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Hayes fog thats what were starting this morning with you can see from the east bay berkeley, not looking at much of a view just yet thats due to low cloud cover thats lifting above the east bay hills so most of our bridges are just fine on even the golden gate as you traverse up into Marion County are down in San Francisco, looking great as far as visibility goes not so great as far as air quality goes which will be getting to here in just a minute 50s and 60s for your current temperatures with alameda at 59 degrees hayward concord oakland in the low 60s right now nice mild morning of course its tempting to get out there maybe go on that job but id say work out indoors. This next week as we do see hayes sticking around 6070s, 80s and even a few 90s remain in the forecast today weve got all the details on the smoke all still to come first, lets get a look at traffic with rob. Thank you john will traffic is starting to ease up on our bridges but its getting slow on the freeway. So lets check out the bay bridge first the drive into San Francisco just a minor weights at the bay bridge toll plaza, this is a huge improvement compared to an hour ago when it was stacked up from the bottom of the maze, but as you can see thats no longer the case, heres our trouble spot. This is 6. 80 rolling into wanted creek just getting word of a new accident southbound 6 ad and treat thats in your left lane thats why its backing up on to 2. 42 coming out of concord so slow all the way up to the scene right after the scene traffics going to open up the rest of your trip looks good so 15 minutes from pacheco out to danville and we have this crash south one oh one in North San Pedro thats causing some heavy traffic leaving nevado so its all jammed up from highway 37. When you make it to the golden gate, youre fine but because of that crash here at 27 minutes or make that 28 minutes now rolling south from nevado to the toll plaza james. All right. Thank you very much robin so happening right now smoke of course from the fires is making it awfully tough to breathe the air qualities. Well horrible in spots, this is the latest a map showing you where it is at its worst. Hes have to look for the darker colors, the dark or does the worse it is and yeah you can see the peninsula up in marin county daria now one of the worst spots has been nevado 4 days ever since the fires broke out really off and on and lets go to kron 4 Sarah Stinson now in nevado to see. How thick the smoke is right now sarah. There my mask on that has the filter just because i drove to the worst part in novato its a film or in keys boulevard right off of highway 37 and also on the other side of highway 1 one and it is bad, i got out of the car and my eyes started burning and my throat scott that tickle its not a good situation so you want to stay indoors as much as possible. Lets go back to that map that we just showed you where you can see that dark dark purple thats where its the most hazardous and then you see the other colors show unhealthy air quality and you can see that in the map there novato pretty bad theres pockets of this across the bay area. But its especially bad in the north bay. Its a little better in south and east of the peninsula looking like getting a little unhealthy even as the bay area fires gain containment, the smoke in the air quality still suffers and the smoke lingers creating that bad air quality you can see it from a birdseye view we do have video from our drone our quad copter you can see the footage from the current just like a blanket of smokin haziness its just gross the bay area air Quality Management district declared a spare the air alert before the fires even sparked. But kept the alert going for the last couple of weeks due to the smoke making that air quality even worse and it just kept lingering. We havent had that offshore breeze coming in like we did a last week which is wiped it all out that was nice and then it came back, so you can feel it in your throat you can feel it in your eyes. I talked to a man who is an electrician and he described you know he cant really avoid it and told me how he felt about that. As trails trying to shout across the site and you know my my throat cast are inching and that doesnt happen to me. So it was concerning but then things just keep stacking that and there thats what im trying to remain positive. I think we all we all should remain positive and that keep pressing for doing good deal. Yeah, i like his positivity were talking about not only do we have coronavirus we had the fires now we have to worry about the air quality fires earning the fully contained. So thats what he meant by its all stacking up, but he seems to be remaining positive. If you have any Underlying Health conditions, the best way you can stay positive in protect yourself is stay indoors avoid going for that run this morning i just saw an elderly man he was going for run in good for him, but todays not the day its just not healthy for you im saying hazardous air quality were on that nevado hopefully well get some of that relief as i said with that offshore breeze coming in in getting this kraft negroes air out of here thats all we want so hopefully well get that i know john troubles, the tracking that for us for now well send it back to you darya james all right, thanks a lot and sarah its not just you know impacting our alongs its impacting the taste of the wine. That we might drink. Wine makers say that even the slightest hint of smoke and ash can ruin and effect. A final product they also say theres no way of knowing you know how much of this smokey chemical, the grapes are going to be absorbing through the skin of the grave and even if you cant taste the smoke in the grapes the taste can show up in the fermentation process and get stronger as the wine ages. Yeah, the tools of the trade something you can the care for them because. Most california winemakers say theyre not going to sell anyone they believe is going to be ashley your smoky and that could lead to a loss and money and impact the entire wine industry. And the smoke is also affecting the workers who are out there, picking fruits and vegetables smoke from the czu fires is reaching monterey county. The United Farm Workers Union says that 84 of the workers have not been provided with an n 95 mask and ppe that they should have in the pandemic in these conditions and heres some pictures. The field workers in salinas and you can see the smoke behind them as they work outdoors with their masks on and now a local Community Based Advocacy Group is working to collect donations for the farm workers. Were more likely to father chest like my my like like if youre a small thing like 10 degrees on even smoke or it was a very hard to free and if any had its imagine now them that they are actually there for 10 hours monday to saturday. I called for what must have been for them. So the union is really fighting for these workers saying that they would like to have more protection for those who have to work in the smoke outdoors. Well lets talk more about the outdoors our Team Coverage on trouble in the Weather Center keeping an eye on where it is now all around the bay area and also where it might be heading into we see any relief i know the winds are important john yeah, winds definitely the biggest factor in where that smoke has headed. One of the reasons that nevado has been a problem areas because winds have just pushed it right down into that base in on the western side of san pablo bay. Whereas state now for multiple days, this is an update to your smoke map just from a couple of minutes ago, i was making and you can see some of her problem areas still do remain right along the coastline further south of the peninsula. And then up in portions of moraine county some of your better areas right around Richmond Mill valley on up into the northern portion of Sonoma County and south of san jose. Weve actually seen air quality deteriorate just a bit in San Francisco over the course of the past hour making its way from moderate now to pour conditions within the city itself. Oakland also not looking at quite is going to air quality is what you had earlier this morning to start out the morning, zooming in on our problem spot which is nevado stairs up there right now you can see one of the reasons why we do have smoke pooling in this one area. Winds converging from the north out of petaluma with that coastal breeze from longer need us through nevado and that means that a lot of the smoke is just getting drawn right there has nowhere to go so pools up in nevado and not the best day to be spending much Time Outdoors more details in your forecast are still to come so stay with us back to you all right, thank you john. Well, lets talk more about what is whats causing. All the smoke which are the wildfires. We have some updated containment numbers for you and the good news is they continue to rise. The scu lightning complex fires burning in the east and south base, 70 contained this morning thats a new number and a much better number than we were just a couple of days ago the lnu lightning complex fires in the north bay now 69 contained so just about that same level of containment for those 2 fires the czu complex fires burning in san mateo and santa cruz counties, falling just short but still improving its now 41 contained. And the fortyniners too by the way as we switch gears now and talk a bit more about how covid is impacting the nfl season. We know that a star linebacker has been place now in the teams covid19 list its a blow because he cant practice until they know its safe. Lets go to kron fours will tran to find out more about this from levi stadium. Well. James the really the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the fewer than one in this case, its fred warner they dont want him possibly exposing and self to the whole team covid19 and teaing down the whole niners so get out of here getting it away from Training Camp until we find out whether or not you have covid19 hes waking up this morning taking lee not positive, but they will do tests let me show you pictures of fred covid Everybody Knows hes a superstar linebacker but whens the last time you actually saw him and his full face. Well he was having a great Training Camp theyre not saying exactly why the suspect that he was exposed possibly to somebody with covid19 but hes no longer with the team right now they will do tests and if it comes back negative he can return to Training Camp and then he wont miss the Season Opener but if he is positive and he shows symptoms of covid19 hes away for at least 10 days. Maybe even longer than that so this is the whole new world that the nfl has to live within the nba. They have a bubble in the nfl they do not just Like Major League baseball, so coach shanahan. He has to make adjustments. A reminder that. No ones out of the woods and when you go go few weeks with Nothing Happened and if you start to feel pretty safe and. A reminder that starts to move out there so. Well see how it goes im not going get into because i cant but you guys know the rules with this was a couple options with the test to come back in i will see how it goes he said. Fred warner will have to do a lot of tests even know he might test negative rate so they want to do a couple of tests just to see if its come back negative negative and if so theyll return to the team. Even if these positive and he does not show symptoms daria hes out at least 5 games and still might not make the regular season. Back to you ok well have to wait and see thanks a lot. Well. Also in the news this morning still ahead the largely unwelcome visits the growing opposition in kenosha wisconsin ahead of President Trump scheduled visit were going to be tracking him as he makes his way there and also sign of relief for some parents the usda now extending Free School Meals for all children until the end of the welcome back 8. 15 on this Tuesday Morning skies very orange over mount diablo as we see some haze with yet again sitting right over the bay area not going to be much improvement of it in this forecast either some of your clean cleaner air quality sponsor them are in the headlines out towards Richmond South of san jose and north of santa rosa. Basically the rest of the bay area problematic conditions right now so not the best of air to be stepping outside so limit that morning exposure and keep an eye on their quality maps into the afternoon too as will keep you updated with those latest conditions look like we are still seeing fog along with that smoke across the day, although the fog will be something that we dont see as much this afternoon as it burns off offering up some hazy sunshine later today with a High Pressure ridge starting to build in daytime highs are going to gradually increase leading into your Holiday Weekend just around the corner and likely smoke is not going to be going anywhere any time soon thats the bad news in this forecast. So tomorrow morning. Well have another push of cool ocean air along with that some fog into the day that will help to sweep some areas out but that smokes got to go somewhere so youre likely to see pockets of bad air in pockets of good air again into tomorrow morning. After that we will continue to see foggy impacts during morning hours, hazy sunshine during afternoons, todays daytime highs a little cooler than yesterdays and actually pretty pleasant temperatures. 50s and 60s for San Francisco as well as write down the shoreline of the pacific as for the bayshore 70s in millbrae and burlingame great weather further south into palo alto at 75 Mountain View at a nice 78 today, south bay temperatures also a little bit cooler low 80s for santa clara milpitas in san jose 70s for free might union city and hayward well out of the 90s for the tri valley and back into the 80s while the creek and concord also fall from the 90s back to the upper 80s, oakland, 70 for your high well 70s continued through in napa vacaville again the hot spot in the bay today at 95 and nevado is he starts and youre looking at an 82 degree high later on today tomorrow and thursday weather really not changing all that much friday we are going to see a slightly cooler day inland slightly warmer day for bayside areas, this leads us into a are hot Labor Day Weekend daytime highs inland rise, into the triple digits or at least near that 4 hottest of temperatures through labor day on monday. Thats your forecast robin is here with a look at traffic and what is the latest well its improving in several spots but we do have some problems as well lets start off with 92, were going take a look at traffic heading across the san mateo bridge that trip from the east bay. Over to the peninsula a huge improvement compared to earlier this morning, although was never that bad, but its still a little crowded here some 13 minutes off to one on one. Heres the favorites check it out no delays heading into San Francisco much much better earlier we had a back up that spill through the bottom of the maze thats no longer the case 10 minutes into San Francisco. I still have a crash on 6 80 its in your way heading into walnut creek south 6 ad a treat looks like we still have one lane blocked. So thats why youre backing up through Pleasant Hill and to concord on to southbound to 42 puts you at 14 minutes to make it my way for out to danville were also checking traffic heading through San Francisco, northbound one oh one looks good north to 80 trouble free. There is a little bit of slow traffic on the northbound central just north of 80 onto city streets but no big problems will check more coming up in just a bit back to you. In the buzz covid causes a bump in the road for the fortyniners and the as. The giants have moved on to colorado to play the rockies. But the as are still playing a game of Texas Hold Em in houston. So far nobody has tested positive since the one as case that derailed the game with the astros on sunday, but they cant leave houston till they get through the covid protocol, which means they cannot play in seattle today or tomorrow. Maybe theyll be able to play the mariners on thursday and the San Francisco 49 ers are defending against an outbreak by putting star. Linebacker fred warner on the covid reserve list that means he either has covid or was exposed to someone who has it either way he cannot return to practice until they decide its safe. Although these days nothing is a 100 . A good reminder that. No ones out of the woods and when you go go few weeks with Nothing Happened and if you start to feel pretty safe and. A reminder that starts to move out there so. Well see how it goes im not going get into because i cant but you guys know the rules with this was a couple options with the test to come back in. I will see how that goes he said. Losing your star defensive player less than 2 weeks before the start of the season is not good. But if you follow college football, you know it could be worse with the pandemic blowing up the division one season. Southern miss and southern alabama will face off on thursday. Not the blockbuster kickoff, youre hoping for but most of the biggies pulled out because they were afraid of exactly what is happening right now. College kids returning to campus. Acting like theyre invincible. Getting way too close not Wearing Masks and spreading covid after the first week of school case rates jumped in all power 5 conferences. Look at this usa today bar graph the 7 day average of covid cases per 100,000 grew at least 25 during the past week in counties with power 5 colleges while the average fell 9 during the same period nationwide one College Player who knows that he is not invincible. Memphis running back Kenneth Gainwell he has lost for family members to covid after burying his uncle over the weekend. The redshirt sophomore decided to opt out and risk his nfl future. Rather than risk getting anybody else sick. Covid and black lives matter have created a much more somber atmosphere at the u. S. Open no fans and no nidal but joke of it delivered. He won his first round handily but no handshake at the end just a racket bomb and naomi osaka beat her first opponent and donned her first mask of many honoring African Americans whove died at the hands of police. This one says Brianna Taylor osaka says as a black woman, she feels there are much more important matters that need immediate attention rather than watching her play tennis. And thats why she joined nba players in stopping play last week. One of the first nba players to suggest a basketball boycott got to see his family for the First Time Since entering the playoff bubble. Well really i love you daddy. Toronto raptors point guard fred van fleet saw his kids on monday yesterday for the first time in months has now family members are allowed. To come to the walt disney bubble. I he needs to play better of the raptors are going to have a chance only time will tell if families in the bubble will have a positive effect on motorcycle riders love the open road. And geico loves helping riders get to where theyre going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. The geico giveback. Helping riders focus on the road ahead. And were back at 8. 25 states senators are going through dozens of bills to help californians get through the pandemic on monday afternoon the state Senate Approved a measure to ban evictions through january under this measure landlords cannot evict tenants who dont pay their rent because of the pandemic related hardships that they might be experiencing. It would also ban evictions from tenants are for tenants who pay at least 25 of their rent thats do between today and the end of january theyre trying to make an effort right. The state Assembly Still needs to approve the bill for governor Gavin Newsome to sign. And take a look at this a car. It went off a cliff monday morning in San Mateo County seat down there wow yeah this happened off highway on ones about that yesterday, yeah right near devils slide. Yeah. So thats the situation. The firefighters saw when they got there paramedics had to pull the percent of the car and how to push them back to safety. The victim as we know was taken to the hospital in last check was in Critical Condition said quite apply on the cover but yeah dramatic photos there. 8. 26 is the time right now and coming up next on the kron 00 04am morning news a sign of relief for some parents. The usda is extending free meals for all children until humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. A 29 right now and youre not going to need the sunglasses today thats for sure no, but the mask, we know that youre walking or robin were going to get a check of traffic in a second but john got to start with you and lets take a look at that forecast. Yeah, i know the haze that fog its all blocking out the sunshine this morning, this is your father, your view from timber on as cloud cover begins to rise here not really driving through the fog as much as you were at the start of the day. Were definitely looking at great overhead oakland, San Francisco and santa rosa visibility has improved but watch out for some foggy spots in these areas. Well you really got to watch out for is the haze which will yet again be an issue for a lot of the bay area, especially up in marin county this morning right along the coast of southern San Mateo County couple of spots where weve seen some relief right now at least Richmond Mill valley, north of santa rosa and south of san jose are some of your slightly clear areas as far as air quality goes, 50s and 60s are current temperatures, a cool start to the day very similar start to yesterday we had the fog we have the haze and we have the Cool Temperatures yesterday, weve got all that back and play this Tuesday Morning. Later today, a touch of a cooler afternoon to be expected with highs in the 70s and 80s for most of us. Robin. All right, thank you john were checking back in on the bay bridge toll plaza which has improved nicely heading into San Francisco. So you dont have to worry about a backup anymore if you were waiting for traffic to improve in and get better to San Francisco where there you go now its a delay free trip so come on in 9 minutes after fremont street traffic is clearing up on 6 ad as well i talked about the crash in walnut creek southbound a treat. So a little sluggish back from to 42 in concord but only 13 minutes from highway 4 out to Danville Daria back to you thanks a lot rob and take a live look right now in National News we can see that President Trump has arrived in kenosha wisconsin. After touching down and he is start when he touches down actually the governor of wisconsin and the mayor of kenosha dont want him there but. And this is why because right now he is on the tarmac about to leave and he still defending our militias after the fatal confrontations that weve seen happen he refuses to condemn the violence and a lot of the worry on the local and out in kenosha. Not just by the mayor of the city, but also the governor of the state is that his appearance there may stoke anger and increase the temperature when they have you know tried their best to try and bring it down here the past. 24 hours. We have Shimon Prokupecz is with more on the visit and whats expected this week. This morning President Trump is moving forward plans to travel to kenosha wisconsin. Despite calls from local officials. To reconsider his trip. Im disappointed that he is coming the president is always welcome but at this time, its just the wrong time right now is the time for us to heal and to be able to look inward and deal with the issues that we have to deal with the white house says trump will survey the damage and speak with Law Enforcement officials. Dismissing criticism that his appearance could cause even more tension in the city. It could also increase enthusiasm and it could increase love and respect for our country. Unrest in some American Cities like kenosha and portland are now a major talking point for trumps reelection campaign. Joe biden slammed the president s rhetoric from a Campaign Stop in pittsburgh. He may believe bob the the words law and order makes and strong but its fair you to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is this as protests continue demanding justice for jacob blake who was shot by police over a week ago. President trump will not visit blakes family because he says they want a lawyer present each. Im not going to play politics. This is my sons life were talking about. And while protests in kenosha became deadly last week. The president refused to condemn the 17 yearold gunman suspected of killing 2 people is so the same tape is i so he was trying to get away from them, i guess looks like. And he fell and then they very violently attacked him, but i guess she was in very big trouble he would have been i d probably would have been killed, but its under investigation. Biden announcing all violence from both the right and the left saying trump is only causing more division instead of uniting a hurting nation. The violence were seen in Donald Trumps america. These are not images of someone madgen joe biden american the future. These image of Donald Trumps america today. Well right now there are no plans for any meetings between President Trump and jacob blakes family will let you know if that changes. Also were learning new details about the recent protests in oakland. Police arrested 24 people over a threeday period, most of them turns out did not live in oakland. Police say events promoted by the group called. Area revolution turned destructive from last wednesday through saturday windows as youve seen of the broken at 21 businesses and there was about a 100,000 worth of damage done to the federal courthouse during the protests. Officers say rocks and bottles were thrown at them. California lawmakers meanwhile want the state attorney general to investigate all Police Shootings that killed unarmed civilians. However attorney general Javier Becerra says that that is unreasonable the bill is one of the highestprofile reforms yet to be filed this year in response in response to the killing of george floyd the state Senate Passed the bill despite opposition from this era. He says it would cost his office about 80 Million Dollars to enforce each year. Nonetheless it easily passed the senate with bipartisan support and its now headed to a final vote in the state assembly. Time now the 35 in the north bay, the Vallejo Police union says the Police Department is understaffed and thereby endangering the community now the police union claims there are quote generally no more than 6 officers on the street at any given time in the entire city of about a 120,000 people. The union says it forces officers to work overtime shifts which causes fatigue and it impacts citizens safety. This comes as the department deals with accusations of Police Brutality and incompetence. That is no justification for unlawful unconstitutional shootings. False the illegal arrests detentions theres no excuse for Holding Officers Accountable at the fort for discipline. And or maintain good policing. The fact that you may be under staff has nothing to do or whether you should be a professional baker the constitutional laws and rights of the citizens of aleppo. The Police Department says that only a 105 of the 122 pay positions are currently filled and theyre now reviewing 13 new candidates, the Department Also reached out to the chp asking for aid officers to help with their patrols. Its a 37 and in the east bay, the west Contra Costa County Unified School District has resumed its Free Summer Meal Program at 15 schools across the district and that means kids eat free anybody under 18 the meals were distributed tuesdays thursdays 08 00am to 01 00pm at de anza else kennedy pinole valley and richmond high schools also jeanne Helms Hercules and pin all middle schools and bayview nystrom and riverside Elementary Schools and again thats any kid under 18 who wants a meal the district doesnt require you to be a student or show any kind of proof of id you can find a full list on our web site at kron 4 dot com. Its a 37 and still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news new details in how Louisville Police tried. Tied Brianna Taylor to a drug ring before killing her will have the latest details. And were back time now 8. 40 records are revealing more about the case against the man that Louisville Police were looking for when they shot and killed Breonna Taylor while she slept in her bed. Investigators offered the suspect a plea deal if he would implicate taylor in his alleged crimes. Jason riley has the details. A Facebook Post monday morning by briana taylors family attorney calls the latest findings in the case b s in the post Taylor Family attorney sam egg, your claims drug suspect Marcus Glover was offered a plea deal in july if glover admitted taylor was part of an organized crime ring. Glovers attorney said he received several plea offer from prosecutors. On the one contain her name the most recent offered others did not as part of the offer glover was to acknowledge over a period of time through april 22nd. He in several codefendants, including taylor engaged in organized crime by trafficking large amounts of drugs. If youd taken the deal got probation and boarded a 10 year sentence for Drug Trafficking gun and criminal syndication charges. Garrett says in his post referring to Commonwealth Attorney tom wine. Thank god, his office recused itself as we sure as whole know what they would have done and shame on that office one released a statement monday afternoon saying the offer was a draft and not a Court Document and is based on joe phone calls in which Mister Glover implicated ms. Taylor in his criminal activity. One says once he was advised of the discussions he directed taylors name be removed as a codefendant, the police she was sent to go visit july 21st and the offer was withdrawn when Mister Glover failed to surrender himself to court. One goes on to condemn eggers comments as a false accusation, adding that miss taylor was never a codefendant. That was jason riley reporting while taylor was not named as a codefendant in the final version of the plea offer did call on governor to say that her apartment was used to store. Proceeds of the trafficking operation. Well of course all eyes on smokes today and we have seen some minor changes over the past few bring those to you here in your smoke maps. You can see areas like the north bay right around marine county, an immediate coastline still are most affected that San Francisco, a deepening red indicating that yes we do have some worsening air quality in welcome back 8. 45 on this Tuesday Morning really pretty view of mount diablo but even though we have seen some relatively nice sunrises and sunsets lately its all for the wrong reasons because thats haze and smoke that just wont leave us. Mount diablo definitely under some red skies as the sun begins to come up air quality indicated in some pour conditions on the peninsula portions of the east bay like hayward and fremont and even San Francisco now has gradually seen air quality deteriorating this morning on the other side of the spectrum richmond years has gotten a little better. Areas south of San Jose Holding up well and north of santa rosa, also doing all right as far as air goes as we make our way through the day thats all going to shift all it takes is one little change in wind direction and you can have smoke blowing overhead so dont count on your area necessarily remaining clear or hazy all day long. That is an ever changing forecast these next few days. High pressure is building into place what this is going to do for us as result an increasingly stagnant in sinking air means any smoke or pollutants that are put up over the bay area are going to settle right back down and just stay with us and that is not necessarily what we want to see in your Labor Day Weekend. But it is what we do have in the forecast you may want to adjust your Holiday Weekend plans accordingly today we will see hazy sunshine into the afternoon, another push of fog tomorrow that onshore flow will help to stir up the air just enough that some areas will clear out some areas will see a pooling of smoke like we have the past few days, well continue to see this trend over the next few days as we move our way into the weekend that High Pressure really puts itself into place and were going to see very calm conditions that means smoke likely to be even worse come saturday and sunday 50s and 60s for your highs and San Francisco as well as right along the coastline today temperatures along the bay real your best bilbray burlingame in the 70s foster city at 74 palo alto at 75. If youre heading outside to enjoy that just give the air quality maps an extra look before you do so i know these temperatures being as comfortable as they will be for many of us is so tempting to enjoy. But if you have respiratory conditions got to be extra cautious oakland at 70 while conquered in walnut creek in the upper 80s only to 90s on the map today antioch in vacaville at 95 in vacaville novato at 82 and still suffering from some poor air quality this morning. Wednesday thursday friday or cooler definitely more moderate days of this forecast. After that we get hot into your Labor Day Weekend. This is what im talking about here once that High Pressure moves into place we heat up we stay sunny and likely to stay really hazy too so be sure to plan around that for the holiday monday Labor Day Weekend we could be seeing an offshore wind that will be very dry and that could also up fire danger. All things to think about this next week ahead as far as traffic goes robin well tell you what you got to expect getting on the roads, hows it going its going well the heavy traffic is pretty much out of the way we have a lot of crowding earlier this morning, but the bridges are looking fantastic. So now is your time to get on out there if youve been waiting to do so all right, lets head over to 92 were checking in on the 70 over its first and we have traffic looking good here for both sides, the eastbound and westbound into and out of hayward so 13 minutes for that connection between the nimitz and one oh one heres your bay bridge commute, 80 wesson to San Francisco. No longer backed up smooth on the upper deck clear on the skyway 10 minutes into San Francisco. And a really quick peak at some drive times the only small spot is the nets and thats really just through hayward 23 minutes from to 38 to 37, but all is well on 5. 80 out of livermore 6. 80 leaving dublin and no problems for to 37, nice and light milpitas out to sonny bill james all right. Thank you very much robin. Back to the news now think of your favorite band and their biggest hit. Now imagine you never heard that song because the band never had a stage to start out on that is the harsh reality for many artists trying to make their break during this pandemic weve got Vanessa Yurkevich reporting now on the crisis facing americas music venues. Would you be where you are today without independent music venue impossible theres no way theres absolutely no way. James murphy the lead singer of the grammywinning band lcd soundsystem says he owes his career to the decades, he spent perfecting his craft in small independently run music. This is a kind of like natural ecosystem that can lead to take a coral reef of bad news. Its like an National Asset that if it goes away, it doesnt come back he was scheduled to play here at Knockdown Center in queens, new york in april a gig thats been postponed indefinitely its really its like you know there is no timeline on when we could reopen. We were the first to close or industry will be the last to reopen which is why knocked down and nearly 3,000 other independent music venues. Banded together to form the National Independent Venue Association or niva the group along with 600 other artists from lady gaga to billy joel are calling on congress to take action. Were about to lose all of the carnegie halls for independence mall, his iq. Once niva has endorsed the save our stages act a bipartisan bill which would provide a 6 month grant to independent venues. In atlanta, this is where Young Artists grow up this is where the local talent hone their skills josh into new she runs center stage. He says he received a ppp loan which has helped him stay afloat until now. The live events indefinitely on hold he has no other source of revenue there is no sustainable pivot. For businesses like ours we you cant do live music to go niva estimates that independent music venues generate hundreds of thousands of related jobs. And 90 of venue say without federal assistance they wont last 6 months if we dont have Capital Investors if we dont have a stock market supported business. How will we possibly continue to pay the bills. Toby parks just opened her music venue x bk in des moines, iowa. Before the pandemic shut er down its not just hurting us and our thing is its hurting all the Small Businesses starting the pizza place thats next door to me the coffee shop thats next door to me and its hurting the community as a whole it was a dream years in the making. But shes now looking at closing for good in just months. And does a minority led business owner, the prospect is heartbreaking thats why im fighting so hard particularly for people like me. You are a black woman and so its incredibly important to be able to. Maintain it and to continue on for the next generation of people to take my place. I was Vanessa Yurkevich reporting music venues across the country plan to be lit up in red tonight to highlight that live Events Industry is on red alert for its survival the event is expected to include more than 1500 locations across the country, including then use in San Francisco. The news will be lit up in red from 9 at night until midnight. As we head to break, heres a quick live look outside our camera in San Francisco showing us the embarcadero and the bay bridge will be right back. And were back time now 8. 55 and take a look at this 12 yearold professional skateboarder. Sky brown as she drops in on a giant mega ramp with legend tony hawk leave kicker some last minute pointers holy cow. Yeah, shes taking on the latest challenge is just 3 months after wiping out on another ramp and nearly dying. She was that session say this is when she lost control in midair and fell onto the concrete floor. Theres video of it she fractured her skull broke her arm and wrist and had to be airlifted to an icu and there she is and now shes back out there shred it. I was going to get back up and finished even harder. Wow and she did us issues out of the hospital she was back at the park skating even with a giant cast on her arm until eventually teaming up with tony hawk himself to not only conquer any fear getting back on a big rapids. Absolutely destroying it look at that she did on earth are trying to successfully dropped in on the mega ramp as its called now shes continuing training for a chance to make the u. S. Olympic team, how about that. Ive heard take a quick break. Its 57 is the time coming up in the next hour smoke. Weve got to keep updating you on if the fires are still burning the smoke still making the air quality bad around the bay area well have updates coming up on that in just a minute and the winerys 2 lot of winemakers concern the smoke could impact the taste of their wife. Well explore that in more youre watching kron 4 morning news at 9. Good morning. Everybody thank you for joining us here on the kron 4 morning news today is tuesday september 1st weve got robin and john with checks of weather and traffic thats how we like to start the hour robin before we get to the forecast anything big on the roads. No major hot spots right now the traffic is definitely improving so well take a look at those bridges james, very good alright john to you then whats it looking like outside. Though still smoky james and so foggy for a lot of the bay too. For timber on cloud cover sitting over head. Its going to be persistent through much of the morning we are starting to see some clearing occurring, but its really not going to kick into gear much more until after

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