What we see right now is a Pressure Gradient tightening up. It is setting us up with winds tomorrow gusting at 2535 Miles Per Hour at higher elevations. They issued a red flag warning starting an hour ago. Through basically saturday morning. He will see two nights of very strong winds. Especially in the higher elevations. They will keep temperatures warmer out they are. Instead of below freezing like it was in napa. Temperatures will be a little bit warmer. The other side benefit of the strong winds coming are going to be the airquality. We have had spare the air days. Not an issue with airquality. The winds will mix out the pollutants in the particulate matter. We will get more sunshine. We will get better airquality. We are going to see the winds picking up late tonight and early tomorrow. The high fire danger as bay area Fire Departments taking precautions. Team coverage picks up with amber live in the Oakland Hills where she found homeowners nervous about the fire danger. Reporter people here in the Oakland Hills say the 1991 firestorm in the northbay fires are on their minds. This weekends red flag warning is putting them on edge. Reporter there is nervous anticipation and fear among people here along snake road in the Oakland Hills. The forecast for high winds brings anxiety. It is scary after being so close to the fire we had. I dont want to live in fear. Reporter monday night a fire destroyed two homes under construction. And severely damage three others. There were 304 fires in our front yard. Reporter the nielsens are lucky the fire caused minor damage to their roof. The couple says they lost their home in another part of the Oakland Hills in the 1991 firestorm. It is always scary up here. This is really hard. The trees are drive. The shrubs are drive. Small fire with the wind can grow. Reporter the strong winds and low humidity have led Alameda County fire to issue a red flag warning for this weekend. Watch what the weather is going to do. Reporter the battalion chief said winds can pick up suddenly and despite 13 firefighters having been deployed to fires in Southern California he says there will be no shortage of resources in oakland. Residents have nothing to be afraid of. Reporter the city maintains the necessary staffing firefighters working overtime. He urges neighbors to be vigilant. Maintain awareness. Pay attention to what you are doing and Pay Attention to what your neighbors are doing. At any time there can be an incident. An emergency that will happen. Reporter the loss of a home in the past has taught them resiliency. We are alive and we can rebuild. We have done it before. Reporter the nielsens say they will be extra alert this weekend. The credit the firefighters with helping them save their home monday night. They tell me they know they are in good hands. This weekend you can turn to the weather team for uptotheminute conditions. You can find meteorologists on Facebook Twitter and instagram. A final farewell to mayor edley after his sudden death. Law enforcement officers carrying his casket tonight as they left the city hall for a final time with a salute in his honor. Thousands paid respects as the mayor lay in state. Janet reports many expressed shock and sadness with some waiting an hour in line to say goodbye. Reporter as night fell San Francisco city hall was graced with blue lights from fire trucks. Raising a flag across the street in honor of mayor ed lee. An unending line of people all day came to pay respect he was a good man. You honor good. I just want to pay respects to him. And to say thank you for what he did for the city. Reporter the first Asian American mayor lay in state in the rotunda where he had been sworn in in 2011. A man from Humble Beginnings race and housing projects who cared and related to ordinary citizens. He was loving the people. If you look around you see every nationality and color. Reporter some people waited an hour to see the casket. Praying to honor lee. Friends from all corners of the city. It is heartbreaking. It is really heartbreaking. Hard to even talk about. Is leaving us. Without thinking about his beautiful smile. He had diplomatic skills unlike most ordinary politicians who fly off the handle. Ed lee i dont think ever flew off the handle. His ordinariness paid him extraordinary. Reporter people stopped to sign books telling them with messages from the heart for a man they say gave his heart to the city. He continues to sink in he is not with us. I still feel his spirit as city hall. Reporter by 8 pm officers escorted the casket out of the city hall rotunda. A final farewell and salute in his honor. The memorial continues to grow here along the steps of city hall. A private funeral for his family only is scheduled for tomorrow. City hall will host another large crowd sunday for a public celebration of life honoring the late mayor. 3 pm in the rotunda. The doors open at 2 pm. The Program Includes members of the symphony colorguard and glide church ensemble. Speakers include Diane Feinstein nancy pelosi gavin newsom and his daughters tonya and rihanna. You can watch the memorial right here. Will bring you live coverage sunday afternoon when it began a petition is Gathering Signatures calling on San Francisco to name a city plaza after the late ed lee. It urges the city to name the plaza ed lee plaza. He used to be called Justin Herman plaza. The name was dropped last month. The petition to name it in honor of the mayor has more than 1100 signatures. It is aiming for 400 more. Community members in san rafael celebrated the release of a construction worker from immigration detention. Hugo was treated to a serenade by members of the public his family and friends. He was arrested may 3 for being at the country illegally when he went to work for a job at Travis Air Force base. He spent six months in jail before a judge released him without deporting him last month. It is something amazing. All my community. My boss. Everybody here has been amazing. He faces the possibility of being deported. He is asked for asylum and will remain free until his case is heard. They have secured enough votes to pass the overhaul of the tax code after gaining the support of two gop holdouts. A vote is expected next week with them hoping to have it on president trumps desk by christmas. Lauren blanchard has the details. Reporter the republican final tax bill is set in stone. It cannot be altered anymore and has been posted online for lawmakers and the public to see. The Conference Committee has come together and we have delivered for the american people. Reporter a challenge for them to come up with a plan they think and past the house and senate. All signs suggest leadership is confident enough to go forward with the vote. It keeps seven tax brackets reduces rates for 5. Corporate tax rate 21 . Doubles the Child Tax Credit for 1000 2000. He calls for the repeal of the individual mandate. They say it will make the u. S. More competitive. Democrats say it hurts the middleclass. Im excited about this moment. It has been 31 years in the making. It is a disaster. It helps the wealthiest most powerful corporations and individuals and it hurts the middleclass. Reporter to republican holdouts bob corker and marco rubio. They now say they will support it. Also complicating the map cochran and john mccain are out dealing with medical issues. All of our thoughts and prayers go to senator mccain. He is having a tough time. Im told he will be here next week to vote. Reporter final volts next week. We expect to see the house vote first followed by the senate. The president has been vocal about wanting something on his desk by christmas. Here are some other key points of the tax bill. Limits the deduction for property taxes and state and local taxes at 10,000 for both combined. That is of interest to homeowners in california where real estate taxes are high. Also the new bill caps deductions for interest paid on home loan only for loans up to 750,000. On mortgages issued after january 1 of next year. The tax bill would open the alaska arctic wildlife refuge to oil drilling. Developing news details on the closure of a major freeway connector after a deadly crash involving a pedestrian. A School Board Member accused of theft and perjury. Accusations he used Campaign Funds for travel in on himself. A second sea lion attacked at the aquatic park. The closure in place plus what we are learning from yesterdays survivor. We are tracking the weekend weather. I will see you back here with the forecast. We are following news and dublin. There has been a deadly accident on a major freeway interchange. It has close the connector ramp from 682 580 mac the Highway Patrol says the vehicle struck a person around 8 30 pm. Investigators are trying to figure out what the person was doing in the roadway. There is no estimate for when the highway might reopen. The closure will remain in effect is the investigation. Court documents released reveal accusations uber was involved in corporate spying and theft of trade secrets. The accusations appeared in a letter written by a former employee. That was filed as evidence of the lawsuit against uber igoogles Parent Company alphabet. It accuses them of stealing secrets from googles automated car program. The letter says uber has a special division in the company that specializes in unlawful activities including spying bribery an illegal survive surveillance. Holiday enforcements for duis are in full swing. Extra checkpoints and officers are on the street until the new year looking for people driving under the influence. Police say they are not taking chances after 76 people were killed across the state and traffic accidents over thanksgiving weekend. Authorities encourage people to call in dangerous behavior they might see. It might save a life. Not only the life of the driver with the life of the other people out and about trying to enjoy their holidays. People that dont drink often might not know what their blood alcohol level is. Or what would be a safe amount. Last year there were 37,000 traffic deaths across the country. One third were alcoholrelated temperament within 1000 were in california. A member of the school board charged with stealing funds intended to help pass a bond measure in san jose. The man claims he donated the money to charity but authorities think he spent it on himself. Reporter authorities charge john linder a School Member with grand theft and perjury. They say he took Campaign Funds raised to support a 2010 bond measure and instead spent them on Airline Tickets lumber and other personal expenses. He blew close to 16,000 on himself and loaned 12,000 to relatives he filed his disclosure reports and simply reported that the money was still in the account when it wasnt. Reporter the District Attorneys Office said by 2012 he had bled it dry. They say no one noticed until 2016 when he claimed he donated the money to 140 charities. Amounts less than 100 per group. This raise flags with the counties registrar of voters. Any time a public official is involved in any crime it is an extra betrayal of trust. We are supposed to be serving the people. Reporter the states Political Practices Commission completed an investigation. And find him more than 18,000. He is facing criminal charges as well. He said he has retained attorneys to fight this. Franklin district Officials Say they wont comment. Parents say they feel the tray. Betrayed. The schools dont have enough money as it is. They need every dollar they can. It is terrible. Reporter he turned himself in and has been released on bail. His arraignment is set for january 19. San francisco aquatic park is close to swimming after two swimmers were bitten by sea lions in the past two days. It is off limits until monday. A swimmer was injured by a sea lion bite on thursday afternoon. It happened again this morning. Todays victim was bitten in the groin. His wound is nonlife threatening. Experts say it is possible the same sea lion is responsible for the attack the man hurt yesterday is an attorney who said he has been swimming at aquatic park for the past couple years. Christian told us what happened. I turned around and i saw a large male bull sea lion as close to me as the camera is and you are right now. I became very concerned. He was a big bull. His head slid down my arm. Fortunately he only got one tooth into my arm. He was about a quarter of a mile offshore. The bite ripped a hole in his skin exposing muscle. Injured and bleeding he was fortunate to be rescue by a passing syllable payment he will make a full recovery passing sailboat. We can plans already. I hope we have some nice weather to talk about. We have the red flag warning. And a wind advisory at higher elevations. The line of clouds. As it goes through it leaves a hole in the atmosphere. The high johnson said that. And feels and. And starts to power offshore. The are accelerating late tonight the winds. It will be back again tomorrow night into sunday morning. We see some sprinkle activity in the foothills a few flurries nothing of consequence or substance other than light drops here and there. A little warmer tonight because of the cloud cover and the wind. Many of you wont notice the when the. It is higher elevations. You will notice it Santa Cruz Mountains and areas like that. Down around San Francisco you wont notice it much at all. 7 degrees warmer in napa because of the cloud cover. It is not as cold. Overnight lows warmer because of last night because of the clouds and the when. Forecast tomorrow morning sunshine did today. Partly cloudy mostly cloudy all day. Tomorrow mostly sunny. Temperatures in San Francisco 62. Oakland 63. Long range models does this. Monday we get through the weekend and nothing. The next best chance for rain next wednesday. The models have backed off. It goes around christmas back into this arching ridge of heart pressure. Highpressure. It looks drive through christmas. This it looks dry through christmas. It could change back. The wednesday event was supposed to give us traction. The models have pulled back on significant rainfall. The San Francisco giants made a trade sending matt moore to texas. What they got in return and what else it might signal. Tonight sunset things to the bay area hazy skies. You will find this picture on our instagram. Ktvu dash 2. The news continues in 2 minutes. Te were talking about jimmy g. He will make his first start at levi. We wont talk about that. The San Francisco giants may be something in the offing of a bigger nature. They make a minor deal today. Matt moore moving on. He did not have a seasonal worth remembering this year for the giants. He goes to the Texas Rangers for a couple of lowlevel prospects. The biggest news is the giants will stay save 9 million. Maybe that will free up more cash to bring in a big timeout folder. Sharks second game of a canadian swing taking on the vancouver. That man rent burns had a goal early. They were down 31. Still down 32 in the third. Rent burns flicked it in. A defender skate got in the the way. 33. 30 seconds left in overtime. Vancouver break and it is sam gonyea putting the sharks the bed. 43 final. The sharks pick up a point. They are 3zero2 in their last five. They will finish out their canadian role swing this weekend. Tom brady played at sarah hi. Very bonds. Including lynn swann. They never one. A state championship. They do it tonight. Against none other than the Southern California team to home. Padres in blue. Luke to isaiah kendrick. 14 yard touchdown. Quarterback jaden daniel is ticked off of the man in blue. Nico fishman a great play. Reaches back and basically a onehanded interception. I had to show you the great defense. Sarah 1414 and the fourth. Malachi will rip one off. The man wearing number 7. He is gone. 72 yards. They finally get to him at the 3. It leads to this short touchdown by david coker. 3814 sarah took off from there. The first of school title in the schools history for the state. Last night in atlanta the man they call norment. Norman the sidewinder hits a halfcourt shot. What does he get 10,000. A two night stay in a penthouse and dinner for four at a four star steakhouse. Norman doing it up big. Have a great weekend. Thank you for joining us. Oh, i do have an open seat in first class, if one of you would like a free upgrade. No, thank you. I think well sit together. After the amazing weekend we just had ill take it. I deserve that seat. Three days in the woods with phils excheerleader buddies, the old stories, the spontaneous human pyramids, constantly updating their tumbler tumblr. I smiled through the whole thing. Problem is i was so convincing, phil thought i was having a great time. What do i want . Some credit. When do i want it . Now. Hey. Ohh. Im sorry if i smell like a campfire. Ive been in the woods for three days. I hate camping. If im ever in the woods for three days, it mans ive been dead for two of them. Oh. It feels good to laugh for real. You look like you need a drink. Hon. Hmm . Two chardonnays and a hot towel for my friend

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