Pulled together. Reporter that does not come without some risk. Some officers who have been helping out in fire zones have had to evacuate their own families. Officers are doing what they can. This park police spent the day collecting water and other supplies that they will bring to First Responders and other residences. What we asked to make sure that our firefighters are successful is to leave the area when you are told to do so. While fires are burning out of control in the north bay and more than one dozen people have been killed as firefighters ordered new evacuations. These firefighters are getting a state of Emergency Declaration from President Donald Trump. Tonight, at least that the people are confirmed dead and 2000 homes and businesses have burned. Thousands more homes are threatened from the fires that continue to raise two parts of sonoma, napa, mendocino, and lake counties. We are seeing even more homes destroyed by fires today. Our helicopter was over santa rosa today and tens of thousands of evacuations remain in effect at this hour including new evacuations tonight. Those new hours are in effect near Bennett Valley golf course , and the area south of shiloh Regional Park all in santa rosa. Also in geyserville, areas are under evacuation also. The sonoma shepherd sitting is getting help to aid in those evacuations. The Biggest Issue for us is securing the area that is being evacuated to prevent looting and keeping people out because of safety reasons. It is actually gone really well for us and we have made zero arrest. In napa county tonight, there are mandatory evacuations tonight. People are being asked to use oakville grade to get down the mountain. Earlier today President Donald Trump approved a disaster declaration which frees up little age. I spoke with Governor Brown is not to let him know that the federal government will stand with the people of california and we will be there for you in this time of terrible tragedy and neat. The disaster declaration will allow the federal government to provide funding to the state, local, and tribal government to help rebuild. All of these fires continue to burn virtually outof control. The fire with the most containment is burning up in lake county, and it is only about 10 contained. This fire in santa rosa you can see the fire is still burning out of control. There are some homes in this area that are being threatened. We cannot see them in this picture but maybe as a helicopter hands over, we may be able to see them. Pans over, we may be able to see them. This is very hilly terrain and hard for firefighters to get in. There is a lot of ranches in this area, and you can see all of the smoke pouring out of these fires. We are going over to our chief neurologist to get an idea of the conditions he is facing. This gives you an idea these are spot fires. It was so windy the other day as though wind was blowing embers all over the place. Now look over here as there is not a fire between these two fires, but then there is another fire over here. If you could be in a spotter aircraft at 10,000 feet looking down on the napa valley and sonoma up into Mendocino County , you could see 14 of these fires. What are the chances that these two fires could merge. A pretty good chance because of the direction that the wind is blowing. It is blowing off to the east right now, and that is a westerly wind. The wind is going to stay like this tonight and tomorrow, and this is good news for firefighters. There is some open plains right now, and these are pine trees, and these are mature trees in this area. I cannot remember the last time this area burned, but some of these trees are 60 feet high. This is a very active fire right here. What the firefighters are often doing is if there is not a house in front of it, they may just let this thing burn to the ridgeline, and then maybe dump retarded on the ridgeline because fire wants to run uphill and not burn downhill. The fire will be about 70 degrees, and the wind is blowing in the right direction. Tomorrow is not a bad firefighting day. What happens is as we get into tomorrow night and into thursday, we will get another northeast day. A red flag warning will then go into effect, and the humidity will drop, and the wind will not be anything like last time as they could gust to 35 Miles Per Hour but most importantly, you will have a wind shift. The firefighters are going to have a rough 24 hours. Then i am going down the road and after that, the wind shifts to a westerly direction. The firefighters would tell you that is what you wont. The wind is never good, but a five or 10 mileperhour wind out of the west, is exactly what the doctor ordered. You double and triple the humidity and you drop the temperatures. It is a big job. We are looking at a big event. A chance to fight it today and tomorrow will be a good day, and then they will lose some ground on wednesday night and into thursday when that red flag warning goes into effect. After that, then the wind goes back into effect to help them. When i come back, we will talk more about the fire with some live pictures. The mac thank you bill. We know thank you bill. We know of one building that went up in flames as you are looking at it right there. Our reporter is near the scene now and he joins us live him what he is seeing. Reporter i just want you to take a look at this. If you look up in the heel here, you will see some flames directly ahead of us but is on the left side of what you are about to look at. So those planes that are burning in the grass are going to continue to burn, and there may be a very large grass fire out there. If you look off to the right, you will see across the mountain that is facing me all of this. This is one fire. Then getting belonged the seal to the other side, you see more smoke over there along the ridge fire. That is another fire. Lets go a little bit further to the right. That is another fire. Then, all the way down the road, you get another fire and maybe two fires. So the entire sky is full of smoke and on the ground of course, it is full of fire. One of the thing i want you to know about is that down the road here, we have noticed in the last hour or so, about 10 horse trailers had pulled into the area where those cars are parked. About six had pulled out, but apparently people around here wanted to get their stock out of danger and brought them to this field, and that is where they have been picked up. The situation remains however that this mountainside is burning. On the other side is oakmont, which is also burning. The bottom line to all of this is that as these fires burns the one thing that is true is if they do not get quenched is what they become is hotspots. So when the winds picks up, then they will start more flames. That is the situation from here. Thank you tom. An estimated 30,000 people have evacuated from their homes as these fires continue to spread in santa rosa and napa county. This is a very active firefight that is posing a serious threat to life and property. Some people are staying with family or friends, but many people have led to Evacuation Centers not knowing if they will have a home to go back to. We have a reporter in an Evacuation Center in santa rosa. Reporter it is very crowded as we are at the Veterans Memorial auditorium. It is one of 30 Evacuation Centers in northern california. As we travel around, we found many people are waiting and worrying. About 300 people are staying here. Among them is this High School Senior and her family. You think about the worst part is thinking about how all my stuff is burning. Reporter jacqueline says the flames sunday was frightening. There was cars on the sidewalk and it was just so scary. And then you could hear all of the booms going on in the houses as the fires erupted there. It was just so scary. Reporter now she is sad, especially for her parents. It was just devastating that the hard work my parents have done for 21 years, and they were constantly working, and working for us to have a home, and now it is all gone. Reporter jacqueline and her family do not know how long they will stay here. The center has an army of volunteers helping and a fully staffed medical facility and for many pharmacy. They are also taking in livestock. This couple was evacuated from oakmont on sunday. It has been a beautiful home that i spent a lot of time working on. It is tough to lose all of that. It is scary. We are not home. We are like the people we have heard that are homeless, and we have never been in that situation before. It is frightening. Reporter at the center, most people wore mask to help block the smoke. Everyone is displaced and lives are on hold. You are wondering what is going to happen, whether or not your house is burned down or if you go there tomorrow and you were lucky. Reporter these Evacuation Centers will stay open for as long as they are needed. He risk his life by flying into a a fire at night to rescue people trapped by flames in the north bay. Coming up next you will hear from the helicopter pilot about the people he rescued. Some people actually in napa county, more than 40 people were rescued from the massive atlas fire. This helicopter pilot literally flew right into the fire zone in the pitch black and landed on roads to help those trapped by the flames. Earlier this evening, Heather Holmes spoke with one of those helicopter pilots about those rescues. I am going to take you back to sunday night and at one point did you realize just how dangerous the situation was becoming an that there were people that needed help . Good afternoon heather. It apparent that make it became apparent pretty quickly. We started out on a routine patrol flight, but another chp crew put out the information there was a fire up on atlas peak. We started up here from oakland, and looking at the area, it looked like a nuke had gone off or something. We also appear right away and a meal he saw a large line of fire spreading. We can see people trying to get down from atlas speak on atlas peak road. Their way was blocked by a fallen tree or a telephone pole. That is when we realize the situation was becoming dire. And so this is where you made the decision to fly into the fire zone. Walk me through this process and where did you land the helicopter . We made a crew decision that looked like we were going to need to evacuate this people that make these people or they were going to be faced with something tragic. We were not flying into the fire but we was next to it. We landed at eight number of wineries and dirt roads and a trail situation and our flight officer got out and flag some of the cars who were trying to maneuver backup atlas peak road. We convinced them that we were probably the best way out. Just how dangerous was this . How dangerous was this rescue . It is hard to say. We do a lot of training and we do rescue. Obviously, we also do Law Enforcement work. The conditions that night with a really strong wind and really gusty winds and see a fire line made it a real pressing issue. Surprisingly, several of the people did not want to leave and wanted to stick it out even though we were trying to convince him what a big deal it was. I think we took out between two chp helicopters a total of 41 people. So many people are alive today thanks to what you did. Before i let you do, you are so humble in what you did, but what were you thinking as you were headed into this area and was there any hesitation at all . We werent completely on autopilot, but when you see people that are facing something tragic, you know that if something is not done then it is not going to be a good outcome, you just kind of go into rescue mode and make it happen. You are sort of downplaying the heroics of what happened here, but i appreciate you talking to us nonetheless. I am sure that those 40 people are grateful to your effort as well. Thank you. Always so modest. We talked to his boss yesterday and his boss said he spoke to him afterwards, and his pilot said that was the most adrenaline he had ever had on a mission. That goes to show that even though he would not earlier it minute, it was very dangerous. Oh yes. We do not see rescues taking place in total darkness that often. You know the seriousness of the situation when he goes into that like that. It was a very dangerous situation. We thank them for the service and what they are doing. There is so many fires burning across the north bay that it is very hard to keep track of them. Ken is here right now to look at where these fires are and who is affected. We want to give you an idea of what we are talking about. All of these fires are basically up highway 101 and into Mendocino County and most of them are on the east side of the county. We will start at the top and work our way down. We want to take you into the potters valley location. You will see willits, and highway 101 was shut down for a time near willits, but look at all of these fires here. 21,000 acres and three People Killed and 0 containment. That we want to move out and had a little bit further south over to the clear lake area. Another fire that has not got a lot of attention but is still very significant. This is called the soap for fire and 2500 acres and 150 homes have been destroyed and the fire is just 10 contained. If you believe it, that is the most containment that we have on any of these fires that is burning in the north bay. Then we move into the Sonoma County where there is just a tremendous amount of fire activity. This fire is called the pocket fire that is 1200 acres with 0 containment. We had over to the glen ellen area, and this fire, and i want to skip ahead in the script, i want to get over to glen ellen, it is 5000 acres and 0 contained. Then, the major fire that is burning all along the foothills between Sonoma County and napa county, it actually has hopped over the heel into Sonoma County and burned into the city on the other side of highway 101. It jumped 6 lanes of traffic here and this is the tubs fire. 27,000 acres and nine People Killed in Sonoma County. Then, in napa county, look at this. This is the ridgeline between the napa valley here and it goes all the way up to calistoga , and this is where the fire is burning. This site is the central valley, and this is mount atlas or atlas peak. 25,000 acres are burning with 0 containment and to localities, that elderly couple that we knew that died in this fire. We have a number of people that are still unaccounted for as people have not been able to go to them hope to see how people are doing, so that death toll is bound to climb. We see how long it took you to run down all of them fires, and we are in the second day, and you have to set about fatigue that is starting to set him with the fire crews out there. Some of the firefighters have been working 24 hours straight. The caretaker air taker flight is right here and a lot of the flights are coming from sacramento. So it is in this area just north of 80 right up in here. This is the largest air assault on a fire in american history. That is what we are being told by a state senator. This is a major operation. They were saying every single firefighting aircraft is in california are on its way. That just gives you a sign of the extent and the scope of this disaster. We are going to take a short break and we will be right back. With the Alaska Airlines visa signature card you get a companion ticket every year. So why not take someone that you see all the time. Someone like, i dunno, me . I mean i always spell your name right and put a little unicorn in your foam. No pressure but i really need to get out of here. Theyve been playing the same playlist for three months and im pretty sure youre not supposed to eat scones for dinner this many days in a row. Mexico, hawaii, costa rica, i dont really know. Im a quick packer. Tonight, several hundred people are listed as missing or unaccounted for. In Sonoma County alone, close to 200 people are still missing. Our reporter is in santa rosa as she talked to one family that is still searching for their loved one. Reporter we are talking with people who are still looking for their loved ones and have been talking with some people who have found them safely in their hospital. In talking to these people, they are frustrated and it is an agonizing search and there is not one centralized location that you can go to to get this information. Really people have to visit shelters here like this one, or call one of the shelters, and sometimes you do not give get an answer. We spoke with his family of christina, and she is 27 years old and will cheer bound. We are told that Christina Hansen was last heard from at around 1 30 am on monday morning. She was on the phone with her stepmother and saying she could see a fire that was approaching her. We understand that christina has her cell phone off, and she was in a wheelchair. What is giving the family hope is that a pickup was confirmed by authorities at her address. Affordably, authorities could not tell her family where that person was dropped off two. But, there was a pickup at christinas address. The family has since then been calling hospitals and shelters and putting up pictures on social media in hopes that someone had seen her. We are just looking and looking and looking. Which is keep telling one another that she is out there and she has to be out there. We have our theories about how everything went down, and there are more positive ones. But, in weak moments like this, the reality is that it has been several hours, and it is really very scary. I think it is probably like our nightmare. We are really close, and we want her to come on. Reporter as we mentioned before, christina lives with her father. Michael hansen was able to survive and he escaped the fire. A neighbor took him to the hospital and he has been transferred to a burn unit in San Francisco as he has third degree burns on about 50 of his body. The search continues for his daughter christina answer thats make hansen. She is 27 years old and is well known in the Santa Rosa Community as a church volunteer. We also want to mention that we spoke with the family of a gym calmly jim conley in santa rosa. The apartment complex that he lived that has been evacuated completely, and it took about 24 hours for his family and friends to figure out where he was at. They learned that he has been transferred down to a burn unit in the south bay. He is going to be okay even though he does have some burns on his body. So it is the stories that we are starting to hear from family here of the missing and the injured and unfortunately that death toll has risen to 15. Right now, authorities are searching and you could just imagine how heartbreaking it is for these families and how frustrating it can be since we are more than 24 hours out from this fire and hundreds of people have not heard from their loved ones. Thanks christina. Coming up next, our fire coverage continues. We will go live to napa with ed with an update their as flames continued to rage out of control. At Stanford Health care, we can now use a blood sample to detect lung cancer. If we can do that, imagine what we can do for asthma. And if we can stop seizures in epilepsy patients with a small pacemaker for the brain, imagine what we can do for multiple sclerosis, even migraines. If we can use patients genes to predict Heart Disease in their families, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. Imagine what we can do for you. At least 15 people are dead and 2000 structures have burned as wildfires continue to rage across the north bay. Governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency in Sonoma County. So far 57 people have been accounted for. Napa county is dealing with three separate fires. The tubs fire has spread all the way down to santa rosa and has now burned 27,000 acres. Also the atlas fire has burned 25,000 acres. Also, this other fire has burned about 1000 acres and has led to evacuations west of napa. Also, several wineries along the silverado trail have been destroyed by the flames. After nearly 48 hours there is still 0 containment on those fires that are burning in the north bay. And now firefighters are beginning the third night in battling these fears flames. Our reporter is live just inside of the fire zone near the atlas peak fire. Reporter the sun has gone down and the winds is starting to pick up near atlas peak. We will zoom in and show you just exactly what it looks like. That is the hillside that is been burned. The homes in the neighborhood and most things are just gone and burned. There are areas where it looks like the fire would jump over one house and not the house on the same side of the street. But, for the most part, complete destruction. Some of the firefighters are working triple she is to try and get some containment on the multiple blazes that are considered unusual. While there is no cause, Officials Say strong winds with the flames from the beginning. The atlas peak fire still has no containment. The tubs fire has not grown in size at 27,000 acres. The nuns fire is at 5000 acres, and the , im sorry, and this other fire is at 1000 acres. The socalled 37 fire that is off of lakeview highway, it has burned about 2000 acres. Countless families had told me that they are desperate to return home to their neighborhoods to see what if anything is left of their homes. They would like to go in and try to get some clothing and supplies, but so far, Officials Say it is not safe to do that and way too early to think about repopulating the areas. It is not safe to do that until we can secure the utilities and gas lines and ensure that trees are not going to fall down on top of someone. That area population is a process that we are starting to work on, however it is not easy to ensure the safety. Reporter crews are out trying to restore power. We have also seen at t crews that are trying to restore the internet and Sell Services that are out in this area. We have lost 15 lives in these fires, and that includes this elderly couple here in napa and it mendocino and Sonoma County. If you would like to try and find someone who is listed as missing, the log on to www. Safe and. Org. For more on what fire crews are facing and the strategy, we are joined by this former battalion chief. These crews are stretched so thin because there are so many different fires. Who is making the decision . Is there one area or one location where there is one person who is saying we are going to put this many people here . The incident command system is a nationally respected system to manage disasters throughout the country. That came from california. So cal fire is very good at this. To answer your question the answer is yes and yes. There is so you resources they are having to make decisions on where to put those resources. At the same time, you have an is the commander who is probably miles from the fire lines and making decisions and directing crews. There are crews that are working fire lines and working air operations and making decisions on their own also. With the limited resources, they are having to make judgment calls. We talked earlier about the spotter plane, that is to people and a pilot that is directing air Traffic Control in the sky. That individual has to make a determination on where to put those drops. Can you imagine how hard that is when they know how they have limited resources . They have to make a determination. Do we make the drop here or do we have a more high profile target in another area . This is difficult for people who have lost their homes and for those who do not know. It is one thing to fight fires during the day and another thing to fight fires at night. As we go into our third night and these fire crews are getting fatigue setting in. What is the plan and how do you attack Something Like this at night . Very difficult part. They are trying to take some opportunity on those fire lines to get some rest. Tivoli, we would rotate them in and out over 12 hours. Typically, we would rotate them in and out over 12 hours. They are trying to grab food and sleep on the fire line and trying to do all of it. We talked earlier about how few people are on the fires. They are having to move firefighters strategically to where they can get the best benefit. Normally with the size of some of these fires, they would have 1002 2000 1000 all the way up to 2000. What would your message be for the people who are living in the north bay who may be in a safe zone right now, but other people who are in a possibly unsafe zone. What is your message to them . I think you need to listen to the authority in your area. They are making determinations about what to do, so listen to those folks. Dont stay. If they tell you to go, then go. Be thinking about that right now and put your important papers together right now. So many people here, hundreds of people have lost their homes, what are the coming weeks and months going to be like for them and what should they be doing right now . It is a tough time, there is no doubt about it. In most cases, in california, you typically have fire insurance. So that is the good news and that will cover a good portion. But, you still lose family mementos and other things. Will have it in the coming days as soon as some of those areas a safe to get into, the state and local government will start going in and making assessment on both local homes. I was talking to fema, and they are talking about doing Innovative Surveillance using drones and National Guard to speed up the assessment for people. That is the second part of the president ial disaster declaration. The next phase become becomes lets take a look at how bad this damages and see if we can help the folks. What is your best estimate . You have heard the assessment and we are still 0 contained on some of these fires. What you see happening in the next few days . I think they are going to bring as many resources in as they can. Everyone is looking in saying what resources can we pull and move to these fires. Have you ever seen anything like this . Know. I said to someone earlier not onceinalifetime but once in two lifetimes. Thank you so much. An update on School Closures. There are a lot of them. All napa valley schools are closed for the rest of the week. The Napa Valley College has also canceled classes through friday and all of the Sonoma Valley district schools will remain closed for the rest of the week. In lake county, there are School Closures also. The devastation resulting from these fires is prompting many people to step up and offer help. But our reporter tells us that some well intended giving can actually lead to problems. Reporter seeing these images of these homes reduced to ashes has inspired others to take action. Who would not want to help. Reporter the outpouring support for fire victims and their friends has already started. At this county fairgrounds this longtime 4h volunteer who has been watching the fire coverage, tuesday afternoon, started collecting animal feed donations. I have artie had three different families who have offered to drive stuff up to the Sonoma County fairgrounds. They currently have over 300 horses and are expecting 300 more. Reporter some places are saying thanks but no thanks. One example is that some Sonoma County Evacuation Centers are not able to accept donations of prepared food. This woman spent 14 years as the director of Emergency Service for the center of san jose. She recommends giving money to an established volunteer service. One thing is that they can buy in bulk and they get a cost discount. Another advantage is that they are working with the victims every day and they know exactly what is needed. And she says victims also feel a loss of control after they lose a home, and what helps them later is by putting their own house back together. It is much better giving money because that money can be directed toward what they actually need. Reporter she also says that well intended owners can also cause another disaster by dropping off items that will have to be disposed up. She recommends giving gift cards. Right now a briefing is being held at Santa Rosa High School updating all of us on the situation. We represent the areas in Sonoma County that are under fire attack. I have the same thing going on in napa county, and in lake county, and jared has a save in Mendocino County. The same in Mendocino County. It is overwhelming. It is a tough thing, but just know that the people up here in the front row have your back. I can tell you from a federal perspective the federal government is moving extremely fast to your benefit and our benefit. Right away they approved a federal fire assistant grant which will bring resources into the county. That helps a great deal. As soon as the governor and the counties all declare their area disaster areas, we will move that up to the administration through congress, and congress moved quickly to approve a couple of things. Most important is that they approved public assistant grants. That means there will be money coming from the federal government to make sure that all of the local responders have the funds necessary to respond to this disaster. That is extremely important. Now in the mix is also individual grants. That is what we will see happen as we get this fire out and start moving to recovery. Another of people who have been affected by the fire will be able to access federal grant money and federal low interest loans. This is very very important on the recovery effort. It is not moving slow. It takes a lot of time to do this component. We had to get the fire out first before we can even start to do assessments of the damage. Now on that point i think it is important to note, and i think he is here today, robert from fema, and i have talked to the fema director, and they are fully aware of how devastating this is. They are committed to doing everything possible. I am one who believes you trusted everybody who helps you cut the cards. There was no cutting the cards with fema as they have a person on the ground already. The state oas office is artie told me fema is doing assessment of the damage so they can expedite all of these claims and make sure they get all of the resources they need and the resources that you need. So everyone is doing everything that they can. Thank you for your patience and i am truly and deeply sorry for any loss that you have experience and all of the discomfort and pain and dislocation that the community is going through. Thank you and know that we are here for you and we have your back. We are going to do all that we can. Now i will turn it over to the congressman. Thank you mike. So i am congressman Jared Huffman and i represent Sonoma County and it is important that you know as hard as we are working here in Sonoma County this is unfortunately one of many fires in northern california. Mike has major fires in at least three counties that he represents. I have a fire in Mendocino County. I was up there today and while there is not as much headline news, there is the same kind of devastation up there. We have a lot of work to do and it is a all hands effort. I do want to emphasize what might just told you in detail. The federal approvals are there. Our local government partners are going to be moving forward knowing that they can have the confidence of federal support behind them. There will be a longer and slower process for individual homes and businesses. One of the reasons that mike and i want to be here is to let you know that your representatives in congress are here for the long haul to make sure that the federal government has your back. I just want to end by saying that already we are seeing amazing responses throughout our district. Again, i was just up in Mendocino County and i saw and have a new appreciation for this mutual aid system that we have. I saw a dozen trucks rolling in from the state of nevada with fire crews on the way to the front lines. Also firemen from as far away as san diego and other places, and some of them have their own fires that they are fighting. I am very grateful for that and very grateful for everyone that is here tonight and providing us with more information. For the folks in Mendocino County who are kind of cut off from the world right now, in willits where there has been some evacuation orders, and the communities i represent there do not have telephone service. They do not know what to do and i am grateful they are Live Streaming and some of the will be listing on the radio to get a little bit more information to know what may be coming next. So thanks everyone and we are going to be with you for the long haul. I am going to hand it off at this point to congressman thompson. Thank you. I am briefly going to go over the g agenda the agenda for tonight. We are going to be hearing from cal fire and Law Enforcement and the California Office of Emergency Services and the red cross. We are going to hear from the california National Guard who is on the ground and Sonoma County will give us an update. The county Public Health will talk to us about the effects of this fire. The city of santa rosa with the mayor will be joining us. The mayor is now here and he will give us an update. Sonoma county schools superintendent will be here and tell us about the school situation, and then we will hear from Brett Martinez of Redwood Credit Union and on the north bay Fire Recovery fund. Then there will be an opportunity for questions. At this time, i would like to turn the microphone over to someone who i guarantee you has your back. This guy was a partner with me a couple of years ago in the valley fire that devastated lake county, and i can tell you that he has your priorities. Number one, he was a great part of their and he is a great partner here. He is an incredible state senator who is working hard for every one of you. Senator mike mcguire. Applausemac good evening. I want to take a moment to say thank you to the congressman Mike Thompson who has been fighting for the counties for a greater part of two decades. We are so lucky to have them on our side advocating for us in these difficult times. The county of sonoma is grateful to you. I am joint would senator would with senator wood and there is a unified front tonight when it comes to the federal government and the counties and local municipalities all about this county. Many of us in this room have lost a home. Many of you, if you have not, then you probably know someone who has. We are so sorry. What we can tell you tonight is that we are going to have tough days ahead, but we are going to get through this. We will come out strong. But, it is going to take all of us working together to ensure that happens. We want to thank you say thank you to the supervisors who are here tonight and unified their support and command. Many city councilmembers from Sonoma County are here tonight also. A special thank you to the firefighters here locally. To give a brief update about unified funding in regard to the recovery of services and resources in the county of sonoma, where we are going to be basing all Recovery Services and mendocino as well. All material arrived last night and were distributed. We have a firefighting force that is approaching 5000 between napa and Sonoma County, and that number continues to grow with forces coming in across the state. We are going to hear more from the National Guard here in just a little bit. We want to touch on communication as we have significant lapses in communication. Several places do not have power across the county and we know a total of 35 cell sides are now operational. Many are operational with generators and unfortunately many have been destroyed. At t and verizon are moving all operations, and they are working on all issues. We will bring an additional five cell sides of tonight, but we are still lacking in that infrastructure. We are still struggling with comcast. I am being very honest with you. We have asked comcast at the state level and at the ground to dig up the pace. That is a significant focus. What i want to also let you know is that we do have a significant and catastrophic cut in Mendocino County that has impacted many Financial Institutions as well as stores and healthcare institutions in the surrounding counties. We are working on that and at t is on site and it should be operational by tomorrow afternoon. We would like to turn it over to jim would. We are listing live to a press briefing going on in san jose. They are saying that the area has never been hit with a disaster like this, but we have your back. They are talking about the aid that is on the way from fema and local governments and from the state. They are saying essentially we are going to get through this. We will continue that News Conference in just a few moments. Thanks for joining us. Good night. I recently read that during world war two, Joseph Stalin had a Research Program to create supersoldiers by having women impregnated by gorillas. What a sick use of science. Hey, as long as the babys healthy. I wonder if stalin considered any other animals. Hippos are the deadliest creature. A halfhuman, halfhippo soldier would be pretty badass. Yes, but when theyre hungryhungry, you can stop them with marbles. Yeah, the correct animal for interspecies supersolider is koala. You would wind up with an army so cute it couldnt be attacked. But halfman, halfowl could fly. The answer is cuddly soldiers with big flat noses. Moving on. So, penny, whens the new job start . Next monday. Did you get a chance to look over the materials i gave you . Uh, not yet, but i will. Great. When

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