Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240712

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A somber ceremony marking the 19th anniversary. Of the september 11th terror attacks but this years rememberance has a different look because of the pandemic good evening. Everyone, im grant lotus and im Vicki Liviakis thanks for joining us tonight at 8 our top story this evening. Still smoke from those wildfires raging across california and oregon leaving the bay area with some of the worst air quality in the world tonight. And that smoke is expected to linger through the weekend. Our chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow is here with the details on what we should expect lawrence we need that out of here. Yeah we certainly do and to get that out of here we need really a push for some good gusty winds right now were not getting that we just got a light breeze so there you go youve got sites like this all around the bay area that smoke. Just sitting right down on the ground and its unhealthy all around the bay area in fact right now youre looking at some very unhealthy smoke sitting across in the San Francisco down to san mateo Half Moon Bay across the bay in the oakland, even parts of the north bay now being touched by that and then you head to the east bay see san ramon you see little more right in the pocket of some very thick smoke, not very good and not good elsewhere around the bay area. What we can really use is a change in the wind pattern tomorrow doesnt look like were going to get an impact looks like some very unhealthy air again you see the area shaded in purple here all the way along the peninsula across the coastline and headed over the bay you see the very unhealthy air up to richmond parts of well all the way up in the napa and certainly the other spots not going to be that much better. We need a strong wind really get things going on for some are not going to see it but look at all the smoke we talked about all the fires burning most of this now showing up smoke along the coastline all the way from california up toward oregon and washington that is sitting off the coast line ready to push back on shore so we have to contend with that as well the winds if we get them going we could clear things out unfortunately were seeing just some light breeze outside lab miles an hour in the San Francisco. Thats not enough 6 in oakland 3 in the san carlos just not enough when we got to get upwards of 2030 miles per hour. There are signs that we may see an event that could start to clean out our skies will tell you when we expect that coming up in a few minutes all right, let us hope meantime this is an air quality map you can see just how much of the bay area, including San Francisco, the east bay peninsula. In north bexar in that purple range thats the bad range each dot also shows a number indicating just how foul the air quality is what does this all mean for any time you have to actually be outside our conference theresa joins us now live. In sandra fell she is outside to explain theresa. I am outside and right now i just checked the air quality index here in sandra fell and it is 200 normal you can see behind me the bridge pretty clear but not tonight was not been able to see and weve been out here for a couple hours. Now medical experts are sounding the alarm and this is why listen. It looks bad and it is bad and not only vat the San Francisco bay area has had such a horrible conditions for so many days. Its shattering records. The numbers that were seeing are based on that bpa is air quality index which is kind of like a air quality thermometer telling us how bad air quality is it goes from 0 to 500 of its color coded anything under 100 is below the federal Health Standard but about 100 to one 50s orange, which means unhealthy for sensitive groups children elderly people like that. One 15 above his red thats pretty unhealthy for everybody, not a good idea to be outside exercising outside much at all when it gets above 200 and the purple category that is when its really good idea for everybody to stay indoors as much as possible. Aaron richardson, the spokesperson for the bay area air quality district adds that the dingy dangerous air has dragged on, and now setting new records that no one. Wants to say yeah, this is really got an unprecedented period of. The year alert through may days in running the previous record for security or alerts in a row in the bay area was work teen back in the camp fire in 2018. So we doubled or previous im actually worried about everybody. Right now doctor john bombs is with you see berkeleys environmental how science and school of Public Health. He says studies show prolonged exposure to toxic air can have lasting and negative impacts on our health. And increase our chances of getting covid because whilst our smoke increases the risk for lower respiratory tract infections. And given that were in the middle of a pandemic i worry about. The wildfire smoke increasing the risk of covid19. So a few days of wildfire smoke might not be that much of her increase risk but given this is now the 26th day in a row of bad air. I worry that the exposure to this bear is increasing the risk of covid19. Another thing thats really important weve talked about the importance of using an n 95 as youre out and about one thing that i learned today that those facial coverings that weve all kind of gotten used to wearing those can actually trapped particulate matter and then youre going to be breathing in the particulate matter thats you know the wildfires burning as well as the for us burning and so that medical experts really strongly advise not to use facial coverings if you have to go out and about when the air quality index is so high that if you can get your hands on 95 thats best but i know that there are out there the surgical masks and they say that thats your next best line of again and 95 in the surgical masks and then dont really use the face coverings and then the gators he said are completely useless so. Theyre more for design i guess these days than actually helping you and defend against the particulate matter up in the air he said this one last thing that its really important to heed. The warnings about the air index because you should be out running about because its just really too dangerous right now just wait until things calm down and hopefully reporting live here in town from Theresa Stasi back to us. Thank you theresa here. The latest containment numbers on the major wildfires burning around the bay area, the lnu complex in the north bay is 95 contained more than 363,000 acres have burned. The scu complex in the east and south bays is up to 98 containment. Nearly 397,000 acres burned there and the czu lightning complex in san mateo and santa cruz counties. His 86 contained more than 86,000 acres have burned. And finally the woodward fire in the Point Reyes National seashore in west marine is now 95 contained its burned more than 4800 acres. Tonight we know one of the People Killed in the north complex west zone fire was a 16 yearold boy, you know the teens mom confirming the death of josiah williams. The fire once known as the bear fire has scorched more than 70,000 acres in butte county. Its only 5 contained tonight. 9 people have died there 16 others are reported missing. Yesterday the sheriff said that 10 people died, but explained tonight that one of the presumed bodies found was actually a model skeleton, not human bones. Its not clear if the was among the dead or missing people. In the central valley, the creek fire burning in Fresno County is 6 contained the fire started friday. And its grown to nearly 176,000 acres it is destroyed 369 structures so far more than 1600 people are helping battle that fire. And there are still a number of other wildfires burning across the state as well as up and down the west coast, youre looking at a cal fire incident map of those fires. These are all contributing to the smoke that were experiencing all around the bay area. In total fires have now scorched more than 3 million acres up and down california and that is prompting governor newsome to demand immediate action. Touring wildfire destruction in butte county today, the governor ordered. Epa and Natural Resources agencies to figure out how to move up mandated timelines to increase Green Energy Use and decrease Carbon Emissions california originally to be carbon free by 2045. The governor says thats not soon enough. This is a climate dam emergency. The debate is over around Climate Change. Just come to the state of california. Observe it with your own eyes. Today the governor also signed a new law that allows qualified inmates to become professional firefighters. Once theyre released from prison the law goes into effect in january. Our coverage of the wildfire smoke continues at kron 4 dot com there you can see a timeline of before and after pictures from around the bay as well as a gallery of pictures sent to us by our viewers and full forecast to track air quality its all on kron 4 dot com. Now a developing story tonight and tomorrows giants padres games have been postponed because someone in the Giants Organization has tested positive for covid19 the Team Released this statement tonight says tonights game is scheduled to take place in san diego, its unclear who tested positive who that person may have come into contact with they have to do that racing now obviously testing tonight interestingly enough though this comes on the same Day Major League Baseball announced that there have been 0 positive tests in the past 12 days and 20 of the past 21 days. Today marks the 19th anniversary of the deadliest terror attack on us soil. And it was commemorated in a year marred by another National Crisis covid19 testing woman is live in the newsroom with details on this day justine program and vicki, the traditional remembrance ceremonies looked a lot different because of the coronavirus pandemic still families say its important for the nation to pause and honor the nearly 3,000 people who died. Make sure that we never forget. President trump and democratic president ial nominee, Joe Biden Mark the day at a memorial in shanksville pennsylvania. Thats where united flight 93 crashed killing all on board. That flight was headed to San Francisco when it was hijacked. Officials believe terrorists meant to take the plane to washington d c in shanksville the president delivered a sobering speech today, sharing the stories of the passengers who teamed up to fight back. The heroes of flight 93. Everlasting reminder that no matter the danger. No matter the threat. No matter the arts america will always rise up stand tall and fight back. In joe biden was also in shanksville today he was there laying a wreath at the memorial he later visited a volunteer fire house to visit with families earlier in the day biden was at ground 0 in new york and there he bumped elbows with Vice President mike pence they vowed to not make the day be about politics and back in the bay area, San Francisco firefighters held their annual remembrance for victims of september 11th. But this year the ceremony happened inside and virtually because of the poor air quality and also physical distancing due to covid19 the ceremony was at firehouse 7 where they rang a bell and held a moment of silence for the victims. They also read the names of the 343 firefighters who died. Live right now in the newsroom, im Justine Waldman kron 4 news. Coming up on kron 4 news at 8 to wildfires and a pandemic the story of resiliency at a healdsburg wiring. How much of a risk for Covid Infection is dining out new study shows its shockingly high and questions and concerns tonight after a controversial confrontation. That some say was racially charged with police in timber on where do things we love our new home. Theres so much space. We have a guestroom now. But, we have aunts. Youre slouching again, ted. Expired, expired. Expired. Thanks, aunt bonnie. Its a lot of house. I hope you can keep it clean. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. Which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. Did you get my friend request . Uh, ill have to check. doorbell ringing aunt jonis here for bundling made easy, go to geico. Com. Hello . Then you should be grateful that were being is villages we are looking for the street is all we do. Well the town of hebron has begun investigating an incident involving their Police Department and a black owned business you can see officers in this cell phone video and body cam footage confronting the Business Owners asking. What they were doing inside their own a store with a Police Sergeant in the video as well as the chief of police have stepped down from their positions and as kron fours michelle kingston reports for us tonight. The store owners have hired an attorney. If you work an investigation is now underway to figure out what led police to question the owners of a toddler on Clothing Company about what they were doing inside their own store 3 weeks ago did you different myself anybody, i still how wash owns the Clothing Store with her husband, they were unpacking boxes with the lights on and no alarms sounding when officers parked out front of their store and eventually came to the front door the confrontation didnt end until a white neighbor down the street told the officers that a wash and her husband did in fact own the store i remember the my body was just not stop shaking and i think thats thats when i realized oh my god, this just happened kron 4 news has learned the investigation is being conducted by the law offices of Amy Oppenheimer the town manager of timber on says they have no further updates to provide in the Police Department spokeswoman said no one was available for an interview and did not respond to our questions at this time we know that iran police chief Michael Cronin is officially retiring on sunday town manager greg chances says he in cronin have been discussing his retirement for a while now his announcement came just one week after Sergeant Michael glossy resigned following the release of Police Body Cam footage showing him and other officers the owners of yemen after hours. The store owners say theres been an outpouring of Community Support and theyre hopeful the town council will resolve the issue and take the right steps to move forward and really hopeful about this investigation. You know i want to find out. Why the resignations are happening why the retired army, the armys are happening. Im really curious to know know what it is that they found. A wash and her husband have hired an attorney they hope an Oversight Committee can be formed to oversee the hiring process of the next police chief in michelle kingston kron 4 news. Bad timing for the dining industry as the restaurants try to make a comeback with reopenings especially indoors. A new study has linked a possible increased risk of infection to dining out. The cdc study examined close contact exposures contributing to the virus spread. It found adults who tested positive for covid were twice as likely to have reported eating at a restaurant within the past 14 days of infection compared to people who tested negative for a stir on owners, however say they continue to try to slow the spread of the virus by implementing safety precautions what is going to be a big day for dozens of businesses in San Francisco hair salons barbershops nail salons and gyms. Well be able to serve clients. Indoors, while hotels will start booking tourists and thats a big deal for the Overall Economic health of the city. Its estimated that about half of the citys hotels have been closed and stay informed on all things coronavirus here in the bay area and beyond we have a section on our website, its dedicated to the pandemic you can find it under the news icon click the coronavirus tab just head to our website at kron 4 dot com. Well visibility is terrible tonight along the bay bridge. This was earlier hole on the bridge also in downtown oakland. Its been bad and this treacherous theres coming obviously from the fires burning throughout this state in oregon. And experts say it helps to recirculate the air in your car and get a tight fitting and 95 mask if youre going to be out and about but mostly they say of possible just stay inside with the doors and windows closed for the next few days at least to unhealthy air in Contra Costa County led the Public Health department issued the same stay indoor recommendation. And urgent care specialists with John Muir Health warned people not to feel comfortable being outside even if they feel fine because chest pain or migraines can develop later. They say this is true for everyone from older folks with preexisting respiratory conditions too. People who are young and people who feel healthy concern that the air quality may be too harmful for our visitors, the Golden Gate Park system announced closures today. And depending on conditions may remain closed tomorrow as well near woods alcatraz of Fort Point National Historic Site all closed to the public. As Health Experts caution about being outside for extended periods of time for more on these weather we welcome in chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow. To maybe tell us when we can breathe easy again. Yeah, you know what though we really need a kick in the atmosphere to get these gone vicki and i think were going to get it. You can see some haze out there right now is that smoke settles in for another very bad night of poor air quality all around the bay area looking toward the Golden Gate Bridge. You see the surge of the low clouds and the dense fog that is making its way on shore right now that will begin to fill into the bay overnight tonight as well but the air quality still going to be horrible tomorrow, very unhealthy in the north bay and also along the coastline just inside the bay, the east bay and healthy as well continuing to the south bay so its just a rough time but were going to see some changes here and youll see right here see this little swirl off the coastline. This is our big gold watch what happens in the next couple days gets a little bit closer by saturday still problems the air quality not much mix in the atmosphere then all of a sudden here comes the storm system moving first up in the Pacific Northwest bringing them some much needed rain to help stop the fires there and then it starts to slowly roll toward the bay area bringing with it. Well maybe not rain here should bring enough mixing a sphere that will likely vote remove some of the pollutants and that means some fresh air coming our way but that wont happen until the middle of this next week. Cant get here soon enough thank you lauren still ahead at a California State University system says it will continue remote instruction prop 19 helps californias most vulnerable. It provides property tax fairness for disabled homeowners like cynde, stuck living with a broken elevator. Nineteen helps wildfire victims, like ellie, one of 24,000 whove lost their homes to fire. And seniors like pam who need to move closer to family or medical care, without a tax penalty. Prop 19 limits taxes on our most vulnerable. Yes on 19. California State University classes will remain online not only this fall, but for the rest of the Academic Year kron fours haaziq gives us a look at some of the primary reasons behind this sea su chancellors decision. The 23 campuses that make up the California State University system will continue with primarily virtual academic instruction through the spring of 2021 as for the timing of the announcement happening just weeks after the start of the fall semester csu chancellor Timothy White states in this email quote there are compelling and compulsory administrative factors that require us to decide now how to best proceed in january 2021 unquote among them, he includes the need to publicize course is being offered for students who need to enroll now the required authorization process with the csu accrediting body and of course the primary reason being the status of covid19 pandemic and we look the spread within the state and it is either flat lining were decreasing but were not seeing that that the campus is you know there isnt a vaccine at this point there is still in some of smaller controlled environments until those things its easier for us or its better its more efficient and frankly a smart decision to put ourselves in the virtual space making the announcement early in the fall term will allow faculty Staff Students and their families more time to prepare for the Virtual Learning experience despite the ongoing pandemic the impact on on campus learning and reports of potential layoffs being considered to offset a multimillion dollar Budget Reduction csu Officials Say that preliminary fall term enrollment is strong across the vast majority of the 23 campus system overall we get the full data later this fall will be close to where we were last year which is about 481,000 students has it made kron 4 news. Im at my desk preparing for meeting and all of a sudden a fielding swayze about 10 feet forward. Didnt come back. It was working inside the trade center tower exactly 19 years ago when the plane hit. Coming up this 9. 11 survivor shares her remarkable escape. Plus the north bay business is looking to bounce back after the lnu lightning complex force them to keep customers away. The damage from in the north bay businesses are getting back up on their feet after the lnu lightning complex fire tore through hundreds of thousands of acres of land. But there remains a lot of uncertainty particularly for wineries kron fours dan kerman explains why. Hasta la cual winery is among many in Dry Creek Valley thats back open for outdoor tastings this after being shut down for several weeks to the walbridge fire burning in the hills a half mile from the property thats been in tough tough couple tough couple of years of that. With the fires part of the problem this time around is the grapes were still on the vine at the time of the walbridge fire and are only now being harvested as a result theyve had to reject some of the grapes to the high smoke content found plenty of others that remain good rain for it in. And were going to were going for a minute and as i said well well see prior to bottling doesnt meet our quality standards and wont be will be bottles possible aqua winery makes only 5,000 cases a year. And any bump in the road as difficult as it is for most Small Businesses but even though fire season is just getting underway. They remain optimistic were booked solid for this for all of our our tasting slot so. When i see that i look at how that gives me a good gauge and help people. Consumers the average human is adapting to the adversity that were faced with right now. This winery like many is also adapting with the times for those who dont want to come out in person. They also have virtual tastings online. They say since covid19 theyve really been taking off. In Dry Creek Valley. Dan kerman kron 4 news. Right now to talk about 4 zone forecast in the role, the weather could play on some of the fires that are still burning especially north of the bay area in california and up to oregon and obviously the smoke chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow is with us with the details here lawrence jagr and its been quite a stretcher. Weve got whats called a blocking ridge and omega ridge forming the omega sign from the greek alphabet you see low off the coastline. You see the omega right over the top here and usually these last a good 14 to 21 days now. Were starting to get to the end of it and that is the good news has finally looks like this ridge is going to break down to begin to shift a little further to the east. Unfortunately you got all that hazy condition around the bay area, the good news is though temperatures have stayed down and were not expecting to see any major heat wave on the horizon, so that is good news for firefighters. Winds, not a problem for the fires either as were seeing just really a gentle breeze so bad for small good for firefighters that are out there trying to take care of these fires in fact by tomorrow morning it is call around most of the bay area even in the afternoon i think tomorrow just a gentle breeze. I think a little more significant breeze as we head in towards sunday. I think thats also were going to start to see a little bit better air quality as far as moisture is concerned firefighters of course very concerned about that a lot of moisture in the atmosphere right now overnight tonight, youre going to see the influx low clouds and the fog once again and some of thats going increase the moisture to 89 percentile or so, but by tomorrow afternoon this kind of a thin marine lair start to dry out. So certainly that allows fires to burn a little bit faster youre talking 31 snow about 32 in the napa area 28 the fairfield 30 in livermore so certainly kind of dry in those spots but otherwise we are going to see some changes coming our way the next few days looks like everything is going to be in the shift gears looks like some cooler weather as we head in towards sunday much cooler in a slight chance showers in Northern California about the middle of the week. A somber sound outside the pentagon today marking the 19th anniversary of the terror attacks. They were on 9 11 2001 nearly 3,000 people died that day when hijackers took control of 4 commercial airliners and crash them into the pentagon, the World Trade Center towers and thanks to passengers fighting back a field in shanksville pennsylvania. While the images from that day or something none of us will forget thinking about what it must have been like to live through it is something that few of us can even imagine yet earlier today on 9. 11 survivor caleb are sure on. Spoke with kron on about what it was like being in the north tower when that plane hit and how she was able to make it out alive. At my desk preparing for meeting and all of a sudden a fielding swayze about 10 feet forward. Comes back. I saw debris coming from the top of the building. It was almost as if someone was cleaning out their deaths. All kind of papers everywhere and so as we were gone down the farm and were going up with their air tanks. It got to about the 6th floor. And i could feel that the south tower had collapsed the sheer magnitude and it caused the north tower to twist and so it blocked. My ability. Could get out of the stairwell at a group i was with we held onto each others fell through. We finally got to where i thought we were out of the building. But it wasnt it what turned out to be the lobbying. On me west side highway. It was if if there was fresh. Snow the whole room was white, including know the roof and the room. And the people i was with we we got lost and so. People started to scream in my Group Pressure dont scream because theres debris coming down. So i said lets look for footprints we look for footprints there were none that said ok. Now its time to screen. So we got out it was somebody who with a bull horn said. If you can hear my voice and then they put a light follow this light. So we follow the light it took us to the side of the building wheelock walked along the overhang we got to the visa street stairs which are now known as the survivors staircase and then we hit hit the ground. Walking in my pumps in my skirt. In a Police Officer says run. A chevron adjustment 45 minutes in the tower out here in my suit and my palm fact turned around. And there was an clone of black. So i ran 16 to the holland tunnel and then i dove under the core because that just wish there so thick. Riveting account and brave to tell it like kaylee tells us she plans to be in new york next year for the 20th anniversary. By the way if youd like to watch that full interview hits on our website kron 4 dot com. And still ahead a devaluation orders expanding as a pair of wildfires in oregon take aim at the suburbs of portland. When rose Climate Change played in these historic west coast wildfires will speak with the u c davis Environmental Science and policy professor to try to get that answer. Plus new details in the George Floyd Murder trial as the 4 officers charg were living in uncertain times, but as californians well get through this together. If your income has been reduced or youve lost your job or your Health Insurance, covered california is here. We can help you find the Health Insurance you need to protect you and your loved ones. And, you may even get financial help to pay for your Health Insurance. So, if you or someone you know is without coverage, visit coveredca. Com to learn more or enroll today. So, if you or someone you know is without coverage, so youre a small businor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. In the north bay, half a dozen fully automatic weapons are off the streets tonight you see him there napa county sheriffs deputies responded to a call for possible shots fired from a moving vehicle last night. It was near atlas peak road near the berglund Family Vineyards saw officers say they saw 3 men and a rifle in the vehicle. Thats when deputies searched the car. Fiat total of 8 guns, 6 of them or fully automatic all 3 men were arrested and charged with multiple felonies. 4 former minneapolis Police Officers charged in George Floyds death went before a judge today for a pretrial hearing. Prosecutors in the case say that all of them should face trial together because the evidence and charges against them are similar. One of those former officers, Derek Chauvin is charged with seconddegree murder thirddegree murder and seconddegree manslaughter. Floyd died after video showed chauvin pressed his knee against floyds neck back in may. The other 3 former officers involved are charged with aiding and abetting seconddegree murder and manslaughter. Defense attorneys have argued for separate trials thing that theyre likely to offer different defenses the judge is expected to make a ruling at a later date. Next today double trouble 2 major west coast wildfires are threatening hundreds of thousands of people in oregon. To evacuate. And up next in sports. The niners Season Opener is less than 2 days away were going to hear from head coach Kyle Shanahan, on prepping for right now, we could all use some comforting words, so here it goes melty, melty, tasty, grilly, juicy, sizzle. Mmm, that should feel better. The sourdough patty melt is back. Make it a combo meal for just 5. 99. Melty, melty. And packed with my toasted sourdough bread. Freshly grilled onions, 100 beef. And two slices of melted cheese. All that with fries and a drink for only 5. 99 . Woah, is there an echo in here . Get my sourdough patty melt combo, back on my menu for 5. 99. Firefighters are battling 2 large fatal wildfires that threaten to merge near the most populated part of oregon, including portland suburbs, the States Office of Emergency Management says the number of people ordered to evacuate statewide because of fire rose to an estimated half a Million People are more than 10 of the states population. According to governor kate brown, dozens of people are missing at least 5 people have been killed smoke pollution wildfires raging all across the Pacific Northwest, worse and around the bay area today making for. Some of the worlds worst air quality and we have a chance to speak with mark swartz an ecologist and professor of Environmental Science and policy. At u c davis about the impact that this is having on our forest ecosystem. Thank you for being with us professor i guess first off how much of what were seeing in terms of the a historic amount of fire. Do you think is Climate Change related and how much of it is a lack of proper forest management. Well i have to say 3 of our biggest that weve ever the complex that the complex than that. Now a new complex all started with an hour within an hour of each other because of lightning. And it is very very unusual for us it lightning in california up by the parents at all. And the draw on the coast range this was a tropical rain storm that moved from mexico up to one civic. Im president we just dont get the kind of weather storms and i think thats an indication of Climate Change. It started a hundreds of and. The result of which over million acres burned in these 3 big complex than that. As you say a fire or a not combined function of how we manage wildlands people and and. The fuel of the climate thats out there theres no doubt that many have become larger and more severe and more in tax will because of a lot of people on the ground but 6 large fires in california history are all along the coast range and those of most they land on burned there theres trouble and scrap of land. And a little bit from the august complex has been timberlands in africa. New complex for example has virtually no in that was really are a function of how to manage well. We did a story yesterday about how bark beetles and the drought are creating a problem here would you then sort of throw that into the the pile climate you know accelerants for these fires. Know your route a more frequent deeper and you should expect more qe through the 21st century with Climate Change and so this is a big problem parking or a little more complicated that if our our native beetles that have been. Moving westward that have impacted the Rocky Mountains quite severely and and and those are and Climate Change and help those things move along but they also high contagion among trees that look we didnt have any love between treat eye to density and then a function of course management. As a left knee as left a complicated issue. And this is a complicated question because theres probably no easy answer, but what can people do i mean folks talk about moving out of california and the bay area because of the unprecedented people worry what the state will look like in 1020 30 years from now what is the answer. Well i think we have to think about this year being an outlier looking at. Weve had an increase in burned at over the last 33 years there in just 5 years weve had one more than a half a million and a half acres burned in a fire even and people poured in the last for years 3 to 5 in the last 4 years. I and this year will be like people and if got the impression is a large last year was very mild fire year and i think that we should expect more fire in the future i think it an extreme outlier on on the bad side of the i dont know. Well we hope so too but i will tell my house burned down in the east bay firestorm which at the time was one of the largest fires in u. S. History in a residential area. We were we understood up in the Berkeley Hills at that was every 30 years the one that preceded it was you know in the 70s. So so what were seeing these fires now on a regular basis there every year is this something that now we this is the new normal. It sure looked like it for the future money but most remember that california is the metro he find that these are all he could get better very dry in the summer. Theyre all fire maintain ecosystem that in bottom 2 burning. And so were living replacing ourselves in harms way when that thing off in wild land urban interface and and is the way we manage landscape its gotten to be more risky you could more people in a landscape that increases the risk and this is is the problem and i perhaps one of the issues that were going to be confronting in the near term will people be able to ensure their in some ways carried that it is not clear. Yeah well actually its a current problem so this is a you know a lot to discuss were going to obviously bring you back in because that we cant solve this obviously just in in one night. Thank you very much for joining us. Professor mark swartz and professor of Environmental Science and policy at u c davis. Thank thank you. Brandon. In sports from the team t fiber sports desk. This test tonight we are less than 48 hours away from the niners Season Opener believe it or football is here and will be taking on a high powered offense. In the Arizona Cardinals the 9 ers and cardinals of course faced off twice. Last season both times niners won, but the cardinals given some problems send now with a revamped roster led by secondyear q b kyler murray. Hell have a big weapon out there one of the best Wide Receivers in the league Deandre Hopkins 9 ers head coach Kyle Shanahan knows that despite the 2 wins against arizona last year. You cant underestimate them and hes stressing the importance of his players executing on sunday. Guys are fired up theyre ready to play. But you got to go out there make sure you execute and we havent been out there yet neither of so you see thats up to me a lot around the league. So guys got no matter how excited you are to play you got to make sure you lock into doing your job doing your assignment. Both of those things dont always go in and ends. It takes both of those things to be successful. But sometimes they can contradict each other so i know the excitement is there another guys be ready to go. But you cant lose track of thinking thats all thats going to worry about you got to be locked and theres a lot assignments that you got to do to execute the stuff and both teams are playing really hard which i fully expect the team that executes federal land. As we mentioned earlier tonight, the giants were scheduled to play the padres again tonight in san diego, but it around 06 20pm tonight, both teams learned that the game would be postponed 10, we know now is because of a positive covid test within the Giants Organization and then they said tomorrows game will be postponed as well. Theres a big series with playoff implications, both teams, playing well have further details hopefully to talk about the future of the makeup games and then the future of the series, so they got to play sunday. We dont know all right other baseball as in Arlington Texas taking on the rangers fourgame set top of the first no score bases jacked format all city is thats a good combination is it jeep and pages crushes the ball like he often does high deep to right, no doubter taking early 4 nothing lead on olsen slam. Then in the second is up by 3 sean murphy, muscles this one deep center. Forget about it 464 feet dead away center open extends the lead as role 10 6 the final. Will play the rangers tomorrow in a double header game one. Tomorrow afternoon pointing to nba playoffs clippers nuggets game 5 of the western conference semi store if you are and denver asking when is a lie 4th quarter less than 3 to go nuggets leading by 6 paul george pulls up fades away shot good 26 for george to clippers within 4 minute later, denver leading by 2. Ill have the quarter. Michael porter junior cans it from downtown clutch shot, he said after last game you guys got to give me the ball more they gave it their nuggets beat the clippers one 11 one 05 the final 34 game 6 is on sunday. And that wraps up our kron 4 news at 8 thanks for being with us this hour but stick around because our primetime news continues coming up at the top of the hour talking about what else the wildfires in Northern California oregon that are giving us some of the worst air in the world, were looking ahead to whether there is any kind of relief in sight this weekend and Climate Change one factor fueling these historic wildfires, but its only expected to get worse over the next decades. What experts say we need to start doing right now it was just a get together with friends. No big deal. Everybody felt fine. But now im super sick. Everyone is sick. I just wish we had been more careful. It would have been easier than this. So wear a mask. Do what you can outside. Stay six feet apart. Because some things you just cant take back. Do your part to lower the risk. The news station youre watching kron 4 news at 9. Now tonight, we are taking a live look outside at the Golden Gate Bridge side as we continue to monitor that

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