Went on you know as you said we werent sure if it was going to be this he wanted to do which was hoping that he would have a race be called today and then give that victory sponges they were saying an address to the nation happening this evening prime time as there was no other race called he came out here saying that he wanted people to remain calm. He wanted them to be patient and he said let the process work out he also expressed a lot of confidence maybe even more confidence and he has throughout the entire week talking about the states reading and talking about the accomplishments of leading in those states of reading in the state like arizona at a state like georgia. Both that have been reliably red for he also mentioned how he knows people or frustrated with the process moving so slowly. But he said its going to be worth the he also says that hes already begun work not only really the transition but just the work of addressing the pandemic which they did which is true they were dressing that yesterday in a briefing here in wilmington. It just also had a sense of just that president ial speech that even a sense of our taste of what he hoped to deliver what hes been hoping to deliver for the past 30 years isnt making a run for the seat you gonna got a taste of that in this speech tonight of him trying to deliver that sense of calm to the nation as well as what he hopes to deliver if he becomes president. Killing you know clearly got the sense out here in california this was not the speech Vice President joe biden and Kamala Harris work hoping to make tonight is there a sense of a let down at all or are they just you know buying time until they can make a bigger announcement them in the coming days. Yeah, i mean youre right like they had said that they were you know hoping to make a different kind of speech you know the have that victory come out, but i dont think theres any sense of a let down with the campaign i think they are still feeling ver confident and they expressed that this evening and they are pushing for that patients as the votes continue to be counted. And i think you know even at the end he had said i hope to talk to you. Tomorrow so now it goes i feel it tomorrow is that were that we could saying day tomorrow, well know tomorrow well have results. But they did say they hope to return and talk tomorrow. Maybe give a further update maybe theyll be another projection as these results keep have you no more votes keep getting counted. But it is interesting that it was a change of what they were making but they do still fat sound very confident in their win and now theyre certainly there were probably 2 speeches ready to go for the prompter and they had to go with the one they 100 use but. A good position to be in still kelly by has been holding these drivethru but drivein rallies if you will with respect for. Covid throughout the campaign which is in contrast to the way trump handled things are there still a bunch of people that have just been kind of camping out in their cars outside chase center there in wilmington. Figure theyll stick around another day or however, long it takes its cold so they definitely are supporters who are outside in the cold waiting and only just to get a glimpse of that motorcade driving by in leaving so right now tonight, the supporters have lined up along a barricade at the perimeter is very much secured as you can see behind me thats where the drive in raleigh as you mentioned what happened thats where it happened tuesday night. Tonight there was no drive in raleigh but we will keep an eye out will be if it does go in the direction that biden and harris are hoping it will maybe they will have some sort of drive in for that type of victory event and the fireworks and everything like that, but tonight supporters still came just lined the road just to cheer him on you can hear the fog horns and yells for joe biden as he left people all right kelli meyer appreciate the live report from wilmington delaware tonight. Who knows how long hell spin wilmington. We appreciate it ok on the other side of your screen from wilmington to washington or Election Team coverage continues with our correspondent jesse turner so the flip side. What is the Trump Campaign strategy now that biden has taken those crucial leads in pennsylvania. And georgia you would figure the president was watching biden just minutes ago from the white house. You know we havent heard from President Trump on a camera at least today but he has been tweeting and its the same that weve been hearing really election day saying that there is fraud happening with the count and other issues at these various centers, there are reporting we have not been able to find any evidence of that but we knew even before election day that he had already kind of put this. Because falsity out there from what weve been able to find it just that he was worried about the validity of especially these mail in ballots and thats a lot what has been adding to this number recently and pushing biden ahead in a lot of these places like you mentioned and so his Campaign Team has really tried to build more of this organized legal effort boots on the ground in these key battleground states. But it seems like just because theres not a lot of evidence to support their claims that they havent been able to make their way through the courts, a state like georgia though has already said that it does plan a recount so well see what potentially happens with that but recounts typically dont add a lot more votes to the results. So so jesse, i mean youre right in the thick of things there in dc how are the republicans in congress, you know responding to to the trump strategy. As far as the litigation side of the trump strategy goes thats been perceived. Well because republicans do agree that all you know all of the votes need to count our democracy needs to continue operating. The way that it you know that was instilled all those years ago and so they theyre ok with that would some where you see some breaking amongst the republican caucuses when the president starts using terms like rigged when hes talking about the election of course you have typical President Trump dissenters who are republicans utah senator mitt romney scolded the president saying that it was irresponsible really for him to Say Something like that. But then other more trump loyalists in Congress House gop leader Kevin Mccarthy on the senate side graham have essentially been echoing the president s concerns and so even though theres not this huge republican response right now there are still kind of the typical naysayers and supporters that have been coming out. Jesse weve covered a lot of campaigns and elections over the years and. Generally you know if they do ask for a recount. Barely if ever does it change the trajectory of the ultimate outcome. Just his wish and that thats the case here. It does seem like that is the case its moving forward for a place like georgia is just very clear that thats the responsible thing to do because state laws typically mandate this sometimes you have to request a recount other times you have to hit that certain margin. And so thats why Election Officials in georgia came out and said that thats already been planned just because it is so tight there, but yeah like you said i mean just looking among bout. 50 years. In our nations history, typically they only produce you know maybe a couple 100 when you take a look at wisconsin since that was the first state that the Trump Campaign had requested a recount for the same thing happened back in 2016 Hillary Clintons campaign requested a recount and at that point it lets see it only came up with about a 131 votes for President Trump. Because by that point trump was beating hillary by 20,000 votes and so thats kind of the most recent example. All right just be something tells me that the president is not going be able to resist wait later on tonight, well be checking back with you and dc throughout the night, thanks Jesse Turnure reporting live for us from washington brand. All right talking about the race to 2. 70 right who can get to that magic number first the Electoral College map is a work in progress and we just got brand new numbers from the critical state of pennsylvania, 5 minutes before the top of th4 hour actually has former Vice President biden was speaking will click on pennsylvania right here. Let you know where things stand those crucial 20 Electoral College votes still hanging in the balance donald trump had lead in pennsylvania since tuesday led by several 100,000 votes at the onset and joe biden has been creeping back chipping away early today, joe biden took the lead and by the end of the day on the east coast you see where margins are here biden now leads by about. 20 liz lets 1828 29,000 votes biden is ahead pennsylvania was about 21,000 when we went on the air at 5 oclock tonight. So in those 3 hours he got about 8,000 more votes now leads by about 29,000 votes in pennsylvania, this numbers, new as well 99 of the vote has now been counted. It was somewhere close to a 100,000 votes. Were still needing to be counted in pennsylvania at about 5 oclock dont have an updated number on that but thats still a lot of votes and its a big state so 99 of the vote. If the trend continues. You would figure joe biden would pad his lead in pennsylvania, and thats part of the reason that the Biden Campaign likely stalled in making his remarks tonight they were hoping that at least one of the multiple networks, everybody perhaps would go in and call pennsylvania for biden and then you would have heard a very different speech for sure they had 2 speeches cued up in the prompter and theyre not able to use this speech that has former Vice President joe biden declaring himself. President elect biden the other key state here on the east coast is georgia. Which you also notice like pennsylvania is now light blue which he is leading in georgia biden is biden had been trailing in georgia since tuesday. But this morning, pennsylvania and georgia flipped from trump leading to biden leading you have 16 electoral votes at stake there. And it is a much closer deal in georgia about 4,000 votes separating biden from trump. You have again 99 of the vote being counted and we know in georgia were getting a recount you jesse tune or talk about how recounts often might change the bottom line by a few 100 votes, you have a few 1000 here, but you look at the percentage here. It is close 0. 1 difference end that is right within the margin where recounts are common. The Election Officials in georgia today indicating a recount would in fact happen another key state is nevada right here. It has 6 electoral votes if you had 6264 you would get to the magic number of 2. 70 joe biden is actually increasing his lead in nevada. He is leading by about 22,000 votes, right there good news if youre on team biden he is doing well in the key states on the east coast as well as nevada, holding on to his lead in arizona and that obviously is positioning him in a way that he has a bunch of different paths to victory where is donald trump must win pennsylvania. He cannot lose pennsylvania or he has no path to victory trump with the 2. When a lot of these other states that are hanging in the balance if he is to mount this come back so well keep you posted as the numbers come in theyre still doing so is a lot of these cities and counties are counting ballots 24 hours a day these days, yeah grant minute by minute kron 4 is your local election headquarters. We have the latest result on the president ial race well as the local and statewide measures just head to our website at kron 4 dot com. Still to come on the news and a wild sites and a pair of various cities. Help call they went to animals are caught out of their comfort zone also House Speaker nancy pelosi, pelosi announced her bid to run for House Speaker again even as the House Democratic majority is streaking straight game. Ill have those details next. Plus from the first latino mayor of dublin to a majority Woman Council historic election day in the east bay were hearing from Melissa Hernandez on her big win. And a live look outside our city our tower camera overlooking downtown San Francisco it is cold and showers are on the way to the bay area. Its going to be cold and wet weekend ahead my complete forecast after the break stay a local politics tuesdays election ushered in several significant wind specifically in the east bay where women now hold the majority of positions on the Dublin City Council and the new mayor is also woman. Yeah our kron fours terisa stasio spoke with the mayor about her new role and the new council and she joins us now. Live from dublin with more hi theresa. A high of a king you know Melissa Hernandez when she takes over in january, shes going to be the first latina mayor here in dublin and not only that but when she does take over shes also going to be in charge of a majority female city council. You know so dumb ones been growing for the last you know couple decades and im sure you guys hear it all over the you know newspapers and so on. But you know at the end of the day, dublin is a great community. And we are financially you know headed in a in a good direction Melissa Hernandez on her new role as mayor elect for the city of you know on the first latina woman to be elected in that in at least that im aware in the tri valley. We have had 3 mayors. So in the second elected mayor woman to on council but. Like i said just bring it back 10 making sure you know we have a voice at the table. In addition to being the first latina mayorelect hernandez will also be sitting in on Council Chambers with the majority female city council. Jane josie is one of those Council Members been a long time since weve had a majority female and i and i agree with you i want the most qualified people. To be elected to lead our city. But i think that e. Women bring a perspective is needed right now in the in the conversations that were having in our city and our country in our state that i think has been muted a little bit and is now roaring back. Councilmember josie is also a Dublin High School teacher she said that when she joined Council Mayor elect hernandez helped her out a lot. She also added that she is proud about the fact that women are also playing a large role in other parts of dublin im really proud that we not only have the majority female council right now. We also have majority female on school board water board zone, 7. Or cant parks director is a is a woman or city manager assistant city manager, i mean its really been sweeping here in dublin as for the mayor she says that she hopes to be a role model for others as she assumes this new position. You know its being able to be of ways for all those younger women that are looking in 10. You whether its politics or whether being a doctor lawyer just 18. You know something that they dream about. And there is also this really kind of cool fact begin grant that women in january its going to be. At hernandez is going to be one of 8 female city mayors and all of Alameda County so one of 8 are all women in Alameda County, critical facts. Reporting live here in dublin, theresa stasi back to you. Thank you 00 00am tonight. The balance of power in the u. S. Senate remains up for grabs both democrats and the gop have 48 seats 51 needed for a majority of course it depends who the president is if theres a tie the Vice President breaks it so thats a factor. This election democrats have made a net gain of one seat so far. There are 2 senate races in georgia that are expected to advance to a runoff in january and house representatives democrats are expected to keep control they do hold a. 212 to one 94 seed advantage 218 seats are needed for a clear majority House Speaker nancy pelosi of San Francisco says she is happy with the results of the election despite a loss of Democratic House seats democrats were hoping to flip the senate blue while also retaining a majority of the house of representatives are kron fours Justine Waltman is here with tall broke down just the 12 democrats did maintain control of the house with 211 seats for says 194 for republicans the polls did project though a much larger win for democrats and republicans actually did better than expected picking up a seat those actually predicted to stay blue. Pelosi though still said shes happy with the outcome. This is been a life or death by for that. Fate of our democracy as he says the soul of our country we do not win every battle. And a half but we did win the war. Also House Speaker nancy pelosi said today, shes now going to seek her 4th term in that position live in the studio. Im Justine Waldman kron 4 news. Thank you much welcome sight in the south bay tonight, yeah, that is clearly rain were hoping for this this is in downtown los gatos yeah, desperate for rain but that that wasnt the only area around the bay to get a little wet kron 4 is Rebecca Strom is here with details. Yeah thats right grant vicki we have been just some lighter rain showers coming through parts of the peninsula like over not a during the last couple of hours it kind of died down though quite a bit as we get through the rest of the bay area. Satellite and radar imaging the showing us and not a whole lot of action quite yet. Were expecting to see some shower activity more so during the overnight hours, but you can see here on the screen all the green color. Some of thats coming our direction and it looks like a much of it is going to be heading towards our south bay zone. But yeah, i just really light scattered showers thats were expecting at during the overnight hours into early tomorrow morning, future cast for showing us and just that over the next few hours that were going to see possibly a some rainfall in parts of san jose passing through the livermore area as well its going to be pretty dry in the north bay and then for your saturday things should be mostly dry stuff you do have some outdoor plans that is some good news, but it is going to be cold. So make sure the layer up. Were looking at the possibility of some showers coming back to us on sunday, so keep that in mind. But again the temperatures are going to feel very cold for everyone though currently outside right now were looking at 40s 50s on the board were going to be seeing overnight lows dropping into the 30s and the grant vicki 39 degrees thats were expecting low to be in santa rosa we havent seen those in quite some time and really chilly and wet this rain were hoping that the fire season night okay, thanks for some breaking news now President Trumps chief of staff we just learned mark meadows has been diagnosed with the coronavirus says the u. S. This weekend multiple days set records for number of cases said as hospitalizations across the u. S. Are going up. Meadows just the latest person in the white house to contract coronavirus of course a little over a month ago President Trump was hospitalized at walter reed because of it his wife melania the first lady also contracted the virus as did. President trumps son. Barrett hope hicks advisor to the president was the first that was publicly known to have contracted the coronavirus and there was super spreader event according to doctor fauci who is that us expert on the coronavirus at the white house chief just theyre not chief Justice Justice now Amy Coney Barrett of event where President Trump introduced her as his nominee so mark meadows now on the list no word on whether he has symptoms or how he is but well continue to track that as news just broke that President Trumps chief of staff has covid19. Still ahead tonight if Kamala Harris assumes the role Vice President. Her seat in congress would suddenly be vacant or hearing analysis from a local Political Science expert on who. Could take her place plus convicted murderer Scott Peterson back in and then 15 years after being sentenced to death for the murders of his pregnant wife and unborn son. Scott peterson appeared virtually in a San Mateo County courthouse today, this surreal for a lot of people in an attempt to get his conviction thrown out kron fours Maureen Kelly talked to a member of his legal team who says if there is a new trial. Theyll have new evidence. Once again the fate of convicted murderer Scott Peterson will be decided here in redwood city because of the covid outbreak in san quit and this time around peterson appeared via zoom during the hearing there a new San Mateo County judge one of petersons attorneys and the status saw county prosecutor tackled 2 separate issues. One being the attempt by the prosecution to have petersons death sentence for the murders of his wife laci and unborn son connor reinstated after it was tossed out by the state Supreme Court because the original trial judge immediately dismissed potential jurors who objected to the Death Penalty rather than asking if theyd be able to set those feelings aside today peterson waived his right to a speedy trial in that matter so the court could first deal with whether or not peterson deserves an entirely new trial. After the same higher court ruled that juror rachelle nice failed to disclose information about her past during jury selection that she in fact. Its been a victim of Domestic Violence apparently while she was pregnant. There are a number of similarities between herself and lacey and the obvious feeling would be that she would have some connection the lazy. Nice has denied that she kept the information back in order to get onto the jury both petersons attorneys and his sisterinlaw say theyre looking forward to new information coming to light. I believe youre going to hear. Any re trial or any Death Penalty retrial youre going to hear a lot of things that were brought up in the first track first trial theres been a lot of new evidence uncovered scotts innocence. And somebody else committed this crime. And were going to have an opportunity to not only show that hes innocent show the evidence we have. A cold bility of other of other parties a tele conference has been scheduled for monday to discuss the issue of alleged juror misconduct and the possibility of a retrial. A separate Court Hearing has been scheduled for january to talk about the prosecutions attempt once again to get Scott Peterson sentenced to death. Maureen kelly next 2 days love not hate demonstrators taking a political message a little too far in the east bay and very activists painting their response to. President trumps call to stopped the vote count us joe biden is closing in on 270 electoral votes were getting joe biden is on the cusp of winning the presidency tonight after opening up narrow lead over President Trump in critical battleground states. By now holds leads in pennsylvania, nevada and georgia putting him in a stronger position to capture. The 270 Electoral College votes needed to take the white house. The president stayed out of sight at the white house today but made it clear hes not conceding anything threatening unspecified further legal action on twitter meanwhile, joe biden is preaching patience while the remaining votes continue to be counted. So that everyones voice is heard. He finished addressing the nation minutes ago here is part of what he had to say. I know watching these vote tallies on tv moves very slow words slow its. It has slows it goes it can be numbing. Never forget the tallies are just numbers. They represent votes and voters. Men and women who exercise their fundamental right to have their voice heard. And whats becoming clear each hour is that Record Number of americans of all races face religions shows change over more of the same. I for more on the Current Situation we now welcome in donna crane, shes Political Science lecturer from San Jose State University donna is joining us from reno and youre not there to do of ho. You know this whole thing does feel like a roll of the dice what youre in reno obviously for political reasons can you folks more specifically. I am i threw a bunch of random flows into a suitcase last night and drove out here in the middle of the night, im here to be a Volunteer Camp observer which means im assigned to a rural county here in nevada and i go each day i stand out of the way of the workers and if day process any ballots, im there to observe and make sure that the laws being followed to the letter so that no ballots are discarded set aside because the law stopping follow it. Have you seen anyone behaving badly. No shenanigans on display today, im happy to say it was my first day im not sure exactly how long will be there. But as long as they continue to count ballots in this and no shenanigans on display today up in fact i can tell you that they didnt actually count ballots did a big batch yesterday and i hovered over the when the male came in today to ask how many ballots arrived in the mail that were postmarked before election day and they huddled for a minute and then came back with the very serious announcement that 2 ballots had been okay its very reassuring to know that youre there to keep an eye on things. But not a reassuring to hear that the county is going so slowly. In nevada what stops. So what does this interesting way of thinking about you know i saw what happened thinking about that because this drives and i make it to the rural area gives me lots of time to ponder the election and you something occurred to me this just so obvious in many cases thats not the count its going slowly its simply that the law in this state and im sure in others allows a certain number of days to a lapse after the elections for the ballots to be received by mail so literally the clerks at the clerk and her staff were sitting there today waiting for the mail to cop and then they got to tell it so its not necessarily that its going slowly everywhere its that it takes time for the mail to arrive. Do we need to revamp the way we do this should there be National Approach to election day so that you dont have these random states with state legislatures maybe democratic maybe republican at the last minute weighing in making it. I guess i dont say more complicated, but at least different all over the place. Its a debate for the ages i i have a personal opinion about that was of the Founding Fathers left voting systems to the states for better or worse so some people believe that that actually allows states to be innovative and to be responsive to their particular populations and to give states some flexibility and that makes the system sufficient and other people feel exactly the opposite of maybe what we need to do is adjust all of our expectations, myself included as were watching hour after hour just glued to every twist and turn maybe we just need to get used to the idea that it will take 4, 5, 6, days and thats normal. We are hearing know joe biden leads by 22,000. Votes right now in nevada. We want to make sure you keep those glasses on and keep an eye make sure there are no shenanigans is no as technical political thank you so much for joining donna crane, Political Science lecture from. San jose state have a good evening. You too. Thanks still ahead at 8. Crime on camera one day after a disturbing display outside an east bay home was taken down a group outraged by the joe biden effigy takes matters into their own hands. Plus very active is painting a massive message in response to the president s calls to stop counting votes in key battleground states. We made usaa insurance for members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa activists and painters gathered today in San Francisco you see busy bees theyre theyre trying to send an election message. Count every vote painters sand better holders drew those words, cnn hero here at montgomery and california. It was outside a building partially owned by the trump corporation. This comes as lawyers hired by the Trump Campaign have filed suits to reject ballots in some swing states across the country. Judges in michigan and georgia have dismissed those lawsuits. Voters decided march is planned for tomorrow at noon. A group of protesters in the east bay vandalize the home of a trump supporter. Last night we showed you these images of a sleepy joe effigy that was hung from a tree outside the brentwood home. And now you can see that the vandalism there it is caught on camera demonstrators egging the home and damaging the home owners car. The president has since removed the bride biden por trail. Theyve also brought in police cars stationed outside the residence. The contra costa District Attorneys says the display did not warrant criminal charges. Still to come a biden presidency would also be a historic win for california senator Kamala Harris, but what would as if we need didnt need more uncertainty these days the senate right of Kamala Harris does in fact go on to assume the role of Vice President under joe biden then who would fill her vacancy in congress yeah, well there a lot of options and theres been a lot of speculation as well as you know rumors but the decision will ultimately be made by governor newsome and it will be consequential for the entire state kron fours dan kerman talked with political experts set up who may be chosen with democrats joe biden and Kamala Harris moving closer to success in their white house bid. Theres renewed interest in who the governor might pick to phil harris is Us Senate Seat you look at setting history. You look at potential rivals down the road for what happens and you look at who can help you raise and elevate the party can be a success that will allow you to also set your trajectory if youre Gavin Newsome forward and upwards and beyond california because now all of a Kamala Harris becomes the Vice President of the United States the relevance and importance of california way up. Sonoma state Political Science professor David Mckeown says numerous names have been put forward to replace harris. Among them, los angeles congresswoman karen bass secretary of state alex padilla. Attorney general Javier Becerra state controller betty yee former state Senate Leader kevin de leone and state senator tony atkins mckeown says the results of this election may help narrow the selection. Its clear in this election. Nationwide. And even in california, the democrats didnt do as well as they wanted to do, especially with certain constituencies the lot next population so setting history by picking a latina or latino is something that received stronger consideration when maybe it was given a pause just a week ago, or just a few days ago, whoever is sent to the capital will have to run for reelection in 2022. Mckeown says that brings up another critical consideration for the governor when making a selection. One of the key test of electability is who can raise money or who has money now the governor has been asked on numerous occasions where he is leaning. He is not shared any of his thoughts on this position. In San Francisco. Dan kerman kron 4 news. San franciscos former District Attorney is now in charge of the largest local Prosecutors Office in the country. George casco declared victory in the race for Los Angeles County d a after his opponent, the incumbent da jackie lacey conceded. This was a notably bitter race seen as a chance to reform the criminal Justice System in l a. Yes cohen promised sweeping changes to the das office, including Holding Police officers more accountable for unjustified killings. A message that resonated with voters after a summer of activism over Police Brutality and racial inequality. Governor newsom and his legal team have about a week to change the mind of a Centre County judge who ordered him to stop issuing executive orders that might interfere with state law. The judge tentatively ruled newsome overstepped his boundaries of power in one of his directives during the pandemic related to the state of emergency, the judge barred him from exercising any power under the California Emergency Services act which a mans altars or changes existing. Statutory law or makes new statutory law or legislative policy will newsoms office is evaluating the next steps in strongly as you can imagine disagrees with the orders specific limitations. And a lawyer for President Trumps former chief strategist steve bannon has quit defending bad and then a federal fraud case. This comes after bannons inflammatory comments about doctor fauci and fbi director Christopher Wray Defense Attorneys William Burck told a federal court judge in new york city he was withdrawing from the casey did not give a reason why reached by email burke declined to discuss. Ben and faces charges see ripped off Trump Supporters as an organizer of the group that portrayed itself as eager to help the president build a barrier along the u. S. Mexico border, President Trumps attempt to exclude people in the country illegally from being counted well dividing congressional seats, hit a legal roadblock today a federal court is blocking the Census Bureau from giving the president numbers. Regarding the population of illegal comes following a lawsuit that claims trumps attempt at exclusion would hurt minority communities because they would lose congressional seats. Trump has appealed a similar order in new york which will go before the Supreme Court later on this month. On 4 sports from the 18 t fiber sports desk. The most important game is the next one thats something you might hear coaches say and it couldnt be truer right now for the San Francisco, 49 ers the team is on the brink of a total season collapse after an ugly loss to the Green Bay Packers last night. The team was up against some serious challenges though on top of missing a number of key players due to injury. Kendrick bourne brandon i you can Trent Williams were all placed on the covid reserve list born tested positive for coronavirus on wednesday, but its been reported that foreign tested negative today and yesterday meaning the wednesday test was likely a false positive. Head coach Kyle Shanahan voiced his frustration about the whole situation on a call today but what can you do. As for whats next born i you can williams are said to be able to return to practice and the team has a nice break before playing the new Orleans Saints next sunday shannon mentioned that where he most certainly boasts annual may be healthy in time to compete in that game. So hopefully with more pieces in place the 49 ers can snatched huge road win and salvage their playoff hopes moving on to las vegas. Raiders preparing for a stretch of divisional games starting with the la chargers on sunday. The raiders grinded out a 16 6 win over the browns and some ugly weather in ohio last weekend. While the chargers blue yet another lead falling a heartbreaker to the Denver Broncos 3130. The chargers are just 2, 5, but it cant overlook this team quite yet. Rookie qb Justin Herbert has the offense clicking now they just havent been able to finish out games. Also we know anything can happen in Division Rivalry games that afc west showdown will take place in la at one 05 and pac 12 football is back tomorrow. Well sort of you wont see these guys the cal bears out there and thats because before the season could even get off the ground. 2 games have already been canceled due to the coronavirus cal football was supposed to host washington tomorrow, which would have been a great game to watch on prime time. Cal Football Player tested positive on wednesday for covid19 yesterday, the pac 12 announced the game would be canceled because cal could field a Competitive Team with the amount of players who have to self quarantine then today, the pac 12 announced arizona versus utah is canceled for the exact same reason however, stanford is still set to kick off at number 12 oregon thats a tough matchup with both teams likely shaking off some rust after months without playing. The idea was they get the bulk of the roster. In in. Just to play a Football Game. Within all the restrictions and i believe weve done that. Are we where we would be if we had a normal offseason on can absolutely not. Im going play Football Game is so good about it absolutely yes. That game kicks off at 4. 30 tomorrow afternoon. So the pac 12 late to the party, but theyre joining the party so that will be good to good to see especially my hope theyre making all the healthy right right indeed. Thanks kyle, thanks. Coming up close for a cure. A pair of brothers with a rare degenerative eye disorder starting we love our new home. Theres so much space. We have a guestroom now. But, we have aunts. Youre slouching again, ted. Expired, expired. Expired. Thanks, aunt bonnie. Its a lot of house. I hope you can keep it clean. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. Which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. Did you get my friend request . Uh, ill have to check. doorbell ringing aunt jonis here for bundling made easy, go to geico. Com. Hello . This is how blind people re. So those deaths. Comfortable clothing for a cure to new york brothers, they begin losing their own vision to a rare. The generative eye disorders children there now dedicating their lives to raise money for a cure Bradford Manning and his brother brian, the founders of the Clothing Brand to blind brothers. They hit on a Winning Strategy that is helping them raise more than 700,000 for the cause. Mistry boxes full of the ultra soft shirts, cozy socks. Mitt beanies and sunglasses their boxes of produce to social media movement. Among supporters and hey its almost christmas that school another manning family do great things. Take a look at this. And move on the lips in pleasanton. Yeah was found wandering through a neighborhood this afternoon. 2 officers responded, see them there they last so they have to get that call the pleasanton pd tweeted out these pictures the emo vick that things big yeah looks like it escaped from that commercial. Apparently i googled i just googled the moose the second tallest bird theres college uhi relative in the relative the ostrich this emo no name given is now in safe hands waiting to be reconnected with its rightful owner. All right in a stranded the chameleon was rescued from a power line in daly city officials got a call from a resident who said that the lizard a bit. Stuck on the wire for 3 days is an electrical line worker made sure that the power line was safe for them managed to rescue the little guy with that wooden handle tool of the colorful lizard is now resting comfortably at the peninsula, humane society. All right. Our coverage of animals throughout the bay area continues coming up at the top of the hour. Thank you for being with us for the news today and that does wrap it up for us, but we have more coming up at 9 lead to a little you cant get away from thing for the boats are trickling in and were inching ever closer to learning just who the next president will be well bring you the latest numbers and get a live report from vegas which is. The battle which is one of the important states that could determine the election count him out. And so far the weather has cooperated with restaurants that are relying on outdoor dining. But thats not going to be the case this weekend. How much longer will show you how they plan to deal with a major cool down. And a chance of rain all those stories your weather is coming

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