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awe have more on the challenges athat jim owners are facing right now. a a reporter most of californi ais in stage 2 of reopening. Gems are in phase three, along awith hair salons, movie theaters and Church Services ana changes for them are most alikely a month away. a so basically we have adifferent zones everywhere. Reporter adam kovacs is areshaping his fitness business creating zones, 7 to 8 feet apart, a limited number of gym amembers will be allowed in. No showers aor towels and before a they moved to another zone, astaffer comes to sanitize the equipment. a a by the time the next member agets a reporter with 4500 members ain 150 employees, sonoma fit i in limo. Frustrated, angry, anxious. awhen we are asking for how along, theres no answers. Its like this unknown. We have invested our life and asoul into this business and yo aknow we are getting no aguidelines. Reporter until help aofficers come around, people used to hit the gym are on atheir own. aare getting their exercise on athe screen. amany gyms have gone online, bu athe energy, not the same. People missed their workout abuddies. We have a lot of people ready ato come back. It is the sense of community. Want ato leave their house, the aare tired of exercising in the living room. a reporter gems like this one with outdoor space will be able ato move equipment for open air aclasses. ano doubt members will have aquestions about ventilation an aair flow, as well as social a distance. But rathera than a full stop, agyms say its time to finetun the standads and move away afrom essential versus nonessential. Scrap that and come up with aa safe, safer, safest business aand if a business and comply, you opn. If you cant comply, you stay aclosed. a reporter right now they would abe grateful for roadmap. We want the checklist, how awe can comply, what we will do aand we will do it. a reporter george is one of athe states were gems already reopened with precautions, sucha as temperature checks out the door. aprotocols, california is likel to adopt, sonoma fit has three closedgems in sonoma and marin counties. a the industry certainly asuffering right now. awe have seen that all over the bay area. athank you so much. a we moved to this now, San Francisco set to allow a alimited reopening of retail on amonday. aits a small step toward arecovery with this is allowed to operatea for Curbside Pickup aand delivery only. Customers awill not be allowed ainside. afor now retail shops wont be facing competitions from businessesa and shopping malls. athats because most still ahavent received the green alight to reopen. astarting next week, contra acosta county will the acounty Health Officer aissued the order today which atakes effect may 19. aand provides a new option for achurches, synagogues and amosques that have been unable to hold services. ait also gives another option for aschools trying to plan agraduation ceremonies, except afor the host and staff. aeveryone in attendance must be aout an enclosed vehicle. aeach gathering can last up to athree hours but must have a written aplan to ensure physica adistancing. a Santa Clara County is ataking a slower, more cautious aapproach, keeping strict stay athome orders in place for now. ahealth officials fear easing arestrictions will lead to a aspike in cases, ahospitalizations and deaths. abut many Business Owners said a they are frustrated as they see aother parts of the bay area starting to reopen. a a different set of rules an layersa of. ayou can blame the businesses afor kind of throwing their hands tell mea when its okay for me to aturn the lights back on and aopen my door is pure a businesses predict many acustomers will go to other acounties to shop. A agroup of 59 Silicon Valley ceos are working on a recovery a plan so when the time is right they will be ready. a a new survey of bay area busines owneras finds nearly 20 aplan to keep their aemployees working remotely. athe Bay Area Council found tha a89 of companies surveyed plan aat least partial work from hom poliies. a aas for the Economic Impact of the pandemic, 61 said it will atake the Company Six Months to aa year to recover. a 33 think it will take them twoa years, 13 said it will take more than two years. Despite that, 77 said they support stayatahome measures. anew at 11, hospitals say athey are worried about the aaccess to the antiviral amedication renders of your. Now agilead sciences is expecte to wind down its clinical astudies by the end of the amonth. athe fda gave him does of your aemergency use authorization on may a1st after the drug showed missing resuta in treating aforeign virus patients. agilead is now reportedly transitionng ato product distribution. a the afoster city company has pledged to donate 1. 5 million vials aof does of your, but ainfections disease experts wants ato know how they will be allocated. a apresident trump is a promising warp speed in the adevelopment and distribution o a aforeign virus vaccine. He says they are aiming for the aend of the year, but many aHealth Experts are raising red flags. awe have more on their concerns reporter acorn virus avaccine has certainly been see aas a major key to reopening th nation because it would give peopleimmunity. But asome Health Experts say athat this rush to provide a vaccine areally comes with some aserious safety and logistics a concerns. President atrump announce the acoronavirus vaccine plan in th arose garden friday. a its called operation warp speed. a that means big and it means fast. Reporter the effort will be aheaded out by months of the aformer chief of vaccines glaxo smith klin. a he said data from at least one vaccine atrial is promising. a this data makes me feel eve amore confident that we will be aable to deliver a few hundred amillion doses of vaccine by th aend of 2020. a reporter nih director a doctor Francis Collins says atrouser on a fast track. a we would try to have 10 million doses of an effective avaccine, or maybe a couple of adifferent ones by october. a reporter s about the aexperts warned there are dangers awithout promise. You cannot skip safety aabsolutely. asafety is the most important thing. a a reporter and epidemiology expert says vaccines typically takea 12 to 18 months before a approval, for good reason. Accordin ato the cdc, a new avaccine must go through three aphases of Clinical Trials in aorder to get fda approval and ato test for safety and side effects. a is also the problem of how to manufature aand distribute vaccaines for the entire u. S. apopulation of more than 300 millio americans. a a the logistics of distributing the vaccine are equall challenging. a a reporter Contra Costa County Health Officer says acounties will need to quickly aadd Vaccine Distribution site a to supplement regular clinics aand hospitals. athat means possibly converting covid9 testing tends into avaccine sites and adding aVaccine Distribution to local pharmaciesa, Shopping Center aparking lots, libraries and even firehouses for afirefighters to help administe athe thousands of shots. Also, athere is the cost of staffing, refrigeraton aand the vaccine itself. a it really bull be important that cost is not a barrier. awe would help help the federal goernment awould step up to cover asome of those costs because ait is going to become expensive. a reporter under the affordablecare act most vaccines are free, but there is aconcern about those who do not ahave health insurance. afederal Health Experts say out aof some 100 potential vaccines athat are being developed, they are anow focusing on 14, which appear to have the highest potential. a awe absolutely still want apeople to come out and walk an to help people keep a safe adistance, how its cracking adown on crowlake merritt. a in keeping travelers safe, the anew procedures the tsa wil areportedly adopt as people go athrough security. a alameda activ2 depputies 1 en1 a a a uspect awanted by oakland a police for murder. athe shooting happened around 4 40 this afternoon after an intese standoffa in unincorported san leandro. athe Sheriffs Office says adeputies followed the suspect ato a motel this morning and atold him they had a warrant fo ahis arrest. athey say they waited several ahours until the suspect finall came out of his room. aeven produced a semiautomaic ahandgun as he camea out of the room. ausing both hands he aimed the aweapon at our deputies and fired aat least one round as athey were below in the parkinga lot. aour deputies returned fire and struckthe suspect multiple a times. a the suspect was pronounced adead at the scene. Authorities aare not releasing ahis identity at this time. abut they say he was 42 years old. a ahe was wanted for a murder in aoakland from earlier this year aofficials in oakland say a they need to take a different approach to outdoor areas. astarting today the city is tightening rulea on city parks awith a ban on vendors and food atrucks and parking restrictios. a we have more on the rule tightening and enforcement. a reporter a warm sunny day, anormally a perfect time to com ato oakland the lake every day. a11 15 we walk around the lake every day. a a reporter the city of aoakland is trying to walk a afine line between keeping the alake and other city parks open abut at the same time trying to amake sure they are not overrun awith so many people that socia adistancing becomes next to aimpossible. a we absolutely want people t come outa and have a walk and aride your bike and jog. abut we just dont want people ato congregate. We are trying to avoid having aspikes and definitely avoid atrying to have gatherings at the apark. a reporter over the last twoa weekends like mary became overcrowde, many people were anot following social distancin aguidelines and staying at leas asix feet apart. aoakland mayor libby schaff aexpressed concern on mornings aon 2 last week. a we always can consider ameasures like shutting down, ameasures like giving people tickets. a abut i believe that in this amoment people need to go outsie , athat we have to attend to apeoples Mental Health. a reporter an attempt to alimit the number of people abeginning friday, the city has a alimited Street Parking this aweekend and next weekend her amemorial day. aparking lots at the lake have been closed for weeks. a its annoying because i hav to find parking, but it just takes aa couple of minutes. a reporter we found some peoplepark there anyway. a this is a no parking, we ar aasking you to move your car an athen they will follow up with acitations after that. a reporter the city has also banned vendors on the lake, aincluding food trucks and aplaygrounds are supposed to be aoff limits, although some peopleare ignoring that to. a its very dangerous, the a equipment is not cleaned. ayou know, we dont have full ascientific reports about how longa the virus stays on a surfaces. asewer trying to keep oakland akids say. a reporter around the lake w asaw people practicing social adistancing and wearing masks. The alake will also have ambassadors present this weekend ato remind people about ahealth and safety. a the link between physical aand Mental Health is obvious. Im alooking out for my kids physical health and mental a health as well. a Reporter City officials sa aresidents can get exercise by using athe neighborhood streets athat have been blocked off to traffic. a a the tsa is reportedly apreparing to track travelers temperatures as they go through security. a aaccording to the wall street journal, the agency is planning ato roll out the program at 12 aairports, but its unclear which would implement the screenng measures. a athe plan could start as early aas next week and the report acomes as more airlines take asteps to protect passengers. Frontier airinesa has already asaid it would begin temperatur screening all passengers and acrew next month. a bay area teens working to amake this difficult time a little easier on seniors. athe program to help connect athem with the outside world duringa the shelter in place. a plus, now the alameda acounty Sheriffs Office is ahelping those who may not be aable to to afford groceries. And actiin ve sunny and awarm friday with 70s aand 80s but changes under the aweekend. awe are talking about rainfall a and sierra snowfall. So were working 24 7 toected maintain a reliable network, to meet your growing internet needs. Were helping customers who are experiencing Financial Difficulties stay connected. Were increasing internet speeds for low income families in our internet essentials program. And delivering selfinstall kits to your door. Nos comprometemos a mantenerte conectado. Were committed to keeping you connected. For more information on how you can stay connected, visit xfinity. Com prepare. a new activat ea county sheriffsoffice is ahanding out bags of groceries ato those in need, especially during thea ongoing pandemic. The aSheriffs Office started aits own farm 10 years ago and they built this food have to agive residents groceries they may aneed, but cant afford. aonce a week volunteers will aload free groceries into truck aand cars on fairmont drive in san leandro. a a upon opening the pandemic ahappened and we ended up havin ato pivot quickly to try to createa improved food access. a throughout the week the aSheriffs Office also collectsa food that would otherwise go to waste from school and other establishments and then redistributes the food to low Income Housing residents. a a southbay teenager saw hoa difficult the shelter in place aorder has been on his agrandparents. ahe says it opened his eyes to athe need of older people durin athis very difficult time. ahe tells ktvus amber lee he started aa project to get help, ato help them rather cope athrough this loneliness. a like arts and crafts. a reporter cameron zia of los aaltos is putting together actiavity kits he plans to gift athe nursing home residents. ahe started engaging with elders a, a project with the website t care for older people during athe pandemic. a its an opportunity for the apeople in my Community Around my age to connect with the older geeration. a a reporter the 16yearold tells ame his grandparents who live in london are sheltering in place and helping them aduring their isolation inspire ahim to help others. a just been super lonely so i adecided to send them a bunch o aactivities like books, playing agames with them online. Reporter the junior at amountain view high is also aworking on getting tablets to give nursing home residents, a away to interact with teens he has liteda to help with this aproject. athey also plan to provide muical aentertainment. a reprter a aliki mrm of danvillehasa signed up to help ahim using her love of music to aconnect with the folks. a i cant imagine what it a is older. a reporter the 16yearold says she has always turned to music aduring difficult times aand wants to offer comfort wit her gift. a i hope that the song is abl ato like bring them peace and happiness and take them to a atime where maybe they were afeeling happy and joy and love a reporter from music to the awritten word. Im getting handmade letters ato the elders. a reporter letting other apeople know they are not aforgotten and they are valued. a they can teach us a information through their aexperience and lives. a reporter cameron plans to deliver that akits to nursing home residents next week but ahopes its only the beginning aof a lasting connection and aother teens will be able to build relationships with those athey help your. a bay area weather this aweekend, you might think okay its midmay, it will be sunny and awarm. abut this weekend it reminds us winter was just a few months a ago and we could be talking aabout some rain and we will be aset talking about some rain in athe bay area and snow in the sierra. a areverting back to a winter aforecast for you, as this next asystem comes on board, most ofa the heaviest rainfall will be ain northern california. astill up in the north rainfall adeveloping north in the day saturdaya, especially saturday aevening. Than on sunday some rain for the abay area, often on showers ain the possibility of some athunderstorms as well. Rainfall expectations, about a aquarter of an inch to three qurters of an inch, could pick aover an inch for the coastal ahills and that is right on through amonday. ahere is one of the projectionsa one of the forecast models. aand thinking places like santa arosa probably picking up over ahalf an inch of rain. athese numbers will likely achange a bit and we are just agiving you an idea we are not apicking up a few sprinkles. asaturday evening up in the north ay and the late saturday night ainto sunday for the rest aof the bay area. acurrent numbers, most areas aright now in the 50s to around 60 degrees, it is relatively mild york overnight lows will start aout your saturday mornin awith mostly cloudy skies. It will be dry and cool spots are ain the upper 40s in the north ay. a ain the sierra this is amazing. awe are talking about a winter astorm watch. athis begins 12 a. M. A adated 12 a. M. Tuesday. a asnow could be on the order of 48 inches. This is primarily up above six athousand feet. areturning winter in the sierra as well. a heresthe forecast model, increasingclouds for tomorrow. asaturday evening rainfall adeveloping in the north bay. a sunday morning some scattered rain. Look at that, in fact the aactivity could pick up midday asunday into the afternoon ahours. athan we could have some thunderstorms. a aa fairly good chance of islated thunderstorms that acould be popping up sunday afternoon aand last in the monday. a ahere is a look ahead and it awill be a little unsettled ove athe next few days. In fact if its during the at ties afor sunday, then monday we will dry things up especially aby wednesday into next week. awith the sunshine and warm weather awe had today, that is amoving on out of your. athe rain clouds back in the apicture this weekend. a the nfl is giving teams permissiona to open their facilitiesnext tuesday. anext in sports, jason appelbau atells us what that means for the 49ers. a a first, a reminder that as athe school year winds down ktv awants to pay tribute to all of athe teachers making a differnce. a ato nominate someone send us an mail and let us know while you are anominating them, along wit apictures or video to ktvu. Com. It activeevenp 1 en1 a a as w e ona, day 64 with no sports areally to talk about, but ther aare some positive signs. Lets atalk about the nfl. Beginning anext tuesday teams awill be allowed to open up atheir facilities as long as they meet certain protocols and aare not violating state and loal regulatiaons. as over the 49ers it still a n ago since california and the ba aarea have stricter coronavirus aguidelines to reopening. But i stateslike texas, florida and georgia, among other states, ateams will be allowed to have aup to 75 employees at their facilitiesa. But the only aplayers allowed at this point aare the ones who are rehabbing from previous injuries. aasked for the season, which is astill scheduled to start on atime, and september, the big questiona, will there be fans ia the stands when they do play . aif there arent, 49ers wide areceiver Deebo Samuels says aits going to be very strange. a ive never in life like pla athe game without fans. a so i really wouldnt know how ait would feel. ai would think it would feel alike a scrimmage, it would kinda afeel weird. abut i mean if that happens weve ajust got to make the besa out of every opportunity we get a. Go out there and play, play, aplay even if its with or without athem. As for major league abaseball, we havent heard muc since athe owners are puzzled o the aplayers this past monday. awe do know that not all player are aon board with taking what aamounts to at least a 50 pay a cut. And thats whats been aproposed. Yesterday atampa bay rays pitcher ablake snell said he awould not pay for less. aso today commissioner rob amanfred went on cnn and did a alittle damage control. a whenever there is a adiscussion about economics publicly people tend to a characterize it as a fight. Me, apersonally, i have great confidencea we will reach an aagreement with the players association. Both that its asafe to come back to work and awork out the Economic Issues that need to be resolved. a i love this last one, back bypopular demand, the laughing brothers. a enjoy. [ laughter ] a that actijusta i love those guys, getting a a little sugar boost from the orange flavored energy drink. ano truth to the rumor there amightve been a temper tantrum aafter that when they came down abut christina and andre, im anow going to come as i like toa say, make the short commute up the astairs and go to bed. a [ laughter ] thats the abest part about this working afrom home stuff. Thatll ado it for us. ahave a great night, everybody. S another great lot. Here. From 68. Whos gonna give me 72 . Here we go. Going right into it. 72, 72 bid, 72 bid, oh, boy. Is it already the first day of Livestock Auction season again . Its the same day every year, mitchell a fortnight after the first ripe tomato comes in. And seriously . This is what passes for auctioncalling these days . Is it possible youre being a tad harsh . You know, when youve been at the top of your field greater bug county auctioncalling champion three years running its hard to see anything but the inadequacies. Its why baryshnikov couldnt watch others dance. What . He was the artistic director of how long have you lived in this house . its gonna wind up being some pig named baryshnikov or some damn thing. So, how was your trumpet lesson . It was amazing. Yeah. Oh, these sessions just have really changed my life. Lly, uh, not a lie. Uh, i started taking trumpet lessons two years ago. But then i noticed the place next door was offering massages for the same price, so

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