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In for some restaurants now the state is also said that schools out here can open up. But the Health Officials out here said its too soon to do that well take a look at the screen right now a Statement Issued by the Department Education the office of education. They said the 5 School Districts of napa county thats including napa valley unified saint helene a unified calistoga join unify how mountain elementary Pope Valley Union elementary and the Napa County Office of education will not be opening for inclass instruction on june 1st so again you regardless of what the state is saying the office of education is saying theyre not going to close in the schools. Now the businesses that are going to be reopening in going even deeper in the face to have to comply with state requirements thats making sure services are disinfected the lets face coverings or require and also implementing that physical distancing for customers and employees. They also must display some sort of sign at their business with these changes so people that are visiting the restaurant know how to comply. I spoke to residents who weighed in on this schools, deciding to stay closed. Love the schools is a different story. I mean the overall umbrella of feeling is like yeah, everybody could do open not reopen at that at the end of the each jurisdiction kind of has the beat of their own people, they know what they can what how much it can handle and thats what the current the local entities are saying that i think that thats something that we should listen to. You know napa counties waiting for guidance from the state to see whether or not those summer schools, the summer camps can start to reopen if youre thinking about bars and and wineries in those are you going to do some Wine Tastings those are all going to still be close at least until midjune thats when the governor thinks those may reopen, but again we wont see those opening until stage 3 of this whole process for now reporting in downtown napa reno harvey kron 4 news hopefully everyone complies with those new guidelines. Thank you rita. Well now its a time to take a peek at the forecast and see how your hump day is shaping up plus we have memorial day weekend approaching so lets check in with dave spahr who has the details tape. Hey good morning robin good morning, with some scattered clouds kind of lingering a little bit as we start the day in parts of the bay lets going get a live shot here of whats going on right now. We have the bay bridge or excuse me the golden gate looking pretty good with lots of blue skies in the background, but there are some problem areas over the east bay hills just a touch. That will probably make south but a problem area will be down around Half Moon Bay, it looks like some of the fog lingering. Bay Area Temperatures mostly in the mid 50s for the east bay. Were looking at the upper 40s up to the north and 57 san jose, 56 redwood city in Half Moon Bay coming in at 55. The breakdown today as we continue to see still that cloud cover over the east bay hill 63 at 11 by 02 00pm were talking 71, big time warm up coming up in our way particularly we get into the weekend what else were details on that later on robin back to you. The people of San Francisco have been absolutely incredible and because the majority of them are complying were able to take things a step further. San francisco is reopening step by step but that top county Health Official says it could be weeks until the city enters the next phase. Cisco Health Director doctor grant colfax as the countys reopening plans aligns with the states plan to reopen the economy right now San Francisco is in phase 2 a this allows lowerrisk workplaces to reopen and Retail Businesses to operate with Curbside Pickup doctor colfax says that San Francisco still about 2 to 3 weeks away from being ready to interface to be now that would allow more relaxed restrictions including adapting and reopening restaurants, retail and schools. And as the coronavirus cripple San Franciscos bars and Entertainment Community Business Owners are forced to find creative ways to reopen. Once theyre given the green light. Lynn schwartz is a part owner of a San Francisco rock venue she and other nightlife operators are asking the city for flexibility to use bases like parking lots and parks to hold outdoor shows events and gatherings. Even 25 or 50 capacity when were allowed to reopen doesnt necessarily pay the bills so how about allowing us to take over some city spaces such as i live in visitation valley very close to make clear and park if we dont have space we will not survive and were going to go bankrupt and theres going to be lives lost and jobs. Thousands 10s of thousands of jobs lost there are going to recover and it doesnt have to happen that way if we can if we can find more space. Well the citys Entertainment Commission and that the new entertainment scene in San Francisco will probably involve fewer big name acts and more focus on local bands and entertainers. Now we move to the south bay with the San Jose City Council Voted overnight to allow local businesses to use Parking Spaces and streets to operate. Kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live with that big move. Thats going to help businesses in san jose hi sarah. Im they approve this unanimously and im live here san joses little italy neighborhood. The exes barbecue spot look where this restaurant here. Its right here and then theres city parking right across the way this is a perfect example of an area that a restaurant could use to expand service they can set up tables here in the city parking spots and that way theyre not limited to just Indoor Seating of course, im just proposing what it could be like nothings decided yet, but this is all a part of san joses new plan called al fresco age look quite literally means Outdoor Dining this is going to help all kinds of businesses serve more customers safely by using outdoor space a huge benefit specifically to restaurants by allowing them to see customers outside using sidewalks alleys and other outdoor areas otherwise restaurants would be extremely limited Perfect Timing was summer weather hitting us in the coming months, they could sit outside enjoy a nice meal and support local businesses, the plan will also help other businesses like hair salons gyms yoga studios and Retail Stores use outdoor space to serve customers this will assist businesses complained to comply with the social distancing islands and other guidelines set but the state and the city but doing so will restrict traffic in some areas and sacrifice um Street Parking but. The got to give a little to get a lot more a Business Owners will have to apply to get approved in certain permit fees that you usually get charged will be waived for the Small Businesses who have been struggling financially. We spoke to the ner of henrys world famous high life, a bar and standing care whos in favor of this plan, lets take a listen. The thing is a middle road therewhere we can open up the area for everyone to get out, but also allow restaurants and businesses even like us a lot or something to move into the open air for business, you know anything right now is to help and the more we can get. Going back to north towards normal business is better. Its definitely going to help city leaders will make sure that they guide businesses on how to space out customers for instance building low cost 3 d barriers are putting potted plants between people to indicate spacing make sure people are safe of course this is going to be a learning process for everyone involved including city leaders Restaurant Owners Business Owners, but at least its a step in the right direction i live in san jose Sarah Stinson back to you. So it sounds like a great idea i know the City Council Just approved it last night when does it take effect. It didnt quite say what day its going to take effect is that there are still some kinks to work out marty but it looks like theyve approved it and theyre moving forward which is good news, but i think theres still some time you know it was the states guidelines as well sure theres that to include as well, okay, sir, thanks a lot for that live report. From san jose. The 6 california School Districts, including San Francisco in oakland say the governor newsoms proposed budget cuts could delay the reopening of schools. The governor has proposed billion in budget cuts in california to schools because of the current coronavirus now at least half of those cuts are coming from public schools. The oakland and San Francisco School Districts joined 4 other districts, including la and san diego to write a letter to lawmakers saying the schools need more money not less of 3rd to reopen safely. The governor has said in the past that the cuts could have been deeper and that hes using federal money to help schools. The legislature has until the middle of next month to approve the governors proposed budget. The last 2 days without any reported coronavirus deaths in the bay area theres a stark rise in covid19 deaths, 9 new deaths occurred in one county alone on tuesday, 14 new deaths reported throughout the bay area, 2 of them from Santa Clara County 3 from Alameda County 9 from San Mateo County. Now San Mateo County has reported 75 deaths with the majority of them with people over the age of 80 according to Health Officials. Its still a shelter in place. And we would really advise people, especially who have on any kind of underlying medical conditions. People who are older and anyone whos just feeling concerned to stay. The course im on the shelterinplace this isnt really an invitation for everyone to go out to be completely. Look for it at this point to a point where its almost read s. Well doctor rogers said that we will continue to see the number of coronavirus cases and deaths go up and down for the next few months or even a year she urges everyone to remain vigilant. Well heres a look at the latest the coronavirus cases and deaths right here in the bay area check out the numbers on your screen Alameda County. Now has the most cases at over 2500 cases and 86 deaths Santa Clara County and San Francisco county. Both have over 2000 cases there are more than 11,000 cases and over 400 deaths. You can find a complete breakdown by county and city on our website kron 4 dot com. The bay area will be getting more than million in economic recovery aid from the federal government President Trump making that announcement about the huge grant on tuesday. The money will go to s f o muni and bart the president also tweeted about more federal funding for other Public Transit systems across the country that includes on the west coast, seattle and portland. And also washington d c. Well still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news, San Francisco officials are now compiling a list of possible sites for more sanction homeless encampments during the pandemic why some are concerned about these new locations and also after the break despite current efforts to bring back the economy. Some senators argue that more something great from mr. Clean. Stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. Try clean freak it has three times the cleaning power of the leading spray to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. And its great for bathrooms just keep pumping the power nozzle to release a continuous burst of mist and make quick work of big jobs. It even works on stainless steel. It cuts through 100 of dirt, grease and grime. Available with easytoswap refills. To get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. Clean. That could mean an increase byin energy bills. You can save by using a fan to cool off. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or closing your shades during the day. Stay well and keep it golden. Good morning, welcome back to kron 4 morning news, 7. 14 on this wednesday morning which sneaking out a peek at the sfo this morning with things like to be clearing. And lets find out for sure from days far i gave. A good morning marty good morning, everybody by the way no delays happening this morning at sfo, good news there, although we still see some fog clouds hanging out just a little bit there are a problem in some areas such as our shop from u c bekeley as well. And over the east bay hills thats a problem as well too so were dealing with that pockets, although the Golden Gate Bridge looks pretty good look at that blue skies off to the distance there not much the way of winds. Its improving forecast, but there are some problem areas, a little bit this morning. They are in temperatures how we doing well, lets see where it about 56, antioch conquered at 57 got the upper 40s up there in the north bay 54 San Francisco in fremont comes in at 54 for comparison sake. Pretty close to yesterday give or take a couple degrees here. We might start trailing a little bit more at down there in the peninsula. And while Half Moon Bay, which is little ahead of yesterday because we do have some of those fall clouds hanging around just a little bit future cast for the much more to see here again some of that leftover a marine Layer Moisture hanging around monterey bay. But later on today there will be a little flair up it looks like up in the sierra potentially for some afternoon showers and Going Forward is this High Pressure starts to build its sunny to mostly sunny skies. What you can play a role that go on even into tomorrow afternoon we get that daytime heating as well. So for our game plan. Its mostly sunny and mild will take care of those fog clouds 70s, but the bay even inland, its just trailing today than the rest of the week, its warming up into the 80s and that this is still just Getting Started sunny and warming throughout the weekend warming more lets go and use were caught for the inland valleys popping into the 90s 80s for the bay and we continue to warm even more still in the early next week so this memorial day weekend. The unofficial start of summer, but whatever its going to feel like it. 66 San Francisco, 70 per oakland 73 going on for san jose across the wider bader you can see the numbers all still some 80. The were probably going to see that for a little while 77 for conquered at 76, 73 4 of them are more and about 70 ish for the east bay shoreline. Coming up a little bit well have your 4 zone forecast a little bit and check into that extended as well and this is one of the earlier memorial days weekends. We have on the calendar, although its going to feel very much like summer coming up where bay area bridges going robin tell us at keeping calm and quiet and thats what we like to see during the morning drive youll definitely have some company. But that does not mean its going to be a bad commute. So if you have to use the san mateo bridge, heres a live look and its moving well so far little crowded, but not bad at all from the nimitz across south to one o one all is well 80 wesson to San Francisco doing fine. Its been an easy trip throughout the morning still under 10 minutes here from the bottom of the mason off to fremont street will peak at more coming up a little bit later marty back to you. Ok robin will treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell were front and Center Tuesday at the first Senate Hearing on how the 2 trillion coronavirus rescue package is being implemented arguing that if it werent for the government swift actions economic pain from the pandemic. One of already be much worse with some senators say more needs to be done washington dc correspondent Trevor Shirley reports. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell both defended the governments efforts to keep the economy afloat as policymakers we should continue to do what we can to help cushion the blows but Ohio Democratic senator Sherrod Brown says the people who need the most help like grocery and Health Care Workers still arent getting it if congress does not act now to put money in the hands of people who actually power our economy and workers their families and main street businesses in struggling communities, we risk making the economic crisis worse mission acknowledged the economic pain isnt letting up. And defended President Trumps push to reopen economy. In the 2nd quarter of this year we are continuing to see large unemployment and other negative indicators this is why it is so important to begin bringing people back to work in a safe why but brown accused the administration of not doing enough to protect the very workers, theyre pushing to get back on the job how many workers should give their lives to increase in gdp or the dow jones was 1000 quite. No worker should give their lives to do that mister senator and i think your charter a station is unfair how also outlined efforts the Federal Reserve is making to contain the economic fallout and promised to do more. The reserve is committed to using our full range of tools to support the economy in this challenging time. Palin knew she will face the senate again as the cares act mandates both men update congress each quarter, reporting in washington, im Trevor Shirley. Well for your money this morning almost half of americans say they will go to restaurants as soon as they open and 56 of parents with Young Children are in debt due to the coronavirus jane king is live in new york with those stories and more good morning jane. Hi robin good morning as this new lending tree survey finds the financial fallout for parent said because of the pandemic it said 56 of American Parents with kids under the age of 18 have seen an increase in their debt because of the pandemic of course this is all going other Remote Learning with their kids and many of them as well as Single Parents are struggling the most well states across the u. S. Beginning to reopen parts of their economies and is pressing number of consumers are willing to visit a restaurant as soon as it reopens its way to a survey by Piper Sandler nearly half of the respondents said they would go this is the restaurant as soon as it opened that 63 said they would be more sensitive to eating in a crowded restaurant and Southwest Airlines and united say theyre seeing demand for air travel and ticket sales are starting to pick up united says july schedules are increasing and at the current pace planes will be 25 full in july southwest says its bookings are now outpacing cancellations its still losing millions that every day and the cost of gas in the u. S. Will be the cheapest in nearly 20 years, a memorial day weekend. The average cost per gallon is 1. 87. Thats according to triple a its the first time the National Average has been below 2 on more weekend since 2003 now in San Francisco, the current price for regular unleaded 3 02 live from new york, im jane king back to you and im going to fill up my gas tank now thank you today. Well coming up next on the kron 00 04am morning news, the longawaited bark connection to the south bay is happening next month. And well have details on the tea a bart Extension Service coming out that will take a live look outside at sfo another way to travel and you heard from jane king that the airlines are starting to see some more reservations, new this morning, a body discovered in venice beach in Southern California early this morning has been identified as shad gaspard. Gaspard was a former wwe wrestler and he was swept out to sea on sunday. Police say the body did not show any signs of foul play. The longawaited bart connection to the south bay will become a reality next month officials signed off on the final step for vta silicon valley, various extension yesterday, the billion project is owned by vta and operated by bart its set to start the service on june 13. The California Public Utilities Commission house your chain days to improve the safety verification and sign off on Passenger Service on the 10 mile extension. San francisco officials are putting together a list of possible sites for more approved homeless camps during the pandemic one sanction camp for the homeless is already up and running at civic center. Another is headed to the location of what was a Mcdonalds Restaurant across in golden gate park, the heavy head of the citys rec and Park Department will be presenting that list a possible sites located on the 3400 acres of land that they manage the should have that done by june 2nd. Now many residents worry that the new location will be near mclaren park but Community Leaders insist there are plenty of other areas that could be used to help the city alleviate the humanitarian crisis. Having the homeless there been introduced other issues drug users and course garbage feces we dont do something. The fun safe spaces for the homeless, the pandemic not only continue and endanger everyone within the lose a lot of Homeless People or on the sidewalks will all clustered together and for what reason. Well the head of the citys Real Estate Department is also looking some properties for an inventory of underutilized City Property that is not part of the rec and parks jurisdiction. Now to the east bay this morning, the number of businesses in contra costa and alameda counties are open again. Managers of a whole home, marcus city ca Hallmark Card shop rather were busy yesterday replacing mothers day in Saint Patricks days cards. Yeah thats how long theyve been close. Its been about 2 months now. They say theyre very happy to be back at work. So far the great no one really complained a really taking credit card, no because of that just temporarily things settle down. But yeah it was great and everyone is happy that. Well they have seen a big drop in sales of course, but they have also have seen an increase in the number of orders online. The sign of the times all in the bay area and now you can include hayward signs are popping up in the Downtown District the help to businesses who are reopening this morning. Get customers to come to their locations, everybody welcome back to kron 4 morning news at 7. 30 on this wednesday, lets go to the east bay where the city of hayward is modifying some parking regulations and traffic patterns in some neighborhoods to help reopen businesses, theyre the conference will trend is live in the city of hayward with the latest details will good morning. Good morning robin these are the signs that are popping up all along the street this is pretty much the heart of the Business District in you can see this side clearly says no parking but more specifically. If not longer than 10 minutes because curbside parking as far as pickup thats the way we are doing things now rate as far as coronavirus so they dont want you to stop here and walk around even going inside obviously can go inside anymore. But they dont want to spend too much time here because they want to keep this open free flowing for people to come here and go to like coffee shops across the street you can see that sign that door is open pick up your items get back in your car and get going so it provides space that people dont go round and round it is very open im very conducive for that customers to feel like it wont take all day for them to do what they need to do. It gets businesses the customers that theyre looking for. Right there see those cars making that left turn. Theyre also eventually going to remove one of the lanes theyre making a big lane one lane there to make it wide open for those businesses as well the whole thing this to change the way shoppers and businesses operate the stay so before. Obviously its park here. You can walk around going to the Hardware Store that we talked about 7. 30 this evening at 6. 30 the morning. We did that interview. No more set excuse me over shopping around. Now you get your item the bring it to you getting your car get going. Eventually this will spread throughout hayward but this being the downtown area. Theyre going to focus on this and it begins this morning just in case youre wondering. Theyre not and for cnn didnt see any but he going around telling people to move there are plenty of signs and you cant say you didnt see it because theyre almost in front of every parking spot. Robin marty. All right well, thanks a lot for that live report from hayward robin. Well even though some San Francisco retailers can now re open for Curbside Pickup, others are still desperately struggling now theres a proposal to help restaurants in the city stay alive. Some businesses such as easy breezy frozen yogurt. I like that name have seen a 70 drop in business since the shelter orders went into effect but the rent has stayed the same now many are looking to renegotiate their rent. Were trying to do is to create a strong incentive for landlords to negotiate with tenants with these businesses and restructure the lease so that the red sox economic reality and so that the businesses can survive. State senator scott wieners plan which he says is opposed by the commercial Real Estate Industry allows attended to adopt a 30 day negotiation period. And if successful the tenet then has the option to cancel the lease. He says the goal is not to have these lease is terminated, but to create a more level Playing Field so a renegotiation can happen the proposal moves to a state Senate Committee on friday. The Oakland Police Department Confirms its 4th coronavirus case among employees the Department Says that the worker has not been on the job since last thursday and is currently off site self quarantine and recovery. A couple in oakland is now among more than 1 Million People around the world whove recovered now from covid19 kevin martin jones became infected after one of them returned home from france. Kron fours noelle bellow has their story. When he went to go through this. Still on oxygen kevin jones spoke alongside his partner martin tuesday. Detailing his monthslong battle with covid19. So i i longer after aired. Because as you can tell right to greet her well talk seeds shot. And down end and after reports i couldnt speak last week the otherwise healthy 59 yearold went to paris in early march with a friend, but they had to cut the trip short because of the european travel restrictions already being put in place when he got home, kevin did selfisolate from martin but over the next few days he became feverish and martin decided to drive him to Kaiser Hospital in oakland so over the next couple days that i think that is just not also too. And over the next couple days his ex to extermination dropping. The despite all her efforts and over the weekend. I started to have a fever and whether they got tested. Martins test also came back positive then he got word that kevin needed to be put on a ventilator and i think neither of us really the possibility that he would not come off around that time after 21 long days, kevin was finally able to breathe on his own and eventually Strong Enough to come home. Anything the last thing remember. Formal cup. It was he trade in my chest, i dont remember anything beyond that now is the bay area slowly begins to reopen. The couple wants to make sure everyone knows just how serious the virus as. I think our advice would be dont let your guard down to it seriously. I never thought i would get its second. Such a healthy but this from the animal and i was tired. You can hear it. Went down. Well new in Contra Costa County this morning vehicle base gatherings and services are not all are now allowed rather the health order also applies for religious services too. The First Presbyterian church of richmond in fact has been doing drivein Services Since 1973 pastor jim wheeler says drive in worship was canceled the sunday after the shelterinplace order was issued back in march. But then he received permission from the county and local police to continue services once the church explained at safety precautions. Now every sunday this congregation meets in a parking lot in pin all. Thats where pastor wheelers program is broadcast over a low power radio station. Its just Strong Enough for those attendees to hear on their car radios. Courage people to keep their windows up. And stay in their cars. We dont go around to the cars to collect offering any more. We offer them an online option. Well the new health order says that all gatherings must take pay place in large outdoor areas like parking lots the events can last a maximum of 3 hours now everyone involved except for the host must be inside an enclosed vehicle and everyone in each vehicle must be from the same household. Our coverage of the coronavirus continues on our website at kron 4 dot com where youll find the latest on outbreaks in the bay area. Also an interactive map and a lot of information on ways to stay safe. You can find all this and more on our website at kron 4 dot com. Still ahead on the kron 4 morning news pro sports could be returning to california next month, hear from the 49 er on what he thinks sports will be like when they finally returned to the field. And a little peek outside at a very cloudy San Francisco. It is currently 54 degrees right now in San Francisco 49 in santa rosa 54 in the east bay over in fremont this morning and 56 in antioch its going to be a nice day though mostly sunny and mild welcome back on this morning, theres a new warning for air bnb customers, the company says it will not allow host or customers. To throw parties for the near future. We talk with air bnb about what this means for the bay area. Any time its just not acceptable behavior right in any context but but but it it was specially in any type of shortterm rental so were saying no thats not acceptable until further notice that when the governor comes in and says look social gatherings are are okay were far enough along then well move with that been told that no parts. Air bnb says they are bringing in a special team to check every reservation just to make sure the no one tries to reserve a place for an unauthorized party. Well new this morning sfo will be resuming flights to europe next month they have been canceled since april 1st because of the pandemic sfo also expects Additional Service to japan to start next month. But all flights and airlines that do resume will have limited service all travel advisories restrictions and screening procedures will remain in effect. Delays by the way on a cell phone looking for skies turn mostly sunny. Heres the lowdown on what we expect a lot those inland temperatures into the 70s. By this afternoon look at your 4 zone this is one. So is this. And so are these. They all represent something more. The feeling of home. Thats why were here. To help make your home be everything you want it to be. Because home is what unites us. Welcome back to kron 4 morning news, 7. 44 on this wednesday morning were checking things out from sutro camera can the Golden Gate Bridge this morning things looking pretty good there little hazy but really nothing to worry about. Lets check in on the forecast and a spar hi dave. Hey good morning marty good morning, everybody, its one of the better shots that we actually have a lot of our bridge cams of course that was sutro but i mean the shots weve been showing up close and personal the golden gates, but looking pretty good. Not the same way everywhere were still fighting to some of those fog clouds is all like to call him. Heres a a a live shot coming in from the bay bridge toll plaza looking at those east bay hills and still the cloud cover the ball clouds kind of hanging around just a little bit. We do have an on shore wind that still work here at a leftover going right across the golden gate off to the east bay shoreline. Ratings are pretty modest though 60 Miles Per Hour San Francisco in the east bay shoreline in the single digits. Some leftover rain showers up the sierra thats a breaking up at the last couple of shots here however, with daytime heating will fire back up again and we may see some afternoon showers going up there. After this it really starts clearing out for everybody and then its the warming to heating parts of our forecast to take us into the holiday weekend. High temperatures today up this is childs play compared to whats coming 76 for fresno and bakersfield, very appropriate i guess would be problem forget about maybe the Morning Hours 76 for sacramento, 66 San Francisco, 60 monterey and down the so cal in the lower 70s. Expect 100 plus in the Central Valley come this while latter portion of this holiday weekend. So a little cut off low kind of hanging around a little bit in the backyard, it moves on out High Pressure kicks in so we get the clearing mode we get the warming temperatures and really getting hot by this weekend and early into next week. Now checking out your hump day wednesday for today, its looking pretty good 66 for San Francisco, 65 daly city pacifica at about 60 65 going on for Half Moon Bay northern end of the peninsula pretty much lower to middle 60s at that the 70s hanging out a lile bit of the southern end of the peninsula foster city at 7071 palo alto and a mountain view. Redwood city at 71. Up a net for the middle 70s for the south bay, 75 morgan hill, 73 for san jose santa clara. Hope he does east bay shoreline to the south were at 69 union city and hayward 70 fremont lower 70s covering the tri valley livermore and pleasanton 72 for dublin up the Contra Costa County 75 for walnut creek in concord at 7672 Richmond Berkeley at 68 also noting a chilly 66 for the late 77 fairfield 73 going on for napa it places like tackled 77 today again that will be changing into the future here 77 santa rosa and more the 70s heading down south with 60 around point re and stenson beach all right get ready. Here we go wash right up into the 90s we go for sunday on into the holiday week. Tuesday at 95. Some far east bay locations may reach up near its to and upwards to around 100 or so well see that in the Central Valley. Now well break for the bay area by twos tuesday is the last day and then wednesday, its going to drop off dramatically. The Central Valley will still be baking there. But looks like it will warm up big time early next week, the unofficial start of summer you say, yes,u it looks like its here robin whats going on with the area traffic traffic was pretty good. The drivers are behaving we dont have any major hot spots the bay bridge traffic looks good into San Francisco. We still have the high wind advisory in place that was issued early this morning could really feel the winds driving across this morning but that advisory is in place to warn you to slow it down a little bit as we head across the span but a great trip into San Francisco. So far heres a live look at the richmond sandra fell weve had no problems heading into the north bay. So you can make it. On 5. 80 westbound and under 10 minutes from the pay gates off to one on one. Well check in on the Golden Gate Bridge traffic here heading into and out of San Francisco doing just fine no problems on city streets, no issues in the north bay so under 25 minutes novato to the san cisco toll plaza marty all right robin. Learning of yet another reason to practice social distancing. The cdc says the coronavirus spreads mainly from person to person and not as much other ways such as touching a contaminated surface. The cdc says the virus can spread of a person is in close contact with someone else. And when that infected person may cough sneeze or talk that causes droplets to travel to another persons mouth nose or eyes the cdc advises everyone should continue practicing social distancing, washing hands for at least 20 seconds and routinely disinfecting surfaces. In california begins to re open the state is busy building an army of tracers to find out who has covid19 and keep it from spreading. The program led by ucsf and you see la is virtually training state and county employees as contact tracers so they will identify people who may have been exposed to the coronavirus without even knowing it. The program next expects to have as many as 13,000 contact tracers by the end of the month. Where an interested in finding out. Is he had he been in contact for more than 10 minutes. This is 6 feet. Yeah, im asking how much information are these people being asked to share know who they are where they are their medical providers are there theyre going to go into isolation, we also want to know what youre working. This is also not only that managing the individuals. It also trying to educate chester zoo transmission. Governor Gavin Newsome says that Contact Tracing and improved testing capabilities. Our key parts of the plan to fully reopen the state. Governor newsome made his most definitive statement regarding prosports returning to the state since the covid19 outbreak last month the governor said that he could not see a way that football could be played in stadiums full of fans us all but then on monday, he said that the current numbers in the state have led him to believe that the state could open up for pro sports, but without fans, he said that if quote we hold these trend lines if we hold these trend lines 49 ers fullback kyle use check is on board with that. It definitely be different playing if we did get to the season and have to play without fans that would be a little bit different element. But at the same time that something that we do in practice every day just think the obstacles not being with each other on the football field. And you know to be able to get those reps so reacting to a defender or vice versa for a defensive guy reacting to an offensive guy in front of them. Those are those are things that are too severe 8. Well since the shelterinplace orders began the niners have conducted all this is through zoom. However, the players are itching to get back out there and get to work, but they do understand t importance of staying safe and healthy. And kron fours proud to salute the class of 2020 and this morning we want to congratulate hung going for romero hahn is a graduating from the label high school there he and thats in Solano County of course and hell be attending San Jose State University and plans to major in Computer Engineering now you can let us know about a graduate in your life by going to kron 4 dot com to find the salute to grads page under the news tab and then you upload a picture of your graduate let us know the high school at the graduate attended and whats next for them. And we happy to put him on the air and online. Lets go ahead take you outside for a live look and so conditions at the approach to the bay bridge this morning traffic is moving smoothly. Still some cloudy skies there. But today says thats going to go welcome back everyone crow enforcement honoring people doing great things and their communities and during this pandemic and this morning were shining the spotlight on them or in city Cooperation Team in sausalito Marine City School district organized the task force to help support groups that may be overlooked during the pandemic this task force is split into 7 support teams include academics. Families Mental Health and a lot more all of this is to support the needs of the community. The mcc t has served over 50 families to various forms of route reach so far the group is also helping get to students, Internet Access and connection and also connect families to Mental Health support so hats off to them very nice keep up the good work and remember you can spotlight, someone making a difference in your community. We have a special section on our website, its called kron 4 heroes. You have to do is fill out a quick form let us know about your hero and you can find the page on kron 4 dot com. Well coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news now the county is moving into an expanded stage 2 of reopening we have the new guidelines for businesses coming up in a live report. And the city of san jose is moving forward with a plan to allow some businesses including restaurants to use outdoor space in order to safely reopen well have those details coming up in a live report and by the end of the week car drivers celebrations and graduations will be allowed in Santa Clara County will explain the limitations and the next hour. Before we go a lovely shot of the Golden Gate Bridge and the bridge its nice to looking at the sky right the mix of sun and clouds its going to be Beautiful Day around the bay area, nice and sunny with highs in the 70s around the bay, so that sure sounds nice and it looks like were in store for a warming trend as we h good morning, everyone and thank you for joining us on this wednesday hump day may 20th im Robin Winston good morning, everybody, im Marty Gonzales will get to our top story this morning. Its in the south bay. Its where the San Jose City Council Voted overnight to allow local businesses to use Parking Spaces and streets to operate the kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live in san jose with the latest sara. Marty robin i moved over here to a different part of san jose in the downtown area in historic walk where theres just a lot of restaurants, a good example of an area where theyre going to have to take advantage of outdoor spaces. This area has a park across the street a lot of area that they could use to see people restaurants otherwise would be limited to just a few people inside the restaurant and they need to be able to pay the rent and to pay their employees so this plan called else al fresco which quite literally means Outdoor Dining is going to

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