 33 million 33,000,095 masks so we are in a better place not even be more supportive to our friends and partners, and community at Imperial County. So, these are the efforts that we want to update you on today. We continue to press more efforts i want to acknowledge vp pentz who has reached out to support those efforts in the county proper. I want to think credible leadership bob sutton and fema, and therefore their partnership and stewardship and focus on the needs of this county. And i want to think our team, that includes the department of labor, it includes msa and partnerships there. California department of Public Health that has strike teams down there and edition now to agricultural partners and additional partnerships from state agencies that are now helping support the cause. The cause of mitigating the spread of this virus. Thats in the counties. Final point. I really want to and of Mercy Service theres one county in the state where we are providing 100 of the costs related to the emergency response, its in this county where fema traditionally will pick up 75 of the costs, 25 of the costs, are bored by the state and local government there is no cost, that we are assessing related to that partnership with fema. In Imperial County that partnership we are absorbing those costs rather we are observing as well. We recognize the economic costs of what we are arguing for, we recognize economic costs that covid19 has already impacted on the community, but we recognize now our responsibility to keep people healthy, keep people safe, and step up our efforts so, 15 counties overall, that we are monitoring. Very, very closely. All 58 of course, we have oversight and continue to monitor them, numbers 4890. Positive tests, a little better than yesterday a little bit better. But the trend lines, are disturbing. So we need people to wear these masks when they cannot practice physical distancing to continue to be vigilant about the stride about the spread of this virus we are entering into a weekend, were so often is the case, people let their guard down, do not be one of those individuals. Continue to practice physical distancing, social distancing, if you are going to break wicom you are going to invite your neighbors or friends or extended family members over, against the advice of counsel of local health directives, where a mask, practice physical distancing, express your appreciation, your friendship, and your willingness to reach out and connect with others in a way that keeps them safe. And keeps you safe, as well. With that said, i will repeat this message, before i let you all go. Unless you want to turn off the communication but first i want to ask the doctor to come up and talk a little bit more about the 15 counties that we are monitoring but particularly this one county in southern california, that means particular attention, then i will get to why we are here, at this wonderful Warehouse Facility in the first place and update you on a new partnership, to help support California Manufacturing, and help support job creation in the state of california as well. Dr. Angel. Thank you gov. For this opportunity to talk a little bit about Imperial County, and why we are sharing this announcement today about our actions in this community. As mentioned Imperial County is one of 15 counties that are on our county monitor lists. This county monitoring list was created for california to be able to work very closely with our counties, but be there particularly when the needs are most. Those needs that are identified to put one on the county monitoring list includes variables that lead let us assess the movement of disease so epidemiology measures the our understanding of the capacity in hospital and care Delivery System. Also our understanding of Testing Capacity those are the three simple, areas in which we review in order to identify those counties, that should be watched and worked with more closely. We really appreciate the collaboration with our counties as we work through this process. Imperial county, as mentioned has been on our monitoring list and weve been working very closely with them. They been excellent partners as we move forward. There are a couple of indicators at this point that make us particularly concerned. This includes their case rate over the past seven days. Which is 680. That is vastly above the 100 over the last 14 days that have required to get on to the monitoring list. As part of the thresholds. Well above and it has been maintained at that level. Additionally, the test positivity at 23 is particularly concerning as well. That is well over the 10 threshold that is noted to get onto this monitoring list. The 23 , tells us, not only that there are many cases but, there are very many undetected cases so, that together combined also with the conversations we have had with the counties, and most particularly our understanding of the impact it is having on the care and Delivery System has moved us to take this much more directive and focused attention efforts within Imperial County at this time so we are working very closely with county officials on this, and we will be working with them as we advise them to be the stages in california, and looking at ways in which we can work more effectively through on the ground attention and support also for many of our different agencies to help support that county, moving back and addressing the really concerning increase rates and continuing increase rates we are seeing in Imperial County at this time. Thank you dr. Angel and think you, for your outstanding leadership and stewardship and support of the efforts, to work through this recent increase, in total number of positive cases in the state of california. I want to now briefly turn to the reason we are here, in this manufacturing facility. I want to update you a little bit on some of our efforts, to really focus on california state businesses, california state manufacturing as well. It is not often stated, and not often well known that california is the largest manufacturing states in the United States of america. Its a point of pride for many of us that live here and work here and reside here. As well as is one of arm more successful manufacturing facilities that you see here. We are here with a purpose that is to emphasize the need for all of us, as we work through this pandemic to make sure, that californiabased manufacturing companies, are procuring products for californians. And producing products for that matter for the rest of the nation. We want to incentivize more californiabased manufacturing. We want to encourage purchasers, of protective gear, gowns, gloves, sanitizers things like face coverings and facemasks, plexiglass shields, and the like, we would like to encourage people to purchase from californiabased manufacturers. By the way that include the state of california itself. Is not lost on me, the magnitude of this crisis requires many of us including the state itself, not just our federal partners to purchase so much product to get it at volume overseas. This is a opportunity to learn from this crisis experience, and reposition our state for that matter we should be repositioning our nation to be better prepared for the second wave of this pandemic, and better prepared for the future. To be able to maximize volume at the kind of scale thats required of a state and nation as large as ours. We have been working in partnership with go biz in our Economic Development and working with california leadership in our office at Mercy Services to really look at our supply chain needs and the needs of supporting manufacturers in the state of california. The partnership, his lead and i will ask lance, peer in a moment by what we refer to in the state as the mta. They are the organization, that is a champion for more california based manufacturing. We been in discussion foan be more supportive of california manufacturers. How we can encourage california manufacturers to retool their assembly lines, potentially to help meet the needs, of these critical products, particularly eight specific products that are nonmedical grade products that can help support our efforts in the state of california to keep people healthy, and protect them as we work through this pandemic. I have been out and some of you may have noticed, some of these manufacturing facilities i was down in Silicon Valley they were helping with repurposing and helping with our ventilators that we did receive from the federal government, some from our own stash in the state of california. Today i am pleased that through this ownership with the mta and a new online portal, called safely making ca. Org, safely making ca. Org that we have an online portal, where people can match their talents, skills, with their needs. This portal, especial for a number of reasons. Not only have we vetted the manufacturers now over 300 that are on this new platform, we are also making available ppe, at no cost to Industry Associations in the state. I want to repeat that, we are making ppe available, particularly face coverings and hand sanitizer, for trade associations in this state so they can more safely reopen, their facilities. The reason we are here, they are one of the facilities that has taken advantage, understandably taken advantage of the procurement of these resources, so they can safely reopen this facility, reopen to 150 people. That are working here today so we want to encourage people to go to this website, safely making ca. Org, avail themselves as a say as supplies last, to the free ppe, face coverings in sanitizers, and also, matt up there needs to those that are being made available and those that have been vetted through this site me give you some specific examples, one of the most wellknown sunglass manufacturers in the world, oakley down in irvine california, they have really tooled portions of their facility and made available face coverings, face shields to be specific, as part of the product that they are now producing and making available. The making available to others. We have a line manufacturing that is another company, wellknown invisible line, that does a lot of 3d related printing, related to dental needs, they are now retooling for ventilator needs, some of their manufacturing here in the state of california, interstate manufacturing nearby sacramento based, company doing those plexiglass shields, that are being made available to you see a lot of them at Grocery Stores and other outlets, just three examples of companies that are meeting this moment that have really stepped up, retooled, to be supportive, not just be told to make a profit, but to really make a difference. We want them to make a difference and make product or rather profit so we are hopeful, that folks will take a look at this portal , take a look at this website and avail themselves to the work that lance and his team have done. With that, let me just ask lance to talk more about that work, more specifically, in the kind of vetting he has done and products and protocols that he has advanced to help support california based manufacturers. Mans . Im sorry lance . The governor is speaking at a Company Called tritool one of the Many Companies that is pivoting and using its capabilities and facilities to help in the fight against covid 19 making products to shield people and protect them in this new age we are living in. The governor started with some dire news about covid19 here in our state he said 79 people have died here in california due to the coronavirus in the past day, he said the Positivity Rate is ticking up slightly here in california, the number of testing is being upped as well but the governor had a very serious tone and he spoke very seriously about what is happening in Imperial County which is in the bottom southeast corner of our state. Imperial county to its biggest cut city is el centro it is highest of the highest rate of covid19 per capita. Able that are sick with that are being treated at the hospitals, hospital there have medical tents set up outside and hold helicopters arriving with patients almost constantly. Many people being transferred out of imperial to cities with larger capabilities and capacities treating people that need serious medical help. By no means, what we heard the governor say it before another of he said this exact phrase but once again his message to california is, we are not out of the woods yet. Yes so many counties have been moving forward in california now hissing is pulling back on the stayat home order in Imperial County, we heard the governor talk about data many times and thats what he likes to follow i looked up on their covid19 website those numbers, Imperial County has a population of 180,000 over the last 14 days they have had 1700 new cases, here in the bay area i tried to find a county similar napa is at 140,000 they had 98 new cases in the last 14 days. 1700 compared to 98 kind of similar county Santa Clara County 1. 9 million people, they have had 800 new cases over the last 14 days. You can see by looking at the numbers is how serious of a situation it is there at Imperial County the governors message as it was yesterday, where the mask moving forward. Lets talk pri has county Health Officials a little concerned as they try to contain this outbreak. Allie has more on the covid19 situation in marin county. Reporter there nearly 1600 cases of covid19 in marin county including 456 inmates and 50 Staff Members at the present who tested positive for the virus. Last week and there were about 100 people infected, the marin county coroner is investigating whether a 71year old inmate found unresponsive in his cell wednesday night, may have in fact died from covid19 in an online county education meeting last night, marin county Public Health officer said he does not think the outbreak at san quentin poses a risk to the rest of the community. In some ways and the reason i want to share this in some metrics that you will see, these cases are counted as marin county cases so marin county will soon become a hotspot statewide, because we can easily see more cases just in san quentin than the rest of the county combines at the beginning of the epidemic. So its important to make that distinction because it is in epidemiology in a unique environment. There working with the state to plan to treat inmates on site and create a search hospital in the present grounds. Outside of san quentin there has been other outbreaks of health Officials Say how workplace clusters. Speak primarily essential workers of the person that brings it into a household has been a central worker theres a transmission within the household we are seeing a lot of asymptomatic people. Reporter the average age for someone that test positive is 34 years old, so far this month the people that have been hospitalized is low 3 . Right down the county does a total of 10 people hospitalized which is double the number of last week, but still very low. Starting on monday marine county will allow more businesses to reopen, Indoor Dining will allowed, gyms, hair salons nail salons and hotels will be allowed to operate for the First Time Since march. Allie, ktvu fox 2 news. Starting today santa cruz beaches are back open to the public. This opening comes earlier than expected, as Alyssa Harrington tells us it is not because covid19 worries have eased. Reporter santa cruz beaches are back open. Earlier than expected. Health officials wanted to keep beaches closed until after the july 4 holiday, the countys Public Health officer lifted restrictions early. That was after became nearly impossible to keep people away. It has become impossible for Law Enforcement to continue to enforce that closure. So people are not willing to be governed anymore in that regard and so, we want to recognize that by removing that restriction. Reporter restrictions were lifted at midnight, under the revised health order, all beaches in Santa Cruz County are open to the public. You can walk on the sand, swim, surf, lounge and sunbathe. Beaches are opening right as santa cruz is seeing a spike in covid19 cases there are more than 100 active cases in santa cruz and just last week, there was a third death willing to covid19. Residents have mixed thoughts on the changes. Very scary, very scary for a lot of us. And am very early so there are not people here. When we think about a whole crowd integrating and being close, it is going to be a little frightening. I think its great that you can legally go back rather than people just lounging against the ordinance. I think out in the fresh air and sunshine might be the safest place to be. During the covid19. Reporter people are still encouraged to practice social distancing at the beach if you cannot stay 6 feet away from someone else , where mass. I am Alyssa Harrington, ktvu fox 2 newcisco for the city says its been on Reusable Bags is going to be da with most bay area counties banned the use of reusable shopping bags early on during the pandemic, out of concern the bags could carry covid19 into stores, public Health Officials have since announced, theres little risk in transmitting the illnesses way. San francisco had to lift its ban on singleuse bags during the pandemic, allowing businesses to hand out plastic bags without any extra charges. To National News mayor libby is fighting back after President Trump compared oakland to quote living in. He made that comment last night during a interview with fox news sean hannity he made the comparison and spoke poorly not just of oakland but also of chicago, detroit, and baltimore would all have large minority populations, his comments drew a Quick Response from oakland mayor libby shut who treated,is another four years of this racist in the white house. Congresswoman barbara lee who represents her issued a statement of her own that said quote we understand that a beautiful, creative, strong enlightened and diverse town like oakland must seem like to you, so please feel free to never come here. Still to come celebrations kickoff in San Francisco in the pandemic has forced organizers to make changes what people can expect, this coming weekend, also a much cooler day for many parts of the bay area, our meteorologist will have the full forecast coming up. Tums versus mozzarella stick bell rings when heartburn hits fight back fast. With tums chewy bites. Beat heartburn fast tums chewy bites the Minneapolis City Council taken the first step in an effort to dismantle the citys Police Department. Earlier today the Council Voted unanimously to pass a amendment removing requirements from the city charter to maintain a Police Department. The newly past amendment would replace the Police Department with a department of Community Safety and violence prevention. The amendment still faces commission reviews, more votes and a possible veto from the mayor before it would go to voters in november. A rally is taking place right now in San Francisco, calling for Police Reform and justice for black people that live in the city. People gathered outside of city hall for the rally in support of black lives matter, theyre calling for the defunding of the seven cisco Police Department and for the money to go to programs that would help the citys black community, they also want Community Oriented policing in San Francisco. I would go anywhere nationally but my home is in San Francisco. And so, we must deal with the racism, the discrimination, the police brutality, the police killings, the lack of our children graduating power to the people. Mayor London Bridge that earlier this month she intends to shift a portion of the Police Department upcoming budget, and redirected to the citys africanamerican community. This week in San Franciscos 50th pride celebration will be filled with a schedule of virtual events. Pride events including live performances, speeches from elected officials and lgbt q leaders, as well as interactive programming is planned. Today marks five years since the Supreme Court landmark willing to extend marriage rights to the lgbt q community. Youll find a full schedule of pride events at ktvu. Com under web links. The annual installation of a Pink Triangle has been part of San Franciscos pride celebration for 25 years. The pandemic has forced the way organizers are operating. Amberly shows us how this year it is going electric. The Pink Triangle is a symbol of persistence and hope youre reporter the Pink Triangle on twin beaks is peaks is back. On this night a small crew is testing the 2700 leds that will fill the center, a new look, giving it added lights admit the darkness of covid19. So much as virtual we have to have something real. Reporter in previous years the Pink Triangle was filled with parts that needed 300 volunteers to install. Social distancing meant a new version of the Pink Triangle this year. We went through the aids crisis now are going to the covid19 crisis and we have lessons to share with the rest of the nation and we know how to roll with the punches and get things done. Reporter rolling with the punches led to a new partnership with ben davis the mastermind behind the elimination of the bay bridge. Is part of the spiritual infrastructure of the city. Reporter he said it came together in less than three months, on this night, crews are working the patterns and movements, he hopes they will thrill the audience. Im in love with the city, i feel honored to have the opportunity to work with it. Reporter the print the Pink Triangle was used by to identify and prosecute members of the community, now organizers say the muchneeded symbol of unity. Its about bringing people together the spirit of community and a sense of all. Reporter a ideal moment to add radiance to the symbol during a time of turmoil. Its kind of important to not forget all the different social struggles that especially the city has or is at the forefront of. Having covid19 having a lie all around will help people make them feel like they are part of something larger. Reporter a small ceremony at twin peaks with the mayor officially turning on the lights. So everyone go on your roof and balcony and look on twin peaks it will be spectacular. Reporter the Pink Triangle will be on display through july 10. The illumination can be seen from dusk until dawn. In San Francisco, amberly, ktvu fox 2 news. Turning our attention. Sorry about that good afternoon how are you doing . I am good go ahead. Okay, lets do it lets talk weather. We have a beautiful shot to start with we have some really nice sunshine and spots right now across the bay. So lets take a live look outside you can see what i am talking about. That is the oakland estuary you do see a cruise ship there. In the distance there is that marine layer, it really did taken up to 2000 feet this morning. I could watch this all day. This is a timelapse you can see it retreating, from the bay its almost out of there but still certainly along the coast and write in San Francisco will see it as well. Current temperature 62 in San Francisco, 80 degrees in nevada, walnut creek 86. 84 in livermore, and 80 in san jose. We will see some inland heat again expect 90s in places like concorde and livermore we see a lot of that lately. 68 seven cisco, much cooler wherever that marine layer can linger. Thats what we will see. San jose 87, morgan hill today 90, 87 in santa rosa, its all about the High Pressure that is still in control, keeping her inland communities warm. That is going to change as we see a pattern shifts come into play on saturday. Overnight tonight, we see that father returned the marine layer will thicken, it will roll into the bay the low pressure system you see to the northwest, will slide in and when does, it will bring cooler temperatures and windy conditions as we get into pretty much the latter part of saturday to sunday. You will feel a cool down a little bit but check out the difference from todays high is to sundays. Morgan helen concorde and livermore looking at 90 degrees we are talking mid 70s to low 80s by sunday which is a big drop. Antioch you have been very toasty expect 94 today by sunday 82. Look at future cast this is tonight you can see the marine layer rolling in tomorrow morning there for saturday morning which is pretty pervasive tomorrow morning noticed the north bay and east bay will hang onto it it rolls out, the difference is a pull to the south that is your saturday nights, here is your sunday morning, notice again is still there in the Santa Cruz Mountain area but its starting to pull south of the bay area in general. That cooldown is coming a little bit tomorrow and then inland really noticing a big difference on sunday that wind kicks and saturday night into sunday, particularly sunday it will get very windy, breezy and our north bay and that could kick up some fire concerns of be mindful. We do start to warm up again next week as High Pressure builds in yet again. A little cooldown coming and then we are back to no rain unfortunately in the forecast as we had across the next week or two. Thank you still to come, a unique plan by the San Francisco giants also how you can have your face in the stands when it resumes next month. Were all doing our part by staying at home. That could mean an increase in energy bills. You can save by using a fan to cool off. Unplugging and turning off devi stay well and keep it golden. We are going to an oakland neighborhood program, the California Strategic Growth Council is awarding a 28 million is awarding a 28 million transformative climate communities grant. It will help fund five projects, and east oakland part of a three year communitywide effort. Reporter this is been a Journey Towards justice. What is starting today is exactly what people have been marching in the streets over. That is a self determined sense of safety, security, dignity, and justice. That is where these homegrown leaders are delivering for this community today. The project include 55 units of 100 Affordable Housing and health clinic, and a milelong community trail along the san leandro creek. That data breakers have been canceled after postponing this event for may to september this year officials announced that they are counseling this event altogether. Organizers say they are not confident it will be safe to host large crowds come fall instead the race will go virtual were runners can choose their own routes and interact with each other, from september 20 through october 2, organizers say they cannot refund registration but they will waive the deferral for the next year. We hope you are with us this morning on the 9 where we did a trip about some are some great ways to get out and have fun and maybe try something new, here are some ways you and your whole family can celebrate summer together, without breaking the bank. The Alameda County fair is not happening this year so instead of flying high on the rides you can hunker down for some retro fun at the fairground. Is home to a temporary drivein Movie Theater showing classic movies such as Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark on the bigscreen. We are talking to residents and they always come to the fair so this is a first for us. Drivein movies are awesome. This is my first drivein movie. They are not as common anymore at least in my opinion. But, its good that we can experience what some of our parents experience when they were younger like our age. Weve all been cooped up so its time we do something in a positive way and enjoy family, and still be connected. Its a nice way to see everyone, and be together without actually breaking all the shelter in place rules. Gather safely. In addition to the Alameda County fairgrounds you can catch a drivein movie tonight at the San Mateo County event center. The west when solano drive in, concord and sacramento are all in business and going strong. A fun daytime option is going on a boat ride at lake chevelle in castro valley. Boat rentals just recently started up again. We are seeing tons of new faces come in enjoying the trails and enjoying our boat rentals as well as our returning customers and there is nothing extra nearly new except we asked that everyone come out from the same household and a maximum of four guests per bow and we put a rental contract online to have that ready to go so you can bring that in with you rather than fill it out inside. Few things match the calm of boating on peaceful waters. You can breathe. You know you can breathe its nature its the birds, its the quiet on the lake. Not only that but meeting people as well. Everybodys been so isolated. Many people say they appreciate a return to the simpler activities that might otherwise go overlooked in the normal summer. Was some of these the these things are finding new for audience for others its a return to the good old days. This is what we grew up with. We have a big Station Wagon throw six kids in the back make some popcorn come out. Five cents per candy. Of course that candy bars two dollars now, but still, we release these activities and much more summer fun waiting for you on the ktvu apps. We do hope that you join us again and mark your calendar for the next zip trip on july 10, this time we are so excited to celebrate, the arts all across the bay area. I look forward to it on july 10. The San Francisco giants want you to be part of all 30 of their homecoming or home games this upcoming season. But not in person. I want to emphasize that not in person the team is planning on putting cutouts of fans and oracle part, all season owners will get a cut out what would normally be there see if you dont have season tickets you can pay 99 at your face to the crowd oracle part part has just about 42,000 seats. Are something you for joining us here at the news does continue on the ktvu. Com as well as the ktvu at, dr. Oz is next. Beneath. Dr. Pimple popper is here with her most frightening case yet. R. Lee scared to find Something Else like that. Announcer and Suzanne Somers up personal. Very her instagram pic that started a firestorm. Filthiest humidifier in america you have to see and believe. And repulsed at the same time. Announcer coming up next dr. Oz are you ready for season 11 . Yeah

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