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Hurricanes are nothing new for destin, max who is originally from texas. Already stopped up so much for the pandemic. And because of the pandemic family should also have enough medical essential is to last for 14 days were already stocked up on sanitizers. We have a lot of that some people feel the Global Pandemic has prepared them for Hurricane Season as theyve had to stock up on food water and toiletries but now theyre going out to buy bungee cord sandbags and even boards to protect their an arm or keep up was in place and then die. What happens in pain for the covid on then just the windows were we just got some by the things out by a way to tie down with the storm ahead in covid19 cases rising people remain optimistic. We care for each other. We help each other. Much anything with the pandemic. That was joe on the martinez reporting for us tonight now lets turn things over to meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez has been tracking the hurricane for us and has the very latest recent yeah, very active Hurricane Season. So far sanaas we dont usually see this type of activity until later in august and were already tracking to potential hurricanes this weekend alone. And its late july, lets take a look at hurricane douglas out there right now sustained winds at 115 Miles Per Hour. It is a category 3 storm. But because of the cooler eastern Pacific Waters and drier conditions it is going to weaken to a category one hurricane possibly making landfall near the Hawaiian Islands as a low and hurricane or possible Tropical Storm already a hurricane watch in place for the eastern portions of the Hawaiian Islands. Going to be a hurricane that were going to watch all weekend long here from the kron 4 weather center. Lets take a look at this satellite image and you can see that well defined eye as those 100 mile per hour wind speeds just church right throughout the eastern pacific and this is the first major hurricane for the eastern pacific for 2020 now lets switch to the gulf of mexico out there right now Tropical Storm hanna and you could see that it does have sustained winds at 50 Miles Per Hour and it is going to strengthen because of those warm gulf of mexico waters into a category one hurricane already hurricane warnings and storm surge warnings in effect as it is expected to make landfall in the state of texas by around saturday morning. So very active pattern out there right now they could see Hurricane Force winds throughout parts of texas 60 to 70 Miles Per Hour. In addition to that upwards of a foot of rain but back on land and closer to home in the bay area tracking our know sky july warmer temperatures for your saturday warming up to near average in the mid 60s along the coast low 70s along the bay and widespread low 90s as you make your way inland in the warmest try valleys and this warm inland temperature range is going to continue all weekend long even through early next week until we cool down by later next week more coming up in my full forecast and rafal majka climate saturday outlook in just a few minutes and now its back to you thank you for that resounds. Now the summer disaster season is already here femas predicting above average hurricane flooding, wildfire and tornado seasons this year. Which will all happen during this coronavirus pandemic new challenges include keeping physical distance between evacuees in shelters and providing staff with enough personal protective equipment. But officials with fema say theyre up to the task. Fox is the most effective when locally executed state managed and feel supported you have fully funded us to make sure that we are ready for whatever disaster to us. And while fema faces many challenges money isnt one of them Femas Disaster Relief Fund still has about 70 billion dollars which is double the amount it would have any other season. And as local governments and parents a debate whether children should return to school in the fall, colorado officials are warning about multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Health officials in the state confirmed that 2 children died from serious illness linked to coronavirus Ivan Rodriguez has the details. Through part of war will never forget the horrifying experience, his son lived through i was dear shaken jaded change a good wakeup come on jayne 8 yearold jayden was lifeless on his bed of their new york city home i lose in this kid right now jaded was rushed to the hospital doctors later diagnosed the 8 yearold with my a c after testing positive for covid19 it wasnt something that. We thought would have been the troublesome tossing what would the coming hour home doctors were able to treat jaded any walked out of the hospital 2 weeks later, this is something unique the children usually Young Children under the age of 10 here at home jaden story serves as a warning now the Colorado Department of health says there have been 7 cases across the state in 2 deaths, 3 of those cases were treated by reginald washington, the chief medical officer at Rocky Mountain hospital for children where they all came in through the Emergency Department they were all under the age of 10. They had been ill for approximately 2 to 3 days with a fever or rash. Redness so their eyes in the palms of their feet washington says children diagnosed with in my a c or likely exposed to covid19 he says perry should not panic but be aware of any developing symptoms. I think they should be diligent about watching their children if they develop a fever. A rash of those usually abdominal pain or other g i sometimes as forge aided his parents will be keeping him home from school and do Remote Learning a similar debate, many families and School Districts across colorado are facing as the school year approaches. More coverage ahead on the new School Guidelines issued by the cdc at 00 45am tonight, well speak with a local pediatrician to discuss whether its a good idea to send your kids back to school this fall. Plus a Michigan Police officer is being hailed as a hero around the world for saving a 3 weeks weekold babys life. The dramatic moments that were all caught on camera and after the break outrage and chicago after a statue of Christopher Columbus was re what legal authorities she have to take down monuments in the middle of the night. Its totally outrageous. There are some mixed emotions in chicago after Christopher Columbus statue in the citys grant park was taken down overnight, chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot ordered its removal following a series of violent protests. A clash between Police Officers and protesters left 18 officers injured and 12 people were arrested. Protesters who have called for the statues removal points the mistreatment of native americans and the fall of the colonization of north america but some members of chicagos italianamerican Community Say they feel betrayed because they see columbus as a symbol of hope that theyve celebrated for years. That it was going to come down with 52 Police Officers covered that statue defending after she said it was coming down. And now she wants to base his face that you know. Now the city is not disclosed where the statues are being taken. And the u. S. Coast guard sees the 55 bales of cocaine from smugglers in the caribbean sea, this is video of the coast guard. Unloading the drugs in san juan puerto rico this week. The shipment is worth 38. 5 Million Dollars and weighs more than 3,000 pounds. Officials say the smugglers are through the drugs overboard on july 16th as authorities closed in on them crew members were able however to collect the bills from the water and bring them back to shore. Ahead the cdc is now urging schools to reopen in the fall after the break a with the new school year fast approaching the cdc has issued new guidelines and strongly in favor of welcoming students back to campus this fall. And the agency cites the low risk of the coronavirus spreading to children however with more than 4 million confirmed cases of the virus across the nation. Not every parent may be ready to take the step joining us now to talk more about these new guidelines is doctor naomi barta with ucsf benioff Childrens Hospital doctor, thank you so much for joining us. I know it is important to note that while the cdc did issue these guidelines california has its own guidelines mandating Online Learning for school the following counties that are still on the states watch list. In a general sense do you think its a smart move at this stage in the game to bring the should students back into a classroom. The best data we have and the best Public Health approach we have tells us said if the community provinces high that it is not a great idea to reopen schools that would not be recommended idea. Its not if its not going to do anybody any favors to get schools reopened for not doing it safely because were just going to close them down again if there if its not safe enough we dont have to supports in place for teachers and for families and for students to do it in a way that doesnt drive transmission. You interact with parents on a daily you know with as a pediatrician. There has to be a balance made between wanting to control the spread of the virus and then having children kind of cut go back into the regular classroom setting how does a parent reconcile Something Like that. I think we have to think about it 2 different ways risks that we think about it and societal level and then theres the rest the individual family or the individual child. So as a society we actually have to think about. That downsides to our kids not going back to school or are real there, but we have decreased educational outcomes. We have problems with depression and anxiety and our weve even been seeing increased rates of obesity in our clinics. And theres also says you know terrible start disparities that are dr. Exist and theyre going to get even worse with Distance Learning and we know that from the spring. But that has to be balanced against the idea that if we we open and we dont have the supports in place for doing good social distancing or charts as the coldest and saying good masking that the ability to do small stable cohorts in schools, good ventilation then its going to be much much much harder for us to do reopening in a successful way so its theres no easy answer just reopen schools, everythings going to be fine. It has to be done in a smart way it was all the resources in place. It definitely is a tough balancing act now doctor burke said that they are issuing these guidelines because spreading among children is low. But the risk is still there and they can bring the virus home to family members that the child themselves that they can they can you know have Underlying Health conditions so its its still a pretty risky situation. Yeah, the theres a theres a rest to passing it. To each other passing to an adult, but the risk of very very very small actually and the rest to childrens directly of the virus is no. But its the adults that we really need to worry about. So if our teachers go back to school and many of them are chronically are sort of on a crackly higherrisk groups, some of them are older, if they go back to school and they get sick and thats where the where the illness happens is is actually adulthood dont transmission thats not good for our kids what is good for teachers is good for our kids is good for families. So i would actually worry the most about the adults in the equation which is counterintuitive we always think about the kids and what if the kids are nervous and dont do it if theyre at risk, its fine. Its actually the adults and the entire School Community that we have to think about you have to take a relatively holistic view. Kids are relatively well rests i would actually want to encourage families to feel a little less anxiety around their own specific children but actually to think about advocating for the whole community. And you mentioned teachers are there any tips that you would give again california classrooms mandated to be Online Learning. If theyre on the states watch list, but lets eat classes, you know they have to go back and are there any tips that you give teachers to kind of take in order to keep themselves safe and you know those in the classroom. Theres a couple things one of which we have this idea in our head which is totally normal we all think that i do it the same thing and the pediatrician we think of the kids as the source of the onus and even taking care of patients weaving of the patients as the infection mess. So were really good at being mindful that infection risk when were with our students are with their patients. And the place where guard comes down is actually one hang out with colleagues trusted friends who are the other adults in the school quite often are in the hospital setting and so people take off their masks and they sit down they talk to their colleagues sometimes without social distancing while theyre eating that actually the place where. I have seen both anecdotally and my own hospital also as ive been doing research in indoor camp settings which are some other schools. Thats where the breakdown happens. And teachers i think if they can be mindful that thats super helpful not just mindful that its natural its normal and so having the School Environments that help people to make sure that doesnt happen. And then thinking a little bit about how. The distance you have a chain you and the students which we know is important. And particularly theres a weird thing about covid which is that because its spread by respiratory droplets. Kids are actually their lower to the ground respiratory droplets fall as do generally aerosols which is the other way you can get covid they fall and so keeping above the kid even if youre having a kid youre preschool teacher, youre a kindergarten teacher, youre hugging the kid comfort them if youre stand taller than them then thats actually what can also protect a little bit and then obviously not obviously but just to make sure to say that out loud good hand hygiene dont touch your face wear your mask are all the things that you want to be thinking about. And its good for night remind their children in addition to teachers reminding children in their classrooms that but i think you so much for joining us. Yeah, thank you. That was a doctor naomi bardack with ucsf benioff Childrens Hospital talking about the new cdc guidelines in favor of welcoming students back to campus this fall. Theyre going to switch gears for a moment take a live look outside at the Golden Gate Bridge are going to get a check on our weather with meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez there. Yeah, lets take a live look outside San Francisco International Airport we are noticing that increase in cloud cover with no sky july returning for most bay area cities this evening and its been hanging tight along the coastline, very stubborn marine layer contributing to our cooling trend, not just along the coast, but our inland valleys. But the good news is that for your saturday were going to notice quick clearing so instead of that fog big lifting in clearing by around noon its going to lift him clear by around mid morning for your saturday, thanks to that extra sunshine, warmer temperatures as well for the 1st half of the weekend temperatures out there right now cooling down into the mid to upper 50s for the San Francisco peninsula coastline, mid 60s right now throughout the east bay shoreline with widespread 70s as you make your way inland and low to mid 80s for parts of the tribe valleys like conquered an antioch and overnight lows tonight, widespread mid 50s but santa rosa cooling down into the low 50s in antioch low 60s for you lets take a look at your microclimate saturday outlook downtown San Francisco warming up to right about where you should be in the mid 60s safer, Half Moon Bay right around 63 degrees with widespread low 70s from san bruno to Burlingame Sam is tale 72 degrees foster city a little bit cooler at 69 degrees in mount view boarding with 80s at 79 degrees near average highs for san jose 84 degrees in santa clara in the low 80s. We are going to see winds out of the southwest 20 Miles Per Hour less livermore warming up into the low 90s with widespread 70s throughout the east bay shoreline oakland, 72 degrees and for those of you in the north bay napa warming up into the low 80s and back into the mid 80s for those of you in santa rosa with that warming trend continuing this weekend and then gradually cooling down early next week with near average highs by next thursday back to use an awesome thank you for that. Next on kron 4 news at 5 why nasa is planning to use some of now take a look at this the balloon you see behind me is as big as a football field, and its going to be used to lift a specialized telescope above antarctica in 2023. It will be about 25 miles high and while it circles the south pole for a month it will collect new data about the stars. Nasa has never been able to gather before scientists expect to learn more about the milky way and the evolution of galaxies when the balloon deflates the telescope will safely parachuted back to earth ready to be used again in the future. And now we go to michigan where a Police Officers being hailed as a hero tonight for saving the life of a 3 weekold baby. His quick actions were captured on his cars dashcam ryan young shows us the video. Town for their approaching underway officer cameron matching on ski of the Sterling Heights Police Department in michigan. Got a heartstopping call of a baby in distress. I was about a mile away from the house side right around the corner on the call him out and the only information i got from my dispatch lies there is a free on it and not breathing. And everyone is screaming in the dash cam video picks up the next very 10 seconds. Filled with i was checking the babys mouth, this you might see anything didnt see anything and then next and that is trying to ease him back laws to dislodge whatever it might be cheaper down in the days airway and that youre in sync 3 back full laws and the 3rd one i heard a thing crying on. Even before the ambulance could arrive the baby was breathing on her own does a sigh of relief i thing actually before i spoken to mary neil i took one a deep breath and without over the air that maybe is crying. Well h and brings joy to everyone but it was a definitely a giant sigh of relief. You know what was going on in the emotion in that moment and anyone who has a child any mother it on the planet watch that video any family you can just feel the. The pain the worry its all there in the in the moment, you know those 2 or 3 very powerful maciejewskis chief couldnt be more proud of these young officer ive been a Police Officer for 25 years the last couple months have been brutal on not just for me, but every top united what what a lot of people dont see is what we do every single day, our guys to weigh the police work including saving lifes. Mighty esky got to meet the if that and the family as they thank the officer for his calm under pressure. Police officers from around the world have reached out to say good job, but my guess he got the seal of approval from his hero and the man who made him want to be a Police Officer. His dad who also served as a Police Officer for 20 years and he said. Usually its too bad that the. Thank hero to the sign by is like youre my hero today and heads it really does it pulls on the heartstrings. Because i im a human just like everyone else in the world. That was ryan young reporting for us and that wraps up kron 4 news at 5 im Sanaz Tahernia our coverage will continue at 6 with kron fours Catherine Heenan governor Gavin Newsome is sounding the alarm on large gatherings over the weekend and his warning to people if they still choose to gather amid the spike in

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