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Going to be a little bit of activity today. Yesterday, was san jose, Santa Cruz Mountains amenta headed up towards the peninsula. 40s and 50s today, mix of sun and clouds today. Every bay area county now has confirmed coronavirus cases. The first to cases are now confirmed by the department of health to more deaths in Santa Clara County thats a total of 10 in that county, more deaths than any other bay area county, they are now 302 confirmed coronavirus cases in Santa Clara County, the highest number in the northern part of the state. They are preparing for a surge of patients as testing becomes more available. There is already a plan to turn the Convention Center into a temporary medical facility where patients would be treated for other conditions including car crashes and heart attacks. County Health Officials are thanking people for helping during the health crisis, they say they are grateful for people who been contacting their doctors before going to the emergency room and county facilities. That in itself is helped. We seen a much lower volume in the emergency room. One of the confirmed cases is director of communications and public affairs, she became ill more than a week ago, she is the only county executive who was tested positive for the virus. Happening today in hayward, that e space city is offering test for anyone showing symptoms of the virus. You dont have to live in hayward to take these on the spot test. Reporter the city of hayward shows us the new Testing Center at fire station seven, it is free and will provide tests on the spot. The Testing Center is open to any community member, any age , regardless of income, health insurance, income, we are open to any member of the public. There hoping this will take the pressure off hospital Emergency Rooms and provide answers for people who are sick. Healthcare workers and First Responders you may have become exposed to the virus can be tested as well. Here how it works, firefighters and paramedics will prescreen people as they arrive. Those can drive through at this part if you show symptoms you will go to attend. You will be screened by a First Responder and determine whether or not a test is warranted. At that point you will receive the test which is a nose and cheeks swab, you will be asked to go home and stay in isolation of your home until the test results come back. Results should be back in 3 to 12 hours. The fire chief stresses only those who feel sick should come, everyone else need to stay home to prevent the virus was reading further. If you are well and worried this is not the place for you this is only for symptomatic patients that are concerned they might be carrying the covid19 virus. If youre not symptomatic, you are not going to make it through our screening process and we are not going to test you for covid19. We recognize there is a lot of fear and nervousness but we would ask, in order to minimize the capacity here only if you are facing symptoms to come here. Governor gavin newsom sent a letter to President Trump giving him information how the tests are going. More than 25,000 tests have been conducted. He also said california has now received more than 12,000 test results, 12,000 more test results are pending. Wall street, looks like the financial fallout from the pandemic will continue today, all three major indexes down more than 2 . Today the New York Stock Exchange will move to all electronic trading. Will be the first time the Trading Floor has been closed while electronic trading continues. The senate expected to vote again today after failing to pass legislation. Democrats blocked the measure saying the package sets aside too much money for corporations and does not do enough to help workers and hospitals. Legislation has many problems. At the top of the list, and includes a large corporate bailout. The stimulus package intended to boost the economy which is been devastated by the coronavirus outbreak, the new 2 trillion aimed at helping businesses and family including direct payments to millions of americans. There now more than 3500 confirmed cases in the united dates. 471 deaths. In california there more than 1800 cases and 35 deaths. Here in the bay area 786 reported cases, the death toll has gone up to 13. Around the world this morning, they are now almost 342,000 confirmed coronavirus patients and more than 14,000 people have died. Almost 99,000 have recovered from the virus. China still has the most cases, more than 81,000, italy has 59,000 cases. Italy has the highest the full from the virus, almost 5500 deaths have been reported. Help for italy is coming from other countries, cuba sent doctors and nurses to italy over the weekend to help fight the pandemic. Russia is also helping italy, sending nine cargo planes loaded with healthcare workers, medical equipment and aerosol disinfection trucks. Is the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow rapidly, more countries are introducing travel bands and introducing physical distance measures. Reporter as the pandemic sweeps throughout the world officials are cracking down on restrict an effort. Germany is banning gatherings of more than two people, except for families. The chancellor answers quarantine herself after learning her doctor had tested positive. The overwhelming majority people understand it is now down to every individual. That everybody can and must do their bit to stop the virus. In the uk, hundreds were out in public even despite measures to stay home. Tougher measures could be introduced if they dont not follow the social distancing advice. Even if you think youre invulnerable, there plenty of people that you can infect. Is a new epicenter, italy is expanding its nationwide quarantine, shutting down almost all factories and been. China is scrambling to stop a rise in cases coming from outside the country. All overseas passengers are now required to have the temperatures taken a customs and then quarantine themselves for two weeks. More people have been stepping outside their homes for the first time in weeks. There are many more people in the park. The epidemic must be nearly over now. Big decision in the works for japan, the International Olympic committee saying they may be put on hold, final ruling is expected to be made in the next four weeks. Canada and australia will not send athletes to the 2020 olympic games, they are calling for the games to be postponed until 2021. In a statement, canadas Olympic Committee said this is not solely about athletes health, it is about Public Health. The decision by canada and australia came hours after the ioc said it is considering postponing but not canceling the summer games because of the pandemic. You can find complete coverage at coronavirus now. Com along with articles and videos around the country. A daily live stream we have a live rock cass every weekday that begins at 10 am. Also download the free ktvu app get the very latest updates and breaking news right earphones. We have information there about everything that is going on in your community that we can bring to you. There is a lot going on, steve is in his spot and hes talking about weather. We had really good thunderstorms yesterday, Sonoma County down the Santa Cruz Mountains. Jamie miller said they had great thunderstorms in santa rosa and rohnert park. They had some big boomers. They have collapsed, the low that is responsible have moved south but anything out of the picture would be south looks to be the best opportunity. Its a cold system it just doesnt have a lot of moisture. Temperatures today will be in the upper 50s, quite cold for this time of year. 40s, 50s that will be the focus of cold temperatures and some rain, possible thunderstorms as we head into wednesday. Not a lot of rain with this system. Maybe a quarter of an inch will cover it. Probably okay for some snow up in the mountains. 2500 to 3000 feet. We are below average working to stay through thursday and then will start to get a little warmer. After that it looks dry going into the weekend. Bart will make major changes starting today. Up next, what you need to know to make your bay area commute on track. The sports world on hold during the epidemic. How nascar is racing fans over the weekend. We want to keep an eye on your traffic for you this morning. What little traffic there is. We saw two cars going through there, pretty light. As more and more people stay home to keep everyone safe. Sal will join us a little later on this morning was some traffic jams to kind of brighten her day a little bit. We will be right back. Welcome back to mornings on two, tesla is going to temporarily close the factory. Tesla kept its factory open considering itself an essential business. 2500 of the 10,000 employees were told to show up to work at several told us they are still working in close quarters. Tesla says basic operations will continue to support their Vehicle Services and charging of batteries. This week Many Bay Area Police departments will increase their enforcement of the statewide shelter in place order. That includes a crackdown on nonessential businesses despite the new roles. Police say concord will be among the Law Enforcement officers who will meet faceto face with Business Owners who refuse to comply. They will be giving them a warning that they are required to shut down and make sure that they are fully educated on what the implications could be if they refuse to shutdown. The Sheriffs Office will have deputies making sure every business, except those deemed essential immediately close their doors. Police and san jose start issuing noncompliant citations earlier this morning. Officers have already warned more than 50 san jose businesses theme nonessential to close their doors. San jose police say violators could face a suspension of their business license or even a terminal citation. All marin county parts will be closed until further notice. The Public Health department issued that order, came after a weekend after hikers, joggers pack the county park without practicings proper social distancing. Mount tamil pius and muir woods are among those off limits. Corte madera pathway will stay open but you have to stay 6 feet apart. The Point Reyes National seashore is also close because of social distancing concerns. It was closed after people packed the beach over the weekend during the statewide shelter in place order. A closure will be in effect for at least the next two weeks. People in bolinas are sending messages to visitors, stay home. One area of the town was filled with homemade signs in response to the crowd the people who went to the beaches in marin county over the weekend. The signs had messages like this as a pandemic, not a vacation, surf from home. This isnt the time to come out and crother peoples neighborhoods. Just trying to let people know we dont want to put our town at risk more than other just because it is a tourist location. Bolinas is a small town in marin county that borders stinson beach. Essential businesses include healthcare in emergency services. If you want to learn more we have posted a complete list of the essential businesses listed in the statewide order. That list is on our website. The sports world is finding a lot of ways to be creative today. Nascar is no exception. Drivers were supposed to be in miami on sunday. The idea was why not do what on simulators. 35 drivers from all over the country were hooked up to simulators like you see here. The race included everything including crashes. It came down to hamlin and dale erhardt junior who came out of retirement to do this. Dale earnhardt skids off the road and hamlin takes the wind. Ive heard a lot of gamers say that some of the platforms are offering free online games, thinking a virtual plane keeping everybody busy. Steve, not ready . Now im ready. Lets look at a pretty shot of san francisco. How is the weather wax any rain coming in . Maybe tomorrow. Go ahead pamela. How is the weather . Yesterday it was rocking and rolling. Especially up towards rohnert park in santa rosa, also toward san jose in the Santa Cruz Mountains. That is all push south so it is looking like it is moving out of the area, very act of pattern, we are focusing our attention on a system coming down from the north. As it does it is ushering in some very cold air. That same is, monterey south, probably doesnt have much of a chance but the systems to the north will issue a much colder air mass. Looks like partly cloudy today, we have some low clouds and place. That system swings in and you will feel the difference in the temperatures. As we go on to tuesday and wednesday, not much rain associated with this. After today, wednesday or thursday that may be it for a little bit. Im not saying forever but it may give us a little break as we head into the weekend. It will be colder, showers, low snow levels taking us into wednesday. Very cold temperatures into thursday but a little warmer heading into the weekend. Dinner is served in the firehouse but not from their own stove as they usually do it. Coming up we will tell you how vallejo firefighters are answering the call in another way, during this pandemic. How people are still coming together around the world while practicing social distancing. More than ever, your home is your sanctuary. Thats why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. Well pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner and the peace of mind that helps you focus on what matters most. Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, you can now purchase a new lincoln remotely, and defer payment for up to 120 days. Welcome back 25 mornings on 2. It is monday but we are going to be doing traffic with a little bit of a pick me up, this song by joe walsh. Go ahead and me up on social media. If there is a song you want to hear it is basically open request day. Going ahead and use the hashtag ktvu on facebook, twitter or instagram. Germany people in one apartment complex of the latest to go out on their balcony and show solidarity with italy as italy deals with the coronavirus pandemic. Love it, this made me smile. The scene playing out here a group joined together to sing the italian resistance song, the tribute comes after workers noted some people in northern italy holding singalongs from their balconies. Many neighborhoods are putting up holiday decorations as a way to create some cheer including hollowing life and christmas displays. People who live in this las vegas neighborhood say it is nice seeing the decorations while walking around. People are really stepping up trying to help Small Businesses struggling during the statewide shelter in place. Firefighters in vallejo usually cook their meals but their focus now on ordering takeout on a regular basis. The idea came after going out for food last week and seeing that they were the only guests in the restaurant. Nine firefighters behind me, theyre going to eat for 18, we like to place a large order at the restaurant so we can help out with some of their business. Thank you. Is the least we could do, you back to the community while this is going on. These firefighters encourage everybody to try and support locally owned Small Businesses the best way you can during the pandemic. Today bart is introducing his hours as ridership levels dropped to record lows. Usually the final bart trains leave at midnight the starting tonight the last train will leave at 9 00. This Weekend Service will be reduced from 8 am to 9 pm on saturdays and sundays. The city of berkeley will stop enforcing parking roles including time specific parking in school zones. Many people are staying home and they want to make it easier for people to park their cars without moving them. The change will be in effect through at least april 7. Bay area bridges going cash free, trying to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Caltrans says it will no longer be toll takers. If you dont have fasttrack you are expected to drive past the toll plaza without stopping to pay. Drivers will get a bill in the mail later based on the license plate numbers captured by the system at the bridge. Kentucky senator rand paul, the first u. S. Senator to be diagnosed with koven 19. The actions the senate are taking to make sure the virus is not bread on capitol hill. The latest orders in hawaii, on anyone who plans to visit the state. Good morning, president donald j. Trump has declared a major disaster in california. What this means for california and what washington lawmakers are doing today . Lawmakers return to the negotiating table this morning after the senate l to pass an Emergency Rescue package. Details on the major sticking points. Thank you for joining us, welcome to mornings on 2, it is monday morning, march 23. I am dave clark,

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