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Said cant even tell those are trees thats the walnut creek am only reason he can make it out is because you can see the traffic making its want way along there just past walnut creek. I mean this air quality its got to be bad if were talking about it the way we are after 25 days of consecutively bad air. And it is indeed the worst with smoke having settled down from over the past few days. Number wednesday, we saw above us yesterday started to smell a little bit more now its really settled in and this is what were seeing the dark red the worst of air quality and were adding in smoke from wildfires burning up in the pacific northwest. This satellite imagery was taking on wednesday, you can see the wildfires up in oregon where is all that smoke heading well out into the pacific. Its had a few days to settle down work its way down coast and now with our light on shore flow this morning were seeing it pushing into the a combo of fact both are owned wildfires and then also fires burning to our north up in oregon, which have also been just as devastating. Now we are seeing fog becoming less and less apparent that means more and more of what youre looking at is just the smoke thats going to be hanging out all day so were getting rid of the fog but by no means will skies be clearing out into the afternoon with winds as light as they are not enough air moving around to mix out any of that smoke that has sunk into the region. 50s and 60s for your current temperatures, it is a cool morning and sure it will be a comfortable afternoon. But it is not an afternoon to spend much time outside whether you have breathing conditions or not this is an unhealthy one for all of us to protect your lungs protect your health, take it easy today to your workout inside or better yet just called a rest day this friday, 60s and 70s for highs. Robin. All right, thank you john lets check in on the looks a little bit better now across the Golden Gate Bridge a few minutes ago we have some major slowing with folks trying to get out of San Francisco, the fog is just so tense and we have a dense fog advisory for the golden gate and for the bay bridge as well and i just remind folks do not turn on your high beams you know keep your regular lights on your low beams are fine when youre driving through conditions like this, but you dont want to startle are blind other but the trip across the span looks pretty good. Were 20 minutes nevado to San Francisco, heres the bay bridge, 80 wesson to San Francisco. Foggy as well dont forget to space yourself out you know give yourself a little room between you and the other cars dont drive so closely since its already hard to see 8 minutes off to fremont street and 92 same problem 13 minutes here from hayward to the peninsula but a foggy commute here between the east bay and peninsula as well darya james. Thanks a lot robin lets get outside and check out the weather weve all of our reporters stations china of look and see what they can see and smell. Lets start with will tran and james because well said today was the worse for sure looked a lot different, but he didnt smell, it does smell the smoke. I dont smell the smoke, but i can certainly feel the smoke because you only service is my camerawoman we were both talking about her eyes burning now or throw kind of scratching an itch e. And this is the worst by far without exception yesterday. Feels like a Summer Breeze compared to right now look above me thats a combination of a little bit of fog. And mostly smoke and it is impacting visibility. Its like youre stepping into or out of the fog but we know its because of the wildfires. Let me show a map really quickly just to give you proof of how bad the situation is James Fletcher talked about the good old days of it, maybe a little purple here a little purple there. Now now its purple everywhere so is this you can get worse than purple. Its a if you dont have to be out dont because its going to be very difficult breathing and yes i did see one jogger this morning and even i had to give her aside i look like what are you doing. Let me show you video of people in San Francisco of course life goes on people have to go to us. Go to work get to their family and friends maybe take care of elderly mother who knows but the bottom line is people are out and about and almost every one of them james and area we did see them wear a sometimes they dont want to wear a mask and they dont believe in covid19 but when it comes breathing that is personal when he gets into your lungs in you can feel it right away or pretty soon thats why i see compliance as far as mask higher today, then other days before the wildfires because lets face it a lot of people are Walking Around even with covid19 around without their masks. The careful take it easy i would not let your children go outside unless its absolutely necessary. No working out unfortunately the gyms a lot of the hard to find i love working out area, but now i might have to just run in place in the middle of my living room back to you, heres the weirdest thing is because of covid and everything the dogs have been all used to be in walks like a million times a day and now in the past week and definitely today and yesterday its no walks at all. Absolutely right you cant be and San Franciscos the 5th city you see people out and about. Not as much. I mean i was sitting here thinking, i dont smoke you dont smoke james has of smoke, i cant believe that people intentionally put a cigarette in their mouth and inhale that i would imagine is pretty much like this yeah, good point thanks. Well all well so well zoom in San Francisco and as i said that weve got teams all over so lets jump over to the east bay now and see what things are like over in Alameda County kron fours reyna harvey is there this morning and right now are you doing. Well daryn james however, everybody out here in the east bay, not so much because the air is awful you can see right behind me the cars driving up the big smoke very hazy and almost looks like because the drive and the fog but theyre not going to look at the air quality map you can see here in hayward in this area. The a key ally is about 300 and more that means the ayers dangerous to be out today you dont want to be out here for too long and not just here in hayward if you look at all clear over every dealer berkeley, the air quality over there that is well 300 plus some areas i saw about 3. 80 so youve got air quality thats nearly 400 which is really dangerous. I was talking about yesterday it being dangerous for people who had asthma and allergies and people with respiratory problems but today. Its dangerous for everybody whos out and about for too long. If youre starting to feel lightheaded you start to feel dizzy. You probably are inhaling just way too much smoke now ive been talking to some people because more people are coming out i didnt see people out here biking and walking their dogs spoke to one woman, heres what she had to say about the smoke. Horrible horrible. I can bring with this. Police use of the mass. Police do it. The love with that month. Right so shes very smart shes telling you right now its horrible out here and i saw a couple of people out here without a mask ride by on a bike i wanted to. Weigh them down across the street and say please put on a mask today and the next few days so hopefully, the sometime next week well be able to get a break but for right now everybody to stay indoors or limit your time outside if you have to be out here. For now reporting here hey were you know, harvey kron 4 news i thanks for an am. Okay so lets go to the north bay then see what conditions are like there and visit once again with the poor sarah. I. Could you see the bridge was going to say this is the shot right to know where she was just white what you have an overpass behind can see that. Yeah that was incredible being at the Richmond Sandra fell bridge removed over back again to larkspur landing. Where yeah you can see the overpass behind me but also i saw the sun i havent seen the sun in days. And i with known as i showed you at the top of the shows just shining through that fog in smoke that nasty air that we have been breathing all week and unfortunately were ending the week at the worst possible air quality could have i know its hard for you to really kind of fathom thats why we show you this map so often because you can see with your own eyes with physical as it evidence showing the numbers there purple dots thats around all of the north bay and marine county specifically its looking pretty bad in sandra fell in corte madera and sausalito seeing numbers in the 2, 300 range or higher even and that is really concerning for people who are outside you want to limit your exposure its unfortunate that we have to report to you as you head into your weekend to stay indoors as much as possible because i think a lot of us have found peace with this whole pandemic the least being outside going outside and getting some of that relief. However now we cant even go outside not even going for a walk would be healthy for you because of the particles in the air it is not good for you to be inhaling that unfortunately in marin county people love to bike ride and run and do all this outdoor recreation. But todays not the day, im sorry its not the day so make sure you stay inside as much as possible if you work outside or you have to head out the door make sure you have a mask like the one im wearing with a filter on it they are hard to come by of course. If you can get your hands on one of those it will definitely help i notice a huge difference in wearing one ever grant know wearing it when i was so cavalier about it earlier in the week in todays the day though to take of the most seriously as we head into the weekend for now reporting live in marin county Sarah Stinson kron 4 news all right, thanks. A lot sarah. And no better in the south bay will slide your quality map that direction youll see for yourself nothing but red and purple indicating again hazardous dangerous air quality so definitely try not to be outside for any length of time today if you have to go make it a quick trip in and out dont forget your mask. Again remind family and friends to stay indoors. If you have the option dont go outside today and heres a look at one of the reasons why weve got a cal fire map showing the entire state of california and its just dotted with fires again worst fire season that we have on record you can see fires dotting all up and down the spine of the Sierra Nevada and also in the north bay, the Central Valley and down in the southland as well, weve got lots of smoke in the air so really no matter what direction the wind blows because the bear is kind of right there in the middle were going to get smoke from one of these fires billowing over and make matters worse we now have smoke from oregon also coming down the coast in being sucked into San Francisco bay as that marine layer pushes its way and so a double whammy todays not the day to be out and suffering the air quality is nothing compared to the people suffering there are using their homes and their lives. At least 10 people have been killed in the fires and several others in the butte county fires are still missing right now. This used to be called the bear fire, but they changed the name to the north complex west zone fire. And crews found 7 more bodies yesterday so that makes 10 fatality so far and there are more than a dozen people still missing as you can see theyve got to go into the rubble to see if anything is less left as far as people and homes 2000 homes, we know plus and other buildings have been destroyed in that fire and then the creek fire in fresno county. Its 6 contained which is the best progress yet since it started on friday, the fire is going to a 176,000 acres. And its destroyed 360 homes and other structures so far more than 1300 personnel are battling the flames. Well heres a quick update on the containment efforts for the fires burning closer to home. We have the lnu complex fire in the north bay that weve been following for a while now that fire still stands at 95 contained this morning. The scu complex fires in the east bay and portions of the south bay. Thats 98 contained. The czu complex fires in santa cruz and san mateo counties. The containment now this morning stands at 85 and then a little bit better for the woodward fire up in marin county out of the Point Reyes National seashore that fire now 95 contained. And so far all the sizes have stayed stationary, so thats good news on that front. Well take a break it is 9. 13 coming up well have details on the businesses that can now finally reopen indoor operations in San Francisco. Beginning on monday. Good that indoor operations can resume because you do not want to be outside today as much as you can be our worst air quality of our to 25 consecutive days of battery that is saying something its so funny to see what always call as a fall which you cant tell the happiest place on could because you love to travel and now im kind of sad look there goes the flight to somewhere some where we see the air up there is better than their no flights may be delayed a little in its kind like when you look out the window and youre flying in fog that what im looking out our window and i feel like its i havent seen this since years ago, i went skiing, i was at the top of the mountain him and it just was all white because i had the white you know the snow and then the right of the fog and thats what the whole very feels like just wait like its like youre on a mountain tough to and john i dont know is is is there any change in the weather pattern Going Forward that will help clear any of this out you know not this weekend sunday late into monday. I do anticipate at least the potential of a system that will sweep through just enough to help us out. But guys i mean were a 3rd straight day with really no sun tomorrow, its likely to be very similar sunday, maybe a bit of improvement but this weekend all in all. Yeah its going to be gloomy. I mean this is Half Moon Bay this morning that is not just fog looking at that is all actually mostly smoke that has moved its way in right along the shoreline right into the bay and certainly stretches out into the central part of the state to out towards sacramento. And san joaquin valley. Its far smoke goes weve obviously been seeing it for a few days now wednesday, the really orange one it was sitting above us. Yesterday you started to be able to smell as it lowered and today has really sunk into the bay area you combine it with smoke thats sitting off shore from wildfires burning in oregon. Those fires just as historic and devastating as what we have here in the state and the smoke pushed right our direction down the pacific shoreline. So we have a for on just how bad that smoke is its from fires all across the west coast fog is already starting to burn off the hazy conditions will remain all day long so grey start to what will be a grey and smoky finished the day 2 and with little to no wind across the bay area at this point. Really minimal chances to get that all stirred out of here we are in for these smoky conditions really for the rest of the weekend. 60s and 70s for high temperatures today. Why is it so much cooler than we were to start the week well we were already going to see a cool down. But the smoke has just enhanced that. Now what were seeing is very minimal daytime heating will not a lot of that heat making its way to the surface because that tense layer of smoke is blocking it out. So temperatures are 10 to 15 degrees below average for this time of year 60s and 70s for east bay areas that as you remember just days ago were above a 110 degrees for many of the same spots so big changes just a matter of days wish i could talk about changes as far smoke goes and we will be seeing them, but its going to be a slow go these next few days. Today are smoky este in our worst air quality tomorrow likely not to be much better sunday we should start to see improvements sunday night into monday even more so yet and into next week it will be a better forecast as long as no new smoke is put up from any new fires back to you. All right, thank you john lets check in on the friday morning commute around the bay area starting to thin out looking a lot better. We started off with some hot spots but now not so much to the Richmond Sandra fell bridge traffic is nice and light here its only 8 minutes into the north bay, but just a reminder. Youll need the lights this morning keep those low beams on downturn on the high beams space yourself out i mean its already hard to see dont be on someones bumper. When youre driving through reduced visibility in smoke and fog, its just not a good idea and dont forget to put that air on recirculate so that youre not pulling in all that smoke out there 92, not so bad just a little crowded 13 minutes to the peninsula and check out these drive times on time and looking good for friday along the shore 6. 80 and also 87, nice and smooth out of the south bay sorry. Thanks robin. It is 9. 20 right now and more businesses are going to be opening up indoors in San Francisco. Hair salons nail salons and gyms are allowed welcome customers indoors with limited capacity, starting monday. And of course lots of disposable wipes and masks and social distancing and the like. And this after you know the gyms just got used to try to open outdoors but then with air quality that was a problem. Now these gym owners even though its a big rigmarole and kind theyre happy. This just demonstrates this city can listen they can hear that the cries coming from not just the Small Business owners they can hear the cries coming from residents of San Francisco who want this dont know that during a pandemic could really help him out. And this announcement comes one day after kron 4 reported City Employees like the San Francisco police. They had been able to work out indoors. At the hall of justice jim since july even though the health order said nobody working outdoors in San Francisco. Lets go to the south where we have gyms and fitness clubs scheduled to reopen indoors too but with covid19 safety rules in place and that goes without saying this comes after Santa Clara County was able to move down to the less restrictive red tier of the states covid19 guidelines. However the gyms can only operate at 10 capacity. We want to make sure theres enough space around everybody and they also course have to follow social distancing guidelines. The equipment is spaced out in the gym as well, and its regularly sanitize they say and everybody has to wear a mask, but there are well little to no complaints really people just desperate to get back. Helps relieve a lot of stress like work and school the fun, its a difference and make it a look a little bit better the 7th and they look forward to members have been excited. Get to not just with physical will be but also their mental wellbeing. Reservations are required for workout sessions and under the Santa Clara County opening reopening plan. Theres also a touch free check in system to so that will help out as well. As we head to break, lets once again remind you if you havent heard already the air quality today is the worst its been all week all sections of the bay area in the red to purple maroon coloring on the map here indicating hazardous air conditioners theres a lot of junk in the air smoke as ash all of that stuff it was just a get together with friends. No big deal. Everybody felt fine. But now im super sick. Everyone is sick. I just wish we had been more careful. It would have been easier than this. So wear a mask. Do what you can outside. Stay six feet apart. Because some things you just cant take back. Do your part to lower the risk. 9. 25 was i just say like snow day. And it is a snow day for schools and parks and theyre canceling all kinds of stuff now because im tall gray end, what you see on your screen here is a tweet from the Golden Gate National a park service. They are basically shutting down the parks in their system today, including mayor woods as you can see there alcatraz. 4 point because they dont want to encourage people to come out so theyre telling you right now if you had any plans on coming to one of the parks just stay home because theyre the parroting the same message were all part of which by the way indoor and nose or a nearby parts i just got a text from a friend who was going to yosemite this weekend. And apparently thats not happening back country yeah smoky they dont exercise outside which is why San Francisco state is canceling all oncampus activities because of the air quality and if kids were in school and be the same thing remember when we have bad air a couple years ago the kids werent having soccer practice they were having games they were in the door, but now the kids are not typically in school anyway so just keep them john haha yeah, i know thats not good news, but it is good news that people dont have to go out there for these events today or at least feel obliged to do that is you do not want to be. Outside as little as possible at least 60s for your daytime highs today, you know part of the reason why its so cool that smoke that dense smoke, preventing heat from reaching the ground and warming 9. 29 the big story is just when you thought it couldnt get worse. It is the air quality is worth a visit worse, the visibility is worthless look at the approach to the goal. I mean the bay bridge that the wall of fog but its small it is yeah and with each passing moment, the fog is dissipating and its being you know revealing just how thick the actual smoke and haze is thats there. Joining us on the phone once again this morning Aaron Richardson with the bay area air Quality Management district and aaron each day that we talk to you it seems like the air quality seems to get worse and worse in today, worse yet. Yeah for savings really have taken a turn for the worst that we had our or higher the re you know since the smoker concerts yesterday and today is looking very out of the because we did even worse so theyre on on fortunate things are not looking for very right now and each day we called him i dont think were going to call you. Had more im afraid for the weekend could get worse, its already pero with purple is the most i mean thats the worst it can be. Could it be worse than that. Yeah, there is theyre like a maroon hazard we did reach an hour early at one on august 23rd i think, but we you know it was mostly in the then read during our early. Periods but to me we did have a read for the full day in air force is doing its best to all of europe is our highest that weve had throughout the preferred the full daily reading for the whole period. And we talk to i forget which day it was now where you kind of explain how smoke that was settling out of the ocean was continually being pumped in by that ocean breeze and boy were really seeing the effects of that this morning. Dc you do your folks see any sort of relief on the horizon or we kind of just status quo for the next few days. You know, its looking like status. Quo, i mean were going everybodys going to reconvene this morning our meteorologist to make a decision about extending the spirit here i think its probably pretty likely well, i dont know at this point far were just it. The air is pretty stagnant were not seeing a whole lot of strong ocean breezes and we were just blanketed in smoke from these fires in california and oregon. And just you know right now the outlook is is not great. And i the word about la having the worst air quality in 26 years yesterday. But i havent heard sort of like a landmark statement about our bay area air quality as of yesterday do you have anything like in comparison. Well, you know we didnt have higher peaks order quality during the camp fire in 2018 and even some in 2017 it was a shorter but we had sort of intense poor air quality of the service. What happened here with as we got the longest stretch of ever in the bay area with regard today and counting. You know and then again we are getting. Are you know highest daily readings that weve had throughout that period there, you know started yesterday and potentially we could put it even worse today, wow and were look were trying to look at a live picture here of us afterschool International Airport youre hardly make out any of the buildings in the distance. And with you talking about how this is the 25th day in a row now the too far off. From being who you know kind of a full month. Under these hard to breathe conditions, its just hard to get your mind around that weve been under these conditions for so long. Its really you fortunately piece to be there. Of the new world for baxter climate change. And i guess before we go i just want to remind people that even if especially kids because theyre going to be like and i play even if you dont smell smoke. The air is trust me kids bad for you so you should be running around and i think thats going to be counterintuitive for a lot of people. Yeah well, you know you know you you can kind of you know to protect their best thing to do again to find out you know what your career sort of our bay area air Quality Management district, what paper kind tracking that from a bulk of the neighborhood and bringing the best thing to do earlier for because thats what really during the day but definitely not they want nobody to be out by much throughout the bay area and im ok thanks a lot. Aaron. Were not going to call you gain right on monday now john youve been really good at predicting. So whats your best guess were putting on this much wind patterns right in the weather thats how obviously it might not be as bad on monday, im betting it wont be but its i think aaron might get another car. Yeah i think its going to be a slow go and today i think we are cresting today tomorrow we are definitely seeing some of our worst conditions now. Assuming there will be new wildfire activity or massive growth of existing wildfires. We should start to see improving conditions from sunday into monday. But its still going to be bad so by karen was talking about i do think that we are at least going to have the spare the air alerts extended for a few more days just putting that record even further had 4 consecutive days walnut creek you saw this camera minute ago but is really rough looking air quality as weve been talking about very very poor. Now talking about why its so pour is a combination of 2 factors now weve obviously seen air quality issues, especially from the smoke, the past couple of days at least on wednesday with the orange it was sitting above us yesterday. We started to perceive it more as it sunk a little lower and today. Its just really sunk down into the bay. Look at this map this was on wednesday right here this is a satellite imagery you see from wildfires in oregon all that smoke was pushed out offshore has slowly made its way down coast and is now being pushed on shore by that very light sea breeze that we have just enough to have pushed dense fog in this morning. Fog is becoming less and less of a thing so more and more of what youre looking at out there is really just that smoke, so we started gray undergoing and that same way but were going to be looking at more and more is just that smoke that has settled down. Thats what youre going to be breathing in any time you step outside so of course you want to limit that winds to come to be stirring any sort of that air quality out its going to be staying with us through tomorrow and through sunday, too 50s and 60s for our current temperatures, it is a cool start to what will be a cool afternoon. Really were not going to be much warmer this afternoon daytime highs in the 60s and 70s lot of that smoke blocking out any heating that usually does occur during sunny afternoons which today will not be thats your forecast robin ill send it your way all right thank you john looking at some of these cameras and searching for the traffic sometimes its actually hard to see because of all the smoke and haze, lets head over to 6. 80 were checking the drive to wannacry. And its a huge improvement compared to the Early Morning hours on scanning conquered, Pleasant Hill wanted creek alamo. And all is well so no big problems for that 6. 80 commute here at the bay bridge. We started off with a dense fog advisory for 80 and also for one oh one across the golden gate. So you want to be extra careful in space yourself all dont follow so closely when youre dealing Poor Visibility like this 8 minutes into San Francisco. And heres 92 another smoky foggy bridge 13 minutes between the east bay and the peninsula. Well [horns honking] ms. Robinson were ready ms. Zamora Estamos Listos ms. Duncan were ready ms. Williams we have missed you so much. Ms. Zamora were with you every step of the way. Narrator making our School Buildings safer. Ms. Williams no one wants to be back in the classroom more than teachers. Mr. Hardesty but we all have to be safe. Ms. Robinson we take great pride in making sure all of our students achieve. Ms. Duncan remember to wear your mask. Ms. Robinson wash your hands. Ms. Zamora and stay safe. Narrator because the California Teachers Association knows quality Public Schools make a better california for all of us. The 4 back time now is 9. 40 happening today in the east bay, a new drivethru covid19 testing site will be opening today with self administer tests is located at the delaware street there to the North Berkeley bart station, right there at the parking lot. People can drive up to the site roll down your window get a lap cat from the staff and roll your window back up for you to swap your seal the sample back up and hand the kit back over and theyll send it off for testing. The location will be open for 3 weeks and appointments can be made online so check it out if youre interested. Meanwhile part is looking for ideas on how to use some of the train cars that will no longer be running. As you know the transit agencies in the process right now swapping out old train cars for new upgraded ones. And in january barts going to allow you to submit proposals on what they should turn these older cars into some of the options that have been suggested the museum exhibits restaurants, maybe training tools for Law Enforcement maybe a potential bart Merchandise Store if theyre interested in doing that i dont know, but anyway theyll be open to your suggestions come suggestion, turning them into apartments or something or maybe some sort of like bart themed hotel with are not other countries i saw somewhere. I lets take a live outside so we could see along the embarcadero. Center studios. I a wall of smaug. Greeting everybody is morning. No matter where you go. And we are back time now is nigh 44 1 of the big stories this morning. The bad air quality impacting the local ceremonies that were held to honor the victims of the september 11th attacks its been 19 years since the terrorist attack in San Francisco, the poor air quality force the Fire Department to move its annual ceremony indoors. They held the event inside firehouse 7 as they read the names of the fallen firefighters. The man air quality from the wildfires is bad for your pets and animals to and now one east bay Animal Rescue group is trying to help horses deal with the smoky air check out this course. Yeah, its wearing a soft rubber breathing machine. To help it breeds. And this comes to us from hold your horses, its a nonprofit based in Contra Costa County and they rescue livestock during fires. All over the state and volunteers say theyll continue to care for the rescued animals after pfizer out this is what they do. My group is very good with maintaining relationships with these families once there. But the homes and ranches are destroyed we go back in after the fire has been distinguished and we go we provide aid and medical supplies for everybody is pretty much lost everything. They recently rescue about 20 horses from the deer zone fire in Contra Costa County that happened in august james. We were watching a well do a live shot there and he was watching the livestock. But the horse is now in house when he was coming to find they were moving away. I was so sad, moving in moving inland. The cows to the head toward kind of forget that you know were not the only ones dealing. With the bad air out there. Lets talk more with get a better sense if you if youre just joining us for the first time this kind of explain why the air so bad and maybe when we might catch some relief john yeah guys i mean for someone that just waking up you may look outside and think i just a foggy morning. Definitely not just a foggy morning. There certainly is fog out there but most of what youre seeing now is smoke imbedded in that fog this your view from timber on not much different than really any other view you would be seeing across the bay area weve had a record amount of consecutive days with spare the air alert. So were used to bad air quality at this point its saying something that today is by far the worst we are seeing that dark red indicating or worst of air quality at the coast peninsula, north bay and all across the east bay, san jose youre in there too. It is not the day to plan anything outside stay inside as much as you possibly can were talking air quality that is hazardous for everyone, not just for those of us that do have respiratory conditions now theres really 2 big reasons why here first of all weve seen smoke drifting from Northern California the past few days. Wednesday with the bright orange it was sitting above us yesterday a little bit lower and today really sinking down into the bay out on top of that smoke, thats making its way from wildfires in oregon that has traveled down the pacific shoreline has now made its way on into the bay and that fog and we have a very a bad situation as far as air goes. High pressure is in place going to keep things calm and going to keep their sinking in the days to come so even as we race fog into the afternoon the hayes will stay with us and with no wind to be pushing it out today tomorrow is likely to be just as bad today and tomorrow not days to be venturing outside sunday likely to be very pour too. Although sunday night into monday could start to see some improvements. 60s 70s for todays daytime highs, another cool one. And you can blame that partially on this poor air we were already in for a cool down regardless. But this is heightened those cooler temperatures as we havent seen a lot of sunlight been able to make its way to the surface, obviously its been a very dark past couple of days. Todays going to be another one of those so temperatures will remain cool. 60s and 70s for your highs all across the east bay, including our inland areas were daytime highs are 10 to 15 degrees below average for this time of year. Even our warmest spots like vacaville and fairfield not even going to be making the 80s far as tomorrow goes were going to be just a touch warmer likely just a smoking for many areas. Sunday temperatures do start to warm up a little bit inland and you likely will see at least a touch of clear skies sunday night into monday is when i anticipate at least a good step forward were likely to be dealing with smoke well through the course of next week albeit not as bad as it is today. Sports fans are buzzing because football is back the fortyniners play on sunday after the season kicked off last night. This headline ripped from the daily mail sums it up nfl fans booed when the chiefs and texans linked arms for black lives matter. There are only about 16,000 fans there because of covid and a foggy face shield made it hard for caseys coach to watch his team beat the texans 34 to 20. Another day of bad air, but good baseball for the as, they beat the astros again at the coliseum and the winners again it was a great game 3 to one. At the coliseum giants though lose to the padres and they are losing Pablo Sandoval theyre releasing the 3rd baseman because well because is cute and cuddly but he hasnt quite panned out a super mom will battle naomi osaka for the u. S. Open title on saturday. But it wont be serena williams. Serena lost her semifinal match with fellow mom Victoria Azarenka fellow that sounds where her. Sister mom thats better. I mean its obviously disappointing but at the same time i you know i did i did what i could today united feel like other times ive been close and i could have done better. Today and felt like i i gave a lot. I just i dont care if she wins for so many years and for me serena is the biggest superstar in tennis. Naomi osaka knows them or when she can rack up the bigger shelby. The closer it gets to the finals the more i think about. Honestly like no one. Remembers anyone, but the winner. And. Even if you know i do happen to. I want to see lose but like dont achieve my goal in the finals at least i get like the chai knew trophy at least i can leave with something so. If you didnt know or before everybody learned her name when she beat serena for the u. S. Open trophy in twentyeighteen warriors star Draymond Draymond green is crossing enemy lines. He just bought a 9. 6 Million Dollar mansion in laker land. Brent would be exact of course he still has his San Francisco penthouse for basketball season. But the new digs have more room for his growing family his fiance actress haze over in a shared the news that theyre having a baby with an adorable instagram pic captioned green party of 5 landing. Hollywood is giving birth to yet another tiger king. Amazon is now going make a joe exotic drama starring nicolas cage. Her fate. Now we dont know who plays carol baskin. In this one, but we do know that kate mccann n is going to play joes nemesis in a competing mini series that Nbc Universal has in the works. Thats an one i think age is but james i really hope they didnt need all this i was going to say original on netflix was in it was the same go all of its own those got the real characters were wackier than who needs hollywood actresses actors right hard to think that nic cage is really going to have to play it up. To match. You got to play there. Its crazy they are not so if you havent seen. The joy exotic special its perfect to hunk were back at 8. 54 bark is increasing its Weekday Service for the First Time Since the pandemic first struck starting on monday bart trains on most lines will be running every 15 minutes during peak hours. Like you would normally expected to be right. And this is in part to reflect the current ridership levels coming back up with more more riders taking to the service before the pandemic bart was averaging about 400,000 customers a day right now its down about 45 49,000 so a big drop, but it is starting to return part Officials Say commuting on their trains is safe dont worry about that. Were running were safe. We have good air flow. We have mask requirements we have hand sanitizers at every single but right now our focus is getting writers to feel comfortable riding the trains. Meantime their transportation Officials Say the drivers have been slowly coming back to the roads to we saw that trend sort of start to take hold during the summer as more businesses reopen and more more people began their commutes again so. Traffic building all and so is pour parties get worse and worse every day and kron 4 with kron on and Sanaz Tahernia is going to have plenty of coverage of that thats right deiah the air quality is still a huge problem here in the bay area, but the nfl season has kicked off. So coming up at 1015 well be speaking to the fortyniners executive Vice President about the choice to play. Despite these conditions. Plus today marks the 19th anniversary of the 9. 11 terror attacks and at 11 oclock well be talking to a 9. 11 survivor, so you wont want to miss that so be sure to download the kron on app to stay on top of these stories and more back to you. Thanks a lot. Lets leave you with a quick look at your sevenday round of a forecast where we have hazy. Skies smoky skies really plaguing us today hopefully today is the worst Going Forward, but its still going to be with us right through the weekend. We have john was talking about maybe relief perhaps sunday into monday as we get into next week we just have to get the weather pattern to change and get those. Those ocean winds to really kind of kick up a little bit mixed sierra right right so you want to stay tuned to kron and just right through the weekend you go to kron 4 dot com and chron on. For the latest and until monday, then the ceiling, a good guess. In just a few months, weve learned a lot more about the covid19 virus. Its real. And its dangerous. So, on behalf of all of us working on the front lines, please take it seriously. And while we dont yet have a cure or a vaccine, we do know how to keep you and your loved ones safe. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay six feet apart. Do your best to stay out of crowded spaces. And get a flu shot, its even more important this year. We can do this. If we do it together. An all new dr. Phil, if we do it together. From our studio before the pandemic. My dad is a pathological liar and its hard to believe anything that he says. Dads been living a double life. They all say their dad is not a lawyer, not a pilot, but an outofwork mooch who has been lying for years. You say you began telling lies in 2019, but you were having an affair in 2007. I did have that. Oh, there was that does he expect yall to cover him and his lies . He kind of did. And has an excuse for everything. They changed the medication that i was taking. So the devil made you do it. The devil and me, a little bit of both, dr. Phil. Have i lied recently . Im scooting away because if lightning strikes. Come on, man, im trying to help you out here. Todays gonna be a changing day in your life. Youve never had anybody working harder to bring you

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