Cal fire tell us more than 200,000 people have been ordered to buy a brighter red are the top of the screen where the kincade fire delight lavender section on the map of the mandatory evacuation zones for county Officials Say that nearly half of the people who live and Sonoma County have been ordered to evacuate. Windsor is one of the cities evacuated over the weekend but fire crews are very busy this morning. Allie rasmus at fieldstone farm. What is the latest there. Reporter firefighters pulled up and they are putting out a spot fire behind the farm barn. We can show the barn just to the left that is intact. What appears to be burning some equipment in the yard. Firefighters arrived about 30 seconds ago to start to put this out. You can see the path the fire took off to the right, it is still burning inside another type of barn or storage shed. The fire came through this way and then continued to burn over there. The main barn that you see, this historic looking structure. That is Still Standing and that is still okay. This is fieldstone farm and when we drove into the property looks like there are horse stables. There are no animals. It looks like everyone heeded the evacuation orders. We have not seen any people or animals on the property but firefighters are hard at work putting out some of the remnants of the fire that swept through but evacuation orders went into effect for the lark field area around midnight last night that was after the entire town of windsor had to evacuate. The strong wind through the day with the wind gusts and 90 Miles Per Hour made this a harrowing firefight to battle the kincade fire. Cal fire shifted a lot of resources to the southern end of windsor towards shiloh where we are now. The mayor described the shock and dismay about the massive fire and the unprecedented evacuation. He spoke to two ktvu at a shelter in petaluma back waiting with the resident and described how they prior prepped to the outskirts of the town. Reporter incredible wind and then the delay with things on fire everywhere around us. There was grass on fire. There were dishes on fire. The only reason why we did not use loose it is that we had so many First Responders there. We are taking nothing for granted. We will be as aggressive as we have ever been. The overlay of the power shut offs are legitimately great environment. It is even more anxiety inducing. And potentially life threatening. Truck the governor talked about the claimant brought in to fight the fire including blackhawk helicopters the 7 c1 30 airplane. He went as expected to die down by about 11 00 this morning but i can say it is not windy right now where we are and that is good. You can see there is still fire and this is the fieldstone farm where we are. The Engine Company behind us from Beverly Hills and another company from la. It is told us about 30 seconds ago to put out the remnants of the fire. Talking about the big and heavy equipment, that is obviously very important but so are the firefighters on the ground. To do the work of putting out the fires at the come through the communities. Now we are live there windsor allie rasmus ktvu fox 2 news. Before you go could you tell us we have been concerned about the traffic as well and the people cutting out of the area. What was it like driving up there . Reporter it looks like just about everyone heeded the evacuation warnings last night and during the overnight hours. It was completely empty. The town of windsor, barely any lights on and the only people out of the road or other Law Enforcement officers, and a fire truck. Law enforcement presence is visible. Just about every major major intersection that we passed there was a Police Officer and chp officers that all of the road closures. They are keeping an eye out and making sure there is no looting or anything going on. They are the only ones out here are there then firefighters. Let them do their work. Thank you for the update. And just to let people know the smart crane in the area is not running had a grogan is in for steve talking about the weather. That is certainly the big issue with the fire, than the Power Outages, we could be experience and Power Outages all week. This bucket is going to be a rough week. Have another event coming our way. Today, firefighters catching a break. They lost containment overnight because the wind was spreading fires so quickly. We have the red flag warning until 11 am but things are ramping down with the wind and hopefully firefighters are able to get a little more of the grass on it today. As you can see the wind is all around the area that is calm. That is fantastic. We have not seen in the last 48 hours. We have gusts up in places like mount saint helens. Notice that there is wind the higher elevation. This is dropping into the 30s. It was in the 40s and we are moving to mount diablo to an indication that the wind will continue to ramp down. Let me say the future cast. 3 00 today we are looking good. This is the problem the sam was referring to. We have a second offshore wind event coming our way that is tuesday into wednesday. Tuesday at 7 p. M. You see the offshore wind starting to slow. Look at map gusting up to 32 Miles Per Hour ramping down getting into wednesday. It is going to be a bit of a rough run. I will talk about it more when i come back. A quick look at the temperatures this morning. A little bit of fog in places like concord and walnut creek seeing that. It is not bad everywhere else. Lets check in with sal and traffic. Thank you very much. As we continue the traffic in most of the areas, it is light, especially through the evacuation areas. Youve heard us say that most people have evacuated. It is not much of a north bay commute. If youre driving in vallejo, there so traffic approaching the carquinez bridge, which is back open 80 westbound after they had to close yesterday for fire activities. 680 is open to concord and 580 is getting so traffic with 205 coming towards altamont pass. The rest of the east bay commute still looks pretty good if you want to jump ahead of the monday crowd. This is a look at interstate 80 in oakland. The bay bridge so far it looks all right with no major delays driving over towards the toll plaza. All Public Schools in Sonoma County and most of marin county will be closed. Sonoma county closed due to the fire and Power Outages. The same for marin county. Most of the power out of their. All of those expected to be close except for bayside mlk. Schools in calistoga will also be closed today. Evacuation orders are there. Piercing caregivers are urged to check district sites for updated information. We also information flowing scrolling at the bottom of your screen. Strike the red cross open Evacuation Centers the north bay. Some raised the pass and if you remain open. People can had to the Sonoma County fairground in santa rosa. The marin county fairground in san rafael. Napa Valley College and crosswalk amenity church in napa. San francisco maryland breed declared a local emergency. The city can provide Emergency Shelter for evacuees. The temporary shelter will be at st. Marys cathedral. It will open in just a couple of hours at 8 00. To see a full list of schools that are closed, Evacuation Centers and resources for evacuees of the kincade fire, to our website, ktvu. Com. Knew this morning, three people have died after an amtrak train hit a car in richmond, early this morning. It happened just after minute market Avenue Railroad crossing. The train in passenger heading to seattle, but was forced to stop for several hours so that the train could be inspected. Still no word on whether the car was stuck on the track, or if the car was crossing the tracks at the time of the crash. Pg e hopes to restore power to many of the 955,000 bay area customers affected by this weekends planned power outage. People living in every bay area county were affected by the outage, except San Francisco. The biggest impact was in marin county with more than 180,000 customers left without power. Nasa has the fewest affected customers with 17,000 homes and businesses. Uc berkeley has canceled all classes scheduled for today due to the plant blackout. Pg e shut off all power to the campus today , saturday evening. The university is expected to provide students an update on classes and other campus events. Sometime before noon today. The Power Outages has forced the closure of many Public Schools around the bay area. We want to let you know some of those in pacifica. The list of Pacifica School closures include terranova high school, oceana high school, Good Shepherd school and Pacifica Christian school. You can get a complete list of the School Closures on our website ktvu. Com. Pg e crews are busy restoring power to those who lost in the bay area and are hoping to finish the massive job before the next land outage which could happen as early as tomorrow night. Strong wind as kyla has been saying expected tuesday night into thursday morning and pg e is warning customers to be prepared for lights to go out again. I urge all of you to ensure you are prepared for the fact that your power may not come back. And in thing that, make sure your device is charged. If you cannot do that in a place that has power, friends or relatives community that still has light. Tuesday is what kyla is warning about. Governor newsome said he is among the many people angry with pg e and the growing number of planned Power Outages. The governor blames pg e for being a big part of the wildfire crisis. Utility that does not look like a utility today. More than is capable of beating mother natures theory and meeting the need to affect society in the 21st century slot governor newsome is demanding pg e, is a customers affected by the plant parts to. The governor wants rebates of 250 for businesses and hundred dollars for residential customers. Even that will not be what people have lost. We have continued coverage of the aggressive firefight in Sonoma County coming of at 5 30 we take a look at the intent firefight in hillsboro as firefighters continue to try to stay calm. Plus the fires keep popping up around east bay. We talked to the owner of a tennis club whose building was a total loss. For the most part it looks like a normal monday commute. We are already getting to get slowdowns and some of the key spots. The wind is ramping up today but another offshore wind event is coming our way heading into the work week. I will time it out when we come back. Weather is next. 6, 7, 8 big dreams start with small steps. But dedication can get you there. So just start small. Start saving. Easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. Chase. Make more of whats yours®. Welcome back to mornings on 2. The kincade fire has nearly doubled in size in the last 36 hours pushed by powerful wind and gusts up to 70 Miles Per Hour. The flames have burned nearly 85 mi. 2. Two firefighters have been hurt. One had to be airlifted to the burn center at uc sacramento and the other was left seriously burned, but Officials Say that about half the population in Sonoma County is now under evacuation orders. A separate wildfire Mendocino County has prompted mandatory evacuations. The fire has burned 350 acres. It is 20 contained burning along Potter Valley road and highway 20 e. No homes or other buildings have been destroyed. Evacuation orders are effect the south and east of highway 20. It east bay, the strong gusty wind spread several spot fires in lafayette and martina forcing many to evacuate. The fire destroyed the clubhouse yesterday at the Lafayette Tennis Club. Powerline also came down on a street above the club. Everyone evacuated safely. The clubhouse was click quickly engulfed in flames. No homes were lost, but some are damaged. Another fire broke out south of highway 20 for and burned 5 acres in lafayette. Crews attacked the fire through the high went from the air and the ground. As is going on throughout the bay area we are having a once in 50 or wind event. We have been aggressive staffing resources. We are very nervous. Your mind races like what should we do next. There was another fire in martinez near alhambra way. 50 acres were bird. April evacuation out orders but everyone was able to go back home. A firefighter was hurt. The massive fire in crockett 85 contained. The fire started at about 9 30 yesterday morning near interstate 80 heavy wind caused the fire to jump the freeway. Was burning both sides of the carquinez bridge. The carquinez bridge and eight interstate 80 were closed for five hours. I went to the freeway and it was already close. I started to cry because i thought they fires. There were evacuation orders in place for the crockett area, but the orders have since been lifted. The Cal Maritime Academy campus has canceled classes and activities for today and tomorrow to inspect the area and will reopen once it is safe to do so. Breaking news in los angeles. A wildfire burning in west los angeles. These are live pictures near ucla and the for a five freeway. It has already burned at least 40 acres. Look at the camera panning around. There are mandatory evacuations in the area. Even lebron james. We will bring the latest etiquette information. Speaking of lebron. He tweeted this. The la fires are no joke. Had to emergency evacuate my home. Finally found a place to accommodate us. A crazy nightmare. Even a big star like lebron james had to get out of the area and obey or eras to evacuate. He sends his best wishes to First Responders. Right now doing what they do best. Firefighters continue to battle the rating take fire in southern california. The fire burning this inquiry the area take kenny and seminole road. It has burned more than 4600 acres. It is 70 contained. 22 homes and businesses have been destroyed. 27 others are damaged. The new evacuation orders were issued over the weekend over an estimated 43,000 people that are now under evacuation orders. You are looking at video from the weekend showing family racing to evacuate. You can see the fire and the smoke nearby. The family running out of their home trying to pack the car as fast as possible. Some people have been allowed to return to their homes. More than 900 firefighters are on the scene. We just wish everyone well. And as such an emotional time. For those of us not been evacuated but are under a power outage morning, to me, we packed up a few bags of key documents and personal items and they are by the front door ready to go. It is just something to be safe. It is hard to do with the power power is out. Remember is pam and everyone has been saying. You come to a stop where they stop lights are out at the four way stop. It could save you. Lets go out and take a look at the commute if you are driving northbound 101 gilroy to san jose. We already have a normal looking morning commute. This looks like it could be a little slower than normal. Highway 25 is low and already northbound 101 through m marking organ hill area so traffic into the san jose region Silicon Valley no problems northbound 280 and if youre driving up to a 80 traffic here and looks good. No problems at the bay bridge but we are already getting it back up at the toll plaza. It 5 21 lets go to kyla. Who want to get you up to speed on where the weather is this morning. The wind is starting to ramp down. We are starting to see the effects of that helping firefighters immensely. Take a look at the map. The current went under 10 Miles Per Hour. Sfo about 12 Miles Per Hour. We see the offshore flow relent a little today. Giving them a bit of the break. Zooming and you can kind of see temperatures but also the humidity levels. Notice the research elevation with the humidity levels drop. It is very dry air that is out there. One of the things making it very difficult for firefighters. The red flag warnings have expired 11 am as we see the wind come down. Another event is coming our way tuesday through wednesday. Another red flag warning is likely. The future when cast showed you that this is today and it looks fantastic. You do not see the bright colors on the map. Going into tuesday, Tuesday Morning at 10 different picture. The offshore flow rolling. Through tuesday night gets worse the overnight hours. This is 9 p. M. And we start to see the wind the 35 to 40 mileperhour wind range. This is 5 a. M. And it will not ramp down until later into wednesday. Today the red flag warning is expiring at 11 am. Around 3 this is coming our way. An officer with event. The timing is tuesday into wednesday. This will not be a strong or longlasting as this last one. However we already have fires out there and it will exacerbate the desire to contain notes. The current temperatures this morning with a dry air mass in place and washington voters drop in the north bay. 36 degrees in santa rosa. 56 big 20 degrees split into cisco. Forty fort napa. 55 in hayward. Sunnyvale at 47. We have a bit of visibility that has been difficult around concord and walnut creek. Watch out for that. North bay actually has the clear skies at this hour. Zooming out we see the offshore flow that is going to be changing throughout the day today and started to give them a bit of a break. 68 for the high in San Francisco. Today the midseventies. Up in the north bay low 70s and places like san jose. Pretty mild temperatures. The temperatures stay through the week because as we look at the etc. Forecast we do not start to warm up as we get towards the weekend. Now we see the upper 70s and low 80s on saturday and sunday. Pretty consistent except for the wind ramping up tuesday into wednesday. We are keeping an eye on the kincade fire. The evacuations and the Power Outages. Coming up, here what a former fema administrator had to say what the dangers of the power outage for firefighters as they continue to battle the kincade fire and other fires around the bay area. Week eight of the nfl is in the books. The 49ers did something have not done 26 years and it was a loss for the raiders. We have highlights up next. 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Ook check this out thats yes for less. Score a headtotoe look youll love and save 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. The 49ers having the best season so far since 1990 after beating the Carolina Panthers 5113. The record is now 70. Ronnie coleman had a career day the only 49er player to score for touchdown leading to defense with three stacks recorded reception. Something that has never been done before in 49ers history. Our team was ready to go at everything was clicking. I had a few turnovers. Great field position. And we were able to capitalize on both of those. That is the great thing about the defense. You just have to when you are hunting like that they deserve all of the credit in the world. A quick turnaround for the 49ers. They hit the road to play the cardinals on thursday night football you will see with us here on ktvu fox 2. The raiders below 500 after a tough loss in houston. The raiders led the game for three quarters. Then things broke down. The texans scored 14 points in the raiders loss 2724. Next week the raiders host the Detroit Lions and you can watch with us right here on ktvu fox 2. We are going to continue to follow the very latest of the fires, the Power Outages at the evacuations. Dramatic video of the kincade fire, a historic winery that was destroyed. Firefighters are looking 24 hour shifts trying to put out the kincade fire. Heres firefighters had to say about the physical and emotional toll. As we look at the bay area commute like a more moment at the road including the south bay and Silicon Valley commute. Keeping an eye on the weather, catching a break from the wind. Unfortunately, will not last for the entire week. We will tell you about the next offshore wind event coming up in the forecast. Its been reported that theres a cyberattack on business every 39 seconds. Ouch. I dont even want to think about it. Comcast business has a solution. 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The cal fire says 200,000 people up in order to evacuate. Look at your screen. The dark red on the map bordered by a brighter red near the top of the screen. That is where the kincade fire is burning right now. Light lavender sections on the map, those are the mandatory evacuations older county Officials Say most half of the people who live in Sonoma County have been ordered to evacuate. Ktvu Sara Zendehnam is in the kincade fire zone this morning. Getting a firsthand look at the flames and destruction structure. A terrible weekend. We noticed that you have a mascot. What is the firefight like and what is the airquality like . Good morning. It is pretty smokey up here on shiloh oaks. This is a gated committee and it has been really hit hard by the fire. The fire is still rolling up the hillside moving very slow but there is a lot of dry brush. There are no fire crews where we are specifically and that are not any homes right here in the area. The fire burns off in a kind of burned itself out. We have seen a lot of big claims as a fire rose up the trees and with a trees catch on fire, a lot of flames kind of burning itself out. On shiloh oaks. This is a devastating team even though there are no homes where you are looking running the landscape this is an absolutely pitiful area filled with trees but of course, in the daytime, it will be a much different look. As of sunday night, the kincade fire burned 54 thousand 290 acres and is now only 5 contained. 90 for structures have been destroyed. 17 damaged. We expected the numbers to change. No evacuation notices have lifted. People cannot go home until it is safe and it is not safe yet. The goal is to get the fire contained by november 7 but with another wind event expected tomorrow, it could cause another issue for firefighters. Sonoma county sheriff mark essex said they made the right call by ordering massive evacuations of cities across the county but they realize how hard it is for people to leave their homes behind. When i was in the shelter today, and seeing the real impact of having to sleep in a room this size on a cot, having uncertainties and damages that are maybe not the best for the situation but it really puts a fine point on the impact and the sheriffs office, we really appreciate that. We want to get people back to their homes as quickly as possible. We understand there is a lot of anxiety. Select the sheriff says there are more than 200 officers keeping their eyes on evacuation zone. No has been arrested for looting but one person was arrested for going into an evacuated neighborhood. The sheriff said when officers questioned the person they cannot give details on where they lived so the person was arrested on sunday. Back out here life we are on shiloh oaks. You can take a look at the flames. It is devastating to see this. The entire landscape of the area is going to change. It is going to be when the sun comes up, you will just see a blackened charred area with a roar once lush trees and like i mentioned, a lot of dry vegetation that is not burned yet but is burning right now, as we speak. As the fire kind of rolls up the trees, the trees burst into flames and another concern is that the trees could fall. That is another thing, that when the sheriff said that we have to make sure that everything is safe before people come back and, the trees become very weak. Even if they do not fault right away, they come very weak and there is fire in them and they could fall. There is actually Law Enforcement driving up and down, going around with flashlights looking around the area. There is a presence here even though there are not any houses around us. It is definitely a big Law Enforcement and firefight all across Sonoma County this morning. Thank you for keeping us updated on that. Right now he wanted to go over to kyla because the wind, and the weather is certainly playing a very big role and it is not going to be over for a little while. The good news is today we get a break and it is a much needed break. Firefighters are very grateful for the break. I wish it was the end of the wind event. Unfortunately, we have another one and we will talk about in a moment. Lets talk about where the wind is this morning. It is fantastic. 12 mph at sfo but everyone else underneath the 10 mile per hour range. There is wind in elevation and you see that mount diablo 41 mph gusts happening. Mount st. Helena 35 Miles Per Hour. Even this is starting to ramp down to see it Getting Better through the day. I still under the red flag warning expiring at 11 am. This is what pam and dave were alluding to. We have another event coming tuesday into wednesday. Another red flag warning is likely getting to the time frame. Here is the afternoon. The wind is looking great. No problem. You do not see the bright colors on the map. This is what happens on tuesday. This is another offshore event starting to roll in tuesday at 8 p. M. We are back up to the 25 and 35 mile per hour range with the wind. That is where we are going. We will time it out a little bit more and when we come back we will talk about it. We will also let you know it is chilly in the door the bay and we have dry air. The temperatures are dropping 36 right now. 57 in San Francisco. San jose about 51. It is 5 37 and left go over to sell to take a look at your traffic. We do see a bunch of slow traffic this morning on interstate 80 in vallejo. Coming up towards the area that burned yesterday, the freeway is open, but we have a lot of slow traffic and it is possibly because of fire units on the scene in the area. Heading west. It is open but we have a lot of slow traffic in vallejo. All the way down to the carquinez bridge. You might be distracted by the fire watches going on in the area. 680 might be an alternate. I would say it looks all right to the venetian bridge to give me a little bit of time out there if youre coming in from fairfield. You can see how slow that it is. So traffic until you get across the carquinez bridge. Otherwise, it looks all right heading out. From the carquinez bridge to the main campus 70 minute drive. At the bay bridge toll plaza we have a 20 minute delay. Lets go back to the desk. They are working hard to defend the structure. You can see the propane takes are bending. This is from a ktvu viewer who took the video and hills. Following fire crews as they worked to put out the flames from the kincade fire. Healdsburg is one of several communities under mandatory evacuation orders. The winery and alexander barely area has been destroyed over the conveyed buyer. The soda rock winery in healdsburg burned to the ground over the weekend. Flames raced to the Main Building and the tasting room yesterday morning. Other buildings on the property also burned to the ground. Take a look at the sidebyside photo and pictures of what the soda rock winery looks like before the fire. The winery dates back to 1869. It was restored after it was purchased in the year 2000. All that is left of the winery is a Historic Stone fagade and a steel structure. The former fema coordinator in fremont fire battalion chief marc navarro joined us on the 10 00 news last night and told us in the next few hours and days, it is going to be critical with the pg e warning that power could be shut off for 5 to 7 days, he said that poses a big problem for firefighters. This is going to be longer than we have ever had before. There is a consequence to that. The Water District to have generators to be able to pump water for the fire hydrants. All of those things come into play when we are talking about fighting fires. It is not just the firefight. It is the power being out also. Fire crews will hopefully have a chance to increase the area of the containment of the windsor fire with a little bit of a break as kyla was mentioning. But they will only have a short opportunity since the wind is expected to pick up again tomorrow night. The kincade fire is a big test for the men and women of the fire lines. The cal fire and failed to clear units as the toughest part of the firefight is how exhausted everybody is. Cal fire cruise we caught up with in healdsburg normally switch out after 20 for hours. They are replaced by fresh firefighting teams but the wind picked up saturday night, spread to the planes which meant more work for firefighters. Everybody is tired. It was a long day before we even started fighting a fire tonight. But we are already on 20 for ourselves. It started yesterday morning for most of the folks and everybody was up around 4 00 yesterday morning. As you can imagine, it is not just the physical exhaustion taking a toll. The mental and emotional toll can be overwhelming also. Even for experienced firefighters. It is hard thing on scope and put in flames. There more than 3000 firefighters battling the kincade fire. Want to update you on several fires select the grizzly fire started work it has consumed more than 1000 acres and tempered. There are no threats to homes. No evacuations more people complaining about the smoke from the fire as it travels theres a lot of contra costa county. Just a few miles southwest the fire and martinez burning 50 acres as of yesterday no hover avenue. There was up to before 6 00 last night reports of any major damage two fires breaking out in lafayette the favorite 5 acres and several homes were damaged. The Lafayette Tennis Club was destroyed before firefighters were able to contain it. People living here Pleasant Hill road were needed to back up at the order was lifted a couple of hours later with down power lies in the area. It was not included in the pg e power shut off a wildfire in vallejo shut down the cooking is bridge in parts of 80. Homes in the glen cove neighborhood evacuated yesterday morning. The fire burned more than 150 acres. At one point the fire was watching the Cal State University Maritime Academy burned at least 150 acres. Some of the damage there at the cars it was about 85 contained human rights advocate from San Francisco shot in the philippines while doing his work we were there when he came back home for the first time in 10 years. Accusations in the campaign trail the congressman details plus what House Speaker nancy pelosi had to say we will tell you a little bit more about it straight ahead. Another winifred heading ra getting into the work week. I will time it out staying ahead of it. Your weather is next. Our time as icon 46 heres an update on the kincade fire. It is almost doubled in size the last six hours by strong went and got up to 70 Miles Per Hour was 85 mi. 2 in area bigger than the city fremont two firefighters hurt no one lifted to the airlifted at the uc medical center. The matter. Officials say have the of preparation of Sonoma County with almost everyone leaving when the order was issued was ordered. Kate hilton announced her resignation on twitter saying, this is the hardest thing ive ever had to the House Ethics Committee gonna be 32yearold after compromising pictures service. Nancy pelosi said she made the right decision at stepping down no races are scheduled at Santa Anita Park after yet another horse died. Then horse name byebye beautiful making the career start suffering a leg injury. During the fall meet starting september 27 236 death of a horse and last december. The horseracing board issue a very in december and ideas to prevent similar horse injuries and death. Human rights activist shot and seriously injured in the philippines this summer is back home and services go. Readily arrived at sfo Early Saturday Morning following a 20 hour overseas medical flight. The 37yearold is now recovering from family members and friends are calling an attempted assassination. Are delighted that he has back and his native San Francisco. The fact that he went to this whole different country to do the work he was doing he was a special person. It is a powerful story and sadly something that happened to a lot of people who live and have been targeted. In august, lee was shot for times i thought of his home in a mountainous region in northern philippines. The human rights activists believes he was targeted because he was fighting for the rights of indigenous people. Last check in with sal and see what is happening on the road. How does the commute look . It is going to be tough out there. One of the things about the fire areas if you were just running us, there is not a lot of traffic because the area has been evacuated and we just want to show you there are still obviously a lot of closures. Highway 101 is in better shape than yesterday when a lot of people were evacuating. As we look at the rest of the bay area, we have a lot of slow traffic on interstate 80 near where the fire burned yesterday, approaching the carquinez bridge. There was a stalled vehicle but also a fire watch in the area that might be distracting people. Once you get across the carquinez bridge it looks all right. There is not been a lot of slow traffic. Still a lot of slow traffic here as a normal commute would be on 205 and 580 approaching the altamont pass. No major issues are getting out the valley. A indian oakland looks all right but at the bay bridge we have a big backup at the toll plaza as per normal. Todays weather, lets go to kyla. We are dealing with the windy conditions that are finally ramping down today. That is the good news. However, we expect another offshore wind event to getting into tuesday. Lets start with video that the Santa Rosa Fire Department tweeted out to show you the wind that was rolling saturday night into sunday up in the north bay and was bringing down all kinds of branches and if theyre asking people if you see downed power lines call 911 and reported because it is dangerous. A lot of debris and branches. I was there myself and thought driving around it is a little hazardous. Im happy to say that this morning things are much better in the Wind Department in santa rosa. Look at this six mileperhour. The entire bay area is looking fantastic. The highest number of the map is 12 Miles Per Hour at sfo. That is a big difference. There is still wind heading up higher looking or the fires and this is pop ridge. 23 Miles Per Hour is. Notice the relative humidity is low. It is a different story than down and health. Healdsburg. We order the red Flood Warning until 11 am but we are expecting the wind ramp down. Unfortunately, another event is coming our way tuesday into wednesday. A red flag warning is likely issued for the tuesday into wednesday timeframe. Here is month wednesday night and we are common looking fantastic. This is what happened as we get into Tuesday Morning. We start to see the went pickup. It continues into tuesday in the overnight hours and now it is up there. 25 and 35 and 40 mileperhour wind gusts and this does not go away until we get later into wednesday. While we have the red flag warning expiring, another round of is coming our way. Tuesday into wednesday. This will not be a strong or long of a system as we just endured considering the fire out there already will make it more difficult for the firefighters. Lets take it back to where we are right now. 55 degrees and seven cisco. About 47 down in sunnyvale. Notice to the north they it is chili with the dry air allowing the temperatures to drop. 46 degrees in santa rosa. The north bay is looking pretty good with relatively clear skies this morning. Are not the ones dealing with this. Southern california also battling a fire that has broken out near the for a five this morning. 60 degrees is where we are going for the temperatures today. 75 in santa rosa. 73 in san jose. The city forecast, you can see it is staying relatively calm temperaturewise. It is just a wind kicking in tuesday into wednesday. We start warmup saturday into sunday. I will send it back to dave. The time is 5 53. A strong warning from the California Attorney general. Coming up at 6 00. The extra endorsement statewide for the wildfire and the power shut off. Water emergency because of the power shut off. We will show you where people are being told to take a shower or flush the toilet. Classes the angry back and forth between the city and the Teachers Union, after the break. Its been reported that theres a cyberattack on business every 39 seconds. Ouch. I dont even want to think about it. Comcast business has a solution. We go beyond fast with a cloudbased Security System that automatically updates, so you always have the latest protection. Phishing. Malware. Risky sites. It can help block all of that. Get fast internet and add comcast business securityedge for just 29. 95 a month. Its one less thing for us to worry about. Comcast business. Beyond fast. If youre living with a condition, Kaiser Permanentes integrated care team will help you get through life without missing a beat. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. Welcome back our time is 5 56. A former Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant during the airline reported that two pilots allegedly live streamed bathroom video. The complaint reveals allegations during a 2017 flight from pittsburgh to phoenix claiming the captain, terry graham had to use the bathroom. Two crew members in the cockpit at all times they has to the Flight Attendant to cover for them. That is one she said she saw wanted to the windchill Live Streaming video from the bathroom suck what she said was a video of the captain using the laboratory. What were they thinking. What kind of prank that would prompt two pilots to become peeping toms and a cockpit. Select the copilot panicked when the flight and asked them about that was part of the new topsecret security measures for the Flight Attendant lawyer said when she complained to management she was told not to talk to anyone else. Southwest airlines issued a statement thing it does not use cameras and bathrooms United Airlines announced a partnership with apple apple to an and is the partners experience. The companies have not given us details on how they will Work Together but united said apple has inspected the package areas, Customer Service and lobby that united space at ffo. One of United Airlines biggest corporate plate in the bay area United States banning fights to keep her with the exception of havana. The battle start and december. Mike pompeo says it will prevent cuba for making comments from you there trouble the flight suspension will prevent american tourism which is banned under u. S. Law critics say it will give more difficult for cubanamericans to visit Family Living far from havana. President Trump Company says it is considering selling the landmark Washington Dc Hotel after almost six lawsuits. Hotel up and open in 2016 just before the election. It has been a hot shot hotspot for diplomats and lobbyists who want to gain favor with the trump ministration. There but if i wait the money with clause of the constitution banning president s are getting payments or gifts from foreign governments classes again canceled in chicago. The teacher strike going into the third week despite appearances of a possible deal over the weekend. They seem to be taking a step back. The city says they put a fair offer on the table but the Teachers Union does not agree. The unit that the city is not taking the demand for smaller class sizes seriously. Weve had the entire northeastern part of the town covered in fire. Containment levels dropped over the weekend at the kincade fire continues to tear through Sonoma County. We are live from the front lines of what is being done to save lives and homes. To ensure you are prepared in the fact that your power may not come back. Select thousands of customers here in the bay area still have no power as the wildfire prevention method now pg e is rushing to get the lights back on as another possible shut off is looming. In mourning at thank you for joining us on mornings on 2. Im pam cook. I am dave clark. Heres the latest on the kincade fire. It is still racing across the north bay. Growing and expanding so fast. It is only 5 contained. It has burned almost 85 mi. 2 since last wednesday, and now it threatens to cross shiloh ridge into napa county. Cal fire says 90 for buildings including 30 homes have already been destroyed. Almost 80,000 buildings are in

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