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The low will be too far south. Eventually, it will get drawn up by a stronger system into the week for a cooldown. We have above average temperatures. All right, lets go over to sal. It is 601 in the morning. It is picking up a little bit. Theres a little bit of slowing. I can show you the pay gates. You can see traffic is going to be a little slower than it was a while ago. There is a fiveminute delay. This is the hour when it builds between 6 00 and 7 00. At around 730, itll start to break up. Look at the other commutes. You can see it is looking good on interstate 880 in oakland. Lets go back to the headlines. We are continuing to develop a story where Police Officer shot a burglary suspect after a night filled with Police Chases and breakins. Our reporter joins us live with more on this story. Reporter good morning, mike. Our photographer is in vallejo to give us a live look at the shooting scene. As we take that picture, you are looking at a walgreens on wedgewood street in vallejo. This is where police were called out to at 12 30 this morning for reports of people breaking in and stealing. A source tells us people inside the walgreens were armed. When police arrived, several people came out of the building. One person shot at police. Another rammed into a police car. That is when officers opened fire and hit one suspect. That person is said to be in Critical Condition according to our source. You can see the damaged suv in some of our video. Police chased the other suspect to rodeo. The Solano County District Attorneys Office will investigate this shooting with vallejo pd. The police chief is expected to hold a conference in the next couple of days. This happened after the Vallejo Department was getting reports of, quote, violated criminal activity. This is the same time the driver of an incide police on a chase. This shows officers going after the car and eventually pulling them over. Elise searched through the trunk. It had several mendicant doll heads and wigs. Someone was handcuffed in the back of the cop car. Throughout all of this, there was a curfew in effect in the city of alejo. That curfew continues until further notice every night from 8 00 to 5 00 a. M. Reporting live, ktvu, fox 2 news. Thank you for that. Richmond police were called to hilltop mall last night where there were large crowds that had gathered. That mall is not scheduled to reopen until tomorrow. Police say vaof the details at this time. Also, in fairfield, looters used a piece of heavy equipment to get into the best buy store. Police had been patrolling the area earlier in the evening to keep vandals away from the shopping center. They reported looting in other stores around the mall. New this morning, Police Arrested at least 100 people during the first night of the citys new curfew. This was the scene shortly after 8 00 last night after the curfew went into effect. Police used tear gas to break up the crowd who refused to leave the downtown area near the plaza. Some demonstrators could be seen throwing rocks and bottles at police. Oakland police say 80 people were arrested overnight for curfew violations and other offenses. 20 people were arrested for other crimes. Several guns were recovered. The violent protest in oakland came after a large but peaceful demonstration in the city. Thousands of young people gathered for a rally outside the Technical High School on broadway. Aching to express their outrage over the Police Custody death of george floyd in minneapolis as well as their hope for young people in america. Most of us here are young and we are hungry for change. Are demands for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have yet to be given to us. Organizers of the student rally say they wanted to turn the anger of young people into action with a peaceful demonstration. County supervisors will hold an emergency meeting to discuss implementing a countywide curfew. Several bay area cities are already enforcing their own curfews. Antioch and walnut creek are the earliest from the 6 00 p. M. To 5 00 a. M. San franciscos curfew is from 8 00 p. M. Until 5 00 a. M. Until further notice. The south bay, people are not allowed on the streets in san jose and santa clara from 8 30 at night until 5 30 in the morning unless they are essential workers or have an emergency. A countywide curfew is in effect for all of Alameda County between 8 00 p. M. And 5 00 a. M. On friday. That is similar to the curfew in oakland. Oakland and america, we have concluded we must impose a curfew to in store some state fee and security. We have incurred too much damage. There are 20 areas with a curfew. The entire list is scrolling across the bottom of your screen. Whole food is changing of hours so workers can get home safely. The company says monitoring activities around its stores is essential. It is closing early in counties where curfews are in effect. They are changing online ordering windows for pickup and delivery. Amazon owns holds foods. They are changing schedules for the upcoming weekend to keep drivers safe. A medical examiner hired by the family of george floyd says he died by homicide of excess by sustained pressure on his neck as well as his back. The autopsy determined the pressure applied by a former minneapolis Police Officer cut off the lead flow to floyds brain. That finding is different from the official autopsy report which said he experienced a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by Law Enforcement officers. When he said, i cant breathe, unfortunately, many police are under the impression that if you can talk it, that means you are breathing. That is not true. George floyds brother terrence is calling for an end to violence across the country. He lives in new york. He went to the scene where his brother died. He told protesters that destruction will not bring his brother back. He would not want yall to be doing this. Im not saying people here have been doing it. Relax. Lets switch it up. Do this peacefully. Please. Floyd mayweather says he is paying for George Floyds funeral and services. It is scheduled for one week from today in his hometown of houston, texas. It has become a symbol of solidarity, Police Officers kneeling with protesters in cities across america. [ screaming ] that seen took place outside of the courthouse. The crowd erupted in cheers as the officers kneeled. Police are trying to build solidarity. You can tell a hug means something. You can tell that there were some folks who needed a hug as much as i did. The police chief comforted a group of protesters on sunday. He told him and his 30 years on the force, he has never heard a single person. The department is committed to keeping people safe. Police chiefs knelt with her demonstrators to show unity and fight intolerance. We are part of this community, we are part of every community. This is all part of who we are. They tell ktvu that they understand and share anger with how george floyd died. They want the public to know that the actions do not represent other officers. It is 6 09 on the clock. Steve, we had a heat wave last week. You think it is more one and done, and thats it . Thats for today and tomorrow, yeah. We will get a good 10 degree jump. It might even go up to 15 degrees more if everything goes well. It is pushing well to the south. It is going to and l. A. That is up the coast from san diego and los angeles. For us, the only band of high clouds is down toward the santa clara valleys. These are high clouds. Its no big deal. It will be warming up. Temperatures like mt. Diablo and others were like at 76 or 77. It is warm, but not as warm as it was a week ago. There are a few 40s. It is 51 in woodside. Los altos hills are at 66 degrees. That is better than foster city. That goes for most locations on from monterey to santa barbara, High Pressure it will warm up today, tomorrow, still pretty warm on thursday. A system will sweep in for this time of year. When you get to june you dont expect rain. We will have a fog bank on friday. They are hinting at light rain or drizzle on saturday. We will keep an eye on it. It will be noticeably cooler as temperatures go from the 90s to about 70s as we had towards the weekend. Again, we have a few high clouds. It is warm today and tomorrow. It will back off thursday. There is your big change on the weekend, mike and pam. Thank you, coming up next on mornings on 2, some peoples are recovering from riots and looting, people are using this as a time to come together and heal. President trump says he will activate the military around the country if police and other Law Enforcement agencies cant stop the violent protests. We take a look at how National Guard troops are helping in california. Heres what we want everyone to do. Count all the hugs you havent given. All the hands you havent held. All the dinners you didnt share with friends. The trips you havent taken. Keep track of them. Each one means one less person vulnerable, one less person exposed, and one step closer to a healthier community. So for now, keep your distance. But dont lose count. Well have some catching up to do. Welcome back. Buildings in major cities will be closed. These offices include the dmv and those that license workers and provide healthcare. The state attorney general is also shutting down its offices in oakland, San Francisco, San Francisco, los angeles and others. Avenue some says he cares about the people who are protesting peacefully. He says only real change can come from action, not words. Youve got to change hearts, minds, culture. Not just laws. We have to own up to to some very difficult things. The black community is not responsible for what is happening in this country right now, we are. He understands leader is to instill meaningful change. Hundreds of National Guard troops arrived in sacramento in anticipation of more protests against the death of george floyd. The governor ordered thousands of troops to be on standby to support local Law Enforcement agencies if needed. 500 Service Members have already been sent to los angeles. President trump is threatening to use active military to stop violent protests across the country if governors and mayors failed to act. Minutes before, they spoke yesterday. Police in dc fired tear gas to disperse a peaceful crowd of protesters in Lafayette Park right across the street from the white house. When the president spoke in the rose garden at the same time, he threatened to invoke the insurrection act of 1807 which gives the president power to play the military on u. S. Soil. If a city or state refuses to defend life and property of their residence, then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them. After the speech, he walked across of the park for a brief visit outside st. Johns Episcopal Church where vandals caused damage on sunday night. The episcopal bishop of washington said she was outraged by the president s visit, saying the white house cleared the crowd with tear gas so he could use the church as a prop to take photos. He did tell them to get tough on protesters. 1026 if you dont dominate, youre going to waste your time. Theyre going to run over you. Youre going to look like a bunch of jerks. Governor newsom says his focus is listening to the message coming from the protesters. I can choose to focus a message that i think is so much more powerful, i hope more people watching, i hope they know i care more about them than some of the noise i heard on a morning phone call. Joe biden held a roundtable yesterday. He addressed systemic racism, police reform, denouncing violence and obstruction. There were ideas on how to bridge racial divide in the country. She will establish a bill to establish a nonpartisan commission on racial healing. She has been working on this plan for 3 years. The commission would examine topics including slavery and out the country can move forward. Hundreds of people took to the streets of the first nights of the curfew. They marched to city hall last night. The demonstration and Evening Prayer Services were scheduled to end before the citywide curfew took effect. Many protesters were still out on the streets past the 8 00 deadline. A lot of people have been affected by Police Brutality and racial profiling. It is great to have everyone come together and feel as one is a community. Protesters marched to the state capital during the presentation. There is no word on any arrests last night from that protest. It is 6 18 on the clock. Lets check in with sal. We will probably never be back to where we were before the pandemic, but there are more vehicles out there. A lot more c there. Lets go to the freeway. I can show you the 19 minute drive right now from the community here. If you are driving out and getting toward the macarthur mains, there is no issue as you drive through. It is eight decent commute. The other day i spoke to a gentleman who said, yeah, i can tell it is getting just a little bit easier. There is a 5 to 10 minute delay. As mike said, we are not going to be at the prepandemic levels for a long time. We are getting some slow traffic back. This is a look at interstate 880. It looks okay as you drive through. Lets bring stephen. The weathers going to be warmer today, steve. That is correct. Its not bad right now. It is a good 10 degrees for many under mostly blue skies. It is too far south it is impacting southern california. We have a few high clouds in the valley. Gilroy, santa cruz, be up to san jose, i wouldnt expect much after that. It will be in the 80s and 90s. We have a 13 degree job. I had to buy into it. Thats what everybody said. San francisco is a 56. The record high as 96 in 1996. You might remember that. If you remember the record low, it was 47 in 1899. We are in the 40s to 60s. It is 64 in brentwood. San jose is still sitting at 60 degrees. Santa cruz is at 54. It is lower in the mountains. Santa clara and san jose are both at 59. It is 57 there is a little bit of a north end northeasterly breeze. It is not strong. It is picking up out of the north northeast. Look off at eureka. It is 18,000 feet. The circulation around that goes up. Down around that low, they are putting in the four corners. Those will sync up. I dont think it will cut off. That will allow temperatures to warm up. Thats why we have a warmup for a couple of days. Its a strong system for june moving in to take us right back down. It is in the 80s and 90s for many today. It is 95 and 96 for some. It is warm to hot on wednesday. It starts to cool down on thursday. Friday is taking us into the weekend, mike and pam. 86 21 on mornings on 2 00. We have plans to increase the quality. Linn county is listing coronavirus restrictions. Today, services will be available. A welcome back to mornings on 2. For nonblondes was requested by danny. You very much for this request. I saw this young lady one time working out at the same gym as me. I didnt say anything to her. I knew who she was. While. I know, just to send me a song request if you would like. It is coming up on 6 25. Here is pamela jacob. Ive seen huey lewis on the golf course. Thank you, sal. Happening today, parking restrictions will be lifted at some park facilities with high touch equipment, such as playgrounds, gym equipments and picnic areas will remained close. People are still required to wear a mask or Face Covering when they are outside. A word of warning, as marin county eases restrictions, Outdoor Dining is now allowed. Parks are reopening with childcare facilities and summer camps. The county is closely tracking the number of coronavirus cases. We should see a sudden surge in cages. More portly, if we see a surgeon hospitalization, that may cause us to slow down a bit. We would pause on issuing further reopening guidelines. Marin county leaders say shopping and other services could begin in mid june. Santa clara county is pushing further into phase two of the reopening plan, starting this friday, indoor shopping, Outdoor Dining as well as religious activities will be allowed to start back up again. Childcare, summer camps, schools have also been given the green light to reopen at the end of the week. You can check it county by county information on the ktvu news app. There is a running list of what is open right at the top of the page. More stores are offering special hours as they reopen during the pandemic, coles, ross, jcpenney and t. J. Maxx are setting aside one hour for older people, pregnant women and those with suppressed immune systems to shop. Grocery stores as well as target and walmart have been allowing that to remain open. They have been doing that since the start of the lockdown. It is 6 27. Thousands of people are expected to march again for change. We will take a look at Peaceful Demonstrations around the bay area. Police in vallejo have their hands full after a night of looting and violence, how crime spilled over to neighboring cities. In an unprecedented crisis. A more than 10 billion cut to Public Education couldnt be worse for our schools and kids. Laying off 57,000 educators, making class sizes bigger . Cmon. Schools must reopen safely with resources for protective equipment, sanitizing classrooms, and ensuring social distancing. From ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. There is the new york stock exchange. Together we are strong, that is a great message to start off the day as they get ready to ring the opening bell. There it is, live. It looks like a pretty good opening across the board for the dow, nasdaq, despite the civil unrest. We are also talking about a new report talking about the economy facing a tenyear recovery from the coronavirus effects. We have a long road ahead for businesses. We will have all your news coming up. Thank you for joining us on this tuesday morning, june 2nd. I am pam cook. Good morning, everyone. I am back in. That is a nice message to see on this tuesday morning. Stocks are on the rise, temperatures are on the rise. We see a pretty nice day out there. Mike, what a segway. Thats why you are mike. That is really well done. Socks stocks are going up. It will jump 15 degrees, maybe. Right now, i am not seeing that yet. That system cuts off and pressure bills to the north. It is in the 50s and 60s. It has not changed in a long time. Embarcadero is even warmer. It might even feel a little warmer to you. Many inland areas are showing sunny for all. The heat advisory is out tomorrow. If todays not the hottest, tomorrow will be. Areas of High Pressure will give us a warm up. It will start to cool down. Highs will be well above average in the 70s and 80s. Lets head out and to see if traffic is picking up. Yes, its getting a little bit more crowded on some of the core doors. Other places, the eastshore freeway has slowing on some spots. Its not much. It is near the macarthur maze. At the bay bridge, there is a crowd. There is a backup. This is a 10 to 15 minute delay. The angle does not show it very well. There is some slow traffic here. Also, if you are driving on the interstate in oakland, it looks okay. Lets go back to the headlines. We are following a developing story. Lisa shot a bu and arrested a second suspect after a highspeed chase. They responded to reports of a break in at the walgreens on redwood and broadway. I was around 12 30 this morning. Several agencies were on the scene after a night of looting. One suspect got out of his car, but it is unclear what led officers to open fire. Another car was seen ramming a police car and taking to chase. That went over the bridge and into rodeo. That driver was eventually arrested. We are still waiting to hear the condition of the suspect who was shot by Police Officers. Another overnight chase led to an arrest. They were chasing a burglary suspect who was looting a cvs store along sonoma boulevard. This was in richmond at the business park. One suspect was taken into custody. The car was filled with wigs from a possible salon store in vallejo. Police say there were several chases last night after widespread looting. Thousands of people held demonstrations across the bay area. The goal was to bring change to current methods of Police Enforcement in communities. Our reporter is reporting in walnut creek. Thousands of people participated. Reporter peaceful protests happened in the east bay yesterday, starting yesterday in the afternoon in walnut creek. Here is what it looked like. Hundreds of people gathrough th area. This is after 2 00 in the afternoon. A diverse crowd was there showing the support for the family of george floyd, sharing their call for reforms. They said the communities of color are treated differently by police. Im not here to antagonize here. I am here to spread the truth. I feel like we have been treated unfairly for more than 500 years. We wanted to show up and show up that white suburbs care at black lives matter. In march began at oakland high school. It was organized and led by students in oakland. We are young and we are hungry for change. Walnut creek, a 6 00 curfew was in effect. Police dispersed the crowd at that time. In oakland, and 8 00 curfew was in effect. Some people who were at the demonstration said that around 7 45, Police Used Tear Gas to disperse the crowd. That was earlier than the 8 00 curfew. Some people were upset about that. Two demonstrations were peaceful with no major problems. There were 100 people detained in oakland. The majority of them will be out past the 8 00 curfew. Reporting live, ktvu, fox 2 news. A peaceful protest in the city of dublin shutdown an area. Hundreds flooded the area near the Dublin Police station for 8 minutes. That is the length of time that george floyd laid on the minneapolis street with a Police Officers knee on his neck. Hundreds of demonstrators marched down redwood road carrying signs demanding justice for george floyd. They headed to the chp building where officers and patrol cars were lined up. They walked traffic in an intersection for a short period of time. And oscar winning actor took center stage at San Francisco city hall. I cant breathe i cant breathe make sure to be a respectable man. Jamie foxx took part in that rally. They expressed outrage at the death of george floyd. The fight for justice must continue far beyond the protest of the past week. We have to make sure that once this is done, we have to try to make change a core when it comes to Police Brutality. This has to be a deterrent. The police chief also attended the rally. He says his department strongly supports the demand for reform in Americas Police agencies. Protesters took to the streets of downtown san jose for a peaceful demonstration. This was one of the number of small demonstrations around the bay area. From overhead, you can see the crowd near city hall. There is no word on protests getting out of hand or police making any arrests last night in the city. Happening today, sam accardo says groups will meet up to clean up from previous protests in the city. Dozens of volunteers, nearly 100, turned out to clean up graffiti and garbage business. Other large items are being picked up. Volunteers say they were moved to act after seeing chaos unfold on television. We are trying to do our part and support the people who are hurting a lot right now. We do what we can to take care of our city. Right now with as difficult at is as been on the city, i have to do something to help. Not just yesterday and today, mayor ricardo says cleanup teams are heading out tomorrow. They will restore and clean the city. The latest officer shooting happened at 4 00 on monday morning as officers responded to looting at a cvs on mission boulevard. When officers arrived, several cars rushed out of the parking lot. Moments later, police opened fire. They have not said what led up to the shooting. They confirmed no officers were hurt. This comes after two other recent shootings. Anytime you have a rash of police shootings, in particular upon department, it should be cause for concern. Officers in hayward, as long as officers along the area are dealing with an increased level of violent crime. They are trying to keep a lid on it. They joined other cities and implement today curfew. The curfew was set for 8 00 until 5 00 until june 8th. As we are now in the first week of june, lets check in with steve. Today could be one of the warmer days of this first week. Thats today and tomorrow. After that, it will cool down. I can look out to the middle of june. It does not look bad after tomorrow. Birchers look a little below average as we go toward the weekend. Here is another one. June is going to affect to southern california. They have a few high clouds. Its not a big deal. Its going towards the mountains. Thats where it will wash itself out. It is clear, mostly clear. Livermore is one of the few that will make a big jump compared to yesterday. That went up 13 degrees from 96 degrees. Temperatures are kind of flat. San jose is 89 and oakland is in the mid80s. We have a couple 60s and there. Is now 50 degrees to the north. Cloverdale is warm. Lima valley is in the 40s, 47 in vallejo. Napa is 58 degrees. Youve got a little bit of a northwest or north wind kicking in. It is in the upper 60s or mid 60s. It is much warmer than that a week ago. It is warming up. It is 59 in sacramento. You can see the circulation around the high coming off of eureka. Also, you can kicking in. Thats for a couple of days. We will get a warmup. Im throwing in the towel. This blows back expectations. It is 90 for many. It is 80 in santa cruz. It is mainly in the 70s over by the coast. The cooldown starts on thursday. There you go for the weekend. There is a huge drop on the temperatures. We have a lot of wind. Thank you, coming up next, protests turn violent overnight in many cities. Several Police Officers have been sent to the hospital. Of the coronavirus is having an impact on the renting market. Some people are seeing changes across the region. Many are having food delivered, find out what california is ordering more than any other state in the country. This morning, a las vegas Police Officer is on life support after being shot during a protest. Officials say that the officer was hit right near the Circus Circus Hotel and casino on the vegas strip. It is unclear what led to the shooting. They reported to shootings overnight as tensions between police and demonstrators became heated. Four Police Officers were injured in the downtown area of st. Louis. The police chief said two officers were shot in the leg, one in the foot, one in the arm. Officials say that they were struck while standing on the side of the police line. In buffalo, an suv went into officers at a protest last night. Two of those officers were injured. Video shows the vehicle accelerating through an intersection shortly after officers tackled another person on the street and handcuffed him. The injured officers were transported to the hospital. Looters disrupted a protest in hollywood. Police say on sunset bovard, groups began splintering off. Some were seen running out with what appears to be stolen merchandise. Protesters ignored the 6 00 curfew. Police made half a dozen arrests for vandalism and looting. There are no reports of serious injuries. In new york, police are trying to track down people who rooted buildings last night. This shows people trying to break into stores in manhattan. Police arrested looters inside macys Flagship Store at herald square. Authorities say the looting began before the 11 p. M. Curfew went into effect. The unrest being seen across the nation is bringing back memories for a number of americans. Our reporter gives us some perspective on how recent protests relate to things we have seen in our countrys past. Black lives matter reporter protesters held signs, demanding change. Following the death of george floyd in minneapolis the powder keg was lit with his death, it ignited a larger societal issue. Our society has to address this. Reporter to the weekend looting of Stores Across the bay area, california has seen this unrest before. The 92 riots in l. A. Were set off after four white Police Officers were acquitted in the beating of rodney king. A leader is not a protester. Reporter she researched the riots. She says protesters are younger and more diverse. The average is the same. One of the things that the protesters and looters have in common is the feeling of disenfranchisement. Reporter minneapolisbased target has one retailer targeted nationwide. Dante points out the images of looters dont attract from the main message, they want the conversation to continue. The line that we are worried about now has to deal with property and money. The people who are upset are talking about lives. Raking the law in this manner will never cause people to achieve what they need to get from a society that has disenfranchised them. One main thing needs to change. Trust is the essential ingredient between Law Enforcement officers and members of the community. It is the trust that is the glue. Without that trust, well, youre going to see what we are experiencing now. Reporter ktvu, fox 2 news. California superintendent of construction, tony thurman, is vowing to fight Racial Injustice in the school system. He says they will offer online resources against racism. In the coming weeks, he will meet with leaders and students to choose their ideas for tolerance and justice. He revealed that his children asked him whether what happened to george floyd could happen to them. I think about trauma every time i think about what has happened to george floyd. I am haunted by the sounds of his voice. He was begging to breathe, begging for life. We must address of that trauma headon. We must have hard conversations. He says the state is looking at more ways to make schools safer this fall. Because of the pandemic, reduced class sizes and instruction might take place outdoors. Mark zuckerberg will hold a virtual town hall with employees to discuss policies regarding several recent posts by president trump, supporting cnbc. Hundreds of employees staged a virtual walkout yesterday, criticizing the companys decision not to flag some controversial posts from the president. Twitter recently flagged one of the president s tweets, saying it violated the policy of glorifying violence. The Music Industry is calling for a day of reflection in response to the death of george floyd. Organizers of blackout tuesday plan to disconnect from work and reconnect with the community. Many artists and labels have been using social media hashtags to show lives be paused in support of the day of action. That is great thought. So many positions have stepped in and helped during the pandemic. During this, it is nice to see a message ofand joining communities together. It is great to have that. It is nice to see that, for sure. You know, i dont know how you feel about seeing this. The bay bridge toll plaza, some might say it is nice to see it. Some might say its getting back to business. Some might not like seeing this. This at the bay bridge is backed up. There is definitely a backup there. You will have to deal with it when moving to San Francisco. This is a look at the interstate north and south. There are no problems. This could be a decent option for your across the bay. Even though it is crowded, we dont have a lot of stop and go traffic headed across that span. Heres todays weather with steve. Speaking of a musician, i have something in common with the lead singer of journey. We were both born in oklahoma. How about that . You dont seem that very often. My dads favorite joke was, you and the dog cost 25 bucks. There you go. I saw that and about fell off the chair. Lets get to it. We have cloud cover over the south. There it is moving towards a southern california. That is impressive. We saw this in the end of may. We are seeing another load to the west and southwest. It might happen in august or september, but it is rare for june. We see high clouds over san jose. It is warming up here. Temperatures are actually flat. We will see a jump on temperatures. It is 52 for th the record is 96 degrees. The record low was 47 degrees. It is 8 27. We see it pretty close. They havent budged off of that yet. It is 60 right now. In the lima valley, it is 51. Vallejo is near 60. The winds are at 54. We have a north breeze. It has kicked in for many in the marin county hills of east bay hills. It is 57 and 56 in monterey. Thats from l. A. To san diego. Scottsdale has been a hot spring. The highest to the north. It will give us a warmup. We are in the 70s, 80s, 90s, as well as midlands. Erybody. It looks like it will back off a little on thursday. It will come down as the system moves to the north and takes us to a cooler weekend. Steve, thank you. Chickfila is announcing new Safety Measures ring the covid 19 pandemic coming up, customers will see changes at restaurants. First, there is a new law in the uk to slow the spread of the coronavirus. He will tell you how it singles out couples. Across america, Business Owners are figuring things out. Finding new ways to serve customers. Connect employees. And work with partners. Comcast business is right there with you. With a network that helps give you speed, reliability and security. And enough bandwidth to handle all your connected devices. Voice Solutions Like remote Call Forwarding and readable voicemail. And safe, convenient installation. When every connection counts, you can count on us. Get the connectivity your business needs. Call today. Comcast business. Whove got their eczema under control. Rs, with less eczema, you can show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. Dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. Dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. Many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. Thats a difference you can feel. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. So help heal your skin from within. And talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. Bridge. Thank you alan. Send me a song. For text requests, use social media, twitter, instagram and use the hashtag ktvu. Thank you for that. Sacramento firefighters on the scene of a fire that started at a commercial warehouse last night at 9 00 in an Industrial Area in south sacramento. It spread to a pallet yard and cruise are still at that pallet yard where the fire is burning in some areas. Most of it is out or smoldering. Two firefighters suffered injuries and the cause of the fire is not yet known. The World Health Organization says that Healthy People should not wear masks and only people with symptoms of coronavirus and someone taking care of someone with a virus should wear the mask. The cdc and other organizations around the world are advising facial coverings worn by the general public. And italys Tourist Attractions have reopened. Visitors from around the world can head to the coliseum after a threemonth shutdown due to the pandemic. There are a number of public Safety Measures including temperature checkpoints at all entrances and social distancing markers on the coliseum walkways. And the pandemic has led to a controversial new law in england. It prohibits couples who live in different homes to not have sexual relations indoors or even stay overnight. Violators could face strict fines and supporters say that it could help spread with the spread of coronavirus. The price of a onebedroom argument in San Francisco fell 9 . In cupertino, a 14 drop according to a rental search engine. One reason for the reduced rents in the cyclic Silicon Valley is as more people are able to work from home they are moving out of cities to with high rent to cities with lower rent. Another light night of looting and violence. In vallejo a chaotic night spilled to other cities. Despite a curfew, Oakland Police were busy last night. How many people were arrested and the crimes they are accused of committing. And autopsy information releases more information about how george floyd died. The independent report releases additional information. This is mornings on 2. Good morning , i am gasia mikaelian. I am mike mibach and 4 dave clark on this tuesday, june 2. Lets say hi to Steve Paulson with the weather. It is warmer for a couple of days and then we cool off. The temperatures are beginning to bump up a little bit under mostly sunny skies. There are a few high clouds in san jose but hardly any cloud cover anywhere else. Already 50s for some and 60s for other. 62 in san jose and the low was 60 and they have bumped up two degrees. In the southwest, there is not much of a breeze. 15 degrees warmer except at Half Moon Bay which is four degrees cooler. So, we are on our way with a northerly breeze and a component of the northwind that was not here yesterday and that is the case

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