And the czu august lightning complex fires on the peninsula to percent contained. Thanks for joining us on this friday night. Im Vicki Liviakis that im grant lotus we continue of course to track the 3 lightning complex fire still burning in the bay at this hour. Well start with that czu august lightning complex fire system thats burning in san mateo and santa cruz counties. Fires that were burning separately in those 2 counties merged overnight in total. The flames have now burned about 57,000 acres and forced more than 60,000 people to leave their homes at this hour. The fire is just 2 contained at least 97 structures have been destroyed nearly 25,000 others are threatened this evening. 2 people have suffered minor injuries said there are more than 1100 personnel working those fires right now. And we have Team Coverage on the czu or this lightning complex fires are kron fours gayle ong dan thorn they are alive. In Santa Cruz County with the latest on the fires and the damage there and our meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez is in our Weather Center tracking weather conditions. We want to first start with gayle ong who has the latest on the firefighting efforts in the Santa Cruz Mountains and san mateo gayle. Grant and vicki, its also worth noting with a 57,000 acres. Some of that is actually back burning uncommon firefighting strategy where crews will intentionally set fires to control fire lines and firefighters have the upper hand with the weather today. They saw a low winds so that was a big help they were able to fly aircraft to drop heres some video of earlier this is by highway one near water creek, and there still some activity even by the coast and we saw some smoldering hot spots. So that has also been a concern at the Major Concerns in this fire is mostly and Santa Cruz County and of those areas is over the san lorenzo areas burning bonny doon which many homes that we know so far almost a 100 homes. Last of structures rather but most of them homes. So a cruise they do have teams out there that will be serving the area over the next couple days to get a feel what exactly has burned now another focus in this fire is evacuating several. Thousands of people im more than 60,000 people were evacuated from all counties all together and another concern is that they evacuate people displaced them. There they could be attracting looters and that is what happened 5 people were arrested in Santa Cruz County. There are people out there unfortunately that are that are looking at to victimize people. We have a laugh and have been displaced since absolutely its its terrible. Its disgusting. Today alone. We arrested 5 people 5 people with 2 carloads full of stolen property. A fall creek road. And a fall creek road that is in the town of felton in Santa Cruz County his picture the 5 people who were arrested i have been seeing a sheriffs deputies in Santa Cruz County patrolling the area. Hes here in scott valley road more than i have seen in the last couple days that ive been reporting. We are live in scott valley, gayle ong kron 4 news. Thank you gayle and we continue our coverage with dan dorm, he is also in Santa Cruz County yeah hes been serving the devastation in ben lomond and. Several homes and buildings have been destroyed out here tonight vick in grand. We are in downtown ben lomond which is just south of Boulder Creek where the fire continues to rage along highway 9 and highway to 36 take a look at this video that we shot from earlier today, a home bursting into flames, you could feel the heat and hear the popping and crackling as it quickly spread threatening another home that was nearby. This fire began climbing up the trees and burning away at any dry brush neighborhoods have been virtually flattened by this fire cars burned in the skeletons, downed power lines and power poles blocking streets along fallen leaf drive memories for people that are living in this area have been turned into piles of ash others have been lucky sum cars and houses actually spared by these flames. Firefighters telling us tonight that this fight has been difficult not a lot not only because of the terrain but the lack of resources because of other fires that are burning across the bay area several of these homes are also located in areas where its one way in and one way out. Many people have evacuated except for some like one man who says that hes staying behind to defend his home despite fire officials recommending people to leave. Is pretty much all we have. So weve been sitting here doing a bunch of work. Clearing it all back into everything cut back nice and clean is eerie is scary. As you can see here. The man says that hes been putting out little spot fires that have been popping up near his home by using buckets of water in his house mates have a also had their cars packed and ready to go in case they have to leave. Firefighters on scene tell me tonight that there are still a lot of fires that are breaking out in this area and they are advising people to leave to not hang out because it could put a damper on their efforts not as we mentioned some of the roads that around here a very narrow and very difficult to navigate. So firefighting efforts are already difficult and having to worry about people that should be out of the zones already just adds to that. All right dan thorn live for us tonight in Santa Cruz Mountains. Thank you dan because of all these fires beaches in beach parking lots in pacifica will be closed this weekend we posted a list of specific locations on our website kron 4 dot com that are affected city officials by the way in Half Moon Bay. Announce beaches and parking lots will also be closed there through monday morning. These fires are forcing families out of the place that theyve been calling home for decades. David birch and his wife have been living in Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz County for the past 36 years. They spent the day sorting through their most prized possessions. A person like jo spence died in iraq. Our daughter gave me his flag. A little emotional. And probably shouldnt talk about that too much otherwise why not get through this. And they are heading to idaho to stay with their children. And now we want to take a look at the evacuation map for this fire as well you can see by this area in red just how large the mandatory Evacuation Orders are i was a lot of territory. Indeed yeah, those fires combining in a lot of cases and they did overnight. With the san mateo portion of the fires santa cruz portion of the fire converging our meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez is tracking that part of the story tonight from our Weather Center reese its its been a long road this week for firefighters, yeah, and it may even get longer grant and vicki, especially of dry lightning in those pop up thunderstorms do form once again later this weekend into early next week. So certainly not going to let our guard down lets take a look at fire conditions out there right now with this czu lightning fire 71 degrees. So still tracking a relatively mild air mass even at this 10 oclock hour relative humidity down to 68 wind speeds though fortunately in the Single Digits in fact nearly calm with 3 mile per hour sustained winds. So that is great news for firefighters going to get a little bit more moisture and also not tracking as strong a breezes during the overnight hours even through the 1st half of the weekend winds will shift out of the westsouthwest with gusts upwards of about 20 Miles Per Hour or less so great news, especially for the 1st half of this weekend thats going to increase our relative humidity for most of our inland valleys or dries locations overnight will actually have moisture as high as 70 to 80 near 100 along the coast and along the bay but were going to cut that in half by around saturday afternoon tracking another warm dry day with the potential for dry lightning and popup thunderstorms more coming up in my full forecast in a few minutes granted to keep back to you thanks for bree said to the north bay now the l a new lightning complex fire is so far. The largest and the deadliest of the 3 complex fires currently burning here in the bay area. This is a map of the areas that are burned more than 300,000 acres have been torched in Sonoma Solano napa lake and yolo counties. And today we have 5 people have died and 4 have been injured in the fire there that firefight claiming almost 500 structures destroying those a 125 other structures damaged in that complex more than 30,000 other structures are still threatened tonight. Some good news though has we we have been reporting cal fire is now saying that there is 15 containment on that north bay fire complex thats more than double what it was this morning. As the lnu complex spreads across the north bay, the town of guerneville in sonoma county, its basically empty tonight following a mandatory Evacuation Order not entirely empty though kron fours michelle kingston was there tonight. She says downtown guerneville is close to a ghost town. Im standing in a deserted downtown guerneville all shops and restaurants is down here an look at this the sky behind me, bright blue, but when i turn the camera just a little bit out of downtown all you see is brown smoky skies, the entire town is under evacuation and we definitely need those that have not heeded the warning and left the area to do so emergency crews are patrolling the area on standby should the walbridge fire make its way into guerneville a heavily wooded tourist town that has not seen a fire in a long time theres a lot of unburned fuel spills that have not seen any substantial fired history and a long that and thats what really led say it being a beautiful area. People enjoy living amongst the it is a truly beautiful parts noma county this home burned nearby earlier this morning fire crews are concerned it will travel to guerneville with winds increase to Higher Elevations when he was just very bad on monday when a Lightning Strike fires happen myers fire which is on the other side of me towards the ocean. So effective monday night and they just kind of been on standby ever sent some neighbors in nearby castle darrow said been keeping a close eye on the rich they see a glow every night but are staying home for now weve been so lucky and where we are and who we have on the spire weve got a crew of at least 6 now locals neighbors that have their personal equipment out cutting lines on our ridges. And theyve been working all night long. So its been pretty pretty incredible neighborly effort out here winds have picked up concerning firefighters that they may push the fire to Higher Elevations and into guerneville a town that has not seen a fire in a long time in guerneville michelle kingston kron 4 news. And that ellen you complex fire and the north bay parts of the area around healdsburg this is what many of the homes look like now in that region, the raging fires also took down a family property that goes back some 80 years. The emotional values we just started to think i read on the cabin and then taken some steps toward on that so well with when i was younger eased up and spend an item or chain. You know i can i just dont hear the clock we know in the in the house. You know the they get up in Morning Coffee berks is out recreating that for our kids is the but i want to start from scratch. Plans change now he says he worries about his winery in dry creek in the family home on mill creek, thousands of people in the north they have been ordered to leave there holmes, this is the evacuation map for sonoma county. The red portion of the screen indicates the Evacuation Order is mandatory in that region while the yellow. Her first to evacuation warnings, People Living there in the yellow are not required to leave right now, but Officials Say if the call comes they should be ready to go. And this just in here a 3 alarm grass fire has just started in valais homemade a map here its burning near lemon street near deer street thats right across from mare island, the fire threatening buildings on cole the court will continue to monitor that situation certainly though concern has a new fire around or street again, threatening structures on coal and were going to be keeping an eye close eye on that one yeah we already have our hands full of course the largest among the 3 complex fires. That is the u. S. S c you lightning complex fires is burning in several locations throughout Santa Clara County alameda contra costa, san joaquin and stannis county cal fire says all together the fires have burned more than 274,000 acres about 10 contained tonight, 5 structures have been destroyed and more than 20,000 are threatened to First Responders and 2 civilians have been injured during the firefight was also the money and live in our newsroom now with a look at the effort on the front lines of that as siu complex fire l a. Just like the rest of the scu fire its made up of all these smaller blazes in the bay area most of that progress was made over in Contra Costa County in the east bay with the deer zone. So now, the main challenges the calaveras zone over in alameda and santa clara counties. And crews are out there cutting fire lines all along smith creek to create some more Defensible Space today and the scu has unfortunately grown at a frightening speed overnight by 90,000 more acres. There were some residents who are hurt so firefighters are reminding us that it is so important to have a go bag packed in case youre told to evacuate. Let me just point out a couple of areas that we did see some significant fire growth last night. This area down the south and eastern side of the of the fire here is where we this blew out last night and we had significant fire activity in here and then on the web as well we also had significant fire down throughout this area, the perimeter yesterday was a bit inside here and so its its its grown significantly over the past 24 hours. And you are showing her the fires to maybe join some yes and so as you can tell last night we had this kind of thing or grow in the fire. And if it has potential to kind of connect here over highway one 30 thats how its always important thing when those Evacuation Orders in those evacuation warnings are in you really gotta. You really got to listen to them because were going to have Emergency Personnel and their whether its Law Enforcement or or fire crews and their and their in their debt to help save those structures that are maybe in and specifically that helps save lives and by by you not being in that area and thats a huge help to the fire crews and and the Law Enforcement crews that are in the area. So far containment has doubled to 10 and hopefully these crews out there can get a handle on this up until we see the next storm later on this week live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news alright ella and heres the latest evacuation map now from cal fire for the as c u complex. Fires you everywhere in reddits the mandatory Evacuation Order well those living in the yellow areas theyve received an evacuation warning but as we keep saying. You just be asked to leave the area at a moments notice so you got to be on guard. Want to check in now with our meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez who is in our Weather Center and shes checking on weather conditions around the s c you lightning complex fires, looking better. Well we are noticing cooler temperatures, thanks to that night life or leave, but we are also tracking relative humidity fortunately going up as a result wind speeds also on the calm side with sustained winds at around 3 Miles Per Hour. So great news right there. Firefighters really getting a break tonight and even for the 1st half of the weekend as far as battling all of our wild fires go lets take a live look outside san jose another hazy night out there with pretty unhealthy air quality still remaining in effect for most bay area cities and temperatures out there right now starting to cool down into the 50s and 60s around the San Francisco peninsula, mid 60s for most of the east bay shoreline and widespread 70s as you make your way inland livermore 70 degrees in concord 77 degrees for you napa in the mid 70s and low 70s for those of you in santa rosa, so we are tracking overall calmer winds speeds tonight which is another great story that we want to see downtown San Francisco getting a little bit of the sea breeze, the 21 mile per hour sustained winds but in and around where the wildfires are burning tracking temperatures and also tracking. Calmer winds speeds as well so we are getting some relief there overnight lows tonight cooling down into the low to mid 60s with the exception of our tribe valleys in concord in antioch just cooling down into the 70s warming up into the mid 90s once again for the 1st half of your weekend, san jose 86 degrees low 90s for santa rosa mid 70s throughout the east bay shoreline so we are tracking about 5 degrees above average temperatures away from the coast, but near average highs returning for downtown San Francisco, 68 degrees cant even remember the last time i said that Half Moon Bay also in the mid 60s for you but stormtracker 4 tracking some potentially Severe Weather heading our way right now just south of the border, just west of baja mexico, what was once hurricane genevieve is actually going to make its as that subtropical moisture and cloud cover right now it is a tropical depression with sustained winds at 40 Miles Per Hour but a fire weather watch has already been issued for all of the bay area starting sunday morning through tuesday morning. Not only tracking gusty winds if any pop up thunderstorms do form of 60 Miles Per Hour less which could spread are already devastating wildfires, dry lightning could actually also spark new one so looks like our big day that we really need to watch out for as far as popup thunderstorm activity goes will be on monday very unstable atmosphere heading our way for the 2nd half of the weekend into early next week and above average temperatures for most of the upcoming 7 days near normal highs returning 10 days from now back to you grant vicki, thanks for everything you have these wildfires creating some really unbelievable moments these are stunning images of the hennessey fire burning in napa county. Flames engulf the hillside getting a clear picture of just by people are being forced to evacuate. Our breaking News Coverage on wildfires continues after the california is requesting a major disaster declaration from the Trump Administration as fire crews battle, 2 of the largest wildfires in our States History death to in the top 10 our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala explains governor newsoms latest request. And she has an update on resources coming in now from out of state. State Emergency Management leaders say more acres burned in california this week than there are in the entire state of rhode island. Governor newsom says california needs more help has nearly 600 fires burn across the state First Responders have been stretched and everywhere throughout the state as crews tried to control fires friday, california leaders say more help is on the way 10 states are sending in additional engines and crews on the ground well california is using some private contractors to help the fight from the air governor newsoms administration has also requested firefighting help from canada and australia. I want to thank. The Trump Administration a day after President Trump threatened to withhold funding from california for not cleaning up its forests governor newsome confirmed fema extended 5 federal grants to help with the cost of fighting the states larger wildfires, grants, the president signed california is seeking a major disaster declaration from President Trump which newsom says would give the state some relief with so many of its resources overwhelmed. Theres not one phone call that i had made to the president where yes and quickly responded and almost every instance, hes responded favorably state leaders say Lightning Strikes are to blame for many of the blazes after 12,000 struck the state this week, the s e u and l a new lightning complex fires burning in Northern California are now the 7th and 10th largest recorded wildfires in state history. Both have burned nearly half a million acres combined those are just 2 of the 20 major fire swallowing property across the state. I hope for good news, but its going to take a long time we are not out of the woods. President trump has approved a major disaster declarations in california every year since hes been in office most of them because of wildfires. Reporting in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. Here now a cal oh yes map giving a better idea of the scope of this firefight what crews are up against this week it shows all of the active fires in california up and down the state Officials Say this week. Just this week 560 fires have burned a combined 770,000 acres. We have more on. My god. The palm tree. The palm tree. You can hear it and when its so close as you can understand the reaction this is a grass fire burning as we speak in coyote that is just north of morgan hill in Santa Clara County started about 1 oclock this afternoon on monterey road just off on a one near Bailey Avenue. So far its burned about a 140 acres san joses Fire Department says it is 50 contained. Cal fire though just tweeting out about a half hour ago containment is only 20 . Little bit of. Discrepancy right there monterey road between Bailey Avenue and metcalf road is still closed well. Crews are working to put out the flames here at moving north now in Marion County the woodward fire thats at 5 containment tonight so far. It has burned at least 21. 100 acres in Point Reyes National seashore. Excuse me it is and more than 1600 structures. A lot about a lot of clearing of the when pipes here. And just to a Point Reyes National seashore the community. The lima is under an evacuation warning tonight, a woman who lives at an rv park says shes been getting ready to leave and she says now she is ready to. We have our dogs with us and so when we go into town now we went into green beret earlier this morning. We took all our important papers all or electronics or dogs or dogs food because we didnt know if wed be allowed back. And heres a look at the evacuation warnings in western marin county right now they are in effect for a lima as well as Inverness Inverness park and see haven a previous warning for the area west of highway one between sir Francis Drake boulevard the intersection there with highway one down south to bolinas that remains in effect again not mandatory Evacuation Orders here but these are warnings. Authorities say people in the red area should be ready to roll at a moments notice right now back to this czu august lightning. Complex fires burning in san mateo and santa cruz counties in total the flames have burned roughly 57,000 acres forced more than 60,000 people to flee their homes and at this hour. The fire. Is just a 2 containment at least 97 structures have been destroyed and nearly 25,000 are threatened, we know 2 people have suffered minor injuries and there are more than 1100 personnel fighting this blaze kron fours gayle ong joins us now live from Santa Cruz County where the growing fires are forcing additional evacuations scale. A grant and vicki so as of tonight, evacuations are completed the latest here in scott valley, ryan roughly 12,000 people were ordered to we this area. Another up and Area Community rather that decided to evacuate is that you see santa cruz campus fall the city of santa cruz is not under mandatory evacuation the campus of forced about 1200 people who are living at the school and working there took they took them to a the Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk at one point. The reason they did this they were really close to the fire lines said the area is surrounded by dry brush wooded area so they want to keep that campus for that. Firefighters to get through some of the open road that area so it is just as a precaution, and they want to also do this sooner rather than later. Moving hundreds of people in a hurry with it with a minimal bus system and then also with the covid situation. We needed to make sure we have plenty of time to move everybody safely off campus were currently making arrangements are shorter short term and long term first people that may have displaced. So our that have housing contracts with the university will be moved over to san jose state theyre going to host the so they can finish out their academic work. And i did catch up with that ucsc student who was heading to san jose state champ spent the night. At the boardwalk she said that the situation was handled really well she was given toiletries mass at places sleep for the night. As for the weekend officials here in Santa Cruz County. They want to rock mine tourists still hold off on visiting just because so many people 10s of thousands people are evacuated. And they just want to keep the area clear and safe for First Responders live in fact valley gayle ong kron 4 news. Again before you go are hearing all these evacuations of course and then some people unfortunately trying to take looting what is the situation in Santa Cruz County as far as that. A grant of 5 people have already been arrested for looting in the town of belton at the west of highway 17 one of the mountain towns on that was evacuated. So i can tell you at least in Santa Cruz County theres 60 personnel dedicated to a patrol the neighborhoods to keep homes safe. I hate to see it. Glad they they caught the people and thank you for that live report thats gayle ong in the Santa Cruz Mountains for us tonight as we continue our coverage now with dan dorn who is also in Santa Cruz County yet hes been surveying the devastation in Boulder Creek. And dan whats the latest there. Well begin grand several homes and buildings have been destroyed out here were in downtown been lowman right now which is just south of Boulder Creek with the fire continues to rage on along highway 9 and highway to 36 neighborhoods have been virtually flattened by this fire. If you take a look at this video you could see that cars and trucks have been burned into charred frames downed power lines and power poles have been blocking streets some people and some homes have been lucky so far. Theyve been spared by these flames but firefighters are telling us that this fight has been extremely difficult not only because of the terrain but the lack of resources and because of the other fires that have been burning across the bay area, several of these homes are located in areas where its one way in and one way out at one point we saw home burst into flames, the fire threatening another home nearby and then that fire began climbing up moving very very quickly up trees and then burning away dry brush. We heard with some from some firefighters that are from all over the state that are out here working to put down these flames take a listen. Theres a lot of fire everywhere. Have the ability to have the amount of resources on. As you can see in this some people have decided to stay behind despite Evacuation Orders. Firefighters do want people to understand just how dangerous that is when it comes to their efforts. Crews have been able to save some homes tonight. We did see one group that was partially celebrating because they were able to get some planes that were climbing up a hillside and threatening a pair of homes they were able to knock that out very quickly said they were happy to be able to do Something Like that. In what has been such trying times for firefighters and people that are out here but there is still so much work that is left to be done. That is the latest here live in ben lomond dan thorn kron 4 news. Thank you dan, the lnu lightning complex fire in the north bay so far that is the deadliest of the 3 complex fires burning in the bay at least 5 people including a pg and e worker died in that complex fire and 4 other people have been injured almost 500 structures have been destroyed a 125 have been damaged more than 30,000 structures are still threatened tonight. That complex in the north bay 15 contained. And it has burned more than 300,000 acres right our favorite story of the night story of resourcefulness now a vacaville man he tried to protect his home from the. Well a new lightning complex fires yesterday but. What do you do when you dont have any water. Well go to the beer fridge corsi is the only thing. That he had the only liquid he had to put out these flames. But you cans of bud light. When i ripped up the sheet metal how the nails are just shaking it up off of it and just thrown to the ground and another one and my body is always tease me about uh you know, Drinking Water beer. And i say save my my shop. Cheaper than craft. Ip a what a story right and yeah, well its going to be calling him to do a commercial i would they be a little said firefighters got to him right after he put out the flames at his shop and together he said they managed to deal with any hot spots and save the shop and more importantly save his home i work whats the saying theyre this buds for you yeah budget them all embry update that got the better news for folks tonight, you guys i cant top that you set me up for to be a complete down or right now, but. Lets take a look at Current Conditions out there with that ellen new lightning complex fire. We are tracking temperatures out there right now still mild in the mid 70s and starting to see wind speeds. Pick up a little bit in the double digits, but still breezy any wind gust that we do see will be about 20 Miles Per Hour less but relative humidity fortunately, up to 66 so tracking a lot more moisture out there right now. Thanks to the return of that marine layer that were going to see deep in during the overnight hours, especially along the coast. Right now just hanging tight off along the coastline Golden Gate Bridge though not tracking any fog us out there at least for now, but you will within the next hour, so temperatures for the most part getting that cool sea breeze and stronger on shore flow for downtown San Francisco cooling you down to 62 degrees in the mid 50s right now for Half Moon Bay with widespread mid 60s for the east bay shoreline oakland 67 degrees in 70s as you make your way inland. But the one outlier antioch currently in the low 80s even at this 10 oclock hour overnight lows tonight low to mid 60s but antioch cooling down to 73 degrees on account of being in the mid 90s for most of today and then were going to notice the cooling trend along the coast, thanks to the return of that on shore flow and deepening marine layer downtown San Francisco cooling down to where you should be for this time of year so fortunately this weekend not tracking any heat advisories along the coast for that matter happening. They 64 degrees pacifica am on tara in the low 60s widespread upper 60s from brisbane to san bruno but burlingame warming up into the mid 70s with upper 70s for those of you in San Mateo Mountain view in the low 80s and widespread 80s for most of the south bay san joses 86 degrees wind speeds will shift a little bit out of the southwest at 20 Miles Per Hour less livermore out of the triple digit heat but still going to be toasty out there temperatures about 5 degrees above average in the mid 90s there with widespread mid 70s for the east bay shoreline berkeley 74 degrees in concord in walnut creek in the mid 90 so once again tracking very warm temperatures there but not scorching heat like we saw last weekend napa 86 degrees in santa rosa in the low 90s with sandra fell in the mid 80s at 86 degrees. So lets take a look at your 10 at 10 outlook because were going to remain above average for most of the next 7 days cooling down to near normal 10 days from now with the threat of popup thunderstorms for the 2nd half of this weekend into early next week looks like the most active day with those chances increasing will be on monday back to hugh grant and vicki thank bree said a quick breaking news know we just learned that that new fire in valais whoa that was threatening structures has been contained so. Good news there as crews worked quickly, but you talk big picture wildfires are still raging across the bay area and it is not just flames causing. Concerns across much of the state yeah, the smoke from these wildfires has communities worried about the effects on peoples health. Marley martinez has more now on why experts are sounding the alarm. Empty ellipticals silent playgrounds and barren courts at the y m c a in sacramento. So where all the kids. Inside. Today recess at day care and Outdoor Fitness classes canceled because of wildfire smoke when its unhealthy or dangerous the sea inside after adjusting to the pandemic wildfires posing yet another obstacle were just seeing people really wanting to have physical activity but just finding it difficult to get those needs met it seems like almost every turn theres a block. A harsh reality that top Coat Nail Salon is pacing to this like in other words government seriously the air is horrible. Yeah, its pretty hard to beat north of thomas nail salon whether covid orders to move outside. And the heat wave. But the smoke could be the final straw at some point. How we might have to close thats the dilemma businesses face risking their health or livelihood but this week the risk for him. Closure to the wild for smoke. It. Israel today, u c davis is chief of pulmonary medicine says its prudent for organizations to keep kids and exercise routines inside. One thing we strongly recommend is not exercising outdoors because that significantly increases the the amount of particulates here exposed to and that you breathe in. As for working outdoors. Thats going to be sort of an individual decision. So if for some of the workers have. Asthma for example, you know theyre going to very uncomfortable 12 for small while the thick smoke settles on top of the pandemic. Doctor nick cannon says one thing is clear. This is just about the air that you can breathe and would have been a school of wildfire smoke. And what you want to Marla Martinez reporting their Health Experts are telling people to try to steer clear of all of the smoke if you cant yeah which is tough to do, but they do warn you have there are risks to being outside at least for the next couple of days. Republicans gearing up for their Convention Next week how President Trump is already the university of washingtons institute for Health Metrics and evaluation now predicts 310,000 americans will die because of covid19 by december the institute says some states with large outbreaks are getting them under control while other states simply are not it adds that fewer people would die. If more people wore masks right some good news in the spread of covid19 in the bay area napa county has been removed from the states covid19 watch list. So the county can stay off that list for 14 straight days. Schools may consider plans to reopen in person. And take a look at this. The Highway Patrol shared pictures of this big tree that just fell over yesterday in San Francisco. Chp says that the tree collapsed on to several cars that were parked in the dmv has San Francisco fell Street Office the hate area. Its in the parking lot of people were trapped in the cars 3 cars damaged, but fortunately nobody was hurt. Processed on time that is the promise from postmaster general. Louis dejoy about mail in ballots testifying before a Senate Committee today joy said the u. S. Postal service will prioritize election mail. So that it arrives as quickly as possible. That is a change from his earlier plan to remove high speed sorting machines and collection boxes and no longer prioritize election mail. We will deploy processes and procedures that advance any election mail in some cases ahead of first class now. If people vote within 7 days of they highly counter you highly confident that those ballots would that be received. Extremely highly conscious. So self us to many many also under the microscope of a meeting between the president and the joy after to joys appointment to lead the u. S. P s in may he is a big donor to the president by the way. The joy insist they never addressed any changes to the postal service. The Democratic National convention is over now the republicans get their turn next week President Trump plans to accept his partys nomination thursday on the white house lawn. Kaitlan collins explains how the president is already pushing back at his opponents. President trump is firing back after joe biden condemned his chaotic presidency at the close of the Democratic Convention, the democrats held the darkest and angriest and gloom is convention in American History speaking to a conservative group today, trump rejected bidens characterization that america was in quote a season of darkness and measured by did against his last opponent, Hillary Clinton with clintons much water. But not a likable person. Joe is not nearly as smart but hes going likable so you know i dont know maybe id rather have the smarter person voting in to fox news thursday night President Trump assailed mail in voting in pledged to send Law Enforcement to polling places to monitor voters, something he doesnt have the authority to do well have everything were going to have a sheriff said were going to have Law Enforcement and were going to have hopefully us attorneys and were going to have everybody federal law makes it illegal for a civil or military federal officer to places the Trump Campaign is preparing to send 10s of thousands of election monitors to battleground states which has prompted criticism from democrats and they all think im trying to steal an election just the opposite i want a fair result of an election. The republican National Convention kicks off in charlotte on monday but because of covid19 most of the speeches will happen in washington after closely watching the Democratic Convention trump urged aides to put an emphasis on live speeches versus taped ones free. I think were going to have more of it is lived and what they did i think its pretty boring when you do tapes. In multiple Television Interviews this morning Vice President mike pence was pressed on the arrest of former white house strategist steve bannon who has pleaded not guilty to charges he defrauded donors who thought they were helping build the wall steve bannon certainly deserves his day. In court and in the van and called the arrest a political hit job, this is to stop intimidate people. That have President Trumps back on building. The wall prosecutors say the groups founder Brian Kolfage secretly is donations on Home Renovations cosmetic surgery and both payments something he appeared to joke about with bannon in a resurfaced video from 2019 welcome back to Stephen K Van and were off the coast to san trope a. And now Southern France in the mediterranean are on the milliondollar yacht. Brian cole branco finally took all that money from build the wall. Well that that was Kaitlan Collins reporting for us tonight, democrats are gearing up for a week of counterprogramming that vice candidate Kamala Harris and joe will not be traveling due to covid19. And coming up all the final check of your forecast not only tracking warm dry weather inland. But the potential for dry lightning and all right weve got a final check on the 3 major complex fires that are burning in the bay area cal fire says that the l a new lightning complex fires burning in the north bay thats now 15 contained. Theyre making progress that has burned more than 302,000 acres so far though, and killed 5 people in the north bay, including a pg any worker. The su lightning complex fires burning mostly in the east bay, 10 contained that complex has burned more than 20,000 acres and the czu august lightning complex fire. In san mateo and santa cruz counties that is just 2 contained after burning through more than 57,000 acres, very destructive fire there as well as in the north bay be sure to stay with the crowd for online for any updates overnight and we will continue our coverage. Tomorrow morning, starting at 07 00am. Still to come. The news continues on a 24 7 streaming service kron on its commercial free and there she is Ella Sogomonian standing by live in the newsroom with what youre working on l a. And theyre granted think youre going to be continuing the coverage of those unfortunately deadly bay area wildfires. Take a look at these images once again from the hennessey fire that are just so incredible this burning in napa county just showing some of the devastation and the damage is the flames have engulfed that hillside as you can see so again were going to be talking about the evacuations that Everything Else that people need to know and are continuing News Coverage on these wildfires tonight at 11. Thank le and make sure to download the kron on app to get 24 7 commercial free. Local News Coverage last look at the weather for greece uh yeah lets take a final check of your 4 zone forecast temperatures out there right now. Still pretty toasty especially for inland valleys, widespread 70s there antioch in the low 80s. But mid to low 60s for most of the east bay shoreline and even around the San Francisco peninsula coastline happened they though even cooler than that at 57 degrees. They said that cool sea breeze and the marine layer that will become more widespread during the overnight hours overnight lows tonight low to mid 60s for most of the bay area this evening. So finally starting to notice some cooling even with our overnight temperatures have been pretty warm in the 60s and 70s for most of this weekend tomorrows daytime highs. Finally cooling down to where we should be for this time of year for downtown San Francisco, 68 degrees Half Moon Bay, even cooler than that at 64 degrees with widespread mid 70s throughout the east bay shoreline and upper 80s to midnineties as you make your way inland in the tri valley zanti all conquered in livermore warming up to 94 degrees but better than the triple digit heat i was tracking just a few days ago we were under an excessive heat warning santa rosa, not that far behind in the low 90s in san jose. 86 degrees for the 1st half of the weekend. So firefighters really going to get a break tonight with mother nature. We are going to notice some more moisture out there and wind speeds 20 Miles Per Hour less through the 1st half of the weekend but then sunday, it all changes in fact we have a fire weather watch going into effect sunday morning through tuesday morning. Dry lightning could once again be an issue if any pop up thunderstorms do form sparking some more wildfires. In addition to that we could actually get some out for wind bands of 60 Miles Per Hour or less of any major storms do form that could spread the wildfires that we already have and the most unstable day will be monday that is when our chances really increase but then cooling down to near average 10 days from now training to keep. Alright reset that wraps it up for us tonight that lightning that when theyre not welcome here. I dont like the one that he safe everyone. For the sweaty faces. And the hidden smiles. The foggy glasses. And the muffled laughs. A simple piece of fabric makes a big statement i care. Wear a mask. Lets all do our part to slow the spread. Miamiwest prison last october 17. Hes in prison serving 20 years for murder. Why the manhunt now, six months after krolls escape . We have reason to believe hes still in miami. Were gonna canvass the city and ask the public to help apprehend him. What can the public do . If you have any information that could lead to his capture, please call our tip line. All calls are anonymous. And do not, i repeat, do not under any circumstances try to engage or approach the suspect. Hes trained in martial arts, he was once a competitive fighter, and hes considered extremely dangerous. Sergeant tripp, do you have any idea why kroll is still in town . No comment; its an ongoing investigation. Thats all for today. Sergeant tripp sergeant tripp sergeant tripp sergeant tripp phone ringing officer mdpd. Tipster hotline. Man yeah, the fugitive thats been on the news, dante kroll, i just saw him at the liberty city gym

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