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Next phase just yet we have kron fours will tran live in walnut creek with the story will. The reason being because each city is different from one another San Francisco, according to mayor london breed she seen too many coronavirus cases where she feels he could really explode and according to Governor Newsome the citys will have the final call he has a broader plan, but they have specific plans. But like in walnut creek you can see this Clothing Store be i mean there is a good chance. They could reopen tomorrow that the governor will go into detail when he has the News Conference a little bit later this morning which we carry every day. He talked about this last friday that we are not weak spent days away from face to which finally lets the shelter in place for many nonessential businesses. Yes weve seen many businesses open like Grocery Stores and hardware stores. But nonessential businesses like bookstores music stores, Sporting Goods Clothing Stores. They could reopen as early as tomorrow. But there are some modifications that need to be done they will have to do curbside you cant walk through the Clothing Store lucky use to in the past so look at items you probably will have to look for it online and then possibly even call ahead and have it next to you your credit card ready to go and then pay outside and then get your item so no browsing like we once did before lets talk about the local jurisdictions for now mayor london breed says she will try to follow Governor Newsoms plan. But she has her own agenda when it comes to coronavirus. The more. Hthat people have interactions with other people. The likelihood that other folks will continue to get infected. And so as difficult as i know this has been we need to keep that in mind when making decisions about reopening. Okay so lets talk about some of the other businesses i know many people are dying to go back to the restaurants to feel normal again to bring their family sit down have a waitress a waiter come to their table thats not going to happen under face too because thats still long ways down the road the governor still nice to see coronavirus cases flag nancy whats going to happen. But many restaurants, they were not deemed essential. They can reopen which restaurants that can open. Well the governor is going to talk about that a little more in details but dont expect to go inside. You could pick up some of your Favorite Foods but i would suggest call ahead because not everybody will enjoy face to they might be faced 3 or even face for but there is james and area at least a glimmer of hope something is better than nothing right especially since theyve been shut down for 7 weeks and many businesses are a king to reopen again back to you. Yeah, no kidding. Thank you well and when citys cherry opening were going to see a lot more traffic of course in fact experts say with could see an increase. Increase of more than 40 minutes. I think that means in your drive time kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live at Treasure Island so the normally takes to 45 minutes to get to work its going to take it 40 minutes more. Yeah thats exactly right this new study projects that our morning commute which we report on every morning will increase by about 42 minutes thats on top of lawyer already driving on after this shelter in place is lifted and here in Treasure Island a show you what it looks like now and oh yeah look people are Just Cruising on by these are hopefully essential workers heading to their essential jobs bill once this shelterinplace orders lifted. Everybodys going to be back on the road and it let me tell you its been delightful driving ive seen all just barely any traffic every single day. But this new study by Vanderbilt University shows one this order is lifted our crew our commutes are going to be way worse than normal. I mean we know our commutes are bad but theyre saying its going to be worse. Thats because it may take time for people to want to hop on across a crowded bar, a new knee or even shared ubers and lyfts again with sanitary concerns and the continued need to social decisions. So people will be likely driving themselves to work more than ever just in their car alone and not car pooling the university protected and that San Francisco will be the hardest hit city in the country saying each person will be on the road up to 80 minutes longer per day due to traffic thats all day long of course we told you the morning commute would be increasing by 42 minutes alone thats on top of what youre already doing the next worst cities of course will be new york and los angeles. But these are brutal brutal us the nuts and as i mean youve probably been working from home, staying at home but. If you recall your commute waawful so hearing this not so good news, but hopefully all those Public Transit agencies they will make it so you dont feel worried about using them and hopefully people will use them so that traffic isnt as bad as the city projects, im live on Treasure Island Sarah Stinson back to the i know they have problems and other metro areas and theyre trying to you know reassure commuters that Public Transit is fine have to wear a mask and. People are trying to set apart and sara i thought maybe our commute would not be as bad because maybe some people to continue working at home. Like businesses found okay, this is a model that works for some people. Yeah a lot of tech companies. Im sure well be doing that but i have to help pans out. Okay so were not going to see the bay bridge like that much more over her shoulder, thanks a lot sarah. A all right. Forests are among those businesses that will be about to reopen here just in time for mothers day as a matter of fact flower bowl florist in walnut creek was closed for about 2 months under the stay at home order and it started taking online orders by phone. And words by phone on monday. The coroner says the volume of orders has been so overwhelming they actually had to stop taking orders for the rest of the week. With probably stopped a little sooner than we normally would because there are supply issues and some staffing issues people that are not available to us and help with the alert holiday like this. Ability little bit. Supplies are as readily is available. Even with that word with an extremely while business is booming for mothers day florists are concerned about their business in the long term because large events like weddings and graduations ceremonies and birthdays well theyve all been canceled here in the bay area we now have more than 9,000 coronavirus cases and a total of 334 deaths statewide the number goes up to 60,000 cases with more than 2400 s and then nationwide of course still up above a 1 million 1 0. 2 million cases, 73,000 deaths reported from covid19. If you want more information of a more detailed breakdown of the global numbers and the city by city comparison just go to our website at kron 4 dot com. Sacramento county the yuba center mall in yuba city. Welcome back shoppers for the first time in nearly 2 months and wow they really came in droves about half of the malls 50 stores reopened and people enjoy going in. A man who said. 2 and a half months. Theyre waiting for this day. And do my own nails james Yuba County Public Health officer gave the green light for this for this reopening because they only had 19 coronavirus cases. And one death and that entire county as you can see here shoppers are still supposed to be Wearing Masks and practicing social distancing. The Arden Fair Mall and sacramento is going to be back open for business but for Curbside Pickup only doug johnson spoke with the malls Marketing Manager. Are there more will soon be reopened its sort. Starting this friday. Our hope is that well be able to have our retailers be able to make deliveries here in the parking lot customers will be able to communicate with individual stores either through the internet or by phone to pick out the items they want to buy then when they arrive in the parking lot. Someone from the store will come out to fulfill the order. But you wont be able to just show up and grows it will be more less new if youre looking for you ordered it online and youre just here to pick it up. However governor Gavin Newsome said on tuesday malls would not be allowed to reopen just yet in this first phase were going to be working with the countys. Im local variances and thats the conversation. Counties in real time their ability to move deeper in the face to those are face to activities the larger malls. But in this first round the guidelines will be putting out thursday, your correct thats not part of the guidance for putting out state why were taking a lot of what he he was seen and we look at it more of an interpretation has the interior walls pardon fair mow Marketing Manager Nathan Spradlin says he believes the Curbside Pickup model will be allowed on friday because it does not violate any far weve not in one for the city are from the county tone is that we should move forward with this director of Health Services told fox 40 as long as no one from the public enters the mall Curbside Pickup at arden fair is in accordance with the state directed starting on friday and were just make sure that were providing an environment that is healthy for both our tenants and for consumers and spradlin says his tenants could really use the business theyre excited about this that they want to reopen that they want to bring back on their voice in sacramento, Doug Johnson Fox 40 news. California will get a million refund for delay delivery of those n 95 masks, chinese manufacturer b weide failed to meet in april 30th deadline to get those mass certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Governor newsome made a nearly billion deal with b weide to bring in 10s of millions of masks to california. Governor newsom says he will release more details about that billion dollar deal hes been facing criticism from lawmakers and the public for keeping those details under wraps. The governor says he had numerous reasons not to reveal all the information in that deal including among security. Im guilty of wanting to deliver and get this done in to save lives at the same time damage to the as transparent as a human the candy to you because you deserve it and so youll get that and i hope i hope it doesnt impact the contract, i pray it doesnt. Well the Governor Also Announced the state now has nearly 20 million surgical masks ready to be shipped to hospital statewide. Our coverage of the coronavirus again is on kron 4 dot com all day long as new information comes in well update if there were also featuring all the various parts of the angles to the story that impact of the area to so make sure you check it out kron 4 dot com well be right back. Were here for you and were open. Wow. Im an original. One of a kind. You feel me . Love ya. Oop you look cute better than you . Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. My new bitesized, crispy popcorn chicken is so irresistible youll want them whenever, so dont resist pop em while you game, hang, or do your thing. Pop my 100 allwhitemeat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just 5. 99. People are finding more time to do yard work around the house during this pandemic so. Thats at least one good thing, although the warm spring weather is also bringing out rattlesnakes weve got Dennis Shanahan with the story. After getting a call about a rattlesnake louis fraser and his snake sniffing dog peaches show up to a fulsome condominium off oak avenue parkway. Its just another day on the job for the team of snake removal dot com. But upon closer inspection there was more than just one snake living under this foundation. This particular issue is a group of female Northern Pacific rattlesnakes that are found in ice. Kravis thats the perfect humidity. And temperature for them, i mean theyre getting ready to give live birth emails will congregate in groups to give birth because where one area is suitable for a berth other states will come in and fill that area so. They do group together ah but thats just for safety reasons they feel comfortable that way lewis is here to safely take them out of their comfort zone for the comfort of the homeowners. Lets get this pot. And then action time. On to you. Bring him over here. One by one he removes the rattlesnakes and puts them into a box that he will later law can take to a remote area where the snakes will be released. You give us a call i will make sure to give you all the education you and be able to handle. The situation properly. But the proper tools lewis is keeping very busy these days, not necessarily because snakes are out in larger numbers than usual for this time of year. But he says what many people staying home and working in the yard. Residents are simply noticing the snakes. The final one he removes on this job, he pulls out by hand. This is a good time to emphasize. Lewis is a trained professional the i work with them so much when i grab the tail of the snake and i pulled back, i know to give it a little shake. I know the snake doesnt feel like its in a death situation. So its not a star biting all over the place this job ends with a successful capture of 5 rattlesnakes and the gratitude of one very relieved homeowner. I know that and the complex but ive never had them here for a long time and ive never happen right here so its good to know his watch where you put your hands. And when we get that really hot hot heat keep the garage door shot. And while we were here with lou his phone rang several times so its ofto another call in folsom, Dennis Shanahan fox 40 news. 5. 17 right now and were taking a look at the weather. I dont even have to ask because it was so hot last night sleeping, yeah, it was a pretty difficult looks like today more of the job. The same guys even hotter are many parts of the bay area today temperatures back into the 90s for some of our inland areas and at the warmest along the coast that they will be in this 4 be another jerky night sleeping if you like the cool breeze which isnt really going to be present for most of the day this is your look at the Golden Gate Bridge it is Crystal Clear out there a lot like yesterday was this lack a marine layer is kept us pretty mild overnight and its going to be one of the reasons that feels so toasty today. Pittsburgh youre at 61 degrees right now Alameda Oakland and berkeley was boyko all starting off pretty mild at 57 degrees. Each that ridge of High Pressure i talked so much about yesterday is really built and across the bay and we are seeing hot inland. The air being pushed out all the way to the coast thats making sure that any of that ocean cooled air doesnt have a chance to question that the bay so really no afternoon really that comfortable breeze that sometimes cools us off in the afternoon. By the time we work into tomorrow, you will notice the return of some ocean cooled air nears the coast this is going to result in temperatures just a touch cooler tomorrow along the coast and along the bay. Its our inland areas tomorrow though that are still going to be on the hot side in fact even hotter than today com friday for inland spots saturday is when we all begin to cool down so today easily one of our hottest days if not or how to stay for coastal spots, San Francisco on average a high of 78 degrees some neighborhoods will reach the low 80s. Mill valley 84 conquered antioch livermore nap and santa rosa in the 90s. All san jose in Mountain View just below the 90 degree mark tomorrow, our inland spots will be at their heart to swell our coastal areas will see just a touch of a cooler day on friday saturday still toasty but starting to see temperatures getting a little cooler and by sunday we see some patchy fog that will be a sign of those changes that will result in temperatures falling from the 90s to the 70s, it minds and from the 80s along the bay to the 60s by tuesday and wednesday of next week. Thats your forecast also go back to you guys in the studio. Thanks a lot john its 5. 19 and National Headlines georgia Officials Say theyre going to be looking into the killing of an unarmed man who was jogging in brunswick, georgia. Theres outrage among people in the community questioning why nobodys been arrested to wreak minor spoke with the mother of the man who was killed. Approximately 5 and a half hours after mott arberys deadly confrontation with these 2 men identified as former brunswick District Attorney investigator greg big michael in his son travis arberys mother wanda cooper says she received a call no mother wants to get from glynn county deputies informing her that her son was killed claiming the 25 yearold was committing a crime but he went on to say that. I have been involved in curry. And in the midst of the burglary amman was confronted by the homeowner. In doing that confrontation there was tussle over handgun. And a mom was shot and she you. This video is the key starting point in this investigation. It was released anonymously tuesday and tells a different story as a driver captures arbery on cellphone jogging in a suburban brunswick neighborhood. His good friend about michael innocent travis armed with a shotgun and at 3. 57 handgun. Arberys lawyers are calling for an immediate arrest. Theres no place on earth really where would happen. Too much. Wasnt criminal. But apparently in brunswick. The can get away with it for months at a time. We continue to enjoy their families in their homes in the in freedom. Is offense, it is painful for his family arberys attorneys alleged prosecutorial misconduct on beialf of the glynn county sheriffs office. And the waycross District Attorneys office prompting a arberys lawyers say police and prosecutors distorted the facts saying the video contradicts that michaels claims that they were defending themselves against a man they thought was a burglar same thing that will ever happen. To. Body who killed a human being like this regardless of the cause of this scene. Would have been arrested a profound. You know brought a teacher. Sure and their profile him say hes a burger thats not the costume of them the only thing they knew was that he was a young black man. Those to read minor reporting the District Attorney says the case is going to be going to a grand jury in georgia. Heres a live look outside we have our bay bridge camera at the toll plaza showing us traffic moving without any problems through the gates and across the span well be well stay at home restrictions are being relaxed in many states americans dont seem to be take and it taking any chances when it comes to traveling Mandy Gaither has details on when it comes to traveling during this pandemic the centers for Disease Control and prevention still recommend you stay home and numbers from the airlines for America Organization show people are heeding that warning after seeing a 2 increase in passenger volume in late february air travel has fallen 96 from those highs domestic us flights are caring about 15 to 20 passengers on average compared to 85 to 100 passengers in the first 2 months of 2020 us Passenger Airlines have idled over 3,000 aircraft constituting nearly 50 of carriers active fleet in an effort to get consumers back leading us airlines will be requiring face coverings for customer facing employees and passengers to check in mourning in flight and deplaning airlines for america says carriers are also working to sanitize cockpit and high touch areas like seat belts and arm rests and implemented a range of policies such as back to front boarding and adjusting food and Beverage Services for todays consumer watch im mandy the city of Berkeley School and covid19 testing were all doing our part by staying at home. That could mean an increase in energy bills. You can save by setting your heat to 68 or lower. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or just letting the sun light your home. Stay well and keep it golden. The city of berkeley is now offering free coronavirus tests this as the bay areas closer to reopening some of the economy kron fours reyna harvey is live in berkeley. Do you have to have a symptoms to get these tests are they for anybody. Daria you hit the key word on the hit their symptoms you have to have symptoms in order to calm down and received one of those free tests like you just mentioned you might remember the city of berkeley originally was focusing on the communitys most vulnerable populations, an essential workers but now with i was trying to gather that data to reopen california go into phase 2 on friday. Now they want everybody to come down to get tested, but again you must have symptoms so if you forgot what those symptoms are we have a list of them for you. They are fever chills repeated shaking muscle pains and headaches, sore throat and newly on that list that loss of smell if you already have a health care provider, the city would like you to first call that provider to get tested them any followup appointments will be through them so its best to start there, but if you dont have the medical provider and have the symptoms listed above you can call a berkeley city nurse. Theyre screening calls at this time and then they can schedule an appointment for you at the citys West Berkeley site. Also the city will test children who have symptoms that are at least 2 years of age would argue this is just another resource for families who probably have a lot of concern and just want some peace of mind also this to be good data for the state as we move into phase 2 starting tomorrow daria. Okay, thanks a lot reyna 5. 31 trump now says that he is revamping the White House Coronavirus task force instead of getting rid of it altogether hes expected to announce details on monday with these new priorities for the task force with karen caifa now giving us a preview from washington. President trump says the coronavirus pandemic is worse tencent are american tragedy like this is worse than pearl harbor, this is worse than the world trade center. Theres never been attacked like this. And it should have never had. He also reversed his decision to dissolve the White House Coronavirus task force adding the doctor Anthony Fauci and doctor deborah birx will remain part of the group very happy with doctor fauci and well be doing the same and a denver will be doing thsame but a pivotal new priorities is expected including Vaccine Development in treatment and reopening the u. S. Economy. More than 40 states will have loosened restrictions by the end of this week, even though experts told a house panel wednesday its too soon. Its clear to me that we are in a critical moment of this fight we risk complacency in accepting the preventable deaths of 2000 americans each day hot spots continue to emerge and flair, Kansas Health Officials Say theyre monitoring 75 clusters across the state south dakota anticipates a spike after mass testing for smithfield Food Processing plant employees as we do more and more testing. In a community where there is already community spread. We do expect to see a big increase in positive cases and has new jersey reported 300 a new deaths wednesday. Governor phil murphy extended a state of emergency to june 5th. In washington karen caifa kron 4 news. President trump contradicted a nurse that he was honoring in the oval office on wednesday insisting that there are no personal protective equipment. Shortages despite the fact that the nurse said the veil availability of them was sporadic at times, heres a look at the exchange. I talked to my colleagues around the country certainly there are pockets of areas where ppe is not ideal. But this is an unprecedented time and the Infection Control measures that we learn we went to school one gallon when asked for one patient a day or per tied. This is a different time and ive been reusing my 95 mask for. A few weeks snapped. Sporadic for you thats for for a lot of because ive heard the opposite they are and that they are loaded up with with 2 counts now and to take it on initially we had nothing we had empty cupboards in empty shelves. We had nothing. Well Frontline Health workers have reported shortages of personal protective equipment as the coronavirus is swept through the country. In face masks are ready to be shipped to bay area hospitals and this is because the donation that was made anonymously as part of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group a covid19 challenge. Made it possible a vile those mass so far theyve raised more than million in donations and equipment for area hospitals. A big part of the face shields load was sent to Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital in stamford. This is going to be with us for a while and when you just look at the volume of patients that we see here at stanford as well as our sister organizations throughout the bay area. And this is going to be an ongoing need well into the future. The donation will allow the hospital to resume treating patients with other illnesses and perform surgeries that had to be put on hold. Thats thats warning about a second wave of covid19 infections that could happen as we reopen the economy covers kate rooney has details. When shelterinplace orders began some of the Public Health sector warned that the spread of coronavirus might not be linear rather a roller coasr of surges with some california counties starting to reopen this week experts say or a minder of that is timely i think weve we really dodged a in this certain initial phase of the virus. But theres no doubt that i knew were going to a second spike. And just like with the first wave. The question really is how big will that will that be the answer is unclear along with when a second wave could be expected. The cdc works with Numerous Research institutions to create forecasting models but most projections are for just a few weeks out the good news is we have a lot preparations that undertaken are in place and so were definitely more prepared for i potentially surgeon we than we were say a month ago or 2 months ago when this was all very very new that preparedness includes better hospital workflows and access to personal protective equipment also better testing capabilities for vulnerable populations such as the homeless are People Living in nursing facilities. Still experts say a slow reopening process is advantageous from a health perspective, but we do need to get there and we need to do been a very datadriven and logically a rigorous way that really pays attention to whats happening. In in the Community Without just kind of a broadly and fast realistically that could mean continuing some measure of physical distancing until a vaccine is widely implemented reporting in San Francisco, Kate Rooney Kron 4 news. And dont forget all the latest stories regarding the coronavirus can be found on our website at kron 4 dot com. The latest headlines. The latest guidance and also the latest impacts here around the bay area as we begin to approach the face to reopening of businesses around the bay. Well be back with more headlines in just a minute stay with us. The associated student body at Los Altos High School had lots of plans for students this spring, but the pandemic of course changed all that. But in an effort to keep student morale high a junior at the school decided to get a little creative kron fours noelle bellow has the story. You can get totally send somebody a text message and say oh my god i miss you so much, but then if years eve handmade graham with coloring and really nice message. You know it just means so much more jimmy to suu kyi is a junior at Los Altos High School like most teens texting and posting on social media is the norm. But when his school shifted to at Home Learning he realized his fellow students might need a little right now as we know that times are tough people are scared. People are sad, you know they need a little bit of encouraging so i thought you know what why dont we take this idea and we can expand it every february students send a valentines grams to fellow classmates. So to suu kyi and his fellow associated student body members use that framework and set up an online form to create quarantine kindness grams. Sending a homey letter or a handmade let a sound like a great idea, but a lot of people you know they dont really put the effort into doing it so we wanted to take the hard part away. And all you have to do is fill out a form and my fellow classmates and i we will fill out the letters will make the letter for you and we will send it. Key says in a week they got more than 80 requests for kindness grams the best part hes even got his family involved i would write the messages on the inside and then. The person who actually did the drawings was my as we seize 80 years old and she you know she needs them something to fill the during this point he away for fellow students and friends to remember were all in this together a positive. If you need a grand you can contact me i will have to make some more. Well i was unwell bella reporting right now the kindness grams or just for los altos high students but the project may be expanded will see it. A quick live look outside we have our cameras, San Francisco looking out across the park and arrow in the bay bridge. What a beautiful sky out there clear with the morning sunrise colors coming into play. Well be right back. Our Retirement Plan with voya gives us confidence. Yeah, they help us with achievable steps along the way. So we can spend a bit now, knowing were prepared for the future. Surprise we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. Oooh, well. Im good at my condo. Oh. I love her condo. Nana throws the best parties. Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. I 44 right now checking out the weather its good not out there sure is and getting hotter to heres a john trouble standing by with a look at the numbers today youre talking about low 90s for a good number of inland yeah talking 90s out there for some of her spots and a one of the hottest days of the forecast, although for inland areas. I think tomorrow could be just as hot if not hotter, so were in this for a couple of days guys time to stay hydrated if youre heading outside for that afternoon walking baby just plan not walk a bit earlier in the day like he did yesterday we have a full moon thats about to be setting here at the next couple of hours in the comes up in a notice just how clear those skies are its been a bright and clear morning as well as a mild morning. So far how oakland and alameda egypt, 57 for your current temperatures pennsburg not bad at all its 60 degrees. Well in the 40s her double in livermore and much the north bay jackets ready to go this morning, but you will be discarding close and that definitely not even thinking about putting a month later today as this High Pressure ridge shapes up across the region hot and dry inland areas being pushed out to the coast. So were not going to have that cool afternoon breeze that cools us down sometimes offers really thats not going to be present today, its going to be hot stagnant air mass in place. Thats going to be one of the things that makes it feel so toasty outside down tomorrow we will have some relief at the coast youre going to have the window open for some cool ocean air to push in mostly just at the coast though sort inland areas are going to stay really hot tomorrow making tomorrow or hottest a woman. Well our coastal areas will start to have some early tomorrow saturday. We all begin to see temperatures cooling down in that sense is up for a much cooler week next week. Todays daytime highs will be in the 70s 80s and yes, the 90s, a 192 per your high today, antioch livermore and Santa Rosa Beach at 90 degrees on that that i want fremont the hot enough to 85 oakland youll be a 82 all san jose in Mountain View and upper 80s, San Francisco, mostly in the upper 70s, the Mission District could get up to low 80 though tomorrow temperatures hotter inland, but touch cooler by the bay coast saturday will be a little cooler still toasty just not as hot. But by sunday some patchy fog some nice ocean cold air begins to push well it that Cool Temperatures from the 90s to the 70s for inland areas, monday is our best chance of rain and a couple sprinkles possible or to stay too. Overall just some big changes into next week that will be a big relief from the heat that we do have these next couple of days. Back to you guys in the studio. All right. Thank you john lets go outside check some of the Road Conditions for you this morning. So far so good here on the richmond sandra fell bridge. Toll plaza camera yesterday we had that car fire on the marine side which back traffic up for a good bit of the morning. But this morning so far youre moving all right with traffic at the limit from richmond all the way number and county. So the Golden Gate Bridge shows the southbound right on 1, 1, looking good as well no issues to report for you as youre making your way in really from santa rose all the way down into San Francisco and none of the other major bridges are showing any backups whatsoever this morning as well so its an easy ride. So far thousands of people all over the area need a doctor for conditions that have nothing to do with the coronavirus and by not treating those Underlying Health issues. Theyre putting themselves at risk kron fours pam moore went to a San Francisco free clinic where theyre trying to provide a safety net for the uninsured. Torontos who hate up is picking up much needed medications. He has diabetes a heart condition and high Blood Pressure each serious enough by itself all the more serious because of covid19 or there much concern because out. I know we are net. In condition is much a you will never seen a few us so hayden knows he is vulnerable, although he is employed, he does not have insurance and those are the patients the San Francisco free clinic serves these are the very people that are having disastrous outcomes if they get infected by the virus. These are the people that are dying actually for the most part. So its critical that they continue their care they stay on their medications. They stay in touch with their caregivers. The free clinic has been proving Free Health Care for people with no insurance for more than 25 years. Ducked co founded by doctor tricia gibbs and her husband doctor richard way to go to the clinic is normally bustling with warm and supportive staff and volunteers helping patients with all kinds of health means the entire full range of chronic and acute conditions as 9 pulmonary conditions like most general medicine clinics and we see injuries and wounds the clinic has classes for stress reduction heart health and nutrition eye exams and more that is during normal times they today, it is masks and scrubs and staff taking temperatures lots of greeting patients at the door with their medications and loss of telemedicine all examples of the value of Community Clinics keeping low income communities of color healthy during this pandemic especially since recent data has come from dramatic Racial Disparities in covid19 infections. The other thing thpt unity clinics that they really take care of the minority and underserved populations in places where they exist in. You know the Health Care Disparities were existing before call it buyers hume along but this is because of ice is just really exacerbating that an and highlighted tremendous inequity said its something gives are optimistic that the Health Care System will adjust and do better when this crisis has passed for 2 riders who had a is grateful right just really is very real for me. You can say can by e some huge issue it seeks to see and also the chief of the border. It was. You know he got a the price. So the 10 point that there is a key. Feliz pam moore reporting the clinic also offers a Delivery Service for medications and even provides food for some of those who need it. Will californians can now find a nearby testing site with a few taps on your smartphone governor Gavin Newsome announcing this new web site that lets you find the nearest testing site based on either your Current Location or you can enter an address and find where the near side is to that address. You can just click on the map to see the sites available you can find a link to this on our website at kron 4 dot com. And dont forget thats the website you need to go to throughout the day for the very latest on the coronavirus the associated stories, the bay area impacts and also the latest guidance from Health Officials as well dont forget, we are looking to reopen some businesses with the face to reopening of a bay area well talk more about that as we head into that throughout the day an 5. 54 and kron 4 is saluting the class of 2020 today will shine a light on Antonio Flores junior, yes, antonios graduating from Freedom High School in oakley nice mild air. He plans on going to u c davis hell be getting his degree he thks in Industrial Engineering cannot make suits right. The old course you know beckys well do that when we saw you moved to california now what we did i was like wow you were a tux for your senior picture and they would they said the guys did not live to give us the shirts cardboard at these photos not going to get money, you know money is a and tony says he wants to go into that he was to have that major because he wants to be as dads boss yeah wish him well because they dont buy you can submit a graduate close to you. And hopefully theyll be spotlighted on the kron 00 04am morning news just go to our salute to grads of 2020 portion of our website and you can send a picture of the grad where they went to high school with their plans are when you see the different outfits people at like normal stuff that those are like this that the senior pictures that they make a pose for you so you can post whatever you want. I remember it was in high school that was like i have my picture for the yearbook junior high and my mom was horrified because i wore this like Rolling Stones tshirt with a big in the mouth with it and it was huge. Why ive never would have gotten so its forever and youre bound to go. Well kron fours also shine a spotlight on people are making a difference in their community during this pandemic and this morning we want to recognize the heroes at ucsf benioff Childrens Hospital in oakland. The hospital donated a large amount of personal protective equipment to Childrens Health of Northern California in the south bay. Health care workers from both Hospitals Team up together teamed up together to make it happen. Both melissa gentry and Katie Odonnell who work at ucsf help pack and deliver the ppe donations on their days off so well done you guys and you can spotlight, someone making a difference in your community dont forget we have a new section on our website called kron 4 heroes theres a quick little form you fill out to let us know who that special person is whos making a difference in the lives of your community. Go to kron 4 dot com to find out more. Well take a break first 5. 56 in the next hour part of california is preparing to reopen as businesses in the face to reopening are prepping to welcome customers once again well have the latest in a live report and heres a live look outside of the bay bradge toll plaza when the economy fully reopens there are some who believe the traffic will even be worse pandemic we have a live report to explain why might maybe california businesses shut down for the past several weeks just hours from reopening as Governor Newsom plans to roll out face too. Well break it all down for you in a live report. A new study projects that traffic in the bay area will surge worse than normal after the shelter in place order is lifted of more details coming up in a live report. It was worse than pearl harbor, this is worse than the world trade center. Theres never been attacked like this. And it should have never had. President trump says the coronavirus pandemic is worse than some of americas darkest

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