Nothing is locking in. Livermore is at 45. 36 degrees for kenwood. It is a pretty cool air mass for may. The system will go by and temperatures are on their way up. We are getting a little bit above average, but the theme is to keep bumping temperatures up as we head towards the latter part of the week. Lets go over to sell. I overlooked the fact that they are playing a 17 game schedule, the nfl. I overlooked that. If they get and then, it will be a lot of happy fans. I am looking forward to normalcy for sure. A lot of those games are on ktvu. All right. Here is the richmond bridge. This is night and light. There is a lot of people out there, but there is not any cars driving up to the richmond bridge. Okay, here comes one car. You get the point. It is a light commute. Take it easy out there. People tend to drive fast when the roads are wide open. Coming up, lets go back to dave. Today, there will be changes and shelter in place the guidelines. Working from home this morning, we are told what will be different and where. Good morning. Good morning, we are going on week seven of sheltering in place. Finally, people are having a little bit more freedom with the new order. It goes into effect today and San Francisco san mateo, alameda, and santa clara counties and the city of berkeley have their own Public Health division. The Restrictions Mean that Construction Projects can start again. Children can go back to childcare programs. Recreational facilities like golf courses and skate parks can reopen. The bars and restaurants with outdoor seating will be closed. San mateo county is reopening 13 parks today. They are in residential areas limits roadside parking and converting trails to one way. Even though visitors are welcome, there are rules that they will have to follow. Please do not congregate in large groups, keep yourself and others safe. Second, we ask everyone the comes to a county park to bring a face covering. Third, pack in and pack out. While you were here, keeping our parks a beautiful and healthy are our responsibilities. The governor said that california is days, not weeks away from making meaningful modifications to the statewide stayathome order. He wants things to open and phases and says the orders and the bay area counties are consistent with state guidelines. It is important to know that businesses are opening back up, but Officials Say that people need to follow social distancing rules, stay at home as much as possible and avoid unnecessary travel. They have the power to shut things down again if viruses flareup. Reporting, live, ktvu, mornings on fox 2. For people looking to buy a home, things are starting today. You can go into homes that are occupied with your real estate agent. Only the agent and two people are allowed inside of a home at a time. They will have to wear masks. Social distancing must be maintained. The coronavirus has led to a drop in home sales, but the bay area has not been hit as hard as other areas. Home sales fell less than 10 percent, and agents are guardedly optimistic about new sales. It should rebound based on the fact that there are so many buyers that wish to buy, and there is concern with unemployment as to what kind of effect it will have, and if it will take more of a turn. Agents say that there are not many bargains and the bay area but they hope that low Interest Rates will help balance out prices. If you already own property and San Mateo County, today is the deadline for your tax bill. It is also the deadline for property taxes and San Francisco, but, at the board of supervisors meeting the board will extend the deadline until may 15. Other counties maintain the april 10 tax deadline but most say they work with Property Owners affected by coronavirus and waive late fees and penalties. We have a full list of which restrictions used today, just to visit www. Ktvu. Com. More protests were held around the state demanding that the governor reopen the state immediately. In front of the city hall, 200 people waved signs and american flags, honking horns, encouraging people to support the protest. They want churches, schools and parks to reopen, they also want the rally held every week until california is back to normal. Our numbers are low, if walmart and lows can be open, churches should be open. Solano county has at least 266 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, and five people have died. There is now 1. 1 million confirmed cases of coronavirus here and the United States. 67,000 people across the country have died. There are 55,000 cases with 2200 deaths, and the confirmed case total has risen to 8500 and the bay area, 300 people have died. The governor is expected to announce his plan to reopen the state within the next few days. The governor of 30 other u. S. States have listed shelter and place restrictions, however the governor of mississippi has told decided to delay the first phase of his states reopening plan due to an increase in virus depths. And washington dc, the Senate Returns to work today, but members of the house are staying away because of coronavirus concerns. Lawmakers discussing other potential relief package, but republicans and democrats have different priorities, republicans want any new measure to protect businesses that reopen from being held liable if employees or customers get sick. Democrats want 1 trillion to help governments make up for lost tax revenue during the shutdown. We are seeing layoffs and new jersey. We need a slug of cash assistance, not just new jersey or blue states. We are not bailing out state finances. With democrats and republicans far apart on what should be included in an Economic Relief package, registration is likely weeks away. President trump says he is optimistic as states reopening the coronavirus is showing a downward trend. Certain states will take they are doing that. Open, and some states frankly are not going fast enough. At the lincoln memorial, the president praised americans for following social distancing rules and says he believes that parks and beaches should be open as long as people are 6 feet apart. He also said the vaccine could be available by the end of the year. Vaccine has never gone like it goes now. We are so much ahead, these would take 10 years. He talked about an economic slump caused by the pandemic saying it is possible that the federal government will spend 6 trillion in stimulus money to help businesses and American People recover from economic disaster. Happening today, for the first time ever, the public will hear oral arguments before the u. S. Supreme court, live, as lawyers present their cases by way of teleconference. Supreme Court Justices will take place in the Supreme Court using audio feeds only, no video. It will be broadcast live on c span and online, this will be the first time that someone can hear the arguments live as they happen. It is remarkable, a remarkable change of rules to have the justices in remote locations, telephonic connections where you cannot see the justices you are arguing to. It is going to be a chaotic situation. The justices are extremely active. The cases the Supreme Court will hear during the virtual hearings include president trumps attempts to to keep financial records private. All right, we want to check in with steve paulson. How warm will it get . Lets check in with steve. Today, or the end of the week . It will be 90s inland. Next week looks cooler, nothing is locking in. Today it will be slightly warmer. Theres a system coming into the north of that keeps things and check for one more day, it is cool this morning. 46 at golden gate park. The city is 50, but it is cooler for some that are not far away. Temperatures are noticeably cooler than 24 hours ago. That is only a few degrees. San jose is off by eight degrees. Santa rosa is in the upper 30s. You cannot find any and the east bay, clayton is closed at 43 degrees. Upper 40s around kensington as well. The system to the north, once i goes through the hyannis southwest will kick in and the biggest month will be Central California and the desert southwest. We will see our fair share of it as we had towards thursday and friday. The days are shorter, and the nights are longer, so we will go towards wednesday and have a bigger jump. Cooling begins sunday into monday. A step back towards getting back to normal, coming up, retailers go back into work today. With streets blocked off, many lace up rollerskates and get back out for throwback bond in the street. Welcome back, today, workers at San Mateo Medical Center will get a splash of may 4. Local lawmakers will join First Responders from san mateo, and foster city, showing appreciation, praising the staff. It will be a star wars themed event, including a 53 car caravan including firefighters, police and other essential worker vehicles. Today, a new rule if you ride public transportation, everyone on the light rail car has to wear a mask or face covering. They say the new mask requirement is in line with the latest Public Safety rules laid out by the Santa Clara County health department, passengers will also to keep a safe distance from other passengers. Starting today, Costco Stores will return to regular hours, most of the stores that we checked and the bay area will open their doors at times from 6 to 10 am. Cosco employees and customers will wear masks or face coverings macys will reopen their stores today, most of the stores are in georgia and texas. Macys will open 775 stores like those in the bay area over the next six weeks. A scarf bandanna or other material can be used, as long as it covers your nose and mouth to prevent the spread of the virus. There are limited exceptions to the new requirement, including children six years old and younger, or difficulty breathing. Southwest Airlines Says he thinks it is safe for people to fly again, but the risk of contracting coronavirus on an airplane is not much greater than risk anywhere else. He says airlines clean the airplanes and not overbooking plane so that people can spread out while flying. Cities around the bay area close off more and more streets during the shelter and place order. Officials say the goal is to give people a chance to stay close to home and get outside, without having to worry about traffic. And brentwood city, 10 roads are now closed off, under the slow street program, it gets more people time to run, walk or ride a bike without getting too close to others on the road. We prioritize streets in neighborhoods where most residents live, along with lower income neighborhoods. Road closures are temporary, emergency vehicles and the people who live on the blocked off streets still have full access. Oakland, San Francisco, san mateo and foster city all have closed streets during the crisis. One Outdoor Activity that is making a comeback right now, rollerskating. Rollerblading as well. With the gems closed, streets reserved for Outdoor Activity, more people are dusting off old skates that were buying new ones. Many stores say they have seen a surge in sales of skates. The manufacturer says they have seen a 720 percent increase in web traffic for inline skates. Closing the street and having it paved, a rink in front of my house, it is platinum. Skates took off back in the 70s during the disco era. If you are watching, you remember the roller derby. The popularity of rollerskates continues well into the 1990s. We notice important to salute teachers, we have think a teacher toolkits and, including thank you cards, certificates and social media graphics. Office depot is offering expanded discounts for teachers, we have posted all of this information from the national pta under the web link section of www. Ktvu. Com. We want to remind you that we partner with the San Francisco Unified School District to provide daily Educational Television programs for some of the younger students that are out of the classroom. San francisco loves learning airs on ktvu plus, channel 36. It is a daily academic lesson for children in preschool through second grade. San franciscos youngest students traditionally have Less Technology than older students, so it is a good time for them to tune in, but any child is welcome to watch. Pam, you love helping teachers. You always have. I love working in the classroom. I highly recommend it. Anyone, especially if you are a parent, even if youre not a parent, kids always need help area and it is nice. Steve paulson is here to help us with our forecast, what about people with allergies . It will not be very bad today. The wind is dying down. When the wind blows, that makes it tough. It was howling on saturday. The breeze has tailed off, there is one more system that has to go through your keeping temperatures a little bit above average, the trend is to go well above average as we go towards a letter half of the week. We have 30s this morning, but warmer into friday. Any fog is very patchy. I dont see much else. Livermore is at 45. 60s on the coast, near 70 around santa cruz. The day has inland 70s to a few at 80 degrees. The temperatures really are warming up. Theres a lot of 30s at the airports. Mid and upper 40s, Half Moon Bay is 40 degrees. On the peninsula, woodside is 37. Upper 30s for atherton, and los altos. Water temperatures are cold, that sets the stage for fog to come in once the conditions are right. They are just not there this morning. 50 and monterey, the big warm up will be in southern california, and the desert southwest. Once that system goes to the north of us and it falls apart, it will allow the haida kick in. It will kick in after tuesday, and it looks like it will peak on friday. That will be the warmest and hottest day. Next week we will be much cooler. One week we warm up, next week we cool down. 70s and 80 degrees. We will have a jump tomorrow into wednesday and a bigger jump thursday and friday is the hottest day. Still ahead, tough words from the state department, what mike pompeo says about chinas role in the pandemic. How one bay area family came together to celebrate their grandmothers 95th birthday. These are real people, not actors, whove got their eczema under control. With less eczema, you can show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. Dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. Dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. Many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. Thats a difference you can feel. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. So help heal your skin from within. And talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. We want to make sure we protect our employees. Pushing back against stay athome orders and reopening today, plus once this gets into Nursing Homes, spread like wildfire. Looking for protections against a flood of coronavirus lawsuits, what is considered now in california . From mornings on fox 2, this is mornings on fox 2. Welcome to mornings on fox 2, i am dave clark. I am pam cook. This is monday morning, may 4. Lets check in with steve. It will warm up, i hear. More towards the middle and end of the week. It will be nice. Above average as temperatures make their move. There is a system with sunny skies. High pressure will make its move from the desert southwest, santa rosa will have cool air. 39 degrees at the santa rosa airport. We have a slight south breeze, 3 miles an hour. Pressure is high. That is a sign of things to come. We have 30s and the north, verona parka, and the valley is 36. That is called for early may. Once the system goes by, High Pressure will kick in. Good morning, sir. Good morning, steve, a crash on southbound highway 15. The onramp just came in, just a few minutes ago. Chp is rushing out there. Lets take a look at traffic pictures to give you a lookat the san mateo bridge. As this picture goes, so most of the commute. There are people out there but it is relatively uncrowded on westbound 92. Died is the same for all bay area bridges. Lets go back to the headlines. Today, six bay area counties are rolling back a few stayathome restrictions. Outdoor businesses including carwashes and nurseries will reopen, construction workers and Real Estate Agents will get back to work with social distancing and guidelines in place. Outdoor activities including golf and skateboarding are now allowed as long as precautions are followed. Officials warned that all the rules will be put back into place if there is an uptake in coronavirus cases or two counties north of sacramento started allowing businesses considered nonessential to start reopening. Now, Public Health officials in Center Counties issued the order, allowing shopping malls, gyms and hair salons to serve customers today. That will allow restaurants to offer dinan service. They must continue to follow social distancing guidelines, sandy brown says they are thrilled to welcome customers again after their happy biking restaurant. We are excited, we know there is a concern and we want to make sure that as Business Owners we protect our employees and customers. Center county reports 31 people test positive for the virus, two people have died, and in yuma county there are 19 confirmed cases and one death. The city of folsom near sacramento is asking to be allowed to reopen businesses, then they are sent a letter to the governor asking him to allow one counties can reopen. She also asked for Financial Assistance to make up for lost revenue during the pandemic. The city of folsom has 80,000 residents, the cities of all sizes are hurting from this. Our revenue is impacted, expenses have gone up. We are asking, dont forget about the little guy. The mayor says fulsome will lose 5 million this year in lost tax revenue. A big crowd gathered at lake merritt over the weekend, despite the shelter at home order. Take a look at what it was like as large groups held cues and other Outdoor Activities along lake merritt, enjoying the weather, some ignored social distancing orders. Coronavirus staff at a nursing home and Senior Care Center makeup 40 percent of 2200 coronavirus steps statewide. Nationwide, residents have died from the virus, and nursing homeowners are asking governors to protect them from losses, fearing it could bankrupt their industry. We talked in some of the documents, talking about how important it is to safeguard Nursing Homes. Once the virus gets into Nursing Homes it spreads like wildfire. A dozen states have already had executive orders to protect senior care facilities, california considers a similar move. A foster city company drug helps people recover from coronavirus will go out to hundreds of thousands of critically ill patients this week, this comes after the fda gives approval for permission for the Game Changing drug, remdesivir. The fda grants emergency approval to a virus test made by the drug Company Roche in switzerland, designed to determine if a person has been infected. The Swiss Company will double production of the tests, meeting a huge demand and the u. S. Medical researchers have found information on the coronavirus study that raises concerns around the world, recent reports of patients that recover from the Virus Testing positive, for a second time to primarily to testing errors, not to actual reinfection. The south Infectious Disease agency says the mistakes caused 260 and the people to test positive for a second time. New york is joining other states to create a regional supply chain for personal protective equipment, ventilators and testing supplies. The governor said for the past few months, states have been working separately, and that has been totally ineffective, and inefficient. We drove up prices, by our own competition. Its a limited supply and china. If you have 50 states, and the private entities of buying from china, it makes no sense. He said new yorkers join new jersey, massachusetts, connecticut, pennsylvania, rhode island, and delaware together they will have stronger buying power and improve clout with global suppliers. In new york city, the warm weather lures more and more people outdoors. Many had for the outdoors, an extra 1000 Police Officers were also out during the weekend, enforcing social distancing rules. And new jersey parks and golf courses, they reopen yesterday, the governor of new jersey says so far, so good. We hear minimal reports of knucklehead behavior, we see the metrics that we need to meet being met over the next few days and weeks. We will know that you guys have taken to heart your responsibility. The governor says he is hopeful that new jersey will be prepared for expanded reopening by memorial day. New jersey has the second highest number of coronavirus cases behind new york. 4 million italians will head back to work this morning, the hardhit countries beginning the first phase of their gradual reopening this week, with schools and Childcare Centers still closed, some workers have to decide if they can return to work. The country recorded their lowest a death toll and a 24 hour period since the pandemic began, recording 174 deaths and 1300 new cases in the past day. Mike pompeo expresses frustration with chinas role on the pandemic, telling reporters that china has been responsible for the spread of the disease and the past and has to be held accountable by the pandemic that originated in the country. He cited poor safety attorneys labs, including wuhan where the virus was first reported. North Korean Leader kim jong has reemerged, north korea released images of kim jongun at a fertilizer plan. He did not have surgery or any other medical procedure. Steve paulson comes back to join us, talking about your monday morning forecast. Steve . It is cold for some, we have a lot of 30s for me. That is impressive. I was just exchanging a text with a colleague of mine. We go to 39 at gilroy. That is pretty chilly, here. We had a few high clouds coming into the north, you can see that with the warmer forecast. It is a chilly start here. Cool for some, it could be a dry cloud dragging across. No big deal. Goldengate is down to 45. As you head towards the west, temperatures run noticeably cooler than sunday at this time. Anywhere from 18 degrees. There it is, 35 at lakeport. Low 40s for some, mid40s for others as we head towards the santa clara valley, gilmore is at 39. South san jose is at 41, and 39 in southern california. That is cool this time of year. The system to the north will fall apart dragging across clouds, but the theme is for highpressure to rule the week. More so as we head towards the middle of the week and as we get into thursday and friday, those will be the warmest days. We have a pretty cool pattern over the weekend. We will warm up wednesday, with more snow thursday and friday. Inland temperatures will be warm and we will have a big cooldown sunday into monday. Breaking news, lets take you live to hayward. Look at these pictures. Firefighters are battling an Apartment Fire in haywood. This is on dixon street near south hayward, near the bart station. Our cameras are there pointing you right to where they are focused. This is a fire that started before 5 am. We do not know the cause of the fire. Again, a very big response to a fire in hayward. We will bring you the latest on what we find out, but at this point, no reported injuries. We are also not sure, but this appears to be townhouses or apartments. We will bring you the latest on what we find out, right here for mornings on fox 2. Violence in san jose, leading to an officer involved shooting. We will have the latest on that. A bay area doctor comes back from new york after helping out and the nations virus epicenter. What he had learned about covid 19, and his new outlook on the pandemic. Welcome back, happening today, the Master Tenant of the gaucher warehouse is expected to be out of jail. His bail was reduced to 150,000 after his lawyers told the court that he is vulnerable to coronavirus. On friday jeff said he could be released, he would then have to wear an ankle monitor while staying with his family and lake county. He is waiting to be retried on 36 charges of Involuntary Manslaughter for the 2016 warehouse fire. San joses police chief will give us more information about a deadly shooting by police. The Police Department investigates an officer involved shooting near julian street in downtown san jose, where a Police Officer shot and killed a stabbing suspect yesterday morning. A neighbor who was walking her dog nearby had heard the gunfire. There were shots fired, there was a lot of police activity. Actually, i really did try to avoid the area. Police responded to reports of a stabbing around 8 00 yesterday morning, they found the victim in the middle of the street, who was stabbed several times, and the suspect was still there holding a knife. Police say that he ignored commands to put down his knife and at one point towards police, that is when several officers had opened fire. Stabbing victim and the suspect died at the scene. Both men were said to be transients. I heard they were fighting over food. They got in a fight, there was an altercation and theres been a lot of tension on the streets. Neighbors say that they had seen nearby homeless encampments growing lately, the Police Involved in the shooting are now on paid administrative leave, we expect to get more details about the suspect and the Police Officer involved at todays news conference. Today, if you live in oakland, make an appointment to get rid of bulky trash items. Alan 80 county allows residents to drop off bulky items on, the offer is running through the end of june. Today, healthcare workers and San Mateo County will be honored for the work that they do, star wars style. Alyssa harrington is joining us to explain may 4 be with you. That is right, it is may 4. It is star wars day. What is happening is that people are coming up with creative ways to think healthcare workers who are working with patients and fighting covid19 and adding a star wars theme. This is one of the creative ways we have seen people give thanks to healthcare workers. You are watching video from last week when First Responders showed up at an area hospital, cheering on medical staff. First they went to zuckerberg general hospital, the idea was to boost morale and let essential workers know that they are appreciated. It made me feel better, it is stressful and it is scary. The isolation, we want to do a good job, but it is scary. Thank you for doing the job that you do, thank you for being out there every day and being on the front lines and putting your life at risk to help others, i want us all to continue to Work Together and keep people safe. Here is what is happening today, a star wars themed plan will help honor workers, the caravan will include police cruisers, they will drive by the San Mateo Medical Center. Public officials including the mayor of san mateo and foster city will be there, cheering as healthcare workers arrive for the morning shift. Cherry hill is also expected to take part this morning. The star wars theme should make it fun. 50 cars will be part of the caravan. Reporting, live, alyssa harrington, mornings on fox 2. Steve paulson is back, that is a great story. We love to talk about them praising people on the front lines. Definitely. We also praised steve paulson. I dont know about that, dave. We get it to you anyway. It was confirmed that people like the wind. They like its the least. It stirs things up a little bit. Not as windy today. Called this morning. It is not just confined to the north, because all the way to gilroy. It feels cool, so you better take your dog out for a walk and grab a jacket. It will be warmer on the highs, mostly sunny, there are 30s and there, 45 at the river more. Slight easterly components. We are running noticeably cooler, 18 degrees. Livermore will be 7. Other locations are close, even Half Moon Bay is at 41. Here you go, kelsey bill, waterpark is at 38, lima valley checked in and 36 briefly. They are in there. The system will move through the highpressure system says i am on my way. Today we will warm up. It will be above average but we will head towards thursday and friday and warmup. These lows are well below average for many. The days are longer. Amateurs are warming up, the warmest day will be friday and saturday. All right, a newly discovered act makes some people ask ken 2020 get any worse . A species of a hornet makes its way into the United States and why they call it the murder hornet. A poll shows who americans are surveyed think job widen should be taking on as a running mate. We will take a closer look at the pole. First, how american astronauts get ready for the first manned space flight from the United States in nine years. Across america, Business Owners are figuring things out. Finding new ways to serve customers. Connect employees. And work with partners. Comcast business is right there with you. With a network that helps give you speed, reliability and security. And enough bandwidth to handle all your connected devices. Voice Solutions Like remote Call Forwarding and readable voicemail. And safe, convenient installation. When every connection counts, you can count on us. Get the connectivity your business needs. Call today. Comcast business. Welcome back to mornings on fox 2. This is rosa bonelli. This is the way back machine. This is from the 70s . I enjoy hearing it. The boy from new york city. Okay. This got a lot of radio playback and the day. I can hear the clapping. Oh, yeah. Thank you, rose, if you would like to merrick a request, use our social media platforms. A classic sound. Classic. If everything goes as planned, spaceflight will launch from the u. S. By the end of the month. Christian fisher says it will be the first u. S. Space launch in 20 since 2011. It has been 20 years since doug hurley launched into orbit on the last Space Shuttle flight. That is finally set to change this month, once again, hurley will be in the cockpit. It is exciting, it is surreal, based on everything that is going on in the world. Its a long road. He and robert bacon will attempt to become the first people to launch into orbit on a spacecraft built owned and operated by a private company. Space ask, whose ceo knows how much is on the line. My heart is sitting right here, it will stay there until we get to bob and doug safely back from the space station. It is unclear how long they will be there, it could be one 4 months. What is clear is that a virus on earth is not going to keep nasa from reaching this milestone in space. We are going to do it in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. I will tell you that this is a high Priority Mission for the United States. We are quite hopeful that space ask will take our astronauts to the noon and the not too distant future. 1 billion in contracts to three u. S. Companies were announced, blue origin and dianetics they want to build a space lander in four years, and hurley could be on one of them. It is extremely exciting to be in the space business. When he launched on the last shuttle flight, hundreds of thousands of people converged on the space center to watch. Not this time. Nasa asks everyone to watch this one from home. Pro sports leagues are working on when and how to Start Playing games again, the New York Times reports 12 billion has been lost because of them seven canceled this spring. The report says that 12 billion could double if there are no nfl or College Football games s operating a business as usual approach. The draft was held as scheduled, and they will announce a schedule for 32 teams this week. The nfl will not be playing games outside of the u. S. , however, they are planning a full 17 game schedule including the first game of the season on september 10. A bay area doctor is back home after spending the week of volunteering at a hospital in new york city. I cant think of anything that would cause respiratory failure, pneumonia, a stroke, heart failure, clots in your lungs and kidney failure . What else can do that . I have never seen anything in practice that can do that. E and he says his seven days at the new york City Hospital made him confident that life one day will be back to normal. He warns that to reopening the nation after the pandemic will take time area it also requires patience. Humanity will be victorious, but, it is going to be a while. Get used to this. We are not going to go to baseball games in a week or two, the world is not going to be the same thing. It doesnt get to end, but it is changing. He put himself in a risky situation by going to new york city, but was compelled to go to the city hit the hardest by the crisis. Do you know someone who is providing hoping your community . Email your story with photos or video of that person an action, and we will highlight the story. A warning as restrictions on working with recreation will be listed today. We have changes rolling out too many bay area communities. Many recall for a return to normalcy, many protest to lift the restrictions. From ktvu, this is mornings on fox 2. Welcome to a new day, monday, may 4. Good morning, thank you for joining us on this monday, may 4. It will slowly warmup. Lets see how warm it will get. Steve paulson . These are well below average temperatures for a lot of people area it we should be at about 44 degrees. A system will spread, a few high clouds. 39 degrees and santa rosa

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