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Show you this map and that shows the 3 different fires. Theyre calling them the glass fire because thats where it started up in napa county. Top righthand portion of your screen started with 20. Acres and quickly grew to 11,000 and you see those 2 fires burning on the lower part of the screen thats whats burning into eastern portions of santa rosa and that is where we find kron 4 Sarah Stinson for us this morning giving us a perspective. Of neighborhoods that have been ravaged by the flames overnight. So sarah again are you still in the sky hawk neighborhood. Theyre still in the sky hawk neighborhood above skyhawk park this time on son hawk drivein ive been telling you for the most part. They did a good job controlling the flames from burning all of these have found one home here that has burned not completely but it is to a total loss you can see smoke billowing from it and theyre making sure that any hot spots are put out all the speck here are this persons back yard next door was also charred. I can tell you this home here that has been destroyed is 5, 9, 7, 0, son hard drive and then next door which is 5, 9, 6, 6, they were able to contain it. You can see charred land going right up to their death. But the home was able to survive so thats good news. I mean look at this neighborhood though it just homes right next to one another and that was the scary part about this fire burning here is that this these all could have just been ignited, but they were able to stop the fire from continuing to burn and then it burned in sky park. Sky have park which is in between these homes and the homes we been showing you all morning long there in the distance there. Its very smoky here air quality is very poor and so crews have now are working to put out hot spots not only in skyhawk park but also in the homes that have burned making sure the fire doesnt spread to any more homes before i was at the bottom of this call to sack here. And now ive moved up here because i was driving by and i saw that this house here did not survive you can see the fence. All chart up leading up to the house in across the way. Mountain hawks drug thats where been live for most of the morning and that is where a lot of devastation has occurred lot of homes just completely burned to the ground you can see that one there and then across the street home is completely fine so he just never know and thats scariest part about living in this area and not knowing whats going on with your home and its been crazy to see with your own hope im able to show you the best they can just the devastation out here and just how unfair the flames are when they ravished through neighborhoods like this. Back here i can show you thats where the fire had started in ripped around that mountain. You can see the charred land and this is a huge strip of houses on son hard drive. And im telling you the only one ive seen for sure thats burned is this one so good on the firefighters for controlling that because he couldnt lot worse even just the flames, going down here could cut that house on fire but no they stopped it so. Least have some good news but this its not good at all because came call good news because they are. Seeing these homes but theyre hoping that the wind will die down thats the plan meteorologist john trouble also saying thats going to happen and that will really help them gain control over this fire and so that they can save more and more homes. Yeah and just looking at your shot there those youre the for all these people who live in these homes because all of those homes are evacuated. Theyre all watching this morning from hotels or friends house or wherever they could go. Yeah and thats the sad part i mean i hope that you guys have any questions feel free to. A message me on twitter. Or email us we tell you what were seeing boots on the ground but. Big picture up here you can see skyhawk parked below and then Mountain Hawk drive up there and then son hawk is where im here and again this is really the only house ive seen on this side that has been destroyed. All right sarah, thank you very and again sorry for the family who owns a particular house sarah said you know the fires are random bill dropping ever on one home and leave the others completely on and were seeing this sort of play out too in other portions of eastern santa rosa and then out the napa valley and heres a live look from one of the cal fire camera showing us in that open space between the napa and sonoma valleys across the map the hilltops you can see the smoke yeah, like think i am yeah cap exactly. And if youre waking up in the bay area you can smell that smoke and youre definitely going to be feeling it throughout the day feeling for all these people who are driven from their homes. Thousands of people who had to leave in the wee hours this morning at midnight or 2 or 04 00am and weve seen a lot of those evacuation orders happened this morning was a warning and then this morning they changed them to expanding as the morning. Progresses kron fours Robin Winston actually over the breaking news desk with the latest on that part of the story robin yeah were taking a look at the map and checking out the evacuation zones and as you said we have warnings and we have orders within those areas so we have 2 areas that we want you to focus on you notice that some of those areas are shaded in blue. And then some of those areas are shaded in yellow now keep in mind that the blue those blue mandatory evacuation orders which means you need to leave. There is an immediate threat to your life and your neighborhood it is no longer an option for you to be there and they dont want the public trying to enter those areas so that is a nogo if youre in the area thats shaded with yellow thats an evacuation warning, which means you need to be ready to go. Now officials are asking residents of cold springs road near las posadas solyndra false terrorists you must evacuate through pope valley. They want you to take that route instead theyre asking folks to not evacuate through deer park. The shelter that they are telling folks to go to is the Cross Walk Church and 25 91st street in napa so when you evacuate thats your destination and as we just move this map around this includes the area from the 2900 block of White Sulphur springs. 2 dead in and then north to springs Mountain Road from south you have whitehall lane north all the way over to White Sulphur springs road and then west of the county line also want to mention that we have some major closures in place some of those major routes they get you into the north bay like highway 12 if youre on the Santa Rosa Glen Ellen side. They have a closed in both directions between calistoga road and arnold drive they dont want folks between that area and then if youre on the calistoga side of 29 that areas blocked off from lincoln avenue calistoga all the way over to deer park so keep that in mind major closures for one 28 4. 29 and also for highway 12 as well and just a really quick mention of the Sonoma County transit system. Theyve canceled their major routes like the 30 the 30 to the 34 and the 40 all canceled today now were zooming in on specific neighborhoods because we want you to get a closer look at exactly what areas you should be out of this is the calistoga area and you see the neighborhood that shaded in yellow this houses along beaumont. St. Louis avenue there santa teresa your bird if you live in that neighborhood take a look at the arrows and take a look at your main evacuation routes. Theyre telling you to exit out to badger on a single boulevards available for you theres calistoga road Saint Francis road and Mountain Hawk, those are your main evacuation exit routes that they want you to follow and youll notice that all of those major routes will take you over to highway 12 and then you can go from there but if youre in this area thats highlighted in yellow that is the neighborhood that theyre asking you to go ahead and lee from thats one of your zones and we have more zones, were just going to move this map around so you can see the various neighborhoods that are impacted now were over and Saint Francis skyhawk this is a Saint Francis skyhawk area. And this is impacting the community surrounded by her when a Saint Francis road Mountain Road thats highlighted in yellow now check out the arrows the red arrows your evacuation routes that will get you over to highway 12 which you can use to get out of that on a single boulevard is available for you at los alamos road will get you over to highway 12 as well this is a area that resumed into now were just checking in on various neighborhoods, so you can get a closer look at the streets that are impacted and how you have to get out of these neighborhoods so arrows once again represent your main evacuation routes and they will take you over to highway 12 in this area you see we have been gum re drive. Thats highlighted at los alamos road. Thats highlighted as well as well as calistoga road so all of those stretches are available to you now weve zoomed into the piping in road area area highlighted to your right is a neighborhood thats impacted that includes ranchos road could house road children circle allies away piping in rolled all impacted. And once again from that stretch you just head over to highway 12 that is your main exit route once again if youre under a mandatory order you need to go dont stick around because it can be extremely dangerous for you and if youre under an evacuation warning need to be packed have all of those Emergency Contacts your medication. Your necessities for your pets, ready to go so that if you receive the order to leave you can go ahead and do that we will continue to update these neighborhoods in these maps throughout the newscast. We continue to get more information into the newsroom and as closures or extend it will definitely let you know so dont forget to download the kron 4 mobile app taken with you and you can get those alerts sent directly to your cell phone james back to you. All right, thank you very much robin and we take you back on the evacuation maps by showing you quickly Sonoma County. We know about the mandatory evacuations in peach. But recently this morning we did have that extra edition at the top of your screen, the yellow portion thats an evacuation warning and this is for areas just north parker creek road and Petrified Forest road and ill have the control room zoom in a little bit i want to show you you see right there on the left edge of the yellow that green that safari west thats a so theyre not included in any of the evacuation orders see how close its getting we know so far west was one of the areas that was evacuated. A few years back and nuns fight and they just you know went through the whole covid thing and reopened. Not too long ago and they have hundreds of large animals there. Its a one of a kind you know reserve there are a lot of the animals that they would have to evacuate by the way they do have a means to do that if you have ranch land and you have large animals they say that you can call them and they will help you evacuate, we saw taking a trailer full of force is live on our air earlier this morning out now so. Fingers crossed the evacuation zone doesnt enlarged to that part of the north they will have to wait and see john travel keep an eye on the winds and i guess really will be the direction of the winds that will impact where the fire lines go next john exactly guys because winds have been the biggest factor overnight and then this fires growth now called the glass incidents, its that. A complex of fires that spread rapidly into the we are seeing wind still very much so a factor, but i have seen tapering occurring already winds now mostly around 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour was just a little steadier about an hour or 2 ago now our peak wind gusts overnight 45 to 50 Miles Per Hour on top of some of these more exposed mountaintops thats what resulted in so much growth of these multiple blazes during overnight hours. The good news is here winds will gradually come through the day already seeing some calming occurring and thats about to be continuing over the next few hours by the afternoon when conditions are at our hottest driest at least winds. Well have calmed down from this morning as i mentioned we still have our driest times ahead of us look at this bone dry relative humidities for inland areas, specially know where the yacht fill in the vicinity of the glass incident as we do see humidity falling well below 10 bone dry conditions and heat of course. These 3 factors combining for that extreme fire danger, red flag warnings remain in effect through 09 00pm for all of the north bay in the inland east bay, its heat advisories elsewhere across the bay area and of course the impact from those fires being the smoke that has settled into the bay. The worst of it in portions of sonoma and marin counties at this point but do expect a smoky impact for multiple days to come as winds calm down more that smoke is just going to settle into the bay into the rest of the week 70s 80s for current temperatures lot of areas overnight didnt even fall out of the 80s napa 86 right now saint helene and youve remained in the 80s all night long as hes cloverdale now only just falling to the upper 70s. Nevado 82 right now Berkeley Oakland and San Francisco warm start to what will be a toasty day ahead after the 70s and 80s right now it will be 90s in triple digits towards the close of the day making for hottest day. And also our windy this morning. Stay with us weve got plenty more coverage on the fires bu im 17 and the north bay is on fire this morning, sonoma and napa county. With little more than 11,000 acres going up in flames and many many homes and other buildings, yeah i want to take you back out to the scene kron fours yulia 7 is giving us a look now in Sonoma County of what exactly is burning the thank you lee. This is a home here area, im just off of mont right. And this house in particular. The backside of this house is the yard and then a fence line and then highway 12 and that some of the shots i showed you earlier how theyve been trying to keep that fence line. You know try to put out the fire on the fence line because that fence line sometimes gets very close to the homes like this one and this is what happens house caught on fire now fire trucks were here right in front of the house, but i think theyre going to go around the other side and try to attack this fire from the top. I think i had better access might be a safer for them to do that because now be able get to the to the crest of the fire and still have an easy access to work trough. For right now you can see early going up. But firefighters are going around the other side in it and i take them a minute before they could there on the other side. But for the most part this house unfortunately, and feel really bad for this family, their houses up on and flames. But the rest of the neighborhood. Okay you can see how all homes are all all ive been driving around the neighborhood and it has been very spotty one house on far the most of the street has been ok and its been mostly homes. They get close to highway 12. And thats because right across the street. Is a lot like are just hillside and those hillsides or what caught on fire. Thats kind of basically y you know some of these houses are catching fire and others are not. I tell you is getting harder and harder sometimes to breathe around there because everything is on planes, theres a lot of smoke a lot of small green. So not even these evacuations at the time people take a very serious because its not its not safe. Its not coffee. And these and these fires do come up on new pretty quickly so you want to try to get out quickly as possible. Ive been following firefighters get back to my safe way of getting in and out of because of a goal our goal right on but you know anybody who has got to ocean, you said really good gone because these fires do not well you know learn right now ok thats good well look at flames getting bigger behind there. Yeah, you only as were watching this home burned the area is really heavily populated by. Senior community. And i dont know if youve driven in through that area where about 4500 elderly residents had to be evacuated a lot of them didnt have cars and they actually used buses to bust them out that was and you know the Early Morning and overnight like midnight. Yeah, i got the same information i didnt really see any of the Senior Centers are some those the living apartments is right. Driving through the neighborhood, you know its pretty desolate and a lot of homes are still ok, yeah assistant like this right now think this is lawn on this like this huge block where everyone else is ok. And im really hoping that the Fire Department where where wheres the Fire Department right now already you hear i could tell the driveway sweats and gitmo yeah like i said i. Theyre theyre trying to catch saturday or i see them. Lets stick with your shot then and are you getting some pull up in background behind the house. Other in the back there in the back right right so theyre out there on highway 12 and like they said its a little easier for them to actually you know truck here goes another truck a month. Can you make out what house number that is going through that. Yeah there is this is one 79. One 79 ok all right there. Yeah. One 39 and you know let me see all have to figure out what to because ive been driving. And i now and its going around and i and its sometimes hard to be some of the streets are yeah, i know that im off dried okay this is a side street okay, yeah and this true what street i not without you i look at it burned with everybody having been evacuated in a lot of people are going to know who owns this home and theyre going to were were going to get out thats how the best we can do because theyre not allowed back into the neighborhood to see if their home was burner is standing in. Its just amazing to see this thing go up in flames before eyes and just let get any more and more intense. Are you. I know the fire trucks just arrived there but have you seen any sprays of water yet. I dont i dont hear anything or see anything not here. But im going to back off now because this is getting too ok ok alright thank you, yeah, be safe. Thanks very much will you will continue to follow this live throughout the morning. Also the kron 4 dot com weve got the very latest with a map and all of the evacuation orders. So if you have any loved ones youll know how they are and humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. 5 the fires ravaging wine saint helena and calistoga having to evacuate covers will tran is live there in calistoga with the latest. Calistoga has been shut down darya and james because of mandatory evacuations you can see right behind me very few cars in the cars that are coming into your shot, there was a cause more than likely its stopping by theyre not arresting anybody but they are stopping by checking in on their business and leaving this particular area. Look at this you can see just how dark it has gotten and were talking way were close to 9. 30 in the morning, but it is dark. This is the intersection of foothill and lincoln this is highway 29 and i was here. This morning. James and darya thats when you saw the sea headlights coming towards highway 29 there were told to leave this area, but you can clearly see no chp officers there because they have set up barriers cones and there are no cars going either direction from the left to the right or the right to the left of your screen because they have expanded that shutdown you notice that you dont see any cars at all that that intersection as they have widened the area as far as people being allowed into this particular area. The fires are still along the ridge line has not come down fortunately to the city of calistoga were not hearing of any buildings or homes destroyed at this particular location. But looks quite ominous look at this guys it is just pretty much a ghost town as it should be at this time. Back to you yeah they were talking about close to 10,000 people getting out. So its a good thing and well tell you when youre able to get back in but for right now 0 containment on the glass fires that are burning in sonoma and smokey in the bay area with an emphasis on hot and smoky, yeah and windy 2 things that the firefighters certainly dont want to hear john trouble in the Weather Center right now with our Team Coverage of these fires and youre saying up in that fire area what triple digits today. Yeah, triple digits today guys only falling to the upper 80s for a couple of those little towns right around the glass fire last night which is not what the best news. As far as fires go so that is something that. Officials all of us have been thinking about the past few days leading up to last night to this morning. And unfortunately with an active fire weather has not looking outside at San Francisco here you can see skies are clear but theres a noticeable hayes air quality has deteriorated pretty significantly for portions of sonoma and marin counties a lot of that wind is pushing smoke this direction and its settling right into the bay. We actually have some model run data to show you here that shows you where smoke is going to be headed. So lets focus on that deep red that youre seeing around santa rosa thats the smoke plume from the glass incident right now its in shot out to the ocean pretty clearly but notice how it expands gradually into the evening tonight as winds calm down less of that smoke is going to be sent out to the area. More and more of it is going to begin to settle down with us so this is going to be a next few days, were looking at a smoke impacts pretty consistently, not just today but rather on into tuesday wednesday thursday maybe even into the weekend all dependent on how much of those winds could get that smoke out of her direction. Now even more importantly those communities that are affected in the immediate vicinity of the blaze of the glass incident which rapidly expanded to the southwest during overnight hours along with those very strong winds now winds are still very strong right now, but how begun to taper a bit since where they were last night at their peak which weve have reported peak, wind gusts on mountaintops as high as 45 to 50 Miles Per Hour overnight. Winds right now mostly around 15 to 20 Miles Per Hour for your gusts still significant and still something that has firefighters concerned up in these communities. The better news is winds will gradually continue to come down into the afternoon and by the afternoon it will actually be much calmer rather calm compared to last night for these north bay areas that have been so windy consistently over the past few hours. Humidity dropping into the afternoon that is not good and then of course temperatures as warm as they will be into the 80s and 90s for even San Francisco and triple digits as we mentioned for many of our inland cities also youthful look at those temperatures still to come. Ill send it back to you. All right, thanks a lot john lets get back out to our live coverage of the fires that are burning this morning in the north bay with kron 4 Sarah Stinson yeah, shes live for up in the sky hawk area that neighborhood sarah where are you now. Now im on brigadoon way right off Mountain Hawks drive and you can see this house a total loss here the gas actually spewing from what was this house. I said its safe as long as it stays on fires not building any pressure pge circling the area. Making sure everything is ok doing what they need to do and then firefighters. Continuing to put out any hot and that is what they their main concern is making sure that the fire doesnt spread to any of the nearby houses because as you can see this this house is a total loss, but then the one next to it is Still Standing across the way here another house Still Standing were here on a mountain hop drive this a lot of homes that have burned to the ground and weve seen just how unfair and then with the sunlight coming up some homes burned to the ground other standing. Tall so you just never know and i think thats probably the hardest part for those who had to evacuate over 10,000 people just in this area. They had to evacuate in santa rosa as we learned about just in the Centers Center is side that evacuated and it just so terrifying not knowing whats happening with your house, but fortunately you know they did they were able to evacuate people early and so people were able to get out safely it would have been a disaster if it was kind of like the tubbs fire and they got evacuated too late, it would have been super hard because these neighborhoods are very dense. The skyhawks area. So it could have been a really tough time trying to evacuate here. Well as the flames were roaring so fortunately. Most people are out of their homes. I have seen a few people staying behind its really really something that you are supposed to do because even though you say you did not evacuate and youre in your home yearold good it doesnt mean youre good for now, you know like the fires could come back and could ravished your area and then firefighters will be able to concentrate on saving homes. Well have to concentrate rescuing you so thats biggest advice for today. You know the wind starting to calm down a little bit and is only supposed to get better that will help firefighters get more control on this fire that has just ravaged this area it was burning experienced that type of wind long time with the embers and ash coming our way and thats we experience this morning at 4, 05 06 07am, and its really starting to calm down so that good news for firefighters who are here working you know day and night trying to get this under control. For now reporting live in santa rosa Sarah Stinson kron and are you are in the middle of it you talk about how you know dangerous would be just and i was just reading about this one resident of Mountain Hawk. Right where you are. Jesse who works for kaiser and he sent his family away, but he stayed there and with garden hoses he says that right on that street there he was able to save like 4 homes. You just wanted to save his home and was willing to risk his life to do it luckily he can. You know lived to tell about it but a lot of those other homes did go down they say at least a dozen homes burned on that street that youre wrong. The you know i did interview him because the like was great that he wants to help out i i think its really not setting a good example you need to get out. It says you may think youre helping me ask a fighter. Youre really not hoses you have your garden hose right and im like god bless that truly not a good idea and thats why i didnt interview him i talked to him, hes a nice guy seriously to get out. Its not a joke absolutely a week we saw you only watching a house burn and then were like ok thats enough of the video you have leave right now youve got the address james of that home that we saw yeah, one 79 white oak drive. Ok actually it has burned to the ground sarah. Thank you very much. And joining us on the phone right now is not county supervisor susan gorin who represents the First District supervisor gore and that that is the part of santa rosa now thats under evacuation. Good morning. And mourning not only is our evacuating up but its a plane once again this is also for 5 snow here. What then that 3 years ago almost to the day. Yeah the tubbs in 2017. Im wondering if you know of any people who were able to rebuild in the last 3 years and now theyve had to evacuate and theyre wondering if now their new home is gone. Well youre speaking to one who lost a home i did lose my home and both Fire Department in complex fires and were not quite live we are were looking forward to moving on next year and i think my of rebuilding his face. We have evacuated ton of otto took us about 3 drive some valley, we are and were in good company here a lot sense and lingers oh my gosh what time did you leave. And it took 3 hours was at the middle of the night. We know as of i want to think about 11 left and sister team without about an hour that a warning orders and want to get to about an hour and a half or 2 hours can get out of of months when you have your key 300 people working in and senior community. Fortunately many of us are cards but they brought in to evacuate just think center and another now. We were successfully evacuated and i didnt see much of that fire bought like you want Pay Attention media. Yeah trial to try to see if you can make out a home or an address thats what weve been trying to let people know as well which homes we sheet we see burn down or standing. What a story about you leaving your home, you know at midnight and taken so thanks for joining us. You didnt get to where you are what 3, 3, 30 this morning. Yes, or rolled in there about florida their sort of pardon my job, im just just responding went 8 be yeah and the fact that you were saying and some of you have cars, youre lucky to have a car and that they brought in the buses. That was quite a scene when i heard about i mean its lena its very difficult assisted living to evacuate those folks who need care and has seen a leader they evacuate the hospital. They just want to make sure that people who need help can get out. Well i in the media and home was just across the street, some of words tour which is low. To eastern that down through a as the fire are crossing highway and warned theyre they are saving lives and saving homes in a not one to the end of just slides which coming here, you my are you cheating on me and on down state park. And theyre going to do what it takes to send their homes or their homes lost enough my mind much fun of them. And i hope that no more last i dont want anyone else to go what i have to go through. I do know what families steinhardt coming down saint in hughes said have lost homes. So in terms of response being a supervisor is this something that you and your fellow supervisors are going to be a at some point here in the near future have you already in terms of getting people the assistance they need with evacuation shelters with whatever resources need to come into play during times like this. Well its 4 major signers of last 4 years yes, experience it me up an evacuation center. Weve been issuing evacuation orders certain a which are now they encourage to go handle the center. You know is opening. You were back in the news. And just keep on going south he won a vehicles of petitions theres someone just a few 2017, extra now with covid because you could fit a lot more people in 2017 before now with the pandemic. Exactly our department of public charles is on it and they set up checkpoints in each of the Evacuation Centers change what temperatures them. On the and we want everyone to wear masks. And there. But the merchant a merchant ship. Yeah, sure is to have a standing on order with friends and families our you went this morning. We do not we went to a here you show. And cant that wanted to get right. Well we wish you well and thanks for waking up after just a couple hours of sleep after being really a hellish night. Im sure we appreciate the update we feel for you and this is something that leave. And seeing as you said for the past 3 years it seems the fire season. This is the new norm in is just its just horrible. Time now is night 43. Well take a quick break as we share with you again some of the pictures that have come into our newsroom overnight. Showing the fire and its affects here in the north bay well be righ the unfair money bail system. He, accused of rape. While he, accused of stealing 5. The stanford rapist could afford bail; got out the same day. The Senior Citizen could not; forced to wait in jail nearly a year. Voting yes on prop 25 ends this failed system, replacing it with one based on public safety. Because the size of your wallet shouldnt determine whether or not youre in jail. Vote yes on prop 25 to end money bail. Every big story is the big fire that started in napa county and jumped 25 miles down to santa rosa and has hopped from home to home destroying this one rough or eyes. This morning. Yeah, this isnt the oakmont neighborhood eastern. Santa rosa we were actually talking with crawfordsville is 7 earlier about this how she arrived on scene as it was beginning to erupt in flames and she really gave us that firsthand perspective even before firefighters were able to really get a handle on obviously you know they werent able to save it is your least walking giving us a live look. This address this is one 79 white oak drive look shes even she feels confident because shes been chasing the firemen dollar firefighters all morning. So that should be safe and you can see the water that theyre pouring on it, thank you lee, go back to the inside to the left of theres a lands behind the bush lands and the bush annually we saw those flames inside the house to really burning through that house this morning and they just want at this point its a loss, but theyre trying to make sure doesnt spread because you only was up there in front of the house and we saw that the other houses around it had not burned now and this is they want and dont forget oakmont is a community that saw a lot of devastation a few years back when the nuns fire came through and really decimated large sections of eastern santa rosa and weaves we actually spoke to. Earlier this morning supervisor susan gorin whos the representative of the First District this whole area thats under evacuation orders and one of her. It was one of those houses that burned was hers in oakmont a few years ago when she was rebuilding and looks like unfortunately that same fate has befallen another family as we saw that house this morning burned to the ground yeah with him learned within 5. 10 minutes. And he think about somebody taking 5 1020 years to be able to build up their home and live there and then see see just. Gone gone and rubble and sarah was at addresses as well bringing you the very latest of what standing and whats burned down because you cannot go in there about 10,000 people have been evacuated, theyre not going be able to get back in to see if their homes are there or not thats why were bringing you these live shots and well continue to update our website as well and use kron on as a as a resource to will as well not only for Evacuation Centers. The areas that are under threat right now, but also to be able to see our video and see you know what what areas burned what areas were spared by this fire. We are feeling it in the bay area when you woke up this morning the big story was the fires because you know all the way down into San Francisco to the south to the east bay you can smell the smoke and you can see it and you could feel the heat to its been awfully hot and all those things have combined. To create the situation were in right now john trouble in the Weather Center with a look at the weather angle to this john you guys when you talk about how much this fire spread in such a short period of time when youre talking winds like we have the heat like we have and how dry it is thats how this fire just exploded during overnight hours. Now heres a little bit of good news in the midst of all this tragedy winds will be coming down last night through the evening hours into this morning will be the windiest time in this forecast and you can see that winds are already tapering for some areas. Still breezy enough that yes we could see some rapid growth of these fire lines, especially on the southwestern side of the blaze as we are seeing winds in glen allen around 25 Miles Per Hour for your gusts right now peak wind gusts overnight. Around 50 Miles Per Hour and some of her upper elevations, so this is what weve got ahead of us for winds look at this coming down nicely into the afternoon now thats only one factor out of multiple that we are expecting the rest of the day the second being dry humidity and of course all the dry vegetation to yacht bill falling below 10 for relative humidity. That is bone dry conditions that is not what you want to see is the fires burning in the area and why we do have red flag warnings in place for all of the north bay in the inland east bay at that too until 09 00pm tonight, heat advisories for the rest of the bay area and that tanned you that youre seeing. Of course the smoke has been settling into the bay mostly to the southwest because all the winds have been pushing smoke this direction which is right into the core of the bay dorset smoke is right around Santa Rosa Petaluma downturn avato this mornings here definitely detecting that as youre stepping outside air quality less than ideal so avoid too much Outdoor Activity for your monday. Temperatures not getting much cooler overnight than where we were at the finish of the day yesterday lot of areas up in the north bay like say alina only settling down into the upper 80s, its 88 degrees right now and lena novato napa pret this election, all californians will be able to vote safely from home. Every active, registered voter will receive a votebymail ballot with a unique barcode. You can track it using wheres my ballot . And youll receive automatic notifications by text, email or voice call to let you know the status of your ballot once you mail it, drop it off at your polling place or at a drop box. Vote by mail ballots. Simple, safe, secure. Counted. Learn more at vote. Ca. Gov i 55 and we want to take a look at some of the damage from the fires we know that dozens of homes have burned down in sonoma and napa counties from the glass fires which encompasses 3 fires and about 17 square miles burn ranch land. Steep terrain as well as many many homes that youre looking at video that kron 4 Sarah Stinson shot for us this morning as shes been reporting live from the sky hawk neighborhood in east santa rosa. She was along Mountain Hawks drive and in a son hawk drive to right across the way there and this is what she found as she saw home after home burned to the ground not every home it seemed to be more of a random a selection of homes along mountain the hard drive as embers will fall from the sky overnight and ignite one roof on fire skip another ignite another roof on fire, its just the random nature of these wildfires as the winds are really whipping around last night wine country seen alina calistoga all affected about 10,000 people affected they were. Leaving their homes. Overnight from midnight on until early in the morning and now they cant get back into their neighborhoods. They are in shelters or with friends and relying on us weve got everything on kron on continuing live. You can also go to kron 4 dot com. For the very latest. In the meantime thats it for us here well be back tomorrow morning. The continuing coverage in the meantime stay safe. Market. Announcer today. I told you id paid for this this is ridiculous. What you need the receipt for . Announcer on an all new dr. Phil. We were falsely accused of stealing. Announcer racial profiling. Pulled over for having done nothing wrong. White privilege. I can drive through a neighborhood in a nice car and not get stopped. You cant. Thats probably one of the most disrespectful statement ive heard in a long time. All white people are now being portrayed as racists. Its not fair. Im certainly not going to apologize because some other bad white person did something to somebody. Im not going to let the black community demonize my race. I think its a matter of being open to say, this is something i can learn. Today is going to be a changing date in your life. Youve never had anybody working harder to bring it to the

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