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People who are working at this time they came home and saw their hillside on fire. Its an area that they could not drive to the fire truck so actually they had to go up in the air at one point the drop fire retardant down. They also had to make sure that a lot of people stayed on the hillside in the overnight hours just to make sure that it did not spread to the area but they were so fearful that they actually had to evacuate some of the homes and this area just in case that the fire jumped the ridge line hopped onto peoples roofs and all of a sudden caught this neighborhood on fire. Residents of this neighborhood. You were not evacuated man, but you said you saw somebody get arrested, i heard somebody getting last night about a couple blocks down we saw were hurt some of his kneeling for help. They sounded a bit yelling for help multiple times on the and. We are multiple times a lot of people are kind of gathering around about 5 minutes later the sheriffs from and showed up. About 6 sheriffs officers or deputies, went into. The brush basically towards the fire and then about 2 hours later. That was when they came down with someone under after bed, rest and to hear that its possibly are some more than likely arson. What goes through your mind i mean this is such a beautiful neighborhood. I just have no idea why anyone would do just boggles my mind i mean obviously theres and some of that Mental Health issues that i feel like obviously the people who did this and might need some help and so intervention absolutely and last question i know that you were not evacuated. We see fires all the time i cover fires but ive never had a fire near my neighborhood. That must have been surreal the look out and see them. It was terrifying we had the just out for a little bit and had come home. And from the first day we could see the fires super clearly and we knew exactly where they were from having looked at the news that they were. Half a block from our house is terrifying and as i would imagine the good news is they did get a handle on and a lot of people were told go ahead go back to your homes. And they were in there inside their homes in the overnight hours as far as the arrest we do know that at least one person was arrested. Possibly as many as 4. By the end of the day so obviously a very fluid situation, but the good news is it looks like its not spreading and the neighborhood is back to normal. Although when they were walking their dogs yesterday they did not see what theyre seeing now i charred hillside back to you. And as always thanks to the firefighters all right well lets will tran reporting live for us in the south bay. Now lets go ahead get a check of the forecast as we head into the weekend daves far joins us with that high dave. Morning good morning, good morning everybody and were off to a cooler start and will be under the entire weekend little ways some fog clouds kind of lingering a little bit around the golden gate just a touch here but where they mix out and we go to sunshine into the balance of today, it looks like as far as the winds are concerned yes on shore they are theyre going to build a little bit this afternoon. And well peaks of it start to happen into tomorrow 2 will be having some of those projections for you later 67, antioch warming up in spots already pretty quickly. Rosa 58 for napa and 64 san jose about 60 ish light up the east bay shoreline. What you can expect today by high noon were at 7071 by midafternoon. When they top off in a couple selective spots at about 80, but dont expected for the weekend. Warm weather returns though into next week back to you. All right, thank you dave. A big story that were following for you this morning more protests overnight all across the bay area with more demonstrations planned for today, lets check in with kron 4 Sarah Stinson who is live in San Francisco with the details sarah. Robin these protests continue on day 11 since george floyd was killed by a Police Officer in minnesota and protests will continue even though hes been laid to rest people sending a message that racism will not be accepted in our country no longer in their will Police Brutality and their message has been heard loud and clear by our leaders fever that weve been talking about this week take a look at this video of a peaceful protest in San Francisco that occurred. Its also a very safe one everyone stayed in their cars and drove through the city very coronavirus approved you can see this is the caravan for justice and the route went through San Francisco starting in in richmond going through the presidio Marina Castro and then back into in a richmond each car was stamped with its own message people or had it all decked out in the whole thing was so loud it echoed throughout the city people or is screaming and you know chanting many signs that read black lives matter and white silence no justice, no peace just to name a few caught up with some of the protesters and they told us why this message in all this protesting needs to continue. Fundamentally. We need leadership we need human compassion right now, im doing my little part in the world to try to show some that were why people of privilege we have an obligation i think to stand up for communities that are pressed and. His silence is is admitting that youre siding th the oppressors. Peaceful protests also happening at city hall in oakland you can see them on your screen. Marching from city hall all the way down on telegraph people are spreading a message against Police Brutality and racism in our country all wanting justice for george floyd watch people marching in also just sitting peacefully in solidarity very peaceful protest is what weve seen the bay area interstate especially the last couple days. Theres been no no reports of any more looting or violence or anything like that 15 between protesters and police we know that people also marched in fremont as well as south San Francisco. A lot of areas in the bay area will continue to do so i know for sure oakland has a protest planned on monday as well for now live in San Francisco Sarah Stinson kron 4 news still going strong and more and more young people getting involved. Thank you sarah. Well students from the foul poles and Mountain View they took part in black lives matter protests, dozens of them gathered at the corner of san antonio road and El Camino Real and now to new yesterday see it right there the held up signs that read black lives matter. No justice, no peace and make racism wrong again. Also in the south bay, the curfew is over and at the same time police are defending their actions. In what they say was force met with force kron fours rob fladeboe has more on that. Were not going to lose the city. These men and women will not lose this city. San jose police chief eddie garcia on thursday coming to the defense of his officers, whom the chief says have endured an onslaught of violence during street protests that put the lives of both protesters and police in danger. The officers actions have saved lives. Property and ensured that Peaceful Demonstrations are able to continue here in San Jose Police making their case by plane clips a video showing violent clashes with police vandalism arson and other crimes. Police alleging much of the criminal activity was the work of agitators exploiting otherwise peaceful protests. There were individuals running around through downtown with accelerants and lighters lighting fires we give up thats base. I guarantee you it was only a matter of time before the start of structure fires and then we would have been one of those cities. On the news burning. We made the decision to not give up. Police said officers were hit with crowbars rocks frozen Water Bottles and chunks of asphalt the use of tear gas and other nonlethal projectiles was justified say police the mayor and city manager also weighing in this chaos. Like the drive officers and the i have confidence in our community. And i have confidence in our Police Department by working together. We can keep each other safe. Chief garcia again apologized and pledged a full investigation into allegations one officer talked to the protesters. But by and large the chief says his officers had no choice but to meet force with force in the face of what he said was an insurrection a preplanned violence, your officers love this city. And they protected and they will continue to do so. In san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. Well as protests continue in the bay area and all across the country local medical experts have gathered to discuss. What these Mass Gatherings could mean for the coronavirus pandemic the discussion was moderated by doctor rob watcher chair of medicine at ucsf millions of people across the nation have united after the death of george floyd demanding justice and reform and as they do so many of the protesters were Wearing Masks but almost no one was 6 feet apart. Medical experts say that just having this conversation is a step in the right direction. To how many people from all walks of life in all 50 states actually all of the world reacted to this gives me hope i didnt time i recognize there is a pandemic i worry about those protesters this pandemic shows us. The inequities we talk about in our health care system. Or if theyre not just shocking their deadly. We have a long way to go on unfortunately. The institutions and the parts of the country there are least well served, are ones are going to be hard. They also discussed the possibility of advancing more toward telemedicine and navigating the financials of American Health care after taking a hit from covid19. And still ahead this morning cutting down on Police Violence will find out what a oh what a police use of force expert has to say about ways to de escalate some difficult situations. And Police Tactics also being questioned sfpd responding to concerns over newly released body camera video. And after the break one family therapist encouraging families to have discussions on race with their kids as many children can be misinformed through the internet. Good morning welcome back to the kron 00 04am morning news its a 8. 14 this friday morning time to get a check of the Weather Forecast with dave spahr i day. Hey good morning marty good morning, everybody and other fog coming to visit giving us kind of some overcast skies at least to start things off although the skies open up it looks like by the Early Morning hours. The shot coming in from u c berkeley there we think of the fog kind of lingering just a touch. Temperatures have already started progress though the 40s bay we got 6070 antioch 61 livermore 60 per conquered and pretty much the same along the east bay shoreline up to the north bay we have a mixture of some 50s in place here 64 meanwhile for san jose. Theyre going to warm up to the reds have been pushed off the central valley, but will still manage about an 84, antioch 84 for santa rosa. Still got a lot of 70s on the board here and even some upper 60s for highs so showing you that things are changing in turning for us lets go and see the projections your future cast for going into today basically mostly sunny marine layer comes back again for tonight here comes that system delivering potentially maybe a few little stray showers for your saturday morning. But then clears back out again this looks a lot less bullish on that rain by the way. Then we just saw just a few hours ago in these updated models here. So for the that you cant get away from that will see them happened this afternoon and then a little bit overnight tomorrow morning with that system passes and then in its wake. Here we have the winds again on shore can keeping the temperature suppressed for saturday, a little bit into sunday getting them in the upper teens and lower 20s. This is probably not enough for a wind advisory we dont have one right now, but it so dont suspect well see what though for the most part. But it will be getting close to those parameters that keeps up for hours in the 20s like that scattered clouds and breezy mild with mostly 60s and 70s as we got we have a couple token 80s. Well have that the 4 zone. The need for this weekend isolated saturday shower in the mountains are along the coast windy in cooler with lower 70s for highs, you know those winds really show you that the Climate Control sunny in warming for next week highs back to about 90 or so by mid week, so the summer has not gone too far away says take a couple days off 64, San Francisco oakland, 6876 san jose coming up in a bit well take another look at 4 zone forecast at your extended to show you when summer comes back as well back to you. All right, thank you dave, lets check in on the traffic now we want to take a peek at the nimitz weve had a couple of accidents in hayward 80 south at a street we had wanted tennyson but look at the back of this year leaving san leandro or san lorenzo traffic has not recovered in fact its backed up on to the 2. 38 fly over so very slow along that stretch but after it its wide open 23 minutes from to 38 to 37 a quick peek at the san mateo bridge that back up its going to slow you down trying to get to the san mateo bridge but once youre on it youre fine 12 minutes to make it to the peninsula and a quick peek at the bay bridge 80 west doing just fine trouble free into San Francisco marty. All right robin tv networks, including nickelodeon mtv and the Disney Channel along with toy makers are tackling tough issues and taking a stand against racism. Their mission is to start a dialogue about bigotry kristi gross talked to a family therapist on how parents can start this conversation with their kids. This video with the words i cant breathe displayed across the screenplay for 8 minutes and 46 seconds and nickelodeon mtv tuesday, the amount of time investigators say minneapolis Police Officer derek chav and had his knee and George Floyds neck. It was a show of solidarity with black lives matter protests across the country just one of the actions networks have taken encouraging parents to have conversations with their kids about racism age should be initiated by. Talking to the child and notice how the child is handling of what is going on doctor asia, hunter, a licensed family therapist says parents shouldnt shy away from topics like race, especially in light of ongoing protests if the child is looking very upset or distraught or disturbed, or even ask questions to that end we should always be open to having. A conversation with them. She says parents should keep the conversations about race age appropriate if the air younger than 5 people talking to them or senate around the feelings and of course the sharing and that theyre safe for kids a little older, she recommends parents provide more information in context it kind of help your child to understand the reasons for people behaving the way that they behead i spoke with a black mother who tells me she and her husband talk to their 4 kids ages 9 to 17 about race and the protests. Basically dont sugarcoat whats going on. They want to make sure that they prepare their kids for the racism, they will experience of our lives. Doctor hunter says the viral videos of dogs can be traumatizing for teens of all ages to see i even and struck as it there is not only my teenager clients, but my adult clients to refrain sense stand on social media for wow because of feeling powerless because of feeling helpless because of filling rage and anxiety in stockton, kristy gross fox, 40 news. As protests across the nation called on their local leaders to enact police reform. One National Reform campaign is going viral. Its called the 8 cant Wait Campaign and that says Police Violence could be drastically cut down. If Police Departments added a policies which include banning chole kohls requiring de escalation warning before shooting exhaust all other means before shooting duty to intervene ban on shooting moving vehicles use of force continuum and comprehensive reporting a highly reno on a Renowned Police use of force expert Donna Cameron says its nothing new. They havent just 8 the to read included a lot of the policies. The officer was actually using a technique that teach us. I mean to our next circus even said that we dont we dont use our knees and 70s back or upper neck with that area. 8 cant way website list Police Departments all across the country that are using policies, however this in this email right here the richmond Police Department challenges the sites accuracy after seeing it was listed using only 2 of 8 rita npd says all 8 recommendations are covered. Now to the north bay this morning where we are hearing from the family of 22 yearold shawn monta rossa he was shot by Police Officers earlier this week. The Vallejo Police chief says the officer thought that sean monterroso had a gun but later discovered it was a hammer in his sweatshirt pocket. As it happened it happened as the label Police Officers were responding to a walgreens parking lot after they received calls of possible looting taking place at the pharmacy early tuesday morning. When they arrive to cars took off one of the vehicle striking a Police Cruiser monterroso was kneeling on the Pavement Outside the store at that time. Police chief sean e william says an 18 year veteran shot a veteran officer rather shot monta rossa while sitting in his Police Cruiser firing his weapon through the windshield, killing monterroso sean monterroso sisters, michelle mass least ashley say they are angry and discussed it. And the thing that hurts the most is just to know that this cop shot him from a vehicle how how do you feel threatened. Youre the one with the guy with the gun during a card to find a windshield he was very humble smarts we and its just very tragic that his saw has stolen from us. Well the officer who shot him is on paid administrative leave the family has raised more than 100,000 that will go toward funeral costs legal fees and the movement for justice. And coming up this morning, the death of george floyd is inspiring thousands of young people around the bay area the call for social justice were going to hear from demonstrators as they marched on the Police Headquarters in south San Francisco. And well take you outside for a live look at cloudy conditions still near the approach the bay bridge. The traffic is moving nice and easy this friday morning will be right back. The death of george floyd is inspiring thousands of young people all around the bay area to call for social justice as you see right here hundreds of protesters marched through neighborhoods and business areas in south San Francisco. The demonstration started outside city hall it remained peaceful during the nearly 2 mile walk to Police Headquarters. Police are built on a system of hate and i really think that we need to get the message through peoples these are human beings out here stop killing enough is enough. I mean this is of many. Well once at the Police Department mayor Richard Garbarino told the crowd saying the city stands in solidarity with him. The restrictions here in Santa Clara County are starting to loosen this morning were going to tell you what businesses are opening their doors and how things are going to change wi thanks for sharing your diy haircuts. Thanks for sharing your savage moves, and especially your awkward ones. Thanks for sharing your cute kids. And your arable pets. Now its our turn to share. With the geico giveback. A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. So thanks again. One good share deserves another. So thanks again. Back everyone, the time 8. 28 if its been too hot for you and the last couple of days while we are in store for a nice little cold out. A lot of folks are going to be happy to hear this forecasters day spa right dave. Uh yes, if you want some of the other side of spring coming your way weve got its good morning guys, good morning, everybody. Go to reduce some of those temperatures as we go into your weekend there maybe even flirt with little chance of a little shower down on Santa Cruz Mountains baby. This is going on with the fog, its still kind of lingering around the immediate they just a little bit as we can see from the shot from u c berkeley upstream that front is what were watching its going to be most people dont notice the winds going on this afternoon. Tonight and tomorrow and the reduction of temperatures but beyond that showers very very slight 67 going on for any aac 62 excuse me for livermore 60 per concord and we have kind of a hodgepodge of some 50s in some 60s up there the north bay 60 forming well for san jose. So breaking it down for you today were about 70 every clear out the fog by high noon, mostly sunny as we get into the mid afternoon at 71. And were talking about earlier that yes if youre tired of the heat so were taking a break from it, but the extended forecast as you see its coming on back well have details and a bit back to you. All right dave, thanks a lot will happening today restaurants and some stores will be reopening in the south bay in Santa Clara County. Kron fours rana harvey live in san jose with all the details on this brand new day at the rain. Marty good morning businesses are already starting to open their doors you can see right here blue stars behind me theyve opened their doors and every single employee that either seen or talked to this morning. All have had on mass so thats going to be a new changes you see a lot of establishment out here in the county so again were going to show you the rules that apply to everybody that lives here if youre going to any of the stores you are allowed to do in store Retail Shopping along with Outdoor Dining. So you can go to a restaurant sit outside and eat. Also low Contact Services and businesses are allowed to reopening allowed to reopen so this looks like. Pet grooming car washing. Children can also attend childcare along with summer camps, religious gatherings can take place again also car based gatherings can happen along with cultural and civic activities. Well Santa Clara County is able to reopen in this way because testing here has increased. The county says the infection rate is decreasing including and communities that were at the greatest risk of catching covid19. They also say the hospitalization rates here are low now. We talked to some residents this morning and heres what they have to say about some of their favorite businesses opening their doors again. You know the businesses are hurt and you got a big stores open but bill pot shops are have done no reason for them to be close. Walmarts world and target open like everybody else the open. Now the outbreak in nursing facilities has been successfully contained according to the Health Department here along with a losers you see what theyre doing theyre putting signs outside of their businesses to let people know how they need to conduct themselves. So wearing a mask when he shot 2 of business also what theyve installed inside is a barrier. So that way the cashier when they are handling money and trying to wring a people they can have some safety in between them again also making sure they have enough soap and sanitation, making sure customers keep 6 feet apart, so all these things are going to be changing and its going to be the new norm. Throughout the county here but for now reporting out in san jose. Reyna harvey kron 4 news all right reena thanks a lot for that good news from the south bay. Well also in the south bay schools in the Santa Clara County area will be reopening in the fall. The county public Health Department along with the office of education are working with the School Districts to develop guidance measures for the schools if youd like to learn more on the reopening just check out our website at kron 4 dot com. Well happening tomorrow, San Mateo County is revising its health order allowing Outdoor Dining and charter boat operations to resume. It also laments the guidelines first funerals social distancing must be implemented. And facilities that are reopening and the order goes into effect saturday morning. Well in the east bay, the city of oakland is expanding its slow Streets Program check out the map here for intersections have been at it. They include the intersection of san pablo avenue and myrtle street and also 3 east mall area intersections their 73rd garfield Bancroft Church the slow Streets Program launched in april and so far includes more than 20 miles in oakland tonight, having a walk around. Well, the National Outcry over George Floyds death in minneapolis is also questioning arrest tactics used by a San Francisco Police Officer. This happened back in late january take a look when the Hunters Point man was arrested. This Police Body Cam footage right here along with eyewitness video have raised questions whether sfpd policy was violated the citys police chief talked about this incident yesterday. The San Francisco Police Department is concerned and very committed e transparency accountability and that the county really goes to me as a judge agrees idea is to clarify the pressure to the neck. Apply during any type of physical control. 400 during this time and where we are right now we need to do better disturbing to know that these at you. Can president categorize minor controls are not use of force though she was definitely be logged in. In addition to updating the policy chief scott is committed to updating the training procedures to make sure that officers are being told the right thing. Moments of silence for george floyd these demonstrators in new york citys states still for 8 minutes and 46 seconds thursday morning. Thats how long a former minneapolis Police Officer had his knee on floyds neck. The same moment of silence was also held for in several other cities across the country and also in floyds Memorial Service in minneapolis. Nadia romero reports from the service which is just about 2 miles away from where floyd lost his life. A life remembered Everybody Loves joe its at a crucial moment in history, this is the past. We wont stop we gotta keep going until we change the whole system of justice. Civil rights leaders political leaders and celebrities gathered alongside the friends and family of george floyd in minneapolis thursday to celebrate his life accuses great big giant. And when he would when he would wrap his arms around you just feel like you know you are everything just go away and share in his memory because when you spoke to join they feel like they with the president because that height makes field. He was he was powerful man he had 3 of the officers charged in floyds death appeared in court for the first Time Thursday while not far away calls for justice rain from the bullpen, we will all. United. As a people. Who are gods children. Seek justice in his name. Floyds death putting a spotlight on Racial Injustice. The global outcry offering a sense for many that real change may be on the horizon. For those who love george floyd most. Which was the end of prison the flesh to see. Because theres great unity. He would bring it to you that the hope for a new beginning inspired by his memory in minneapolis nadia romero kron 4 news. And 2 additional Memorial Services will be held for george floyd the next one will be tomorrow in raiford North Carolina thats the state where he was born and then a celebration of life service will be held monday in Houston Texas where floyd grew up. New this morning, some great news on the economy even as the Unemployment Rate drops as more cities begin to ease coronavirus restrictions. More people are going back to work now kron 4 Sarah Stinson live in San Francisco with his great news. Hi sarah good morning. Marty good morning. Its been a rough couple months for our economy. So this is good news to hear that the u. S. Unemployment rate has fallen to 13. 3 from 14. 7 plus 2. 5 million jobs have been added so that is great news on the economy front. So well have to see if that continues, but it was actually surprising to economists who they actually expected the Unemployment Rate to drop to grow to 20 and that is a huge, i mean that would be terrible were in the middle of a recession during this pandemic and so this means that the worst is behind us though as we see these this numbers start to drop the number of people applying for Unemployment Benefits has declined from 9 weeks in a row. The number of people receiving benefits has leveled off as well even though the month of may shows gains it could take months for all the people who lost work in the beginning of the pandemic to find jobs again. Some economists forecast the Unemployment Rate to be in the double digit digits until the november election, even the hardest hit industries are starting to report signs of progress including airlines Like American Airlines saying it could fly 55 of its routes in america in july which is up 20 from may as many businesses start to reopen the street protests that began with dozens of cities being hit by looting and vandalism could affect some job figures in the jobs report for june well have to see but were also seeing. Santa clara sonoma, san mateo counties counties across california and states across our country starting to reopen the dining is starting to happen Outdoor Dining in hair hairdressers are starting to reopen shop. So well have to see how that affects the june jobs report hopefully it continues to be steady continues to get better and our economy get in better shape. For now live in San Francisco Sarah Stinson back to you. Yeah, lets hope so sara thanks a lot for that live report from San Francisco. Coming up next on the kron 00 04am morning news says bay Area Temperatures heat up pg e warns customers about power shutoffs are possible shut offs. But insist that they will be shorter well have more on this after the break. I mean a warning key in washington lawmakers on capitol hill are divided on how to address racial managing type 2 diabetes . Youre on it. Exercising often and eating healthy . Yup, on it there too. You may think youre doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But could your medication do more to lower your heart risk . Jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. So, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. And it lowers a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. A rare, but lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction and dont take it if youre on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack . On it with jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. Welcome back everyone as we head into wildfire season. Pg e is promising shorter and smaller plan power shut off events. The utility says it implemented a number of new and enhanced wildfire mitigation tools with those that will limit the size of outages so fewer communities are without power. It will also seek to cut restoration times and have so that power is restored to the majority of customers within 12 Daylight Hours after Severe Weather has passed pg is also working to provide better information and resources to customers and communities before during and after a planned shut off. But onshore wind thats working in our favor keeping temperatures down a little bit and even some fog across parts of the baby still delays at sfo. Coming up at that wi good morning welcome back to kron 4 morning news. Were getting some cooler weather in the bay area a lot of folks especially inland going to be happy for that lets get the news from dave spahr hi dave. A good morning. Marty good morning, everybody and got that right weve some fog which are kind of contending with a little bit this morning. Although no delays out of sfo even though the fog is kind of in place a little bit there was seen as some kind of breakthrough little bit from some of fog clouds some making itself known just a touch and that breeze will be with us through much of the day today. Already up to 67 antioch lower 60s for those inland areas when the east bay shoreline already getting into the mid to lower 60s, 55 up to santa rosa 50 for San Francisco, 64 meanwhile for san jose line a but cloud cover we have upstream thats a kind of outlining a little bit of a front. What have other winds generated by that front and theres little chance of maybe some stray showers at work here to tomorrow morning. Briefly dylan today far inland around the central valley, the up mid to upper 80s, 89 for fresno bakersfield ready 7 got the lower 70s down in socal again Central Coast to the lower to middle 60s. Tropical depression. It is come clean. It is on the western side of it thats somewhat typical blows like that you have falling air with rising air with it. Tropical cyclone is get a tropical depression at last check. Disco ball, a crystal rather expected to become yet again a tropical storm. Again later today going through the gulf of mexico. Max winds of about 50 or so say by saturday evening and then by sunday, maybe a strike louisiana watch and see if it all comes together and theyre its pretty far inland as you can see by 07 00am their time on monday. Your 4 zone forecast coming in for today, 64 San Francisco, 63 daly city pacific at 59 northern end of the peninsula meanwhile in the 60s. So the big difference between the coast and the bayside this go around 65 per burly day down the south lower 70s, 72. Palo alto Mountain View at 73. In the south bay mid to upper 7078 morgan hill, a scout o 76 santa clara and milpitas as well. The space shoreline to the south. Around 70 is try valleys at 70 mid 70s, 72 for dublin, and up to walnut creek at 7376 for concord 70 going on for richmond 64 for berkeley and up to the north bay weve have a few 80s poking out here and there, 82 for vacaville 79 for sonoma 77 for napa and 84 of rosa 57 stenson beach point re at 63 so cooling off of this weekend. The cool side of fog or fall exce me of spring rather and then warming back up again as we get to the middle of next week from the upper 70s to lower 90s under mostly sunny skies with that the other take away from this weekend as we will have some winds at work here. It will slight chance for showers saturday morning ever. But the cloud cover in cooler temperatures as what you can bank on back to you. All right, thank you david big trouble spot of working on highway one o one for those of you traveling from the peninsula to the south bay. Theres an overturned crash on one oh one south right after the woodside 84 exit. Its a plumbing truck that flipped over several times and we have 3 lanes chp just issued a special Traffic Alert south one on one right after the woodside exit your 3 right lanes shut down its already backed up beyond 84. So if youre looking to get to the south bay. You may want to consider El Camino Reale or 2. 80 as opposed to one o one because its crawling right there at the scene and you have several lanes shut down after you pass the crash the rest of the trip into the south bay is going to be fine the bridges look good richmond sandra fell wide open at 7 minutes to the north bay and the bay bridge. We havent havent had a backup all morning. So a quick trip of 8 minutes into San Francisco. Well senators from both parties have addressed the issue of Racial Injustice and Police Brutality. But Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has so far been silent about any plans for legislation to address these issues our washington correspondent anna werner key has more on the partisan divide. For 8 minutes and 46 seconds Senate Democrats stood in the halls of the u. S. Capitol in silence the length of time that the white Police Officer in minneapolis pressed his knee on George Floyds neck, but Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer says a moment of solidarity is no substitute for real action, we cant begin to make progress if the republican leader and the republican the majority wont even let us trying or address these issues in a legislative man republicans are also speaking out about Racial Justice and Police Brutality its time for this to stop its time for us to come together. We are having she meetings behind closed doors, texas republican senator john cornyn says Republican Leaders are considering a commission that would review the criminal Justice System and report back to congress we need that i believe that kind of in deaths. Studying an expertise in those recommendations so we can then pass legislation that makes sense. But corning says passing any legislation right now is too soon when you have an individual or maybe a handful of Police Officers break the law and use excessive force. The place to do with that is in court and as the prosecuting them under existing law has he another law. Well not necessarily deter or hold them accountable. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell says he is open to new federal legislation. But schumer says republicans words arent enough. In washington, im anna warren, a key. 49 ers head coach Kyle Shanahan is speaking out about the ongoing protests, systemic racism and Police Brutality. More specifically shanahan is addressing the lack of diversity in the nfl. And says hes trying to change that by doing his part by maintaining a diverse staff. He also says the complaints of injustice are valid and that this is a systemic problem that is a harsh reality of our society. People are are hurting and people. Black people mainly are scared and then the disturbing thing is a bit scared for a long time. And this is i mean this is it there. This is a cry for help that have been given for a long time and people dont always listen and and i think everyone is at fault or but im not stand by people or because theyre the ones who have been screaming and there was a fault for not only listen. Shanahan also says he will be there to support all of his players if they choose to protest during this upcoming season. And a live look outside at sfo words, mostly cloudy right now at 57 degrees well be right kron fours happy to be saluting the class of 2020 and this morning we want to congratulate can see thorton can say will be graduating from beyond the high school thats in el sobrante and she will be attending Sacramento State university and majoring in criminal justice with the focus in forensics you can let us know about a graduate in your life by going to kron 4 dot com and find salute to grads twentytwenty into the news tab and then submit a photo of your graduate let us know the high school at the graduate attended and whats next in store for them. Now its time to get a check of the forecast and see how friday is shaping up lets say hello to dave spahr hey dave. A good morning robin good morning, everybody and a little flavor of the lighter side or cooler side of spring. Gala its coming our way compliments of these onshore winds there are work busily trying to cool us down will keep us down to all day today, nothing that has a wind advisory, but these numbers are elevated enough to act as a Climate Control which is nice 67 antioch by the way so far 62 conquered livermore much the same as the east bay shoreline 50s up to the north bay 61 about it was 67 down to san jose. And for you today still have those fog clouds off to the distance here from the bay bridge toll plaza 70 by high noon but 71 by 3 men got a sluggish there even though mostly sunny and winds at work. So coming up a little bit later on well give you an idea about what some of these projections are and just a bit back to you. Thank you dave coming up in the next hour protests remain mostly peaceful across the bay area yesterday but more are scheduled today and the days to come so were live with an update. Plus crews are on scene of a 90 acre fire in san jose will have the latest youre watching kron 4 morning news at 9. Good morning. Thanks so much for joining us on the kron 4 morning news. It is friday june 5th im Marty Gonzales we begin this hour with developing news. Were following in the south bay where fire crews are at the scene of a wildfire that broke out thursday evening. In san jose. Investigators believe that the cause is arson kron fours will tran has been at the scene all morning long he has the latest details for us. I will good morning. Good morning marty firefighters will be here throughout the day we dont see the huge flames anymore, but the hot spots always a concern and you can see the damage from the fire. Its charred hillside at least 90 acres went up in flames, its right next to a very populated neighborhood. Thousands of

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