As do i think these perceived as were a sham foresee them that did not give Brianna Taylor voice. Good evening, everybody thanks for being here 9 oclock, im grant lotus and im Vicki Liviakis say heres what you need to know as these protests continue tonight. Here in the bay area and across the country a little background here one of the 3 officers involved in taylors case was indicted on firstdegree wanton endangerment charges yesterday the 2 Louisville Metro Police Department Officers shot last night during protests they are expected to recover from their injuries. And tonight were getting a look at the body cam footage of another officer calling for help. The one person has been arrested for the shooting and tonight several more protesters were arrested, although its unclear what it was for and the 09 00pm curfew thats in effect in louisville has been expended extended rather so the weekend. Briana taylors shooting of course happening kentucky and today, kentucky senator the Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, waiting for the first time on the decision not to file charges in her death. Kentuckys attorney general Daniel Cameron conducted exactly the kind of thorough impartial investigation. Justice demands. Yesterday that chopper concluded. And the grand jury conducted. The handoff the criminal prosecution. I have full confidence in the attorney generals painstaking pursuit, a fox and justice. Mcconnell also denounced what he describes says the lawlessness violence and riots taking place during recent protests. Demonstrations are happening here in the bay area really all across the country are Taylor Bisacky live for us to. Show us of she is not live for us ok lets going to hear from taylor. In oakland and San Francisco and across the bay area. Protesters rallying for justice for Breonna Taylor after wednesdays grand jury decision were no Police Officers, but they reckoned charged for cried. I i think many of us. Had a very emotional reaction to what happened and even if we did know Brianna Taylor. This image of this beautiful young black women who was peacefully sleeping in her bed to know that people cant even sleep in that peacefully in their bed. And not have to worry about being murdered by the police. Is just crazy george delveys founder and executive director of communities, united for restored of youth justice or courage for short come to organize a rally in oakland thursday night in solidarity with Brianna Taylor. Bay area families who also lost loved ones to police gathered in oscar grant plaza. But the truth of the matter is this happens in california. We have Brianna Taylors and here in town here in california. We have George Floyds here in california and we have those family members who have to pick up the pieces meanwhile in San Francisco, the car caravan was plan to slow down traffic over the golden gate and bay bridges forcing the chp to issue a warning for drivers to expect a slow commute. And youre the foot of the bridge dozen people gathered to get drivers to participate people like lisa byrd though throng and were here to remind people that this cant continue and that we wont stop saying anything and we wont stop saying their names until it stops because it really does matter People Matter enough is enough and we are tired, im taylor reporting kron 4 news. Oakland police sent out this tweet about tonights demonstration at Frank Ogawa Plaza they say about a 100 people showed up. There were no arrests and no citations and no reports of any damage. In the south bay Brianna Taylor activists venting their rage at city hall in the form of graffiti and vandalism and as kron fours rob fladeboe reports now their actions. They also have rekindled the debate over a controversial statue in san jose. The scene this morning outside city hall in san jose. Crews were using a pressure washer to erase a large message that read justice for briana taylor. Dozens of other tags denounced police vandalism was minimal, although a large plate glass window was smashed on city halls rotunda and knowledge ing the activists right to protest peacefully but denouncing the vandalism was mayor sam liccardo. Everyone has an opportunity to express themselves. Next the size of First Amendment rights but as soon as theres broken glass as their stand a listen as soon as theres any threat of harm to a person. Were not going tolerate protesters also vented their anguish and downtown san joses controversial thomas a statue it was set on fire talent to raise the American Flag over san jose back in 1846. Well california was still part of mexico. A former mayor of san jose fallon was guilty of atrocities against mexican and Indigenous Peoples says brody story of the activist group hero tent it should be anywhere is to be in a museum and it should have the true history of of. Thomas phones saying what he did. To mexican and indigenous people. Give the true history otherwise and theres a symbol of of hope when actuality its its a symbol of oppression the bronze and concrete statue was not seriously damaged, but it was doused in red paint. To symbolize the blood allegedly spilled by found. Well he too expressed sharp disappointment in the kentucky grand jurys failure to bring charges in the Breonna Taylor case mayor liccardo is calling for a dialogue and whether thomas fallen belongs on a pedestal or in a museum. I think this is a learning moment for us an opportunity to bring the Community Together to have a conversation with historians. To really answer questions and to have these Difficult Conversations around race and our past the san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news public support for protests against Police Brutality and racial injustice, its falling among americans that is according to a new Associated Press poll that reveals 44 disapprove of the protests while 39 approve in june, 54 approved of protests. Researchers say this shift is pronounced among white americans and republicans whose views look closer to the way they did back in 2015 after several highprofile Police Killings of black men and our coverage continues throughout the night and at kron 4 dot com there you can watch the latest developments out of louisville as they occur as well as a timeline of Breonna Taylors case and reaction to yesterdays decision they continue to come in thats all at kron 4 dot com. And now turning to the weather we brace for a heat wave coming in to this weekend. Yeah, beautiful shot here above San Francisco, Crystal Clear clean air, no smoke but. Is that all going to change chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow is here and watch out for that that fireball behind yeah seriously that burden son is making a return to the bay area and boy it is going to be hot again. The good news about fall, he waves usually during the nighttime, those temperatures cool off enough to give your body a chance to recover from all that heat, but its going to be hot no getting around it. These numbers running up in the 90s getting close to a 100 over the weekend probably triple digits as we head in toward monday and tuesday. And of course fire danger going to be running high with those offshore winds and the offshore winds maybe bring some of that smoke back from fires in Northern California back into the bay area that continuing until early next week and those offshore winds around the bay area maybe 30 maybe 50 Miles Per Hour gusts at least the mountaintops not down the urban areas where many folks live but we see the danger these fires could have even up in the mountains. So certainly we dont want to get the fire started got to be extra extra careful this weekend as the fire danger going to be running high in the east bay, especially over the Oakland Diablo range some very gusty winds 3040 mile an hour gusts, maybe over mount diablo maybe 50 mile an hour gust or so have to watch for that in the slum a county to all across the county north northeasterly winds, 25 maybe 40 Miles Per Hour. And in the north bay may be the strongest gust of all above a 1000 feet 35 to maybe 50 mile an hour gusts certainly enough to cause some problems should a fire gets started in those kind of conditions outside right now its nice clear skies around the bear look at the lights also like a painting outside right now just beautiful and it looks like its going to stay mostly clear overnight tonight, no fog out of the golden gate right now either and were going to see clear skies for the better part of the weekend. The sea breeze that has been keeping our quality very nice what about switch directions, well more of a northerly direction that would really change our weather throughout the weekend 71 for a high today very nice read of the average error in San Francisco, 78 in oakland 82 degrees in san jose to 5 in livermore 86 in concord in 85 degrees in santa rosa. We are seeing some large waves moving in along the coastline, something to watch out for those waves crashing over night tonight and some siding after 5 oclock in the morning. But certainly could see some breakers upwards of 18 to 20 feet out toward the coast temperatures running in the 60s 70s right now in morgan hill, 70 also in concord 66 in oakland 62 degrees in San Francisco, 70 in nevada 61 now in petaluma in 72 degrees and save a lean up overnight tonight, mostly clear skies just a couple of patches of fog then mostly sunny. Its going to be a breezy afternoon. The fire danger certainly concern over the weekend so enjoy and friday should be a gorgeous day a lot of 80s inland 60s, 70 sunny skies inside the bay beautiful fall day some sunshine showing up the coast. Temperatures theyre generally in the 60s. Thanks large swell. Are you looking to make a move how about tulsa oklahoma. For many bay area residents. It is apparently the ideal place to head to people can work from home there. Theyre getting 10 grand to pack their bags and go kron fours dan thorn, he spoke with one of hundreds of leaving the golden state for the. Sooner joins us now live in San Francisco with more guy dan 10 grand goes a long way probably in oklahoma absolutely will begin grant this program is called tulsa remote which through a foundation is getting people 10,000 to move to the city of tulsa and continue to work remotely and considering the high costs here in the bay area and the amount of people that are already working from home because of the coronavirus pandemic many are now thinking. Why not. 10,000 and a new life in oklahoma is that enough to get you to leave the bay area. Well for hundreds of stay at home workers is apparently the right price and the right place, im just excited for the opportunity to try something new and different takes the bay area native jill lisa garland is moving to tulsa in less than 2 weeks. She says the bay areas high cost of living in a recent decision by her San Francisco based employer to make Remote Working permanent or leading her to take the money and take on a new adventure i love it here, but its just not affordable any more program is called tulsa remote and its being done through the George Kaiser Family Foundation as a way to attract Remote Workers to tulsa many of the recent applications have come from california one major selling point is the cost of living. According to the tulsa remote website, a resident of San Francisco can cut their cost of living in half by moving to tulsa the citys median home prices also 43 lower than the National Average garland is looking forward to moving to the new more affordable place but locks being able to stay within her company, im most looking forward to a morgue and being afraid, im looking forward to being able to afford to live and just really improved my quality of life. Well this program is not open to everyone you have to be a remote worker, but youre also not going to be getting that 10,000 bucks in a lump sum it will be given to you in payments throughout the course of a year. And you also have to be able to move to tulsa within the next 6 months, reporting live in San Francisco. Dan thorn kron 4 news. All right dan and they talked about how expensive it is here. This is a breakdown of rent trends in some major cities throughout the bay, the current average for a onebedroom in San Francisco, a little over 3 grand a month which is a 14 drop from last year, san jose youre looking at more than 2200 a month which is a lab and a half percent drop from last year and in oakland, the average onebedroom unit rate, 2200 a month thats a 9 drop from last year. San francisco is taking the fight against an open air drug market to the next level, you know the City Attorney is cracking down on 28 known drug dealers by. Filing civil injunctions that bans them from entering the citys tenderloin neighborhood. Its a big measure to save lives during the opioid crisis. Last year alone 441. People died from drug overdoses in the city and the tenderloin had the highest overdose mortality rate of any neighborhood in the city. Enough is enough. The injunction bans the accused drug dealers from an area covering 52 square blocks from than asked to well us and from gary the mission by les tions can cost up to 6,000. The board of supervisors says you know if this works this is a model that can be used in other parts of the city. The Contra Costa County District Attorneys Office will no longer filed charges against most people arrested for being in possession of small amounts of drugs. The da announced today that shes making this a formal policy but as kron fours michelle kingston reports now this change came as a surprise to local Law Enforcement including the county sheriff. Contra costa County District attorney diana becton announcing a formal policy change most people caught with a small amount of drugs will no longer be prosecuted. But instead provided Treatment Options. The ideas to keep a low level recreational drug users out of the criminal Justice System to reduce the strain on Law Enforcement and courts and instead provide Treatment Options for those in need the da says prosecutors will use their discretion and in some situations, the new policy may not apply exceptions include if the person has been arrested on 3 previous occasions in the past year for a misdemeanor drug offense if the theft is more than 300 in value or if the person is on probation county sheriff David Livingston said he and the county Police Chiefs were not aware of this policy change until today, he said in a statement that he supports treatment when it works but every has had her car broken into their home burglarized her property stolen should know the vast majority of those crimes are committed by socalled low level drug offenders kron 4 also heard from Concord Police who said in part that the supposedly bo level type offenses are at the core of quality of life calls for service unconquered residents, Business Owners and individuals trying to enjoy public spaces will definitely feel and see the difference when we cannot get those using drugs and committing the low level crimes prosecuted District Attorney diana becton said the responses from Law Enforcement were shocking because she met with county Police Chiefs before making the formal policy change the thing about this is that people seem to get the that there would be no accountability thats not will be held accountable and that victims will definitely be seen. Any compensation thats due to them. Because of the on that committee this new policy change gives the District Attorneys Office more time to focus on violent criminals and street gangs. In Contra Costa County michelle kingston kron 4 news. Outdoor dining is taking off all over the place in cities and towns, San Francisco is especially trying to capitalize on building all these outdoor patios in the marina for instance steiner at chestnut is one of the streets closed to traffic during much of the day under the citys shared Spaces Program and some of the outdoor patios there pretty elaborate some have heat lamps to keep diners warm some heat lamps are hanging we talk to people who say theyre enjoying the foliage an outdoor experience. Great hear all the time like that it outside now from the little part thats without the coat down outside its like is really nice. I have to do this all the time. Theyre parklets came to be a thing like 5, 6, years ago, but you didnt have tables to eat at throughout the parklets shared Spaces Program was of course born out of a covid related declaration. The San Francisco board of supervisors will vote next week to waive permit fees for things such as tables and chairs on the sidewalk until theyre 2022 and starting next month United Airlines will offer covid testing at sfo for anybody flying on united going to hawaii. Travelers can take a rapid test the same day of the flight. If you want to pay 250 bucks or you can pay 80 and have a kit sent to your home days in advance for a do it yourself style tests united has not said how much the test will cost. But is working with the state of hawaii by as they have said how much this test will cost. Hawaii of course requires everyone to quarantine for 2 weeks when arriving on the island. Last week the governor there announced that starting in midoctober travelers can skip the quarantine by testing negative for covid within 72 hours of their flights arrival. President trump is sparking outrage on capitol hill after dodging a question about whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the november election our washington correspondent alexandra le mon has reaction now from democrats and republicans were trying to reassure americans. But hes trying to have the constitution of the united states. Swallow clorox democrats are outraged after President Trump declined to commit to a peaceful transfer of power regardless of the election results, well have to see what happens you know that ive been complaining very strongly about the ballots and then hell try to say well i won because i won the votes that turned out that day vote by mail doesnt count really the white house now seems to be walking back the president s comments the president will exact accept the results of a free and Fair Election democrats like california congresswoman judy to have been warning that President Trump might try to question the legitimacy of the election because of the increased voting by mail due to the pandemic if the outcome. Of the election is close. All bets are off we could have a constitutional crisis for all we know both democrats and republicans are trying to get their supporters to vote. Republican senator mike rounds says his state has offered mail in voting for years with security measures in place they should trust our system in south dakota. It does work. And they can be sure i would just ask one more thing alone early senator around says he believes President Trump will win, but still offered this reassurance we will always have a peaceful transfer when a sitting president is defeated by a challenger in washington, alexandra le mon. President trump was met with boos and chants him out as he appeared at the Supreme Court to honor the late justice. Ruth bader ginsburg. Trump was accompanied by first lady melania who was seen wearing a mask, both of them had masks on as they stood behind one of the Court Collins this morning. The president has said that he will announce his choice to replace. Her on saturday. The push to put another justice on the court before the november 3rd election has been met with objections from democrats that the president ial winner should name the nominee. Ginsburgs body will lie in the in state rather at the capitol tomorrow and well be carrying that live on our free kron on app starting at 07 00am. And just as a reminder there are 40 days to the 2020 president ial election. Kron 4 is your local election headquarters this election season. Coming up as protests continue for a second straight day police in portland are bracing for a chaotic weekend. And thats why they think people are coming from out of state to that city. And why new England Patriots owner robert kraft was let off the hook by authorities after he was charged for a crim a Los Angeles Police officer was charged this week after stealing money from a worker at an unlicensed marijuana grow it happened during a raid of the downtown facility earlier this year prosecutors made that announcement earlier today. Authorities say 46 yearold luis alfredo motor faces one count of seconddegree burglary a felony and one misdemeanor count of petit theft the investigation began when a marijuana grow worker told police that cash was missing from her backpack, investigators then secured the scene and ordered a review of video which led officials to believe to was responsible. Florida prosecutors have dropped a misdemeanor charge against new England Patriots owner robert kraft today after courts blocked their use of video that allegedly shows him paying for a act at a massage parlor in palm beach county. State attorneys said without the video recordings of kraft and 2 dozen other men paying for at the orchids of asia day spa theres not enough evidence to convict him krafts attorney declined immediate comment. He could still face suspension or other punishment from the National Football league nfl did not respond to a request for comment. The patriots are also declining comment. Shortly after being charged kraft issued an apology for his actions. Up next the north Bay Community is in mourning tonight after a suspected drunk driver kills a father of 3. The beloved business. He also leaves behind. And why the teen arrested for shooting protesters being called a hero and a patriot by his own lawyers and car plows right through a crowd of protesters in denver the whole thing this election, all californians will be able to vote safely from home. Every active, registered voter will receive a votebymail ballot with a unique barcode. You can track it using wheres my ballot . And youll receive automatic notifications by text, email or voice call to let you know the status of your ballot once you mail it, drop it off at your polling place or at a drop box. Vote by mail ballots. Simple, safe, secure. Counted. Learn more at vote. Ca. Gov im to help californias 19 most vulnerable. Over 24,000 homes were destroyed by wildfires in less than two years. Too many of those victims are also hit with a sudden tax hike after their forced to move. Its wrong. Prop 19 limits taxes on wildfire victims and limits taxes on seniors and severely disabled homeowners. Join firefighters and Emergency Responders in voting yes on 19. Denver Police Detained a man after a vehicle plowed through a group of people who are demonstrating for justice in the Breonna Taylor case. The incident which came as people were leaving a large protest was all caught on video. Protesters were gathered near the Colorado State capitol and some of them had blocked the vehicle which then sped away news Nation Reporter Deborah Takahara has the story. This is a busy street tree downtown denver was filled with protesters last night at one point when a car when driving through the crowd creating a dangerous situation for the driver and the protesters. This is the 3rd time this year a driver has been caught in a crowd of protesters, Denver Police say the initial investigation shows this driver did not drtve around any official blockades but accidentally ended up in the middle of a crowd that had gathered on the road despite our best efforts to try to traffic diverted away from the group of protesters. And there was a vehicle somehow made its way on lincoln from 14th avenue. It seem to see that there are protesters ahead of them pulled over Denver Police saw the situation as it was unfolding on halo camp and they were able to catch up with the driver a few blocks away individual that again be threatened. I think that the vehicle was being cared. And in that eventually kind of work their way out of that Situation Police say they are trying to balance peoples right to protest with keeping drivers safe or advice is to stay in the lock your doors do not of those demonstrators. If you truly feel threatened a call 911. If theres an avenue escape this provided to whether it means youre backing up data on a oneway street, you know youre back away from that situation. Think the an minus make goes both ways so we have to make allowances drivers who may not be aware that something may be up ahead and find themselves and no protest and i think the protesters have to also be willing to create a safe passage or for someone to get out of there. And a safe manner Denver Police say no injuries have been reported. The case is still under investigation and will eventually be turned over to the District Attorneys Office. To determine if any charges will be filed. In Denver Denver top on face. Police in portland are bracing for another night of violent riots, an out of state protesters. Last night police say protesters hurled molotov cocktails at officers in oregons largest city during a Demonstration Police say the protesters also threw rocks that shattered windows and Law Enforcement precinct station. One officer was hit on the foot with a molotov cocktail but a Fire Department medic i did manage to extinguish the flames. This type of violence accomplishes nothing these attacks on police this destruction of property does nothing to advance of the goals of the community that values the community and what were trying to accomplish as a Police Together with the Community Portland has been gripped by protests for 4 months now since the Police Killing of george floyd in minneapolis. The city is expecting a large protest on saturday. Lawyers for Kyle Rittenhouse of launched a social Media Campaign depicting the kenosha wisconsin shooter as not just a scared teenager acting in selfdefence an American Hero legal analysts say rhetoric may have helped to raise nearly 2 Million Dollars to pay for the 17 year olds defense against homicide charges in the killing of 2 protesters. Rittenhouses leader tourney wrote on twitter this month Kyle Rittenhouse will go down in American History along side that brave unknown patriot who fired. The shot heard and heard round the world that tweet was later deleted. Rittenhouses next Court Appearance is tomorrow. In the bay 2 deadly crashes in petaluma in tonights one the result of the driver speeding running a red light police say and killing another driver. The other case north bay Business Owner was hit and killed by a person suspected of driving under the influence on forcefully to call reports the victim was just taking the trash. Out in front of his home but he was struck. The 53 yearold mario gun gora died tuesday night in front of his home on south mcdowell boulevard in petaluma the husband and father was taking out the trash when Petaluma Police say 41 yearold James Watkins jumped the curb with his toyota prius and hit done bora the car ended up in the roundabout police say watkins was allegedly under the influence of prescription narcotics at the time. Then gore a family friend calling rieger says the collective feeling is sadness mixed with anger after learning this is at least the second dui walk ins has been charged with since 2018. A case that has been pending in court for 2 years sort of lately i mean this is no way around that is the stuff like that can stand the people shall law. And that other so much pain and hardship here like people can get all of their lives. Its ridiculous that in a situation where. The locks and other side. Theres no justice in the Sonoma County Sheriffs Office confirms watkins has posted bail at 100,000. And is no longer in custody. The petaluma Police Department says it is working with the dmv to keep him off the road that person should been the license should have been suspended they should have been driving. You know i dont know whats going on at the court case, but you wish that he was not have access to any card all gone own j js burger joint in nevado and spent 2 decades working as a chef in the north bay they worked really hard to be wary was. This though the statement that triggers says mario is survived by his wife and 3 kids in Petaluma Police to call kron 4 news. In an effort to ease Traffic Congestion and help reduce pollution. The metropolitan Transportation Commission once Large Companies to have the majority of their staff work from home. Since the start of the pandemic a lot of people obviously have been working from home and that has resulted in a lot of transportation changes. Fewer people on the roadways and taking public transit. The ntc has taken notice of the trend and wants to apply what it has learned to its future transportation plan. Were obliged to develop a plan that shows how to cut per capita Greenhouse Gas emissions by 19 by the year 2035. So its in that context. This came up. The ntc does not actually have the authority to enforce this planned so in order for it to work. It would need local lawmakers to require a work from home requirement. 4 Large Companies. Well, its certainly nice out there now clear inside the bay clear along the coastline hot weather coming our way forecast is coming up. And why Health Officials are warning black licorice levers to lay off the candy. And in sports, the pac, 12. The sides, yes, it will play football. The Conference Also sets start dates for mens and womens so youre a small business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Playing sports through a pandemic became a National Discussion evolved into a national debate, especially at the College Level and now that last major domino has fallen pack 12 will resume its sports season on november, 6. They were the final major conference to decide to play football. It will begin with allpac 12 teams will play 7. Conference games, mens and Womens Basketball will begin november 25th the decision was voted on by the pac, 12 ceo ceo group that was today. The conference has not been given any indication that it wouldnt be eligible for the College Football football playoff, so, theres still hope that theyll have the school right in the mix, no fans will be allowed to attend pac 12 games taking place on campus. Stern athletes. One to compete. As 2 nationally spread the pac 12, but that we would only do so when we saw that we could be so safe like we worked very closely on calls almost every day with our athletics directors, regular contact with coaches and importantly lot of feedback along the way from or spear nationalists. Hopefully everyone say safe now less than a week to go in the regular season in the giant find himself clinging to the final playoff spot. Today they look to stay firm in the 7th spot in the Season Series finale with the rockies. Another Beautiful Day out in the cold for little sailing in some baseball com started bottom of for 3 rockies. Brandon bell, having himself a season so far the best season of his career. Thats the 1000 hit a belt career. We have a tie game after that solo home run this game went extra innings top of the 11th. Ramallah tapia. At the plate with a runner author this one is deep enough to score the eventual game winning run in the giants lose in 11 innings 5 to 4 theyre tied for a final playoff spot in the national league. Its all but a foregone conclusion that the niners will be without Jimmy Garoppolo on sunday, but there is still some hope that George Kittle will be able to play. You know have been limited in practice over the past 2 days. He sprained his knee during the week one loss against the cardinals on display right here and he sat out last week against the jets jordan reed stepped up in carrolls absence in court. 2 touchdown passes. But carol is still the premier tightened in the nfl and the niners would like him on the field obviously. Carol says hes feeling better and hes not concerned with the field issues at metlife stadium. Losses on just feel better every single so thats awesome just being able to go out there and play football again a little business great. I was at the jets game i think feel feel so i mean i really dont know about it i know were unlucky with some injuries and stuff. Noticed her field and it is what it is and ill play football. So not really concerned because i havent played on its own this. Play the game to the Orlando Bubble lakers. Nuggets late howard starting his first playoff game since 2005 and this may be the play of the series right here jamal murray up in under lebron james for the reverse layin hes been so good in this orlando i mean outside of a championshipwinning team he could be the mvp meanwhile, howard looking like the 2005 our lifetime. He started superman, right there, but at the end of the day it was too much love ron too much anthony davis. They both dominated this game in the lakers go on to win one 14 to one o 8 main game 5 that must be what on sunday. And that is welcome back weather going to be a big story this weekend as we take a live look outside right now checking out San Franciscos iconic and beautiful and barkhad are joining us now chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow whats the big deal about the weather oh man we got the hot temperatures come back to key a grant is going to be scorching around the bay area, not as hot as the previous he weighs we had some but still we get some 90 some triple digits now have some hot stuff out there out there right now. It is mostly clear across the bay and its going to stay that way for the better part of think tonight. And really into the weekend though weve got some very nice weather coming our way we cold front trying to slide into far Northern California that will generate some waves along the coastline tonight as a big swells out there but were going to see temperatures soaring again as we get into the weekend one more day of some nice weather and then it starts to get hot for quite some time and 20 mile an hour winds tons of beach right now same with mill valley 11 into San Francisco 15 in the sfo you can see more of these westerly winds blowing thats all going to change as was going to become more of a northerly direction. Temperatures outside right now the 60 degrees in San Francisco, 66. It will come 68 degrees in san jose 65 degrees live more 70. And warm in concord and 69 degrees in santa rosa tomorrow, a lot of sunshine coming your way after just a patch or 2 of fog in San Francisco sunny all day long in san jose and also clinton well were just not going to see much in the way of fog us were getting that part time of year. Were hardly see that fog at all it kind of just bring gains today dissipate a own seat again till spring so that is some good news. If you like clear things out looking nice along the coastline. And boy thats going to nice place to be this weekend or night lows going to be the 50s and the 60s by day tomorrow should be a very comfortable day. Youve got some 60s and 70s into San Francisco, mild there along the breezy conditions by the afternoon to some of the mountain gap something tomorrow. Maybe some 2030 mile an hour winds blowing so certainly breezy along the coastal areas, 60s just inside the bay, the warming up in the 60s and the 70s as we head down the peninsula, the south bay looking nice. A lots of sunshine all day long in the 70s there youll see plenty 80 showing up in the tri valley 81 degrees in dublin 82 in pleasanton 83 and walnut creek 74 degrees in san leandro 78 lail but 83 degrees in to 69 in san anselmo in 71. In the bottle next few days were going watch those temperatures on the rise sunday start to get a little bit on the hot side and look at that by monday temperatures in the triple digits, 90s high 90s inside the bay along the coastline. Those numbers even up in the 80s. I think these wildfires a likely are going to be held without question the single worst disaster, the wine grape growing community has ever faced so its going to be a real struggle for many people to to make it through this year. Now one makers say that the wildfire smoke that blanketed the west coast. This summer. Also penetrated grapes growing in the vineyards raising fears that this years vintage could be disastrous. Really big concern is if wine makers dont try to minimize the damage early on then the resulting wind will just tastes like smoke almost all winery say theyre not going to put bad wine on the market because it could harm their brand. And some wineries are not accepting wine grapes they have already agreed to purchase i less the grapes of now been tested for smoke. But the labs are too backed up to analyze new orders in time. Its a whole thing. Researchers at u c davis now are trying to come up with new early testing methods to gauge whether the smoke has affected the grapes. Because of really. Crazy story doctors say a mans love of black licorice wound up costing him his life. Officials say that eating a bag and a half. Every day for a few weeks through his nutrients out of whack and cause the 50 4 yearold mans heart to happened in massachusetts the problem is a substance found in black licorice and in many other foods and Dietary Supplements containing licorice root extract the fda says eating as little as 2 ounces of black licorice a day for 2 weeks could cause a heart rhythm problem. Would add a grade School Football game in ohio was reportedly tastes and arrested by a Police Officer for not wearing a mask in the stands. And it was caught on video Eric Halperin reports. In video from Tiffany Kennedy via storyful thats been seen hundreds of thousands of times a Police Officer is seen struggling to arrest a woman at a middle School Football game in logan. Eventually the officer tase the woman her in handcuffs and escorted her out of the stadium, it was a shame that so officers had to. Go to that. Stage to you know to remove somebody but. It was the wrong doing absolutely not the officers actions have been criticized on social media and in the video. Kevin 9 others are defending him supporting the officer by standing outside the logan Police Station to show him in our local Police Station that were behind that long of a fan of the mandate of the mask why not. But you know still going to be a law abiding citizen, according to London Police the woman arrested is alicia that shes charged with criminal trespassing and more charges are pending. The Police Officer is officer chris smith cliche in trying to get her to fight covid19 rules officer smith told her several times to put a mask on or she have to lose. The Woman Told Police she had asthma and refused to put a mask on or the struggle followed before pitts was arrested for criminal trespassing after police say she continually violated School Policy School Board President side all seem like a little over kill to me for. Ask you to pay somebody you know work for the greater their kids you know, but it is a lot of Law Enforcement and they are said to be a play the roles of polo force one to some but it is. It got kind of crazy. 2020 Eric Halperin reporting there the investigation is ongoing. Keep it here she girl queen on september 26 recording artists actors producer queen latifa and joining some celebrity friends to spotlight. The covid pandemics disproportionate impact on black people and other communities of color. Queen latifa will host a live stream benefit this weekend for the American Lung associations covid19 action initiative. Black and latin x and engage in people have been a highly affected by this is just showing my. How the Health Care System is not people for everyone. And and so. Heres an opportunity to partner up language is always been a champion for lung health. To do something about it. The initiative will include music performances and celebrities talking about good times and bad times among those joining queen latifa on the Facebook Event or jill scott kiki palmer and will be goldberg. Reality tv star kris jenner says that her familys decision to end their longrunning hit reality tv series keeping up with kardashians was said she spoke out today in an interview with tv host ellen degeneres. Whole family felt it was just time it just sort of came to us we thought you know 20 seasons, 14 years, hundreds of episodes in and lots of spinoffs n you know its so weird to think when we started the show there was barely twitter there are no other social media platforms really like there was no instagram there was no snapchat there were no grandchildren people were married or divorced or you know its just so crazy. The reality tv star also denied rumors that shes going to be joining the real housewives of Beverly Hills saying theres just too much going on in my life. Last living tuskegee airman turned 100 sonoma was treated to a special birthday parade fit for an American Hero. Cars lined the street to honor the world war 2 vets birthday. Newman had one request for the day. 102 birthday cards said people from all over the u. S. Delivered sending him nearly 4,000 of them. The city of aurora ohio also honor the former airman by marking september 24th. A monday. Have a lot of reading to do thats a lot of birthday cards but thats a fitting tribute and that wraps up kron 4 news at night, but brent and i are going to be back at the top of the hour a day of peaceful protests here in the bay area how demonstrators stood with Brianna Taylor from. San francisco to plus employer and controversy have california senator former San Francisco mayor Dianne Feinsteins husband. Is being linked to the College Admissions scandal. Those stories and more coming up on kron 4 news at 10. Great day on the lake it is. Lunch is cookin and i saved a bunch of money on my boat insurance with geico. Fellas, can it get any better than this . Whoa my old hairstyle grew back. So did mine. [80s music] what . I was an 80s kid. It only gets better when you switch and save with geico. The news station. Youre watching kron 4 news at 10

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