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Deputy. Thanks for joining us at 10, im ken wayne, im pam moore, the attack over the weekend killed 38 yearold Sergeant Damon got swell or who leaves behind a pregnant wife in a 2 yearold child. Cuts will or was a 14 year veteran of the Santa Cruz County sheriffs office. As you just heard the county sheriff is calling his death a murder. Kron fours dan thorn live for us in santa cruz tonight with the very latest on this case than. Ken and pam investigators say they plan on staying on scene in ben lomond for at least the next few days. Search of the shooters home so far has turned up several guns and several explosives. The sheriff says that this gunman would have gotten away if it wasnt for some brave citizens who stepped in to help out. Heroic actions caught on camera fearless citizens pinning down accused cop killer Stephen Police say he was trying to escape after shooting and killing a deputy at his home in ben lowe month he was dangerous. Hes angry man intent on bringing harm. The Police Officers he murdered sergeant gus weather. A 911 caller saturday says a u. S. Air force sergeant was driving a white van believed to be filled with guns and explosives when Santa Cruz County deputy damon got swell or and 2 other officers responded to curry owes home mayhem iraq did this was a very chaotic scene. Theres a lot of gunshots. There was pipe bombs going off. A radio and cell reception is pour in that region of the county. A second unidentified deputy was also shot in the turmoil, he remains in the hospital. The road leading up to creo is home has been blocked off as federal investigators have found mo reguns and explosives are fighting pipe bombs. Multiple firearms. A large amount of ammunition. In his attempt to get away creo is accused of trying to carjack this man seen in the red sure all wrestling creo to the ground the man only identified as sam was able to knock a pipe bombs and guns, including an ar 15 away from meanwhile, the fbi are looking into a possible link between curry owes van and a white van seen leaving a deadly may 29th shooting at an oakland federal building. The feds offering no new information monday. As this investigation is ongoing. I can not provide and will not provide. Details or comment any further on the van. A memorial for deputy got swell or continues to grow outside of the Santa Cruz County sheriffs office. A Community Heartbroken over the death of the 14 year veteran who leaves behind a pregnant wife and a 2 yearold son david was a good man is a good good Police Officer. And he was a friend that we all love. Korea was formally charged this afternoon here in Santa Cruz County. The sheriff says that the man that was seen in that video that helped stop creo will be honored at some point reporting live in Santa Cruz County dan thorn kron 4 news dan thank you were learning more about rios role at Travis Air Force base. The base spokesperson and afar tells us korea was a member of whats called the phoenix ravens far says the phoenix ravens are specially Trained Security Forces dedicated to providing an acceptable level of close in security for aircraft transiting airfields where security is unknown or additional security is needed to counter local threats. The phoenix ravens receive additional training on a number of different subjects, including crosscultural awareness legal considerations Embassy Operations airfield survey techniques explosive ordinance awareness. Aircraft searches and on armed selfdefense techniques. This is a picture of creole training with the ravens at travis. It is featured on the bases website, captain far says the key differences between the ravens and the traditional Security Force members or the physical Fitness Standards the verbal judo such as de escalation training and tactical baton techniques. And take a look at this surveillance camera footage showing the chilling moment that a worker at a been lowman Marijuana Dispensary came face to face with the suspect in the killing of that Santa Cruz County deputy as kron fours Maureen Kelly reports tonight that worker initially thought the suspect was an offduty officer. The Surveillance Video shows the suspect crouched behind a parked car in front of the redwood coast dispensary off highway 9 in ben lawman saturday afternoon employee Mark Kowalski says at the time he was aware a deputy had been shot and that a gunman was on the loose when he and his boss came out to investigate a commotion outside as soon as he got to the parking lot. He found himself face to face with the armed man we kind of look each other up and down i was he was holding a you know an assault rifle. And for a moment, i think i hope to use an offduty Police Officer because use i a 30 year scruffy like someone had just been in the shootout as we look at each other i just was co uk was going on. And he said and i were your karma and i really got to get out of here. And i was still hoping that he was going to flip out of that and say im a Police Officer. He said im not a bad guy, im just sick of all this duality bulls s. Said realize ok. Kowalski says he was able to back away when the suspect looked in another direction and then jogged across the parking lot jumped in a car or a young lady was i heard her screaming jumped out. It was after that that the man left the parking lot. Another witness says he then attempted to carjack another local man who tackled the suspect not long after that the suspect was arrested and later identified as ben lomond resident, Stephen Kowalski learned after his runin wi the suspect that a santa cruz sheriffs deputy was killed in the ambush this guy. So you know how to direct his anger. A good guy is a crime. That pot shop worker says that the suspect never pointed his firearm at him at any time during their encounter. But he is still rattled by the experience. At least 4 other people were here in this parking lot potentially in harms way. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. Dozens of people out in Castro Valley today calling for justice for george floyd another african ameran killed by police participants marched to the cv adobe park to hear from activists and community leaders. And this is video of a huge gathering today in martinez several 100 people took part in a black lives matter rally, calling for criminal justice reform. The rally was put together by the public defenders of Contra Costa County attorneys, investigators and staff from the Public Defenders Office took part. What i would like to see happen is that the criminal Justice System to be reformed that all of the income disparities the Health Disparities anything that is affecting black and brown lives for that to in i would like to see the kill and most importantly a black men and women stopped. San franciscos Public Defenders Office also organized a rally in the city the event was held from noon to 1 oclock on the steps of the hall of justice later this week the Oakland Police commission will present a report on the mobile Assistance Community responders of open program or otherwise known as macro data its a different model of policing is based on a program that has been used in eugene oregon for the past 30 years in of all civilians responding to specific 911 calls the Police Commission. The or urban the urban Strategies Council and the coalition for Police Accountability have all been developing a report on this program for the past year. For the calls that dont really require a badge and a gun. If they responded to buy a mac pro. Thai team, it enables the police to spend their time on calls that are genuinely criminal or violent in nature. Funding for the Macro Program will come out of the citys Public Safety budget instead of hiring licensed clinicians the program would use specially trained counselors and Emergency Medical Technicians to resolve nonviolent police calls for service. In an effort to keep this conversation going a virtual town hall is being held tonight with the Oakland Police commission kron fours noelle bellow has been listening in tonight she joins us now with a breakdown of the conversation. Noel. Ken and pam at town hall did start around 6 oclock this evening, its still going on right now about 500 people joined in including youth organizersnd athe Oakland Deputy chief of police the purpose was to have an open discussion about Oakland Police response to demonstrations and to discuss policies and procedures by the department. I want to warn you the photos, im about to share that were share shown during this meeting maybe a bit disturbing, this is a photo, a protester who was hit about 20 times with rubber bullets during protests 2 weeks ago Oakland Police Commission President Regina Jackson who shared these images. She says many who participated. Were extremely upset with opd is response and many who spoke during tonights town hall said they did not hear warnings before being shot at and they say officers opened fire before curfew Oakland Deputy chief of police were on armstrong discussed crowd control policy in the issue of having outside agencies called in to help with protests crowd control he said opd did not deploy those rubber bullets as it is against their policy but certain officers do use tear gas. We have a specialized specially trained officers that deploy these thats a very select group they have special in the deployment of these particular we dont distribute them to other agencies other agencies come with their own thing. Ill say is that all of our investigations, including our after action reports as well as or or use of force investigations are subject to review by the federal the federal monitor be also given an after action review of the events as well and and and his team will review is the with the forces if the force was within department policy. That review and investigation into the protest response should be available for the Police Commission by july 15th. Armstrong also said the department has already begun to look into getting rid of certain use of force techniques as they apply to daily response including banning chokehold as well as the carotid restraint and. Thank you know well. Alameda County District attorney tony Nancy Omalley announced a new council today, it is aimed at addressing and reducing racism in the Justice System the council will be made up of members of the community particularly from the black community as well as selected staff from her office in a statement da omalley says she stands in solidarity with those protesting Police Brutality and systemic racism check out this video from daly city a Mountain Lion spotted this week near vendome avenue and hillcrest drive area. Just casually walking down the sidewalk right by the cars, the man who gave us this video says hes lived there for 30 years. And hes never seen a Mountain Lion like that in the area. Lets take a live look outside always beautiful Golden Gate Bridge and its kind of clear nice you can see the light sparkling on the bridge tonight and for the first time in about 3 months or so we have chief meteorologist lawrence good to see you guys great to be back in the studio driving up in the San Francisco certainly an icy sights like this the Golden Gate Bridge looking just beautiful out there. Today and tonight me and just as gorgeous as weve got nice clear skies and thats the way its going to stay all night long. Temperatures will be mild overnight today we had some warm weather out there yet 83 degrees in concord 80 to start to warm up in livermore 80 in san jose calif 77 degrees beautiful in redwood city 79 in mount view for i 70 downtown San Francisco in 82 degrees in the napa valley. Here we go High Pressure overhead that ridge you can see really keeping the clouds well to the north now thats why its going to stay the same time were seeing little bit of a normally come over to the wind. Thats just enough to keep that fog bay and that means were going to see some nice clear skies for tomorrow after that things begin to change ride the service we are seeing a little bit of sea breeze you can see that the San Francisco west wind at 9 miles per hour. But stronger the sfo 20. It is calm now and live more in 11 in benicia but we are going to see those clear skies tonight will be a little breezy at times the winds decreasing after midnight tonight tomorrow, sunny and warm then those winds pick up again by the afternoon and really look at the temperatures warming up to the next couple of days before cooling down quite a bit over the weekend. Well we have seen some blustery winds the past few days today, we had the wind out there in the afternoon little blustery in spots but by tomorrow morning, fairly calm out around the bay area to start out your day but will be sunny and bright to begin and then the breeze will pick up in the afternoon more of a general sea breeze kicking in lot of part of the afternoon. Big dome of High Pressure building in has done this for the last 3 weeks various sick league out there as weve seen that midweek warmup and then that cool down as we head of the weekend. Well see that again this week to although not going to see a real heat wave from that ridge of High Pressure just not that strong but still a couple places going to be moving in the 90s as early as tomorrow. You can see that the Central Valley to 91 of fresno 90 in bakersfield 92 in los angeles and san diego about 82 degrees in santa barbara. High pressure overhead you can see all those clouds staying well to the north tomorrow morning clear to start out your day as we head toward the afternoon lots of sunshine and warm weather to in fact a little bit warmer than what we had today then were going to see a change as we get to wednesday. The clouds gather along the coastline thats low clouds and fog going to be moving in the coulee down toward the beaches and just inside the bay. So today tomorrow looking good sunny and warm top out right about tree about one 3 oclock in the afternoon in san jose. As you head to San Francisco, sunny and nice all day those temperatures moving in the 70s in some parts of San Francisco and in oakland should be beautiful out there, sunny and warm temperatures probably up in the low 80s in some spots. Well the stalking last forever let you know we expect some changes coming up. Thank your 10 a 10 is coming up in just a few minutes guys back to you all right lauren thank you we are tracking coronavirus cases around the world. According to researchers at Johns Hopkins university there are now more than 7 million confirmed cases worldwide and more than 406,000 deaths. So certainly those are enormous numbers yet infections across 6 large countries, including the United States. Call for state of the second joins us live now she talked with one of the co authors of that study taylor how did they come to this conclusion. Can researchers reviewed the policies and preventative measures across 6 major countries, including the u. S. From january to the beginning of april they then reviewed those policies and also watched analyzed for the impacts that they had in the number of coronavirus cases. Is not important to take a step back and realize the magnitude of this Global Response that we have seen as a has always been on time there have been suffering down due to that. But weve never in the history of human kind like. I would imagine hed never ever did as barely never say that many yards in a short period of in a new study researchers at u c berkeley say emergency policies to the coronavirus prevented 530 million coronavirus infections. In 6 major countries, including the u. S. Through april 6th in the absence of the rows of this disease is astonishing so. On the order of doubling every 2 days which means that the past several months would have banned. Essentially i imagine we catastrophic had we not have enough money losses. The study reviewed nearly 2000 policies implemented in china south korea, italy, iran, france and the United States showing what confirmed cases here in red on the right would have looked like if no policies were in place as co author of the new study in bolivar explains the number of total infections would have been even larger has not everyone is tested by april 6 we would have seen about 60 million more infections. In the u. S. Had we not acted meek also continuing policies after april has likely prevented millions more, but its also had huge Economic Impacts has a record of more than 20 million jobs were lost in the United States in april while these costs are very visible. Bulger says the studys purpose was to also point out the Public Health impact difficult to observe the benefits we dont see the infections that would have occurred or the debts that what happened we dont see the family members that we may have lost in a world in which we i mean much at all says. So what were trying to do with the study was to measure those benefits directly bolivar says. Its important to weigh the impact of policies moving forward as countries interstates responded the pandemic but either loosening or tightening restrictions there are real costs of these policies and so we need to be smart about our we continue to evolve our response is endemic. A lockdown for all populations is not a Sustainable Society it makes the rise in the indictment, but it will cost lives not going towards. Another Research Team found that home isolation of business closures and lockdowns have the clearest benefits wears things like travel restrictions and travel bans had mixed results they were seemingly more effective in countries like iran and italy but less effective here in the United States. 4 live in San Francisco Taylor Bisacky kron 4 news taylor. Thank you the bay area now has more than 15,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus. And 462 deaths are the latest numbers broken down by county. Alameda county leads the bay area with more than 3900 cases and a 101 deaths. Santa clara county is next with almost 3,000 cases and a 145 deaths. Contra costa county is the only county to report a new death today. It now has more than 1700 cases and 40 deaths for a full list go to our website kron 4 dot com. California sues are likely to continue Distance Learning even when schools reopen later this year the state superintendent Tony Thurmond unveiled a 55 page guidebook for schools today on top of requiring face coverings and 6 feet of social distancing the guidebook recommends rotating students into campuses twice a week and allowing them to distance learn the rest of the week. Superintendent thurman notes that these are only recommendations not requirements. Were not saying. Or mandating that anyone be under since learning were simply saying that issue should continue to a comedy. Way they can buy the quest. Theyre coming from parents for some Distance Learning, we know that many of our students really need inclass instruction. Local School Leaders will decide how they will actually reopen the classrooms, but education leaders note implementing the guidelines will require schools to spend money. More details are expected next week when governor, newsome signs off on the new state budget Indoor Dining bars and gyms in Contra Costa County can reopen starting july the first county officials announced plans today to move into phase 3 of its reopening plan. However, the county leaders are also concerned about a possible spike in covid19 cases which could prevent that plan from Going Forward. Force Jonathan Mccall joins us here in the studio with details jonathan and we just mentioned a moment ago that Contra Costa County reporting a death today today the county also announced that its moving further into phase 2. The county says they are seeing more cases of covid19 but theyre especially concerned about a potential spike from the thousands of protesters who hit the streets in recent days for george floyd for George Floyds death. Contra costa countys road to reopening from the coronavirus hit another milestone on monday as the county moved further into face to starting monday people can once again eat outdoors at restaurants. Visit swimming pools and dog parts and also hold outdoor religious gatherings. Next week the county is expected to move even further into face to reopening barbershops and salons board of supervisors chairwoman Candice Anderson says that county leaders are closely paying attention to any potential spikes that could happen as a result of large crowds taking part and recent protest in im happy that so many of our. Protests were conducted with people wearing face masks will be closer than 16 and i think were all crossing our fingers that were not going to see. 2 weeks from now or 2 weeks of last week and to takes takes in our numbers the county is expected to move into phase 3 on july 1st. Which would see the return of Indoor Dining bars gyms Indoor Church Services and other activities. But anderson says that any spikes could prevent that from happening only thing that would really stop us from Going Forward would be a significant surge particularly in the number of people who are hospitalized or of course test anderson says while the county is seeing more cases of covid19. Health officials are doing a better job of managing it. She says the county is also doing a better job of Contact Tracing and should have a number of tracers in place soon. Also as part of the countys road map to reopening stage 4 which calls for schools to reopen. Were told that is set for july to august with the districts setting their own pace. In the studio tonight Jonathan Mccall kron 4 news, thanks jonathan volunteers in oakland spent their weekend working on a black lives matter street. Mural ahead we see the finished work from above. Plus a protest that turned violent in oakland last weekend left several businesses damage. Including those owned by African Americans Community Effort that Just Launched to help them clean up and reopen. But first new developments in a federal Corruption Scandal involving San Franciscos former public works director 3 more arrests in what can i do to help you . Come on buddy, headphones. What. Hey. Ok, alright, what kind of i said i dont want to talk about it. Wait, wait tray what are you doing . Its ok. Its ok. 3 more people have been charged in San Francisco with crimes related to a public corruption and Money Laundering scheme. The investigation is linked to the january arrest and charging of the citys former public works director Mohammed Nuru new rule was accused of trying to bribe a San Francisco Airport Commission or the complaint against him also allege that he tried to get free and discounted labor and Construction Equipment from contractors to help him build a personal vacation home. Investigators say one of the 3 recently arrested include sandra zuniga, she is sonsidered San Franciscos fix it director and is pictured here on the Mayors Office website. She is the one wearing a red top and blazer the complaint against her says that soon ago was new rules longtime girlfriend and claims that she both knew about and benefited from his schemes. The other 2 arrested and charged or bomb or hernandez, a longtime employee of the Citys Department of public works and now chief executive officer and Vice President of the San Francisco bays Construction Engineering firm called as Tool Works Inc and also Florence Kong who owns a Construction Company also based in the city. Weve got storm clouds rolling across the midwest more nice weather around the bay area how long will that last your 10 to 10 is coming rig your diy haircuts. Thanks for sharing your savage moves, and especially your awkward ones. Thanks for sharing your cute kids. And your adorable pets. Now its our turn to share. With the geico giveback. A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. So thanks again. One good share deserves another. The wind in your hair. The feeling of freedom that drives us to go t and discover. At chevy, were committed to getting you there with confidence and peace of mind. Thats why your chevy clean dealers commit to using enhanced vehicle cleaning measures with cdcapproved cleansers. If you need a new equinox, get 0 apr for 72 months or, four thousand five hundred dollars cash allowance on most models. You may even shop online and take delivery at home where available. So you can find new roads with confidence. A somber homecoming for george floyd this morning, the hearse carrying his casket arrived at the floyd Family Church in Houston Texas for a public memorial one day before his funeral. Thousands of people showed up waiting in long lines in houston heat to pay their respects floyds death at the hands of Minneapolis Police has inspired protests around the world. Nadia romero reports on the growing call for justice in honor of george floyd. I love making a strong thousands turned out in houston monday to pay their respects to george floyd his death in the custody of Minneapolis Police drawing attention to racial inequality and Police Brutality in america free because im not that its time for change time for justice time for reform. The memorial bringing together the floyd family with other grieving families and thank you all so much for coming out to support a. And all the family of that he will meet today, michael hair about as they along with the protesters around the world call for justice in the wake of their their voices being heard. Theres a great awakening that this death has caused George Floyds death will end up leading to systemic change in our country in minneapolis, the city council announcing plans to dismantle the Police Department our community is ready to re imagine Public Safety from a groundout and in washington a Sweeping Police Reform bill could set some new National Standards for policing all weve ever wanted. Should be treated. Equally. Justice and policing act represents a strong necessary bold step. In that direction for George Floyds family a hope that his legacy will be lasting and that tell you what if he was told he would have to sacrifice his life to bring the room together not knowing him, i know he would be in houston Nadia Romero Kron 4 news. The funeral for george floyd is scheduled to begin tomorrow morning at 9 oclock our time you can watch the event live right here on kron 4 and our streaming app kron on we will bring you the full event live and uninterrupted former Vice President joe biden is expected to attend the funeral tomorrow today, he met privately with the floyd family. In one picture you can was congressman cedric richmond, reverend al sharpton that to ben crump and George Floyds uncle roger floyd. Also sat down with George Floyds 6. His daughter gianna and her mother rock 6 yearold daughters when trying to say and her mother roxy washington washington couldnt hold back the tears while talking about floyd today. I feel for my enemy of jill, it is it could go on just as a hero. I won just his fear because he was good no matter what anybody thinks she was in this is the group a with a game day. She says floyd moved to minneapolis from texas seeking a better life that always helps take care of his daughter. Take a look at this San Francisco mayor london breed shared this picture on her twitter page tonight, she says the city hall. The coit tower sfo and the sf conservatory are all lit up in memory of george floyd. The city of fremont also lit up its city hall in crimson and gold. Those are the High School Alma mater for george floyd. Heres a satellite picture of tropical depression crystal ball, nasa got images of the storm over parts of the southeast today cristobal made landfall yesterday in louisiana as a Tropical Storm that caused storm surges and a lot of flooding. And tonight neighbors in a Lakeside Community near new orleans are coping with high water old man will is close enough to the gulf of mexico, the residents are accustomed to flooding. But this was a sneaky one for a lot of people the pounding of the serve the car alarms role people out of their beds overnight. 2, 2, 30 oclock this morning a started hearing a thought a big boom and you can kind of hear it just kind of faint inside the house and i thought thats the thats not good. My husband because it was raining thought that this would be a you know pretty. Easy quick out no flooding. And you know i told you so was. And what i said at 02 00am we are moving our cars and panic. Officials are asking everybody to stay off the flooded roads, it is expected to take a while for the waters to recede and we want to check in with our chief meteorologist Lawrence Karnow hes been tracking crystal ball. Yeah now fully overland pam, so itll continue to weaken a little bit here but its going to actually combine with another system, a re strengthen as it gets closer the great lakes, but right now you see the center of the circulation as it makes its way over little rock. This right here. This is the Mississippi River and that has been a major problem theyve already had a lot of rain above normal rainfall out here this season and now theyre getting this tropical system rolling right up the United States in fact look at the track here this is expected to go right up through kansas city all the way up. Into the great lakes before combined with another system thats making its way across the rockies right now and that will start to intensify again and theyre going to see the risk of flash flooding all along that area not only that the possibility of a Severe Weather maybe some more tornadoes along that line i back out west we go weve got to High Pressure overhead right now you can see all this energy headed up in the Pacific Northwest bringing some rain up there not in close to us lots of sunshine for our day tomorrow on wednesday things begin to change a little ridge is going to start slight little bit further to the east. Thats going allow some low clouds and fog creeping along the coastline cooling off out toward the beaches while still staying hot inland. Some 90s and some of the valleys but then on thursday that cold front gets a little bit closer in this will be one of several cold fronts the begin to approach the state not going to bring us any rain but well continue to weaken that ridge bringing us more clouds bring us a stronger on shore push public to see some pretty good wind during that period as we head through the weekend to as you see a series of the systems that come ashore, so looks like were going to see some cool weather but not before we squeeze in a couple more warm days in fact some 90s and hot inland. The next couple days cooling down on thursday and then much cooler on friday and saturday warming up again getting hot on monday and tuesday before cooling down late next week. Thank you lawrence will fire crews continue to get the upper hand on that quayle fire which is burning us a lot of county cal fire says the fire is now 75 contained. This blaze broke out over the weekend in the area off quayle canyon road and Pleasant Valley road they grew to more than 1800 acres 3 structures have been destroyed the genie is planning to move across the bay, the utility has today its seeking to sell it. Headquarters complex in San Francisco and relocate to oakland. It expects the move will cut its real estate costs and therefore provide longterm savings to customers. The new pga headquarters is set to be at 300 Lakeside Drive in oakland, the move is expected to happen in phases over the next 3 years is somebody National Park will reopen to visitors this week park Officials Say they plan to begin a phased reopening on thursday but at a limited capacity, the goal is 50 of its average visitor rate allowing only 1700 vehicle passes per day. The park will begin taking reservations tomorrow and look at this this is the new black lives matter street mural in Oakland Instagram user skyhigh oakland shot this area love the mural is stretches about 3 blocks long located along broadway and harrison streets, the first a street mural popped up in washington dc after 16th street in the dc downtown area was renamed black lives matter plaza on friday. And oakland woman is stepping in to help black Business Owners pick up the pieces many of those protests a michelle kingston reports the Oakland Black Business Damage Fund and now has close to 100,000. Elise douglas has raised about a 100,000 for black owned businesses in oakland this money can be used to board up windows and also prepare any damage. Front side of our building. Had a lot of graffiti spray paint oak stop is just one of many businesses damaged during protests in oakland owner trevor parents surprise that his place was hit that surprised me think that whoever did do this damage. Likely wasnt part of this local open community because people in the Community Know that we are very much for and support the community, thanks to a lease douglas in her latest venture oak stop and other black owned businesses in oakland will be able to recover means a lot to me to know that theyre always have us resource or vehicle to get resource it is. It is a psychology doing what theyre doing douglas is partnering with a local nonprofit to make sure the close to 100,000 shes now raised will always be available to black Business Owners in oakland in need of both Protection Measures like boarding up windows and any damage repair. It says a lot easier to fix windows and is to fix systems of racism and injustice and so you know as me as a single person. Im going to vote and im going to be civically engaged and im going to do things i most always going to do. But im also an all out. And hes my time and energy to make sure that. 16 windows and im you know the people like people honor to cleaning graffiti and were doing that background infrastructure work so that a larger world for the mission which is really towards Racial Justice can keep on the fact that theres a fund thats targeted at supporting black is this time is really a great thing that a number of other people should be following if you need access to this fund or are interested in donating or volunteering alongside douglas head to our website kron 4 dot com. In the east bay, michelle kingston kron 4 news. Sidewalks are inspiring social justice in chicago coming up meet the 9 yearold artist hoping to share a message of love and justice beyond the blocs plus Major League Baseball offered players, a new proposal for a possible start to the season. Kate rooney has the details coming up in Michael Vasquez come over here. Ive heard such good things about you, your company. Well, i wouldnt have done any of it without you. Without this place. This is for you. Michael, you didnt have to. And, were going to need some help with the rest. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. Yes. It does there are some protein bars that have as much sugar as a candy bar. My atkins chocolate Peanut Butter bar. I dont want it packed with sugar or refined carbs. So, choose wisely. Chicago, a 9 yearold is inspiring social justice in his community hes using chalk art the demonstration for peace and understanding has gone viral on social media. The best utah reports. After 9 yearold aiden kelly heard his neighbors idea to draw hearts along there south shore neighborhood sidewalks. He didnt waste any time and spreading the message of love and friendship i just wanted to like some por. Like everyone and make sure everybody feels happy users for like a couple of crazy things happening for the past few days to Andrew Jackson Language Academy student took it a step further. He wanted to be part of a movement that he had heard about and seen on television and so with a ruler in a piece of paper he made his own black lives matter sign and stood outside of his house by himself while challenging his neighbors to take part in a unique way i just did one is like just like be out here like the crowd staring at me holding my sine i mean i thought it would just be better to like stand here and then have like people calm and then and like ask him to lake if they want to like draw or write or draw something. Now these south shore sidewalks are covered in colorful chalk with messages of hope a lining the streets. His mother katia taken aback by her sons enthusiasm to help make change it id neighbors, pulling idea to. To to draw the hearts. And when i told a ton about it he got very excited and dropped his bucket of shots wind out did all the work a neighbor snapped a photo of the little activist and artist and at last count this was circulating on social media, 10s of thousands of times i just want everybody to be like treated nicely not anybody like being treated done said this project is about sharing love and understanding and simply being nice there are just like 2 races, theres only one race the human race. Oh my goodness, what a lovely child that was romney they show all reporting young age and is hoping that life will imitate his or that in some small way his effort will help bring peace and understanding. Apple is finding a way to take Group Selfies while social distancing. Its been granted a patent for a software that allows you to invite people to be in a group selfie and then it would remove each persons actual background giving everyone the same background putting them all together in the same shot, however, the company has not confirmed whether or not it will. Actually create and market the software. Duncan is looking to hire 25,000 people remember it used to be called Dunkin Donuts has restaurant start to reopen in the United States the breakfast and coffee chain launched an ad Campaign Today to support recruiting efforts. It is also partnering with Southern New Hampshire university on an Online Education program for franchise employees kron 4 is saluting the class of 2020 every night were shining the spotlight on a specific senior tonight kron fours shout out goes to mendoza she is graduating from liver were high school shell be attending chico states next year and playing soccer for the wildcats. We want to congratulate. Mia there is still time for you to showcase your senior just go to kron 4 dot com find the salute to grads twentytwenty tab under the news tab give us a picture of your graduate and let us know which school they attended and their future plans. Tonights weve doubled our speeds the fastest just got the pga tour is returning this week some in ceda athletes are back to work outs and other u. S. Pro leagues are making plans to return, but Major League Baseball continues to struggle the league and the Players Union that is are still at odds today. When it comes to resuming what the season might look like. Now after weeks of back and forth between the league and management and the Players Union. The latest proposal presented by the league this morning has been rejected by the union. The plan called for 76 games for which players would receive 75 of their normal salary, prorated the union had previously proposed a 114 game season. And espn reported today that the league has requested a response from the union by this coming wednesday. The nfl is taking more steps towards Training Camp beginning at the end of july the league and Players Association sent a jointly improved memo to teams yesterday with guidelines for how to reopen facilities that includes a tiered approach to the return of employees with players coaches and physicians among the first group allowed to return Health Screening and covid testing will be mandated daily masks must be worn inside at all times that includes 4 players in teams must work to create as much physical distancing as possible in spaces like locker rooms the warriors will not be playing again if the nba approves the 22 team re start to the season as expected. But today general manager bob myers answered some of those burning questions about golden states offseason that includes things like the health of Klay Thompson who spent the year recovering from a torn acl meyer said he didnt know of clay was back to 100 yet and wouldnt until the team could work out with him in person but did say the thompson hasnt had any setbacks myers also said he didnt know what the Team Spending capability would look like when it comes to bolstering the roster for the coming season, so a lot of questions still to be answered in one of them who are the warriors going to draft in the new nba draft coming up with the new rules. Theyre guaranteed a topfive selection in this years draft that remember has moved to august 25th. Now they have a 14 chance of landing the top pick in the draft lottery. Thank you kate like so many others a bride in philadelphia had to downsize or wedding because of the coronavirus our ongoing protests made her big a lot goes through your mind. With fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. Thats the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management. Take a look at this photograph open fire officials tweeted pictures from a fire earlier today along park boulevard. Firefighters say a commercial building caught fire to workers on the rooftop had to be rescued. Fortunately, nobody was injured there is no word yet on what caused the fire. The fire crews say it took them about 15 minutes to put out that blaze in the south bay them out new Police Department says it will no longer use direct restraint technique called the carotid hold the Department Said on twitter that it would stop using the hold immediately. And they are also reviewing additional policies and having meaningful conversations with their community. On friday governor Gavin Newsome said that chokehold which cuts off a persons circulation has quote no place in the 21st century because it is outdated and sometimes as we have seen even lethal. Exchanging their vows turned into a symbol of solidarity and love know he was in philadelphia share their first look on their wedding day outside of a hotel there surrounded by a black lives matter protests that looks terrific. The couples wedding of coronavirus so they decided to hold a small ceremony in the courtyard of the logan hotel and as the bride and the groom got their first look at each other. Demonstrators started to surround them and they had no idea that the protests will be going on the photographer says people were chanting black lives matter and black love mac or says they gather around the couple. The bride says that she could feel all of the Energy Around her in this special moment and according to the groom seen his bride for the first time on their wedding day in that setting was Pretty Amazing have some fantastic pictures from that day. Coming up the news continues on our 24 7 streaming Service Called kronon it is commercial free our noelle bellow standing by in the newsroom tonight with what were working on noel. That image of that couple is just so beautiful ken and pam these protests are having an effect on pretty much every aspect of our lives, including the music were listening to coming up next at 11 were taking a look at the top songs. People are streaming during all of this plus were going to take a look at the San Francisco buildings that are lit up tonight, reading gold for george floyd all that coming up at 11 oclock. All right one last check of the weather outside tonight, clear skies around the bay area still a little breezy in spots looking out toward the Golden Gate Bridge. No fog to worry about tonight going to stay nice and clear all night long that fog is going to slowly creep back on shore. I think as we get into the middle of the week some yet clear start tomorrow morning weve got temperatures in the 50s in the 60s already by 08 00am as we head toward noon, yeah, plenty of sunshine and even some of those numbers up in the 70s in the bay, some 80s in the valleys and by the afternoon. And certainly a chance you could see a couple low 90s well inland so, temperatures heating up tomorrow again maybe a little bit warmer outside 90 degrees in concord 89 in santa rosa, 91 in livermore about 84. In redwood city and youre looking at 75 degrees in San Francisco out over the next few days High Pressure takes hold that will bring with it that heat once again in the middle of the week and then things begin to cool down on thursday and friday. Much cooler weather the winds picking up again. This coming weekend guys have a great night everybody good night. Sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories. Man im freezing. You want to warm up . Paddle harder. Oh, i must have been crazy to let you talk me into this. Got to train early to be in shape for the class five rapids this summer. Its the middle of winter. Hasnt stopped anyone from using the hudson as a garbage can. horn blowing, bells clanging must have fallen off a boat. Maybe they left us a couple of brews. Oh, my god. Stabler we got a call for child abuse. Hope you havent had lunch yet

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