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Released by the whichevered today. Police held the News Conference an hour ago. Some of the new information that theyve revealed, more about the victims. One of them dr. Amanda cruise a woman with martinez had a relationship and a daughter together. The 6 month old daughter was one of the victims. As was martinez mother and the two other victims doctor cruises sixyearold daughter and a fiveyearold girl who was a distant relative who was at the home for a play date on saturday. Police revealing for the first time information about mr. Martinez revealing that he has been a murder suspect before. Dr. Cruise twoyearold son christopher riply died in october under suspicion circumstances while under martinez care. The pat olgy report just calm back on thursday. The cause of death in head injury. The manner of death die dew to homicide. Police point out that they had not shared this information with mr. Martinez yet. Heres what they had to say earlier today. We did not drop the ball on this. When it comes to Homicide Investigation you only have one shot to make your case. Its more than the Police Department involved in criminal investigations. We put together a case. There has to be enough probable cause to arrest and enough enter the District Attorney to file charges. No, the Police Department did not drop the ball. Its horrible this tragedy happened. No indications leading up to that time that anything like this would occur. Reporter the police arent talking about motive saying its still unclear. They insist that mr. Martinez had not been notified of the Police Report they received two days before these murders. Hes awaiting pick up by mod des toe police. Do you know or did police mention anything in the News Conference who picked up the phone as for that welfare check at the home . Reporter they did talk about this. They said it wasnt long after they got the call. They said it was a friend of dr. Cruise who had called because shefsz she was supposed to meet for lunch and not shown up. They called police asking for a check of the home. And Martin Martinez was arrested in san jose. And police say allegedly he committed these crimes he was at the movies with his father and he calm out of the movies and was detained. Reporter the police here have information from modesto policethying he that you were informed was not at the home but at the mall with his father. They found the car they traveled to this mall mall in and waited for people to come back to the car and whats the they aired mr. Martinez. If he committed the five murders looks he went to see a movie after. Do we know when mr. Martinez will be taken back to modesto. We know it will be some time this week. Midweek. Scheduled to be released from here by thursday. Some point before thursday it would make sense that the modesto would pick him up. Thank you. Other nigh knews we are following out of a 19yearold man in jail accused of stabbing two people to death and seriously wounding two others with a 2inch kitchen tief 12 inch kitchen nuf. The sheriff called the killings a drayage. Investigators named this guy here bashed barton was brought to the home as a foster child. He stabbed to death a 17yearold boy and a 52yearold man and seriously injuring another woman and man in their 50s. Two teenage girls in the home were not injured. One of the girls convinced bart on the call 911 and get help. A friend of barton said over the last few days he had been talking about killing somebody the killing of 32yearold kate stienling. Stienly parents are planning to testify tomorrow at a Senate Judiciary committee in washington, d. C. About illegal immigration and they concerns. They are to be joined by imrights and groups. Along with associations. They said they do not want to dmon niez imgrants. In a Conference Call the president of the keef organization mandating land do more harm than good. It was creating big probes in many of our communities where people problems in our commune xhu t where stop calling the police. Wouldnt ask for help. They were victims of crimes and they wouldnt report it. An advocate for victims of defgs say 41 say why they dont come forward they fear they will be deported. New video of the fire fight. This is boofr bvr noon and burned up to interstate 680. More than one dozen homes were threatened at one point. Air drops and ground crews. No one was hurt no buildings burned. Were in the Weather Center with our chief meteorologist. A lot of weather things happening. Alost lot because we have a hurricane which is now a tropical disturbance. Not even that anymore. When they do, when hurricanes get this far north its not a hurricane but when the moisture ghets far north we have this situation. Big thunderstorm build up and . Southern california record rain fall. San diego got an inch of rain thats a record. For us what do we experience . Look at the tropical mouch. Its pulling this way. The circulation is pulling north. Around here the humidity is high. It feels like houston or somewhere like that. In the mountains around lake tahoe the thunderstorm, the hurricane moisture now dropping serious rain and thunderstorms east of dorngton and south of kirk wood. Around here you say boy its really hot. Its warm. Its not crazy hot for this time of year. What were experiences is tropical moisture. Usually its a dry heat. Its muggy. I never say this i wanted airconditioning. I want it so bad in my house. This weather pattern makes you feel like somewhere in the south. For oakland last night it didnt really cool down. The the humidity keeps the over night lows in the mid 60s. When its humid out the moisture on your skin cant evaporate. So your body wont cool itself naturally. We have a t new york city of humid and la getting whacked with the heavy rain. Lets talk about our friends in southern california. Heavy rain caused a bridge in palm springs. On i 10. A nay major artery. Park parts of that freeway are shut down. Engineers are trying to assess the damage. Dramatic flash flood in san diego. It was a sign of just how powerful sundays storm was. Reporter a shed rushing down flood waters in ramona. The car made it past the shed okay. A dozen kraxs in this area sunday. Insane. It was completely unexpected. Reporter some like didnt risk driving. Water got in the car. Reporter a record breaking about of amount of rain for ramona. Water levels over four inches. This is has been the worst by far. Reporter so intense this section of ramona street turned into a swimming section for kids. We go tloefr all the time and look at the duction. Today is the only time theyve come to see us. Reporter people here hoped for rain for a long time. Weve all been wanting the rain and thit it came like this. Reporter todays rain hurt more than it helped. The plants are destroyed. And the gets to are not happy. Usually see that in the midwest in the summer months. We need the rain but look what happened. Speaking of water. First of its kind fine for farmers. Why the state is making them pay up in a debate of who gets access to water during the severe drought. New policies for nursing mothers. You got to check it out. Tell us what you think about where mothers can or should breastfeed their baby. This morning a broken construction truck made a mess of the morning drive. And the grass fire. Northbound commute. Time now is 4 11. San Francisco Police revealed video to a person setting fire to a a man dressed in black walk up to the murl. Douse fluid on the wall. Then sets it on fire. Police say this video is from june 29. The fourth time that mural has been vandalized. It depicts a gay couple g papal returned to the stock market. Shares closed at 5 . Friday papal and ebay officially split ways. Papal chief executive says his company has no debt and 6. 6 billion in cash on the balance sheet. Wa California Water board proposed a fine against farmers. For so call water taking during the drought. That district is one of many senior water rights holders in the state that have been traly exempt. They kept pumping water after being told there isnt enough. Meantime with california if you rememberly in its fourth year of drought governor a 25 in water use. The joining us now on this money monday abby with east bay m. U. D. January or july 1 east bay saw an increase. Are they noticing that in their bill yet. Anyone getting their bill today its been prorauted starting july 1. Youll get the full effect. Reporter the full effect. The numbers if we could put them up. July 1 increases. 8 permit water rate increase. 25 average household. Say you use 246 gallons a day you will see a bill increase of 12. Your bill will go up. Where is that money going to . The infratruckture. Replacing ageing pipelines. The temporary is to buy extra water supplies. Well get the water two ways. Conservation and reporter temporary what do we mean . When the drought ends 37 we want the reservoir refill. Until they are full were still in a water shortage. Reporter when we say the average family that uses 246 gallons of water a day a 2 tlarn crease. A family of four . Thats average household. Twothirds of the homes here in the east bay are using that amount or less. Most people here. Theres the high little percentage of high water users less than 2 who are using a lot more. Theyre going to see a bigger hit on their bill. Reporter where he re mind us. Beside the obviouses you long showers. What are some things we might not think of that is wasting water. At this point let the lawn go. This is going to be a long hot summer. We saw this weekend. You can recede it next year. Use the water for indoor use. Use it outside for your trees and shrubs. Reporter let the lawn go. Were seeing more and more of it. Absolutely. Its becoming more common. Were getting a lot of interest in our rebates. Not just a temporary change. People making a per nant change. Reporter its supposed to be safe for kids. We definitely all prefer a natural alternative. Reporter everyone should contact their particular provider to be sure what days to water on. The restrictions are almost the same across the state. Check in you may be in san jose. Check in with your local water provider. Reporter okay thank you. Con vefr that water. Until it starts raining and snowing again. Were still in the drought. Reporter thank you. Mike to you. Thank you. Bill i know you were talking to keebl about the ac date. I sat with the off on switch for three minutes. You hc . I do. I didnt use it. Its because of the urn moisture. We have oak and san francisco. People in these towns and big cities dont necessarily have ac because we dont need it. Humidity up look at the towering cumulus. Thats an over shooting its a big thunderstorm up there around. Looks around 80. A little fog offshore now. I show youed a live camera of lake ta he. Little cooler and less humid tomorrow. The significant weather story. This is not a Tropical Storm or hurricane. You certainly can see that it was. Look how far north it is. Transferring all that characteristics of the sub tropics. The massive amount of water vapor in the air. Hundreds of square miles of it. Los angeles record rain fall. San diego all time record rain fall. Flooding issues there. For us humid and sticky weather which is not typical this time of year. And the thunderstorms. Just south of kirkwood here. Those thunderstorms probably die down wu theyll fire up over the next day or so. I mentioned it earlier people say its so hot. Not really. The air temperature not on usually hot. 94. Its warm. Certainly what you expect this time of year. Its the humidity. Not the heat. Thats where we are. Whether you suite you get sweat you get sweat on your skin. Its the evaporation of the moisture off your skin. When you have humidity like this. The high clouds coming in from the coast aloft. Its hard to evaporate the moisture from your skin. Your skin cant cool. Thats why it feels like that. Thats why the south is like that too. Tomorrow nice looking day. Cooler. You notice how the high clouds cleared away . That means the hy is i think tomorrow will be sticky most of the day. When were somewhere in the Late Afternoon a nice sea breeze will come in. The five day forecast. Theres i put sticky here. Nicer on wednesday. The clouds are still going high clouds lingering. The temperatures is pretty flat. Its funny in the bay area. Mike you grew up here. In this area you dont really need airconditioning. San francisco. When it gets this way youre dying. Thats why they issue heat advise ris because they worry about urban areas that dont have airconditioning. Thats why we love the natural ac here. Thanks. Two rescues within 12 hours. This is in san francisco. The warning going out today to those who like to go to landsend. Doctors have been telling parents about the risk of the laundry pods. Theyre deadly. Today in the four by four were Digging Deeper into why. 0 ockn . coxo . n cnnncvxqx . nnn . oio0 0dnany a man recovering after falling 300 feet. The second rescue in less than 12 hours. The man rescued was hiking with a friend. Emergency workers found him just about 5 feet above the water. The man couldnt respond when crews called out to him. He was taken to the hospital. At that point he was conscious and talking. Yesterday afternoon a man and woman was rescued from the same area. They hiked along the water at eagle point. During the hike they tried to scale the cliff face. The man made it to the top and the woman did not and was stalk. Fire Officials Say she was okay with a few scrapes and brusz. Regular hikers say it can be dangerous. Shes pretty banged hes pretty banged up and he was alive. We brought him to the water and rescue swimmers came out and packaged him up and took him out on the rescue boat. Rescue workers stress that hikers should Pay Attention to the signs posted along the trail warning everyone to avoid dangerous situation p a big step forward for the Obama Administration nuclear dee with iran with the United Nations and European Union took action today. Now two months to approve or reject. Ktvu joy explains. Toochlt United Nations Security Council voting yes on a sponsored. Approving the deal between iran and six other kris. All five nations approving the agreement before todays meeting. Last weeks deal unanimously endorsed by the council. The first lesson we can learn is its not enough to agree to global norms that against proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This council and all kris of the United Nations. Reporter congress is scrutinizing the deal which in exchange for saxes and embargo relief. And requires iran receive up to 24 day notice before inspection of facilities. They will get a Nuclear Weapon they will be a nuclear power. Reporter lawmakers have 60 days to decide. John kerry says hes going to work with congress to earn approval. I hope there are enough minds still open ready to consider this on its merritts. Reporter the the European Union is ready to help, to facilitate this rebuilding of trust in the region. Reporter israeli prime muenster is a vocal critic of the deal. Secretary defense is stoet meet with him tomorrow. Children can mistake them for candy thats led to a string of dental poisons. The risk is not one way or another the reward. New moms used to protest target now applauding. How welcome families feel i target stores. Eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. Dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] hush my darling. [snoring. ] dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. They are convenient but can be deadly. Thats what doctors have been saying for years. Consumer report says the risk of accidental poisoning says is so high it recommends families not use them all at all. The zrovmentd henry stiller. Central poison center. Thanks for being here with us. Thank you. What sit about these detergent pods that are so dangerous as to the many other items we have in our homes . We found with these when a child takes these pods in their mouth and bite it, it bursts into their mouth. This is something we havent seen from Laundry Detergents and weve been deeing with these for years. Burns in the mouth burns in the throat. Pulmonariry edema. Weve seen a coma. The ingredients put in a small pod. Changed. Not the same laundry detergent weve been dealing with for the last 30, 40 years. Consumer reports urging parents who have children five or younger. Thats me i have a twoyearold and a fiveyearold. We use them and weve had a debate. I always thought it was parenting versus the product. The product was okay to use but the parenting we keep them tucked away high. Yes or no . We certainly agree parents education is a an important factor. Children just explore their world. This is what bright two and threeyearsold do. If its around and its very these are very attractive when youre a child. We have approximately 10,000 charn year ingest these. This is children a year ingest these. This is larger than just educating parents. This is something if youre older and you dont have small children these are convenient yent. These are very dangerous to young children. Thats part of what were dweth across. Much more dangerous th previously expected. Speaking of the numbers 6,000 so far this year, 2015 have so some sort of contact. Last year was almost 12 thouz. Seems like were on pace again. If i go back to mikes point. If you put them away or high up like you do liquid. It looks like candy or cake. Twoyearsold dont read. Threeyearsold dont read. This is something they see its very attractive. It may be they watched their mother do the laundry or father do the laundry. Ing this something they love to mimic them. They watch where they put it and they try to climb up there. This is much more dangerous than parents expect. Thats why were recommending an extra step. This is more than just having bleach and keeping it in the lock cabineted half of these 12 thouz last year went to the hospital. Doctor what about the air frechenners and the deoater ents. The Poison Centers had tens of thousands of calls. Would the answer to the pods should the companies change the packaging dont make colorful make them ugly. Or dont make them at all these are more dangerous than hand sanitizers and air fresheners. Thats why we are concerned. This is a particularly dangerous product. Much more dangerous than your other cleaning products. I put this on the same category as drain cleaners. Wow. Well thats why were very concerned. One thing doctor, advising parents to have the poison hot line in their phone. 1800 if this happens in case of an emergency call right there. You dont have to duolooking for the number. Agree. I thank you for offering that advice. We strongly encourage parents to have that number. Dr. Henry spiller joining us about the laundry pods. Doctor, we appreciate your time. Thank you very much. A shark attack caught on video. This prosurfer swam away without a scratch. Were going to hear from him when. The fog trying to come back. Muggy, ticky out there. It will get back to normal. A live look outside. Interstate 80. Berkeley looks like a rough commute. Time in and out is 4 37. Once caught in the cross hairs of Breast Feeding moms target is now bel being hailed for its target friendly. A excerpt from target employee manual. It says target policy supports breastd fooeding in any areas of our scores. If you se breastfeeding do not approach her. If she asks for a place take her to the fitting room not a bathroom. A group of employees thats when protester staged sit ins nursing your children inside target stores. The change in tone from target is sparking a big debate. I she wrote i love nursing my baby in the back where they have patio chairs. Dont like the sight of a nursing baby stay at home. And dont complain about the sound of a hungry baby either. Ash rote wrote this. I am a mother of three myself i dont mind people Breast Feeding in public but have the common courtesy to cover up. Some take it to the extreme and do it without covering up. It started as one mans passion on the teach. Started a tutorials. Today the nonprofit con academy is a worldwide effort to educate anyone anywhere for free. Its a busy place for students trying to catch up while school is out. Joining us live is elizabeth and matt the mobile product lead for the academy. Thank you both for joining us. Thanks for having us. Elizabeth for those watching now and not sure about con academy can you explain what it is and what subjects you really like to hit here. We started con academy several years ago. The youtube videos he made for them took off and people he didnt know started using them. Matt, i was just reading that google and nasa has started partnering with kon academy to teach science. Can you talk a little bit about the expansion of con . We started as a library of youtube videos and weve expanded a lot since then and we have a variety of interactive. I have a copy of our ipad app we recently launched. We have over 25 million register. Summer is a really bidscy time for us with students brushing up and figuring what is the next insight that will lead them to success. You talk about the summer months here. Elizabeth what is it you what is the best strategy for parents. Do you think con is more about approaching those students so they dont fall behind or is it even great students and helping them g get ahead. Its for everyone. Weve all been there. Weve been the student having trouble with something and the student who maybe understood something. To make learning accessible ible to anyone. Everyone has the capacity to learn. Sign your students up. Everything is completely free. You can practice the math you learned last year in school so you feel ready to start the school year off strong or learn anything else that interests you. Math science art history medicine. We have it on condemn. I was looking on your twitter page. 64 of first generation at condemn has been meaningful. Reaction to that sit is this the end of constituters where you call up and tutors. Every week we have a Weekly Company Meeting where we review one of the testimonials. Today were hearing from a fouryearold going back to school to get her ged and what that means. Some statistics are great when you think about the large numbers tanld pact the students put in. Its inspiring to hear from the learners. We definitely think that if you have a parent or a tutor or teacher in your life who takes an interest in your candidate help support your learning. Thats essential and we see students have that suppo our their lives have a greater success. Elizabeth matt. Congratulations on the success and we appreciate your time. You can learn more about condemn weve included it on our web lipgs. In the Weather Center. Im in the walnut creek area just moved from sacramento. Im not ready to hit the hot bunt. This is hot . With the humidity its it is sticky. I was stoked to come to work today because we have airconditioning. Get the free airconditioning. I came in early and everything. Not really. Thats fun nayny. Sacramento they laugh at us when we get hot at 90 degrees. Tomorrow night well be coming up over the hills. That h clear out a hot of humidity. Yooel yule see. Lets take a peek here. The system im talking about. Unusual. Look how big that is . How many miles you think that is . I should have measured it. 1,000 miles. 700 miles square. Of subtropical climate that has been lifted north. It started down there by the e kwauter or north of the equator. Thats why its so humid. Were seeing record rain fall in southern california. An inch of rain in san diego that doesnt happen that often especially in the town. In the mountains youve got thunderstorms right now. Severe thunderstorm warning in effect earlier for this cell south and east of kirkwood. Those thunderstorms will probably continue the next day or so. For us its pretty warm but its not the ambient air 89 in in walnut creek is not out of control but the humidity. The exhurricane. All that moisture driving into southern california. Flood watch down there. The humidity made it this far north for us. It will linger a bit tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 7 00. You see the fog . Which with its coming. Theres your humidity. Thats making you feel sticky. Watch what happens to it as move through the afternoon. See it shift. It was coming this way and pushing it that way. Lake tahoe tomorrow. Back in the thunderstorms. What happens . Tomorrow is our transition day. Back on wednesday were back its fog. Not as humid. It will be nice. It wont be hot. Upper 80s. A chance to not worry about airconditioning. I cant mike, you can relate to this. I cannot justify airconditioning. Here . At my house. Four times a year i cant its i know what it is. You like to prefer to cool off with a cold one. Not the ac. So many of us in the bay area struggle with airconditioning for five minutes. Many dont have it. Unless youre inland. You have ac . I do but we dont use it. Today was the day to use it. Thanks bill. Lets check in now with franks in the news room with a look at stories at 5 00. Youre learning more details about this horrible tragedy out of modesto. Thats our top story. The horrible killing of five people. Today we learned who all the victims are. One of them is the suspects mother. We also learned the police think the suspect killed a twoyearold child last year. I know there are veg targss out there vegetarianses celebrating. Automotive been vegetarian ive been a vegetarian for 45 years. For the first time theres a fast food vegetarian tlaunt opened in the north bay. Even with a drive through. One thing i miss is being able to go through mcdonalds. Now a Fast Food Restaurant well tell you what is on the menu and false the prices are in line with other fast food places. Thank you. Still to come. A video a lot of people are talking about. A shark and prosurfer go head to head. Well hear from the champ. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. Were taking a look at some stories getting attention on social media. The encount we are the shark. Caught on tape. Look at that. Professional suffering competition in south africa. Surfer mick fanning was surfing and the shark popped up. I was just sitting there. I was just about to start moving. I felt something grab got stuck in my leg rope. I instantly just jumped. It kept coming at my board and i was kicking and screaming. Im getting dragged under by my leg rope. I felt like it kicked me off. Then it was still there. I was still apatched to attached to my board. I punched it a few times. I felt like it was dragging me under water. All of a sudden my leg rope broke and i started swimming and screaming. Im somehow perfectly fine. This guy here. Amazing. Three time world champion. The competition was cancelled. He and his competitor decided to equal, take second place and split the prize. He was leading at the time. Chills. After the attack he did get choked up, saying he felt wilson saying he felt like he couldnt get to fanning fast enough. Anyway. Many of us cant get enough of riley curry. Celebrated her third birthday. Take a look. She likes those moves. Her mom posted this video on instagram. Her mom wrote this is three. Happy birthday baby girl. Never a dull moment. You light up our lives. We love you so much. Lets celebrate. Riley got a lot of attention in the post game conferences. She would hit under the table and say a few lines. People joking she was the real mvp. Very cute. Also big news back east. The cuban flag flying marndz. The flying in washington, d. C. Blaz all right. For the first time in 50 years the cuban flag is flying in washington, d. C. And the Cuban Embassy is now open for business. [ music ] the raising of the flag marks the end of 5 decades of severed ties with cuba and the new begins for the United States and cuba. Secretary of state john kerry hosted cubas foreign minister today where they acknowledged a big step forward and more work ahead to resolve differences. Today we are taking an historic and long over due step in the right direction. [ speaking Foreign Language ] today is the establishment of diplomatic relations and the reopening of embassies. [ indiscernible ] the foreign minister said this historic day wont mean much unless congress drops the trade embargo. Republican lawmakers say the castro regime has done little to improve human rights. Secretary of state john kerry will travel to cuba for a flag raising ceremony at the u. S. Embassy on august 14 and it will be the first time a secretary of state traveled to cuba since 1944. Now to frank and julie for ktvu fox 2 news at 5 00 p. M. New information tonight about the prime system in the murders of five people in modesto. Days before the family was killed Police Received reports the suspect may have been the involved in the death of another child. Ktvus ktvu fox 2 news starts now ktvu fox 2 news starts now. Hello. I am frank somerville. And i am gasiafrank somerville hello. I am frank somerville. And i am julie haener. Martin martinez killed his mother, the childs mother, a two other children. Ktvus Noelle Walker is live where the suspect was arrested and more on todays development. Reporter he is held here that jail on no bail. At a News Conference Police Revealed this is not the first time Martin Martinez has been the subject of a murder investigation. Reporter this is the booking photo for Martin Martinez. Suspected of murdering it 5 people over the weekend. Among them his own daughter. The mother of the

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