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Im grant lotus and im Vicki Liviakis that officer derek shop and. Whose knee was on George Floyds neck has been fired. And is now facing charges. This is his mug shot. Here in the bay area anger and frustration with floyds death has reached a fever pitch with local protests, turning violent. One San Jose Police officer was hurt as you can see there a group of nearly 100 people stormed highway one oh one in san jose shutting down traffic across all lanes as we mentioned 8. 80 in oakland is shutdown kron fours also the money and live in our newsroom. With the latest on the protests l a. Theyre granted vicki so frustration of course has increased here in the bay areas well thousands of miles away from minneapolis and although were seeing these images of damage and violence we also do not want to lose sight as to the message here. Unfortunately, the demonstration though in san jose started out peaceful and then quickly escalated to what you saw there an officer knocked down lying beside a cars tires and you can see that he was and dragged by fellow police with the help of a bystander to a safer area to be then checked for his injuries, we have yet to learn exactly how theyre doing tonight. Police cars were vandalized as well when theres broken and with the words stop killing spree painted on to a windows you can see there and take a look at highway one o one which has since reopened it was shut down in both directions at around 4 oclock this afternoon. A group overtook the freeway and then as you can see took their anger out on unsuspecting drivers. We saw least 2 cars with their windows smashed and broken by protesters at least one man climbed onto the roof of a car Highway Patrol again no strangers to seen these kinds of images on our freeways in past years because of other protests but they are urging everybody to stay safe to not get back on those freeways thats a bit too late now for oakland, theyre ready still on the freeways but again its just dangerous for everybody involved. Heres reaction from one driver whose car was vandalized and he tells us why he believes that he was targeted. I the markets the and then i mean what happened after someone took her phone to happened here back window. Uh i guess he broke people to guess. With the violence that is being now taken in order to get the message across most of the protests fried 2 that were a peaceful as you can see in this video people walking through downtown san jose. And again demanding justice for floyd and all victims who have believed to have been killed by Excessive Force at the hands of Police Officers who siphoned one sign read were not trying to start a race war were trying to end one. San jose mayor look issued a statement. He said that anger and peaceful protest will always be appropriate responses to injustice violence will never be san jose is united in outrage over the atrocious crime committed in minneapolis and sadness over George Floyds horrible death as j p d will take a measured approach in facilitating peaceful protest. But there will be no tolerance of violence. Tour people or damage to our city were keeping track of the latest here locally again over in oakland another tweet from opd right now just a few minutes ago saying that the vehicle traffic is advised to avoid the downtown area between i 8. 80 and i 9. 80 as well as west grand so again if youre in your cars avoid that area completely live in the newsroom. Ella sogomonian kron 4 news. Thank you al and we want to go back to oakland now where protests are happening tonight and several officers. Earlier were injured when projectiles were thrown at them. Our first and thorne was there. The course of honking horns and chance of black lives matter protesters take to the streets near Oakland City Hall demanding justice over the death of george floyd. People Holding Signs reading i cant breathe and stop killing us well calling for the end of racism. Some businesses showing their support putting up their own signs on store fronts. One displaying a george floyd spray painting in progress. In several other downtown businesses like chase bank in a nearby walgreens stacked wood high over their windows the fear for all was potential damage or looting deceased keep the peace, you know those are set on small businesses. We can afford broken windows of businesses trash dont destroy what we have because already been destroyed by that endemic kitsap Oakland Police were seen forming a line near 7th and broadway as protesters continued to march and shout the interim police chief said earlier friday, she stands with the community during this difficult time, but the department will not stand for violence or destruction opd will have to take enforcement action. Yes, in fact there is damage to property or to thats safe and peaceful demonstration. The group growing dramatically from a couple 100 to a couple 1000 friday night. More protests are expected throughout the weekend reporting in oakland, dan thorn kron 4 news. And we want to take you live right now to southern california. Our sister station ktla, a of the group of protesters couple 100 at the last estimate have gathered in the downtown l a area and this is just about a half hour after police in la declared an Unlawful Assembly and you can see. Cant tell exactly what that is maybe a fire extinluisher but certainly a. Gas or smoke or powder of some sort. Is being strewn into the air by what looks like one of the. Demonstrators see the line of police vicki. Certainly that clear the crowd out of that area. Yeah and the officers now are marching forward moved the crowd back. Theyre walking into that smoke again weve been hearing that there there are incendiary devices and projectiles that are being thrown at the officers so we cant say for sure what that is is definitely very smoky, but it doesnt appear to be a fire thats been lit up and youre seeing some flashes were not sure what those are but i saw one flash right after. That. Smoke or. What have you sent into the air coming from the police area and then i saw another and then a line of officers immediately started advancing on the demonstrators and theyre continuing that Forward Movement at least one officer in l a has been injured he was attacked as he tried to detain someone by a large group of demonstrators and there is again if you cut that, but it looks like some sort of explosive device may be a flash bang that oh there you go you go looks like that is coming from the direction of the the officers. And again theyre using the flash bangs to serve alert the protesters that you know they need to move back. This is all coming a couple hours after the one 10 was shut down again this is downtown la in the area of 5th in all over. At least that is one of the intersections where they have been posted up. That march to the one 10 and shut that down they mention the 8 80 here in oakland was shut down tonight the one o one in san jose was shut down earlier today and that is when. Officer a san jose officer was injured we were talking live with san joses mayor. Sam liccardo about that said the officer suffered a head injury had to be dragged to safety but should be okay should recover fully at least that according to the mayor when we were speaking with him live at 8 oclock as you see these are live images in la and vicki another a cloud if you will is in the air. Yeah and tonight, we know that there are at least 2 los angeles Police Officers that they will they were attacked during the protests tonight. We have video of that attack and were going to put that up just yet, but the officer reportedly. Pushed one demonstrator into a car was quickly since warned by other protesters the officer eventually escaped, and fled that so lapd of course is declared an Unlawful Assembly downtown. Thats not stopping the protesters who are still marching through the streets so i think of what that that could be that i mentioned maybe a fire extinguisher could be a tear gas canister. That the police had that that maybe they dropped and a protester picked up because you could see everyone cleared out in a fast fashion. After that went into the air in the 9 oclock hour were live here in the same facility and there were Police Cruisers they were further down the street and there were demonstrators jumping on top of their yourself. One Police Officer using his baton to keep a protester away from his vehicle, so it has been combative no doubt there have been fireworks that the protesters have been setting off and again. It appears that the police right now are using some sort of flash bang to try to keep the demonstrators at bay prevent them from. I guess escalating this further. Well tonight we are hearing from the mother of oscar grant you may remember hes the 22 yearold unarmed oakland man who was shot and killed by a bart Police Officer that was back in 2009 and since her sons death Wanda Johnson. Shes been advocating against Police Violence or proper gayle ong joins us now live with her reaction to whats been unfolding now in minneapolis and the streets really of the bay area all over the country. They key miss johnson says shes had many sleepless nights ever since seen. George floyds death in minneapolis a tragedy that reminds her of her own sons untimely death. And if anyone hasnt seen this footage yet it may be disturbing to some. Brought back so many memories it was 1 1 2009 when Wanda Johnson son oscar grant was shot and killed by a bart Police Officer at the Fruitvale Station in oakland, the incident captured on cell phone video grant seen lying face down on the station platform was unarmed the officer claimed to use his taser instead of his gun. He was later convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter 11 years later a similar case involving an unarmed black man in minnesota george floyd also caught on i just started crying. Really crying because its. I saw how there was. Compassion or no movement for someone screaming out for help derek shop in a minneapolis Police Officer kneeled on floyds neck for more than 8 minutes. Has since been fired and charged with thirddegree murder and seconddegree manslaughter. Johnson says the charges are not enough we spoke to civil rights Attorney John Burris who represented Johnson Family in the fruitvale shooting. And the number of police death cases why might a prosecutor decide for a lesser charge of murder. Do you think its because it is more realistic too. Get a conviction. Well certainly the prosecutor has to make a judgment. About where the where he can get it where they can get a conviction or not and you based upon the onus is a problem. So yeah he might have made the decision that in his own mind it would be easy for me to get a conviction on a lower chance that it would be on a bar is believed the evidence from this video would support more serious charges but he would be more challenging to prove it is certainly a more difficult case to prove firstdegree murder was no question about that. Yeah we have the intent. Now so forth on it that has a law requires thats really difficult to do. And a police case that starts from an event situation back in oakland, a tribute to oscar grant the mural was unveiled last june 10 years after his death. In the last decade. Johnson has traveled to washington dc to push for changes to police policies. This is an unacceptable justice step. America. You know we are supposed to be the land thats free and opportunity and yet. This still goes on. Miss johnson started the Oscar Grant Foundation which is a nonprofit that helps local Law Enforcement come together with their communities to to prevent further violence, reporting live gayle ong kron 4 news. Thank you gayle want to take you live across the country now to the Nations Capital washington dc where. A small fire. It has been set you see right look to be. A lot of Police Officers i dont know 100 feet or so from those trash cans that are theyre set up and then a fire beside those. Demonstrators have been trying to get access to the White House Secret Service and police have been stopping them. But im not sure if this is a this is a totally different location. Crowds are gathering in Lafayette Square and on pennsylvania avenue earlier tonight and there were some Water Bottles being thrown at the line of officers, some fireworks set off by demonstrators. Chants of no justice, no peace in washington. Your silence is violence was also being chanted and black lives matter was certainly a refrain that was chanted repeatedly and speaking of d c when you talk about the government. The pentagon. Within the past 3 minutes or so has announced that it is taking the rare step of putting the military police on alert to go into minneapolis. If the be obviously minneapolis ground 0 for this rage and unrest after the killing of george floyd on monday as an officer neeld on his neck but again this is washington dc that that is has a little fire thats going right now will continue to keep an eye on this and well bring it back to dc as need be yeah of course its really early in the morning there, but it doesnt appear to be winding down were now taking a live shot here from our sister station. Ktla, these are the protesters gathered on the streets of downtown l a you see the Police Holding the line there and they are pushing. The folks back. They seem to im not sure where theyre exactly. Pushing them too, but they appear to be a bit of a standoff. We had heard earlier that time some projectiles were thrown at los angeles Police Officers. They were injured you see something flying there looks like a sign. Its a thrown up in the air. This of course the media considered an Unlawful Assembly at this point. But that the message has not seem permeate to the playbook here by the protesters so this is a likely to go. Well into the night youre seeing some flash bangs go off earlier we also saw what appeared to be i dont know grant was it is a smoke bomb or or some kind all right were going put on over to dallas where theres a fire on the street someone had set. Im not quite sure maybe you can get a closer shot there whether that is a pile of garbage thats on fire. Weve seen in some of the. Some of the cities where cars were actually lit on fire and we are hearing word tonight that one officer has been injured. In dallas by a protester. On twitter seeing video from dallas of. People breaking store windows looks like looting and vandalizing several buildings in the dallas area so that is a just one of the 3 dozen or so major cities in the u. S. That have demonstrators on the streets tonight, some of these places have curfews like minneapolis and saint paul that are being entirely disregarded and other cities have Police Departments that have declared unlawful assemblies that are being disregarded so there is a intense conflicts going on throughout the country. And this of course all stemming from mondays killing and minneapolis has been protesting for 4 nights now, but the rest of the country has sort of picked up speed and the rage has grown as the week has unfolded as live chopper shot here kind of swivels around. But vicki it doesnt seem like. There is any waning when it comes to the fervor of these demonstrate know and also that the rage that collective rage seems to be somewhat random some targets Police Cruisers the police themselves. Some are many owned by minorities that have been destroyed. Symbols of media tonight the cnn center. In atlanta ah that damaged earlier today after the protests turn violent their lead demonstrators left broken windows spray painted messages on that. News organizations headquarters in Atlanta Police showed up in large numbers in this was a dramatic scene that unfolded live on cnn thats the lobby of the cnn building. And you see a line of police trying to keep protesters out of the headquarters. And they had already broken down a door or a window and several Atlanta Police vehicles had been set on fire and they managed to keep people out of that building out of the cnn headquarters but the protesters threw what looked like a firework at one point a firecracker and there you see video of one of the cruisers torched as as it things started as a peaceful march between Centennial Olympic Park and the capital and after a time some demonstrators remained in the area and started throwing rocks and bricks in getting the spray paint out atlantas mayor. Keisha lance bottoms spoke out about those protests in her city tonight. You have the face. The cnn building. Ted turner started seeing in atlanta. 40 years ago because he believed and who we are as a city. There was a black reporter who was arrested on camera this morning. Who works for cnn and they are telling our stories. You are disgracing their building. The mayor also said the protesters. Our disgracing the life of george floyd and every other person in the country she also told protesters if they want to change america. Its up to them to go vote. Were also hearing that the pentagon has put the military police on alert so washington dc there you see earlier today as protesters arrived at pennsylvania avenue and lafayette park. Thats right for the white house, the white house had been on lock down the doors, the White House Briefing room where reporters they have their offices. Theyve also been locked in secret service officers, not letting anyone off the white house grounds and again that was earlier today. Our partners, cnn reached out to the u. S. Secret service for comment, but so far and nothing there. And we mention that the pentagon has taken the rare step of. Ordering the army to put several active duty, u. S. Military. Police on alert ready to deploy to minneapolis. If need be so that that is a development that just happened about 15 minutes ago. Tonight we need to get a quick break in but more continuing coverage of the protests across the country rage after the killing what can i do to help you . Come on buddy, headphones. What. Hey. Ok, alright, what kind of i said i dont want to talk about it. Wait, wait tray what are you doing . Its ok. Its ok. Time now to take a quick look at the weather this a live shot of the San Francisco bay bridge toll plaza hard to know how this cars got there, but att is blocked in oakland because of demonstrations there but were going to get a check on the weather right now check in with our. Meteorologist Mabrisa Rodriguez who is standing by im of recent. Hi there granted began. Yeah, lets take a look at your 4 zone forecast tracking a very late season spring storm set to arrive during the overnight hours so we are noticing. Those high cloud cover up ahead, but we are tracking that storm just off the coast of monterey and it is inching closer so spring storm will arrive tonight last through saturday afternoon and for the north bay expect about a quarter of an inch of rain or less with lesser amounts of any for the rest of the bay area but theres a slight chance of popup thunderstorms tonight through saturday morning mainly for those of you in the north face of future cast for is going to show overall some dry weather patterns throughout tonight, an event for most of the overnight hours but shortly before sunrise thats were going to notice some light scattered showers over the north bay and its going to continue even through mid morning, rest of the bay area remaining dry even drier saturday afternoon this model run tracking drier than the last from the last hour so rain totals with this system really just about a 10th of an inch of rain or less for those of you in the north a higher amount slightly though in santa rosa, but really nonexistent rain for the rest of the bay area really just about 1 one 100th of an inch of rain or traces amount at best current wind speeds out there right now a little bit gusty, especially for those of you in fairfield seeing sustained winds at 30 miles per hour. So one thing that we are going to notice that the storm increase in high cloud cover which are seeing out there right now temperatures widespread low to mid 60s and also we are seeing a warmer air mass on a town of that bigger blanket of high cloud cover overhead along the coast and along the bay with slightly cooler temperatures for our interior valleys and as we take a look at our overnight lows. Very similar to last night mid to upper 50s and tomorrows daytime highs about 5 degrees above average along the coast and the east bay shoreline upper 60s low 70s there and widespread low to mid 70s as you make your way inland. So about 5 degrees above average along the coast by degrees below average for and welcome back to our breaking coverage of the protests are erupting rushing all over the United States tonight in our own backyard. In san jose earlier and also on the streets of oakland. Want to check in right now with a lord taylor city councilman from oakland district 6 councilman thank you for being with us what can you tell us about the state of your city right now. Gladly well theres a lot of pain a lot of frustration that we have a a given the state of affairs and everythings happening this week as you know, theres just a ton of energy right motion a some of that manifest think on the streets in terms of protest. So that manifesting in and holdfon social media. Theres just a lot of folks to process what happened. It is that it is palpable certainly the pain the anxiety and the anger and the sadness that its being felt and expressed all of the country specifically to in oakland. You know were so thousands of miles away and yet it resonates what what do you think that is speaking to people. As an African American man who was raising and africanamericans a boy. Its a sense of frustration that were here again. We havent been able to move past this. Its important that we show our solidarity with those across the country struggling with list. But those who here to protect us. Well the same time its important that you know we search support each other as we process to this and avoid the injury and harm. The residents of local time. What can you tell us about injuries to officers we heard. Multiple officers were injured near 7th and broadway. Whats important for me to recognize that that this is not about. Community versus officers this should be about expressing our frustration about the system. The injustice. The systemic racism perpetuate so we i definitely what we get all of our officers are a thing say that theres a. Respect for that the life the humanity and the role that those officers are playing in terms of keeping our communities safe. Here in oakland, we are committed to making sure that we have constitutionally so we we have were not overstepping the bounds that are given to the authority to give its officers at the at the same time. We are supporting community as manage all that we are going through at are critical time yeah now you know anything about the conflict that led to the officers injuries near 7th and broadway. I have not been a update on that yet but i i wish everyone well we. This should be about us expressing our common solidarity with. In minneapolis those across the country. We should not be a. Any harm coming to any individuals here in oakland. So. So im just going to say that time what are you hearing from your are they largely supportive of these protests are there are there concerns being expressed to you about their safety. It they could to give it a weve got those i think everyone in solidarity and understanding the values and the pain and the emotions that are being expressed here terms of how they they manifest themselves. I think theres a differing opinions. Recognizing the a that was a the social justice. History and culture that we have here in oakland. I rights protests are something that car is covered to us here. That as someone whos whos not black and who has been rattled to his core by what happened monday and whats been happening this week what do you suggest people like me are you know nonblack people who are out there who are watching this who are fed up too should do to help the cause. I think its important to be vocal vocalize your your frustration make sure that is not something kept silent. Giving those who are in the practical ways are residents. That the acknowledge that knowledge the and and we all have to continue to work hard to. Really the road this is the racism that plaguing our society and and under values, the lives of a but people but then the. Where do you see this going do you see this. As a as a movement that is going to last a week a month a year. Do you think the election in november plays a role do you think the potential arrests of the 3 other officers, well play a role where does this go. A real worry we have to continue hitting it from multiple angles. Unfortunately we have. Been here before that that this is a new situation but we have to continue. But i was all for changing transforming the system are multiple angles. So yet. We have to hold officers accountable all accountable. When they. A life especially when they have been given. The the authority and the power. That it is being abused so we absolutely have to have a rep of questions there in oakland, we have a Police Commission and the accountability that that we are. Driving at the same time. It is going to we have to keep it going so it does play on the election make sure that those values that we uphold are being reflected in the vote. We have to get out the vote. We have some exercise our right and that level as well you guys dont have a police chief though a permanent one did you support the removal of. Chief Anne Kirkpatrick a few months ago. I support the fact of having an independent Police Commission in open and it is important that we do have the defendant of. The defense commission. It is able to provide the oversight. The police. When it comes to use of force. By policing. Love it that has been contained within a negotiated settlement agreement. You know as were looking at the footage councilman we are noting that from really coast to the people that are showing up in the streets that are protesting. Its a very diverse looking group out albeit a youngish a working group to people in their 20s 30s. 40s are you noticing this also in oakland. And theyre seeing so many people from different races backgrounds. Out in the streets expressing their solidarity demanding justice because for the future, but that future is one that we have to continually fight for and so im here representing. The officials of oakland to make sure that we do. Ensure that we bring that about future that we deserve youve worn a lot of hats i believe youre a former board member of the west oakland. Health center is there a concern in your mind with the pandemic going on as. As movement has also started this weekend. You see a lot of people very close together trying to get their message out. Absolutely it is important that we continue to stay vigilant. Most the time. Are you still there. Yes, yes, were still are. Okay absolutely important that we continue to stay vigilant focused the guidance that our Public Health officials are providing. The covid a 19 pandemic is real it is severely impacting disproportionately black and latin next. Residents Community Members and so we we do need to continue to. It here to the social distancing. The wearing of masks the washing of hands. They should get tested if we have symptoms that that is absolutely critical but its a its its easy to understand when folks feel as though a lives are being threatened. Immediately they they they they come out and express that frustration in a cell what it is important that we strike that balance to continue to stay focused on that the help that is disproportionately affecting the same community that we are a you know out showing solidarity with in a in protest today. Yeah were just calling you know were still in the midst of a unemployment this is through the roof people. Are suffering a so greatly in so many ways you do feel that this is also fueling what were experiencing expressing itself on the streets. Oh i absolutely it is that there are so many compelling issues that are facing us at this time this time of crisis as part of endemic and they all contribute they say they cannot be isolated or a individually. A separate itself. If it is something we have our hands full we have to address all of these. Determinants all of the elements that are coming together to create a fortunately. Except this train. On what are black president and our low income residents are residents of color. Councilmember Lauren Taylor representing district 6 in oakland, i know you did a lot to work to revitalize businesses in east oakland and will continue to do so certain anm okay and what happened monday in minneapolis may have put that on hold temporarily. But we appreciate your perspective and your time here tonight. Thank you very much. All right. In the well thank you very much for joining us or crime for his illicit the money and she is live for us in the newsroom with the continuing coverage. Well you spoke to a local social justice advocates for a little perspective on the events unfolding across the country tonight can fill us in. Yeah, hes a social justice advocate from the Ella Baker Center in oakland, they promote a fair treatment of black and brown communities and i spoke to their executive director zach norris who tried to share some of his perspective with me on those protests earlier but i do want to save that for kron on at 11 and take you right now to twitter to show you what is happening on the ground at this moment. Take a look at seems that businesses have been catching a fire and have already erupted apparently according to barry hashtag black lives matter. He says he just lit the chase bank on fire in oakland, this is it just for a few minutes ago and just seems like horrific images of how a peaceful protest ended up becoming violent here and this is from eli. He says that these are the images of the oakland protest over the killing of george floyd and you can see im in the middle of this intersection just the sheer number of people it seems that they are sparking up cireworks and somebody said that a dumpster caught fire as well as a walgreens so we have yet to confirm that information that based on these images that is what seems to be happening out there. A smoke fire coming from the walgreens on broadway in oakland, according to chop us music you can see in this video. Again how many people are out there at this time and the smoke emanating from that walgreens on the corner there of broadway hopefully everybody is staying safe and again just incredible images during the pandemic but one protester said that people were Wearing Masks at the time at least the ones who are heading on to the freeway this video from Carlos Alvarado just giving us some perspective here of all the lanes on that i ate 80 there were shut down if you can see all the cars lined up because police are not letting people exit according to another twitter user into downtown oakland given that the protest is so widespread that theyre trying to maintain that traffic on the freeway until the get that freeway but it wasnt that way all day this is from make love not war. They posted this picture of some really peaceful image is how the oakland protest brought out the cavalry is a 7 this tweet woman riding her horse with the sign that says black lives matter she took pictures with some kids earlier they were out there as well so this just gives you some perspective on what how this progressed over time there was a meet up at Frank Ogawa Plaza at city hall at around 8 oclock and then again this is now the result of that as some of the protesters. Demonstrators have a trend this more into it. A riot, but again earlier today. This was an image from sarah bell when she said that demonstrator was shouting, we got to swing back with love trying to reason with the wall of Oakland Police and Alameda County sheriffs who said there and then a round of applause for him, a downtown open right now taking a look at this video from jackie hashtag black lives matter at around 08 42pm just an aerial view here from a higher of high rise and looking at that massive crowd there again demonstrating against the killing of george floyd in minneapolis and that is felt all these miles away. Again protesters here even cleaning up the mess that was made accidentally here to which current tweeted oakland protesters cleaning up planters they were tipped over so you know taking some of the accountability here and also cleaning up the streets of oakland as they go, but im just some horrific images in terms of the fires that were seeing out there again hopefully everybody is staying safe and we dont see any explosions or something that might and up hurting the demonstrators and heres what we want everyone to do. Count all the hugs you havent given. All the hands you havent held. All the dinners you didnt share with friends. The trips you havent taken. Keep track of them. Each one means one less person vulnerable, one less person exposed, and one step closer to a healthier community. So for now, keep your distance. But dont lose count. Well have some catching up to do. Breaking News Coverage of protests erupting all around the country tonight this from the Las Vegas Strip where 30 to 40 people in the black lives matter protest have been arrested. 2 officers additionally are said to have been injured both non life threatening injuries, but you see the sea of people making their way through the streets of vegas. This i believe las vegas boulevard the protesters at least have been there a people arrested in the protests, according to officers violated the law and made it unsafe for others, so that is that justification given for the 30 to 40 arrests there and Las Vegas Las vegas has itself to the list of a 40 or so American Cities who are joining the network of protests tonight after mondays in minneapolis there of george floyd and were getting a tragic news tonight out of detroit up one person was. Killed. In downtown detroit after somebody in an suv fired shots into the crowd of people they were protesting. George floyds death. The police say that it happened about 11 30pm, detroit time in detroits greektown Entertainment District is officers. Were confronted with dozens of protesters there victim was shot. This is apparently the victim was in 19 year old man pronounced dead at the hospital. Now we go to atlanta which shes seen its share of violence tonight. There was the incident at the cnn headquarters that building there as we see a fire engine, roll down the street protesters tried to take over the cnn building in a violent confrontation that included. A line of Police Inside the lobby after protesters broke windows and doors, spray painted and then started throwing at least one firecracker into the lobby. Before police were able to get control there. So atlanta has certainly been on edge and the mayor of atlanta has. Its well get out forcefully denouncing the violence saying that this detracts from the message that they should be trying to get across in a state of emergency. Im just being told has been declared in atlanta the mayor there of who is a black woman says that violence tonight takes away from the killing of george floyd and clouds the message that theyre trying to get not exactly sure what the scene here in atlanta is showing but it looks like a Police Officers with flashlights are directing traffic in keeping people out of that that intersection as we saw at least one fire engine. Going down the street there. And now were looking live the streets of los angeles as we see people running. All night long this has been going on where protesters have been playing a cat and mouse with. The police there. We had reports of fun. Some injured by projectiles it appears to have dispersed though. We. I know were pulling out so its a little bit tough to see whats going on here back. This so crowd hundreds of people strong and now it appears to be theres a dumpster someone who is rowling a dumpster down the middle of the road. They dont know if thats going to be in a Dumpster Fire there is a smattering of people on the road were going to stay with the shot as a helicopter pulls up the video of that officer who is. Giving a bear hug to a demonstrator and then he was attacked, but as as we see that video here this is in the downtown l a area these protesters earlier shut down the one 10 and they have smashed several a Police Cruiser windows. Would look to be flash little bit earlier this hour, maybe late last hour as the crowd really seems to be scattering at least with this los situation in several directions and it is not clear where the police line is relative to where some demonstrators are and then you have what may be a rogue group off in one direction vicki it scene of this is a very at the scene of the Police Officer being he is actually after one of the protesters in seems to be pretty determined to. Arrest him or pull him in but meanwhile, hes on his own he is swarmed by protesters as a struggle ensues. Someone eventually if i recall the video takes out a sign in hits him on the head with that i guess here here comes that person. And you wonder where the other police are this officer seems to be on his own, but he is not letting go. And tell he finally is able to make an exit there. So thats one of the officers who is injured you see he doesnt know what that person is trying to do it seems like that might be a civilian is trying to lead him to some degree of safety eventually other officers. Jump in but here is that video from the beginning. According to our sister station ktla that officer, a throws that you know that its started when that officer was trying to detain that individual and then it obviously escalated from there, so well take you back to l a live right now as the situation continues to play out in downtown la we welcome back to our continuing coverage of the unrest this evening is our Ella Sogomonian is standing by live in our newsroom with the latest details there l a. So of course we are tracking protests across the nation regarding the death of george floyd in minneapolis, but as a peaceful protest turned violent tonight at 11 join me for an interview with the social justice advocate and executive director of Ella Baker Center in oakland, who says that he understands the reason for the nationwide unrest and burning desire for equal treatment for all americans so were going to go more in depth without with again a local social justice advocate will see there. All right were going to continue on kron on with all the very as this a situation of the protest that are heating up. It is not a dying down heating up all across the country. On the streets of oakland right now. San jose earlier today with were going out to a live shot of los angeles, the streets of l a downtown where it looks it appears the protesters are. Moving a barrier at this point climbing and moving over some sort of barrier. Yeah and from the sounds of it this is tame compared to whats happening in oakland right now. We reported a short time ago that the chase bank that on fire in oakland on broadway and the walgreens have been compromised there are reports of widespread windows being broken. So you just wish the best for the people of oakland and the safety of everyone on the ground. The demonstrators, the police as we head out to live around sorry atlantis is atlanta right now a live picture and georgia these are and we cant presume anything if the arrests are being made. And mass than not people will be ostensibly put on those buses and taken away. Atlanta is a enraged tonight. Yeah, the whole country is more than on edge furious after what happened on monday to george floyd in minneapolis. We are going to signing in mere seconds here, but our news continues on kron on. Good night, good night everyone. For you and were open. Wow. Im an original. One of a kind. You feel me . Love ya. Oop you look cute better than you . Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. Thanks for sharing your savage moves, and especially your awkward ones. Thanks for sharing your cute kids. And your adorable pets. Now its our turn to share. With the geico giveback. A 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies for both current and new customers. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. So thanks again. One good share deserves another. My new bitesized, crispy popcorn chicken is so so thanks again. 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