Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 7am 20240712

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Map into the afternoon as hazy conditions will be noted little bit later on 50s for current temperatures with san jose at 58 hayward livermore at 57 right now and then some 40s up in the north bay a bit of our cooler spots. Im talking a warm afternoon inland for just one more day still to come in your forecast robin. Thank you john still waiting for tow trucks to get on scene and clear this stalled out truck thats blocking on the san mateo bridge. I believe its actually a big break its at the end of the flat section right before you get to the high rise, its blocking the right lane and this is what its doing to your commute normally its not this bad trying to get over to the peninsula sell jam from the toll plaza, your drive time up to 31 minutes now and theres no estimated time of clearing. So im going to send you over to the don barden branch, its only 12 minutes to get to the peninsula thats a great alternate for you well check in on some more slowdowns coming up in a bit back to you, thanks a lot robin 7 oh one lets get back to our top story which is the president back at the white house taking off his mask and walking back in even though he still has covid and could be infectious. He says dont be afraid of coronavirus however the virus has taken 210,000 lives the united states. More than a million worldwide. And there are plenty of people still getting infected with in the white house own ranks, yeah, even though the president says hes never felt better. His doctors say hes not out of the woods just yet washington dc correspondent anna werner key live. In our Nations Capital with the latest this morning, anna. Good morning President Donald Trump is back home at his residence in the white house and thats where doctors say he will continue his treatment for the coronavirus but his doctors say that hes not out of the woods just yet they say the next 7 days are going to be critical. President donald trump is back at the white house in says hes feeling good and now in better and maybe im im you i dont know in a video posted to twitter the president addressed the nation from the white house balcony. One thing thats for certain dont. Let it dominate you. Dont be afraid of it hes back white house physician doctor sean conley says the president was fever free for 72 hours before he checked out of walter reed and hes returning to a facility white house medical unit. Thats staffed 24 7 top notch shortly after returning to the white house the president tweeted that he will be back on the campaign trail soon i hope the president s recovery stripped the success of our nations covered crisis thus far far from over democratic president ial nominee, joe biden criticized his opponent at a Campaign Rally in florida for not taking his diagnosis seriously now that hes busy 20 campaign. I says i would ask him to do this. Listen to the scientists President Trump is returning to the white house were at least 18 members of his staff tested positive for the virus. Vice president mike pence says he and his wife have tested negative for covid19 since friday takes in this election never been higher penn says while the president recovers hes heading to utah for the first Vice President ial debate on wednesday. And the white house says despite President Trumps battle with covid19 he does plan to participate in the next president ial debate on october 15th in miami live in washington. Im anna warning key back to you. Thanks a lot and. Well the very same time that President Trump was dramatically removing his mask and walking into the white house the nations top Infectious Disease doctor was saying virtually the opposite doctor Anthony Fauci said yesterday quote obviously the message should be that we should try as best as we can to avoid infection. No matter who you are how old you are or what your underlying condition is we should not trivialize it. Doctor fauci pointed to the more than 210,000 people who have lost their lives now to the virus here in the u. S. Along with the 7 Million People have been infected as reasons to remain vigilant when dealing with this virus. Lets take a look at how things have unfolded so far since the president s diagnosis and released from the hospital if youll remember it was back on september 26 that he hosted 150 guests at the rose garden about a dozen who attended that event later tested positive for coronavirus and that very same day the president went with his adviser hope hicks to an outdoor rally in pennsylvania. A few days later on the 29th the president and the first family attended that debate in cleveland moderator, Chris Wallace as the president didnt arrive in time to be taken to be tested on site. They trusted that he recently tested negative. Following day the president held another outdoor Campaign Rally in minnesota after which his aide hope hicks fell ill and ultimately tested positive. The day after that on october first the president held a roundtable and private fundraiser in bedminster new jersey and it was later that night that he ultimately tested positive for the virus himself. And here are pictures of all of the president s associates who have covid now White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany has coronavirus nick luna one of the president s personal assistance has covid former new jersey governor chris christie, check himself into the hospital saturday as a precaution because he was at that rose garden event that turns out to maybe be the epicenter of those super spreader amongst the white house. Staff Trump Campaign manager bill stepien has covid19 for a special counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway it has tested positive North Carolina senator thom tillis has covid and trump aide hope hicks tested positive rnc chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniel tested positive shortly after hicks and First Lady Melania Trump came down with covid after her her husband tested positive. Utah senator mike lee has coronavirus and wisconsin senator ron johnson is also infected. The Trump Administration says they are Contact Tracing but a lot of people would disagree, they havent heard a thing from the administration about getting tested for possible exposure, including several journalists who got tested and do have coronavirus now and we can add another person to the list this morning, the head of a Southern California mega church says that he also has tested positive for covid19. And yes he did attend that ceremony at the white house rose garden last month where President Trump announced his choice for the Supreme Court says she hears the picture pastor greg laurie, he heads up the Harvest Christian Fellowship in riverside and he announced on facebook that he tested positive last friday and has since been in quarantine. Well make sure you download the kron on app for the very latest developments throughout the day because information as we know comes in minute by minute so soon as it comes to our newsroom, well let you know the app is free and well keep you updated 24 7. Now we want to go to our wildfire coverage and give you the latest on the glass fire more than 66,000 acres have burned in napa and sonoma counties. But containment has gone up this morning. This is a new number 50 contain 557 homes have been destroyed and theyre still close to 22,000 homes and other structures that structures that are threatened by the fire depending on where moves. And this morning. Were also taking a look at the damage caused up in napa specifically kron fours will tran up near saint helene and with the very latest and well boy now that its got a little brighter we can certainly see the damage that youre pointing out behind you. Let me just walk you through this location, this is on silverado road. This is off a highway 29 about a mile or so off a 29, let me step out of the way and youre absolutely right. James now that the sun is up you can see the devastation there is really nothing left except. A couple of chimneys this area decimated it is still smoldering at this time i have my n 95 mask on because i try to walk around actually for about 30 seconds without it. My throat very horse, i mean you got chemicals burning at this location, so its not just would. Were talking steel and other products inside your housing. You can clearly see just the background there that hillside also went up in flames. Not sure of this is a house or a winery because of a weird setup here, but you can see how extravagant it was at one particular time, im sure it was beautiful instead, it is all gone look at that steel fence, just leaning precariously jeans and areas so you can see what the fire did and im sure this is probably burned a week ago and is still smoldering. Let me show you some video in to the kron 4 news room in the overnight hours as i just showed you this firefighters. Still have their hands full with this fire that continues to rage, we hope to hear from cal fire over the next couple of minutes as far as the latest numbers, 67,000 acres burned at this time, 550 homes in napa and sonoma counties, the officially declared destroyed when a been talking about damaged at this particular point how many homes that. Includes also right now firefighters they are getting some help though let me show you another piece of video in to the kron 4 news room because in certain parts the areas a little bit better as far as visibility and that allows them to take to the sky and job drop fire retardant down to the flames napa valley james and area. This fire has already been declared the worst fire that has ever hit this area and keep in mind this area has been rocked for the past several years and unfortunately this year being the worst year for them. Wineries 15 of them either damaged or destroyed. They dont know what to do many of them dont have insurance to cover all of these fires. You know i got to tell you on a personal note just being covering these fires for years james and ari and being out here for approximately 2 consecutive weeks just to see this it affects you only a 7 is and myself personally this is off or just to see the devastation and makes you grateful. What you have when you come home, so that has not passed me at all im just grateful to have a home. Unfortunately a lot of people. They have nothing to return to. Back to you. Thanks a lot all of us. Is the time well take a quick break still ahead on the kron 4 morning news covid19 can spread through the air for more than 6 feet well talk about the new information that were learning about the spread of the virus. The house passes a new covid relief bill and beal john reporting in washington what democrats are optimistic republicans are disappointed. And looking ahead in this forecast there are plenty of changes to be talking about dry hot and hazy to much cooler days to come. Still in the 90s today. Inland though ive got your forecast ahead. And its gonna be a tough commute crossing the san mateo bridge a stalled truck has yet to be cleared. And im just spotted another stalled vehicle off to the shoulder here west 92, so this is one of our hot spots. Well have more details oscar the grouch here to tell you, yeah, you, to wear a mask out in public around other people. Sure itll keep you healthy. But more importantly, i wont have to see your happy smiling face. Ugh. And if you dont want to wear a mask, ive just got one thing to tell you. Scram, go away. Ugh. Caring for each other because we are all in this together. So wear a mask and have a rotten day, will ya . Ugh. Im 14 right now want to check out the weather nice crisp fall weather weve been how i like that over john gummer i finally feel and mike october instead of august it was getting confusing there for second. But yeah we are making our way into more and more of that fall feel to ahead of us in this forecast something to look forward to i think for most of us looking out there at timber on there is some cloud cover overhead but visibility is much improved compared to yesterday as low clouds are just getting higher than the fog that we saw yesterday note that cold front to the west. Thats whats changing things up so much in the days to come ahead of us, were still in the midst of a High Pressure ridge which is keeping things hazy hot and dry for the time being so weve still got another day with a few 90s for inland cities. But it is our last day with those 90s. You do see a cold front advancing the west and that line of showers accompanying at that will be pushing its way in come friday morning. Now what this will result in has the opportunity for showers across the bay area all dependents on how this cold front eventually does push him the chance of rainfall the higher the further north you get well here in the bay area its looking pretty likely that friday and saturday we could be seeing some much needed precipitation that will be helpful in a few different ways helping wet some of that dry vegetation that has resulted in historic fires as well as to clean up the air unfortunately we do have plenty of burn scars and loosed a breeze from are wildfires that if you are in the vicinity should said it take note ahead of the showers for San Francisco today it will be 60s and 70s for your highs well 50s and 60s along what will be a pretty great coastline today elsewhere in the bay area ample sunshine and daytime highs in the 70s 80s. Temperatures in the south bay also 70s 80s sunnyvale at 79 while san jose 84, east bay highs Still Holding on to the 90s for a few spots like livermore san Ramon Danville and conquered san ramon rather in the upper 80s while oakland at 73 richmond at rise to 80 degrees. Pittsburgh. Antioch fairfield and vacaville holding on to the 90s but only for one more day. Tomorrows inland highs fall into the 80s on average and further fall into the 70s come the weekend and with those showers just around the corner. It is going to be feeling nothing like we have been robin. All right. Thank you john back to our hot spot which is a stalled big rig on the san mateo bridge still really jamming up traffic and now we have other problems in the back up so lets start off with a look at 92 the big rig is westbound before the high rise blocking the right lane of the flat section. I dont see a tow truck anywhere inside in the back of i spotted another stall but that one has moved right there over to the shoulder. So thats the second problem and behind the camera just getting word of a new accident a little bit closer to the toll plaza so 3 separate problems now on the san mateo bridge all adding to the backup that youre seeing so 33 minutes is your drive time one of your good alternate the don barden bridge, its only 12 minutes to the peninsula. You can use it if you come from the nimitz freeway thats going to help a lot. But also consider the bay bridge check out the drive into San Francisco, its wide open delay free a great alternate for you at 10 minutes off to fremont street but if you come in for the east from the east shore freeway heads up for an accident in berkeley. This is westbound 80 right ashley one lane blocked a look at your back up. Its starting to spill almost into richmond now still 22 minutes and growing for 80 west from crockett down to the maze back to you. Thank you very much rob and time now is 7. 18 the house of representatives has passed a new covid relief stimulus package, democrats say its a compromise republicans say its too scattered. Washington dc correspondent basil john reports. Democrats are optimistic they can advance their new 2. 2 trillion dollars covid relief bill, i know nancy pelosi is very wanting to get to a deal. She made enormous concessions so far virginia congressman don beyer hope Speaker Nancy Pelosi and treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin will reach an agreement so as long as those 2 are talking. Those logs, Mitch Mcconnell of that we will accept but the white house tells him to do. You know i think were all staying, you know allison on the balls or feet ready to come back and vote republicans arent as enthusiastic and say even this a less expensive bill cost too much. I really dont think were closer to a deal i think we need to do things that are specific to covid not really partisan wishlist type of items, virginia congressman Denver Riggleman says the new heroes act still includes too many unnecessary items. Pennsylvania congressman dan user says democrats arent focused on helping the american we trying to transform our we trying to fix a problem and weve got to stay focused on recovery. Weve got to stay focused on finding a vaccine and weve got stay focused on law and order after passing the house last week the bill is on its way to the senate. Reporting in washington, im beall job. For your money this morning levis is jumping into the Clothing Resale market and gap is hiring virtually for the holidays, jane king is live in new york with those stories and more hi jane. Good morning. Yes gap is on virtual hiring spree says looking for people to fill fulfill online orders. And and the Customer Service center said the company said its making the hiring process safe and easy candidates can apply online and it only takes about 3 minutes San Francisco base levi is launching a program called levi second it allows shoppers to buy jeans and jackets customers who bring in their old a levis store can get a credit of between 5. 35 hitting on the items age and condition according to the research up from global data retail and also thredup the resell market is expected to rise from 32 billion this year to 51 billion by 2023 well, mcdonalds says people are starting to get tired of their own cooking. In fact bank of america analysts do agree with them and they have raised profit targets for mcdonalds this year now mcdonalds also as part of a lot musician j balvin new meal that includes a big mac sandwich medium fries oreo mcflurry and that male will be available through november 1st and to celebrate. Halloween just around the corner krispy kreme is offering a scary sweet deal today visits new lineup of monster inspired donuts and they are offering a bogo deal every saturday starting october 10th through the 31st of customers to buy a dozen donuts and they get a sweet or treat doesnt for a dollar live from new york, im jane king back to you because theyre not sweet enough. What his 20 or die. All right, thanks a lot j. Then 7. 21 still ahead on the kron 4 morning news voters will soon get to decide on restoring affirmative action here in California Well take a closer look at proposition 16 and heres a live look outside weve got our bay bridge toll Plaza Cameron made look too bad right. Robin winston in the Traffic Center to talk more about this and find out wh say yes. To the best bargains ever at ross yes oh, yeah yep. Yesss savings on savings on savings . Thats yes for less. At ross. Oh, yeah theres always somethiat ross. N store yep. Oh yeah say yes to those looks, the best brands. And check you out bargains savings from top to bottom thats yes for less. At ross. Taking california for a ride. Companies like uber, lyft, doordash. Breaking state employment laws for years. Now these multibilliondollar companies wrote deceptive prop 22 to buy themselves a new law. To deny drivers the rights they deserve. No sick leave. No workers comp. No unemployment benefits. Vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. One ride california doesnt want to take. 24 and next month voters will decide whether to restore affirmative action in california. If we pass prop 16 government decisionmaking policies, well consider race color ethnicity. And national origin, public agencies and programs can hire and schools can admit based on those characteristics, however, opponents say that this could legalize discrimination. They note that prop 16 would reverse an initiative from the 90s that band preferential treatment based on race and. If the state california wants to give a little makeup to to to Small Businesses that just got started back. That they just cant if the winners of they saw race or ethnicity they will be oversight from the state of california to ensure that people opportunities right here in california, we know that racial quotas to by the Supreme Court for over 30 years there is no way that they would be racial for 16 nearly opens up the Playing Field and allows for women people of color to compete for contracts for admission for promotions. California is one of 9 states that currently ban affirmative action. They say that if prop 16 passes as far as the financial effect, no 0 effect on the local and state governments. For all the information they need on early voting and where drop off your ballot weve got all locations and information on our website at kron 4 dot com. Happening tomorrow, senator Kamala Harris and Vice President mike pence will be taking the stage for their first and what will be their only Vice President ial debate that debate will be at the university of utah in salt lake city. Theres going to be a plexiglas shield between the 2 candidates and the moderator susan page of usa today. There are changes i should say these changes are in response to President Trumps covid19 diagnosis. The Debate Commission also decided to move the 2 candidates further apart. They were initially seeded 7 feet apart now theyre going to be seated 13 feet apart. The debate is set to begin at 06 00pm again thats wednesday night and we will bring it to you live right here on kron 4 so make sure you tune in and then stay tuned because well have indepth analysis with inside bay area politics Catherine Heenan following the debate. Well take a break right now its 7. 26. Still ahead President Trump out of the hospital though doctors say hes not out of the woods just yet well have more on his condition and whats to come in just a moment. I wanted my hepatitis c gone. I put off treating mine. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. I just found out about mine. I knew for years. Epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. I had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. Epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. They do one of the most deven in normal times. S, our Frontline Health care workers. And when these heroes lack the resources they need, that risky job gets ten times harder. Prop fifteen makes corporations pay their fair share. To invest in our communities, in our clinics, in the essential workers who treat everyone rich, poor, and inbetween. Whether its this pandemic or the next health crisis, vote yes on prop fifteen. For all of us. Its a look at and traffic for on this Tuesday Morning at john trouble in the Weather Center with that good morning john good morning guys were back to a foggy and cool start this morning you can make up the fog from your sensor tower cam here its getting a bit higher in the bay today so youre noticing less of an impact as youre driving right along the bay itself. More so in the east bay hills and then first few spots right along the coast. Temperatures will rise this afternoon as unfortunately will some of the smoke in the atmosphere were going to see more and more of the yellow into the afternoon on this map right now were good to moderate as far as air quality goes afternoon conditions mostly in that moderate range 50s for your current temperatures with dublin in oakland at 54 pittsburgh at 60 degrees but warm spot all morning. Well cooler up in the north bay in the 40s. Robin alright, so many problems on the dumbarton bridge this morning. It started off with a stalled truck. Thats still blocking on the flat section closer to the high rise, but in the back up theres another stall and i just got word of an accident at the toll plaza as well so 3 separate issues all contributing to this. A grind on the san mateo bridge. Westbound you see how slow it is leaving hayward heres our second stall a tow truck just pulled up on scene but no its not helping prepare for major delays were almost at 40 minutes, so head over to the bay bridge or the dumbarton bridge instead but stay away from west 92 3 separate problems and its going to take some time to clear james back to you. All right robin, thank you very much now back to our big story this morning, President Donald Trump. Back the white house now after 3 nights in the hospital. Back without a mask and says hes feeling better than ever even though he is still infected with the coronavirus and not out of the woods. Dean reynolds has the latest. The president s return to the white house may give his supporters renewed hope even as he continues his treatment and even though his doctor says he is not out of the woods yet after 3 nights in the hospital with blanket coverage from Live Television cameras be removed his mask and tucked it away as he walked back into the executive mansion, where several of his deputies have lately come down with the virus that has infected him and killed 210,000 americans. The president released a new video one thing thats for certain dont. Let it dominate you dont be afraid of it. Youre going to be good when the president will reemerge on the trail is unclear but his opponent is not waiting to find out. Joe biden campaigned in florida and the coronavirus was on his mind now that hes busy tweeting Campaign Messages i would ask him to do listen to the scientists the democratic nominee appeared in a town hall meeting on nbc and expanded on those comments ive you were in this mass. Not so much protecting me. It is a patriotic responsible all a tough guy so im not worried about scott not afraid. Well be afraid for your husband, your wife,wyour side of your daughter, your neighbors, your coworkers thats protecting having this mask on and the former Vice President critiqued the raucous first debate and said what he hoped for if there is a second and 3rd the one thing that became absolutely clear. He didnt want to answer the questions. He did not want to talk about substance you notice, not one single time that i can recall that he offered a substantive answer or criticism related to a policy matter. I was dean reynolds, reporting now according to the cdc, those with mild to moderate symptoms of covid19 like the president said to have had. They can still be contagious for as many as 10 days and as we know were supposed to selfisolate in a room of our house and try your best not to infect other members of your family or other people in your house of course in the president s case talk about the white house many more people inside the president s statement and the removal of his mask is something thats raising a lot of eyebrows this morning doctor, Peter Chinhong an Infectious Disease physician at ucsf. Is here because we just played doctor on tv we want to know real doctor, so james just said the cdc says that hes still contagious and thats because how could he thats because how could he possibly have had symptoms you know the day before. And be you know one only 3 yesterday. Is possible. Hes definitely infections still and the. Hes completely problem President Trump is that his home is his by sending and what we actually saying go back to work and you know that we are worried that the president will continue to work. I do see remove this mask to put pocket which again im worried about from an Infectious Disease perspective because its like smearing virus all over the mosque and again with the service you dont know where thats going to go next is going to touch it which members of his household. Slash workplace are going to be infected so up and its indoors. Im always worried about all the saints. Nevertheless as a human to human im worried about his health because you can just go from being i would call in moderately ill with covid. To go back to to work and looking at some of those videos not the prerecorded ones, the ones way he ive just come back to the white house he actually very short of looks like the patients who is recovering from covid definitely not ready to go back to work the to reasons one. You know again from a Health Perspective you need to called the last and then the number 2 most concerning lee is still infectious. Now we have his and we can put it up on the screen and you know portions of it certainly raised eyebrows after he sent that out but in it he basically said. This morning this was the tweet as of this morning, he said flu season coming up many people every year sometimes over a 100,000 despite the vaccine die. Are we going to close down our country know weve learned to live with it just like were learning to live with covid in most populations far less lethal so again pushing forward the notion that the flu kills more people will not that look at the numbers you just 700,210 1000 are dead. So far so what is the message that people should be getting about. Coronavirus versus the flu and this argument that the flu kills way more why we worried about coronavirus. Its so not a debate in my coronavirus is far more deadly than the flu. Coronavirus is much more you know in the flu for example spreading infection when you know someone is sick. And covid ia spreading infection before she have since had symptoms so its im not only covid causes all of in my toughest stations all over the body not only during the illness, but afterwards as well as seeing the kids thats off to covid covid toes longhaul us interim with Chronic Fatigue and brain fog that happens after the infection. So to compare flu and covid is really ridiculous. And then also and the president in his comments on video also said. Im feeling great better than ever may be on the moon. Well first of all hes obviously not and neither are 7 million americans who have already caught covid but secondly theres the address him feeling better than ever could that be of this cocktail of drugs and and all the other stuff that hes getting that of course you know regular people would not be on it would be able to get. Everyone gets put on steroids sixers wants up a while but something short time. You feel youre for it you feel on top of the world and its like. Its like taking ibuprofen a million you really feel the difference between before and after and thats responsible for us. Some of that euphoria and feeling of wellbeing some worry that hes you know opt to use top stories you kind of crossed a little bit and so thats the worry. But the second worry and probably the most since ending mara, we have as clinicians is that isnt what i call the honey moon phase is of poole you continue to recover which i hope so but also crashed in that crash and burn comes about 7 to 10 days after the onset of symptoms so by over the weekend. I think a lot of the people will be looking to see whether or not you know he will need to be readmitted to the hospital hopefully he doesnt. But again so ball in real time, hes definitely not out of the woods yet and then on the very same day while he is producing this big, you know theatrical dramatic video. You have the top doc fauci and ill show you what his quote was at the very same time. Hes addressing the seriousness of covid lets take a look at what fauci has to say quote obviously the message should be that we should try as best we can to avoid infection. No matter who you are how old you are or what your underlying condition is we should not trivialize it so Anthony Fauci coming out with a completely different message. But the question is who listen to the president or the doctors. Doctor fauci a million hes my hero i he always stays true to the course and we should listen to him as should what politics should align with science and i think in countries where they have successfully overcome covid heres a closer alignment between those 2 spirits and until we do that were not going to youll be successful as a nation. So this morning as were hearing the president say things like you should be afraid of the coronavirus dont let it dominate your life youre going to make it through the worry is that it could give people a false sense of security a false sense of bravado in how they conduct their daily lives. You know obviously with doctor fauci reinforcing the message we should continue to wear masks. We should continue to social distance like you said the other day its a multilayered approach to protecting not just yourself, but really to your family and your friends and your neighbors and the people you come in contact throughout the day. Not only for ourselves and i found these im more worried about the social workers, im worried you know minority who kinds get access to health care easley who counts protect themselves always in the you know the more we are safe the more everyone is safe and you know because. This is infection without any borders kansas. Keep ourselves safe in silos either we have Community Safety because if theres a hot spot somewhere its going to affect us as well. All right, yeah has not not a doctor i say were all piano in the same pool. I know thats not the way you would put it off if you you doctor appreciate expertise this morning, those doctor peter chin Infectious Disease expert, Ucsf Medical Center your mission stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill. Can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some. Rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred. As have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. Tell your doctor about any infections. And if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. Take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. Rinvoq. Make it your mission. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. And were back time now is 7. 43 in Boulder Creek crews with the Environmental Protection agency are looking for Hazardous Materials in the ruins of the czu lightning complex fire. In this video. Theyre searching whats left of a home for everything from ammunition to asbestos toxic gases and household chemicals too. Anything that any one of us might find and our home, you know. Cleaning chemicals under the sink. Things in the garage paints thinners. Ewells propane bottles fertilizers pesticides. Batteries. You know the debris removal will be done in 2 phases they say the epa is expected to be in the area for at least 2 months inspecting some 900 properties in santa cruz and san mateo counties. At 7. 45, lets take a live look outside here as we pause for a brief break what a gorgeous shot. This is our camera in San Francisco right along the embarcadero obviously the bay bridge in the background and some rise too well garage door opening it is my fathers love. It is his passion it is his fault he didnt lock the garage. Dont even think about it been there, done that. With liftmaster® powered by myq®, know whats happening in your garage from anywhere. You can take a day off fromy worrying about your packages. Ohhh yeahhh just connect your myq® app to key. Ohhh yeahhh get free ingarage delivery with myq® and key by amazon. Cdc now confirms covid can spread more than 6 feet through the air so apparently 6 feet away and then uf Health Agency updated their web site this morning saying although coronavirus is mostly spread through close contact under certain circumstances people more than 6 feet away have become infected by the smaller particles. The kindle linger and hang in the air. In enclosed spaces with poor ventilation experts to study airborne viruses have been sounding the alarm for months that this virus can spread through the air beyond 6 feet. They say the cdcs update is further proof that masks and social distancing are crucial in trying to slow the spread of covid. More people are considering traveling during this time Oakland Airport is also now offering Free Covid Testing starting today. They say that this recess testing should be considered a last yesort. Kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live at the airport. The first thing that comes to my mind is dont do this anywhere near me if im going to catch a flight like in the gates in the lobby over there. Yeah well i was in them bring up exactly where this happens is i think you can get live right now at the terminals here at the Oakland Airport where this new testing sites about 7 minute drive still on airport property but its not were going to check in and so i think thats pretty clear because i know gets confusing this is a new testing site it is for the general public. It is for airport employees also for airport travelers and again its not supposed to be your first stop. If you can talk to your doctor first try and get a sight anywhere you can but this is another resource for you if you do need a rapid test starting today these free tests are available and you can get your results on the spot and or online takes 15 seconds to swab your nose and then you get your results within 15 minutes, the airport is working with City Health Urgent Care to make this happen at the northfield terminal complex again thats about a 7 minute drive from the terminals where you get dropped off or picked up. And appointments are mandatory theyre available daily from 00 09am in the morning until 5 preflight testing will begin why travelers this is separate on october 15th again this is separate than the testing site we just talked about in order to not have to quarantine in hawai travelers need to present a negative test result from a test taken within the last 72 hours of departure. Now if you dont get it done in time in youre flying out of oakland, youre heading to hawaii will the airport will offer hawaiian passengers are people going to lie a rapid test if they didnt get one done ahead of time for no charge at all so that is a thing its very unique because other airlines and other airports are offering this. But theyre charging a lot of money like 20250 so this is definitely awesome to hear especially again if youre you last minute traveling to hawaii or you just forgot or you couldnt get one because theres too much of those test book to his already full you can get it done here now we put a link on our website kron 4 dot com and there you can find a link to get an appointment for this new testing site ill be showing you that testing site at 9 oclock for now reporting live at the Oakland Airport Sarah Stinson kron 4 news all right, thanks lot sarah. N. All right time now is 7. 50 lets get over to the Weather Center find out more about this october forecast this week john yeah we are looking at big changes guys going to finally start feeling like fall out there in the days ahead of us today, a little less fog than yesterday has for timber on you can actually see the sky up above and also make up the fog streaming through the golden gate in the distance note the cold from behind me that is going to be what changes so many other factors in the days to come. Today, were still hazy were still in the midst of a High Pressure ridge which is going to keep us warm and also drive for yet another couple of days. But as we make our way towards the end of the week that all changes along this cold front you see that line of showers that will push in starting on friday resulting in some light showers looking likely for the bay followed by another round of energy pushing in from the northwest on into saturday. So a couple of days here that bring us the potential of that rain a good thing in most regards but do watch if you are close to a burn scar from one of our many wildfires the loose debris and expose soils as for temperatures today will still be in the 90s inland, better last day with those 90s livermore concord antioch all in the low 90s today, 80s for other areas like napa down through san jose and morgan hill 70s in Fremont Hayward oakland and San Francisco. Right at 70 degrees. Tomorrow temperatures in land fall from the low 90s on average to the low 80s and fall even further through thursday friday saturday and sunday now friday and saturday bringing us that shower potential i was talking about before we clear and dry out into early next week. Thank you john so many trouble spots out there, well head back to the san mateo bridge where traffic remains quite heavy. Thanks to a stall box truck we have a stalled car behind that and then a crash popped up at the toll plaza so weve got 3 separate issues contributing to all the heavy traffic that you see on your screen here so 31 minutes to make it from hayward over to san mateo and theyre still working to clear the salt truck and the crash at the toll plaza the dumbarton bridge 84 west is your best alternate its only 12 minutes thats going to save you a lot of time then then thats an accident in hayward southbound at a street, so its lot of san leandro and states pretty busy in pockets. Approaching union city. I just got word of a new crash on the bay bridge 80 west on the eastern span before treasure island. Its blocking at least 2 lanes so now youre backed up toward west grand 19 minutes and growing into san fra humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Coming up in the next hour a dramatic return to the white house for President Trump as he takes off his mask while battling coronavirus well have a live report from washington coming up in just a moment and families are returning home the devastating damage caused by the glass fire. Well take a look at the trail of destruction left behind in napa county. Heres a quick live look outside we got our san mateo bridge camera while the right on 92 is really slow for you this morning, Robin Winston in the Traffic Center keeping an eye on the situation, shell give us an update here momentarily and have a look at all of your other commute routes to including the golden gate bridge. Pretty foggy here john trouble in the Weather Center well talk more about that and what we can expect for the rest of the week ahead. As were now entering their first full week over well be righ this election, all californians will be able to vote safely from home. Every active, registered voter will receive a votebymail ballot with a unique barcode. You can track it using wheres my ballot . And youll receive automatic notifications by text, email or voice call to let you know the status of your ballot once you mail it, drop it off at your polling place or at a drop box. Vote by mail ballots. Simple, safe, secure. Counted. Learn more at vote. Ca. Gov floors for toddlers. Letfloors for toys. Ors. Floors for stories. Floors for screams. Book now and have yours installed by the holidays. I learned so much about coronavirus. Dont be afraid of it youre going to be that we have the best medical equipment we have the best medicines. Were going back with them back to work will be out front. And you leader i had to do that i knew this danger to it but i had to do it. Nobody thats a leader would not do what i did. And i know theres a risk there is a danger but thats ok ellen better and maybe im im you know i dont know. President trump. The video element. Theyre downplaying the severity of coronavirus as he returns to the white house and immediately as you can see here taking off his mask before re entering the white house were live from dc with the message hes sending to america. This morning. Youre watching kron 00 04am morning news. Good Tuesday Morning to you and thanks for waking up with us im darya folsom and im James Fletcher and well get to that story update on the coronavirus the latest from washington in a minute. First though lets get over to the Weather Center john travel, waiting in the wings with a look at the forecast for today, job hey good morning guys and today pretty similar start to yesterday we are seeing some fog across the bay area most of it is sitting right above the bay though. So visibility has improved compared to yesterday as youre turning into work this morning just note there are a couple spots in the east bay hills and along the coast can cause you some lower

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