Right now were bringing in Lawrence Karnow laurent, yeah guys were defeat now of fire season kind of a scary weekend ahead were going to see these winds. Come and go several times throughout the week so the National Weather service has already issued redflag warning that begins at 11 oclock tonight in the north bay mountains you can see areas in brown these where theyve issued some watches beginning on wednesday. Thats because were likely going to see these turn red flag warnings as we get the middle of this week because well see some very gusty winds around the entire bay area so Santa Cruz Mountains 25 to 35 mile an hour winds. This will be fine tuned over the next couple of days, humidity 15 to about 20 that as you make your way in the east bay also gusty winds again these are but a 1000 feet so gusting over the mountain tops 20 to 30 miles an hour. Maybe some 4050 plus mile an hour gusts over diablo and you can see the humidity down to 10 to 15 smaller county youre split here. Youve got the southern part of Seminole County thats in the brown thats the watch that goes into effect likely to become a warning as we get into wednesday already under warning in vacaville also into dixon some of those gusts 25 to 40 miles an hour. And in the north bay above a 1000 feet, 25 to 40 mile an hour winds, those winds kicking up overnight. I think stronger winds on the way later in the week, well have more on that coming up in a few minutes. Thanks large happening. Now that red flag warning has closed a road in Warren County. The Marin County Sheriffs Department has closed Fairfax Bolinas road between the Meadow Club Golf Course at highway one in bolinas closure went into effect at 00 07pm tonight. It will last until wednesday morning. Download the kron and kron 4 app at the app store for the latest developments for this red flag warning of potential power shutoffs you can download the apps in your phones app store today. Today march 29 years since that devastating Oakland Hills fire storm that killed dozens of people and destroyed thousands of homes. The somber anniversary comes of course is extreme fire danger is back plaguing the bay area once again tonight our kron 4 Taylor Bisacky spoke to firefighters and residents. Remembering the firestorm she joins us now live from the newsroom. Taylor. Well firefighters say it was one of the worst and most expensive fires rage through california at that time. The firestorm killed 25 people and injured 150 others. It also destroyed nearly 3,000 homes. The 7 acre fire originally started on october 19th in a canyon along buckingham boulevard near the caldecott tunnel. Firefighters thought they put it out but the fire reignited the next morning driving driven by heavy winds reaching up to 65 miles per hour. Those winds sent embers everywhere in the Oakland Hills and quickly took over the area Oakland Hills, residents and firefighters. Remember the firestorm vividly meanwhile, oakland firefighters say theyve learned a lot from that fire since then and equipment has definitely improved. Its really like moving into a war zone now just a strange is actually my grandmothers birthday. I remember seeing all smoke and that can help you know was because i thought it looked like fog first like this because im eric she technology has improved in our awareness and knowledge of fire behavior. And training has improved so we are on red flags didnt red flag days we staff up and put throughout the city that increase is not only our awareness but increases our ability to respond in case fires do break out that puts more people on a fire in a shorter amount of time. Now since then firefighters say the fires have only become larger and more devastating. Unfortunately been seen that lately first hand the bay area the last 2 months and in the last couple of years. Live from the newsroom tiller sackey kron 4 news. And having friends over not full. And youre kicking my door, your goal. Wow array of bizarre outburst all caught on camera in the south bay, a woman seen kicking screaming and punching ah to be shut down a family gathering. And the outrage family members who are having the gathering and they say they believe this was racially motivated kron fours dan thorn is live in saratoga tonight. He joins us with more on this story. And this woman just when crazy in the video. Granted strange outburst happening before a gender reveal party on saturday this family was planning on coming together and meeting in someone elses backyard, however, this host invited them to have this family party at his home, but this neighbor did not want this to happen and she did everything that she could to make sure it did. For your call. Striking a phone out of her neighbors hands, a woman gets violent over a gender reveal party. Shes also seen running full speed toward the home. And then kicking the front door. This scene unraveling as Alijah Johnson was arriving for the family its a very very crazy situation that i did not plan to be did not expect. For me to be a part of the woman also kicked johnsons car telling him in the home owner, the party was a legal car. This party is elite is not legal johnson believes part of the womans actions were racially motivated if you believe the party is illegal for whatever reason for covid restrictions okay thats fine but im sitting here looking at this not my wow i cant believe someone is so infuriated so enraged at something that has nothing to do with her. The party was being held in the backyard of this house on saratoga glenn court. The homeowner who did not want to be on camera says the neighbor was being difficult because of the covid19 pandemic Santa Clara County deputies visited the womans home on monday afternoon but she was not arrested the woman turned down our requests for comment. The outburst was upsetting and traumatic for johnson and family, but hes just looking for an apology i would like to hear an apology just saying sorry you it was my business it i felt like something was wrong not go to call the police i could acted i didnt have to kick your view. I apologize for my actions. Well its unclear if this woman is facing charges tonight the homeowner tells us that hes been talking with the Santa Clara County Health Department about allowing these gatherings in the meantime the state of california does allow up to 3 households to come together for parties and gatherings they prefer that they be outside and only last just a few hours long. Reporting live in saratoga dan thorn kron 4 news. Okay dan. Just weeks after starting in Person Instruction again Marin Catholic high school is once again shutting its doors to students because of coronavirus concerns move comes after School Leaders say they learned of at least one large gathering involving several students over the weekend. Crawfords Jonathan Mccall is in Warren County with what comes next when catholic had just resume classes just a few weeks ago using a hybrid learning model which allowed. Half of the students to return back to the classroom for in person learning. But after those reported incidents over the weekend School Leaders here say it will be Virtual Learning for at least the next few weeks in a letter to parents School Leaders called this weekends developments a grave breach of trust going on to say that it cannot tolerate behavior outside of the school that puts faculty staff and students at risk. Not knowing exactly how many kids were involved in these incidents over the weekend. The school making the decision to halt its hybrid learning model, which saw some students return back to the classroom for the first time in months for the next 2 weeks all classes will be held virtually all extracurricular activities, including athletic practices have also been suspended. Warren county recently moved into the substantial tier as part of the states reopening plan which allows in person learning. The news not sitting well with many folks in this area. I have a stud or issue since but the nests she was still at school that age. For sure one 34 am until we get a a lid on this thing. Its already said because of that age its the kids want do what they do. You know we have the only say consideration to keep my nothing as of now School Leaders say they dont believe that there was any transmission of the virus among the students at these events. But School Leaders are not taking any chances, they say they also plan to expand covid testing for students in Staff Members in the coming days. As of now students will be allowed to return back to the school on november, 2nd. And marin county Jonathan Mccall kron 4 thank you jonathan happening tomorrow, a new tool will debut to allow families in marine county to track covid cases in schools. It will cover Public Private independent and parochial schools within marine, the at full include gray dots for each school if the school is open to at least 10 capacity the dot will be green and you can get information about the total number of students attending classes. Among other details. Now we did have a related any students who have tested a covid positive or staff and whether or not there was any transmission in the School Setting that an opportunity to move information into our community in a way that will be easy to access and available to all. You can find this dashboard on our website kron 4 dot com. It will also detail each schools plans for how to respond if and when there are cases reported this. The peninsula were San Mateo County launched its covid19 compliance unit today, the county says this unit. Well monitor businesses to make sure that masks are worn, social distancing is respected and that employees are given health and safety plan county says that the county has been getting reports of some businesses not following the rules. Weve seen that there are people out there. Businesses who are not compliant. And so we would were going to go out there again through a team a person team. Theyre going to go to these businesses. People can call the countys tip line at 2, 1, 1, to notify the county if they see a business not following the rules this tip can be done. Anonymously. President trump came out swinging today against doctor Anthony Fauci as polls show trump trailing behind joe biden in key battleground states. I love hearing how she had all issues with these people if people got wrong. From his Campaign Staff in las vegas during a Campaign Rally in prescott arizona. Trump added that people are tired of hearing about the pandemic. With more than 220,000 coronavirus related deaths in the country. The president insisted during that rally that he did not follow the advice of fauci who says he was against a ban on travel from china. We must point out that this claim is false President Trump only restricted travel. And just a reminder we are now a 15 days away from election day. And turnout this year has been historic so far surpassing what we saw in 2016. And in the 28 president ial elections. But before you vote you obviously have to be registered. California secretary of state says so far close to 4 million ballots have been returned for comparison this time during the 2016 election. Close to 407,000 ballots had been returned, San Franciscos director of elections says if you do miss tonights midnight deadline. You still have a chance to vote. After today people can still register and vote in this election. It just must do so in person. That in Person Registration can be at a county Elections Office or Voting Center or at your polling place on election day. We have a link to those locations on our website kron 4 dot com. In Contra Costa County more than a 164,000 ballots have been returned i returned crawfish ceo was in that county and talked with voters who are dropping off their ballots. Here the Registrars Office in Contra Costa County we saw people rush here all day long to make sure that they can weigh in on this upcoming general ive been doing elections for 25 years this is my 6th president ial election. Ive never seen. People so. Excited does he and voting so early. Thats the assistant registrar of voters on what theyre seeing this general election here in Contra Costa County with today being the deadline for registration we expect to go over. 700,000 voters for the first time in our history today. We about a year ago we estimated that would be our weather account and here we are on the final day of registration. And were were going to hit that target, but its very very very big this year and everybody should vote do the right thing and outside all day long this people constantly pulling up and dropping off their ballots. This mom even turned the whole operation into a civics lesson for her young 3 daughters recording it all you know what it means. To vote today tell you about how we choose people to make decisions for our city and for our county and even for our whole country. So we get to choose the different people. A fellow teacher surely would be impressed as she 2 showed up to place her ballot into the official box. I am so excited, especially as a California Teacher to be able to participate in the electoral process and as a teacher im super busy right now Remote Learning so i am so excited to be able to come into an election box and drop my ballot others sharing their thoughts about why showing up is so important to them this year ive always kind of just rather just come down and drop it off. I mean ive been doing it for a long time and this year just seems like thats the thing to do with everybody. We lot of things happening right now tear a difference in user ids prisoner finance. Even at this hour with the Registrars Office said shut down to 5 oclock weve been seeing people pull and in the evening hours to drop off their ballot. The election just around the corner. Here in Contra Costa County theresa kron 4 news air crime for we are committed to helping make sure that your vote counts if you experience a problem casting your ballot. Let us know and well investigate you can email us at voting problems at kron 4 dot com. Governor newsom says california will not allow any distribution of a new Coronavirus Vaccine until it is reviewed by our states own panel of experts as our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala reports once a vaccine is approved the administration has already decided who will get it first. So governor gavin newsom announced monday his administration will require an independent group to verify the safety of an eventual fda approved covid19 vaccine before it can be distributed in california. The governor said this is happening regardless of whoever is president course. We dont take anyones word for it. We will do our own independently reviewed process with are world class experts. The new scientific safety group is made up of 11 Health Care Leaders and researchers from across the state house sooner work begins depends on how soon the fda approves a vaccine. The state is eyeing a likely mass distribution in 2021. And this is the sober reality, the expectation should not cannot be this calendar year. For the overwhelming majority of us to get to where we need to go as a nation as a state that will not happen until 2021 with limited supply in Storage Capacity expected once a vaccine is approved newsoms administration has already decided who will get First Priority will go to those most vulnerable to the virus, including the elderly or those living in longterm care facilities. The disabled essential workers minorities, Rural Communities and those who are incarcerated newsoms administration did not say how long it would take the group to review the vaccines, reporting in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. California reported more than 3,000 new covid cases just within the past 24 hours. Here are the latest numbers worldwide more than 40 million cases in the u. S. More than 8 million cases in california weve seen more than 879,000 cases and in the bay area there been more than 109,000 cases. Sarah Jessica Police have shared the 7th body cam video from a confrontation with a. Carjacking suspect who was shot dead by officers last week. The department hosted a town hall tonight to go over what is known about the shooting. Kron fours also money live in our newsroom now with details on this newly released video ella what you know. So color so the town hall tonight express folk outrage and support some worry that police are too often acting as judge jury and executioner while others actually believed that the illegal actions were met with an appropriate response. So on saturday october 10th that around. I suspect identified as 21 yearold Cesar Antonio vargas jumped onto the hood of a car as you can see in this video near market and valencia streets. And then shattered the windshield afterward he allegedly held up a knife to the victims face ripped off her necklace and then took their car by force. He rolled off in the vehicle for a short distance and got out and continued on to pushing a man who was just waiting for a muni bus you can see in this part of the video before trying to take another car. Police say that Surveillance Video shows he still had a knife in hand when they found vargas golf and colton streets. Officers repeatedly told him to drop it instead they say he charged at them so he was shot down for gus died at the scene and the callers in this town hall is a mention tonight expressed both outrage and support as i said some worried that police are too often acting as judge jury and executioner while others believe that the illegal actions were met with an appropriate response. We have been desensitized to an incredible rate to believing that police of this country get to decide who lives and dies on the street without due process without a trial. Without jury without a judge. If that was your mom your dad or your sister or your brother got her bed. That was being charged by somebody with an eye. Your perspective would be different. We have laws. And this man made a lot of long decision that night where is his accountability and his responsibility. An independent investigation has been launched by the San Francisco District Attorneys Office along with the medical examiner and the department of police accountability, a link to the town hall meeting tonight can be found on kron 4 dot com live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news. Thank you al and coming up areas of the north bay once again facing critical fire weather this week learn what fire officials doing to prepare and the deadline to get more covid relief from capitol hill is looming we take a look at what each side of the aisle is asking for. And where more than a month away from thanksgiving, which means Holiday Shopping still ahead what stores have already announced. That are i didnt choose this job because it was easy. But i cant say i expected this. To fight these fires, we need funding plain and simple. For this crisis, and for the next one. Prop 15 closes tax loopholes so rich corporations pay their fair share of taxes. So firefighters like me, have what we need to do the job, and to do it right. The big corporations want to keep their tax loopholes. Its what they do. Well, i do what i do. If yould like to help, join me and vote yes on prop 15. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says congress and the white house have until tomorrow night to reach a deal on another round of covid relief before election day. Today the speaker says there has been some progress on a deal after speaking with treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin for nearly an hour. But even if a deal is reached between pelosi at the white house. It must go through congress where both sides can not seem to agree on a price tag for how much relief there should be. What we need right now is an emergency relief package with enough resources to beat back this enormous crisis and yet. Leader mcconnell this week will once again force a vote on a partisan emaciated covid bill. So deficient and laden with poison pills that is obvious he designed to fail. We couldnt pass hundreds of billions of dollars in relief more than a month ago. But our democratic colleagues voted lockstep to filibuster the really even kill the bill. Tomorrow Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell who we just heard from will push ahead with a vote on gop measures that stand little chance of advancing. Democrats want a relief package that the tune of 2 trillion dollars. President trump has upped his offer to 1. 8 trillion. If a deal is not reached by tomorrow americans stand little chance of seeing another round of aid before election day. For your money tonight, thanksgiving falls on november 26 this year which means that for the first time in a long time black friday will actually be on friday. But due to the pandemic of course not all your Favorite Stores are going to be open. So heres a list of stores that will actually be closed thanksgiving day they include bed bath and beyond best buy macys and target those businesses have not announced yet if they will be open a black friday. We do have a complete list of Stores Closed on thanksgiving. On our website at kron 4 dot com. Up next the president ial debate is set for thursday night, the new rules the Debate Committee Just Announced and the change the president is asking for tonight. 6 Russian Military officers accused of Hacking Campaign and are putting in washington with the department of justice says this group is done. And all the talk of fire danger we could certainly use some rain have we found some im voting yes on prop 19. Nineteen limits taxes on seniors. It limits property tax on people like me. Nineteen limits taxes on wildfire victims. It says so right here. If 19 passes, seniors can move closer to family or medical care. I looked at moving but i cant afford the taxes. Will you help californias most vulnerable . Vote yes on prop 19. Under a wildfire coverage at this hour the glass fire. It remains at 97 containment cal fire says that it does expect to have that fire fully contained by tomorrow. It burned more than 67,000 acres in napa and sonoma counties destroying more than 800 homes and those north bay communities once again facing critical fire weather this week. A fire weather watch scheduled to go into effect tonight was upgraded to a red flag warning kron fours Maureen Kelly talked to santa rosa fire officials about what are still under construction after burning down in the 2017 tubbs fire and so a lot of those areas have reestablished theres brush their seasonal grasses. Theres definitely threat for a fire moving back to those areas again. So that is why we continue to ask our community to heed to the warnings and be prepared for another fire potentially an area that has already burned in last several years pg e has not officially said they will cut power off yet to prevent a catastrophic wildfire, but the potential is there we are now psps watch which means that pg e has activated its Emergency Operations center and the likelihood psps event happening in midweek they will begin notifying customers 48 hours in advance of when they might have to pull the plug. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. Pg e says it is notified customers in 19 counties in Northern California about this potential power shut off that could begin on wednesday of the 19 county 6 are here in the bay. Alameda contra costa. Napa santa clara solano and Sonoma County close to 7,000 customers in the bay area could be affected. The areas that could be our label on your screen and yellow pg and e says the hot and dry conditions combined with high wind gusts pose an increased risk for damage to the electrical system that has the chance to start wildfires turning now to our weather with Lawrence Karnow lawrence, this is a dicey time yeah it really is a scary time of year you dont get the rain early certainly thats what were left with and of course things very dry in the mountains all around us now. And so red flag warnings posted for the north bay above a 1000 feet those go to in fact the less the into effect in just less than an hour you see all the watches here brown, those are about a 1000 feet all the way to the Santa Cruz Mountains the east bay to those watches will be upgraded to warnings as we get toward the middle of week to see some very gusty winds and i wanted to give you a look at these were expecting these winds to really start to pick up first you see those winds begin to pick up by tomorrow about the middle of the day in the north bay getting bluster you see the colors you start to fill in orange and red those winds gusting over 30 miles an hour certainly fire danger good reason to worry about that for tomorrow, but i think even worse as we get into thursday watch the colors pour in from the Central Valley there you go all the purple showing winds gusting over 40 miles an hour but not only in the north bay parts of the east bay the sectors mount san mateo and then well see another burst of wind rolling on through into friday early in the morning and i think we may see another round of some very gusty winds late in the weekend to so certainly fire dangers of concern right now were looking for some raindrops nothing out there right now hardly any cloud just some patchy fog out along the coastline. Temperature wise still looking at 70 degrees right warm in antioch 66 in san jose 56 in oakland 55 degrees in San Francisco in 65 in palo alto air quality looking good out there right now is weve nice fresh air that im just going to moderate amounts of blues as you make your way in toward livermore heres longrange forecast right now got a big dome of High Pressure overhead as what we call a rex usually when you see this kind of bridge building they could last 2 even 3 weeks and certainly has been sticking around yet another frontal system dropping over the top of that once that goes by High Pressure starts to build in we get those winds kicking up again that just continues to play out another one dives in as we get in the weekend and then behind that we get another burst of winds as we get the next week you can see the jet stream still staying to the north some rain northwest right now were keeping it dry. So your tenant and dry over the next few days gusty winds too temperatures to cool off. But those winds on of gusty for the foreseeable future and dry well into next week. Thank you lawrence after their last chaotic debate together the president ial debate commission. Has released the changes that were going to see in thursdays debate. The Commission Says President Trump and joe biden will have their microphones cut off while there rival loved still livers their opening 2 minute answer to each debate topic. The 90 minute debate will be divided into 6 15 minute segments debate Moderator Kristen Welker released the topics on friday, they will include the fight on covid19 race in america and Climate Change but the Trump Campaign is asking to add another topic foreign policy. The topics must be agreed upon by both candidates. The Biden Campaign has not said if they agree on the proposed addition. There is some speculation tonight that there might not be a debate at all the president s campaign has already come out against the new mike rules. Host of inside bay area politics or Catherine Heenan spoke with a Political Science lecture from San Jose State University about the upcoming debate. But this last debate first of all i think if i were working for donald trump tell him hes got to go. You cant miss another opportunity to miss this opportunity i think it was a mistake for him not to attend last weeks debate and so that got canceled. I think hes got to go and i just dont think theres much you can do at this late date but if there were something he could he could be showing new policies of covid remains top of mind for all voters really hes trying to take some bubbles around the edge of this covid policy but no hes not changing anything fundamental about his approach which most people do has failed. So if you were to do something troy hill. Mary pass thats what it should be all mister biden needs to do really is make his Closing Argument not make a big mistake. Appear president ial appear credible and i think those are his those are his assignments for this weeks debate. Donna crane points to the fact that regardless of what happens it all boils down to only a handful of undecided voters. We already know record breaking number of people have voted already. Meanwhile, the president says he will take a covid test before the debate. In National News tonight, 6 Russian Hackers 3 continents affected and millions of victims. Today the department of justice announced that they are seeking out a group of military officers from russia involved in the Hacking Campaign as our washington correspondent basil john reports for us tonight these hackers are part of the same group that interfered in the 2016 election. The department of justice is going after 6 Russian Military Intelligence Officers for alleged computer attacks. No country has weaponized its Cyber Capabilities as maliciously and irresponsibly as russia Doj National Security assistant attorney general john demers says this Group Disrupted a French Election the Winter Olympics in the Hospital System in pennsylvania, the most disruptive and destructive series of computer attacks ever attributed to a single group. While the alleged perpetrators of these crimes were russian government officials. The victims who suffered real harm as a result of these crimes, were often ordinary citizens and businesses around the world western pennsylvania district attorneys, scott brady says Heritage Valley Health Systems suffered from a malware attack in 2017. And lost access to critical patient information. While Heritage Valley spent more than 2 million responding to and recovering from the attack. The disruption of Critical Health care to patients cannot be quantified monetarily. The doj noted that these hackers are part of the same Intelligence Unit which interfered with the 2016 election. But say americans shouldnt be concerned about the coming up election americans should be confident. That cast for their candidate will be counted for that candidate, reporting in washington, im diesel john. Police have arrested a man after he allegedly rammed a contra costa sheriffs deputy and a danville officer with his car and that prompted the shooting happened in unincorporated area of Contra Costa County yesterday afternoon. Sheriffs office says an officer shot at the 25 yearold man after he hit the deputy in the officer with his car. The gunfire they say hit the vehicle but not the driver who took off. Deputies say they found eduardo about a mile away and took him into custody after a struggle. The deputy hit by the vehicle was taken to a hospital and later released the city of oakland has experienced a 38 increase in homicides this year now the City Council President is. Recommending a pair resolutions in that stopping gun violence, however, the president of the Oakland Police union tells kron 4 says he quit you and why the resolutions will not work. When it comes to violent crime. The city of oakland is on pace to have one of its worst years in recent memory says the president of the Oakland Police Officers Association barry down some of numbers are incredibly over more than 400 people shot this year and city a murder so far this year. We 75 for all of last year it is incredibly important recognize. That shutting down the sources of illegal guns is vital to stopping gun violence this week oakland City Council President Rebecca Kaplan is introducing a resolution declaring the violence prevention a top Law Enforcement priority hiring someone to trace bullet shell casings left at crime scenes, a position that has been vacant for 2 years even though it has been budgeted the money to hire the position. To trace the illegal guns is in the budget and were saying they need to go ahead and fill that position, however donna lynne says the position remains unfulfilled because he believes no one wants to work and what he calls a hostile work environment. Shes talking about hiring one person to do tracing which is a very noble and every technical jaw. But the challenges song with those kind expertise there soon coming to open. We need to laid off week as phone. The Police Department captain it is also recommending the city Council Adopted resolution to terminate opd is participation with the Fbis Joint Terrorism Task force of the 3 bases the bay area oakland has been the one this year thats been struck by terrorism we are white supremacist kill up for security building the City Council President sites that same incident has reason to sever ties with the Fbis Joint Terrorism Task force. The federal government has refused to go after white supremacist even those White Supremacists who committed a murder in oakland. Both resolutions will be presented at the next Oakland City Council meeting has it made you kron 4 news. The Los Angeles Dodgers are taking on the Tampa Bay Rays in game one of the world series tomorrow and the neutral stadiums going to be a first for the world series were taking a look at the pandemic precautions to become all too normal and it is sports snyders qb Jimmy Garoppolo with a bounce back game. Yeah get the lineal look really good. What head coach Kyle Shanahan had to say about his qb is ability to drown out the critics in bounce back. Wild thing, you make my heart sing wild thing i. Think i. You know what i think . I think you owe us 48. 50. Wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. If woman 1 get your it. Woman 2 you can stay healthy and fill it out from the safety of home. Surfer or you can fill it out anywhere. Man 1 its easy to mail it back. You dont even need a stamp. Man 2 or you can use an official drop box. Woman 3 you can even drop it off at the polls. Man 3 then, track it to confirm your county got it. See . They got it woman 4 mail ballots are the simple, safe, and secure way to ensure that your vote is counted. Uber and lyft are like every big guy ive ever brought down. Prop 22 doesnt help their drivers it denies them benefits. 22 doesnt help women. It actually weakens Sexual Harassment laws, which are meant to protect them. Uber and lyft arent even required to investigate Sexual Harassment claims. I agree with the la times no on 22. Uber and lyft want all the power. So, show them the real power is you. Vote no on prop 22. Not ideal. But at least theyre playing this is a first in modern baseball history of the world series is set to start at a neutral site because of the pandemic do what you gotta do Tampa Bay Rays in Los Angeles Dodgers are going to play at arlingtons globe life field its in texas Markie Martin has a preview of what fans teams and local businesses can expect tomorrow. Started 8 years old collecting baseball cards and playing Little League and has been part of my life ever sense for doug barnes, a lifelong fan of americas greatest past time a last minute drive to texas from tennessee was a nobrainer been all the different Major League Ballparks now except for the wide field them are complete that task the current again. And ive never been to a world series. On tuesday night the Los Angeles Dodgers will take on the Tampa Bay Rays the neutral stadium, a first for the world series jared sandler, a radio broadcaster for the Texas Rangers says this was Major League Baseballs attempt to control the spread of covid 30 teams all the people that make up one team just too tough to have a bubble during the regular season, the players didnt agree to that. No surprise in 2020 attendants will be at 25 capacity, which means about 10,000 socially distanced fans in the seats youre east of loud atmospheres and tailgating and all that stuff and its just not its not a thing this year from a business standpoint all these teams during the regular season loss that part of their revenue. The traditional mlb season has a 162 games this year each team only played 60 or fewer, and without fans in the seats, the league projected a net loss of 640,000 per game and the deficit isnt just being felt in the sea we do get a lot of ranger fans here not this time of year right now Curtis Taylor is the co owner of Legal Draft Beer Company about a mile down the road from globe life field. He says the double whammy of covid and a lack of sporting events has been devastating, you know were probably down more than 50 on our revenue without the government. Assistance we probably not so for right now honestly it so when the world series announced arlington as a toast, it was a win not just for business for the brand new billiondollar stadium, the dfw now gets to show off and for fans like doug seeing it firsthand in this way pandemic precautions in all its a real concern, but i think they wouldnt allow fans in unless they saw a possibility for to be safe. Hell take checking off his biggest bucket list item in whatever way it comes i think its going to did it or or read it my buddies and i also are finishing up their 30 ballparks i think its just a sense of accomplishment with everything going on or shoulder make it happen. I was marking martin reporting for us tonight for perspective here on whats missing. Forbes reported that the mlb raked in almost 11 billion dollars for last season, 2019 their projection for this year. So many fewer games, no fans just shy of 3 billion dollars. Tonights weve doubled our speeds the fastest just got faster. The fortyniners backs were against the wall on sunday losing you could essentially call this season a wash when in well, its still an uphill battle but now youve got some hope the niners used a balanced offensive attack to control the tempo of the game on sunday, their secondary held jared goff to under 200 passing yards and. The niners got their First Division win of the season and their first home win. Of the season as well jimmy g bounce back in a big way 23 for 33 268 yards and 3 touchdowns it was a welcome sight after he struggled last weekend his return from that high ankle sprain caution ahead says his quarterbacks confidence never wavered despite the struggles. He walks. Confident all each day and he doesnt have the demeanor of a guy whos worried about much. He is a guy demeanor got a lot of confidence and believes hes going to win and i think its the coolest part goes. Weather is playing good or our team believes in him and you can see how those guys are not on when jimmys and you can tell the team believes that. Thats one of most important things to give us chance to one. Over in nevada the raiders got back to work after their bye week and its been all smiles for the last week over there and the raiders hq thats what happens when you enter the bye week fresh off of a win against the defending super bowl champions which also happens to be a team you havent beat him. 3 years now vegas turns their attention to tom brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in a primetime matchup the bucks are coming off a big time win against the packers. This will be the raiders second time this season hosting a primetime matchup still no fans will be in attendance, but the players are still feeling the support of those fans around sin city. I still think i i feel a lot of energy in the city i think that. You know when im Walking Around the Grocery Store when driving a cityowned im seeing raiders bumper stickers start to you know license plates here and there that was really seeing when i moved out for first time in june. So i do feel like theres a little buzz going on in the city, obviously we wish we could head fans. Already cowboys versus cardinals Ezekiel Elliott he was benched after a couple of fumbles kyler murray. It was a homecoming in the Lone Star State for him he goes deep to Christian Kirk s and 80 are pitching cats. Murray had 3 touchdowns they improved and he improves get this hes and atnt stadium thats High School College and obviously now pro cards went 38 to 10 niners still a game behind them. In the Division Standings the niners are in last place. Yeah we had a bonus monday night Football Game this was earlier chiefs. Bills this game was rescheduled because of a covid outbreak. 2nd quarter chief down 10 to 7 until Patrick Mahomes goes full Patrick Mahomes how many times have we seen this before the 5 Travis Kelsey for 6 it was chelseas second touchdown of the game mahomes threw for 225 yards and those 2 touchdown passes to travis shes won it when was the last time your property tax bill went down . What . Never. Are you kidding me . For years, the residential burden has gone up. While the corporate burden has gone down. Prop 15 reverses that. It closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. And when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. Thats right. A savings of a hundred twentyone dollars a year for the average home. Give homeowners a break. Vote yes on 15. Well if youve been itching to get back to normal maybe that means going to an actual Movie Theater but a lot of people are still of course worried about the pandemic and if thats the case amc theaters thinks they may have a deal for you right imagine date night somewhere other than you know your living room full of the theater chain yeah i recently launched an offer where you can actually rent the in. Tire auditorium for theater as it for you and your friends groups of up to 20 people that is can enjoy private screenings of a range of movies from hall wein classics ty family films and new releases guests can paid 99 bucks to rent older films and then between 149 to 349 to rent any new releases course the popcorn and candy are not included in the deal. But you can order them in advance and thats really where they make their for more details on which locations are participating you can just head to our website kron 4 dot com. All right pretty cool idea their chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow. That sounds like a broken record, so that a large actually you match city hall. Thank you very much there if you planned it that way yeah exactly what i was trying do tonight you guys all go for that whole thing of reading the Movie Theater but throw in the popcorn right now 100 miles and yeah, no no thats true i might be multiple buckets have been the movies a long long time. 8 looking nice out there tonight, winds start to pick up a little bit in the north bay now we are going to see beautiful conditions around the bay area and certainly we know that the fires its just going to be some gorgeous this is something you might want to check out. Weve got the peak of the orionids meteor shower that takes place on wednesday, although theyre out there right now youre going to see about 10 to 20 meteors per hour and i think the conditions are looking good. The moon is going to be down were going to see some mostly clear sky just some patchy fog out there tonight, but boy over the next couple days youre going to see in the insight go out there and check it out you want to look to the east as the constellation rhyme rises up over the horizon. Out there right now weve got clear skies we were really fog in here early on this afternoon, but the dense fog is pulled away now the Golden Gate Bridge back along the coastline so looks like tomorrow were off and running what looks like some warm temperatures again around the bay area numbers outside right now not bad youve got 70 degrees in antioch 68. In livermore 66 degrees well just take down to 64. In san jose 62 degrees in hayward 58 now in oakland, a 55 degrees in San Francisco. So yeah its going to a little cool overnight tonight in spots the clouds but well see couple patches of fog maybe along the coastline, but you are to get a hint of that northerly component to the wind that is that offshore flow. The read about bringing the high fire danger the bay area and thats going to play out not only tomorrow but really i think the better part of the next 7 maybe 10 days is going to be on and off. Well see burst of these working their way through our skies so plan on overnight those little chilly in the north bay to begin 40s and 50s and some 50s 60s in the south bay for lows tomorrow by day got some sunshine coming your way 72 in the mission about 68 degrees in the sunset, coastal areas, yeah, you got a mixed bag, yes, 70 al gore not about 69 in mount airy about 60 degrees and over the hill was seen 70s and some 80s outside as you work your way down the peninsula, some 80s in the places like san carlos, and also san mateo 81 degrees in mount view and the south bay should be a nice day. Temperatures there up in the 80s in many spots, highs 87 degrees in campbell and morgan him could pop 90 degrees a little more by tomorrow afternoon 87 degrees in dublin, 79 degrees union city and also in hayward a san leandro looks like a nice place to be tomorrow, plenty of sunshine and 79 degrees there 86 in orinda and about 89 degrees in walnut creek. Im going to see that when picking up over the hills so i think as we head through the day tomorrow in parts of the north they watch out for that fire danger going to be running high. And these temperatures running above normal too. You see about 71 degrees for those offshore winds and since the beach about 83 in sandra fell 84 degrees in petaluma next few days were going to see those temperatures cooling down a bit but the winds going to be on and use the next 7 to 10 days, no rain in sight. Knight they endorse yes on 25 to end money bail. Governor gavin newsom. Congresswoman karen bass. The western center on law and poverty. The Dolores Huerta foundation. Californians for safety and justice. And the California Democratic party. Yes on 25. Accused of rape. Accused of stealing 5. The stanford rapist could afford bail. Got out the same day. The Senior Citizen could not. Forced to wait in jail nearly a year. Vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. Shes alive. It couldve gone the other way. What weve learned about the missing mom discovered after two weeks at Zion National park. And my trump versus dr. Fauci. People are tired of hearing how she. How much cash does the billionaire president have when he dug into his pocket at church . Plus, what will trump to if he loses t, is he serious . And covid19 thanksgiving. Its what so many people are wondering about, how to have a say things giving during the pandemic. We are having

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