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Of the small plane coming down on the runway. His a different angle of the Emergency Landing. The plane had been circling the area for about an hour burning fuel. The initial call, there was an emergency, possibly a problem with the landing gear. That was the case. We will bring up a live picture. Fire trucks, you can see on scene. Medics said before the plane came down we saw one fire truck out on the runway to spray foam to help the plane as it came down. No word if anyone was hurt. Four people on board. It does appear that plane landed safely. No sparks, no flames. It just getting word, all operations at the san jose international, have been suspended until this situation is determined clear and safe for all. Week continue to follow this story and bring you more information as we get it. Up north we are following breaking news out of San Mateo County. Crews are on scene at a wildfire in san bruno state park. The burn is putting out a large amount of smoke. A wooded area off battle trail. It has a slow weight rate of speed. People are being told to avoid the area. We will continue to follow this story and bring the latest. Coronavirus concerns are growing as another case is being treated in the bay area. Superintendents in one county gathered to talk about the coronavirus. Live in san mateo with more. Reporter good afternoon, minutes ago a meeting of about two dozen superintendents from districts all around San Mateo County wrap up at the college of san mateo. These superintendents have a regular meeting every month. Thats not different. This month, the meeting focused on concerns relating to the coronavirus. We recognize our School Districts are and our families have concerns, but they also have great trust in our communication and our protocols. We want to remind everyone, the rim risk remains low. We have plans Going Forward as we need to. Right now, our greatest plan is to provide safe and supportive learning environments for our students. This meeting comes after the soup bern tendon of the High School District in sequoia, we have activated our Facility Department first and foremost to make sure we have up trade our cleaning and deep cleaning. Weve increased our disinfectant and cleaning of common areas. We have a plan in place to make sure our facilities are clean as possible. Centers for Disease Control transferred a patient who tested positive for the coronavirus to a medical facility in san mateo. The Health Officer said the counties focus is shifting from a containment to community mitigation. To taken steps to lessen the impact. He said our lives will be significantly disrupted by our need to respond to a global pandemic. Its not spreading in the bay area. Risk of infection still remains low. We are live on the college of san mateo. We will head back to you across the bay. Health officials in Solano County continue to search for people who may have come into contact with the woman who believed to be the first coronavirus patient who did not come in contact with someone who traveled outside of the country. We have more on the precautions people are taking to make sure they dont get sick. Thats leaving some businesses with empty shelves. Shells of the target store were wiped out of Hand Sanitizer. The only bottle i could find where the travel size that you see near check out. Employees were wearing gloves. Its important to protect himself now that there is a confirmed case in Solano County. I have wipes, Hand Sanitizer. Things to clean up. The shelves were pretty empty. Yeah i was hard to find a lot of the items i needed. They stocked up on sanitizers and cleaners, one day after the county declared a local emergency. A woman was diagnosed with the virus. We take precaution where you go and around crowds. Sure you wash your hands and dont get too close to people when you talk. s people at the dollar store bought out an entire shelf of Hand Sanitizer in cleaners. We have to keep going. Try to be healthy. State Health Officials call this first case a turning point. The patient did not leave the country. She did not knowingly make contact with someone who was sick. It appears the woman contracted the virus in her own community. We dont know where the patient was expose. She checked herself into the back of Valley Hospital with flulike symptoms. When her condition got worst, she was moved to uc davis in sacramento. They are trying to trace the patient steps, who she made contact with and where she went when she was contagious. We know the cat is out of the bag we are trying to slow the spread. In washington, d. C. , the Trump Administration is working on its response to the spread of the virus in the United States. Lawmakers are arguing over how the government is handling the outbreak and what more needs to be done. Friday Morning House members received an unclassified briefing on the governments response to the coronavirus. The political buck passing has begun as a grapple with how to contain the spread of the virus and how much money to spend. At the moment we are not getting enough information from the administration, not explaining where the money is going and where it may be coming from. One congressman leaving the meaning early because of the bickering. Something so fundamental to the nation is a political surface. Discussing so i left. Democrats amthe media ignoring the efforts administration has taken to contain the outbreak. What was going on for five weeks ago when we took extraordinary steps. Why did you not hear about it x the president is the one who needs to demonstrate some urgency. Is for the spending bill to deal with the coronavirus. A Senior Administration official said theres been Good Progress and it could move forward early next week. Is likely to have seven and half billion dollars. The number could be higher. In washington, lauren blanchard, ktvu fox 2 news. Stocks are down again. It has been a rough week overall. Markets are fearing what is coming next with the coronavirus and investors are nervous. We are heading into the worst week since the 2008 recession. Dow jones is down by more than 3 . It will lose 800 points. It was down by more than 1000 midmorning so this is a little better. The s p has a 2 1 2 loss. The nasdaq is down almost 2 . The coronavirus is shutting down industrial centers, shutting down travel around the world. We will see the impact here in the bay area. Reporter it was a historic day on wall street for all the wrong reasons. Is probably correct that the dock market dropped a lot e possibility that there will be real economic problems. The market which had been driven up by optimism that gdp growth would continue have quicklys filed down. They said containment could be months away. Quarantines are in place at dozens of countries. People stop shopping and dining out. Fear has kept them at home. Kept them away from businesses and shoppings. The economic hit kept coming on thursday. Facebook is counseling is conference in san jose. Microsoft is pulling out of the game developer conference in San Francisco next month. Markets are concerned about manufacturing supply chains in china and other countries. The fda announced the first drug shortage doing due to an unnamed manufacturer not meeting the ingredients. Japan is also closing schools nationwide through march and the Tokyo Olympics might counsel. Saudi arabia is banning travelers to visit holy muslim sites. Airlines are canceling flights. The Federal Reserve might lower Interest Rates but that might not be enough. Both businesses and ordinary households are deciding to sit tight and not spend, i really doubt that a 1 change in Interest Rate will help a lot. President trump expressed optimism the markets will recover. Many of the people it did happen to assume the presidency you would have a crash like you never saw before. Nancy pelosi fired back. The market dropped 1800 points before the debate conference. Four days until super tuesday. A new poll showing what candidate is on top. The race for the right house including what happens here in california. Another warm day around the bay area before changes come our way in time for the weekend. I have details coming up. Tom steyer will beat donald trump on the economy. His people over profits plan makes a living wage a right. Creates thousands of good paying green jobs in california. And provides a 10 tax cut for everyone making under 250,000. Toms plan also makes health care a right, by adding a public option to obamacare. Protects union negotiated plans. And ensures californians can make their own health care choices. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Vo iand there are doers. Lkers Mike Bloomberg has spent his life getting things done. Started a company from scratch, creating 20,000 good paying jobs. Thats getting it done. As mayor, he rebuilt a shakentr 450,000 jobs. Expanded healthcare to 700,000 and raised teacher pay. Elected for three terms because he got things done. Mike beat the nra, strengthening gun laws. He beat big coal, closing over 300 dirty coal fired plants. Mike is still getting things done. So ask yourself. For president , do you want a debater or a doer . Someone with workable, common sense plans to fix healthcare and create jobs, whos done both. Mike has the record and resources to beat trump. And it will take both. But mike will get it done. Bloomberg im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. San francisco District Attorney is launching new policies combating Racial Disparities in massive incarceration. A list of policy directives are important to communities of color who are disproportionately affected by crime. Charging more cases of contraband were obtained through minor traffic stops. Hes making good on a Campaign Promise to stop gang enhancements and telephone you three strike law. Today we take action we send the message loud and clear to the Police Department and communities of color. We will no longer participate in, condone, tolerate or ever five racist police tactics. The District Attorney says the policy changes are based on reforms suggested in the 2018 Justice Department report. Racial bias needs to be addressed to restore trust and confidence in the system. We check in with meteorologist, we are not finding rain this month are we . We are going to end on a dry note unfortunately. Temperatures up once again. Mix since these two upper 70s and some areas. The east bay has highlevel clouds overhead. We do have a system that will bring us a cool down. It will kick up our winds for the weekend. We just mentioned a moment ago, not going to bring us rain. Take a look at temperatures outside. Upper 60s over areas of santa rosa. A low 70s over areas like livermore as well as san jose. Heres a look at the cloud cover. Use from up above we could see how coming in from the west or little bit of fog to develop along the coastline. We have this system dropping them. It will bring snow to the sierra. More coming up on our next weather hit. A system is pulling over the area of southern california. Is bringing us high clouds that you see today. The fog is beginning to develop along the coastline. The onshore breeze will kick up as we get into the afternoon. Temperatures are down by a few degrees. Palo alto is down and nampa fairfield down by a few degrees. The north bay 67 degrees in santa rosa. We talked about areas in San Francisco. You go inland, 70 in walnut creek. Upper 60s over brentwood. Low 70s in los gatos and 70 degrees expected for areas over santa cruz. Look at the temperatures in San Francisco on the west edge. Upper 50s to low 60s. We have fog developing. You get closer to the embarcadero downtown and temperatures are in the mid to upper 60s. 76 reported over stamford. Another warm day. This begins to change as we get into your weekend. Again, temperatures will hold back. Unfortunately will not see rain in the system. Afternoon high 75 for fairfield. The low 70s and the north bay. Upper 60s to low 70s around the bay. 70 for oakland. 68 in San Francisco. South bay 76 in san jose. 77 los gatos. Extended forecast we show you the numbers dropping dramatically in the weekend. Turning windy as we go into sunday. Extended forecast, still no rain. The temperatures bands back to upper 60s or 70. There will be snow in the passes. We will have that coming up in a bit. Are market in San Francisco caught on camera. The search for two men who dragged a woman while trying to steal her purse. Vo he had already taken the giving pledge to give his money to charity, when this californian walked away from his billion Dollar Company for good. He drives a chevy volt, flies commercial, and spends his days building grassroots campaigns for social and environmental justice. Why . Tom steyer believes every child deserves the same opportunities as his. A healthy planet. Good schools. Quality healthcare, living wage jobs, and life without fear of discrimination. Tom im tom steyer and i approve this message. Proof i can fight moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis. With humira. Proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin in psa. Humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Humira is proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage,. And clear skin in psa. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. My sons were in their teens. When i came home from prison so i got involved in juvenile justice, i didnt want them to go through the same thing i went through. Michael bloomberg created the young mens initiative. In helping keep other young men and young women from entering into the criminal justice system. And we see it, we see it in young people being employed. We see young people being removed out the system. Running for president , what better platform for him to speak about real justice, real reform. Im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Police are investigating the death of a little leavenyear old boy who was hit and killed in antioch. The young boy was trying to run across a busy street with a friend. Besides the high school when he was hit by car. The boy was taken to the hospital. The driver remain on the scene and is cooperating. Police are looking for several people involved in a violent purse snatching that was caught on camera. We see how it happened. Reporter terrifying crime in chinatown captured on camera. A woman targeted by thieves while walking through the tunnel from the sacramento street side just after 9 00 sunday morning. The dark sedan stopped and warned its under surveillance. He is seen dragging a woman on the ground. A physical struggle over the purse ensued which caused the victim to fall to the ground. The suspect then dragged that victim as he was trying to grab that person from the victim. Segment jumping from the same vehicle assisting his cohort and tried to ripped the purse away from the woman. The police will describe her as a adult female. She contacted the police after the incident. We asked for victims to comply. She may have been complying but she may not have been able to remove her belongings from her in time. The city installed 18 new cameras because of a rash of crimes. They are pretty obvious. The crooks either dont notice them or dont care. Crimes keep happening. They are seen at hipaa business because of the coronavirus and these crimes are not helping. The travel agency is located close to the scene of sundays robbery. He believes crimes are being carried out by people outside the area and giving chinatown a bad name. Business owners have organized, sharing information on the social media platform. All businesses in the area can be on alert. Its a good area to visit. There is a lot of history here. This happens it will hurt business. The San Francisco Police Department said they are investigating the purse snatching right now. His department is working hard on each crime reported in the city. We work hard on the cases that you see publicly as well as the ones you dont. San Francisco Police are looking for a second person after a attack on an elderly agent man who was threatened, harassed and taunted with rasul slurs. They made one arrest including charges against him with a hate crime. Local and state leaders joined in to denounce what happened. The police chief was disgusted at what he saw on the video. That does not represent the city. What we see here, represents our city. We are better than that. We are better than that. Police say they are closing in on the second person who was involved in the attack. Ahead of super tuesday, the candidates are making their final push for votes. Why mayor pete said he should be the parties nominee. The coronavirus has an effect on the local economy. A chef has seen significant drop. For Climate Change is an emergency. Thats why i wrote the nations most progressive climate law. And thats why im endorsing tom steyer. Because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. Same with the keystone pipeline. When tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Hey, ktvu fox 2 viewers, if youre watching us using an overtheair antenna, youre going to need to rescan starting on march 9th at 10 00 a. M. Grab your tv remote, press the menu button, and go to the channel or antenna menu and select auto tune or rescan. Your tv will do the rest. And if youre watching by cable or satellite, you dont need to do anything. If you have questions, go to ktvu. Com or call us at 5108740168. It may come as a surprise but medicare doesnt pay for everything. And that can leave you looking for help with some outofpocket costs. Well, heres a way to help bridge the gap with a medigap plan, like an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Medigap plans help pay some of what medicare doesnt, reducing your outofpocket costs. With zero networks and zero referrals needed. Which all adds up to a little more peace of mind. Call or click now to connect with Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company and talk with a licensed Insurance Agent about the range of plans and rates available. Or, schedule an appointment with a licensed Insurance Agent right in your area. Remember, a medigap plan helps bridge the gap medicare doesnt pay for. And, these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. So, call or click to connect with unitedhealthcare today about aarp Medicare Supplement plans. So, call or click to connect with unitedhealthcare today my sons were in their teens. When i came home from prison so i got involved in juvenile justice, i didnt want them to go through the same thing i went through. Michael bloomberg created the young mens initiative. In helping keep other young men and young women from entering into the criminal justice system. And we see it, we see it in young people being employed. We see young people being removed out the system. Running for president , what better platform for him to speak about real justice, real reform. Im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. We follow breaking news in San Mateo County were crews are on the scene at a wildfire. According to cal fire, 5 to 7 acres have burned in the wooded area off battle trail. By two first brought you this news. So far there are no evacuations or injuries. The fire is putting up a a lot of thick black smoke. A helicopter is coming to be helping with the fight. It is very dry and quite warm today. We will follow the breaking news story and bring you the latest through this newscast. Struck more breaking news in san jose. All operations are suspended at the airport since a small plane made an Emergency Landing half an hour ago. The it did quite a balance or two. It was coming in from idaho falls. You have four people on board. It had a problem with his landing gear. The pilot had to circle to burn off fuel. Emergency crews sprayed the runway with phone before the flight landed. Struck u. S. Stocks taking the big hit which has been a historic week due to the uncertainty of the coronavirus. It will be the worst week in stock since the 2008 recession. The dow jones is down close to 900 points. The nasdaq is down 2 . S p 500 is down 3 . This morning i was joined by george from wealth management. He compared this to fears of sars back in 2002. Every time weve had an epidemic theres been a downturn in the market. The market was down for about 33 days when we had sars. It turned down quite bad. One month later, the dow was up a. 5 percent. He does not see a recession being triggered this year. Of the u. S. Had slow growth economy and low in relation and low unemployment. Dozens of cases are here in california. Help professionals around the world are trying to address the same problem. Fears around the virus continues to spread with countries around the world had taking extra cautions to keep the virus at bay. Schools and attractions including tokyo disney, closed in japan. The swiss government banning all events. In italy where there are 650 confirmed cases and growing, churches and museums are closing. With an already weak economy they wonder if they can withstand the blow. The World Health Organization encourages early action by countries. The outbreak has pandemic potential. Take measures before the virus takes a foothold. G7 countries have reported cases of the virus. 83,000 people now are affected. Markets around the world have been hit hard. The u. S. Dow fell 10 be the wor since 2008. We see concern where people do not want to go out. The virus is sparking a global demond for they smacks. The demand leaves store owners scrambling to keep up. Weve seen a 200 increase in sales over the last week. Price gouging, Companies Like amazon are monitoring their sites to make sure mask sellers do not take advantage. Authorities say a mystery case in Solano County is no connection to the 32 you see davis students. The cdc said one of the students was showing mild symptoms and moved off campus for testing. The other two are isolated in another building at uc davis. Being so close feels more nerveracking. They quarantine three guys from our building. No way its a rumor right . Then i got an email this morning, confirming that. Uc davis Officials Say there is no evidence of a health threat. There are no plans to cancel classes. Three other college goons have been told to stay home and monitor their health after being close to a coronavirus patient. One is American River college one at can some this River College and one at Sacramento City college. They returned to schools after the public Health Officials said no immediate action need to be taken. Tim cook says he is optimistic china is getting the coronavirus under control. They are now speeding up production at their plants. When you look at the parts done in china, we have reopened factories. They were able to work through the condition to reopen. They are also there. Apple is one of the Big Tech Companies that have been hit hard. But he know base company could fall short of their profit goals for the third quarter. Struck amazon had faults claims saying they could cure the or help preventof virus. People are charging exorbitant prices for products used tos defend againstthe spread. A San Francisco Restaurant Owner said concerns about the coronavirus have triggered dozens of cancellations this week alone. The Emergency Declaration appears to be adding to peoples fears. Amber lee has this story. My business is my livelihood, i work seven days a week, 16 hours a day. A passion behind cooking is behind her love for her restaurant. It serves new american and california cuisine. I put everything in my life to open this. Its been almost 4 years since she open the doors. The business has been doing well so r r the mayor said a state of Emergency Declaration regarding the coronavirus, she had 13 cancellations including one for a party of eight. The clients felt uncomfortable due to the state of emergency. Back cancellation was followed by 20 on wednesday and 17 on thursday. This comes when she was just named a semi finalist for the James Beard Award for californias best chef. This is her second nomination. The first was two years ago. The last time i got nominated we jumped up about 20 . This time we jumped dropped about 20 . Other restaurants have dropped in business. The Emergency Declaration did not help. Foot traffic dropped 70 , 80 . We have to start taking hours away from your employees to stay alive. The mayor state of Emergency Declaration was necessary to get state and federal resources. But the unfounded fear could do lasting harm to small misses his. We talk to Business Owners every day, they have the real fear whats happening to their businesses. Some say we are doing their part to help. We go through the neighborhood and go through the business. Wash her hands and be mindful when you are in public laces. Thats all we can do. She is determined to win weather the storm. Without small restaurants like us and other small businesses. It would not be San Francisco. Bernie sanders has taken a strong lead among california voters. According to the institute of governmental studies. 34 support sanders. It puts him ahead of Elizabeth Warren with 17 . Bloomberg is 12 . Joe biden is fifth with a percent. Bernie sanders will tuesdays primary. He holds a rally at the San Jose Convention center. Reporter today pam cook talked oneonone with democratic president ial candidate, pete buttigieg. She has why he should be the parties nominee. In order to win and govern, you need to do this and bring as many people a long as possible. That means calling out fellow democrats and independents and even some republicans are disgusted in this administration they can see where they fit. Buttigieg is ahead in the primary there tomorrow. Joe biden will appear in San Francisco. Dr. Joe biden will be at the Fort Mason Center at 3 00 this afternoon for a meet and greet. Joe biden said he will be there on super tuesday but details have not been announced. Our live coverage begins at four p. M. On super tuesday and the and continues throughout the night. San francisco Attorneys Office of fishes 14 new subpoenas with the corruption scandal. The public works person was arrested on fraud charges. They headed development of a mixed use construction project. The office is following the evidence wherever it leads. They are trying to bribe an airport commissioner. And pert patrick was fired and they met last night. Some say they were not surprised by the commissions decision. We have been asking for the firing of the police chief for one year. Almost one year. Im so glad it happened. This commission is a disgrace. Certain members are writing up conspiracy theories. Oakland Police Officers are responding to call for service with little support from the city leadership. They fired her without cause. Of Virtual Reality experience like no other. Bringing Martin Luther kings i have a dream speech to life. Low clouds ahead of a system that will bring us cooler temperatures and breezy conditions. I have details coming up. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. President kennedy knew settling for halfmeasures wasnt good enough. So when candidates say we cant guarantee health care for all, make College Affordable for all, combat Climate Change, or create a world at peace, remember that america is best when we strive to do big things, even when its hard. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Voas the republicansupported mayor of new york city. Bloomberg they are male, minorities, 16 to 25, you can just take the description xerox it and pass it out to all the cops, throw them against the wall and frisk them. Vo and he blamed the end of discriminatory mortgage practices for the financial crisis. Bloomberg redlining if you remember was the term and dont go into those areas and then congress got involved and local elections were as well and Congress Said it was not fair, people should be allowed to get credit. Vo those policies were racist, and Mike Bloomberg was wrong to support them. But, thankfully, there is a better way tom steyer will be a president for all of america. Tom will use his experience starting a Nonprofit Bank for underserved communities and fighting for clean air and water in black and brown communities across the country to put social, economic, and Climate Justice at the heart of his presidency. Thats how we make real change. Steyer im tom steyer and i approve this message. We are following breaking news out of washington, d. C. We are learning that the United States is expected to sign a historic peace deal with the taliban aimed at bringing troops home from afghanistan. Its expected to be signed tomorrow. Secretary of state mike pompeo, will witness the signing with representatives of the taliban. The most important brewery will remain closed today after an employee shot and killed five coworkers before turning the gun on himself. Officials met with families and spent time with them at the brewery. The mayor offered his condolences. The victims family needs support. Its important that we as a Community Come together and put our arms around these families. 51yearold Anthony Ferrell was an electrician he worked out course for 15 years. They spent most of the day searching his home. They have not confirmed what led to the shooting. The family of a 12yearold girl in a hit and run have announced the details of her memorial. The service will be held at Three Crosses church at 1 00 saturday, march 7. It will be held at the church from 4 to 8 p. M. She was hit while she and her sister were in across rot. 24yearold joshua burns is accused of the hit and run. He turned himself in and he is out on 75,000 bail. People are in jail with the stabbing in fremont. They were called to a street and one person was arrested at the scene and another turned himself in. The victim is expected to recover. Recordbreaking punishment for the role in Deadly Wildfires in 2017 and 18. A 2. 1 billion penalty against the utility. That represents a sharp increase from the settlement pg e agreed to last year and a largest ever imposed. The administrative judge found the original punishment was too lenient. The assist decision can be appealed in the next 20 days. All sorts of son out there and warm conditions. This will be the last day. Tings start to change as early as saturday. Getting look here across the bay. High clouds in place ahead of the system. It wont bring us rain but will bring us the cooler temperatures and wind in the coastline and in the hills. There is a look with a view from above. Also a little bit of coastal fog developing along the coast. This is a system that will work through the Pacific Northwest and along the backside of california. We have seen this in weeks past, it will bring snow to the sierras. Getting into friday evening we will remain with clouds in place. Then saturday it will begin to sweep through. You can see Northern California picking up just a little bit but more so in the bay area. We are partly cloudy and dry. As we get into sunday and monday, more dry weather on the way. This talk about sierra for just a moment. This area is expected to get a few inches of snow. Not necessarily an advisory for winter travel. There will be advisory for wind. Snow levels will be at 3500 feet dropping down to 1500 feet on sunday. To expect slick roads and snow tires and chains ready just in case. You are going to be heading up and coming back for the weekend. The wind advisory starts and when gus about 40 Miles Per Hour right around the lake. It will be windy out there. A little bit of snow. For us, saturday morning the winds begin to pick up. Notices we get into the afternoon and evening hours, the shades of yellow and orange indicating it could turn breezy along the coastline especially in our hills. We dont have an advisory but it will be a cooler and breezy pattern for the weekend. To temperatures outside right now. 72 in livermore. Right around seven cisco we have 65. Our south bay location 72 in san jose. Low to mid 70s for the north day. 70s in san rafael. Upper 60s for the city of San Francisco. Low to mid 70s for east bay. 75 in antioch. Going to be warm upper 70s and morgan hill and 79 expected for gilroy. Extended forecast, cloudy, cooler and breezy weather for the weekend. Temperatures tumble low 60s for the afternoon. To saturday and sunday, it does not last. We are backup. 70 degrees tuesday under dry conditions. A never before image of dr. Martin luther king jr. Is on the cover of time magazine. It looks like a photograph but its not. It comes from a new Virtual Reality experience that opens in chicago at the African American history. Today a behind the scenes look. s reporter a quarter 1 Million People marched on washington and witness Martin Luther kings speech now dubbed, i have a dream. Blackandwhite newsreel footage of how this experience is of this is a historic moment. We will be able to join hands with little white girls and white boys. I have a dream. To los angeles companies worked with time to create an immersive experience through groundbreaking reality technology. A threeyear effort. We have to wait for the technology to get good enough. To represent performance of this kind. It took a year to convince the king of state that it could be created in a way that honors him and not detracts from his legacy. Martin luther kings entire body was recreated. We are using Machine Learning techniques which essentially document every piece of archives of dr. King. It checks that against the performance in the virtual character and make slight adjustments. The attention to detail includes every gesture, facial tick and the way the blood flows in his face. When you are animated, blood flows to your face. This is representative in the experience. This is why previously when you look at the characters they dont look right. Then you can see his eyes. And he is essentially alive at this point. Thats not all. Digital domain recreated the march allowing visitors to walk along hundreds and thousands of visitors to the memorial. You are in front of dr. King. Everyone is represented by a point of light. You have this very intimate and powerful experience where he delivers the last five minutes of his speech. In here in mississippi from every mountainside. From fox news. Still to come at noon. A special Birthday Party with twins in berkeley. They were born only 11 minutes apart but are so unique. Working with Mike Bloomberg was one of the most empowering experiences that ive had. Its important to talk to the people who know him personally. I worked for him for 8 years in city hall. Ive been working for bloomberg for 27 years. 25 years. Almost 30 years. Theres nobody that i respect more, and felt more respected by. Mike believes excellence is not defined by gender. Mike builds a culture that advances women. I was the first woman ever appointed to be council to the mayor. He expects excellence out of everyone, but he also provides the kind of support that allows you to be that person. Mike called to tell me, you should be proud of what youve done and your name should be on that project. He has faith in you, he believes in you. It was about always showing up and doing your best. I always knew that he had my back. He was raised by an extraordinary woman, she supported him all along the way and thats very much a part of who he is. Mike supports women, he promotes women, and he respects women. Fisnt just about polar bears. Were fighting for our lives, were fighting for clean air and clean water. Thats why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. And only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. And hes still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. Thats the truth. Thats tom steyer. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Staying on top of breaking news in San Mateo County crews are on the scene of a wildfire. Seven acres of burn so far. The black smoke in the sky. Crews are tech in the fire from the air and the ground. And no reports of evacuations or injuries. Ened to commercial traffic after of small plane made an Emergency Landing just about an hour ago. Had problems with landing gear. We will have more on this coming up on the four as well. Proposition 13 is one of the hot button issues. If pass, 13 will allow the state to borrow billions to up grade California School infrastructures. It comes at a cost. Today on the four we will talk about the fours pros and cons. A few minutes away from the closing bell. The dow jones it 600 points. The dow has lost 15 this week. It is down nearly 1 . The s p 500 is down one and half percent. The weekend is almost here. Time to get outside. Heres rosemary with your weekend watch. Closing in on the weekend. Is a look at whats happening in the north bay. Enjoy three days of live bands, worldrenowned tattoo artists and contest at the tattoos and blues event. Held at the conference resort and spa. Attention bay area foodies. Of the last weekend to enjoy Sonoma County Restaurant Week where you can explore new dining opportunities or enjoy old favorites offering a menu at a discounted price. In San Francisco the hot air festival is happening this weekend. It focuses on collaboration by young performers as well music written in the past 50 years. Its free and in the San Francisco conservatory of music from noon to eight 30. The south bay the jazz winterfest continues. This features wellknown jazz talent as well is upandcoming artists on stage. Performances can be found at several locations around town through saturday. And sports sharks are home and warriors away on saturday. Lee. Twins are one and four years old , celebrating their birthday today with the doctors and nurses a safe there lives. They were born 13 days early. They were born february 28th and february 29th. They spent 68 days of their lives in the neonatal intensive care unit. Four years later we are so grateful to be where we are. The boys are doing so amazing and we ack and give our thanks to the nicu staff. The chances of being worn on leap day is 1461. Is more unusual to have twins have separate birthdays. Mvp between the lawyer wires and lakers. The dog doug performed this some tricks. And they fell in love. A couple weeks ago we were talking about the dow 30,000. Not the case anymore another down day at the dow. Realm that was filled with life. Dr. Oz Shocking Stories of neardeath experiences. With a gasp of air i woke up in my unconscious body. R. Oz jackie walters. I want empower women to protect that vital part of their body. Dr. Oz everything you need to know about down there coming up next. R. Oz season 11 starts now. What happens when you almost die . And then come back to life . One woman

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