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above better than it was, a few high clouds and westerly breeze, 38 and 37 napa and fairfield, a nice day but cooler being closer to where we should be this time of year which is 60s and 70s.>> we do see that we are off to a nice start when it comes to the east they commute. let's look at 880 and the peninsula, highway 101 looking good and then we go to highway 280 where traffic is doing well and this shows traffic on interstate traffic on interstate 880 looking good and not a whole lot going on at the toll plaza. now back to the desk. bernie sanders is celebrating a win in the new hampshire primary with pete buttigieg a close second, sanders has 25.8% , 20 treated or pete buttigieg 24.4%, a strong showing for amy klobuchar third and elizabeth warren and joe biden lagged well behind in single digits. bernie sanders supporters in new hampshire and he and pete buttigieg continue the momentum from iowa finishing as the two front runners once again and analysts say that the search to third place by amy klobuchar is likely due to her strong debate performance in new hampshire.>> the reason that we will win as we are putting together an unprecedented, multi generational, multiracial political movement. >> you asserted the famous independence drink and thanks to you a campaign that some said should not be here at all has shown that we are here to stay.>> we have beaten the odds every step of the way.>> now elizabeth warren and joe biden failed to hit the threshold for delegates now here is where the candidates stand in the delegate count so far after iowa and new hampshire. pete buttigieg with 22 total, bernie sanders 21, elizabeth warren eight , amy klobuchar seven and joe biden six and candidates need 1991 delegates to secure their nomination on the first ballot at the democratic national convention>> two more candidates dropping out of the presidential race following the results of the new hampshire primary.>> you know i am the math guy and it is clear tonight from the numbers that we will not win this race. >> in announcing the end of his campaign entrepreneur andrew yang said he did not want to continue accepting donations and support in the race he just could not win colorado sen. michael bennet also dropped out of the race, his campaign never really gained any traction in a crowded democratic primary field and he failed to qualify for the last rounds of debates. mixed news this morning about the coronavirus outbreak. a top epidemiologist in china says the virus is reaching its peak and it could end as a soon as april. now the virus has killed more than 1100 people and infected 45,000 worldwide. 39 more people on board a quarantined cruise ship in japan have come down with the coronavirus raising the total to 175. >> at palo alto mother and her daughter finally allowed to come back home after being quarantined the past two weeks. maureen naylor talked to them as they were released from a southern california military base.>>reporter: this palo alto woman and her smile says it all, she facetimed with us while preparing to leave the southern california military base where she has been quarantined 14 days. >> thank god we got out. i am really grateful. grateful for everything the us government has done. >> esther tebeka and her 15- year-old daughter was some of the 195 evacuees phone in from china on this january 29 flight and quarantined in riverside county on the base ever since. >> everyone within the cohort pass their health screening. >> this was a photo of some of them tossing their facemasks in celebration. >> i want to make it crystal clear these people do not have coronavirus. >> esther tebeka travel to wuhan china to visit her ailing mother and halfway through the visit the entire city was put under quarantine and with help from the consulate she managed to get book on this evacuation flight and agreed to be contained for 72 hours but only after the flight arrived in the us were passengers told that quarantine would be 14 days to the palo alto woman said that she and her daughter had their temperatures regularly checked and they were able to get outside every day mostly chose to stay in the room the mother could not wait to get home to see her other two children who'd been staying with friends in san jose. she understands some people have fear about her returning to the bay area and is considering staying home for the rest of the week to make them feel better. she feels grateful to have witnessed the unprecedented federal quarantine and says it brings her new appreciation.>> i used to hate this long drive from los angeles to the bay area but today it was a new appreciation for life. each minute and each second is wonderful. >> local asian groups are trying to ease public fears in an attempt to help struggling businesses because of the coronavirus, the oakland chinatown chamber of commerce held a public workshop yesterday to address misconceptions about the coronavirus. the workshop also advised people about healthy practices during the cold and flu season while the coronavirus has attacked central china workshop organizers say there are only two confirmed cases in santa clara county and none in the east bay.>> we may see cases in the bay area but if we do we are ready to assess them and detect and isolate those and we do want to make sure nobody is discriminated against because of their race or country of origin the only risk factors are someone who recently traveled to mainland china.>> business owners in chinatown in san francisco and oakland said business is down as much as 50% because of the coronavirus threat today a california coalition will hold a daylong event as supporters call on governor gavin newsom to give them a voice in decisions about the future of pg&e and groups involved include wildfire survivors, advocates for the disabled, environmentalists and labor unions. they have a checklist that they want the governor to require for a new and reformed pg&e. some of the demands include workers and community controlled clean and renewable energy for everyone and also corporate accountability. a chico newspaper supporting the number of people who died because of the camp fire and butte county is likely higher than the official count of 85, the fire destroyed the town of paradise and doctors tell the chico enterprise record at least 50 more died from complications during and after the fire. medical officials say there are other deaths directly connected to the fire and most are older people who suffered medical emergencies from all of the stress of the fire or left behind medications as they ran for their lives. an update to a story we first brought you last month about a young girl from brentwood 10-year-old sammy winters is back home this morning after being released from oakland children's hospital yesterday. should been in the hospital since november paralyzed from the waist down and she tested positive for the rhinovirus which went into her spine her father explained that she is now on the road to recovery.>> you cannot take life for granted or take the things that we do and have for granted. with her, just moving forward with progress, we know what the diagnosis is and the path going forward will be intense physical therapy. we want to push forward with that and we are very optimistic about a full recovery. >> now sammy is able to walk a limited distance with the help of a walker or someone helping her. she will continue outpatient therapy locally and then we'll go to baltimore for further care. >> we wish her all the best. now let's check the traffic at 4:39 am, how are we doing? >> we're off to a nice start frank and pam, a nice drive on most of these commutes, a little bit of flowing out of the tracy area. if you know someone coming from tracy over to livermore they will see some slowing right before the altamonte pass but it gets better before livermore and no major issues from livermore to dublin and off to castro valley. interstate 880 looks nice past the coliseum in the morning commute is also looking very good at the bay bridge toll plaza. we will continue to watch this as it ramps up but as of now we still have an opportunity to jump ahead of the crowd. it is 4:40 and let's bring steve back.>> thank you sir. in case you did not hear santa rosa hit 80 and the sonoma airport hit 81, the earliest 800 reading on the season for all of the airport locations that we use around here, they beat phoenix arizona and las vegas nevada this year to reach 80, neither of those two have. the temperature difference is big, look at half moon bay, 250 colder than this time yesterday and fairfield is off 23 and livermore and napa -20, cooler but above average, 60s and 70s and the cooling continues the next few days. the offshore breeze is less considerably and there is a slight southwesterly component at a little bit of patchy fog showing up. up into the hills it is north for mount diablo, and the berkeley hills a slight north and northeast breeze. not as strong but at the surface more variable. so you are seeing 30 noon at half moon bay and 38 at napa airport, livermore is 42. they were all in the 60s yesterday at this time. high cloud deck coming down will add to the cooling, any rain? i do not think so. 60s on the temperatures up to 70s, we peeked out yesterday and we will continue that into the weekend, possibly light rain on sunday but the way things are going i just do not think it will happen. >> thank you. 4:41 am, a marin county school is creating a safe place for students to deal with stress the next how one heartbroken mother hopes to help other families. how young oakland students are using their voices in a new documentary to channel dr. martin luther king jr. during black history month. mike: anyone hear the slogan, 'mike will get it done?' ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. fisn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. students at a berkeley high school marched to school district headquarters for another day of protests about what they call a dangerous culture of sexual harassment at the high school.>> we want change, we want change. >> they presented a list of demands yesterday about how the district should handle sexual assault and harassment students say berkeley high need additional staff and education for students to address its many problems. >> these demands and the problem have been around for a very long time at berkeley high. so we are excited about this and we want to see them put their money where their mouth is and start making change.>> the students protests started after the district was hit with a lawsuit last friday over an incident reported at the school, the district is not commenting and will not say if anyone involved in the lawsuit is still allowed on campus marin county officials are tackling the tough issue of suicide, the county unveiled a plan to reduce suicides and suicide attempts and this program was put together by police, hospitals and schools. some of the strongest voices came from families who have lost loved ones to suicide, kate's 17-year-old son warren omitted suicide just as she thought he was getting ready to go to college.>> he was ready to leave but it was not off to college he was just ready to leave this earth. >> they need to feel seen and they need to feel heard and they need to know what to do when things go wrong.>> san rafael high school made mental health a priority and already offer a place on campus for students to go to ease stress or connect with someone who can help them. this week novato high school is holding wellness workshops for students offering everything from time management skills to yoga. santa clara board of supervisors have unanimously approved what it calls a universal male pilot program and it would spend $8 million in the next four years to provide both breakfast and lunch for all of the children designated schools and that could be as many as 12,000 students right now families have to apply for free or reduced priced meals and the boards is offering free meals to all students at what are considered to be high poverty schools would get around the problem. a san francisco-based composer is using music to teach a lesson in black history to a group of elementary school students in the city marcus shelby was at the clarendon alternative elementary school twin peaks yesterday and spoke to hundreds of nine, 10 and 11- year-olds from everything about harriet tubman and the underground railroad to nat king cole.>> we all see this as important and to embrace it and to be serious about it and to see how it is interconnected.>> i am one quarter african- american and i like learning about my own culture. >> this way we can understand how everybody went through things and how it helps improve>> marcus shelby said he hopes the lessons learned yesterday will be absorbed in the general us history curriculum rather than just a separate month. oakland students are being featured in a new hbo documentary drawing inspiration from dr. martin luther king jr. drawing inspiration from dr. martin luther king jr. >> the documentary profiles the students as they take part in an annual public speaking competition and amber lee attended last night's premier and spoke to some of the students involved.>>reporter: the premier of we are the dream at the fox theater celebrated the students, parents and teachers of oakland. the documentary tells the story through their eyes of the 40th annual martin luther king oratorical fest in 2019.>> although i am a young kid i can still use my voice.>> voices heard in the one hour film and capture the journeys of students in the oakland unified school district as they prepared and rehearsed for the competition showcasing their oratorical skills.>> racism and hate, killings and war, this is the world. >> she recited from a poem that she wrote and she and other students performed material often drawn from their lives>> sometimes i will hear gunshots at night and it really makes me think we need to make a difference in this.>> the executive producer of we are the dream is two time academy award winner hershelo ali, who grew up here. >> i saw myself even from the standpoint of being shot and you will recognize some of yourself and each of these kids. >> he said support from teachers and parents is crucial encouraging children to speak the written word can be a powerful way to communicate. >> to have this moment now and have it this way will impact self-esteem >> this is a rise up moment for the kids and this is a time where there are a lot of problems in the world and these kids are sharing both their sense of the future and what needs fixing and what they are hopeful about.>> these children said the ability to thrust themselves publicly is empowering helping them see they can make a difference >> i really like the fact that participating in this makes me see the world differently. >> the documentary will be televised on hbo on february 18 and eventually i am told it will be available online. in oakland amber lee ktvu . contra costa county supervisors are dedicating this upcoming saturday to a man recently killed by police. the supervisors passed a resolution declaring february 15 miles all day of memories, he was mentally ill walnut creek man fatally shot by walnut creek release in june, fairbury 16th through the 22nd will be recognized as african- american little health awareness week.>> mental illness knows no socioeconomic boundaries, no racial boundaries or city boundaries, and it is something in this county that we have taken very seriously.>> the supervisors say they hope the acknowledgment will help remove the stigma from mental illness and help people receive the treatment they need. 4:51 am. traffic starting to build up, maybe 580?>> a little bit, 580 at the ultima pass or the altamont pass yes. let's go to 580, a coinkydink, gosh i hate that word and never will use it again, now it gets better to livermore and pleasanton and driving up to castro valley looks good. no problems on interstate 880. getting a little more crowded but i would not say you have to worry about it. it gets more crowded about 20 minutes from now at the toll plaza so if you get on the road and get here soon i think you'll be in good shape.>> you know what it is tougher every day, it stinks. thank you sir. we do have a change in the weather pattern today and it will be cooler. i know mike, we played usta out at oakhurst in clayton, mike was good and i was not. i know we need rain but as a motorcyclist i am stoked with the dry and warm weather and you know who else is happy question mark roofers. i hear from you all the time. i know that we hear rain and we need it but i'm not complaining, santa rosa at 80 and napa 79 and richmond 74, those were records and some tide, sso and livermore at 74 and 72, that santa rosa 800 temperature and the sonoma county airport at 81 the first of the season for 800 temperatures which beat las vegas and phoenix who have yet to have 800 temperatures. half moon bay airport is 250 cooler than this time yesterday and fairfield down 23 and 20 for napa and livermore. upper 50s and 60s is where we should be and will be into the 60s and soft 70s today. higher clouds coming in and more of an offshore breeze at the surface has turned and more variable. still north and northeast except for mount st. helena. we have not lost the offshore component just yet but look at the surface, now 39, dirty eight, 37, half moon bay, napa and fairfield. look for a few high clouds and if you want to see a big system watch this one in texas. hello that will be a major producer, snow to the north and heavy rain and thunderstorm activity, most of the country is getting a wide variety of weather and we are not. we are getting record highs but today we eased back on those 60s to near 70 today, cooler weather and more clouds take us into your weekend. >> 80 felt pretty good. and up, an unprovoked attack on a teenager walking in san francisco, the video that lease hopefully to the arrest of the person responsible.>>reporter: new hampshire has a winner, i am caroline shively with the race results and i will tell you where the candidates go next. first why the regular dry weather what is supposed to be the bay area's wettest month has the state and emergency experts very concerned when mornings on 2 continues . tom steyer: listen, every democrat running for president is better than the criminal in the white house. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. mik'mike will get it done?'n, ok, let me tell you what the 'it' is. as mayor, i expanded healthcare coverage. as president, i'll build on obamacare because healthcare is a right. i created nearly 500,000 jobs in new york city. as president, i'll build an economy that delivers good jobs with higher wages. i'll take on the gun lobby and save lives. and i will stop trump's assault on women's reproductive rights. i've got a record of doing things. i've got the resources to take on this fight. as mayor, i held myself accountable for results. as president, i'll offer common sense plans and i will get it done. so let's stay on the offensive, and let's win. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. >> welcome back, today santa clara county authorities will be spring certain areas to prevent the spread of mosquitoes in the county will be spring the palo alto flood basin and the spray will be conducted by helicopter beginning at 7:30 this morning and the county is applying a naturally occurring spray and it will not be harmful to other wildlife or as humans. climate scientists and firefighters are concerned the bay area is nearly halfway through february without seeing significant rainfall in the last time no rainfall was recorded for the month of february in san francisco you go back to 1864. the forecast shows it is very unlikely the bay area will get any significant rainfall the rest of the month and more rain could come in march or april climate scientists warned that whatever comes would fall short of expectations which elevates the risk of wildfires later in the year. australia did that this year, they jumped into their summer so quickly with a very dry spring and then they had a huge fire season but we could have a similar thing. scientists a previous years of record rain could help somewhat as the states reservoirs are around or above historical averages. a new koala bear at the san francisco zoo has a new name after naming contest to raise money for the australian bushfire relief and the winning name kober wallamie, they went with two names and the first is burnt earth and aboriginal language and the second was the nearly extinct pine trees saved from the fire and the contest raised $15,000. that is one pampered pooch named seabud, the poodle is the 20/20 champion at the 144th westminster kennel club dog show and defeated more than 2600 other dogs over the last three days. bourbon the whippet finished second and daniel the golden retriever also made it to the final round and was clearly a crowd favorite, a golden retriever has never won by the way it westminster. >> we're going to take you live to brisbane to show you new video of this fire scene.>> it was a bizarre scene in court as the man charged with killing nia wilson rambled and gave incoherent answers while on the witness stand and the reason wilson's family says it is all an act.>> this victory here is the beginning of the end for donald trump. >> bernie sanders emerging the big victor in new hampshire primary followed closely by pete buttigieg and amy klobuchar, live with a look at the winners and losers and the

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