it is february 9. >> good morning and happy sunday. rosemary is here. the whole crew is here. you survived last night. >> we did. it was cold but not as cold as i think it's going to be. actually, the weather was great. >> not bad at all. it's hard to think that we were just there and now we are here. >> i know. >> the story for today will be the wind. it is windy out there. you may have notice. this a look at lake tahoe where it is wendy as well. they are starting off with some cloud cover this morning. this is system is bringing us a wind advisory that will last until tomorrow for many parts of the bay area. gusting to 50 miles per hour out there. it will last the entire day. temperatures are cold but not too bad. with the wind, we are starting out warmer than where we were yesterday morning. details on temperatures and the wind advisory and what you can expect for the week coming up. new, one person is in the hospital in serious condition after being struck by a car in san francisco. this happened at about 3 am at 19th avenue police say a toyota previous was traveling southbound on 19th avenue when it struck an adult male. a pedestrian was taken to the hospital. he is in life-threatening condition. the driver remained at the scene and is cooperating with the investigation. tens of thousands filled the streets of san francisco for the chinese new year parade. >> the celebration welcomed in the year of the rat. this is the largest celebration of the lunar new year outside of asia. tanning out has always been good. there were concerns this year that people concerned about the coronavirus would stay away. there was no impact though. >> if there is, you could have pulled me. everyone out here, it looks like they're enjoying themselves and ready for a good time. there doesn't seem to be in effect. >> they were packed in. no estimate of the size but they sold 2400 police receipts. after the big repeat parade you have the massive cleanup. they got to work the moment the event and it. they cleaned up the long parade route. that took place all night long. it is expected to continue through most of the day today. a festival at the oakland museum continues today. >> a number of special events are planned for weekend festivities. their work people young and old coming out to celebrate the year the rat. >> we are amplifying traditions around the lunar new year at the museum. we are so excited to have multi generational participation. there are all sorts of art activities and performances. >> this is the 19th year they have had a celebration. new numbers show more people are dying from the coronavirus then sars. today, there are a total of 1800 people that have died from the coronavirus. there were 89 deaths today. 774 people were killed by sars. there are 37,000 confirmed infections around the world. the embassy in beijing has the first death of an american from the coronavirus. more jets evacuated american citizens. all passengers will be placed in a 14 day quarantine. anyone showing signs of the virus will be put in isolation and into a hospital. >> we expect to see additional cases of this coronavirus in the united states from returning passengers. >> for passengers quarantined on a cruise ship have been allowed to leave. they had been staying in the same room and three of them had the flu. the first's fourth passenger did not get sick. >> diamond princess as quarantined six more passengers including one american. that brings the ships total to 69 passengers. 12 passengers are american and the quarantine will remain in place until february 19. many factories have been closed for the new lunar new year celebration. now some are saying they will stay shut down because of the virus outbreak. volkswagen is one company saying it will not restart production before next week. several electronic manufacturers say they will be affected it by the supply chain. it could take weeks to wrap backup. economic analysis or analyst say that could change the timing of when to expect the release of the next apple iphone which usually happens in september. they say could also affect products planned for release in time for the end of the year holiday shopping season. >> new, the fbi and the san francisco police department are investigating after an off-duty agent shot a man. here's what we know so far. >>reporter: the fbi does confirm one of their agents was involved in a shooting. we are on asberry street. the scene is clear. we will take you to video what the scene look like earlier this morning and break down exactly what we know. the police department says this happened on ash berry street at about 11:30 last night. officers from the park district station got to the scene and found a man with a gunshot wound and it off-duty federal agent who was uninjured. the injured man was taken to san francisco general to be treated. the fbi is involved in what's being investigated as an agent involved shooting. >> this is being investigated. the protocol is the homicide detail conducts the investigation along with the district attorney's office. what we have now is an ongoing investigation into an officer involved shooting. >> members of the fbi's evidence response team were on scene collecting evidence and taking photos and looking under cars. clothes and a pair of shoes were in the middle of asberry street. we don't know what led up to the shooting. that is under investigation. the homicide team and district attorney's office will deal with the criminal investigation. the fbi will work on the administrative investigation. a statement reads the fbi takes any shooting incident involving agents or task force members seriously. the review process is thorough and objective and is conducted exponentially. the police department is asking for any information that you may have. >> now to a search for blue suv that struck and killed a four-year-old boy and then took off. neighbor say this area has been a source of problem for several years. the boy was hit just off of 23rd street. we talked with neighbors. >>he was so white. i said what is wrong. what happened? he started crying. >>reporter: tragedy strikes friday evening after four-year- old boy was hit and killed by an suv while helping bring in groceries with his family. >> yesterday at 5 pm officers responded to the 2200 block of kalina avenue in reference to a hit and run accident involving a four-year-old. >> the boys name was hector. he had been seen with his family many times before. tj evans was leaving for work facing the direction of the oncoming suspect vehicle. >> he clipped him. the kid came flying across the road. he came to a stop right where my car was then he turned around and i'm certain he saw what happen. after that, they noticed and got out of there as quickly as they could. >> neighbors tried to jump in to help. >> the father was at the car with the sun when it happen. he ran over immediately. i think the mother was inside the house when that happen. she came out screaming and crying. she was hysterical. there were a lot of good samaritans able to tend it to them and the child. >> the boy was life flighted to a hospital and pronounced dead friday. >> i have seen many car speeding up and down the street. what is surprising is they do that even though there are a lot of kids in the neighborhood and there is a school two blocks away. >> this is the main avenue. they have to do something. i have my babies. i'm worried. >> a car could be heard speeding off in the background during our interview. >> how long have you been in the neighborhood? >> 10 years. >> do you hear that? >> almost every day. >>reporter: police are looking for the driver of a 99 to 2003 two-door ford explorer. >> it may have a possible front end damage. it has custom wheels and has a white bumper sticker on the rear window or below the rear window. >> they are asking for the communities help. if you know anything about what happened, give police a call right away. back to you. 711 is the time. i guess it's pretty wind out there? >> yes. when i was driving i saw a branch fly across the road. i said okay. >> no fog, that's behind you. >> yes. and the wind it does that. it dries out the air and we have pretty views but if you're crossing bridges you will have to hold it tight to the wheel. the wind is howling. this is san francisco. noticed the camera shaking. that happens. we are taking pictures around the bay area. we can always tell when the wind is blowing because it gives us a shaky shot. here is storm tracker two. the entire state of california is dry. we are not looking at any rate but there was a system that dropped on the backside and is bringing us the win. the wind is 58 miles per hour right now over oakland hills. to the south we have 31. looking at fairfield and napa, it is not just the hills getting the wind. fairfield has wind gusting 39 miles per hour and napa 29. in the eden or east bay, concord has 37 miles per hour. the inner east bay as part of the wind advisory. the wind will continue to blow throughout the course of the day. this does not expire until tomorrow morning. for santa cruz, it expires at 7 am. for the hills north and east bay, it will expire at 11 o'clock in the morning. with the wind out there temperatures are a lot warmer. a lot of 50s to start the day. 50 degrees in santa rosa and 52 in san francisco and oakland. 50 in livermore, 50 over san jose. for the afternoon, temperatures are going to be relatively mild work 60s coming our way. a warm-up in the extended forecast. i'll have a look at that coming up in just a bit. >> thank you. the mother of five-year-old , why she says her child is in need of urgent care that she says ice is not providing. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back. candidates are crisscrossing new hampshire all weekend long pushing for votes of support ahead of the primary. a poll conducted before the the debate shows pete buttigieg with a slight edge. that puts them at 25% compared to bernie sanders at 24%. elizabeth warren has 14% and the vice president, joe biden has the number slip all week at 11%. minnesota senator stands at 6%. the democratic hopefuls are pulling out all the stops. summer taking aim at the front runners in the race. we are in new hampshire and have the very latest. >>reporter: things are heating up in new hampshire as candidates are ramping up their campaign efforts and ahead of tuesday's critical primary. joe biden is battling for votes after falling short in iowa. he released the new campaign video aimed at pete buttigieg. >> biden also saying he is not a barack obama and taking aim at his experience. >> i don't believe we are a party at risk if you nominate me . i believe we are at risk if you nominate someone who is never held a higher office than the mayor >> they are fighting back. >> i hear people saying what business does the mayor have running for president? there are so many communities, rural areas and the industrial cities and pockets of our biggest cities who have felt completely left behind by the ways of washington. we are tired of being reduced to a punchlineby washington politicians. >> the new york mayor, bloomberg has opted out. the billionaire said with all the fighting in the battleground state it is important that democrats stick together to defeat president trump. >> since the republican senate did not have the courage to remove the president from office, it is up to us to do it in november. >> officials anticipate a large turnout on tuesday hoping to hit the reset button after a rocky start to primary season. back to you. the most successful post debate fundraising. $2 million of donations since friday night's debate. donations came in from all 50 states. she placed fifth in iowa and faces the similar challenge in new hampshire. >> a new drop-off ballot box will make easier for those casting ballots in the election next month. they have installed a secure ballot box at the sycamore park ride and walk. ballots can be dropped off any time at that location. postage is not required. election day is march 3. it is one of the most wonderful days. you can see forever. it is gorgeous out there. the wind has a lot to do with it. >> yes. that pesky wind. we are with a wind advisory that will last until tomorrow morning. outside our doors, if you can see it from a view like this, that a beautiful start to the day. that the golden gate bridge. for many people crossing bridges this morning they are being blown around just a little bit. we have wind gusting in many areas. here is a view over san francisco. the cameras are little shaky. we have wind out there stirring things around. temperatures will be warmer. everybody in the 50s to start the day. 52 in san francisco and 52 in oakland. san jose and santa rosa are getting into the 50s. we will remain dry. rain in the extended forecast. the system that is bringing us the wind dropped on the backside of california did not bring moisture. here is a look at oakland hills where we have 31 miles per hour wins. middle peak and areas over the north they are reporting 43 miles per hour. the winds are blowing everywhere. oakland is a light wind in comparison. nine miles per hour. novato has gusts of 32 and napa 29. here's a look at the forecast getting into your afternoon. notice the darker shade of purple and red and pink, that is not going away. for the evening hours, it starts to lighten up a little bit. tomorrow morning the winds are still blowing. for some areas along the coast and in the hills, and in the inner east bay the advisory expires at 7 pm. it does not expire in the hills until tomorrow at 11 o'clock. the winds will be with us for the entire day. temperatures are a lot better, 47 for the inner east bay. that is one of the colder spots. the afternoon highs for today, look at these numbers, 60s for the north bay, 60 for santa rosa. santa rosa 63. our southbay is looking good at 65. 70 degrees in santa cruz. that sounds nice. 70 degrees. i will say it again. >> okay. here is your week ahead. we talked about the fact that we are not going to see any rate. take a look at the afternoon highs monday and tuesday. spring is on the way. >> i'm at the boardwalk. >> yes. i never left the boardwalk. >> the trees are starting to bud. mother nature is becoming confused right now. >> i did have to do a lot of waiting the other day. >> daffodils here in the parking lot. >> we need some rain. you know what they say, april showers. >> we're not done yet. >> about march and february showers. >> we will take all of them. deplorable conditions, mold, lead, roads. coming up, we expose a landlord, one of oakland's worst and still in business. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back. when it comes to your business internet, which is more important? ♪ ♪ okay, i wish i didn't have to choose. like 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program is a written response to safety concerns on board trains. officials believe the ambassadors will cut down on crime and will give writers peace of mind. the program is going to have a six month trial before the board of director decides if it will be continued. 7:25. supervisors are set to discuss a pilot program to support food students. the board is scheduled to discuss the matter when it meets on tuesday. there's $2 million being sought beginning with the new school year next fall. this could reach 12,000 students with 3000 meals at a cost of $60 per meal if the proposal is approved. general motors recalls thousands of its pickup trucks. the recall affects about 162,020 19 chevys and gmc sierra trucks due to issues with the brake controls. the issue occurs on vehicles fixed in last december's recall of the very same trucks. gm started receiving reports of the new system causing new problems of its own such as electronic power brake assistance being disabled and warning lights being engaged. the company has not reported injuries in relation to the latest recall. a 12 hour sees that many call the worst mass shooting in thailand's history. the rampage that left many dead and wounded. obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. from ktvu, this is mornings on 2. >> ease into sunday. good morning. welcome back to mornings on 2. it is 7:30. this is a beautiful shot of the bridge. you can see that flag whipping. >> you know what, we love the win. that means no fog. you can see forever. i feel like i need that to clear out my driveway. >> it's really clean. it's not about me. i'm just saying. my driveway will be messy again. >> good morning and welcome aboard. it is sunday. how are we doing? >> easy breezy. >> breezy for sure. >> when it was windy you could hear howling outside. it catches your attention. >> right. it through lawn chairs around. we have a wind advisory is in place. that will last until tomorrow morning. the inland east bay and through the hills and through the mountains. mount diablo clocked a 70 hour excuse me miles per hour gus. we will remain dry. with the wind our temperatures are a lot warmer. we are not seeing any fog this morning. details on thebay area sunday and the extended forecast are coming up. >> thank you. san francisco police are investigating after they say and fbi agents shot a man in the city. we're live in san francisco with officials are telling us about the shooting this morning. good morning. good morning. the fbi does confirm one of their agents was involved in a shooting. we are on ashbury street. the scene is clear now. we will take you to video what the scene looked like as officers were looking through the area and we will break down what we know. the police department says this happened on asberry street at about 11:30 last night. officers from the park district station got to the scene and found a man with a gun shot wound and an fbi agent who was not her. they don't was off duty. the injured man was taken to san francisco general to be treated for non-life- threatening injuries. the fbi and district attorney's office will be involved in the next step of the investigation. >> they will process the scene and collect evidence. then from here it will be an ongoing criminal investigation. we will find out if laws were broken or not. that is done by the homicide detail and there is also an administration investigation. >> they were collecting evidence and looking under cars. clothes and a pair of shoes were in the middle of asberry street. the road was blocked by police. we don't know what led up to the shooting. the fbi is reviewing an agent involved shooting. they can't release much information. the fbi takes eddie shooting incident involving agents seriously. the review process is thorough and objective and is conducted expeditiously. the san francisco police department is asking anyone with information about the shooting to call them. >> back to you. thank you. military service members, two of them were killed in afghanistan after coming under fire. this came after personnel were on a mission when they were attacked. six others were injured. this could be an insider attack. a statement says the individual opened fire with a machine gun and was wearing an afghan uniform. >> the worst mass shooting in thailand's history. a rogue soldier opened fire at home and went on a rampage. police say the soldier killed 26 people and wounded dozens at the three locations. he was shot to death by security forces following a standoff at the mall. officials spoke and a search of a busy shopping center was completed. >> all the dead have been brought to the hospital. i don't know if there are more casualties inside the mall. >> investigators said the gunman was a battalion officer who had one marksmanship competitions. his shooting rampage followed a heated argument with his commanding officers. searching for hit and run driver. a 55-year-old transient was struck by an suv while crossing west palm avenue. this was friday evening. the driver sped off leaving the victim behind with major injuries. the hit and run driver may have been behind the wheel of a jeep cherokee. and 18-year-old is under arrest accused of fatally saddle stabbing his mother's boyfriend. police went to the home at 1130 friday night. a 62-year-old man was taken to the hospital where he later died. the son led police on a chase and he was stopped and arrested and booked at the jail. a convicted felon facing charging. they arrested a 62- year-old carl wahlberg at roberts avenue. officers received reports at about 2 pm that a man took out a gun and was walking in the parking lot of a nearby business. several businesses were evacuated. he was taken to jail. the government has started enforcing restrictions on flavored electronic cigarettes. the change is causing teenagers to switch to disposable e cigarettes. they are not covered by the crackdown on flavors. that only is for reusable cigarettes. one in 14 they. these are targeted toward younger demographics. as you do that you get children and kids hooked on these products and when the company's do that they get a client for many years. >> the fda will review all voting products. several cities have banned vaping products and sales entirely. the mother of a five-year- old d8 detainee is suing. they want the child to go to a pediatric neurologist. the boy suffered a head injury before the boy was detained. he was never able to go because he was detained. now he is in urgent need of care. ice agents say he has no signs of continued bleeding. shall we go outside and check the weather? yes. >> the wind is howling. it is not going to change. the winds kicked in last night as expected. the advisory goes until tomorrow morning. a windy day in store. this is a live look at the east bay. look at the wind. no fog to speak up. if you are getting on the roadways, you will have an issue with the wind especially on bridges. here are the maximum gus. as 70 miles per hour wind in the mountains. half moon bay is 37. hawkeye, 56. the wind not only in the hills, we have sfo reporting 25. livermore 32 miles per hour. the wind is fairly widespread. the advisory is for the coast, the inner east bay and hills. down through the mountains. for some areas the advisory expires tomorrow morning at 7 am and in other areas 11:00. the cold air cannot settle in and temperatures are warmer this morning starting in the upper 40s to low 50s. 52 in haywood. 50 for san jose and redwood city and brentwood, on the upper 40s. we could easily be in the 20s and 30s in the middle of winter. afternoon highs will be mid 60s. 63 in san francisco and mid 60s for concord. and the south bay, mountain view is 65. in the extended forecast the winds will die down tomorrow. temperatures will continue to climb. i will have your extended forecast coming up. >> thank you. a special tribute to honor kobe bryant. see how the warriors honored him before they took on the lakers. >> first, some of the worst rental units. the deplorable conditions children and families live in and why code violations have persisted for a number of years. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back. for this multitasking, number-cruncher, time is money. so, i go to floor and decor where i get rock-bottom prices on tile, wood, stone and laminate. plus, i score free in-store design services. now that's time well spent. explore floor and decor in person or online. welcome back. we are uncovering deplorable rental conditions. with complaints, the city relies on systems that only inspects after complaints. >> renters say they are afraid to speak up for fear they will be evicted. mold and safety hazards including rodents and infestations. we set out to see these conditions firsthand and find out who is responsible. >>reporter: behind these walls are health hazards, mold and moisture. in the walls, rats, killed by the family dogs. for melissa rodriguez, it is life. >> we put food in bag so they won't get mold. >> many clothes are stored in tubs. food is protected from rodents in these bins. >> i am always worried about this. >> especially after the roof collapsed and her youngest son had lead poisoning. >> everybody in the family is sick because of the house. >> this nurse says paint and other hazards could have caused alberto's blood level to spite. they moved from another home owned by the same landlord. >> he knows about these problems. >> what does he say? >> he's going to come fix it. when? >> we found the man who owns this property and dozens of other. we went inside several of them finding toilet issues and pup plot plumbing problems. skids that were sleeping next to mold and crock brooches, peeling paint and electrical hazards. code violations are at various properties dating back decades. >> rats. rats as big a cat. >> this former renter sued him for unhealthy conditions. >> he never fixed anything. it was a temporary fix. >> that is true even now. >> this is the way they fix it. >> they keep rats out with metal mesh. look at's barn lock. loosely stacked bricks for stairs. code enforcement issued violations but as of last may an inspector considered the problems abated. how is that okay? >> it is not. it needs to be investigated. >> larry holmes says they don't have certified code enforcement officers and lacks a program to find issues before renters move in. >> we need to be more proactive to prevent those situations from occurring so it's not on the tenants. >> low income renters are trapped in the only housing they can afford. without government coordination, property owners slip through the cracks. >>reporter: the city of oakland would not provide an on camera interview but describes code enforcement to address violations. we found many violations still exist. >> it is frustrating that we have code enforcement aware of the problems. they know that for over a decade this landlord has been a problem and we still have these conditions existing. >> representing tenants, this is a task force to put him on the worst rental owners list. >>reporter: why is this allowed to continue? >> that's the million-dollar question. why are children living in these types of conditions. >> we decided to have a chat with mr. phan. >> i don't want to talk. >>reporter: we asked about the issues. >> these people always complain. >>reporter: had you know your manager is doing his job. have you been inside these places? >> i did not check. >>reporter: he would see missing smoke detectors, a door that locks from the outside. >> if there's a fire, we would be trapped. >> wall outlets that don't work. >> maybe you should look at all this stuff. >>reporter: this family is fed up. they are suing hoping for a safe and healthy home knowing they can't afford anything else. >> they are just trying to make money. >> it is sad. i don't know what i'm going to do to change this. >>reporter: you are saying you have done nothing wrong? >> i would not say that. sometimes i take care of it right away. >> >> if you have a tip, we went to hear from you. you can call 510-874-0222 or you can send an email to 2 investigates. it is sunday. people might want to go outside. hang onto your hat. >> yes. we have wind. it is widespread over areas of the south bay, central bay, northbay, along the coastline. we will have the wind with us for the entire day. and advisory is in place until tomorrow morning. with the wind, temperatures are up. this is a pretty view over san francisco. 52 degrees right now. we have low 50s in oakland livermore and san jose is also checking in with 50. no fog to speak of. the wind is helping to stir things around. the cold air is not allowed to sink and stick. that is why temperatures are warmer this morning. it a try one out there. if you are thinking about heading to tahoe, dry conditions but windy. this will continue for us, let's check in on the wind. areas over mount st. helena reporting window gusting to 72 miles per hour. in sonoma and mountain road, 27 miles per hour. for the south bay the wind is howling here as well. gusting to 30. sfo is 25 miles per hour and into livermore gusting to 32. the winds will be strongest through the remainder the day. you can see these pinks and purples along the coastline especially and for higher elevations. everybody can expect a breezy or windy day. for tomorrow morning, it will begin to back off. in some areas it will expire at 7 am and other areas go until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. we are wondering when we will see some rain. for february we get three to six inches of rain. it is midmonth and nothing to speak up. we looked dry through valentine's day. we have and extended forecast, a dry one. let's look at the numbers first for today. 60s for the inner east bay, 63 for the city of san francisco and in the south bay, 65. 70 degrees for santa cruz. that's pretty. >> i know where you're going today. >> and the extended forecast, temperatures coming up. i love those numbers but wow. no rain in the forecast. dry weather for valentine's day. >> thank you. today is the final day of the final round of the pro-am. we will have an update coming up after the break. tv just keeps getting better. how you watch it does too. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time stats and scores. access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. the golden state warriors honored kobe bryant. this was at the chase center before the game last night. a video tribute honored the late basketball store. >> make sure you have something so that when the game is over you know exactly what you want to do. >> many lakers fans showed up early to celebrate the greatest to have ever played the game. >> it is sad for me. it's emotional. i am very happy i get to experience this. very happy. >> kobe and his daughter were killed along with seven others on january 26 in a helicopter crash. the lakers purple and gold and the weight number two dig in honor honor of his daughter. below the numbers nine stars to remember the nine people killed in a helicopter crash. the final round of the pebble beach pro-am tees up today. one familiar name is one stroke away. that would be phil nicholson. here is y. from the beach right in the cup. one easy swing and he is just getting started. next, he did it from the beach and the fairway? got it. that hits the pin and goes down. one-stroke off the lead. your leader is nick taylor. that is in eagle. not bad. he is at 17 under. there should be a terrific final round at pebble later today. a frightening collision. a cardinals star was left with stitches. watch oscar. he collides. da silva suffered a gash to his head. he would eventually walk off the court with help. he was very emotional and did not return to the game. we are told he should be okay. >> stanford led much of the way. colorado ended up beating the cardinals. a close game early on. on drew kelly gets a bucket and a foul. then timmy allen went nuts. wide open. he says that's mine. a little pump fake and then he clears the deck to drop in a few. utah takes it by 15. 60-45. the giants pitcher and catcher will report to spring training clamp cam. before that, phan vest. some familiar paces remain. icons like bumgarner gone. they're moving forward and looking forward to the season with a new manager. tonight is hollywood's biggest night. coming up, final preparations as they get ready for the oscars. we will talk shop. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back. growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. welcome back. nasa and the european space energy plan to send a solar orbiter. this will be the closest picture we've ever seen of the sun. it's the size of a u-haul truck. it carries 10 different instruments to carry pictures of the sun. this could provide questions about the suns activity cycle. >> nasa will return to the moon, mars and beyond. solar orbiter is joining our fleet and it is critical. >> it will take two years to reach the orbit around the sun. it is launching at 8 pm tonight. the 92nd annual academy awards in hollywood. the finishing touches are being put on the event. joker, once upon a time and 1917 are expected to be receiving awards. if parasite wins best picture it will be the first foreign film ever to win the award. >> it could take it all. the first time in history, 11 times best foreign films have been nominated but they have never won best picture. never have they won the big prize. >> the award show kicks off at 5 pm in la. we are following developing news this morning in san francisco. of federal agent was involved in a shooting. the fbi is involved. we will have a live report coming up. >> and what a night. it was very busy and colorful as thousands gathered in san francisco for the chinese new year parade. we had great weather and packed streets. from ktvu , this is mornings on 2. good morning. that's some great music. listen to the wind howling outside. it was blowing all night and into the early morning. look at that trait doing a little dance. the sun is out. take a lazy start to your day. thank you for waking up with us. >> it might be a beach day. good morning. rosemary is here with us. tell us about the weather. >> it is going to be a windy one. santa cruz is not part of a wind advisory. >> we do have windy conditions as we showed you in that live camera. this wind will continue. we have an advisory in place for parts of the coast, part of the inner east bay as well and that will last until tomorrow morning. outside of that, a cool start but a lot warmer than where we have been due to the win. afternoon temperatures are climbing. i will show you what you can expect today and the week ahead coming up. there are two investigations underway. of federal agent shot a man. we are joined live in san francisco where the shooting took place. what can you tell us. >>reporter: the fbi does confirm it was one of their agents or task force members involved in the shooting. the scene has been cleared but this is video of what it looked like earlier this morning as investigators were processing the scene. the san francisco police department says this happen on ashbury street at about 11:30. officers from the city park district station found a man with gunshot wounds and an fbi agent who was uninjured. the agent was off-duty. the injured man was taken to zuckerberg general hospital to be treated. the homicide team and district attorney's office will deal with the criminal investigation while the fbi works on the administrative investigation. we spoke to one man who said he was at a club when he heard about the shooting. he went outside and there was a chaotic scene. he is hoping for peace. >> we are praying for both sides, peace for the world. hopefully:i will be fine. >> members of the fbi's evidence response team were on scene collecting evidence and taking photos. clothes and a pair of shoes were in the middle of astbury's street. we don't know what led up to the shooting. that is under investigation. the fbi is reviewing an agent involves shooting. they can't relieve much information. they said the fbi takes any shooting incident involving agents seriously. the review process is thorough and objective and is conducted expeditiously. police department is asking anyone with information to give them a call. in san francisco, back to you. thank you. also, new this morning, one person is in serious condition after being struck by a car in san francisco. the collision happened at about 3 am at 19th avenue. police say a toyota previous was traveling southbound on 19th avenue. he then struck a pedestrian. the driver remained at the scene and is cooperating with the investigation. people filled downtown san francisco last night for the chinese new year parade. >> firecrackers are always a highlight. this celebration welcomed in the year of the rat. this is considered the largest celebration of the lunar new year outside of asia. turnout has always been good. this year it was not clear if concerns over the coronavirus would keep people away. parade organizers say that didn't seem to have an impact. >> if there is, you could've fool me. everyone out here -- it looked like they were enjoying themselves and ready for a good time. there doesn't seem to be any effect at all. >> so far there is no estimate of the crowd size. 2400 bleacher seats were sold which is roughly the same as last year. a big parade followed by a massive cleanup. it's a big project that goes on for hours. public works employees get to work the moment the parade ends. they get in there with brooms and rakes and leaf blowers. they were working all night long and work is expected to continue for most of the day. festivals at the museum continue today as well. >> several special events are planned for today. there were drummers and dancers yesterday. people young and old came out to celebrate the year the rat. >> we are amplifying traditions around the lunar new year. we are so excited to have participation, youth to adults showing you art activities, demonstrations and performances as well. >> this is the 19th year there has been a lunar new year celebration there. more people have died from the coronavirus then sars. today china is reporting 813 people dying from coronavirus and that includes 89 desk today. scars killed 700 people. >> the u.s. embassy in beijing has confirmed the first corona virus death of an american. he died in china, the center of the outbreak. passengers are being removed from china. they are coming to the united states as they are u.s. citizens. >> we expect to see additional cases in the united states from returning passengers. >> four passengers on a cruise ship have been allowed to leave because her test results came back negative. they have been saying they had the flu. a fourth passenger did not get sick. >> the diamond princess cruise ship is quarantined. the ships total is now 69 passengers with the coronavirus. 12 are americans. 14 will remain in place until february 19. factories have been closed for the new year's celebration. they were preparing to reopen. some are going to states shut down because of the virus outbreak. volkswagen says it will not restart production before next week. electronic manufacturer say they will be expecting supply chain and interruptions. it could take weeks to wrap backup. analysts warn that could change when the next apple iphone comes out. they say could also affect products planned for release for holiday shopping at the end of the year. police say they have arrested a suspect of a hit and run crash that killed a four- year-old boy. an suv struck and killed a child while he was walking with his parents friday night. the little boy is hector. he was airlifted and died later that night. they arrested the driver of the ford explorer your. authorities have not released the suspects name. >> let's switch gears and get you outside on a windy sunday morning. it's pretty clear out there. >> yes. from your window it probably looks really nice. there is sunshine. not a lot of fog. i can't find any fog out there. the wind is blowing and the air is fairly dry. notice the water inside the bay. it is moving. we have windsor that are howling in the hills to 60 and even 70 miles per hour. the wind is a widespread. let's go over the hills. the northbay, wins to 47 miles per hour. oakland north, 41 miles per hour. right around berkeley, 40 miles per hour. mount st. helena came in at about 72 earlier this morning. and as i step back you can see the wind is widespread. santa rosa has wind gusting at 39 miles per hour. fairfield has gusts at 41. the wind will be with us all day. the wind advisory does not expire until tomorrow morning. for the coast and mountains it expires at 7 am. for the northbay hills it expires at 11 am. you can expected to be a windy day. with all that wind out there, temperatures are up, upper 40s to mid-50s around the bay area. oakland is 55 degrees right now. 52 in san francisco. for the south bay we have 51 over san jose. temperatures for the afternoon are going to be in the 60s and a few upper 60s are expected. let's check in with san francisco, upper 40s to low 50s from market street over toward ocean avenue. for the extended forecast, dry weather is expected. a warm-up is coming our way. more coming up it just a little bit. twitter is calling into question a long-term plan and why the company's ceo says he is expanding outside of the home town. days away from the new hampshire primary for democrats. how the candidates are making a last-ditch appeal for voters in the granite state. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back. democratic candidates are crisscrossing new hampshire and pushing for final votes ahead of the primary. there is a slight edge given to pete buttigieg. bernie sanders is 24% and elizabeth warren is at 14 and joe biden has seen the numbers slip, 11%. >> hopefuls are pulling out all the stops in new hampshire. some are taking aim at the front runners in the race. we have the very latest in manchester, new hampshire. >>reporter: things are heating up in new hampshire as candidates are ramping up their campaign efforts ahead of tuesday's critical primary. joe biden is battling for votes after falling short in iowa. he has a new campaign video aimed at pete buttigieg. >> biden also said mayor pete is not a barack obama and taking aim at his experience. >> i do not believe we are at a party at risk if they nominate me. i do believe we are risk if we nominate somebody who has never held a higher office than mayor. >> he is fighting back. >> i hear people saying what business does the mayor have running for president? there are so many communities, rural areas, industrial cities and pockets of our biggest cities who have felt completely left behind by the ways of washington. we don't want to be reduced to a punchline by politicians. >> meanwhile michael bloomberg has opted out. he said with all the infighting it is important democrats stick together. >> since they didn't have the courage to remove the president , it is up to us to do it in november. >> >>reporter: there is a large turnout anticipated. back to you. >> we are nine or 10 months away. it's going to be a very busy summer and fall. >> okay. rosemary, how are we looking? >> wendy. it's not going to change. we have a wind advisory in place for the entire day. the advisory does not expire until tomorrow morning. this is a live look at the view. we have a lot of sunshine overhead. temperatures are warmer this morning and there is no fog to speak of. take a look at some of these wins. monte out below was 70 miles per hour. middle peak is 48. the santa cruz mountains report 30 and oakland hills north report 40 and the winds continue to blow. here's a look at what we're seeing right now. mount st. helena is at 68. if we shift, it's not just the hills. this is widespread. sfo reports 23 miles per hour sustain. hawkeye is 28. livermore gusting to 39. a breezy and windy day in store for us. for the afternoon, shades of orange and purple and pink. it's not really going to change. getting into the evening, it lets up just a little bit. tomorrow morning it is still breezy. for some the advisory does expire at 7 am. in the east bay the advisory goes until 11 am tomorrow. we will have the wind with us for the next 24 hours. as far as rain, not inside. take a look at what we have so far for the season. 46% of average in san jose. the systems bringing us the wind are moisture starved. no rain attached. take a look at the conditions out there as far as temperatures go, relatively mild. 52 to start your morning in san francisco. that is followed by the northbay. mid to upper 60s for the northbay and mid 60s for the east bay. for the south bay, 65 in san jose. santa cruz is at 70 this afternoon. here is the extended forecast. warmer monday and tuesday and temperatures drop after that. rain is in the forecast for valentine's day and maybe through the weekend. >> we will take the week of dry if maybe we can cross our fingers for a week of wet. >> yes. >> that's a good trade. >> march can be different. >> how was the weather last night in san francisco? >> fantastic. we prepare for rain and cold. look at it. >> there you go. >> there is the cable car. it was a celebration. i always laugh. we are on tv for a living and we put the cameras up. everyone is like yea. >> how great is this. we see everyone's families, kids and everything. >> yes. it was great. >> a good holiday event. it is amazing to see how the little ones grow. >> i know, right? >> how are the crowds, i was at union square and stay there. how are the crowd throughout the rain. >> it was hard for me to tell if it was as full as normal. full enough. >> i missed out. i was emceeing an event with the boy scouts. i could hear you guys know. >> this part was one of my favorites. it was the morning and night group. >> people don't realize we have a morning cable car and an evening cable car. we were arguing over who had the best cable car. >> okay. it was good. a lot of fun. you can see they sold 2400 seats. it looks like everyone came and got in their seats. >> last year i was on the car. when you go through they say there's dave clark. >> you feel like you know is or no them and then all the sudden you see them in person in you say, oh my god. >> yes. >> we get to hang out with each other and were not racing around gathering news. >> it was a lot of fun. thanks for the good weather last night. >> stay with us, we will be right back. [ fast-paced drumming ] [ fast-paced drumming ] starting tomorrow there will be changes in service on par lines. one will be on the antioch line. there was a turn around service between antioch and pleasant hill. that will and one stop earlier now conquered. also, morning service to san francisco will start at 5 am, 15 minutes earlier than before. there are also going to be other changes affecting writers. those mostly happen on the weekend. all the details will be available at its online trip planner paid. tomorrow, barb riders will start seeing the new bart ambassadors. they're going to be 10 ambassadors working and wearing uniforms. here's a picture. they will work in pairs and walk through the trains as they run the routes. the program is in response to passenger safety concerns while they are on board trains. officials believe the ambassadors will cut down on crime. the program is going to be on a six-month trial and then the board of directors will decide if it will continue. the board of supervisors are set to discuss pilot programs to support food insecure students. they are scheduled to discuss the matter when it meets on tuesday. they seek $2 million annually over four years beginning with the new school year in the fall. the program could reach 12,000 students with 3 million meals at a cost about $.60 per meal if the up proposal is approved. right now a busy time for online dating services. jennifer williams explains how the study found out that using pictures of pets may be the key to securing a date. >>reporter: one poll conducted a survey of 2000 people and found that those who had a dog in their profile picture were more than twice as likely to find love. >> of course. i like dogs. they are the sweetest thing ever. yes. i would. >> of course. that shows they are caring, passionate and love life. >> absolutely. everyone is friendlier that way. >> they are a good bonding tool. if the dog likes you, maybe the owner will like you more. >> according to one relationship expert, it sends a message that you are responsible. it is a warm and loving side of someone. they can take care of somebody else. >>reporter: 39% of singles surveyed say they borrowed a friend's dog to snap a picture for the profile.:and make you look pretty irresponsible. >> in a picture you cannot say that and you are basically saying that you have a dog. then you go on a date and you will be called a liar. >> according to one study over a third of the people surveyed admitted they were more excited to meet the dog than the person. >>reporter: 37% of respondents said they went through a breakup involving a pet. a quarter said they stayed longer because of a furry friend. >> some people have it in writing and they go to a lawyer and the dog is part of the agreement. back to you. coming up next, family and friends of a man who was shot and killed are calling for change. why the police department is in need of an overhaul. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back. budget, i lead the charge. and for this multitasking number cruncher, time is money. so, no more chasing sales. because at floor and decor, i get rock-bottom prices on top-quality products. and with free in-store design services, i score expert advice and project planning. not like free with purchase either, like free-free. mission accomplished. now that's time well spent. explore floor and decor in person or online at an fbi agent shot and injured a man. what they agency has said so far. new questions about long- term plans for twitter. wine twitter might expand outside of san francisco. >> from ktvu , this is mornings on 2. >> okay. some fleetwood mack to get you up and started. grab that cup of coffee. it's a beautiful day. you can see the flag blowing straight toward us. that is a good indicator if you have a kate in the backyard, let it rip. >> i said isn't it beautiful, oh my gosh, hold on. >> it makes for a pretty picture. >> yes. not a cloud in the sky. wait until you hear the temperature at the boardwalk. >> good morning. we're watching temperatures. the boardwalk temperature is a little chilly for me. is 70 degrees. >> almost 60 right now. >> it is sweatshirt weather. >> in miami the temperature was 70 degrees a week ago. >> and the water was also 70 degrees. >> we are off to a windy start. the wind is coming in from the north. the bridges that go east to west, not the golden gate, the bay bridge, san mateo, those winds have been pushing against the bridge. you will hold tight to the wheel as you go across the bridge. wendy conditions are expected to continue. there is a wind advisory in place until tomorrow morning. when i come back we will check in on the wind and show you what you can expect in the extended forecast. new, the fbi and police are investigating a shooting involving an fbi agent. they say this happen on ash berry street at 11:30 last night. police were called to the area and found a man suffering from gunshot wounds. the injured man was taken to the hospital and is being treated. the police told us the homicide unit, district attorney and fbi will take the next steps. >> they will process the scene and collect evidence. from here it will be an ongoing criminal investigation. we will determine if any laws were broken. that is done by the homicide detail and the district attorney's office and there is a parallel investigation done by the fbi. >> the fbi says it can't comment on what they are calling an agent involved shooting. police are asking anyone with information about the shooting to give them a call. police are asking for the public's help in the search for a hit and run driver. a 55-year-old transient was struck by an suv while crossing the street at san marino place. the driver took off leaving the victim behind with major injuries. the hit and run driver may have been the hind the wheel of a jeep cherokee. >> and 18-year-old accused of fatally stabbing his mother's boyfriend. police were called to a home at about 11:30. they found a man with stab wounds. he was taken to the hospital where he later died. a man was arrested. he was eventually stopped and arrested and booked into jail. family members, friends and supporters of a man shot by police will gather. willie mcquay was killed outside a tocco bay restaurant one year ago today. police say officers were forced to shoot him after he reached for a gun. mccoy's family said the officers used excessive force and they point to an independent report that found that they fired 55 times in four seconds. service members were killed in afghanistan after coming under fire. this happened in a province of afghanistan. personnel were on a mission there when they were attacked. six other people were injured. it is being investigated as a possible insider attack. the individual who opened fire with machine gun was wearing an afghan uniform. the number of victims is rising in the worst mass shooting in tylan's history. a rogue shoulder opened fire at a home and shopping mall in the city north of bangkok. the skull jerk killed 26 people and wounded others. he was shot to death by security forces following a standoff at the mall. government officials spoke. >> all of the dead have been brought to the hospital. i don't know if there are more casualties inside the mall. >> investigators say he was a officer for the italian army. they believe his shooting rampage followed a heated argument with his commanding officer. is a:36. the mother of a five-year-old the t&e is suing. they asked the judge to be taken to a pediatric neurologist or neurosurgeon. the boy suffered a head injury before the family was attained. the mother said he had an appointment that he was not able to go to because he was detained. now the mother says he is in urgent need of care. i.c.e. took the child to the hospital and he was having no signs of continued leading. >> disposable e cigarettes are not covered by the crackdown on flavors. that is only for reusable e cigarettes. one and 14 americans vape. >> these are flavors targeted toward younger demographics. as you do that, you not only get children or kids hooked on these products, in essence for the companies, you get a client for many years. >> in may the fda will review all fda products. several cities have banned vaping sales entirely. twitter could expand. the plans come nine years after city leaders gave twitter a big tax break to stay in the city. their ceo says he needs to build a company not entirely dependent on san francisco. he says twitter needs to expand bond its headquarters on market street. there was little support at city hall to renew the track tax break. if you drive over the summit, you might want to consider another route because caltrans will carry out fire protection work on the highway in the redwood estates. it is about a seven mile stretch of road with debris, fallen tree and all that could increase the chances of fire. 58,000 cars a day use that stretch of road. is 8:38. let's get your forecast and check in with rosemary. >> if that windy out there. >> yes. the wind will continue to gust through the morning and afternoon. the advisory that is in place does not expire until tomorrow morning. outside this is a live look across the bay at the golden gate bridge. you can see the white caps on the water. the winds are blowing strong. in the hills we have seen wind gusts thing to 70 miles per hour and 30 to 40 gust widespread around the bay. here is a view of storm tracker 2. this is helping to bring the wind and no rain. no rain in the extended forecast either. here's a look at what we are seeing as far as the wind. over the east bay we have oakland north reporting 41 miles per hour. sandy albo has been blowing at 66. areas over the north bay are reporting 44 miles per hour. middle peak has 43. mount st. helena coming in at 70 earlier this morning. as we take a look at where we are seeing north bay, central bay and concord 40 miles per hour. napa has 36 miles per hour. it is out there and it is not going away. here is a view of the advisory and when we expected to expire. tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock. for the coast and areas of the east bay and into the santa cruz mountains. for the northbay hills, it will take until 11 o'clock in the morning. a windy day. temperatures are not bad. a lot of 50s to start the day. upper 60s for some and a warming trend getting into the business week. we will look at all those numbers coming up in just a little bit. >> police have arrested a driver accused of hitting and killing a four-year-old. when we continue at 9 am we will tell you why neighbors say the street where it happened has a history of dangerous driving. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back. we have learned that a sheriff's deputy accused of texting pictures has resigned. this is not the first time this deputy has been in trouble. >> >>reporter: driving across the bridge this sheriff's deputy would've aid tolls on his way to work. records show he was caught in 2016. did during an internal affairs investigation he also lied about a driving under the influence charge. he claimed he only had one beer but it turned out he was almost twice the legal limit. he visited four bars and three cities that night. hill, he kept his job. >> what he is doing is wrong. if you see something wrong, you say it. >> this was his girlfriend. she saw the story on ktvu mornings on 2 and said she had another story to tell. >> over several months he sent messages and pictures of inmates inside the jail while on duty. one showed a murder suspect in an ambulance and other showed handmade weapons and in text messages he calls the inmates dirt balls and animals and other comments we can't show on tv. >> i know they are in jail for a reason. they did something wrong. they also have a right to privacy. >>reporter: it is against federal privacy laws and of violation of sheriff's department policy. he felt compelled to speak up. >> i am going against a police officer. i have been told that i should be very careful. it is not easy coming home and watching my back. >> the attorney and sheriff would not comment. the sheriff's union president was upset. he said they should not dehumanize inmates. it is against policy to take pictures and send them to others. >> you are supposed to be watching the prisoners. someone can get hurt why you are taking pictures. >> now the deputy has resigned one day after his ex came forward. back to you. happy sunday. we do have a windy one underway. it's going to continue going through the afternoon and evening. the wind advisory does not expire until tomorrow morning. this is a live look across the bay where we have blue sky, no fog to speak of and because of the winter temperatures are warmer. we will have a look at that coming up in just a moment. how about tahoe, that wind in the sierras. if you are traveling to do skiing, i know the wind has an impact on ski resorts. you may want to check. in and around the bay area, low 50s in santa rosa and santos francisco. 50 degrees in livermore and san jose is 50 one. the shower is shaking. we do have wind in the northbay and east bay. the santa cruz mountains and along the coastline, widespread. strong gusts have been reported. at about 6:20 there was a gust of 40 miles per hour. napa has 41 and middle peak is 48. mount st. helena in the 70s as well. 72 earlier this morning. lookout widespread it is. there are gus in the 30s all over. 40 for santa rosa. fairfield is 47 miles per hour. the wind is coming in from the north. interstate 80 will be tough on the roadways. the wind is heading right up against your car. concord reports 40 miles per hour at times. as we go into the central south bay we have san jose light with a gust at 18. livermore is gusting to 39. the wind will be with us today. mostly blue skies. here is futurecast. for the afternoon you see the pink and purple, that is over higher elevations. there is wind ev and into the evening. by tomorrow morning it will lift. we will wake up with breezes and it will taper off in the afternoon. the advisories will expire over the course of tomorrow morning. the other headline is the lack of rain over our area. february is typically wet for us, three to six inches of rain is typical. we have not seen any thus far. for the time being it looks like we will remain dry through the upcoming week. afternoon highs for today, mid 60s expected. 68 in santa rosa. for the south, in santa cruz we are sunny and 70. the extended forecast, the warming trend continues before week cool it down. no rain for valentines. >> another week of nice weather. >> it's the rain that is going to come. >> yes. we are praying for a wet march. >> okay. the red carpet is being rolled out for the academy awards. we'll be right back. that and more coming up after the break. stay with us, we'll be right back. [ fast-paced drumming ] [ fast-paced drumming ] the golden state warriors honored kobe bryant last night. before the game a video tribute was played honoring the star. >> don't rely on basketball for happiness. it's not going to happen. make sure that when the game is over you know exactly what you want to do. >> many lakers fans showed up early to celebrate a man they say was the greatest to have ever played the game. >> it is sad for me but emotional for me to be here. i am very happy i get to experience this. very happy. >> kobe and his daughter were killed along with seven other in a helicopter crash in southern california. shirts were given to everyone who attended featuring his jersey numbers along with a white number two dig in honor of his daughter who wore that number. below the numbers are nine stars to remember those killed in the helicopter crash. the final round of pebble beach start today. one familiar name is close. that's phil nicholson. look at that shot. he is looking good. he is just getting warmed up. par five, how about an ace from the fringe. there it goes. just one stroke shy of the leader. that's nick taylor. that is an eagle from way down town. he is at 17 under. this should be a terrific final round and great weather at pebble beach today. collision during a basketball game living a cardinals star with stitches in his head. watch him collide with evan batty. there was a big gash on his head. he had to remain on the floor for quite some time. he eventually walked off with some help. a very emotional event. he did not return to the game but should be fine. the bucks pull it out. this is a three pointer as colorado beat the cardinals. how about the bears. andre kelly hits the bucket. the bears are down to 4. tim allen went nuts on the run. he will finish with a dunk. then he will pump a fake. he cleared the deck and he will drop in a floater. the bears fall to 10 digit and 14. >> the fbi is investigating one of his own. when we continue we go light to the hate ashbury district with what happen. factor best known for his role in the wild wild west has died. >> is fires a beautiful bullet. >> yes. robert conrad started in the show. before that hawaiian i. he died yesterday in his malibu home of heart failure. he was 84 years old. a new movie is calling attention to the challenges that people encounter in your. >> the 24th annual film festival is happening now through thursday night. the knights movie is gypsy queen which shows the difficulties of a single mother whose an immigrant in germany. the main company fights for her two kids. the screening is at 8 o'clock. you will find more information at our website, ktvu mornings on 2. getting ready for the academy awards tonight in hollywood. they have the red carpet down and the finishing touches are being put on the event. oddsmakers have 1917 as the top favorite to take home the oscar for becks picture. it would be the first foreign film to ever win the award. >> it could take it all. the first time in history. 11 times best foreign films have been nominated but they have never won best picture. they have one best drama. never won the big prize. >> the award show kicks off at 5 pm in los angeles. >> we continue in just a couple of minutes. >> nascar coverage is next year. we will see you over on the web. just when you think it's over and the stars are headed back to daytona. for some, a new season brings a fresh start, such as the makeup for shortcomings of season's past. while others look to pick up where they left off. >> kyle busch scores the win. >> today sets the tone for the rest of the week. qualifying for a chance to lead the field as the green flag waves on racing's biggest day. >> the front row will be decided today. >> it's little things that make the difference. >> will team hendrick race to their sixth consecutive pole? >> this is the most prestigious qualifying s

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