President trump says it is his decision and he will be calling the shots. Thank you for joining us tonight. Im andre senior, and for frank somerville. Im julie haener. President trump pushing to reopen the country sooner rather than later but he may get some resistance as gov. Newsom and others plan to chart their own course. Live coverage from deborah, she joins us live with that question of timing. Reporter the president has hinted at may 1 as a target date to restart the economy in a but he may face a power struggle with governors who want to go slower. Surviving on a shoestring, this restaurant central suffers home. Get the owner is nervous about lifting restrictions. I care about my community, i want to be sure they are safe 100 before we reopen, even if we get through this tough time. They should open up certain areas. People are dying. You know, financially. We need to get back to work. We are close to putting a plan to open our country. Hopefully even ahead of schedule. Reporter President Trump says his listening to a 100 person task force on how to begin and economic restart. But the governors who declared the emergencies want to be the ones who lift them. Conversations weve been having for weeks and weeks and weeks. Reporter avenue gavin newsom says his been working with oregon and washington. New york in the northeast are also taking a regional approach. Keeping people healthy, keeping them safe, using science to guide our decision making, and not political pressure. Setting up a powerplay, as reopening commerce is his call to make. When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that is how its got to be. The governors need us one way or the other, because ultimately, it comes with the federal government. That being said, we are getting along very well with the governors and i feel very certain that there wont be a problem. It is not strict about us, it is about the health and safety of our customers. Reporter this owner of a childrens store has lost 90 of her income, no sales, classes, or events, but agrees with the governor on a cautious approach. We dont invite a second wave, we dont let down our guard, and we dont put ourselves in a position where we regret moving too quickly. We need to move slowly and precautions need to be taken just to make sure that everything is under control, and that we are not right back here in this mess a week or two after opening. Reporter medical expert say changes will have to be gradual in they will vary by region. The president s plan is expected within days and gov. Newsom will have californias details tomorrow. President trump spent the first part of his Daily Briefing pushing back against reports that his administration was slow to urge social distancing to fight the virus. I was criticized because i was too early. If i waited longer, it would have been, if i went way earlier, 513 months earlier, i wouldve been criticized for being way too early. And i dont mean or, rather, dont mind being criticized, but not when they are wrong. Representation include a video from his Communications Team that featured clips of officials praising the white house response including gov. Newsom, critics say President Trump spent much of february and early march downplaying the severity of the outbreak, when he could have spent that time getting the nation better prepared. Alameda and contra costa counties ordered new screenings for all staff and visitors at Healthcare Facilities such as nursing homes. The new orders require anyone entering a nursing home or any other comic facility to have the temperature taken and be wearing a face mask. Residents of the facilities must also wear face coverings outside of their rooms. This comes amid a wave of confirmed cases and deaths at bay area nursing homes. The new requirement alameda and Contra Costa County take effect. A city councilman says and 84yearold grandmother died in a bay area nursing home after contracting covid19. She was a resident at gateway care and Rehabilitation Center in hayward. And is the 10th person to die from the virus there. 66 have tested positive. New at ten, we have tonights sad ending to this family story. Reporter we last spoke with the councilman last wednesday when the outbreak was first reported. He was visiting his grandmother through a window, not knowing days later she would be hospitalized and he would be saying goodbye to her through a video call. He was hoping to take his grandmother to lunch for her birthday next week. Pictures from last years birthday show her eating cake with family. Sadly, his grandmother will not live to turn 85. We were told this morning that it was just going to be a matter of hours. Reporter a complete 360 from last wednesday when he saw his grandmother through a window, at gateway care and repetition center in hayward. At that time no fever, he did notice a cough. Early friday morning, his grandmother was rushed to kaiser. That is when the doctors found out that she not only had covid19, but she also had pneumonia, her kidneys were starting to go bad. Her heart was under a lot of stress. Reporter besides high Blood Pressure and arthritis, she had no Underlying Health conditions. At one point, kaiser had called and said she was recovering. They told us if she continued along this process, and a couple of days she could probably get out of icu. So we called it in eastern miracle, and then, everything just drastically changed overnight. There are certain ways that covid19 pneumonia asked differently than other bacterial pneumonias or, say, the flu. Reporter she is leaving the Critical Care task force. She says a lot of patients seem to be better and then get worse. She is not as likely sure why. One possibility, patients may be unable to cough out thick secretions causing their lungs to collapse. Usually, you have a lot of things you know that you need to do, and covid19, it is less certain. Reporter on monday, the best family visited their loved one who tested positive for covid19. He showed no symptoms. Has not left and gone anywhere, there is no reason why he should have contracted covid19 virus. Rehabilitation centers are being terribly affected by this. Reporter the governor plans to send specialists and supplies to infected facilities. For this family, it is too late. Lets make sure this does not happened other families. Theres a lot of grieving families out there right now, last count was nine dead just from gateway. Unfortunately my grandmother will be number 10. Reporter he does not blame the staff there, calling them overworked and understaffed. He does believe the center did not do an adequate job in containing the virus. Treasury secretarys even says 80 million americans should have their stimulus checks by wednesday. They start going into direct deposits over the weekend. This week the irs will set up an online tool where people can track their payment. People who dont file taxes and dont have direct deposit information on file will start getting paper checks later this month. That same stimulus bill provides Financial Relief for Small Businesses, but as rob roth discovered, many Business Owners say applying for the emergency funding is anything but easy. Opening this maternity store on sacramento street in San Francisco 23 years ago wasnt easy, say the owners but it was nothing compared to applying for federal relief for Small Businesses. The hardest thing ive done in 23 years. By a long shot. Reporter the owners applied for about 96,000 to the paycheck protection program, or ppp, for their seven employees. That took eight days and they are still waiting for the money. Reporter i want to pay my staff, they need money, they needed today. They cant, they have not had a paycheck in three weeks. Thats not okay. Reporter is a 349 billion dollar life raft designed to get cash into the hands of small Business Owners, those with fewer than 500 employees who are being crushed by the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses are directed to apply for the money through banks, who get the fund through Small Business administration, but dismiss owners say the process is moving too slowly. Zero. Zero money. No word, nothing. Reporter he is trying to get money to pay his nine employees at the bar and at a small market he also owns. Reporter it is confusing, we go around, there is a network of us, and we know a lot of them and everyone is talking where is this money, how do we get it . And nobody seems to know. Reporter they say as of monday, 941,000 ppp applications have been approved nationwide, totaling 228 billion. No word on when businesses will see that money. They issued a statement, saying our top priority is making sure these programs are up and running as fast as possible to provide relief to American Workers and businesses. Small business advocacy groups say they are being overwhelmed, and that it is severely understaffed. Not enough money, not enough infrastructure, you are not going to get the money to Small Businesses quick enough. Im really crunching numbers, im getting worried. Many owners say they were the money will come too late, but there is not much they can do right now except wait. Rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. The San Francisco City Attorney is after it had an illegal like club shut down. They began monitoring the club in the bayview after being tipped off about the events being held warehouse despite the shelter in place orders. Authorities say Surveillance Video shows more than 150 people streaming into the illegal like club for events held between 2 am, and 6 am. Police say they seized pool tables, gambling machines, cases of beer and liquor, and other party items including a fog machine. London breed is warning people to stay away from Golden Gate Park next monday. She says the traditional 420 marijuana celebration that started back in the 1970s will not be tolerated this year. We will not allow this unsanctioned event to occur this year. Especially in the height of a pandemic. The area will be fenced off, there will be Police Officers patrolling the area, we will fight and if necessary, arrest, we will not tolerate anyone coming to San Francisco, for 420, this year. Thousands typically gather at he beheld to smoke marijuana on april 20. In recent years the gatherings have gotten so large the city has had to put up barricades and bring in portable toilets to accommodate the crowds. Coming up, masks for so called forgotten workers, see how volunteers are making sure the essential farmworkers stay safe in the field. A significant warmup today, we had temperatures in the mid70s, it will be warmer tomorrow. A call to action by sen. Bernie sanders as he endorses joe biden for president , and asks the coalition of voters to defeat President Trump. If i could do one thing, id make sure there were more textbooks in schools. Im a teacher. Ive seen the need, but my girlfriend here likes to say. Dont just talk about it, be about it. And were about the 2020 census. Because when everyone gets counted on the census, it helps inform public funding in our neighborhood for the next ten years dont just talk about it be about it complete the census online, by phone or by mail. Shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov. Starting this friday people in Sonoma County will be required to wear a mask in public, it is the first bay area county to require masks and follows a similar mandates in los angeles and riverside. People who do not comply face a misdemeanor charge. The order does not apply to children under the age of two, and masks are not required when driving alone or when going for a walk or a run. Out to the peninsula when a push is underway to get farmworkers. New at ten, amber lee is live in Half Moon Bay with the help that is coming straight from the community. Reporter this is a Community Effort to protect the people who work on farms and other businesses. Outreach workers and volunteers tell me they saw a need and wanted to help. At this f outreach worker, a latino focused nonprofit, is handing out free homemade facemasks made of cloth to farmworkers. Some described him as a forgotten essential worker. Farmworkers are the ones who put food on the tables. So we have to do, you know, just like Grocery Stores, you know, like doctors and nurses, we need farmworkers. Reporter there trying to buy facemasks for their workers but it will take weeks for a shipment. These reusable masks will offer some protection, 165yearold farmworkers spoke to us in spanish, three translator. It is a great thing, we can protect ourselves. Reporter he tells me up to 15 workers can live together in close quarters inside this building. These masker also being distributed to housecleaners the Grocery Store workers, and their families. It means a lot because during this time, like, we all need to be safe. And having the mask is just another way to protect ourselves. Reporter the professor of psychology is the founder of. She tells me she was inspired to start a facemask project when she saw unprotected workers in our Half Moon Bay community. We have to mobilize, we have to get out help, we have to get support. Support came from 10 women who volunteered their sewing skills. Money for materials came from donations, so far, organizers say more than 1000 race mask have been given away in just the first week. This woman tells me she is sewing masks because someone told her they cannot afford one. I have everything to make masks for you. Reporter organizers estimate that there are 5000 latino essential workers in Half Moon Bay and pescadero. They hope to make enough facemasks to meet their needs. The worlds biggest pork processor is shutting down one of its plans after more than 200 employees tested positive for the coronavirus. Smithfield foods says its facility in sioux falls, south dakota, accounts for 45 of the countries pork reduction. And employs about 3700 people. The 240 come for coronavirus cases account for half of that states positive cases. A sailor assigned to the uss roosevelt died today of complications from the coronavirus. The navy did not disclose the name of that sailor who was admitted to the icu on thursday. For additional sailors were admitted to the hospital over the weekend. In all, 585 sailors on that Aircraft Carrier have tested positive for covid19. The roosevelt has been in guam for two weeks now. 4000 sailors have been moved to shore while roughly 800 remain on board. The former captain of the uss roosevelt is battling the coronavirus himself and this past weekend he got a major morale boost from his hometown of santa rosa. We stand behind u. S. Navy capt. Brian fraser. He graduated from Santa Rosa High School in 1988. Yesterday, his former classmates posted a video on youtube calling him a hero. He was relieved of his command after a leaked email in which he pleaded with the navy to immediately evacuate the ship. The acting secretary of the navy who fired him resigned last week after calling him naove and stupid. It was a warm one out there today, these are the highs that we asked various, 73 in santa rosa, 75 in fairfield, above amateurs yesterday by a good five degrees. Temperatures tomorrow will be another three or four degrees warmer, we might even see a couple of low 80s so it will warm up nicely. Between santa rosa, 76 in concord, 74 in mountain view. A little cooler, 60 in hayward. The story will be the next couple of days, looking for some of the tree pollen, and really, mainly the trees, the pines, and whatever is blooming out in front of the house but that stuff is really proliferating right now and with the heat and warmth coming our way, not just today but the rest of this week, i think it is really going to light up. We had some fog at the coast this morning, minimal in a kind of went away and you can where it is, just that gray area down around monterey, just off shore there. It is kind of the fog being swept south over down toward Point Conception by the wind. Wind will be about the same tomorrow so tomorrow will be another one of the really nice days. Even along the coast, an opportunity to get out on the porches and decks and neighborhoods. And move around because it is going to be another day with mid70s, so when i come back we are going to talk, i hinted at 80s, we will talk about that in there is that shot at rain in the five day forecast. The pandemic is testing americas food supply. Tonight, why scores of fresh food is going to waste at a time when Grocery Stores struggled to keep their shelves stocked. Joe biden on moving the country forward, as he picks up a big endorsement and another primary when. Everyone is working a little differently now. So we can still answer your calls. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. You cant always stop for a fingerstick. Betes with the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you dont have to. With a painless, onesecond scan you can check your glucose with a smart phone or reader so you can stay in the moment. No matter where you are or what youre doing. Ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. You can do it without fingersticks. Learn more at freestylelibre. Us. Joe biden was declared the winner of the wisconsin primary today, when we get the voters went to the polls. The former Vice President took 62 of the vote, 31 for Bernie Sanders who suspended his Campaign Last week. Also, sanders endorsed biden as a presented nominee. As peter ducey tells us the former Vice President address the coronavirus out rake with his plan for reopening the country. Reporter many Young Democrats now need a new candidate. He wanted. My platform, i got that but if he can move in that direction, i think people will say this is a guy who we should support and will support. Reporter so that is what he as do it that is what he is doing. He is tied with trump after fung seven point since march. He is borrowing from bernie. He doesnt support medicare for all but he Just Announced he wants the medicare eligibility age lowered to 60. He doesnt support forgiving all Student Loan Debt but he does now support illuminating it for lower and middle income students. He says sen. Sanders and his supporters can take pride in their work and lay the groundwork for these ideas. Our coalition cannot with the general election, joe biden by himself and his coalition cant win the november election against donald trump. Together is the only way that they have any shot at all of winning. Mac Republican City sanders as gone but not forgotten. I dont think ive ever seen a member of a party change his party as much as sen. Sanders has without being the head of the party. Reporter the new head of the party is bithis month he plans to higher kamala her at a virtual fundraiser, the biggest thing we can do is make donald trump a one term president , so i am coming for you, kid. Barack obama may soon, the sidelines to help biden but right now, biden is still trying to woo bernie. He did just 20. Campaign, he created a movement. Reporter that is what joe biden is trying to do was no in person interaction, all while President Trump mixes it up in person with reporters every night, and an election that is shaping up to be the Briefing Room versus the rec room. In arlington, virginia, peter ducey, fox news. Stocks ended the day mixed, the dow dropped 328 points, nasdaq was up 38, and the s p lost 28. Vestiges investors citigroup and wells fargo are set to release their Quarterly Earnings this week. Powerful storms sweep the south, still ahead, the growing death toll from tornadoes in areas already struggling with the pandemic. The raiders new stadium in las vegas may not be ready for the return of the nfl. Marco tell us about the construction delays and the teams alternatives a little later in sports. In five minutes, meat produce, and there he wasted, why americas fresh food is getting thrown out when Grocery Stores are swamped with demand. The bay area Grocery Store chain now making mandatory masks for customers as well as workers. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. The nugget market chain is now requiring customers to wear a face mask or scarf while shopping. Customers were encouraged to cover their faces until today but at the grocery chain is aching it mandatory to protect workers, and other customers. The workers were told to wear a mask last week. They are also required to have the temperature taken at the start of their shift. Anyone running a fever above 100 is sent home with pay. Nationwide unions are calling for more safeguards to protect Grocery Store workers. As jesse gary tells us the unions want shoppers to do more than just wear a mask. Reporter as the weeks have passed, the Grocery Shopping experience has seen dramatic changes, in san jose, sanitizers, splatter shields, face masks and gloves are akin to the four food groups but well Santa Clara County is a leader in the state, a National Survey of 1500 grocery workers over three days reveals significant fear over catching covid19. The fear that we feel here is absolutely real. We are worried about catching the virus and possibly taking it home to our loved ones, you know what i mean . Its like russian roulette. The trigger is pulled a lot of times for the chamber is empty. You just never know when that chamber is going to have a bullet in it. The president of the united food and commercial Workers Union estimates 40 to 50 of his 2000 members have been exposed to the coronavirus. The Washington Post reports nationally, at least 41 Grocery Store workers have died and more than 1500 have tested positive for the virus. Economic expert say a large infection rate in the Food Industry could cripple the country. It is deadly if it sweeps into the industry. These are people that are doing a very Great Service to the people of the United States and they deserve good protections. Reporter they announced monday the shop smart initiative, the 1. 3 million member union asking customers to where masks and gloves in stores and respect social distancing. Take the temperature before leaving the house, and to stay home if they feel sick. They say they cant wait for state and federal leaders to mandate these steps, so they arent hurting shoppers to be more aware. Protect our Grocery Store workers, supermarket workers. We do need to shop differently or smarter than ever before. Reporter they want to see the government make it mandatory to protect grocery workers. In the meantime there asking customers to shop smart, where masks and gloves, and that is already mandatory in la and send eagle county. Here in Santa Clara County, highly recommended. In san jose, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. The pandemic disruption to the nations Food Supply Chain has resulted in large quantities of food being thrown out. Especially meat and produce. As tom baker reports, it is a matter of logistics. Reporter a revelation around the nation, food is needed in food banks and even increasingly in busy Grocery Stores. The nation has two different food supplies. One is the Food Supply Chain for Grocery Stores, such as safeway. Super Stores Like Walmart and Warehouse Stores like costco properly packaged for family use. Arrested daniel sumner, a Renowned Food and agricultural economist at uc davis says the other supply chain is for commercial bulk food, sold to restaurants, schools, and institutions. A market in general, and of course, it differs by product. Reporter because of the dual supply change, each set up to do the same thing into very completely different ways, the coronavirus pandemic has created an artificial, yes artificial, food shortage. So there is no quick or simple way to redirect that food to Grocery Stores, and just as important, food banks, especially vegetables, meat and dairy, foods with short shelf lives. That is the challenge of distribution. Reporter he says a lot of rules will have to be waived to get food where it needs to go. They have to quickly find ways to satisfy the demand in the new outlets. Proper planning is possible. They are working 24 hours a day, scrambling like , figuring out how to get the products to the right places. Reporter but there are a myriad of very strict rules and regulations that apply in normal times about safely storing and repackaging bulk foods. In the coronavirus era, the risk of spread dangerously increases. There out of business. Just let out of business. Reporter the nation, if not the entire business world, will have to rethink and revamp the entire supply chain concept. Right now we have turned a very efficient system into a very inefficient system. We have solved the onthefly. Reporter there is no time to waste. What is the former farmer plan today . It is planting season. Amazon is putting new Online Grocery customers on a waitlist due to rising demand. They say will ask new customers for whole foods and amazon fresh Delivery Service to sign up for that waitlist. Amazon also announced it fulfilled its pledge for last month to fill 100,000 jobs across the u. S. Including some delivery positions. California concerns commission is ordering Insurance Companies to refund premiums for march and april and possibly may of the stayat home orders processed. They said customers are due refunds because rates are based on risk and risk has been reduced because of the pandemic. The refund will apply to all Auto Insurance customers. You are looking at plenty of sunshine the next couple of days and warmer highs. First tonight, an update about the stolen church van that has now been recovered but it is not in the same condition it was in. They leave two people wounded, with the chp is revealing about a possible suspect vehicle. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. Step by step, were going to figure this out. Were gonna find a way through this. Were working really, really hard in hospitals, our nurses, our techs, all the docs. Its about staggering when people get sick so that the hospitals can cope. Were gonna go through an awful lot of these. All across puget sound, people have been stepping up and donating personal protective equipment. We stay at work. For you. You stay at home for us. Just know were all with you. Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you doctors nurses. They are investigating a freeway shooting the injured two people in oakland this afternoon. It happened around the 30 on northbound 880 before 23rd st. Orleans on that northbound side shut down for a time authorities investigated. Officers say the two victims were in a brave honda accord that may have been targeted. They suffered moderate injuries. Detectives say the suspects may have been driving a white Jeep Cherokee with temporary license plates. The Contra Costa County coroner identified a grandmother killed when somebody threw a brick into the car where she was a passenger. It happened friday night on 242 in concord near the highway for interchange. 63yearold Marguerite Ruiz of antioch was killed when the brick crashed through her window. The investigators found other bricks in the area and say they believe a transient is responsible. They are asking anyone who may at about 915 or 930 last friday night to give them a call. San Francisco Police are investigating a homicide that started with a call about a person suffering a mental breakdown. It happened just before 9 30 sunday morning. Police say there was a fire at the home when they arrived. And the body of 56yearold woman was found inside a bedroom. Officers then found a man out side on the patio. They say he was naked and covered in blood. He was arrested and identified as 29yearold daniel medina. The woman was related to him but her name has not been released. In the south bay, San Jose Police released surveillance images of a man they say robbed a u. S. Bank last month. Investigators say the suspect passed a note to the teller, demanding cash. It happened on march 17 at the u. S. Bank branch on lincoln avenue. The suspect was leaving in a great kia soul. The car has no visiblthe front fender and passenger door. A van that served as a mobile food pantry and was stolen from a church has been found. It was taken last week. It was used to deliver free groceries to the community. Today the church told us the van was found, dumped in oakland, full of paint cans and the catalytic converter had been cut out. The church says it will take some time and money to get it fixed. We are honoring people who are making a positive difference during this outbreak. In the spotlight tonight, jennifer mcrae, of union city. Here is a look at her holiday surprise. It may have been a stayathome Easter Sunday but she was determined to bring some cheer to her neighborhood, so she dressed up as the easter bunny. And she needed kids from her vintage ford mustang bring Holiday Cheer to families, following the rules, and remaining at home. If you know someone was making a difference, you can nominate your local hero, email us the details along with some pictures or videos to my hero foxtv. Com. One of the hosts of Good Morning America reveals he tested positive for covid19. Also ahead, deadly stms widespread damage caused in states already dealing with the covid19 pandemic. Chief meteorologist bill martin is back, tracking temperatures in the 70s. He will take us through our work week, coming up. Michael vasquez come over here. Ive heard such good things about you, your company. Well, i wouldnt have done any of it without you. Without this place. This is for you. Michael, you didnt have to. And, were going to need some help with the rest. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. And change the world. Here at abbvie, were inventing medicines of the future to create tomorrows that will be healthier. And happier, while making medicines that help people right now. Because thats the present we wanted to live in. And thats the future we all want to see. Abbvie. Here. Now. Good morning america anchor George Stephanopoulos has tested positive for covid19. He made the announcement on the show this morning. Two weeks ago his wife confirmed she tested positive for the virus. He said unlike his wife, he has not shown any symptoms of the virus so far. He will continue to anchored gma from home. The mother of Minnesota Timberwolves star Carl Anthony Townsend died today from publications of coronavirus. Jacqueline cruz towns had been on a ventilator and any medically induced coma at a hospital in pennsylvania. The father has also tested positive for the virus and was hospitalized but he is now doing better. She was 58 years old. The u. S. Supreme court postponed its april calendar but announced today it will hear arguments in some key cases next month over the phone. They will hear a select number of cases over six days in may, and for the first time the court said it would allow live Remote Access to audio of those arguments. The court is scheduled to hear three cases involving subpoenas for President Trumps financial records and to involving the electoral college. The adjustments at the court are in step with social distancing requirements. At least 32 people are dead after a series of tornadoes ripped across the south on Easter Sunday. At least 40 tornadoes were reported in six states come from texas, south carolina. Reporter a deadly storm system destroys hundreds across the south. Dozens of tornadoes tore through several dates beginning sunday evening. Killing more than a dozen people. Mississippi and louisiana were two of the hardest hit states, one twister remained on the ground in mississippi, for more than 100 miles. The next thing i knew, i just heard a boring like noise and it was coming through and we were scared. Reporter it also brought tornadoes to northern louisiana and georgia, with damaging wind leveling structures. One tornado lifted up a home in georgia, dropping it right onto the middle of the road. Mountainous areas experienced flooding and mudslides and heavy rain moving across the region. The storms also knocking over trees and power lines. Leaving more than 1 Million People without electricity. We have not had one here in a pretty good while. But last night it just seems like everything was right for it to come hit us. Reporter it was further collocated by the coronavirus pandemic. Officials made some exceptions for those needing to find shelter, without them suspending social distancing guidelines ahead of the storm. The damaged areas have been fairly empty amid the coronavirus outbreak, as folks follow stayathome orders. What we are going to do is have a family meeting to make an assessment, obviously it is a total loss here, so we have to figure out what the new living accommodations will be. Reporter rebuilding the damaged structures could take months. In atlanta, steve harrigan, fox news. Lets look at some of those temperatures again, these are the highs from today, tomorrow we added a few degrees to the east so we will see temperatures, they will be more like the upper 70s and may be in these inland areas, some low 80s, coming up tomorrow and again on wednesday. A pretty nice forecast. Big highpressure ridge off the coast, it is kind of grade out down here, the fog is so being pushed south of us and it looks like it will stay there again tomorrow, he wants to come up north but the wind is such that it is pushing it away so what is tomorrow . Slightly warmer, plenty of sunshine, maybe a puffy cloud, Coastal Cloud in the morning or something. The forecast tomorrow will be mild, overnight lows when you wake up, right now it is mild. Overnight lows in the 40s which is not too cold for this time of year. Not a lot going on in San Francisco, the bay bridge, pretty quiet out there. If you have been out and about in which very few of us have come you can see that, you know it is virtually nonevent right now. Also, air quality, like i mentioned, the air quality has been stunning with the lack of cars, jimmy thingslike that. A high of San Francisco, make it into the 70s so low 70s in San Francisco, maybe 73 or 74 degrees when we get into wednesday, in san fran the skull, the forecast model, the only thing youll notice here is what we get some through wednesday, you see on thursday morning, the fog comes back and there is a windchill so on thursday and friday, things start to flip around and with that we have a chance of showers that show up mainly on your bay area saturday night sunday. You will see temperatures, upper 70s, 79 could easily turn to the low 80s. If you clouds, and on friday and saturday, not a ton, but that chance of a shower does exist on sunday and into monday as well, so quite the testing forecast. The longest runs of spring weather, we have seen in a while, we had a broken up with showers and cool weather but this next four days will be on a very warm side and very springlike. Sesame street has put together a televised special to help kids cope with the stayat home orders. Elmo and cookie monster, teaming up with celebrity guests, for 30 minute specials come a sesame street. Almost played eight. The goal is to entertain families at a moment when so many are feeling isolated and overwhelmed by the current events. It is set to air tomorrow on hbo and pbs. Coming up in sports, construction delays mean the raiders new stadium in las vegas not be ready for the return of the nfl. We will have the details with the teams alternatives and if the stadium is not completed in the time it is lifted. The 11 00 news, the homeless shelter is cleared out, homeless advocates say with 90 cases of coronavirus, and counting, the city is responsible and it is too little, too late. Everyone is working a little differently now. So we can still answer your calls. And we are monitoring our system 24 7 to ensure that we have a fast reliable network, keep the customers connected, and making sure people are staying safe. And were still on the road. Solving Critical Issues as they arise. Go to xfinity. Com prepare. Thank you. How is it going, everybody . Im coming to life in the news desk music room. You cant write them like that anymore. Yeah, that is that song, and also, the story of the raiders, can you believe this latest thing, out of las vegas . I guess you can call them the vegas raiders, but they may not be playing there for another year. Numerous delays in construction of the new stadium known already as the death star. Now mostly, the delays are with the interior. They are so hopeful of getting the thing dumped and ready for the fall provided there is football season in the fall. Alternative sites are being investigated, reportedly, by the raiders and get this, salt lake city, phoenix, and san diego, oakland, wait for it, not under consideration, under no circumstances with the raiders come back to oakland again. Meanwhile, baseball is back in business. At least, in asia right now, they saw a real gain, nobody in the stands, of course. The Chinese Professional Baseball League is underway. Mostly in taiwan. They had a rain out, so sunday is the first game, first home run for real, kw chang, the first homerun heard round the world. So there is hope of possibly a foretelling of what may happen here in the United States, maybe a month, two months from now, who knows, really. Meanwhile, i guess that education really has paid off. Certainly for christian mccaffrey. Of the carolina panthers. How about this remark he is the highestpaid running back in the nfl, signed a fouryear deal, 16 million a year on average, ask anybody who knows him or has seen him play and work out, no harder worker, and this guy is a double threat big time, in fact, racked up 2300 yards for the panthers from scrimmage this past season. It doesnt seem possible but it was four years ago on this very day, april 13, 2016, kobe bryant called it a career after 20 sensational years in the nba. Will he give them one last gamer . Bryant on the move, with a jumper. 58 points. In his final game versus utah, the late, great kobe bryant was then 37 years old, 20 years in the nba, joe fonzi has the rest of this day in sports history. Reporter on this day, staff curry got 16 points as they robbed the memphis grizzlies, wrapping up the regular season with a record 73rd win. On this day in 2004, barry bonds hit a majestic homerun, that was number 661, moving bonds past willie mays. April 13 is a historic day at augustine national. In 1997, tiger woods won his first major title with a record 12 stroke win at the masters. The youngest masters winner at 21. And on that same course in 1986, Jack Nicholas became the oldest player to win the masters, the 46yearold nicholas the masters his 18th and final major championship. That is the stay in sports, april 13, i am joe fonzi. Hard to believe the masters would have been this past weekend. Wow. In the meantime, hopefully a little smile coming your way, in case you missed it. Check some of this stuff out. This is sixyearold leo from the uk, a trick shot artist. Backspin to get that up on his head. I like his smile afterwards. Pretty cute. How about this . This is local, this is a 15 yearold kid, jaden ramos. He put together his own little Obstacle Course in the home this past weekend, i think, in case you missed it. And how about the big champ simone biles . What is she doing . Since you will be in the summer olympics . She showing you how she can observe her athletic abilities to take on her sweats as well. That is done in full limbic style write there. Simone biles. So, you know, that is the sporting life, i had a big weekend, great easter, hope you did, too, i actually bought two rolls of paper towels, so ive never gotten a bigger thrill from buying paper towels than this past weekend but that it is about as exciting as my life is right now. Keep on rocking. He did not have to fight for the people towels. At the last row believe it or not. Almost raced the guy down the aisle at safeway. Never been so happy to get paper towels. But, you know, that is the way it is these days. Next at 11. We are, we set a couple of prayers, shed a few tears, told him her how much we loved her. The 11 00 news on ktvu fox 2 starts now. A city councilman lost his grandmother tonight just days for her 85th birthday. Reporter again, everyone, i am julie haener. I am andre senior. Frank is off tonight. She was one of dozens of people who contracted the coronavirus in an east bay nursing home. We have more on this around the world, the number of confirmed cases nearing 2 million now according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins university. In california, there are now more than 24,000 cases with more than 5200 here

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