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exit under 11 minutes for your drive time high wind advisories. no major hot spots. right now. we're off to a great start. let's also get a look at the san mateo bridge for you that commute. if you're heading across towards the peninsula. we had a very wet and slick me yesterday. we are in the clear today. very dry conditions. 12 minutes as you head across towards the peninsula. and look at the richmond. sandra fell bridge heading out of reach and it's pretty quiet over here. you can make that drive. i minutes were tracking his drive times for you and much more. but for now, back to the news. new data released by the california office of emergency services and fema reveals that and majority of people getting vaccinated at the oakland coliseum. a mass vaccination it to serve low income communities are white. 41% of the doses at the coliseum were given to white people nearly 20% of latinos in about 4% to black residents kron 4 act. he spoke to city leaders and community groups who say this is no surprise. >> it turns out a majority of those getting vaccine doses at the oakland coliseum or caucasian even know the mass vaccination site is meant to serve communities of color and low income residents hit hardest by the pandemic. according to the california office of emergency services in fema, which run the site together. 41% of the doses there have gone to white residents 4% to african americans, 20% to latinos and 27% to asians. oakland city councilmember noel isn't surprised by the numbers. he says getting to the coliseum can be a challenge and scheduling an appointment online can be even more troublesome for folks with limited internet access. >> in the grass root neighborhood. people will come because they're able to walk. were they able to schedule a time when they're not working and they're able to in many cases you'll see walked their children with her to the side. they don't have the vehicles in and certainly going to the coliseum. you know, you've got to take the bus to get to get up and bart walker was stadium. that's why he says mobile vaccination sites that work in partnership with community organizations have had better turnouts. >> and mobile vaccine clinics in oakland. 25% of the doses went to african americans. 33% of latinos and 18% to asians. meanwhile, 17% of the doses went to white residents not only eglin air of the native health center says there are organizations set up one of those sites in fruitvale with the help of fema. she says they decided not to advertise the clinic on social media. but instead use flyers and go door to door within the community to inform neighbors. we knew for posted social that the war might spread to be on our community to different counties. and we want that to happen. but the second piece is we made it really >> we ended up doing our own scheduling system. so it's very easy for the person to call in and get their name on the list will air says this reinforces the need of governments to partner with its community groups to reach hard-hit neighborhoods. the need is there right now. people want to get vaccinated that we just needed get the doses to get him out to the people in oakland, taylor kron 4 news. to the south bay now we're local governments are taking a hard line against a state that plan. >> to hand over control of the vaccine distribution to healthcare giant blue shield critics argue that would undermine the progress made by local efforts and jeopardize vaccine equity kron four's. rob fladeboe brings us that story. >> so this decision by the state so far removed from what's happening here on the ground. it's a slap in the face to all that we've done and are doing gilroy city council member rebecca armendariz was among several local officials attending a news conference thursday to speak out against the state's plan to hand over control of the vaccine distribution system to blue shield california. >> we are best position to meet the needs of our local community as we have the local knowledge, the relationships and the infrastructure already stood up to get the job done. >> santa clara county has so far refused to sign on to the plan under which the state would decide which local hospitals clinics and health care providers get vaccine based on recommendations from blue shield local officials and their allies in the community insist the blue shield run system would not do anything the county isn't already doing and would instead jeopardize vaccine equity. >> our county has broward aisd equity. we have highlighted the zip codes where people need the vaccine. the most and the partnership with the community health centers and our other cbo partners and the county public health has worked really well. this proposed blue shield distribution vaccine is going to disrupt all of that blue shield's plan is being touted as one that would replace and streamline inconsistent patchwork of county programs. >> santa clara county is hoping its go it alone stance will mean it gets less vaccine. the blue shield plan was initially set to roll out by the end of march. now the timetable and exact rollout seems unclear the county and other critics of the blue shield plans say it won't do anything that the county isn't already doing and that what's needed right now is more vaccine, not more bureaucracy. >> is san jose. rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >> well, in the east bay middle and high school students at pleasanton unified school district. welcome back to campus for in person instruction overall, about 55% of students in the district of chosen to finish the year with a hybrid approach but it varies widely from school to school while the look and feel is different students at on the door valley high c it beats being cooped up in their rooms all day. >> my whole memories of lakes, high schools, like, you know, the little and. >> it's kind of weird because it's like practically deserted schools clinics. and as we did and there's barely any people and i'm pretty happy, you know, change it up a on line for so long. >> about 50% of the student body at on the door valley high will finish the year with hybrid instruction with 2 days a week in person. the other half remain in distance learning full time. in a developing story. an investigation is underway in danville after a police officer shot a man at a busy intersection. investigators say he approached an officer with a knife kron four's. dan gore has the latest. >> pictures from danville. police body cam video shows man holding a knife before being shot by an officer. the shooting, forcing the closure of the area around sycamore valley road and camino ramon police say the unidentified man was putting traffic along the nearby freeway in danger or dispatch center received several calls from motorists. >> they said that they saw a man, a sycamore valley road at highway 6 ad. during rocks onto the roadway below danville police chief allen shield says the responding officer tried talking with the man in the middle of the intersection when he pulled out pocket knife. >> one picture shows the blade up close while the other shows he was also carrying a grocery bag. the chief says the man was told several times to drop the knife. he then advance towards the officer who discharged his weapon striking the man once the knife was dropped in the street following the shooting. once the intersection was opened up again. investigators left behind the grocery bag filled with frozen dinners and snacks. police say after he was shot, the man was given treatment by first responders. the fire department and the ambulance arrived and took the man to the hospital. where he's currently being treated for his injuries reporting in danville. dan thorn kron 4 news. >> the man arrested for assaulting a 75 year-old asian man in oakland has been charged with special circumstances, murder charges. police say that t on tape bailey assaulted and robbed. 75 york on tuesday was taking his regular morning walk around lake merritt at the time. the victim hit his head on the pavement and died from his injuries. police say bailey has a history of victimizing elderly asian people. he's also charged with robbery and assault from a crime in february when he allegedly broke into a senior living apartment and violently shoved a 72 year old and and robbed him. coming up next on the kron 00:00am morning news this little pup is getting the help of an old age remedy. is it recovers from injuries. the stories coming up after the break. in flying tails. some of at shelters across the country not only strays. >> they're also injured in that can present challenges. what a bay area shelter received an injured dog turned to an old age treatment to put it on the road to recovery. kron four's ken wayne has that story. >> it's an emotional challenge to rescue an injured animal. you always want what's best even though at times it seems the odds are stacked against it. this little dog named to mookie ended up in a shelter in fresno with a serious burn injuries. how it happened and how long she suffered isn't known. she was, you know, careful painful. >> scared new environment. >> mookie was transferred to the humane society. silicon valley for treatment. you might think that would mean some high-tech care. but instead doctor kamiyah turned to an age old remedy. it's been around for thousands of the air used you know, human applications. >> the treatment, honey. >> i had a hive what happened to mention it to one of our vets and she said, oh, himes county has a natural antibacterial. >> brigid keenan had volunteered her yard to a local beekeeper while not a bee expert herself. she did learn some things. honey contains an amazing natural remedy for certain injuries, including road rash and burns. what we. >> take advantage of is it's anti-microbial when healing properties are some antioxidants in there and utilizing that to help control infections in there. so they're fancy types of one treatment medications and things that you can use specifically for with healing and but, you know, a lot of times the honey is just as effective and a fraction of the cost. >> in short order. mookie was back to being a healthy dog and was adopted to a happy family. the fact that they even thought of that, you know, and they just know. >> they're they're incredible group of veterinarians and it. that tax that that work on are animals honey. >> okay. okay. that was ken wayne reporting for us this morning. so now we have to get another check of weather with john trouble who is live in the weather center. making sure we can make those plans this weekend. get out there with the little fur babies taken for a walk in the sunshine. i know they love it more than the rainfall. i think they hate the rain more than we do even though we absolutely needed it. and so it was really good to be seeing that shower activity that we saw even lingering into yesterday morning this morning. we don't have it, though. we're looking at dry skies to get your friday started off. >> with some clear looking conditions from our tower cam looking down towards san francisco in the bay bridge. all looking nice and clear this morning for you now as we work our way into the afternoon. more and more sunshine can be expected today. our warmest day of the weekend as high pressure builds back in keeping us nice and dry. that storm system well out of the region now. so we're going to stay pretty mild across the bay area today not tomorrow. temperatures will be quite as warm as today. so if you're really looking for a mild and sunny one today is the one to enjoy tomorrow. still going to be relatively comfortable just not as warm as today. and then sunday will be a little cloudier yet. you can see cloud cover on the increase saturday afternoon and then especially into sunday. you'll notice that cloud cover with shower activity likely into sunday evening today, though, no chances of rain anywhere in sight highs in the 60's for areas like golden gate park daly city in half moon bay very close to the coast. so not a bad one at the coast. and just as nice elsewhere in the bay area too, saying carlos, you'll be at a nice 67. same number 4 san jose. also at 67 for the high today. east bay temperatures mostly mid 60's with pleasanton and livermore at 65 oakland enrichment at 66 while concord at 69. we have a few 70's in the north bay fairfield santa rosa in petaluma each right at 70 degrees making for really comfortable afternoon. tomorrow's highs. not quite as warm as today as we will be looking at partly cloudy skies for saturday. still a nice one today, though, is the one sunday we will be a little bit cooler yet with evening showers arriving sunday night into monday morning. our coolest one is expected monday. temperatures start to rise into next week with another chance of rainfall looking likely towards the end of the forecast. reyna john, thank you. as we lose that hour. i have no idea what i'm going to do with myself. >> all right. as you hit the road this morning. things are looking great. not tracking any hot spots heading from the east bay into the city to the fremont street exit on their 11 minutes for your drive time. also no high wind advisories to warn you about. look at the golden gate bridge heading into the city can do that in under 20 minutes. you see just a little water there on our screen. but there's no major fog to slow you down. also, look at the richmond. sandra fell commute heading out of richmond under 9 minutes for your drive time. there. we are keeping track of your roadways this morning. we'll have more on that coming up. but for now, back to the news. a woman has been arrested in connection with the attack on a san francisco uber driver and went viral. the incident happened in the city but officers in las vegas took malaysia king into custody on sunday. king was seen on video inside an uber assaulting the driver after he confronted her for not wearing a mask after the attack. king and 2 other women got out and left king faces multiple charges including assault and battery in violation of health and safety codes. another woman 24 year-old or kenya has not been taken into custody yet but plans to turn herself in. meanwhile, uber and lyft will work together to share information on drivers and delivery people accused of assault and other various crimes. the companies are hoping this measure can ensure those drivers are banned. they hired a company that does background checks to oversee the industry safety programs. other transportation and delivery companies will also have the chance to add and share information as long as they follow the same data accuracy and privacy policies. and north, a toddler with a rare disease celebrated his birthday this week with some help from firefighters kuz and les hill sound the alarm from michael reading. second birthday. the special event was put together a day after the doctor said he would never see due to his condition. michael got a helicopter flyover in a parade of emergency vehicles. flashing their lights and blasting their sirens. >> half of michael's life has been spent pretty much looking at stanford. he's had 3 open heart surgeries. has a rare connective tissue condition that weakens everything in his body. having something like this to give an experience like this so special. >> that is so sweet. fire department says it was an honor to celebrate the little boy and the community calls michael a miracle. we'll be right back after the break. wel on this friday morning. sound so good to say we saw rain this week. hopefully had a good week despite the rain, the hail strong winds. >> some of those trees down. that was a pretty wild one just a couple of days ago. we're off to a much calmer start to the weekend. lots of clear skies out there. we're going to remain clear and mild all day long today. you can see outside from berkeley. there's no fog in the distance all the way out to the golden gate bridge. we are chilly this morning. palo alto in redwood city each at 38 degrees below a hole in napa and only 34 right now while san francisco and oakland as well as any aac. a little bit more on the mild side compared to the rest of us at 46 degrees currently now as we work our way on thr3ugh the day. it's ahead of us do expect mild conditions with plenty of sunshine even at the coast. daytime highs will rise into the upper 50's as warm as the low 60's for a few spots and for our inland valleys and even our bayside areas highs well into the upper 60's early sunshine and dry skies all day long and a few spots in the north bay like santa rosa and fairfield. i'm looking at you up to 70 degrees for your highs later on reyna. thank you, john. >> many of man is being hailed a hero for saving an oakland man who crashed into the sacramento river. you can see in this picture, the car was deep in the river on talk with that man who rescued the driver. >> i'm just glad i had it in me to do it and never been around that type of situation. it was a split-second decision, chris, or yes was faced with. there's no way out when she when you're in that river like that, that's a death trap. but he knew he had to die. then i want to watch that for us. so, you know, do something. this is what chris ault, a car floating in the sacramento river. someone perched on the roof as the frigid water rushed by. is just kind of sitting there. so we were a little confused if you okay or way. he did yell out that there was nobody else in the car. he was the only one. and we just as asking if you if him. >> but he said he. he did not swim. so chris jumped as the river swallowed the car up. >> chris lamb the 67 year-old oakland man to safety. i just kept telling chris amended you're you're you save his life. a tourist captured the intense moments kept on christmas. and new year chp south sacramento officer james young also agrees mister ayers was was a hero today. he definitely was a hero. officer young says the 67 year-old man was going west on twin cities road. >> and how to medical emergency as he was approaching the intersection of river road. the man kept accelerating his gmc ending up in the river to say that individuals life jumping the sacramento river. >> and pull this person out. he deserves a little recognition. >> chris doesn't think of himself as a hero. he just hopes others would do the same thing if it was his family member for reminds him that there is still good in the world. you see another human being and 8 and a time like this. i mean, you're in sync should always automatically be a help someone has. >> or brother or a family member. that's a lie right now because of chris gurajpal sangha fox 40 news. >> the lawyers need to shake off the rust after returning from the all-star break and they suffered a blowout loss to the clippers. the game was played at the staples center. los angeles, steph curry cannot find a shot. you only score 14 points, which is low by his standards and only made 1, 3, pointer staff had little support from his teammates on offense and on defense in the in the clippers rooted out the warriors won 30 to one. '04, rookie. james wiseman was benched into the 4th quarter as punishment is from missing a covid test. >> to, you know, if you want to be stafford remodel and you got to do it. those guys get. and guess what are both those guys were bench to their rookie years. you know, both those guys had to fight. so even the superstar players have to to her way i was actually angry >> very selfless possible. and my mom raised really well. i just made a mistake just like a simple mistake where again, human bodies were not there and we call my name later got their place to mall. >> why is a backhoe on sunday night host in the utah jazz at the chase center. coming up in the next hour. starting tomorrow wineries and breweries can serve alcohol without a meal regardless of what's here, the counties in a live report is up ahead. plus, this is the first weekend of expand. its services are businesses and alameda county. what we can expect and a live report. it's back, guys! check it out! what up, people? jack! what are you doing in my car? oh, just sharing my triple bonus jack combo... triple meat and cheese, secret sauce... go ahead, tell them how much it is... it's just $5.99! only at jack in the box. sorry, what were you going to say? good news friends, my triple bonus jack combo is back. the triple meat and cheese you need... the secret sauce you love... plus curly fries and a drink. it's...a pretty legit combo. and it's just $5.99. only at jack in the box. >> if you live in alameda county, this is the weekend you have been waiting for. things are opening up. you are in the red tier. coming up, i'll tell you what that means for you and a life. >> plus, just in time for the weekend bay area. wineries set to reopen with less restrictions. a live report in just a moment. i'm announcing now direct all states tribes and territories. to make all adults. people 18 and over. and we'll double to be vaccinated no later than may one. >> and there you hear president biden delivering promising news director all states to make vaccines available to all americans. >> i pay first. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron 4 morning news car. >> happy friday to you. i'm daria false. and i'm james fletcher. yes, nice to see. we made it to the end of the week and it's on drier note this morning and it was yesterday. no issues getting into work. let's see how the week is going to be morning guys. yeah. we're going get a lot of sunshine this weekend already starting off today on a nice and dry know for sure yesterday at this time you're driving to work with him pretty wet conditions out there now, roadways are dry. so much improved and let's hope it's friday light on top of that, we'll have a pretty good friday ahead of us. you look outside right now from our towercam shows you fog free conditions. really nice way to get things going. we are going to stay this way through the day note that there is still some snow lingering in the sierra nevada. so if you're heading that way, do watch out for a couple of slick spots into the

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