Welcome to the nine, tomorrow at this time, we are going to be in the american canyon. We will talk about our trip a little later on, so that is coming up. Now, lets get to the news, we do have some serious news to get to. The u. S. Supreme court is very busy this morning, we start with breaking news from the nations highest court of justice is, they are talking about adding a Citizenship Question to the 2020 census. They ruled that the Trump Administrations explanation is insufficient, the justiclegal a is a setback for the president but that does not resolve the issue, the Trump Administration says it needs to ask this question because they want to improve enforcement of the Voting Rights act, but critics fear asking somebody there citizenship stance will discourage millions of minorities from filling out the census and lead to an inaccurate count of the population, affecting congressional representation. Every question matters. We can no longer live in fear. And it is asking a lot, but it matters. This is how we will be able to secure funding for our communities for funding for our education, and our political representation. The constitution requires the census count every 10 years, a question about citizenship has once been common but it has not been widely asked since 1950, it is unclear whether the administration had enough time to revise a fuller account for the courts, but we know that the forms are scheduled for printing next week. Ktvu fox 2 news. Grief counselors are on hand today at the ford dealership in morgan hill, as it reopens for the first time following tuesdays deadly workplace shooting. Employees are leaving flowers at the business for the victims, 38yearold, xavier soto and brian light. He was engaged and a father of two children, he managed the Parts Department had been with the Department Since 2012. A candlelight vigil will be held tonight at the downtown amphitheater, a gofundme page has also been set up for the families. So far, the attack was spontaneous, not carefully planned out. The gunmen, 60yearold, steven leet had worked in the Parts Department for the past 6 years. Investigators say he stayed in the store for a while then went to his car and returned with a 38 caliber fi and shot his supervisor, xavier soto. He fought with him until steven leet shot him twice. Those actions were nothing but heroic, those actions allowed people to flee after hearing the first shot. Steven leet later took his own life, officers searched his home and ended up seizing 12 guns that were registered in his name. 10 more democratic president ial candidates will take to the debate stage in miami following the first debate of the 2020 election season last night. Most of the candidates played it safe, senator Elizabeth Warren was the top candidate on the stage last night. Tonight, we will see them share the stage for the first time, including joe biden. Again, we welcome the San Francisco medical writer, and the host of the political podcast, joe garofoli, but we are going to look ahead, is anybody going to take on joe biden . Yes, and look for Bernie Sanders to do it, he wants to draw the distinction between where hes going to take america, and the direction that joe biden has in the past. Did anybody change their strategy based on what they saw the candidates do last night . I dont think so, i think everybody played it safe, so it is going to be much more pointed tonight because of joe bidens presence on the stage. He is so far ahead of everyone else, they need to cut him down a little bit. I didnt see anybody go for the jugular last night, i think it was surprising, i think everybody was mostly well behaved. Does a smaller candidate have to do that, and go for the jugular . From last night, most of the americans didnt know who these people were, except for Elizabeth Warren. Compared to 4 years ago, the first debate 50 million viewers, last night, about 10 or so. And the first Republican Debate had a guy named donald trump, and everybody was like, oh, la last time, they didnt poll him very high. I think it is going to be different from last night. And you have somebody like pete buttigieg, he has a controversy back home, and how is that going to play into things . We are going to see how these people look on the big stage. How do you think kamala harris, what is her job tonight . She will need to introduce herself a little bit more, we know who she is, but much of america does not. They might have seen a clip of her on tv, but she is going to be a very good spot today because she is high enough in the polls where she doesnt have to do too much introduction, but she is not low enough that she has to do some crazy thing. If you are higher in the polls, do you have to go after someone . Do you think she will go after joe biden . She will do it in a subtle way, and the other candidates will do it in a subtle way, they will say, it is time for new ideas, or we cant be mired in the past, or we have to, we cant be so stuck in the old ways. In other ways, get off the stage. Last night, i recorded this debate, i watched the second half, and i thought, where is Elizabeth Warren . So i watched it back at the beginning, and i thought, there she is. I still thought she had a good debate, who do you think won the debate . Every time you ask that question, i always say america. America wins the debate. Answer the question, please. Elizabeth warren, definitely. If this was speed dating, and the number one issue for democrats is, who can beat trump . The one person last night was Elizabeth Warren. The rest, maybe can be joined by cabinets. He has to show that he can withstand the attacks from other people, he has two explained that he should be president , other than saying he has served as vice president. I can beat trump. Why can you beat trump . Give us the why. I dont think democrats have decided if they want a progressive or if they want somebody more solid. He is going to hold his centrist position. The standard way it is done, people start off on the very left, and when they become the nominee, they moved to the center, is that what is going to happen this time . I think that is the tradition of the past. He will say, i have been in civil rights for a long time, i have been the leader for a long time, but youre not going to see him go out there and say medicare for all, or anything like that. Last night, i think Elizabeth Warren cut the first attack against her, like you said, im with bernie on healthcare, when she says that, that means i am for eliminating private Health Insurance and most of america is not comfortable, most people have their own private Health Insurance, dont take it away. I like the option of something else, but dont take it away from me. In the date debate between the left once, what do you think of that . Did she make too much noise . She mentioned donald trump nine times last night, Elizabeth Warren mentioned donald trump zero times. Is that positive or not . It is too early, right . You are not gaining anything. Everybody doesnt hate trump, you cant distinguish yourself by saying, i what is the differ she should say, why am i different, enough, nobody cares about how much you hate trump. At the end of the day, last night, tonight, it is all part of the process. We talked about it whittling down. Tim ryan, i dont know, he didnt really distinguish himself, i dont know how much money he gets after last night. Beto orourke did not have a good night. But people still love him. This is not his format. They must consider him to be a threat, the internal polling said that this guy could take you out, there is a couple of people attacking him last night, but he did not have a good night. Joe, thank you, you have a good morning. A across the board, thank you. Coming up, an incredible story caught on tape, one teenager turns around a situation that could have been terrible. We will let you know more about that lifesaving catch. Plus, the shark attack in the bahamas that left one california woman dead. Just give me a racquet and watch me go. Because ill never be a sidekick. Our an understudy. Ill never be benched, subbed, or picked last. Because ill be a little busy. Leave the bench warming to your tennis bag. Join net generation. People in sacramento and across the bay area are remembering a fallen officer after she was shot and killed last week, the procession will be for tara osullivan, in roseville, it starts at 10 00, itll be at the Bayside Church adventure campus, it is open to the public. Last night, mourners held an candlelight vigil, hundreds of people came together at the Sacramento Police and sheriffs memorial. Her heart and intelligence will never be forgotten. Her strong, beautiful smile was so contagious. It was truly as bright as the sun. Her humor would bring us to tears at family gatherings. Police say she and three other officers were ambushed by 45 yearold, odell ramos, Court Records show he had a history of Domestic Violence complaints dating back 20 years. This morning, President Trump is now in japan to attend the group of 20 summit of world leaders, the first meeting today was a working dinner with australian prime minister, scott morrison. President trump has several one onone meetings scheduled, and the most anticipated is saturday with the chinese president , they are expected to continue trade talks as china tried to prevent how your u. S. Tariffs on chinese imports, tomorrow the president is set to meet with russian president , vladimir putin. The world cup has the attention of the white house after comments of one of the nations top star players, it started after megan told a magazine reported that she wont go to the white house if the team wins the world cup. Im not going to the white house. No. Im not going to the white house. We are not going to be invited. I doubt it. President trump took to twitter yesterday saying he would in fact invite the team, megan should never disrespect our country, the white house, or the flag, especially since so much has been done for her and the team. A photo of a father and his young daughter is sparking more debate over immigration, and now we are hearing from their family. We want to warn you, some of the images may be disturbing. Oscar Martinez Ramirez and his 23 month old daughter drowned in the rio grande while they were trying to come to the u. S. From el salvador. Martinez, his wife, and their daughter got to the river on sunday. At one point, his daughter jumped into the water and the father tried to save her, that is when they were swept away. His mother is now trying to cope with the loss. It is shocking to see that image, we always protected her, but at the same time, i dont know, it makes me feel tenderness, you can see that he never let her go. The mother had to identify her husband and daughter, their bodies are being transported back to el salvador later today and she will be heading back with them. Last year, 283 people died trying to cross the border, this years numbers have not yet been released. Safety warnings are being issued to people in the bahamas after a tourist from Southern California was killed in a shark attack, jordan lindsay was snorkeling with her family yesterday afternoon. She was then attacked by three sharks. The family saw the sharks, tried to warn her, but it was too latebe taken back to Southern California by the u. S. Embassy. The San Francisco board of supervisors is changing proposed plans for flexible pricing at tourist attractions, right now it cost nine dollars to tour coit tower, the conservatory of flowers, the botanical gardens, and the japanese tea garden. Under the plan, the price would go up for nonresidents during busy times and the price would go down during slower hours, the change was approved yesterday and would allow the rex recreation and Parks Department to raise the rate once a year and lower them based on demand like weather conditions or other conditions at the facilities. Delta is helping passengers with reservations to change or cancel their flights without penalty. Following the recent string of deaths in that country, a new report reveals that bookings to the Dominican Republic are down around 74 for the month of july and august compared to last year. It is time for our weather, it is a little cooler than it normally is this time of year, lets go to steve. That is correct, for some, it is unseasonably cool, then we will start lee slowly start to warm things up. There is rain up in northern california. Up near trinity county, and the oregon border from that low, and already some higher clouds are now into the picture, they will start being funneled in here, so that low this time of year is very impressive, it is controlling the entire part of california and much of the west as well with unseasonably cold temperatures. Here comes the higher clouds, clouds and sunshine, a little breezy. Temperatures in the 60s and 70s, staying mild tomorrow, maybe a little bit warmer and temperatures today will be on the cool side for some, mild for others. But below average for this time of year. The low will eventually start to work its way inland as it does, then weekends, then we will see a decrease in the wind and slightly warmer temperatures. Some very cool air up at mount diablo, temperatures in the 40s and 50s with a pretty good. E upper sphere atmosphere. 60s on the temperatures, we had a lot of 40s this morning, we are averaging up to five degrees cooler than we were 20 hours ago. Patchy low clouds, high clouds, that little control in the weather, that will start to exit out of here as we go into the weekend, which will allow the temperatures to bump up a little bit, but it is going to stay cool to near average, or even below as we go into the weekend. 60s and 70s, unseasonably cool for some like clearlake and fairfield, all the way down to gilroy. We will gradually warm up, but staying pretty nice. A 17yearold boy is being called a hero for saving a toddler who from a second floor window. He was just walking down the street, and noticed the 2year old girl dangling from the window, he ran to the building and positioned himself underneath and he was able to catch the child. Amazing, the little girl was not hurt at all, he got a cash reward for saving her life. I know we hear that phrase, right place at the right time all the time, but he had the thinking and ability to do it. Coming up, gearing up for a big celebration, how San Francisco is preparing its security for tens of thousands of visitors this weekend. Start the car start the car the ikea summer sale. Wooooooo save up to 50 off select items in store only june 26th to july 7th. Ikea. Termites, were on the move. 24 7. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. The techadvanced nissan leaf. The best selling electric vehicle of all time. This is nissan intelligent mobility. One of the stars of the popular show, dog, the Bounty Hunter has died, that is duane chapman, tweeting yesterday, this is the time that she would wake up and go hike, only today, she hikes the stairway to heaven. She was diagnosed with stage ii throat cancer in 2017, the cancer hunter was placed in a coma over the weekend, she was 51 years old. That is madonna, she is taking a stand against gun violence, releasing a new video of her latest single, the Material Girl calls it a wake up call, showing a gunman storming a nightclub and opening fire. After releasing the video, madonna went on twitter to urge fans to volunteer and to stand up and donate. The city is preparing for pride weekend in San Francisco. Pride is now in full swing in San Francisco. Organizers of the inaugural pride sf Golf Tournament say they just started putting together the event in february. We thought we needed a year to organize, but we said, lests 20 or 30 people, now we have 120 golf professionals involved in each group. The permit might be the first sf pry tournament, but it wont be the last, and it is an opportunity to show the impact they are making we are in all sports, volleyball, rugby, golf, it is time to be visible in those sports, this is what this event is about. San francisco was preparing to show its pride citywide, police saying, as in years past, the party will be focusing on the Civic Center Area with a pride parade sunday, making its way up market street. While there are no specific threats, it is all hands on deck. In large events like this in the city, it takes everyone to do security, if you see something, we ask that you say something, call the police, speak with security staff or event coordinators. Pride regularly brings tens of thousands of people to the city, the Transportation Agency is finalizing street closure plans now, but is already saying, anybody coming to pride should use Public Transportation to get in, out, and around the city. We are anticipating more people on muni, and to accommodate those people. We will have more service on muni, and we are encouraging everybody to take Public Transit because parking is going to be tough to find. There are no organized activities in the castro, so no street closures in this area, police say they will be enforcing open container and public intoxication laws. They are encouraging anybody who comes to the city to use Public Transportation, they say if you do have to drive and you have to park your vehicle, dont leave anything valuable in that vehicle, they are trying to reduce the likelihood of auto burglaries. Ktvu fox 2 news. The events that draw the most people start on saturday, many people are already in San Francisco where boutiques, bars, and restaurants in the Castro District are decked out in rainbow flags, the theme is generations of resistance. A member of harmony harvey milks club say they want to remember their history. We want people to celebrate, but also remember what got us here, all of the uprising and protesting and fighting. Pride means just knowing who you are, owning who you are, not being ashamed, just being you. The 49th annual pride parade begins on sunday at 10 30 a. M. , it starts at thethe civic center. We have an encore presentation of our special, a history of pride, it airs this sunday at 6 30 pm. Coming up, a ruling from the Supreme Court just morning on whether or not a Citizenship Question can go on the 2020 census, up next, we will sit down with the st. Marys College Professor of politics, to discuss what this means for people in the bay area. The clock is ticking, the decision the governor has to make on the multibillion dollar budget. Dales little girl is heading to college. Luckily, her dorm is about 10 minutes from a hotel by wyndham. Ashleys meeting all her inlaws, and shes about 10 minutes from a hotel by wyndham. Jeff is flying to. Oh never mind. But hey, 10 minutes from a wyndham. Hes having the best. Day. Ever and hes about. 10 minutes 10 minutes. From a hotel by wyndham. With over 6,000 Hotels Across the country, a great hotel by wyndham is closer than you think. Book direct at wyndhamhotels. Com. So, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. The United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Welcome back to mornings on 2, the nine, this is a look at downtown oakland, and the weather has been just a little bit cooler, we are going to check in with steve in a bit. San jose looks good, too. Lets go to steve clark in the newsroom. Spell it right now, a memorial seicheld in roseville for Sacramento Police officer, tara osullivan, killed last week in the line of duty, the officer was fatally shot last wednesday while responding to a Domestic Violence call, the Memorial Service at the Bayside Adventure Church is open to the public. In morgan hill, grief counselors are at a ford dealership that is reopening today after tuesdays deadly workplace shooting where three people were killed. Flowers were placed at the dealership in memory of two shooting victims am a 38year old, xavier soto and brian light. Tonight, a candlelight vigil was planned at the downtown morgan hill amphitheater, Authorities Say the gunmen who later killed himself lost his job on tuesday after working in the Parts Department for 8 years. Tonight, 10 more democratic president ial candidates will debate in miami after last nights first debate of the 2020 elections, tonights debate will include the front runners, joe biden and Bernie Sanders along with people to judge john hickenlooper, eric swalwell, pete buttigieg, and some lesserknown candidates like Marianne Williamson and michael bennett. That is a brief look at some of the top stories we are working on. Right back to todays developing news we have been bringing you, the Supreme Court ruling that blocks for now, the Trump Administrations effort to add a Citizenship Question to the 2020 census. Printing is supposed to begin next week, lets talk more about this with Steve Woolpert of st. Marys college. They didnt believe the secretarys reason for wanting the question to be put on the senses, they said it was a pretext and the case didnt support his argument for why he wanted to ask a question. What can the Trump Administration do now . They have to go back to the District Court of new york and offer a truer explanation for their wanting to include the question. If there is still time for them to do that, they want to start printing the questionnaires on monday. Do you think, they will say, we can start printing on october 1, or do you think that july 1 is a hard deadline . If they have sufficient resources, they might be able to postpone it, then they would still have to persuade not only the District Court of new york but there is a separate case in maryland that raises a new question about whether or not the secretarys motive was discriminatory against voters. At this point, it looks doubtful that the 2020 census will include the Citizenship Question . That is correct, although they have told the commerce secretary that they can provide the same or better evidence about citizenship from other sources, so they dont really need to have this question. If the Trump Administration refocuses and does more week, what is the reaction among the community . Relief, im sure, there is an undercount in this census, some 9 Million People might have answered falsely or not answered at all, it would have really distorted the allocation of federal funds. And, this affects money for public schools, highway repairs, it also goes to the house of representative, how many people represent you in washington, which eventually affects the Electoral College and the presidency. The consequences are huge, this is probably the most important case of the term for the Supreme Court in terms of the political consequences. It is this the first time a Citizenship Question has been proposed for the census . It was on for the 1950s, then they removed it, and they were able to provide citizenship data through other surveypears that the underlying reason that the Congress Secretary wanted this was to give a structural electoral advantage to rural and Nonhispanic White voters. Which is discriminatory. What do you imagine immigrants Rights Groups are doing right now . Other than celebrating . They are celebrating, and they are watching to see what happens if they try to resurrect this question in the waning minutes that they have, before they have to start printing the form, they want to be ready to respond in court both in new york and maryland. Okay, thank you for joining us this morning. Mike . Thank you, moments before that ruling, the g the political map, the High Court Says federal courts have no say in policing, it couldresult in political line drawing. Todays courts ruled, new maps should be drawn. Two bodies have been discovered in castro valley, a man and woman were found dead in an attached guesthouse on forest avenue. They were in their 40s and died from gunshot wounds, the Sheriffs Office is investigating the death as a possible murdersuicide, they may have been dead for several days. They have been called to this home before, they do not believe there is any threat to the public. An 18yearold woman from Solano County and two of her teenage friends were , accused of with men online, then robbing them and shooting them. April, the unidentified woman drove with the victim to lake solano park outside of winters with two friends waiting, the deputies say they robbed and shot the victim, and left him in that remote area. He managed to get help. Last week, deputies received a similar call about a man that was shot and robbed, they were able to track down and arrest the suspect. The Oakland Police have released an edited report, on the 2016 sex exploitation scandal. You may remember that she went by the name celeste, the report shows that they met many of the oakland officers on facebook, there are many explicit messages detailed in the investigation, the documents evolving those officers whose misconduct falls under californias new Police Transparency law. In a statement, the mayor says she supports the new law requiring Police Misconduct to be made public she says this increased transparency is critical to repairing pupolice, the devastating effects of this scandal on our community. The report is 252 pages but more than half of it is redacted, you can read it yourself at www. Ktvu. Com. Oaklands ghost ship trial is taking a break until july 8. Henry lee has the story. Today was one of the betrial defense. That is how the attorney summarized testimony on behalf of his client, Derick Almena the oakland firefighter, Daniel Keenan testified, he helped move his daughter out of the warehouse 3 years before the deadly fire, he said he never noticed any hazards in the building. He is a fire person, he knows what the law is, he knows whether or not a fire code violation occurred. In essence, he said it was okay. Derick almenas wife finished her testimony , when she refer to a fire escape days early, she said there was just access to the roof. Overall, the team said allison did well on the stand. My clients wife finished with large credibility, so, im thrilled. Im excited. Also understand, the artist, thomas, who testified he visited the ghost ship and he didnt think he was not safe. He has said before, he expects the venues he performs at to be safe. Defendant, Derick Almena will take the stand july 8. Governor newsom has until midnight tonight to act on the states nearly 215 billion dollar he could veto sections or the entire thing, but he said he couldnt be more pleased with it and all that was left to resolve were some small issues. The budget includes a 21 1 2 billion dollars surplus, the largest our state has seen in 20 years. State lawmakers rejected the latest request for the independent audit on the dmv. It would be on how the federal requirements for the real id program and the troubled rollout for the Voter Registration program. They also said they would duplicate 200 reviews of the dmv currently underway, those reviews are expected to be completed by the end of next month or early august. Coming up, tossing out citations on bart, the number of people who failed to show their ticket, and most of them got away with it. Plus, they say it is now safe to eat, the cookie dough from nestli that is ready to eat without baking. Start the car start the car the ikea summer sale. Wooooooo save up to 50 off select items in store only june 26th to july 7th. Ikea. I swibecause they let metual, customize my insurance. And as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Im jimmy dean, and only one like this any nicer. Ning a hearty, hefty, good tasting breakfast. With eggs, bacon, sausage, and when you finish, you know you had something to eat. Welcome back, pg e is talking about wildfire safety and spreading awareness, the utility hosted an open house last night to talk about the steps being taken after the catastrophic fires over the last few years. Pg e had to file for bankruptcy after many of those fires were linked to the equipment. The new strategy is to shut off power in advance when conditions call for it. California is not a third world country, we are all paying for reliable power. We understand, this is more than an inconvenience, but a hardship, we want people to take steps now to be prepared. Many people had concerns about Fire Prevention tree trimmings, saying many of the contractors are coming from in meanwhile, firefighters yesterd urging people to clean up the space outside of their homes as soon as possible, the goal is to protect property from wildfires, as particular region. Experts that heavy vegetation outside creates a dangerous situation. There is a high probability that we may not be able to save their home, or we will start our firefighting activities and suppression at a different location where we do have the space. Authorities in oakland are calling this crash Fire Safety Program as they have set monday as the deadline to clean up the debris and create your defensible space. Happening today, a Planning Commission will review a Development Proposal for the stanford campus, stanford wants to build more than 3 million square feet of classroom space, which would add 10,000 people to the campus. In exchange, the university is offering a benefits package to santa clara county, one that includes money for housing development, transportation improvement and the Palo Alto Unified School district. We are getting an up at a science camp for underserved kids that wraps up today. Stanfords professor, brian brown trains teachers, but here, he is teaching fifth graders and sixth graders from oakland, and helping them learn more about these subjects. They are learning about topics like surface tension, gravity, and pressure in a handson and fun way. The kids say, they are excited to be here. Some of these things here, i have never learned before. And i already know that some of this stuff is how you are supposed to be doing at seventh grade and eighth grade, i am really lucky to learn this at such a young age. I am learning things, and putting my hands on things, and working on things and starting to see it. A camp like this could typically cost as much as 3000, this week, it was available for 50. 90 of the citations issued to bartnot issued. About one in 10 people paid those find, which is 75 for adults and 55 for children, that is leaving the agency with some unpaid fines. Many were not paid because they are either from outofstate or they gave false information to inspectors. Bart plans to stop selling paper tickets at four stations this summer, the agency wants more passengers to use prepaid clipper cards, you wont be able to buy paper tickets starting july 8 at the downtown location, 19th street location will do away with paper tickets on july 22, and in San Francisco, they will stop on august 19, and street, august 23, they are working on a clipper card only Payment System by next year. A look at the stock market right now, we have a ans p, the jones is only up slightly, about 8 10 of a percent, but most of them are in the greena w softwa further delay the return of boeing 737 max jets. The problem was discovered during simulated flights last week, the 737 max jets have been grounded since march, after two deadly plane crashes in five months. The new flaw is not linked to that of the crashes, the faa says the agency will lift the probation order for the 737 max jets when they determine it is safe to do so. Fisherprice is recalling another incline infant sleeper, the latest recall is for the ultralight day and night play yard, there are no reported deaths or injuries. There is no defect. Fatalities were reported after using other products after babies rolled from there back to their stomachs. Where they were not restrained. You remember they recalled their popular sleepers because it was associated for more than 30 deaths. Amazon will have their first ever prime day concert, and let taylor swift open with her single, me. She will lead an allfemale lineup to help promote one of the companys biggest shopping days of the year, the concert will be live on amazon prime video, wednesday, july 10 at 6 pm. Target is taking on amazon during its biggest sale days of the year, they are holding the event on july 15 and 16th, the same time amazon has their prime day shopping promotion. They reported record sales last year, shoppers will be able to take advantage of the new same day delivery option. Walmart and ebay have already announced major sales on those days. Nestli has made a cookie you can eat without worrying about getting sick, the cookie dough is now out in a pintsize container ready to eat without baking. It comes in regular chocolate chip and Peanut Butter chocolate chip flavors, raw cookie dough, you are typically not supposed to eat it because of the eggs and flour, eating that rock can give you food poisoning. Nestlis new cookie dough is being sold in Public Stores in florida with more stores on the way. Who hasnt had it . I do it all the time, but, never in front of my children, i tell the boys, you cant have this. They say, doesnt have eggs in it . I say, yeit does. I dont know what the deal is, it is not just the eggs, but the raw flour, if it is not cooked, a raw pathogen can be uncooked and it can affect you. I never eat the cookie dough. Never. I want the cookie, give me a nice big warm cookie and a glass of milk. Interesting. Coming up in a moment, the first of its kind technology, we are going to highlight, it is helping treat people with cancer all with the help of facial recognition. Happening today, it is natural offered at clinics across the bay area, it is to raise the importance of regular screenings and the benefits of early diagnosis, the center for Disease Control say an estimated 1. 1 Million People in the United States are living with hiv and one in seven of them dont know they have it. Helping cancer patients, with facial Recognition Technology, we explain how helping doctors thickly identify problems within seconds. When doug powell came for his radiation treatment, this is how he checked in. The safe rt id facial Recognition Technology quickly confirmed his identity and his treatment for prostate contact, officially, it takesh which is important for people who have compromised immune it shows the specific accessories they need to perfectly align their body on the table for treatment. We have a handheld scanner for every accessory, it gives us the green light that this is the correct accessory for our patient and then we can proceed with the treatment. Each item must be scanned into the system before radiation can start. It essentially verifies that we have the right patient for the right treatment at the right time every time. The process works well for doug, his treatment is now complete. He thinks this kind of technology will become more common in the medical world. I think we are looking at facial recognition on a lot of technologies. It is a big thing to use this technology. The facial Recognition Technology was just approved by the fda this month, in parker, they are the only one in the country currently using it. Lets talk about instagram, and how they are planning to start a test run in canada this week, to remove feature on the app, they are working to prevent bullying on the app, and removing the button can help alleviate the pressures associated with social media. The company says they want to focus on content more than recognition. Apple has purchased a startup that makes self driving cars, they have been running a small fleet of self driving shuttles in texas, apple purchased the company in order to add its engineering talent to its self driving efforts, it looked like apple was getting out of the race for self driving technology, they eliminated some of their positions. Kevin durant will be a free agent after turning down his player option yesterday for the upcoming season, it is expected that many teams will offer him entire next season while recovering from his achilles injury that he received during the finals. The warriors can offer him the largest, the free agency kicks off sunday afternoon. Executives held a Conference Call 10 days ago about making games more competitive, it includes playing games for the postseason, these possible additions would cut down the number of regularseason games from 82 to as few as 58. The nba says these changes are only in the discussion changes stages and itll happen in the 2021 in 2022 season to mark the leagues anniversary. A 3yearold boy is on a mission to pick up all the trash in his neighborhood. I dont know what is going on with this trash. I dont know either, he told his mom, he didnt like seeing all of that trash in the it. The next day, he still wanted to pick up trash, and so, they did. He was just upset, he was like, people dont throw their trash into the trash, it looks yucky out here. Pretty much his words. Spent the entire week collecting trash throughout the neighborhood. We hope you join us tomorrow, we are taking another zip trip, we are headed off to the american canyon. It has its own wine bottling industry, a Big Development plan for the future, plus people have come here with their grandparents, and now they come here as grandparents. We will take you to some of american canyons favorite eateries. This has been a staple in the town for decades, and we will tell you the secret sauce that keeps locafor a full hour tomorrow morning at 9 am, right here on mornings on 2. Of course we will be streaming it on www. Ktvu. Com. Just looking at that diner made me hungry. It looks pretty good. I cant wait to hear more about american canyon. You will see that tomorrow. Thank you for watching everybody, have a great morning, see you back here at noon. At at t we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. And because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet. 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