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Ban on evictions in place really big win and just a huge relief for tenants across the city in a district overwhelmingly filled with renters city supervisor dean preston says he introduced the legislation to protect people. He feared without covid19 rent forgiveness, a wave of evictions would follow the small Property Owners of San Francisco weighed in on their failed attempt at suing the city over the eviction ban saying in part quote we are very disappointed in the decision we are not looking for ways to evict people we simply want the same rights in access to the state courts that any other citizens have the county board of supervisors has overstepped their Legal Authority they have the right to appeal and maybe theyll do that, but thats up to them but in the meantime, we know that for the foreseeable future this law will take effect it will stop any evictions preston has maintained the law does not mean the rent is wiped out renters will still have to eventually pay whats owed but without any late fees or interest most tenants are still paying their rent. For for those who cant they should lose their homes. Landlords that are looking to collect their at left to do so through Small Claims Court or through a collection agency. They say those methods are costly and ultimately harmful. Reporting live in San Francisco. Dan thorn kron 4 news and thank you tonight all 9 bay area counties are now on the States Coronavirus watch list in total, the bay area has reported 54,000 coronavirus cases and 826 related deaths, alameda and santa clara counties continue to lead the bay area with more than 11,000 cases in Alameda County and santa clara with 10,000 cases you can find a complete list of cases by county on our website kron 4 dot com today, the state released the safety requirements Elementary Schools must follow if they apply for a waiver to reopen then they include rather developing plans for health screenings. Contacttracing physical distancing testing and triggers for switching to Distance Learning. Schools that are in counties currently on the state watch list can only apply for a waiver after meeting with the schools parents labor and community organizations. The state also provided an update on new sports spanning all outdoor and indoor events are social distancing is not possible. So we know how to do it safely lets bring it back into our salons governor newsome hashtag open salons now. Some hair salon owners in the bay area say they plan to reopen later this month despite orders from the governor and local Health Officials to remain closed. Over the weekend several salon owners in the tri valley met up and decided theyll reopen on august 17th with or without approval. Kron fours michelle kingston talked with the attorney of the professional Beauty Federation of california about this plan. Salons are unable to reopen here in Alameda County, not even outside on the sidewalk. But some salon owners here say that theyre going to reopen anyway on august 17th 5 months after initially having to shut down i 17 its been 5 months said salons across the state had to shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic some beauty salon owners in the tri valley and across the bay area decided over the weekend that they will reopen on august 17th even for just a day despite the state in their county Health Officials telling them they need to remain closed. We certainly can sympathize with folks that say. Now if and we have 53,000 licensed establishments thats day spas hair salons barbershops nail salons. If we all decided to help with that were going to reopen. Im not really sure what the 58 county Health Departments and the governor could do about it. The professional Beauty Federation of california is not endorsing this decision to reopen august 17th, but says they understand the reasoning behind the decision. Where exactly where it is either. O ne legally or ways every day and have we have now. Really getting any other option. The salon owners are frustrated not understanding why so many businesses have been able to reopen but they have not theres 621,000 individuals licensed by the california state board of barbering and cosmetology all of whom have hundreds of hours of formal education and training in cross contamination disinfection protocols sanitation procedures we know how to keep our clients safe Alameda County Health Officials said in a statement that they do not intend to open any new sectors at this time and well continue to monitor developments in state and local indicators to inform next steps if any of the salon owners are fined for violating the shelterinplace order. They plan to help each other out by sharing the cost of fights. In pleasanton michelle kingston kron 4 news on the peninsula businesses such as gyms and hair salons and San Mateo County are trying to adapt to the new orders which forced them to move their operations outdoors some are having success while others are not at orange theory fitness in pacifica. Employees put out exercise equipment in the parking lot today for a trial run. Employees say theyre doing their best to prepare for anything. This could last a week this could last 6 months and we just dont know and so were going to be prepared for anything now thats not going to work its too windy here and it gets chilly. And we have here over the parking lot you know its going to be. Tara. The owner of the obsession salon and spa in pacifica says shes unable to work outdoors for both practical and health order related reasons such as than not im not being able to use chemicals outdoors. Today california became the first in the u. S. To surpass half a million confirmed covid19 cases, more than 516,000 people in california tested positive for coronavirus the death toll in california is now more than 9400. These numbers are according to the Johns Hopkins global coronavirus tracker while those numbers are certainly troubling california governor newsome says there are also signs for hope and optimism during his coronavirus update today the governor said the numbers are starting to move in the right direction when it comes to cases number of people in the hospital. And icu admissions stan herman has more. So far from taking a victory lap. The governor announced statewide covid19 numbers are starting to move in the right direction cases in the last 2 weeks are down 21 and the percentage of those testing positive has dropped from 7. 5 to 7 is not. Where it needs to be and is still too high. But again. It is good to see. This. Number trending down not trending up the Governor Also Announced over the last 2 weeks hospitalizations are down 10 statewide. And icu admissions are down 5 . Encouraging signs but one week does not make kind of trend that gives us confidence to generate headlines week. Im looking forward to that well need to see another few weeks. This kind of data to come in to feel more confident about where we are as a state governor credited changes in personal behavior coupled with the shutdown of certain businesses for the improved numbers, but he says more distancing maskwearing and hand washing is needed. He also called on those exposed to do the right thing were seeing a lot of spread now in peoples backyards, their front yards as well as in their living rooms and thats why we thought it important to reinforce from mind. People of the importance if you are. Living with someone whos tested positive or has come into contact with someone has tested positive please stay home. Dont share items do the kind of disinfecting that is foundational in terms of mitigating the spread the improvement in overall state numbers doesnt reflect surges throughout the Central Valley. The governor says the strike Team Approach used to bring down a surge in Imperial County is now underway in a Central Valley counties in the meantime the governor had stern words for School Districts throughout the state that are forcing teachers to come into the classroom to conduct Distance Learning and i expect. And really demand respectfully that that spirit of collaboration cooperation manifest at the local level. And people not be put into harms way as caregivers as teachers as support staff from janitors to bus drivers. As secretaries to maintenance workers as well obviously as our children the governor says if the trend continues and the numbers keep going down that doesnt mean people can let up their guard. He says that second surge is still coming in the fall and that means people must remain vigilant. Dan kerman kron 4 news a veteran san quentin correctional officer is currently fighting for his life and another death row inmate there has died from coronavirus more than 2000 inmates have tested positive at the prison in marine county 21 inmates have died. That number includes orlando will marrow a 48 yearold inmate who died at a nearby hospital yesterday from complications related to covid19 im errol was put on death row after being convicted of firstdegree murder in Riverside County back in 1996. The growing covid19 spread and death rate at that prison san quentin has governor newsome making plans to release a 1000 eligible inmates by the end of the month. More than a 155,000 people have died from coronavirus across the country. Another grim benchmark we have now passed in the United States this as the passes 4. 7 million cases all while lawmakers remain divided on a new stimulus package whitney wild has the latest from the white house. Lockdowns do not prevent infection in the future President Trump saying america wont turn back to a lockdown as death rates are now on the rise in at least 30 states. This is doctor birx warns that rule areas will be just as hard hit as urban areas. Hes saying isnt to say this is because throughout the country when you have Community Spread its much more difficult to get your arms around that in containing the president now signing an executive order on improving rule health and telehealth access. We ensured that. Medicare covers telehealth visits at no additional cost thats no additional cost. And copayments can be waived for Telehealth Services when it comes to a new stimulus aid package for americans struggling during the pandemic still no deal. Both House Speaker nancy pelosi and white house chief of staff mark meadows describing democrats and republicans as far apart. Now ecs is taking aim at the carolinas putting storm shelters to the test. Shelters will screen people for coronavirus symptoms if someone has covid19 or show symptoms. Theyll be directed to a sheltering option for isolation or medical attention. Shelters will have ppe and will honor social distancing. At the white house whitney wild kron 4 news. Meantime officials of the World Health Organization predict the effects of covid19 will last for decades, they say julys total new cases is more than double that of any other previous month with hot spots mostly flaring up in the south and the west. The w h o also says the pandemic is disrupting Health Care Systems sometimes making it harder to get other services and then more tests to deliver quick results would help control the pandemic. And san jose firefighters are cleaning up tonight after a fire destroyed a home on south 12th street crews say another home nearby was partially damaged in 2 cars were badly damaged. This is drone video of the scene from a viewer. Cruz declared the fire under control at 8 oclock tonight. Tonight were tracking a fire about an hour north of sacramento is called the sites fire is burning in the mountains west of i 5 inclusive county evacuation orders have been issued on the area of sites the road and campground road so far that fire has burned they 500 about 560 acres it is 55 contained tonight. In Southern California, new evacuations in place for the apple fire is burning east of los angeles in riverside and San Bernardino counties. Cal fire says it is only 7 today, it has burned more than 26,000 acres that fire has prompted officials to issue evacuation orders to approximately 2500 households affecting nearly 8,000 people. Lets get more on the fire conditions for both these locations our chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow standing by lord, yes, certainly in Southern California. It has been extremely hot there temperatures near triple digits. They had a westerly component when a lot of smoke actually ending up in arizona today, those winds 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. Theyve calmed down just a little bit. And thats the good news overnight tonight we could still see that continue but were seeing some changes now in the atmosphere which can help out firefighters all around the state. Temperatures going to start to cool down is an area of low pressure begins to approach the coastline can see right here but watch what happened you can see this little trough that all of us and that low rolls down the california coastline. That is going to ramp up that on shore breeze that will bring with it a lot more moisture in the atmosphere that ends a slow down the fires can be very wet out along the coastline and some cooler temperatures going to drop a good 10 degrees plus in Southern California near the fire for tomorrow around the bay area were watching these temperatures drop maybe 10 maybe 20 degrees as we head in toward wednesday. So thats certainly some good news that will help them out with the fire of course nice to see that cooler air moving into you can see that fog that is beginning to thicken up out over San Francisco tonight that marine layer really going to deep in throughout the night tonight and that sea breeze has been blowing all afternoon pretty gusty in spots in fact, youre still looking at 32 mile an hour winds and byron 21 in concord 24 mill valley 25 in Stinson Beach without some gusts over 30 Miles Per Hour today, Even Stronger i think by tomorrow afternoon, maybe some those gusts 30 maybe 40 Miles Per Hour at least along the coastline through some of the mountain gaps. Alright temperatures well above the average in San Francisco, 73 degrees oakland checking in at 76 san jose, 88 degrees 95 and hot in livermore 96 in concord also into santa rose these temperatures running well above the average but not for long as were going to see plenty of those clouds moving in a fact its going to be a deep enough marine lair were going to see a lot of drizzle specially along the coastline were talking maybe 5 maybe. Some 500 maybe a 10th inch of precipitation just some drizzle alone. So certainly some big changes coming our way the temperatures going to start to come down a starting tomorrow and then much more cooling i think as we get in toward wednesday. But theres some good news for the weekend, well talk about that youre tentative coming up a few minutes. Everything was knocked down in over. She rock was on the floor and the ceiling was gone. An Apartment Fire in San Franciscos north beach neighborhood says the man you just heard from to the hospital for smoke inhalation and displaced 10 other people. Another residents dog died in that fire. The fire broke out on friday morning near pow street kron fours taylor was sackey talk several victims who lost everything in that fire she joins. Live from the scene with more taylor. Well the building is now p and no longer livable crews are also on scene right now repairing some of the melted power lines across the street as for neighbors, many of them are right now staying in hotels nearby with no idea where to go next. Neighbors in north beach return to this scene on monday after a fire tore through their pals street Apartment Building on friday. Came back and im homeless. You can get my wallet, my keys. So my car was just so. A charcoal brick. And i just have nothing but the shirt on my back other but annie is one of 10 people displaced from the fire. That also sent him to the hospital. Hes now doing much better, but still in need of a place to live like his other neighbor, carlos moya, somebody help us to get a place. Theres new figures. Were hearing on youre going to be here decided the and that are no way were going to go from theres lee and his wife myra called this place home for more than 30 years. Now everything gone, including prized possessions from the days when lawyer was a professional boxer really important thing said ahead. Hes a head. Week for those with muhammad ali. And jack dempsey is joel fish neighbor one solace was one of the first people that smell the smoke and went door to door waking up his neighbors. He says the fire started in another neighbors, van that was parked underneath the building found span. The flames were coming from you know. It was you know the bottom the back of the park there for a few and entirely. He went on the fly ball solace also lost everything in the fire. Hes instead raising money for his elderly neighbors, Albert Carlos in my right to help them get back on their feet i we just want to make sure that they can not why we dont ice they can reveal because of this area there are hardworking really nice people very going. And we just one. Down to ok. Well neighbors believe that the fire started from an aunt a van in the parking area below this building here the cause of the fire is still under investigation for now live in San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news. Thank you taylor. After 3 decades of dedicating his life to the San Jose Police department chief eddie garcia announcing that he is retiring chief garcia is known for having served in almost every branch of that department from traffic to the homicide unit, he served as police chief for the last 4 years kron fours Ella Sogomonian live for us in the newsroom with a look back at his career on that force la san jose is his hometown chief garcia was born in puerto rico and you move to the south bay as a kid. He joined the police force in 1992 and worked his way up the ranks finally taking on the role of chief in 2016. Here ended up challenging that low morale and hi turn around and officers were actually leaving due to pension reform they were looking for higher paying jobs and even last year he acknowledged an uptick in Violent Crime there was a sign of the struggle to rebuild, but he gave it his all and during his time here with us on a police chief town hall last month chief garcia said it was no longer a problem as he reflected on the evolving role of police work in that interview take a look. When i started this job in 9 in the early 90s. I feel my Field Training officer told me that this job today is a lot different than when i started im venture a guess that when he started his fto told him that this job is a lot different than what i started. Police were changes. It adapts we have to adapt with it. The way i told Police Officers this is not a job. This is our calling. Its our colleen were going to rise to this moment because our communities are the ones that will suffer if we do not. San jose mayor sam liccardo said history will remember chief eddie garcia in the same way ive seen him embrace of countless Community Meetings as a dynamic exuberant leader who gave his heart and soul to his hometown. He brought this Police Department back from the break rebuilding our officers ranks their morale and most importantly their faith in themselves and their mission i wish him all the best as he moves into this next chapter of his life in San Jose Police Officers Association president paul kelly said chief garcia never forgot what it was like to push a patrol car through the streets of san jose and what a difficult job Police Officers have in trying to keep our residents and businesses safe. We have been able to work collaboratively to start the process of rebuilding our Police Department after the debilitating measure, b and we have enjoyed a respectful and productive relationship well miss chief garcia and wish him and his family well in the future, the San Jose Police department faced recent criticism for tactics used by officers to disperse black lives matter demonstrators, but according to reports. 2 course his retirement had been in the works for months and his unrelated live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news 6 l a. Still ahead tonight at 10 east say says picking up steam as it travels up the east coast. We have the latest on the system as it has now been upgraded back to a category one hurricane plus closer look at the 2 california lawmakers on the short list to be joe bidens running mates that could be announced any day now and learn how a south bay nonprofit is helping local were living in uncertain times, but as californians well get through this together. If your income has been reduced or youve lost your job or your Health Insurance, covered california is here. We can help you find the Health Insurance you need to protect you and your loved ones. And, you may even get financial help to pay for your Health Insurance. So, if you or someone you know is without coverage, visit coveredca. Com to learn more or enroll today. Sunnyvale Community Services held its second backpack day event for low income students students today, each child received a back to school kids. The contains new Backpacks School supplies of 45 gift card for new shoes. An extra food for their families because of covid19 restrictions, the items were placed in the trunks of vehicles. The nonprofit was able to help to thousands of local students this year thats a 25 increase over last year. Everything changed for all the families that were helping and so people in march still needed help in april and may and june and july and now august and families who struggles in trying to piece together rant or make it through the early months are now coming to us. Sunnyvale Community Services will also provide backpacks to local schools to help transfer a homeless students after the School Year Begins coming up. Another night of peaceful protest in portland now that federal agents fled the scene were going take you there in just a few minutes plus anticipation and speculation are building who will be joe bidens running mate to get some different points of view from a variety of analysts after the break. A lot of drizzle coming our way in some cooler temperatures to well talk about that and the hurricane coming up its getting down to the wire who will be Presumptive Democratic president ial candidate, joe bidens running mate to californians are now emerging among those at the top of the list kron fours terisa stasio talked with several political analysts for their reactions all these candidates are really really good. Hes agonizing over this choice overall its not going to be a satisfying pick Kamala Harris, karen bass Tammy Duckworth susan rice just a few of the names are recently rising to the top of the list. Presumptive democratic president ial candidate, joe bidens possible pick to join him on the november, 2020 ticket a high profile. Someone whos got a good record on a lot of the issues that matter to the gym. The Democratic Base political analyst and former democratic strategist michael yaki says attorney. Bay area native Kamala Harris certainly has many points in her favor such as her experience on the campaign trail. When she was running for president , but adds that u. S. Senator Tammy Duckworth has value as well and one of the person should think about is Tammy Duckworth mainly because republicans really dont like her. But you shouldnt from illinois. So she can have some gravitas to the midwest. A war veteran its going to be hard to really go after her and i just wonder if its. If its kind of a chemistry thing that is also at play here. I i definitely think that comes in to play and on that score. I think somebody that you already know like susan rice would we be that the just because they do have a great chemistry and theyre ready have worked together doctor terry bynes a Political Science professor at cal feels that susan rice might be a good fit. But she does put her money on harris saying that she has a youth and charisma to energize the campaign. In my years as a strong candidate, the 2 major picks right now bass and harris party significantly to the left a buy. So thats going to worry independent Tom Del Beccaro former chairman of the California Republican party believes that harris and bass have too much baggage. He thinks said biden selection of rice a former National Security adviser and former. United states ambassador to the u n might be a safer bet susan rice bring some graba times when it comes to Foreign Policy as far as when the announcement well com well thats up in the air right now it was supposed to be this week, however experts are now saying that mister by could wait a little bit longer to generate some more excitement for when the announcement does com. Theresa kron 4 news. Us Postal Service says it will be able to handle the extra mail from novembers general election. As statement comes after President Trump suggested that usps may not be able to deal with an expected increase in mail in ballots. The post office for many many years has been. You know run in a fashion that hasnt been great great workers and everything but they have old equipment very old equipment. And i dont think the post office is prepared for anything like this. Mail deliveries recently slow down by at least 2 days in some places but workers are blaming new procedures pushed by postmaster general and trump loyalist. Louis dejoy those delays are raising fears that some ballots may not reach election offices in time that the problems are not fixed. The usps has said it will run out of money by september. If it doesnt get emergency funding but the Trump Administration later blocks money approved by congress. Instead the white house demanded reforms that usps in exchange for long in the middle of this historic pandemic President Trump promised to release a new Health Care Plan in 2 weeks that deadline has been missed john avlon breaks down the timeline in his reality check. Remember this. Universal health care i am going to take care of everybody far. Less expensive. And far. Better we are going to be submitting a couple of weeks. A great Health Care Plan that was candidate the freshly minted President Trump vowing to repeal obamacare and replace it with a miracle Health Care Plan and his magical couple of weeks well here we are more than 3 years into the Trump Presidency 6 months into a pandemic. And heres the plan. But in fairness to the president he has managed to get something done dismantling key provisions of obamacare in the courts namely the individual mandate. And now hes marshaling his Justice Department try to kill the whole thing just as america is suffering through a pandemic thats killed more than a 150,000 of our fellow americans. An infected millions more. Although the 2nd quarter gdp number was the worst on record nearly 33 in the red if it were extended to the whole year. So no wonder president keeps promising that his mission to kill the Affordable Care act and actually wrote one of the things that people really like about preexisting conditions will be totally protected. Pre existing conditions, okay so that claim, received the coveted bottomless pinocchio warren from the Washington Post because covering preexisting conditions is something only obamacare does right now a provision, the polls really strong even among republicans because it turns out that having a preexisting Health Condition occurs across partisan lines. Not to mention President Trump has no answer for the fact that since the Affordable Care act was passed upwards of 20 million americans who work ensured before now our. So this is the old arsonist as a firefighter routine with possibly your life on the line. But wait. Now were in an Election Year so you might have heard Something Like this show that this Health Care President. Is the one that is governing this Health Care President started out transparency that sort of focus on that the Health Care President continued to deliver for america but remember that Kellyanne Conway is the person who famously said you dont take an oath to tell the truth before you go on tv. But wheres the plan that this alleged Health Care President told Chris Wallace would be released. Again within those magical 2 weeks a full and complete. Health care plan we heard all this before and even if there were a plane. Theres virtually no chance that we get put into place before election day look good people can disagree over the details of health care is complicated whether its the ac a the public option medicare for all or more free market plan that has some evidence that might lower costs but we cant ignore the fact that a decade after obama cares passage an endless demonization by the gop. There still isnt a serious republican plan for replacement. Its all repeal all the time even in a pandemic no matter how many people might get hurt all for shortterm political gain all bolstered by a pair of knickers nobody knew that health care could be so complicated. Yes, mister president. We pretty much all good. But at a time when so many people are suffering it would be nice if you remember the hippocratic oath, first do no harm. And that your reality check. Other news tonight protesters gathered again in Downtown Portland for a 66 straight night. The continued demonstrations against racism and Police Brutality practices following several days of relative calm after federal agents withdrew from that city but things did get tense on the citys east side last night, protesters clashing with police near the former south east precinct building. Police said that some people threw glass bottles of them also a jar or bottle filled with paint reportedly hit one officer in the head. And despite the violence, some protesters say they want to keep the message focused over the coming weeks. It is important for christians to stand up this is not a blue red issue this a spiritual issue this protest is not season all and thats going to go through the fall and winter. State police took over for federal officers last week you might remember that was the result of talks between oregons Governor Kate Brown and Vice President mike pence today people in el paso gather to remember the victims of a mass shooting a moment of silence was held for the 23 people who died when a gunman opened fire inside a walmart one year ago. Authorities say Patrick Crusius confessed to targeting latinos when he opened fire last on august 3rd. Cruise ships has been indicted on capital murder charges in a federal hate crime. The District Attorney says he now plans to seek the death penalty. From florida to maine hurricane says is gaining strength with watches and warnings extending across the entire east coast. The National Hurricane center says he said he says is hitting the car carolinas tonight the storm surge could reach 3 to 5 feet Taylor Hernandez has more from myrtle beach. Im in downtown myrtle beach right now in plyler park this is really the heartbeat of downtown myrtle beach typically this time of year its a bustling with tourists but of course because of hurricane e science its a much different story here now the wind gusts were getting extremely strong in the sky well is behind me in the gondolas are typically taken down river this time they werent taken down, but theyre moving a little bit behind me. The wind is absolutely. Howling know over here off to my left is of course the ocean the storm surge here does not appear to be as high as it was further down south of the strand however, these waves are crashing extremely. Hi so definitely if you are out here being very careful and hunker down for now though reporting in myrtle beach for his 13 and taylor and us. And that storm system going to affect the entire east coast. It is now going to really pick up some steam its made landfall right on the border, there of North Carolina and South Carolina see it moving right through wilmington and now all that heavy bands of rain continue to rotate on shore so certainly in parts of North Carolina, youre looking at a storm surge of 3 maybe 5 feet of course you see those tributaries the rivers you get the water to get the motion all of that water trying to drain back in the atlantic it cant do it all that water piles up then you start to get more significant flooding but this is going to move by rapidly overnight tonight in fact the track right now sustained winds of 80 Miles Per Hour. So it is we can just slightly it was at 85 Miles Per Hour just a couple hours ago, but now it is going to slowly track its way are quickly i should say track its way north northeast at 22 Miles Per Hour. So thats going to move it at a pretty significant clip but maintaining a lot of the strength as it goes along this area right along the east coast are going to see places like maryland, virginia, philadelphia washington dc, new york, maybe 4 maybe 6 inches of rain in a short amount of time some of that coming toward the commute that is going all the way up in the what looks like a candidate before the system really begins to fall apart. All right back out west. We go weve got some low clouds and some fog moved on shore the marine learned about a 1000 feet tonight. Well watch that deep into may be about 4,000 feet that is a deep marine lair and that is going to bring with the plenty of low clouds and fog High Pressure that had been really protecting the west coast. Many of these systems start to break down a little bit pushing further to the east, then you see those clouds rolling in youve got a weak system rolling off the coastline, this low, not much to it but its going to be enough to deepen the marine layer bringing more clouds and cool down those temperatures to about the middle of the week then as we get into next weekend High Pressure starts to build in the temperatures begin to warm up once again, but between now and then were really going to see a major dip in these temperatures may be good 10 maybe 20 degrees. All right, heres a look at your candid and were going to see some changes coming our way starting as early as tomorrow that on shore breeze will be kicking and i think were done with the 90s and then look at wednesday, those temperatures highs only in the 70s think that will be a very wet day we may see a 500s maybe 1000s of an inch of precipitation along the coastline. The form of that drizzle return to sunshine warmer weather on saturday and sunday. Thank you laura is. The military has now identified all 9 People Killed when a Landing Craft saying can hundreds of feet of water off the Southern California coast 16 military personnel were on board the vehicle when the crew reported taking on water. The incident happened during Training Operations of San Clemente Island last thursday, an intense days long search only turned up remains of one of the 9 victims. Officials confirm one marine was killed 7 others and one sailor are presumed dead their names are now listed on your screen 5 crew members were rescued that incident remains under investigation. Still ahead tonight to coronavirus disbelievers changed their tune after contracting the virus what they now have to say about Wearing Masks in public. Up next in sports the as hoping to finish the series in seattle strong and it was quite the slugfest great day on the lake it is. Lunch is cookin and i saved a bunch of money on my boat insurance with geico. Fellas, can it get any better than this . Whoa my old hairstyle grew back. So did mine. [80s music] what . I was an 80s kid. It only gets better when you switch and save with geico. We just kind of carried on what to pool, good stuff. You know where the rest the weekend. And then not monday morning is when we both woke up and were just felt like a train had gone. Were both of us. To coronavirus disbelievers in arizona are changing their tune that couples through Health Safety measures out the window and ended up contracting covid19 they are now telling miguel marquez. They learned their lesson the hard way. We were totally lacks uneasy about it. Debbie and Michael Patterson didnt think the coronavirus would ever. Affect them. He was sort of almost such a jokeiin our group of friends did you wear masks know. Did you hang out with your friends as normal. So all the things youre toll. You should back off of we did a good. We did we did and we still there the price for yeah from Lake Havasu City on arizonas border with california the patersons didnt give the virus much thought even once developing symptoms in late june, we just kind of carried on went to the pool, good stuff. You know where the rest the weekend. And then not monday morning is when we both woke up and were just felt like a train had gone. Were both of us said michael got sick debbie had to be hospitalized put on oxygen but did not need a ventilator over a month later. How are you now. Well obviously so short of breath. Coughing just the fatigue and dizziness daily its almost like somebody hit you in the head they once laughed about the virus. Now they say. Its no joke. What is your message to people now be more careful keep your distance. Our foreign desk. In this ultraconservative corner of the state masks. Still highly controversial. We make any member any customer thats walking through our doors remove their face mask. Again thats our pride thats also the understanding that sure you make people remove the mass when they catch the movie. You do not shot my store without with a mask on period. For gun shop owner patrick boston, the corona virus itself. Doesnt add up to 150,000 people are dead heffley i definitely dont agree with that number that you just threw out there. Well i think it does not agree with and theres so many cases of claims as far as how theyre reporting numbers, public Health Officials believe the number of dead from covid19 is probably higher than the official count. Not lower when the president comes out and says wear a mask do you think hes just playing politics unfortunately i do at that point think that hes playing politics because originally he did come out calling this entire thing a hoax. For the patersons the coronavirus is no hoax and speaking out has not a political act because its a friendly warning. Its ridiculous not to take this seriously i mean. I could die just like the next person, i mean any anybody can it could have been either one of us are both of us. According to Johns Hopkins University Arizona has seen more than a 178,000 coronavirus cases more than 3700 people in arizona have died. Was on a mission to make sure no one goes hungry during this pandemic the 8 yearold girl started her own outdoor food pantry gabby morris was inspired to start her own after her mother responded to a Facebook Post of someone giving away free produce a mother says she went home and cleaned out her closet and gave away her clothes and toys and shoes and books from their her pantry has been stocked with food and other necessities to help other people during the pandemic. In the next morning i woke up she cleared her little. To show off and had it ready to go had snacks ready in this idea him in. I gave her my moms way and some might view that it. Its me. I gave him my boy easily and night all. A very generous little girl gabbys outdoor pantry is now among more than 30 different outdoor pantries in solano county. A Nonprofit Group called food is free is working with gabby and other volunteers to give food to people in need for a federal program you can find more details on how you can help the location of the food pantries all of that information is that kron 4 dot com. Many students not returning to campus for the next school year are looking ahead now to Virtual Learning but some parents and educators worry. The students are at risk of falling behind because they do not have access to the internet at home. Well in San Jose City officials are trying to prevent that from happening the city partnered with ttnt to provide 11,000 hot spots a 1000 of which were donated to the Santa Clara County office of education. Now that office is working to identify those students and districts most in need the hot spots come with free high Speed Internet access and an unlimited data plan. Tonights sports we doubled our speeds the fastest just got back. Both bay area, baseball teams were on the road tonight giants out in denver and the as in the pacific northwest, lets start with the as who look to take 3 of 4 from the mariners frankie montage making his 3rd start of the season for the green and gold, lets jump right to the top of the is already up 7 to one Stephen Piscotty rips one down the 3rd base line. Coming in to score as chad pender scotty into second with an rbi double capping off an 8 run a 5th any pretty good guys. Top of the 7th now is up 8 to one chris davis gets one up in the zone. Well leave it up on him to see you later montage loving the offense as extend their lead to a on daviss first home run of the season boy that must feel good for him. He was in a slump, bottom of the 7th now as cruising and so is my task he gives mallex smith looking he throws 7 strong innings only gave up a run and punched out 9 ayes role 11 to one they take 3 of 4 from the mariners the host, the rangers tomorrow night body else already now to the giants on Denver Johnny quedo getting the start today for orange and black. Top of the 5th giants up 3 to one Alex Dickerson and also one deep to right field you can forget about that giant extend that lead to 3, but it all fell apart. We go to the bottom of the 6th knotted up at 4 now david dahl hits a grounder he gets around the shift for a base hit one run will come into score while throw back into the infield goes all the way to the backstop anothers rocky run is coming in to score that caps off a fiverun 6th inning bottom of the 8th now same score chris owings to let the smashes that one to left field steven the car its going back foot winds out of rooms got and the rockies not go on to win this one 76 before but they immediately fall down. To the rockies. Now game 2 of the series will be tomorrow night. Already some sad news here former can be or hose ralph barb burberry has died at the age of 74. After a long battle with parkinsons disease. Burberry was on cambiar for 28 years and was dubbed the raiser for his raspy voice and fiery delivery. He first joined knbr in 1984 and hosted the razor and mister t show alongside tom colbert from 1996 to 2012 may he rest in peace. Finally to the Orlando Bubble around james and Anthony Davis taking on the utah jazz, lets pick things up in the 3rd jazz up by 3. Donovan mitchell from the corners knocks down the tray he had 33 points. Now lets go to the 4th lakers up 8879 lebron from way downtown nothing but net lakers up by 12 runs 17 years and still doing that less than a minute to go lakers up 6 Anthony Davis step back 3 and a foul 4 point play that will be the dagger lakers defeated, yeah, pounds one 16 one 08. They clinched the western conference number one seed in the last time they did that kobe bryant and the lakers won the championship. So hey whos that could happen again. And that is coming up the news continues on our 24 7 streaming service kronon it is commercial free and our Ella Sogomonian is standing by in the newsroom with what were working on tonight l a hammock and despite challenging times dentists are eager to get back to work to coming up at 11 california patients. Were happy to finally get some dental work done after months of waiting so have those details for you guys on the kron on app. Thank you all and make sure to download the kron on app to get 24 7 commercial free local news lawrence all right guys one last check of weather tonight, weve got a big change in the weather coming our way low clouds and fog really going to surge well on shore you see the clouds out there right now this new deep in about 4,000 feet over the next couple of days is well see a whole lot of drizzle and much cooler temperatures numbers breaking down like this by tomorrow so some 80s well inland you see a lot of 60s and 70s cooling down inside the bay and 50s that fog along the coastline. The winds going to work tomorrow to maybe some 30 and 40 mile an hour gusts along the coastline. And it looks like through some of the mountain gaps intended for you as we head to the next couple days look at the numbers really bottom out especially on wednesday highs only in the 70s in the warmer spots and then still partly cloudy skies on thursday by this weekend, the temperatures begin to creep up a little bit well be back in the 90s the warmer spots on saturday and sunday but really the temperatures looking like theyre going to stay below average. The first part of august guys back to you. Lawrence thank you and thanks all of you for being with us tonight have a good night have a tomorrow to we wont be here but grant vicki will be here to bring you all the latest news and enjoy a new set of narrator in the criminal Justice System sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories. I know its your turn, but eric cant spend this weekend with you. Adam, breakfast is ready why cant i see dad this weekend . Hold on, steve. Because its grandmas birthday and i promised wed go out with her. Come on, mom. Dont argue with me, eric. Just go get him, or well all be late. Move it, shrimp, lets go. Please, steve, i never ask you to switch. Ill owe you one. Mom, come up here hurry thanks, steve. I got to go. Whats wrong . Adams gone what do you mean gone

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