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Massive Police Presence there not allowing anybody to drive down santa clara street. They stop you right before you get to this location. We understand you see to the rate of those Police Officers thats city hall. We understand thats where most of the crime scene is taking place theyre not allowing us to get any closer then warier the robyn janes take a look at your screen you count the number of police cars at the scene just on the left side of your screen there you can see theres one squad car pulling out there about 30 to 40 Police Officers just from mike intersection at this particular time. You can see the heavy Police Presence. We are hoping to track down the Public Information officer from the San Jose Police department to find out exactly whats going on if theyre still a manhunt and we want to find out the name of this particular person i have covered unfortunately a lot of homicides throughout my career and i have yet to see a heavy Police Presence like this for somebody of not significant so hopefully its somebody that we its not prominent, but just by the Police Presence james youve been in use and robin youve been used for a long time you be the judge look how big this presence is and yes you can not drive down this location. Hopefully come back out to the imus show its trying to flag down a Commanding Officer to come over here and talk to us we dont know if theres an active manhunt at this particular time. Back to you wow all right well, well let you continue gathering more information will come back get another update from you will, but again a stabbing there. Near city hall and as evidence in his shot a lot. Police on scene so look for more details to come out here shortly hopefully and i also want to mention santa clara street opclosed between 5th and 7th pretty much until further notice so you may want to hop over to Fernando John or james street as an alternate lets check in with meteorologist john shrivel whos taking a look at todays forecast hey john hey guys we are seeing some low gray ahead across the bay area that will last for a few more hours. But overall visibility for most of us is just find your view from walnut creek looking pretty good this morning. Bay area air quality is almost entirely in the moderate range today that include excludes little bubble of good in San Francisco as well as in portions of santa clara and then santa cruz counties as for temperatures right now were in the 50s and 60s with alameda at 59 degrees double in at 55. Oakland and San Francisco, 57 right now, daytime highs later today will be a little warmer than they were this weekend but really not much of a change. Were keeping some pretty favorable weather going for today and for your first day of fall tomorrow, ill talk more about that still to come. Robin. All right, lets check in on the morning commute which has thinned out nicely on 80 in San Francisco about 30 minutes ago we had a big backup. We have a full house. At the bay bridge toll plaza, the traffic spilled all the way back to west grand. As we look live here thats no longer the case a delay free smooth commute right through the tolls on across the upper deck. Were checking in on traffic tracker were taking it to get some numbers and one of your approaches the east shore its doing fine. So 80 west is 17 minutes right now from crockett to richmond all the new berkeley down to the oakland maze 6. 80 looking good too we have some construction, northbound the backed up traffic through fremont that clear the southbound drive is only 14 minutes, dublin to fremont and the guadalupe parkway out through san jose is right on time once again 8 minutes here to heading north from 85 up to one on one oh one and then that Police Action is on santa clara street which is close between 5th and 7th and will continue to update that story throughout the morning. Shows you get that we have numbers women on the list. I feel this incredible list of brilliant people. Our top story this morning, the political showdown unfolding on capitol hill as President Trump says he will appoint a woman to the Supreme Court and could very well make that announcement on friday or saturday. Well the seat was left vacant following the death of Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg on friday, washington correspondent Raquel Martin reports. Every week is going to be tense is probably heightens. Blood pressure a little bit in the wake of Justice Ruth Bader ginsburgs death on friday these are a republican senator ripley blunt expect the battle to fill her now vacant seat we will get to it. Before this Congress Ends as President Trump has a constitutional duty to nominate ginsburgs replacement and unlike in 2016, he sees no reason for delay, the senate and the white house are now under the control of the same party it would it would be almost political and governmental malpractice if republicans decide were going to unilaterally disarm here so far only 2 republicans say the winner of the next election should pick the next Supreme Court justice but democrats will need to ward to block the nomination. The hope is that cooler heads will prevail democrats like congressman dan kildee and president ial nominee joe biden are calling on those senators to give voters the chance to weigh in please follow your conscience we cant keep rewriting history and on abcs Speaker Nancy Pelosi wouldnt rule out a new impeachment of President Trump as a way to slow down the senate i have other options we have arrows and a clever. And im not about to discuss have sullied outrageous. The idea that you would talk about impeaching the president for doing what the constitution says. President trump says he plans to nominate a woman to fill the seat this week in washington Raquel Martin. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is remembering Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg and says that americans can keep her memory alive by voting in the november election. They have a great deal at stake here. I think we should be very calm. We should be inspired and his better games she was brilliant and she was strategic and she was success and she did more for equality for women in a country than anyone that you can end and the women appreciate that and i think that you will see one and weighing in on all of these decisions be the elections confirmations. Rest. Well pelosi it should be noted did not give an answer when asked if she would consider expanding the number of justices on the court. Its often referred to as Court Packing and one of the tools that congress can do to retaliate if President Trump her adds another conservative to the bench. People in San Francisco are honoring the late Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg sf womens march and San Francisco womens Political Committee organize an event to honor ginsburgs life and legacy. This was the memorial at the steps of capitol, a city hall sunday afternoon, why city leaders including mayor london breed spoke at that event organizers say its important to continue fighting for the rights and values that ginsburg stood for. And the g. Held on as much as she could because she knew how important it was that not be given to somebody that is anti twice. Its a womans right to choose that is nonnegotiable. This was the second event in San Francisco during the weekend to honor justice ginsburg, hundreds mourn her death at a candlelight vigil in the Castro District on friday just hours after she pass. And then people also came out in the east bay to honor and remember the late justice about a 100 people showed up for 40 minute tribute. Events that was held in martinez, many shared stories of what ginsburg accomplished for the rights of women and others during her time in the high court. This was once again just one of several memorial said took place all across the bay area. Also in the news this morning, the state is shutting down new Unemployment Insurance claims for the next 2 weeks in order to combat cases of fraud and tackle backlog issues that have been impacting the on Employment Development department. Just come into bread sound the plan and what it means for you. Since the pandemic began delayed Unemployment Benefits in cases of fraud has plagued california Employment Development department and the people who need its help is just frustrating and your stress of people that are tied to it who need it during this pandemic whove been laid off like my sign. Are getting ripped off. This newly released report from governor Gavin Newsome strike team shows a backlog of an estimated one 0. 6 million claims and lays out a path for reforms iii is broken it topdown reform its why assemblyman david chiu says he was encouraged to hear that e d d is already taking some of the strike teams advice starting with implementing a new program called id dot me to fight fraud. The Verification Tool requires users to upload identifying documents and a photo of themselves in hopes of stopping scammers edd says it will also allow them to verify identities. Quicker leading to faster payments to cut down on the backlog, the most experienced staff will now be moved away from the phone lines, theyll instead work through the oldest and most complicated claims according to the port there not to be able to close a backlog until the end of generous and so im very concerned that this is going to be too little too late for so many whove been desperately waiting in order to put these new plans into action a td says it must shut down new unemployment claims for the next 2 weeks a move Assemblyman Kevin Kiley calls unacceptable. I mean the whole point. Point this is supposed to be there for you when unfortunate circumstance, his head and youre unable to work people looking to submit a claim will be redirected to this temporary web page if you input your personal info a tv says it will then invite you to the new Unemployment Insurance system when its ready. My hope is we are really truly at a low point for e t in the strike force report represents the turning point for this well see in sacramento. Jessica, mitch. More victims are speaking up now following a string of attacks by a man in San Francisco. The attacker was last seen on thursday near lyon and fulton in a neighborhood just north of the panhandle. One victim says she was walking along west fulton when she heard a man approached her from behind and then slapped her backside the victim says that the attacker then moved in front of her and tried to bait her into a secluded area before running away. The best you could is just like. The aware and dont let come to you from behind because its your face to face lake. You know i dont think hes going to. What you get it and again, heres a map showing a number of reported attacks in the sea cliff, Richmond District laurel and Pacific Heights neighborhoods. The attacks happened in the span of about a month between the hours of 6 at night and 10 00pm were told that San Francisco police has a video of the attack or from Home Security cameras. Theyre trying to track that person down now. Still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, bad news for the u. S. In the battle against the coronavirus we can reach a grim milestone as early as today. Plus hundreds of catholics are protesting charge closures and one bay area city. They say its important that they be able to worship inside. And after the break after months of Distance Learning and working from home people are spending more time in front of the screen you can prevent digital eye damage after the break and get outside and enjoy some more sunshine today hopefully like he did this weekend. 70s in san francisc the dexcom tells me my numbers every 5 minutes. And it also tells me which way im going. I can just look at my phone and see my numbers. In real time. Its the easiest app in the world. And you dont have to prick your fingers at all. Its amazing. You know, not having to prick my fingers anymore. Wow. Thats incredible. You know, i would have never dreamt that years ago. The dexcom gives me that knowledge and it gives me control. It gives me power to be who i want to be everyday. Welcome back everyone the time is 7. 15 i guess its time to say goodbye to summer its the but james were not saying goodbye to the to the nice weather know fortunately looks like its sticking around john with the forecast now and john we had a great weekend. Hopefully we can keep that momentum going yeah we all know here in the bay area that the end of summer is really just the start of real summer. Its when you can step back outside because temperatures are cooling down in land and the sun comes back out for coastal areas that have been so great for so long. This morning we do have a little bit of gray out there in the sfo you can see it that fog draping over San Bruno Mountain and as for air quality we are holding on to moderate conditions a lot like we did see this weekend. Couple of pockets of green indicating good in San Francisco. And then further south down towards santa cruz as far as conditions go today once that gray burnoff we do have abundant sunshine this afternoon and this low pressure area to our north is at least keeping High Pressure from building into much that temperatures wont be getting too hot this week ahead of us so fall really is going to be off to a pleasant start just this past weekend was across the bay area. Couple of foggy patches here and there across the bay area into tomorrow morning again. But overall this forecast is mild and it is continuing to remain ice at least for the rest of the workweek i do have a warm up into next weekend well get to in just a second 60s and 70s for San Franciscos highs today will 60s right up and down the pacific shoreline today 70s and burlingame bilbray on up through south San Francisco. Well foster city at 77 redwood city and Mountain View each at 78 south bay temperatures not much different than theyve been for days now upper 70s to low 80s, warm enough but not too warm fremont and hayward in the mid 70s while Pleasanton Livermore to dublin on up through walnut creek in concord on the 80s oakland at 74 richmond 72 vallejo holding on to 70s to at 79 degrees today. 80s from santa rosa down through center fell a look ahead to your next 7 days shows that tomorrow the start of fall look and really good will be even a little cooler in london today will be now that all changes of the saturday and sunday as daytime highs inland rise well into the 90s and even bayside areas by sunday seeing the low 90s daria robin lets check in on the traffic want to take a peak at about 92 a little busy here across the 70 oh bridge. No big problems from the east bay to the peninsula. Youre averaging 14 minutes, a very quick and right on time a minor weights at the bay bridge toll plaza 80 west. This is a huge improvement compared to 30 minutes ago, 12 minutes off to fremont street and its just now getting crowded at the richmond sandra fell a minor way that the tolls 9 minutes to the north bay james all right robin. 7. 18 on the clock the pandemic is taking a toll on peoples eyes because ours spent in front of computers well Distance Learning and working from home is beginning to have an effect weve got christie speaking to an eye Care Specialist on how to prevent digital eye damage. Whether its on your ipad and your iphone or your laptops or eyes are getting an increase in take of screen time during the pandemic doctor stephen read from the Hawaiian Eye Center says prolonged periods of time online could cause some negative effects for your eyes i actually seen a lot of kids come in with like try complaints and their eyes feel sometimes even read so those constellation of symptoms recall digital eye Strain Doctor b says digital eye strain can come with this comfort and even cause longterm headaches if youre constantly seeing things up close weather reading a or your screen, especially kids are vulnerable to this in the long run it could develop near sighted mass every 20 minutes of screen time. Like far in the distance at least 20 feet for 20 seconds. So by doing youre giving your eyes a break in getting those focusing muscles of break getting outside as much as possible can also benefit your eye health. If you are experiencing blurry vision a quick fix can be over the counter products using some little bit can eye drops to help their over the counter make sure they say look can i drop it i i or artificial tears for dry, so you can use those throughout the day. Well doctors say that as far as accessories to help your eyes you could turn to blue light glasses, but there hasnt been much study to prove that they can actually help your eyes. For your money this morning how much are the fortyniners worth and san jose and San Francisco home prices job. While the rental market continues to drop, lets check in with jane king and say good morning whos reporting live of those stories and more good morning jane. High road and good morning to you will san jose and San Francisco saw the biggest jump in home prices of any major city in august says in the san jose area, the typical home value last month was one 0. 2 2 million that was up 2 month over month of 10 youre here in the San Francisco metro area, the typical home value was 1. 1 2 7 million that was up 8 tenths of a percent month over month and 2. 7 year over year with prices that in the bay area continue to tumble with the typical one bedroom, dropping 3. 8 from last year well the fortyniners ranked 5th among most valuable nfl teams know the force as the fortyniners with just over 3 billion that was up 9 from last year and in fact the average franchise value top 3 billion for the first time this year netflix seeing a wave of cancellations on his platform acquitted the subscription Analytics Firm in netflix cancellations search 5 times the normal amount following the release of cute he says a french film. It shows 11 yearold girls dancing provocatively which some say is highly inappropriate and both supply and demand for diamond Engagement Rings has been on the rise during the pandemic luxury consignment sites like the real real say the close quarters of quarantining has prompted some married couples to call it quits but its push others to deepen their commitment now according to legal to place the number of couples seeking divorce is between march and june increased by 34 over the same time period last year live from new york, im jane king back to you all right, thank you for the update chain james. 21 coming up next on the kron 00 04am morning news, the fortyniners defeating the new york jets. They get it still feels like they lost well tell you why things arent looking good for the niners in the wake of that game. And heres a live look outside we have our bay bridge approach with traffic still nice and light. Well see what happens as the morning. Progresses we have some clouds overhead john trouble with your foreca again you see the pain on his face but the players, they know the gravity of that moment. Art is out there again a moment ago it took off nick bosa. Yeah, the niners suffered a rash of injuries in a bittersweet victory over the road or on the road over the new york jets number of players on offense and defense going down including as you see there jimmy drop below. We are of course waiting to hear from the team after the players get their mri scans today, well talk more about the injuries in a moment, but at least lets show you the highlights of the game which was a win on the very first play check it out weve got 9 ers running back raheem most are taken at 80 yards all the way to the end zone for a touchdown. That was the first place. The rapa low through 2 touchdowns to tight end jordan reed in the 1st half years, one of them. The niners ended up beating the jets 31 to 13. And that was the good news is now lets get to the bad. The injuries, jimmy g to tweet his right ankle in the 1st half didnt return for the second running back raheem most are missed the 2nd half to he injured his knee as well, running back Tevin Coleman also suffered a knee injury and on the defensive side of the ball niners defensive rookie of the year nick bosa who you see there had to be carted off in the 1st quarter and then just 2 plays later. Linebacker solomon thomas had to be carted off as well there you both suffering a possible acl injury were still waiting for confirmation. The niners were already dealing with injuries before sundays game and now. Of course the wind feels more like a loss if you ask him. Siya guys you love go you know got to come back here and play in the same. The same service and you know, thats thats these are the provoking. Thats as many knee injuries ankle stuff and people getting caught on a turf as ive ever been a part from what i saw another team did too. I nor players talked about it the entire game just how sticky the turf was and and with that he knows first time people played on it i think. I something our guys are concerned out all right away. And the results definitely made that a lot stronger. Well the turf theyre at Metlife Stadium is going to be an ongoing concern because the team will play on it again. Next sunday against the new york giants. Well happening tonight, the raiders are going to be playing at their new 2 billion dollars stadium in las vegas during prime time the raiders will open allegiance stadium for the first time hosting the new orleans saints. The team wishes raider nation could be there to fill the stands of course, but that will have to wait. Kickoff in vegas is at 00 15am tonight. Today San Francisco opens a little bit further on live wi in just a few months, weve learned a lot more about the covid19 virus. Its real. And its dangerous. So, on behalf of all of us working on the front lines, please take it seriously. And while we dont yet have a cure or a vaccine, we do know how to keep you and your loved ones safe. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay six feet apart. Do your best to stay out of crowded spaces. And get a flu shot, its even more important this year. We can do this. If we do it together. And were back at 7. 30 the breaking news. Were following one person is dead after a stabbing in san jose and there is a large crime scene and its impacting traffic. This morning and weve got kron fours will tran on the scene for us and will last we checked with you. Well you really illustrated how much Police Presence has responded to this. We saw about 40 police cars just were banished point james and were are located on santa clara and 7th says the last time you saw me you can see a lot of police cars are doing this they are leaving the scene. At this time it looks like a study escalating and you can see by their body language. They seem pretty calm, im still waiting to hear from the Public Information officer for the San Jose Police department but judging by how they are gathering and their body language. It appears that theyre not searching for anybody at this particular time let me quickly pull up a map for you before we get back to the scene so you know exactly the location this is santa clara which is runs right through the heart of downtown san jose. My Current Location is on 7th street. We understand that the homicide the stabbing that took place is just one block from my location on 6th street and that is important because thats near city hall. We dont know the victim if you can head back out live. Now we dont know who the victim is but judging but judging just on the heavy Police Presence. Speculating it might be of somebody known to the public somebody significant ive covered so many homicides in my career and ive never seen that type a police force show up for a random person, so well just have to to wait and see to hear information from the San Jose Police department but at least it looks like hes de escalating james robin over the past couple of minutes, i actually saw Police Officers has scored some people to pick up their cars and drive away from the scene this scene is not going anywhere anytime soon you can clearly see how big the scene is and we are talking about a stabbing scene and usually those tend to be a little bit smaller then say a shooting scene because theres so much evidence that sprayed all over the streets as far as casings in this particular case you can see how much room that theyre utilizing for their investigation, so it appears its not going anywhere anytime soon hoping still the hear back from the San Jose Police department Public Information officer. I even yelled at from Commanding Officers out here hoping to talk to them, but they went right by me so theyre deferring all questions to the Public Information officer back to you james or at least to see what kind of a details come out. About what happened there will thank you well be visiting with will again in just a bit to get more from the scene. All right, lets head over to the Weather Center now we want to check in with john and see how our monday is going to shape up. There guys we are looking at a pretty nice monday today much like we had this weekend. We do have some low grade above the bay area this morning, this you look about it, although weve got some sunshine starting to peer its way through moderate air quality continues across the bay area not quite as Crystal Clear as what we had seen, but still all right for venturing out and about and getting what you need to get done on this monday morning. 50s and 60s for your current temperatures hayward san jose, each of 61 right now with midfifties in san mateo and berkeley at 5556 degrees. Later today, look forward to some 60s at the coast 70s near the bay and 80s and only 80s for inland areas. Im talking warmer weather next weekend though still to come in your forecast. Rob. All right. Thank you john for checking in on the traffic and all of a sudden we have a big backup at the richmond sandra fell bridge toll plaza and it looks like we have a new crash yeah, west bound 5. 80 right before mid span just getting word of an accident involving a car and a pickup truck looks like caltrans already on scene your left lane is blocked. So thats why its so bad all of a sudden leading up to the pay gates are backed up through the tolls all the way out to castro street. So just crawling from castro to mitt spam where that crash is blocking so thats why were up to a whopping 23 minutes now to make it into the north bay here at the bay bridge your morning commute traffic has stand out it looks fantastic 13 minutes into San Francisco and were checking the golden gate bridge, a fog advisory in place, but it doesnt look so bad 21 minutes rolling south nevado to San Francisco james all right, thank 7. 34 is the time and again one of the big stories this morning. The coronavirus pandemic in the fact that United States now is on the brink of reaching 200,000 deaths in this pandemic right now there are a little more than a 199,500 deaths and more than 6 million cases reported across the country and as we reach that milestone on the nationwide level San Franciscos actually showing signs of improvement and moving forward now with reopening the city so today, some schools could reopen as well as museums and galleries kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live in San Francisco this morning with an update sarah. Robin james im live here at the exploratorium a museum that could very well open up today, however doesnt seem like they have any plans to do so they could though along with all the other museums and galleries across the city they just have to submit a health plan to the Health Department showing them how they would keep people safe because then now theyre allowed to have 25 capacity or a 100 people max inside. Again. Its unclear if the exploratorium will open anytime soon we do know the sf moma has announced plans to reopen october first to members and then to the public on the 4th the De Young Museum will resume operations this fridays like people something to do. This weekend also allowed reopen schools k through 6th grade that applied for the waiver to reopen in got approval be able to begin in person classes as soon as today. We know dozens of schools have applied, but theres no timetable thats been announced for the San Francisco Unified School District a lot of those who have applied we know are the private schools, so well be checking in with the School District this morning to see if they have any timetable for us. The Health Department they had inspectors go to each school that applied and made sure there was distance students would be sharing supplies, making sure solid regulations are in place there are currently classified in the red tier in the states tiered system we next have to wait until San Franciscos classified as orange and that your system which would allow Indoor Dining at 25 capacity soon as this would happen. It is the end of this month, but really all of this could change at the drop of a hat if our case numbers were to go up so its still a time to take as many precautions as we can on our own to them we can continue in these next steps to reopening. Im live in San Francisco Sarah Stinson kron 4 news okay. Thank you very much sara. Happening tomorrow. Were expecting to learn which if any bay area counties will be allowed to let more businesses reopen and doors. This map shows us exactly where each county currently falls on the states terror list so last week. Orange county moved out of the states most restrictive to run into the substantial read here now joining San Francisco santa clara and napa counties the rest of the bay area remains in the purple widespread here. Well happening tomorrow, we have the Contra Costa County board of supervisors expected to vote on whether to extend eviction protections for people that have been struggling to pay their rent because of the coronavirus the countys current Eviction Moratorium is set to end on september 30th and if supervisors do vote to extend the protections. It will be the 4th time theyve done so since the pandemic began. Meanwhile the cdc now says the virus. Read through respiratory droplets and airborne particles produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes sayings talks or even just breeds a lot more airborne than they initially thought they say these droplets can be inhaled through your nose or mouth and get into your airways and lungs and cause infection. This is thought to be the main way that this virus spreads and the agency also says that theres growing evidence that these droplets can travel actually distances beyond 6 feet so the 6 feet perimeter may not be wide enough. So far the state has recorded more than 786,000 cases of coronavirus with more than 15,000 deaths and locally the bay areas now seen nearly 95,000 cases with more than 1300 people dying from covid19. The break at 7. 38 still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news had Justice Ruth Bader ginsburgs legacy is inspiring the next generation of leaders. Plus a south bay familys only source of income is stolen and now theyre left wondering what theyre going to do next well have their story and it was a beautiful sunny comfortable weekend and today were going to keep the good stuff going lots of sunshine later on once the low gray burns off. Welcome back everyone to the south bay of san joses familys only source of income during the pandemic has been stolen wanna jala says that she started other lee discussing a food truck with her husband. Back in 2015 it was an investment to help make money and possibly play for their childrens college education. That truck was parked the chevron gas station at the intersection of and north capitol in east, san jose. You see the surveillance video. Its from september 13th and it actually shows 2 men, hooking it up to a white pickup truck and then they just slowly. Take it away they still it taking everything inside the supplies and the memories. Something like that can happen so easily and you put all this effort into it and then just something so simple like its huge for to somebodys dreams, im just writing off. Well we son michael who lives in portland says his parents were just months away from paying off the truck and have been left wondering what to do next hopefully someone will come forward with more information. All right, heres a quick live look outside as we check out the view here from the embarcadero looking out across the bay towards the bay bridge and the sun looking like a beautiful start to a monday morning time now 7. 43 well be back with welcome back everyone San Franciscos Mission District has been hit hard by the pandemic but a group of dedicated neighborhood leaders have stepped in to help fight the impact that the virus has had on the community. Yeah, the chair of the Latino Task Forces Health Committee continues to lead his community through the many challenges brought about by covid19 kron fours Marty Gonzales has the introduction. San franciscos Mission District is home to a vibrant latino community. Sadly now its also a major bay area battleground for covid19 helping lead the battle is giangiacomo hes the chair of the Latino Task Forces Health Committee. And every thursday you can find the group giving free covid19 testing for the community he cant fix problem. And we can at least provide some and just a little to make life a little bit easier. Country. And they do just that handing out more than 7,000 boxes of food every week. Volunteers also provide resources for medical legal and job assistance. People are hungry people are scared people are tired. And so the challenges we face are many. But fortunately we have volunteers and people are willing to get together to try to get some of the stuff back. More than 30 nonprofit organizations make up the missions, Latino Task Force members volunteer their time money and heart. John says hes honored and privileged to be part of it but he credits many of the women who have been doing this important work for decades. But i like to point out that its predominantly the women that push the ball forward and be continued to make the plays to make things happen that supports a highlight Latino Task Force coordinator valerie to lay layla has worked with john for years, she sees him as a future Community Leader theres a fire. We ran into the fire. We dont run away from the fire. And thats what john has done time has run into the fire to really support. People are suffering from this pandemic. In giving back john says hes honoring his late mother who emigrated from el salvador. John sister leila believes hes living out their parents dream when they came to this country a lot of people would not have the opportunity. The testing i mean this is this is amazing, you know what theyre doing here. So im just im december while the and so proud. But john knows the work doesnt stop here as latino communities in the u. S. Are dealing with the same issues. He says the task force is ready to partner with similar groups to help communities across the country this doesnt happen in a vacuum we have to be able to share this. To export and if you will to different neighborhoods and ensure they can empower themselves in the same way in San Francisco Marty Gonzales kron 4 news. Our hispanic heritage special run saturday october 17th a 30 minute special begins at 9. 30. You can also find more stories online just head over to our website kron 4 dot com just look right under the Community Tab for hispanic heritage month. Lets get a check of the weather and traffic to robin play double duty, this morning of the first i guess to you john were looking pretty good today right looking great guys just like this weekend was weve got some sunshine starting to peer through sfo. A little bit of cloud cover obviously out there to air quality is in the moderate category for almost all the bay area this morning, little bubble, a good right around San Francisco, though and poor conditions once you head up into the Sierra Nevada as for temperatures today will be in the 70s 80s for most of the bay pretty pleasant afternoon really concord and antioch to your warmer spots some of our closer areas to the 90s tomorrow is the first day of fall a little bit cooler to start the new season with highs in the low 80s inland, well keep those low 80s around through friday before a weekend warmup robin. All right, thank you john tracking a problem on the Richmond Center fell bridge traffic is all backed up here approaching a it spanned 5 he was its pam left lane that has traffic jam through the toll plaza back from castro street this is what it looks like not fun. 22 minutes to make it to the north bay so get out there early that crash is really jamming up your commute will check more bridges coming up in a bit. All right time now is 7. 50 Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg will be remembered as many things a trailblazer a feminist and perhaps a not so familiar title from her alma mater a sister. Adrian smith took a trip to her Sorority House at Cornell University to share how this generation of change makers will use her legacy to pave the way. Even before i was in a sorority i looked up to her. As a role model Abbey Drucker is a sophomore at Cornell University and a proud member of alpha epsilon phi. The same sorority legal pioneer Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg was a part of during her time at cornell powerful, i mean to know that were in the same we walked the same floor as the to sit in the same terror she said and to look at the same. Pictures on the walls look at the same letters and to wear the same letters that she wore it just and someone that we can terror someone that we can no who when. Extra mile and that we can do the same as she did being part of these like or now. It gives me the hope that one day i can make a change in the world just like rbg did just be in the same house as her like shows you that she is a real person and she was a member of the sorority into someone just like any of us fy sisters each taking away a lesson from rbg is legacy really when you go to school here like you really get the sense that you can do whatever you want. And i think that. Her death and remembering her life see we have to remember it was people like her that allowed us the privilege of being able to do whatever we want that really empowers all of us to keep going and to keep. And doing what we love for questioning whether were good enough for. To do something then we think well rb to do and rbg would tell us to keep going to pursue our dreams to pursue our passions. Many hearts with one purpose and thats to pave the way. Well that was adrian smith reporting plans for commemoration and services for ginsburg have yet to be made final but she is expected to lie in repose at the Supreme Court will eventually be laid to rest at Arlington National cemetery. Well as we head to break, heres a live look outside at San Francisco International Airport well be back with more in just a mi and we are back time now 7. 55 now to bury baseball, the giants in the as playing the bay bridge series over the weekend at the coliseum shut out the giants in the first 2 games. But the giants responded in a big way yesterday so lets go to the second inning giants catcher chad was trucks slamming this one deep to left field that one hit the bleachers for a 2 run home run and then in the 4th inning check it out john source baseman aaron blasting this small over the center field wall for a tworun homer as well and the giants werent done look at this 6th inning bases loaded brandon crawford, sending this one deep to right. And thats out of here, good for a grand slam running away with it the time they board this week by the as with the incredible final score 14 to 2. Johnson host Colorado Rockies tonight for days will travel to la theyll take on the dodgers tomorrow. As go giants. All right now lets check in on the traffic, good news we had a crash and a stall of the richmond sandra fell bridge. Both are gone. The traffic is still slow but it looks much much better so its already improving on zoom out here is the toll plaza 16 minutes, both trouble spots out of your way, but its still stacked up to castro and a new accident south 1, 1, at the central sandra fell exit has traffic crawling so leave early if youre trying to make your way south from the north bay to San Francisco. Thanks all right. Still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news. In the next hour the state shutting down new Unemployment Insurance claims for the next 2 weeks its all part of an effort to prevent fraud will explain. And more victims are coming forward sharing their stories about being sexually attacked in San Francisco. Well explain what they say happened and a political showdown unfolding as we speak on capitol hill over the Supreme Court seat left empty by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg democrats say theyll fight any attempt to fill that seat before the local news station. And good morning that breaking news were following this morning, one person is dead after a stabbing in san jose and theres a large crime scene, a heavy Police Presence and its impacting traffic. This morning, lets get live to the scene once again kron fours will tran has been updating us on the scene as its been developing will whats the latest. The traffic is a little bit better guys

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