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Are 6 key states that are not yes and yes, not all the votes have been counted and thats something thats going to take several days at least. To do. President trump has a very mentioned falsely claiming victory last night. Its video both of them during their announcements last night they spoke at length and were going to have all of that for you uninterrupted throughout broadcast and we actually went on to say that he was going to go to the Supreme Court to get the. Ballot counting to stop and said the democrats are trying to steal the but as we said we do need to continue. Counting all the ballots thats how the election works were waiting for 6 key states said in the end its not like theyre stragglers james are surprising. We knew that it would take this long because some of those des states didnt begin the ballot counting this morning, yes, 07 00am and that was the pill youre bit is that every state has its own rules and in fact in some cases every county within the state has its own rules as to when its allowed to start counting some of these early votes mail in votes. Even early in person votes as well and thats why were waiting on some of these states longer than some others florida for instance was able to give us numbers relatively quickly within the first few hours we kind of had a good handle on what florida was going to be doing but places like pennsylvania, not so much in fact they werent even allowed to start counting. Early votes until after all of the in person votes were counted. And in some cases even not until the next day and so thats why some of those counties particular to pennsylvania. Are slow to release some of those early vote counts. Now nevada, lets talk about that real quick. We have here on the map you can see joe biden in the lead, not by a whole lot but by enough right now to make it at this point lean his direction. Hes leading by 49. 2 of the vote to 48. 5 for donald trump. Now the thing about nevada is that the secretary of state has come out to say that they are not going to be announcing any new numbers until tomorrow. So what we see on the board here is basically frozen in time we wont get any new information from nevada at the moment, joe biden in the lead well see if that holds as we head into tomorrow when those new numbers come out. Lets go to the great lakes area. This is the iron wall, wisconsin, michigan pennsylvania that is where down or that were joe biden had his strongest chance of securing a victory if he had won every single state. That Hillary Clinton had won and then added back those 3 states which have been traditionally democratic then that would be enough to secure him the 270 electoral votes that he would need to win right now hes leading slightly in wisconsin. Hes trailing in the other 2 however in michigan trailing margin has shrunk right now we have donald trump in the lead with 49. 3 of the vote to joe bidens 49. 0 of the vote. The votes are coming in now are in strong democratic strongholds so as those counts come in we do expect joe bidens numbers to go up that margin that hes trailing to shrink and potentially he could even overtake the president before the final numbers are in if that happens that would be a huge boon for joe biden because if he can secure nevada. And if he can secure wisconsin and michigan games over his over 270 he would need pennsylvania. So you know as well as much as were waiting on pennsylvania, it doesnt all depend on that state to come through if some of these other pieces fall into place so were going to have to wait and see as we continue to count he is saying is we may end up knowing. The winner before some states are done counting. But at this point we cant stop counting because theyre too many up in the air absolutely yeah and in some cases we have lets wisconsin theyre not going to beef theyre going to continue accepting mail in votes that are still in transit through the u. S. Postal service. All the way up until saturday, so they may not have a final number till saturday, pennsylvania is going to allow these mail in votes to continue arriving until friday, so that as long as postmarked by election day theyre going to wait till friday to receive them and then theyll count of so these numbers are still in flux and may stay in flux until this weekend all right, unless you ask the president who thinks is an open and shut case and that we should stop the counting. Now lets go live to washington dc and talk to basal john. About more about what the president has to say on this Election Night baseball. Good morning guys, thank you for having me and im assuming from your guys perspective that this has been a quite a tight race i do say so myself correct. Yeah, yeah well were still happening in waiting its interesting that the president came out so strongly and said you know that he believes hes already won and that theyre ready to go to the Supreme Court to stop the ballot counting. Yeah it was quite a claim from the president and obviously him also saying that hes all winner in this election is definitely way too early for him to to even say that it would be too early for either candidate to come out and make that claim in the first considering were still waiting for many of these votes to come in neither candidate has hit that 270 voter thats for the Electoral College to actually say that someone is a winner and were still waiting for results to come in from some of those very big states such as pennsylvania and such wisconsin as you guys had mentioned earlier now President Trump when he was at the white house he had also said they cannot allow democrats to disenfranchise the people who came out to vote for him, but thats not the game thats being played by the American People right now the game is being played by the American People and for us in the news is the waiting game were waiting patiently for more of these results to come out for any of these states possibly. Whats it like out there because i know that when we checked in with you yesterday that they had erected a wall and a fence and around the white house and demonstrators had planned to show up are you seeing any activity this morning or did you see it into the wee hours of the night. Yes or around 11 00pm last night there was some activity around washington dc more so around the white if you actually go on line and youll see many videos on social media on twitter and on videos of both Trump Supporters and biden outside of the white house said there were no real altercations or anything that took place but there you could tell there was a split down the middle of Trump Supporters am biden supporters and i dont think that will continue for the most just because we have to wait for more of these results to come out were still waiting on states like wisconsin, nevada michigan pennsylvania. North carolina and were going to be waiting a few days for those results to come down possibly a pennsylvania didnt start counting their votes. For mail in ballots until the polls had closed last night at so it could be until friday even that we end up hearing if pet who will get pennsylvania and considering how close this race is with joe biden at around 230 Electoral College votes right now, and President Donald Trump at around 220. Just one or 2 states will automatically either bring the president ahead in this or will help separate the Vice President from the president at this rate it young having 20 Electoral College votes right now makes a huge difference all right it is close thanks a lot of azle a james and it is surprising. It is a nail biter it really right this morning for 38 we still dont know. Yeah is something obviously that the democrats. Sot would not be the case they were hoping a lot of the polls leading up to the election. Were certainly pointing of a good night for joe biden but everything that had to happen was always within the margin of error so could have gone the other way to it looks like in the number of states it certainly has going in the favor of the president. Last night joe by the courts gave his speech his supporters while the votes are still being counted urging them to keep the faith of his campaign feels good about the way things are looking. Heres his speech in its entirety. It has and maybe tomorrow morning maybe even longer. We feel good about where we are. Tell your night. We believe are on track to win this election. Because of the unprecedented early voting a male and vote. Thats going to take a while. Were going to have to be patient. Until the hard work of tallying votes is finished. You know, virtually every vote is counted. Every ballot is counted. Were feeling good about where we are. One of the net says suggests that weve already won arizona but were confident about our thats a we also just call the from minnesota or. And were still in the game in georgia, thats not what we expected. Were feeling really good about wisconsin and michigan. Its going take time to count votes were going to win pennsylvania. Folks in philly. Allegheny countys kratom and theyre really encouraged by the turnout of what they say mark. You know we can know the results as early as tomorrow morning. But it may take a little longer as ive said all along. Its not my place or Donald Trumps places that claire whos won this election. Thats the decision of the American People. But im optimistic about com. One of you came out and vote in this election and by the way chris coons and democrats congratulations are in delaware. John good to go yeah hold team ad youve done a great grateful to the poll workers to our volunteers are canvassers everyone to participate in this democratic process, im grateful to all my supporters here in delmar all across the nation. Thank you thank you, thank you. And folks you heard me say before. Every time i walk out of my grandpas house up in scranton out joey keep the faith and my grandma mushers live youll know joey spread it, keep the faith guys were going to win this. Thank you thank you, thank you. A voting is done but the counting is far from over james, and thats why we will continue to keep our eye on. The latest numbers coming in on the president ial race all right and also following the latest local measures as well. Heres a quick check of the forecast before we get too deep into more politics and its going to be a lot for you to digest throughout the morning this morning i guys yeah take a step away from the election for just one second and look at the skies because we are going to be seeing another nice day like yesterday. I know lot of us waiting out at the polls yesterday it was great weather to be doing so now hopefully get a chance to just enjoy some of that sunshine on a bit of a more relax, no looking out there this morning at half moon bay, definitely low cloud cover sitting over head right now the same low cloud cover that we had yesterday around this time that will clear out come the afternoon big change is just around the corner in this forecast today tomorrow, were Still Holding on to her mild sunny weather. But look what happens on friday we start to see some showers first of by friday morning moving into the northern part of the state this is a part of the state that really does need widespread rain looks like will you lose some of the steam by the time the showers reach the bay area but a couple of sprinkles possible and snowfall in the Sierra Nevada we remain cool, but dry or into saturday and then another chance of a few sprinkles on into sunday as far as temperatures go today, well be back into the 70s for almost all of the bay area pretty nice one at the coast with upper 60s to low 70s, mid 70s for most of our bayside in inland cities and conquered hitting 80 degrees today. Heres a look ahead at your next 7 days so tomorrow will be another mild one before the big cool down and you see that starting on friday but lasting for the rest of the forecast ahead of us. We do have that slight chance of rain on friday and sunday. It will be light and it will be sparse back to you guys, thanks a lot john is for 43 and as we go to the break, lets take a look at some of the results from the state senate race. And this one in san mateo district, 13. And as you can see as still of the counties not done there, but it looks like a it was a close race. State Senate District 15 in campbell only 53 of the votes have been counted. But at this point than today seems to have edge over well be right back. In the morning and it is way too close to call the votes are still being tabulated right now fact as you look at the electoral map but weve got that here for you can see weve got a handful of states still too close to call the include the state of nevada. Were at the moment, well zoom in and take a closer look. The numbers show that were about 49. 2 for joe biden 48. 5 donald trump and at the moment, these numbers are frozen in time because the Election Officials in that state said that they will not be releasing anything new until tomorrows were just going to wait be patient on that front. Then of course you have the rust the iron, the blue wall as democrats would call it thats the. The Traditional Democratic states of wisconsin michigan pennsylvania at the moment too close to call the are leaning one way or the other depending on which state youre looking at but again still enough votes unaccounted for and tabulated yet that could still sway the different and i think thats the Biggest Surprise out of this whole thing is you know the democrats are just giving up on the pollsters who had had these are you blew all these are you know these are done done deal and we are finding this race is much closer. Than any of the pundits are poll watchers had fought. And theres a question as to you know whether these types of like canvases or accurate anymore i think they knew they call a lot of people would land lines and i think thats going to sway short who who that voter is so really its hard to predict this kind of thing thats why we cover it in real time as the votes being tabulated and well break down in more detail coming up you know what the peculiarities are of particular regions and what the polls leading up to the elections were indicating versus right actually seeing in reality and weve seen this happen many times before how with the idea that. Maybe the democrats were going to able to grab power. The senate thats not happening and we can take a look at some of the senate races are you can because i cant see this map and yes, the right now the number count for each side is democrats have 47 secured senate seats republicans have 47 secured senate seat so its a dead heat. There were about 5 or 6 senate seats the democrats thought they had a real good shot of flipping to republican and when you you know when it all came out in the wash it looked as though they were potentially going to take over the senate by at least one perhaps maybe even 2 senate seats but in reality. It looks like those hopes have been dashed this morning. They may at best pick up one. But it looks like all the others are safely in republican hands again. Those seats are still too close to call but at this republican. Candidates in those races are leading it does look like this a major shift of power know whats going to happen and how about with the house. You can see the results here and there there was no question that we retain and democratic yes and thats thats going to be the case there werent enough. A real competitive democratic seats that republicans could flip to take over the house. At this moment, you can see theres a 188 democratic seats to a 181 republican seats will continue to follow the numbers as these last minute races are tabulated but at this point looks like it securely in democratic hands and the biggest blockbuster as far as the propositions go was the Uber Lyft Doordash sort of battle against the labor unions in california and people voted keep proposition as independent for more on those local props the ones that are important to you we have Robin Winston standing by him. Morning feel like yesterday ahead of election day and i d this morning i have postelection they invited because this looking at these numbers everything so close but well go over 1417 1920 so first, lets start off with proposition 14 which is once again a little too close to call. Now keep in mind that the proper laus more than 5 billion dollars in bonds to pay for state Stem Cell Research or youre for it youre against it. Well, a yes vote supports issuing the bonds so 59 yes, 41 said no on that one all right moving on to the next one we have proposition 17 which voters have indeed pass now 17 restores the right to vote to people who are on parole, 59 said yes 41 said no and once again well continue to update these numbers throughout the show this is not completely final the numbers are still coming in all right 19 if youre wondering about that one proposition 19 other one thats a really close that prop would allow people to move their property tax assessment more freely. So a yes vote would actually support 1952 said yes, lets do it. A very close 48 at least as of right now are saying no. Meantime a voters have rejected proposition 20 there it is on your screen voters said no to a proposition that toughens criminal law also saw whopping 62 of already set know and over 38 of voters have said yes so once again well continue to update the propositions the numbers are still coming in well have these updated numbers throughout the day throughout the newscast. But if you want to get specifics and just take a look at the full list, its always available on our website just head over to kron 4 dot com helpful place to find information darya james thanks robin for 51 and as we head to the break well give you a look at the results from the congressional race. Welcome back 4. 54 on this wednesday morning skies little bit on the cloudy side yet again today we are looking outside behind me at the bay bridge right there visibility is just fine on it, but once you head above it, thats where that layer of cloud cover as you can see from a different perspective, the bay bridge right next to me can see the lights right there and then that thin layer of cloud cover having filtered in across the bay so visibility for most of us like i mentioned is holding up just fine but you are noticing that low gray filtering back into the bay and a little bit further into the bay than yesterday. This is going to help to result in a nice cool start to the morning and eventually a pretty pleasant afternoon really 40s and 50s are current temperatures with livermore of 46 degrees. Oakland at a nice 54 petaluma at 52, definitely no 30s on the map today you can think that deep in marine layer for that helps to moderate temperatures overnight as we work our way into the afternoon, its back to the 70s we go for san francisco, oakland and san jose. All 3 of these cities looking pretty nice as we work our way through the day. James. All right. Thank you john coming up in the next hour. Well have the very latest on the 2020 president ial Election Results plus. Results from local and state propositions as well with live shots from across the country. Gives us confidence. So we can spend a bit today, knowing were prepared for tomorrow. Wow, do you think you overdid it maybe . Overdid what . Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Local news station. Now with breaking news. A vote is finished. No virtual every vote is counted every ballot is counted. Were feeling good about where we are. So well be going to the u. S. Supreme court. We want voting to stop. We dont want them to find any ballot said. 4 oclock in the morning and them to the last. Very sad. We will win this and we far as im concerned we already have president falsely early claiming victory before all the votes are counting and joe biden is saying wait and let all of those be counted. Good morning. Im darya folsom and im James Fletcher yeah, the reason joe biden saying weight off shes because the math. Isnt quite the area for either candidate thats why its still too close to call and were going break down here in a minute all the different imaginations for which either could win and we heard as the president was talking him say that they he won the election and that he was going to go to the u. S. Supreme court. To get the vote counting to stop, but he claimed the democrats are trying to steal the election by continuing to count the votes. Youre going to hear what he had to say in its entirety in just a couple of minutes, but first lets get to that vote count james because 6 states are still undecided yet to be counted. Yeah thats absolutely right if youre just waking up this

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