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The governors update comes a day after he ordered bars and 7 counties to close and urged another 8 counties to consider doing the same. And we will be in Constant Contact with our county partners to understand how this might impact what theyre seeing and experiencing in their communities and how this plays out in their data. The states latest action comes as coronavirus cases increased here in the state by 45 over the last week with the Positivity Rate that continues to creep upward now at 5. 9 . California also continues to see increases in icu patients and hospitalizations. It is because of those rising numbers that Health Officials across different counties are scaling back their reopening plans. Alameda county isnt reversing any but county officials are pressing the pause button on entering the next phase kron fours alsothe ammonium is live in our newsroom with that decision l a a lot of moving parts here definitely grand Alameda County has seen the highest number of confirmed infections in the bay area so far. And their Health Director says the more people in their county are contracting coronavirus and turning to their hospitals for help as of today Alameda County has more than 5700 cases and a 130 people have died in the last phase a county allowed Outdoor Dining religious services indoor and outdoor retail and Outdoor Fitness classes back on june 19th so youre not going to see that go away but its the next plans that have been put on hold they were going to allow Indoor Dining salons and barber shops to open plus pro sports without fans and pulls to open so the timeline for that has now been extended the Health Director tells me that its because since june 22nd the rate of cases started going up. Plus san quentin inmates are also being treated in Alameda County hospitals but theres one thing in common with most patients and why the least vulnerable are still being asked to shelter in place take a look. So we do know cover giving nursing hold a number of vulnerable vulnerable residents in our county and so there are a large number decir they are related to nursing home attractions certainly people transmit disease to one another so if i am. Person is not considered the most vulnerable populations but i go out into the community and i contract covid i can bring it home to my aging parent that i care for all right kids who are interacting with other kids who have also aging parents so its transmits she to people who may or may not have symptoms. People who may or may not get very ill. To people who are at highest risk. So Alameda County leaders are waiting for a more appropriate time to move forward again and they determine that based on 5 thanks hospitalization rate along with their Surge Capacity testing and their goal is to actually do 3100 tests per day and theyve been able to do 3,000 this week they also want a better perfect Contact Tracing and make sure that a personal protective equipment is available. So Alameda County. Workers will be making phone calls to residents for contact oracing so you can expect that but dont be fooled by scammers this would be an opportune time for them the county will never ask you for Social Security or Payment Information as from moving into the next phase that has yet to be determined live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news. Thank you ellen tonight, a covid19 outbreak at san quentin prison. Its getting worse with more than a 1000 inmates. Now testing positive. Nearly all of them have com within the last 2 weeks 7 of them are hospitalized in marin county and with cases there spiking county Health Officer doctor matt willis says the number of beds required will be much higher. Right now thousands cases the numbers of cases daily is still rising so normally its curse arises and then i told that falls. So we could model out and its just its a 2000 inmates total my infected if 10 of them required hospitalization which is also going well. I have a predictable that would be 200 individual. Governor newsome announced today that plans are in the works to transfer some of the sickest inmates to Seton Medical Center in daly city but a Field Hospital is also being built on site at san quentin. Across the county gyms and bars that were supposed to be open today are going to keep their doors closed a bit longer. Contra Costa Health Services says the average number of coronavirus patients in hospitals in Contra Costa County has increased 75 in the past 2 weeks and newly identified cases those of more than doubled that trend kron fours michelle kingston has details for us tonight on when some of these businesses may get the green light to finally reopen. So there really are 3 reasons why we made this decision about the one i think that is the most concerning to us is the number of positive tests were seeing come back a rise in positive coronavirus test results is concerning to contra Costa Health Services last month they saw about 2 to 3 of tests coming back positive and today that number is at 6 we expect to see the numbers the raw numbers go up absolutely as more people test the raw numbers will go up its the percentage of positives thats concerning to us because thats what reflects really the spread of the virus in the community because of the rise in positive coronavirus test results and the average number of coronavirus patients in county hospitals increasing by 75 in the past 2 weeks the county has postponed opening businesses that were previously given the go ahead to reopen on july first those businesses include bars personal services, not involved in close contact with the face gyms and Fitness Centers limited Indoor Leisure activities in museums and hotels for tourism an individual travel over the past 2 weeks in Contra Costa County that number of newly identified cases has increased from 38 to 87 a day. Now in june 55 of people who tested positive were 40 and younger compared to that same Group Testing positive at just 38 . In april Contra Costa County Health Officers say young people are now playing a major role in the spread of the coronavirus we think that there has been more social interaction over the over the last week since i think thats why we really are seeing young people. But frankly, the concern is across the board. I think. You know as we opened things up and as we sort of went back to a normal course of business. Eat weve got a little lax with things like wearing our masks and social distancing and we really i feel like thats vital to getting these numbers down and with that or community to really help us do that theyre simple things to do and they can make all the difference in Contra Costa County michelle kingston kron 4 news. Police in oakland tonight are searching for suspects and answers in a string of alleged weekend hate crimes from saturday morning to sunday night police say a total of 3 hate crimes were reported bringing the number of hate crimes in that city in recent weeks to 5. Our Jonathan Mccall is joining us now in the kron 4 studio. He talked to one of the victims and has more on this story jonathan thank you grant think about that 5 of those cases happening all in the month of june alone to alicia senate goes home. Has been in her family since the 70s she says she is a supporter of black lives but didnt have anything visible at her home that would make are an obvious target for hate crime investigation. Tonight, shes not alone. This really has set a goal wants to know exactly who would want to attack her home with messages. The Oakland Police are now investigating as a hate crime all lives do matter. But. You know we need if a someones home. The message that youre trying to say. Loses all value senegal says that she was out of town early sunday morning when she received a call from her neighbor. Telling her that her home was covered in graffiti tagged with the phrases that all lives matter slurs against the police and even an phrase with an expletive of love and im like that to me hit my heart because thats what im about. About love i love about fall all types of love because thats whats going to make us. A better species neighbors, family and friends have now rallied around or most of those words are now covered i mean, im smiling because i want to cry, but im just so tired of crying, but she quickly learned that shes not the only victim of a reported hate crime. In fact, shes among 3 now being investigated by opd from the weekend. Saturday morning is pride celebrations begin, someone smashed the windows of oakland lgbtq center sunday, a mannequin and son were also tagged with hateful messages. The incidents are among the recent string of race related crimes being investigated in oakland earlier this month a noose was found hanging from a tree at lake Merritt Oakland mayor libby schaaf talked about the recent crimes after the vandalism at the Lgbtq Community center on saturday. If the people saying that. That we have so much more to fight for for dignity for justice. And to the nation and violence. As for those responsible for the damage at her home senegal says this i want to sit down and have a conversation. Let you do this. What was the intent so that i can understand. Senegal says after that incident yesterday she now plans to proudly display black lives matter signs at her home. Oakland police say they are looking into these latest incidents, anyone with information. No urge to give them a call live tonight in studio Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news all right jonathan, a brother and sister in the east bay say they were harassed by a neighbor and had. Police called in them simply for being black the pair says they were riding motorcycles last wednesday night when a man came outside started throwing rocks at them and told them to leave the neighborhood part of the confrontation was caught on video. Our first dan thorn is live for us in fremont tonight with more on their story and. Well vicki, this brother and sister says that theyve lived in this neighborhood for more than 25 years and for a man to come outside and tell them that they dont belong is just wrong. They say this man was judging them for being black and that his actions were racist. You know you get nonsense video from wednesday night shows a fremont man calling 911 on a brother and sister you harass me he says they were harassing the neighborhood while riding motorcycles. The man recording the video is Brandon Wilkerson who says that was simply untrue and that he was actually being harassed because hes black the reason that i pulled out my phone is because i heard the most outlandish thing that i can hear my community when im doing something illegal. That this is not your community. You do not belong here you need to go now wilkerson says he was teaching his sister brittany how to ride a motorcycle. Well they were cruising around he says the man began throwing rocks at them and yelling at him and go oh im not trying to sound like honest and thorough rocks. Nothing about what we were doing was illegal longer on the video, the man accuses wilkerson and his sister of not being residents of this neighborhood as what you can and youre going to call the police on an unarmed black man on a motorcycle may try explaining to him they have lived there for more than 20 years but the man wanted to hear none of it he just continued to you know intensify the his wife couldnt contain him. He couldnt contain himself. And. It was just a really ugly situation that did not need to happen. The police did not show up that night another neighbor who witnessed the ordeal said he would vouch for the wilkersons if they did come. The siblings say they dont plan to press any charges against the man instead they would like to educate their community about racism a lot of people in disbelief, but its real its real and a lot of people are showing their true colors in. We need change and he says stop. Wilkerson say they have not had any runins with this neighbor sense we reached out to the man who is in that video and he refused to answer any of our questions without his lawyer. He says that this is a personal matter and that he believes the video being released. Is a legal. Reporting live in fremont dan thorn kron 4 news. Thank you dan rebukes in calls to defund San Jose Police are intensifying after. Racist facebook postings were exposed in recent days. The executive director on the council on islamic American Relations says she is shocked but not all that surprised that anti Muslim Facebook post have been linked to current and former San Jose Police officer she says the post one of which suggests using his jobs as nooses calls to mind previous allegations of anti muslim sentiment by muslim officer who sued the department in 2018. But what this confirms for me is that. It may not be safe for someone who looks like me to call them to protect you. In a Statement Police chief eddie garcia says he has no control over what officers post online but promised to investigate saying that quote we have no place for this. Whether time live look outside on this monday night the last monday in june how about that this is San Franciscos embarcadero less windy than it has been in recent days. Yeah, take a look at those palm trees and theyre not meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez here was something a little more scientific. Yeah were noticing also that we dont have any cloud cover as well so rare sight over the east bay berkeley because we can actually make out the city which is certainly a treat for us during the Summer Nights because we either have maker a june gloom and julys coming up grant vicki and its no sky july so that will begin on wednesday. Lets take a look at what temperatures out there right now as you head out the door, widespread 50s and 60s still warm out there in parts of the tri valley is like conquered 72 degrees antioch in the mid 70s out there right now still double digit warming on account of those warm dry offshore winds but for those of you in santa rosa getting a little bit of that cool sea breeze influence. Thats why you are currently in the 60s right now current wind speeds though we are noticing calmer conditions and that is great news youre under high fire danger specifically far north bay mountains earlier today. But that red flag warning was allowed to expire at 8 oclock this evening and future cast for is going to show that marine layer, nonexistent once again for our Tuesday Morning and tuesday afternoon. So we are going to notice a lot of sunshine and temperature wise out there tonight because of that lack of blanket of cloud cover cooling down into the low 50s for Half Moon Bay and santa rosa widespread mid 50s but antioch a little bit warm out there cooling down into the mid 60s for you and youre going to warm up in the low 90s tomorrow, so still tracking a hot air mass there, but warm temperatures inland. A few degrees above average but overall starting tomorrow were going to begin a cooling trend. Widespread mid 70s, right along the east bay shoreline in mid 60s along downtown San Francisco below average temperatures expected for your thursday as that cooling trend continues, but then starting friday were going to start a warming trend that will continue through your 4th of july weekend warm temperatures in london, the upper 90s but still going to remain cool along the coast in the 60s, thanks to that sea breeze and 70s throughout the east bay shoreline and even 10 days from now were going to notice that roller coaster ride continuing but near average highs even thursday 10 days from now back to you grant vicki. Thanks bree said tonight new developments in San Franciscos public works Corruption Case involving the citys former public works director Mohammed Nuru and other city officials today the city controller released an initial Public Integrity review of the corruption and his recommendations to improve transparency while also reducing the risk of fraud. Our first Taylor Bisacky joins us now live from the city with the details on this taylor. Well after the release of those recommendations supervisor matt haney is taking it a step further hes now translating those recommendations into anticorruption legislation of course is just a proposal for now, but he says its the first step of many that the city needs to take to protect public dollars into also restore public trust. Through its first in a series of reviews the San Francisco City Controllers Office found several shortfalls in city policy and oversight that allowed for unethical behavior by former public works director Mohammed Nuru in several other city officials some of the issues include the power and Authority Given to the director of public works gaps in purchasing oversight gaps in city and state restrictions on gift giving and weaknesses in contracting methods and procedures used by the city body knows about mohammad but. Were also finding out more and more than 8 was it just one bad actor who was many bad actors and in addition to that it was bad policy it was bad structures it was at oversight on monday city supervisor matt haney announced his proposal of an anticorruption legislative package. He says it aligns with recommendations from the controllers office. It focuses on the elimination of these loopholes in city policy theres a exemption for gifts even from contractors if you can say that theyre your bff in that you known them for a long time even contractors can give gifts to officials. Theres a provision that allows. I Department Directors and bureaucrats to solicit donations to nonprofits some of which then turn around and give that money back to the any amount without having to disclose that at all in addition in 2011 former mayor edwin lee designated as the director of public works to act on the mayors behalf in approval of various aspects of the contracting process. This meant the department oversaw itself allowing new route to award contracts to handpicked contractors for example, public works establish 114 contracts with million the use of prequalified pools from july 2017 to march 2020 in another example, the controllers review found that public works awarded 7 contracts worth 10 million through no discernible Selection Process to expedite Homeless Services purchases. To address that type of corruption and unethical behavior. Its going to take more than just prosecuting director knew its going to take changing these bad laws ensuring their structures protect public dollars. And prevent its sort of awful behavior on monday. Mayor london breed said in a statement that the city will immediately begin implementing the reforms recommended by the city attorneys and controller she also said shes rescinding the delegation of authority that was granted to the director of public works in 2011. Mayor breed says that if the city needs to pass new laws that they will do so in conjunction with the supervisors. Meanwhile supervisor haney says that he is announcing this legislation tomorrow and it will formally be introduced over the next few weeks boarding live in San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news. Thanks taylor, the Golden State Killer also known as the east area rapist pleaded guilty to all charges against him today you see 74 yearold joseph de angelo here appear before a judge to plead guilty to dozens of counts of firstdegree murder, rape and kidnapping. De angelo a former Police Officer reportedly terrorized victims across california. As a serial burglar and rapist hes accused of killing more than a dozen people dating back to the 1970s. Police could not catch him for decades. Detectives say a dna sample from the crime scene was sent to a genealogy website and that is what finally helped crack the case in twentyeighteen dangelo was arrested by police in sacramento. The Sacramento County district attorneys spoke just after the hearing. Having sat here today and listened in sat that night of his interview. He is the real life version of hannibal lecter. Is a cruel intelligent sadistic serial killer. He is pure sociopath he is a master manipulator. The plea agreement spares him the death penalty. Instead hell have a life sentence with no chance for parole. Prosecutors say dangelo muttered to himself after he was arrested about and in her personality that had forced him to commit the crimes. The accusation is shocking and even Top Senate Republicans are calling on the white house now to figure out what happened dating back to early last year. The latest on the report that russia pay the taliban cash to have american troops killed in the middle east. And the coronavirus still surging in several us states as the death toll soars where nearly 100 people got covid after hanging out at the same mark and its not how most people react when black lives matter protesters walked by their house, but his attorneys pulled out their guns and started yelling what may happen to them after this displ the shooting in seattles capitol hill occupation protest area this morning left one man dead in a 14 yearold boy critically injured bringing more scrutiny to that autonomous protest zone, todays attack is the 5th shooting within 2 weeks in the choppy area and the second to turn fatal. Thousands of protesters have occupied the area since june 8 in an effort to demand Police Reform following the death of george floyd after the shooting the Seattle Police chief has asked people in the area to leave. Video shows some tense moments here outside a st. Louis and says is crazy. St. Louis missouri home last night Peaceful Protesters were walking by on the sidewalk you see some of them. And then theres this guy and his wife who came out of their house, pointing guns at people at times themselves it even looks like this is a private street near the louis mayor lydia crew sums home a local reporter was there Daniel Schuler he recorded this video he says somewhere around 500 protesters, were cutting through this neighborhood. They were going to the mayors house. They were angry that the mayor had publicly read the names and addresses of people who want Police Reform in louis. Mayor krewson said the names and addresses are public information. She did later apologize for her action, the protesters didnt appear to be even trespassing on the property here these 2 attorneys, but the man who pointed a gun at protesters. Who marched on a private property says he was afraid for his life and afraid for his family safety. Theres like the storming of the bastille the gate came down and of crowd very angry shouting. Aggressive people poured through i was terrified that wed be murdered within seconds. But our house would be burned down their pets would be killed. Prosecutors now looking the laws surrounding that action in a statement from their attorneys mccloskey say they support peaceful demonstration and the black lives matter movement. President trump free tweeted this video this morning. And im tracking a gradual cooling trend in the bay area the coming days, details ahead on your 4th of july weekend outlook. And join prime for this weekend for a virtual 4th of July Celebration were going to show you some of the most. A memorable moments from the biggest Independence Day Fireworks Show in the west coast, san diegos big bay boom will also honor a local heroes who have been on the front line helping and caring for people during the pandemic you can check it out 4th of July Celebration on kron 4 devin, did you know geico is now offering an extra 15 percent credit on car and motorcycle policies . Ok . Thats 15 percent on top of what geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for . Dj khaled to be your motivational coach . Yo devin remember to brush in a circle motion. Thank you. Dj. Khaled. Tiny circles, devin. Do another one. Another one. Is this good . Put in that work, devin. Dont give up. Geico. Save an extra 15 when you switch by october 7th. With Independence Day this weekend several states including california are rolling back reopening measures some are closing down bars. Others beaches. The goal is to prevent a repeat of memorial day when crowds just flock to public places. Cnns Jason Carroll has the latest for us. Tonight coronavirus cases are surging across sections of the country. Prompting at least a dozen states to pause or roll back reopening plans. The countrys Health Secretary warning the window is closing to get the virus under control this is a real call to we have all got to as americans act responsibly nationwide florida now leads in new coronavirus cases the spread primarily among young people were seeing a rise in in the infection rate of young people. They will and then in turn eventually bring it in and to their parents and their grandparents and then were going to have a problem. Bars in the state now closed for the second time several counties also closing beaches ahead of the 4th of july holiday mail of hollandale beach in florida had like she may be and this together now and we will get through it is everyone clock rights in texas Health Experts seeing a sharp increase in infections among young people there as well barr is now close to help slow the spread. The governor says over the past 2 weeks the daily number of cases have spiked from an average of 2000 to roughly 5,000 some people now lining up and waiting hours for covid test hospitalizations here in dallas. It doubled for covid just this month and also in our region. Where the Tipping Point down Harris County where houston is and so the doctors are asking for us to have universal masking one bar in east lansing, michigan shows just how infectious the virus can be. The Health Department is asking patrons who visited harpers restaurant and brewpub earlier this month to self quarantine after some 85 people contracted covid19 barr has ordered closed in 7 counties now in california. It was one of the first states to issue a stay at home order and now sounding the alarm after seeing a surge in cases 4 not out of woods, we have to continue to take every single possible precaution. And i do think people in california believe science and are going to Pay Attention and adjust their behavior. New data obtained by cnn show some of the hardest hit states, including texas florida and arizona do not have the amount of contact tracers they need to stop the spread of the virus contact tracers follow and monitor contacts of an infected person to see whether they become ill. This as a doctor Anthony Fauci warns that a vaccine if and when it is developed may not in the outbreak his concern people may refuse to take it. Thats one of the reasons why we have to make sure we engage the community as were doing now to get Community People to help us for people to understand that we are doing everything we can to show that its safe and that is effective. Jason carroll, reporting for us tonight. The cdc says the available coronavirus statistics might show just a percentage of the problem in a survey finds the number of infections might be 24 times higher than those being reported. Today nearly 9,000 donated thermometers were handed out to families at San Francisco Public School campuses. These devices are called kinsa smart thermometers and they could be paired with smartphones to track health symptoms. School district Officials Say the thermometers are tools that should come in pretty handy when and if School Starts up. And as people are looking towards well a School Look Like in the fall, having a thermometer and having regular temperature texas probably reality so making sure that every household has the materials to do that in the technology to that is going to be crucial. Unlike any sort of new normal that were looking at. Officials say the district is using guidance from the cdc, the California Department of Public Health and education, as well as consulting with local health agencies. The districts goal is to have a plan ready for review by the board of education by mid or late july. Whether time now a lot of people taking the week off or at least part of it Marissa Rodriguez is here with a look at the forecast. Yeah and were going to notice a gradual cooling trend right before our 4th of july weekend. So lets take a look outside and we can actually see Golden Gate Bridge out there this evening. Karl, the fog taking a little bit of a break tonight and the same for tomorrow as well so temperature wise were going to be right about the same as today near average highs for downtown San Francisco 66 degrees low 60s for daly city Half Moon Bay, 65 degrees for your tuesday afternoon and plenty of sunshine from brisbane a burlingame 72 degrees for brisbane and burlingame but in the mid 70s for those of you in san mateo palo alto 79 degrees in mount view 84 degrees for your tuesday afternoon highs so we are going to notice breezy winds around 20 Miles Per Hour less widespread mid to upper 80s for those of you in the south bay 80 degrees for cupertino but san jose 85 degrees. And as you make your way inland out of the 90s and in the 80s for those of you in livermore 87 degrees hayward 76 mid 70s for rinden conquered 89 degrees and richmond and berkeley in the low 70s, so we are going to be near average along the coast, but a few degrees above normal as you make your way inland but napa 82 degrees sonoma 84. And santa rosa 85 degrees. So very pleasant temperatures with below average highs expected on thursday, but then rebounding really nicely on friday back to near normal and then warming up saturday and sunday for your 4th of july weekend, upper 80s for most of our inland valleys so we are going to be warm but fortunately not tracking any major heat waves but thanks to that cool sea breeze we are going to see mother natures atc keeping temperatures along the coast in the 60s and 70s throughout the east bay back to you going to be alright risa in National News tonight, Top White House officials. New back in early 2019 about intelligence suggesting russia offered the taliban bounties to kill us troops. Thats a full year earlier than previously reported destiny allegation, the New York Times reported. The information tonight. The Associated Press was also reporting that timeline we know that a handful of democrats will be briefed on that plot tomorrow and there are questions about how much President Trump new uno snotty romero reports. Shockwaves across washington, this is an extremely alarming report over revelations that Russian Intelligence Services offered money to taliban fighters for killing american and british troops in afghanistan in this mornings trouble its obviously a serious are disturbing the New York Times reporting President Trump was briefed on the intelligence back in march which the president denied tweeting intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible and therefore did not reported to me or Vice President possibly another fabricated russia hoax maybe by the fake news wanting to make republicans look bad. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh Mcenany says the intelligence was never fair fight there is no consensus within the Intelligence Community on these allegations now members of congress on both sides are demanding answers it were to be true or anything like it would be concerned. The russian practice over the last several years of during its best secretly to try to undermine western governments. Including the united states. This is as serious as it gets our men and women in uniform on with it and they and willing to do so much for our country. But we cannot put them at a disadvantage at least some republican lawmakers were briefed monday while a small group of democrats expect to be briefed Tuesday Morning as concerns mount over the danger posed to us and Coalition Troops in the region. At the white house, im nadia romero. The Supreme Court took action this morning. It is being viewed as a win for supporters of abortion rights. Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberals on the court to block or controversial louisiana abortion law. Critics say that the law would have had the effect of closing nearly every Abortion Clinic in the state. It would have required any doctor who performed the procedure to have admitting rights at a nearby hospital prochoice supporters argued that the law was not medically necessary and amounted to a veiled attempt to restrict abortion. 4 years ago the court struck down a similar law in texas. The 4 former minneapolis Police Officers charged in the death of george floyd had a Pretrial Hearing today. Derek chauvin charged with seconddegree murder in floyds death appeared by video the other 3 officers each charged with aiding and abetting seconddegree murder and aiding and abetting seconddegree manslaughter appeared in person. The judge said the court is aiming for another hearing on september 11th and the trial of a trial date of march 8th the hearing comes more than a month after floyd was killed while in police custody. Im mad at the system. You the system should have had. Better order in place because how did you kill i mean how do you control. I situation any more than they had controlled hes handcuffed on his stomach hannah brown is back what was going to do. Kelly couldnt get a run. Children is seen on video pinning floyd to the ground and pressing his knee on floyds neck for nearly 8 minutes floyd died of asphyxiation. Across the country now not a single state flag will bear the confederate battle emblem, a symbol for Many Americans of slavery segregation, White Supremacy and hate this weekend mississippi became the final state to make that change as cnns Martin Savidge reports now some say this change was a 126 years in the making. In the span of a weekend mississippis legislature did what many in the state thought theyd never see in their lifetime. Voting to remove the last state flag containing an overt confederate emblem, how many states have a flag that 40 or 50 of their people their stay. Cant stay. Hes a National Protest against Racial Injustice put renewed focus on confederate symbols all week pressure has been mounting on mississippi from leaders in education business religion and the sports world demanding change real racial inequalities that exist in mississippi. And the flame was just the start of something new in a city that we need to trace then Republican Governor Tate Reeves signaled for the first time. He was willing to sign a bill to create a new flag tweeting the argument over the 1894 flag has become as divisive as the flag itself, and its time to end it. The decision was chaired by civil rights leaders, this is a Long Time Coming finally, mississippi decided to be one of the 50 states and not the one states 10 or low still the emblem of aid segregation, a segregated society. Even the great great grandson of confederate president Jefferson Davis said it was time to put it in a museum and honor their put it in your house, but the flag of mississippi should represent the entire population but not everyone is thrilled there is still a significant number of mississippians opposed to the change. This is not the confederate battle flag. This is the flag the state of mississippi. Once the bill becomes law a ninemember commission will be tasked with coming up with the new flag design guided by 2 requirements, it must say in god we trust and could have no confederate emblem. The final version will be voted on by the people of mississippi. This november. And that was cnns Martin Savidge reporting for us tonight now if voters dont agree on a redesign come november. Another design will be submitted. Still ahead tonight a woman or ramp for not wearing a mask inside a trader joes is now sharing her side of the story. Plus Colin Kaepernick will be the subject of the new netflix docu series really play himself for its stated goals. Video of a woman a ranting about having to wear a mask is certainly going viral. It happen into luka lake which is about 12 miles from downtown. L a. People with medical conditions or Developmental Disabilities that prevent them from Wearing Masks are exempt from the rule in the video the woman says she is in that group. Greg mills spoke to the woman and shares her side of the story. Not this one. This one. Following the state mandate masks are required to enter the store. The woman in a cell phone video told me a medical condition prohibits her from wearing a mask i do have a breathing problem basically from my nose, she said that night the store manager allowed her to shop without the mask, j j. Said go right ahead just for today. Go ahead without a mask, she said an employee offered to shop for her and she can wait outside, but she said she preferred to shoppers self and then the man started yelling at her. If you where youre. Mask she said she felt threatened and nobody nobody was helping me so at that point is what. They show in the attorneys Steve Meister told me he doesnt know what shes talking about. He said the cdc has issued no federal mass mandate, and he wishes they she was upset saying nobody would help her in those moments, i felt like they were acting like pigs. Do i regret it. No, i mean not really in those moments, i dont she was asked to leave, but she didnt so i stood there and i said im not moving because i didnt do anything on police were called no charges filed and she went home. Greg mills reporting for us tonight trader joes has not responded. For comment. Kate. Tonights sports weve doubled our speeds the fastest just got as Major League Baseball teams convene for Training Camp ahead of the shortened 16 game season this week today, the giant star one of several teams that have been hit by the coronavirus kron fours jason dumas has more on how teams will try to keep their players safe moving forward. The jury has confirmed on monday that 2019 1st round pick Hunter Bishop has tested positive for coronavirus who will temporarily be kept off the giant 6 team and player pool Sports Medicine doctor rand mclean says we should not overreact to these positive tests were going to part of these players and those associated with the way for her. If you put a treaty out about a week every member also why were watching the uptick sections. If the gun case is about be the middle of may. Erie county rate when summer camps open on wednesday players and staff will be required to go through medical testing and screening processes before they enter team facilities. The league has also banned spinning items such as Sunflower Seeds peanut shells and tobacco pictures will be allowed to carry wet rags in their pockets instead of the common habit of licking their fingers for moisture here that were going to what were doing is were doing the best we can. Could be a doctor maclean actually believe the Biggest Issue may be soft tissue injuries due to sudden increase in intense workouts for the players. Personal bests right away where backup from maybe what might be 85 your visual 100 . Reporting in San Francisco, im jason dumas scrum for news. In nba news some reports coming out today that the league plans to paint courts to say black lives matter the season, 3 different arenas will be used at the wide world of Sports Complex in orlando, and all of those would have the message painted on the sidelines. Its part of the nbas plan to use its platform to support social justice initiatives this after Players Union president chris paul said the league is also considering allowing jerseys with messages in support of the movement. Meanwhile 2 more players tested positive for covid19 today. Spencer dinwiddie and deandre jordan. Both of whom play for the nets nba Training Camps are set to begin in orlando on july 9th. Thank you kate. 3 former u. S. President s are literally tipping there caps honor the centennial of baseballs negar leaks Major League Baseball had a plan to more elaborate celebration for the one 100th anniversary prior to the pandemic but. Today was i took my head. Everybody need to release 2. Let the century long legacy it talent and spirit and dignity, our country. The neighbor leagues pave the way for modern Major League Baseball president obama tipped his cap to legendary an eagerly players like satchel page josh gibson and cool papa bell, former Texas Rangers owner. George bush honored willie mays, his favorite former new grow League Player and president clinton tip the chicago cubs cap in honor of baseball great ernie banks who began his career in the negroes leaks. Colin kaepernick is teaming up with filmmaker ava duvernay for an upcoming Netflix Series it will focus on caps High School Years the 6 episode series will be called colin in black and white. It will include stories of his experiences that led him to become the activist he is today kaepernick will appear as himself. He will also be the executive producer and act as the narrator a different actor will play the Young Kaepernick the High School Version no word yet on when the series will be released. Still to come tonight one mans small step that led to a giant. Frigid plunge will tell you about this story of and that movie the money pit well imagine stepping onto an old wooden floor and then. Falling right through instead of hitting the cell floor. You go down 20 to 30 feet into extremely cold water. It immediately is taller than you are over your head you have no way out terrifying right happened to a guy in connecticut, who is helping a friend move into a historic home yesterday that home built in 1843. And originally had a well outside you cant make this up in 1981, the owners build an addition over the well but. I guess they didnt bother to cap. The water source or even build a sub floor. It fell into a well through a floor that led to this terrifying ordeal which a person had tread water for well over 25 minutes fortunately they were able to and miraculously rescuers were able to pull the person out eventually with ropes. Has just minor injuries, but hes a good friend, i guess while helping his buddy move chase. No kidding. Coming up next the news continues on 24 7 streaming Service Called kron its commercial free did you do that on purpose, a well slipping in their sleep and then also the moment standing by in the newsroom. Perhaps shes a news she has were working on. For caught on at 11 tile that is a horror story, thanks so much guys in other news, the many people are struggling with unemployment right now of course, and its got to be even more tough for veterans as they transition from a military career. To civilian life so coming up on kron on at 11. Im going to be letting you know about a Virtual Career fair thats happening this week for servicemen and women plus or spouses who may be looking for a new job will have that information for you guys in just a little bit see you kayla thank you and make sure you download the kron on app to get 24 7 commercial free. Local news coverage. Were running out of time, wed love to talk to her bree said to just get a quick since of the the weather but apparently we dont have time alicia want to send 5 seconds. Cooling down and then warming up this weekend in july. Narrator in the criminal Justice System sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories. hissing everyone stay with your partners ners and sit in front. Mrs. Macnamara, calebs not sitting in the front. Yes, stacey, i can see. We need to be let off at the Natural History museum. I stop at 81st street. Boy mrs. Macnamara, someones left their suitcase. Its pretty heavy. Dont touch it, caleb. I want everyone off this bus right now

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