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A parent in just a few moments from now. Several bay area counties are extending their stay at home owners but at the same Time Offering a little bit of relaxation in relief for you from 4 Sarah Stinson well explain in a live report and overnight the chp is investigating a deadly freeway shooting on i 80 were live with the details. Good morning and thanks for joining us. Im darya folsom and. Parents and students got quite the surprise when governor newsome said. Maybe school in the fall will start early as early as july covers will tran is live in berkeley the question is are we ready to get back into the classrooms. Well. If you talk to parents and a lot of them are saying no its funny writer area when this all started parents are like lets give them back into the classrooms but now theyre learning more about covid19. For say wait a minute no no were not ready to go. But the governor says. There has been a learning loss that a lot of kids are not getting what they need as much as parents are trying. Theres no substitute ing those Great Teachers out there saw they have seen a dip in their education journey and thats why the governor says why wait until late fall or late summer to bring him back to school, lets get them back and close that deficit. The governor is just floating the idea about having them back. Late july maybe first week of august because he says right now. There are some homes that dont have internet. Whenever that happens its more prevalent and homes of color. Also a lot of parents, theyre essential workers if theyre not home, supervising their kids and ive tried area have you seen the math that the kids do these days, im at a loss for it and thats what the governor says we need the teachers and the kids back in the classroom. But i talked to a pair or new says thats a good idea to a point. Well our experiences we have 2 kids, one of whom is at a private school were just starting is really working. Were pretty confident there. We have another in Berkeley High school and its been rough. We havent seen the kind of learning that we do expect. So it sounds like youre in favor. As far as the high school child to go back to school. We have to look at the science we have to say whats the infection rate. Its really really hard to tell at this point. Hes not the only one daria people are saying wait a minute wait a minute and nothing has changed there is no vaccine yet whats the rush of getting the kids back in the classrooms. The governor did say things will probably will never be the same including if it does happen now in for the foreseeable future. Possible staggered start times like normal times a kids show up to school and then the second shift. Could be maybe late morning early afternoon. They have to create social distance in the classrooms. No matter what happens. And i got to tell you the governor might run the state of california. But when it comes to the school says the individual school districts. The run the schools in will be up to them to sign off on the idea. Very afraid because number one for said oh were not going to school. I dont see it happening reopening for the rest of the school year and then the districts made their own decisions and sure enough here we are i wonder if hes saying this floating the idea because even if its online it would make the kids go back online and start learning in july or august. Why are they waiting all summer right if there, not going go back into the classrooms they could get busy on the computer. Of the whole idea duryea was to allow them to have the summer to have social distance and then flatten the curve lets not forget that the flatten the curve and a lot of parents are saying wait a minute youve been telling us to flatten the curve to shelter in place and now you want the kids back in school would know vaccine in place so a lot of errors, including the real life, lets get them back in the classrooms and now many of them are saying whoa whoa whoa, not just yet. One dad said about the testing testing testing he wants to know who his kids sat next to right. Now in addition to school as well. The governor also talked about how the state is going to ease back into business not at the moment because he said there are 4 stages were in stage one thats lockdown were still in after the governor says when we going to sit a phase 2 which could be he said weeks from now so that could be a month or more when we do. It will be the lowerrisk workers that will go back to work first and that includes retail and manufacturing jobs. Phase 2 also includes reopening public spaces like beaches parks and childcare facilities childcare is Economic Development childcare is foundational. To getting people back to work phase 2 is in weeks not months face 3, 4, months, not weeks. Wow so i mean hes not rushing just because hes telling us the plan. So phase 3 as he said would be and months phase 3 allows the highrisk jobs like hair salons Entertainment Venues to go back to work wow so were talking months you just heard it face reason months so you have to go much of a haircut by the in Person Religious Services and weddings that would also be part of phase 3 and then stage 4 that marks the end of the stay at home orders and that would be concerts live sporting events conventions and that as he said is months away he wont commit on any time frame night right now shore just releasing the plan. Lets take a look at when the bay area as were still getting more cases, 7800 people infected and 277 people have have died you can see the county by county breakdown. Right here and you can peruse at to if you need a little longer you want to inspect more on kron 4 dot com. A covid19 Testing Center in hayward found 500 people who tested positive for coronavirus there was the testing this started at cal state 5 weeks ago, and they tested 4,500 people 500 tested positive and those numbers include residents and employees of Nursing Homes and a number of Homeless People as well to get those tests you have to have some kind of symptom we have a show a fever of above a 100 or at least a 100 and shortness of breath. And a cough. The u. S. Has now hit 1 million infections and people are still dying 2000 more americans die just yesterday of covid and yet the nations biggest Shopping Mall operator is planning to open its malls. A day after tomorrow on friday, Simon Property group is going to require all of the workers in those businesses and their malls to wears me to wear masks. And shoppers will be encouraged. But not required to wear masks they will go hand out masks and Hand Sanitizers they say if you are a shopper and your request them. Employees contractors and vendors. Well also be required to screen themselves for a fever or other symptoms before they go to work, but again not the shoppers. So the question is how safe will that be they also say theyre going to sanitize. Regularly the high touch areas, the Food Court Tables escalators and door knobs. And of course this is only happening they have a lot of malls this is only happening in those states that are allowing this not in california, Simon Livermore outlets the Sanford Shopping Center and the great mall in milpitas so those wont be included in this but day after tomorrow places like you know george and texas and places that are reopening those malls are going to reopen. The nations deadliest nursing home outbreak has killed 77 veterans. The outbreak is at the holyoke soldiers home in massachusetts, 77 residents died. And 83 more plus 83 staff are battling infections right now. The department of justice is investigating to figure out how it got this bad in holyoke and another at home in massachusetts in chelsea mass. They had an outbreak that killed 26 veterans. Now the state is going to spend a million to pay for more staff and personal protective equiiment and cleaning and disinfecting the Nursing Homes and massachusetts is also going to require mandatory testing for all nursing home residents and staff going forward. Theres some good news on the front to find a cure for coronavirus foster city based Gilead Sciences Just Announced this morning, a government run a Clinical Trial evaluating its experimental drug. Ram this severe has met the studys primary endpoint rim to severe is being tested in multiple Clinical Trials as a treatment, primarily for severely ill covid19 patients have been hospitalized. Several bay area counties are extending but at the same time relaxing their stay at home orders. What does this mean when you go out for Sarah Stinson has more live from Sonoma County. Hi sarah. Daria im live here at Helen Putnam Regional Park and ive been talking all morning about the fact that you know the parks like this in Sonoma County are open. But you can only go to them if you actually live nearby if you can walk or bike. Well take a look at this. Parks rangers theyre going around to all of the parks is a truck down there theyre driving around to make sure that nobodys parking around these zoom in right here. Thats what this park rangers doing as we speak making sure people are parking right here to then go enjoy the park which weve already seen happen today a lot of people in this neighborhood actually policing the area themselves take a look at your screen. So you can see the sign they put up here its a great sign that theyre putting up at all the parks in Sonoma County. And it reads crowded parks lead to close parks county officials closed the park because people were driving a from all over and crowding them and to prevent this from happening again the parking lots will remain closed at every park say should only go again if you can walk or bike there. So if want to go to the make sure you do that there are playgrounds in the public russians are still closed. People arent also still required to bring a facial covering when you join this Outdoor Recreation because there could tie the time when you cant keep that 6 feet of distance and they also want to make sure that you are using those practices the social distancing 6 feet of distance. County Officials Say additional changes to order will follow the coming week, this means there could be some additional activities until prove. And some businesses could reopen including construction nurseries florists and real estate so long as those businesses take take up some protocols that make sure people are safe. The new order wont have an end date. Yes, you heard me correctly the county board surprised if supervisor said no end date for now and there will be no gatherings private or public allowed throughout the summer so its going to be very difficult everyones Mental Health. I know were all feeling cooped up. But fortunately, at least now here in Sonoma County these parks are open helen putnam its just like all the other parks, the parking lots are closed i met one of the Side Entrance is which is on oxford court. This is where people have been driving up all morning. And thats why the rangers are coming out they actually are going to close oxford court because theres no way for no reason you need to be driving an oxford court. Unless you live here and you cant go to spark unless you live here so plain and simple daria thats kind of situation. All right, thanks ally Animal Health and here are more of your Neighborhood Parks open and you can take advantage of that but remember do not go if youre not a resident of nearby and for example santa cruz would like 19 right now and we are checking out the weather weve got a little cool down which is good because i have the fans going and i feel like im like something. An airport you know like that that its turbines rtds spinning or something second jet engine in my bedroom where the flight delays at that not just the layering and banned the helms everybody, you know what we could at least earn one or 2 those heads up these next few days because were going to work our way june or july like weather back to where we should be sent here late april time to step backward turning seasonal averages today after are near 90 degree highs yesterday you can see a lot of clouds out there also amid the school doubt this is your view from berks they which is not much of view at all as that cloud cover makes contact that the east bay hills so watch out for some foggy spots in the east bay hills right now as well as if youre traveling on highway what help course are essential travel. So roadways are going to be is how but visibility has been impacted. And will again tonight and into tomorrow morning worsened chill travelers yet again. Daytime highs today will eventually rise 60s and 70s, san jose pittsburgh and fairfield there in the 60s right now the rest of us are still in that cool range of european there for a while because this cloud cover is meaning a slower rise in temperatures this morning. High pressure that it results in and sunny and dry and warm conditions. These past few days has moved its way to the east and in the process has allowed some cooler coastal air to push on in along with that fog we do have low clouds will hang out across the bay area through the day just been its a sunshine making its way through a pretty stubborn cloud to bring think all through the day today. Then we work our way into the weekend which is actually going to be even cooler than the next few days will be daytime highs at the warmest sold in the low 70s and even a few light showers for the north bay come sunday, so thats quite a change from where we had been the past couple of days with those upper 80s and 90s todays daytime highs, 60s and 70s antioch map in santa rosa, our warmer spots close to 80. Its not quite getting there san jose in concord still warm at 77. Well oakland at 70 in San Francisco hayward and happen bay only in the 60s today. Tomorrow and friday temperatures remaining really steady not changing much from todays but we will see some more sun on the states saturday, a pleasant but cool one for the weekend that sunday bringing just that slight chance of showers up in the north bay. Thats your forecast back to you darya. Thanks a lot john its 9. 18 in National News lawmakers in the u. S. House and senate are trying to protect consumers from scammers and price gougers during this pandemic joe khaleel has more from washington. 30 toilet paper 70 Hand Sanitizer we see a amazing markups of a common items that many people need some Online Sellers have been price gouging trying to profit off americans coronavirus fears congressman ted lieu was one of a group of lawmakers have introduced a bill to end price gouging during National Emergencies higher prices usually effective certain regions of the country but this is affecting all of america. It not only allowed to watch thaction but by having the place a little rain knowledge on the consumer side, so that people know what their rights are senator Kamala Harris says the law would prohibit businesses or private sellers from marking up items beyond 10 of their regular market price during any National Emergency he will not only require enforcement by the ftc. We so. Given the enforcement ability to stay a gene that while the bill aims to prevent price gouging and punish those who do it. Consumer advocates say its a hard thing to police on a National Scale no cost cost is so high are er rheingold is the director of the National Association of consumer advocates he says laws may help but the incentive to raise prices is still high folks net cost he says it will take vigilant enforcement at the local state and National Levels to stop the price gougers in washington, im joe khaleel. Because of michigan man who was trying to cheat Health Care Workers in the bay area. Telling them that he had a bunch of masks to sell when he didnt and taking money for 24 real Rodney Stevenson was they say that he created a company and then falsely claimed that he had and n 95 masks in stock and then he made sales even though he didnt have the masks 3 of the 4 victims in this case are from the bay area, including one hospital employee. So now he faces a maximum of 30 years in prison. If hes convicted. New this morning as costs go to the places that will require you as a customer to wear a mask. If you want to go in. Theyre telling all shoppers you have to cover your face and mouth. Your nose mouth and you know everything with a mask and that starts may 4th. Even if you have kids unless theyre younger than 2 years old or less for some reason have a medical condition and you cant wear a mask. In which case you might not want to be out shopping. By the way to still doing the restriction work only to members can enter on anyone card and thats because theyre limiting the number of people that go into that just makes the line move quicker but again. Us at costco come up so make sure you wear. And well be back with more here on this wednesday morning. You can see the traffic is light as always. I think the most traffic is usually around costco or safeway or a sacramento, a man got a stimulus check a 1200 check from the federal government for his son. His son died 2 years ago. And now hes questioning how this mistake happened. Mike lawrie has the story. In sacramento, tim fenkell is still mourning the loss of his son benjamin, the state parks interpreter who died a year and a half ago. But he received this letter on white house stationery signed by President Trump addressed to Benjamin Fenkell deceased he is receiving an economic can that payment of 1200 fine. Direct deposit. My son died. 21st 2018 the letter is a response to the coronavirus pandemic. But the goal of helping families in need but to the phone calls the letter ripped open an old man my life, this crime. Its hard to talk about it. Tim van til says his sons banking account was deactivated long ago. So you wonders where did the money go. How many other people deceased checks are going out there. Holding up money that could go to people that really need it. Turns out the fan kills are not alone, Kathleen Mckane told us her mother received the same letter from the white house announcing a 1200 direct deposit for a woman who died 11 months ago the odds are that there says a widespread problem not just in california, but nationwide john paul as a Taxpayer Advocate for the Howard Jarvis taxpayers association, my concern is. That were going to see fraud and were gonna see a lot of people take advantage of the situation so exactly how many californians receive federal serious in the mail made out to a deceased relative will the irs wont tell us declining our interview request today and refusing to answer any specific questions about how they intend. To fix this mess. In a news release the irs says it is issued more than 9. 1 million Economic Impact payments to california residents amounting to more than billion and for taxpayers want to know how to return the money sent to deceased family members. The irs says to hold on to the money for now and wait for future instructions on the irs website. Some he says show. The irs and donald trump that this is happening. In sacramento. Meicler e the cre 3 news. The federal government used 2018 or 2019 tax returns to figure out who to send the checks to meantime the Treasury Department told the wall street journal ayres who received the checks should return them if theres a mistake. For news chp investigating a deadly free freeway shooting happened on i 80 9. 29 and millions of americans are still waiting to get money from the trillion stimulus package. Cnns brian todd explains why it is taking so long. For Kimberly Horton the stimulus payment she just got from the government for 1700 didnt come a second to sell my whose delay a college she works retail now of course weve got the stores and everything being close hand and that extra money to help her pay you know her obligation of course. I was in my savior for me horton is one of more than 80 million americans who have received their stimulus payments to help deal with hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Many recipients also get a signed letter from President Trump explaining why and telling them how much theyll get the checks themselves also have the president s name on them. But roughly 60 million americans are still waiting for either one the hardship is really real and its precinct for us the sort of amount of money that is available to the lowest income people and the country as is really going to make a difference for them so whos eligible and how much do they get. If youre single and your adjusted gross income of 75,000 a year or less you get a full 1200. But the more you earn the less you get if you make 99,000 a year or more you get nothing married couples earning 150,000 a year or less receive the maximum 2400. Couples earning 198,000 a year or more get nothing and parents with children or 16 years old and younger get 500 for each child, although that also phases out. But there have been delays and snags in getting all of these payments out. Have to be patient. The irs employees are you know trying to get out payments to people as quickly as possible reasons for the delays according to experts the sheer volume of americans who are eligible some 150 million for people who didnt file electronic tax returns and dont have direct deposit arrangements with the irs. Its taking longer to get them their payments via snail mail also some people told cnn their payments were sent to all Bank Accounts that have since been closed. And millions of low income people who are not required to file tax returns are harder to locate how long could some people have to wait. For some 2 weeks from now for others it could be several weeks or maybe even the end of the summer then theres the separate set of payments to help Small Businesses hit hard by the pandemic the First Program to do that ran out of money. The second launched on monday has been hampered by technical glitches, partly because theres a massive list of businesses which have applied for Small Businesses 500 or less or Sole Proprietorship they just want people who had employees who maybe had to lay them off or furlough to get those people back to work or at least on the paycheck. That first round of payments for Small Businesses ran out of money in 13 days this time experts say it could run out in less than a week whether theres a 3rd round of payments for Small Businesses will depend on whether congress can get back in session on may 4th and that will depend on whether members of congress can adhere to their own social distancing requirements and still work to get money in the pipeline. Brian todd, cnn washington. Yesterday we talk about possible meat shortages because of coronavirus outbreak to processing plants now the president is going to force those plans to reopen he just signed an executive order that classifies meat producers as essential. And it also recommends but does not require safety measures. So workers some of them are worried say the facilities are not doing enough to protect them. President trump says that he might not give sanctuary cities like San Francisco and new york coronavirus money. Heres what he had to say about yesterday now its covidrelated i guess we can talk about it. But we want certain things also including sanctuary city adjustments because we have so many people in sanctuary cities. Which i dont even think a popular even by radical left folks because whats happening is people are being protected that shouldnt be protected and a lot of bad things happening with sanctuary cities. But thats just standing up here answering this question thats one of the things i think about the if were going to do something for the states. I think they probably want something having to do with sanctuary cities something having to do with other different points that we can discuss a little bit later on. So hinting that he was going to be tying the covid money to the sanctuary policies, a sanctuary cities in the past he has criticized for not aligning with the administration and sanctuary cities and they protect undocumented and hes saying he doesnt want the Services Offered to them and limiting the cooperation with federal immigration authorities. The administration does not like that either. The emergency ordinance requiring the city of San Francisco to procure more than 8,000 hotel rooms for Homeless People went into effect on sunday. But several supervisors say the city is failing to get the homeless in those rooms odds to slow supervisor. Ronan haney preston peskin and they say the delay in filling the rooms is putting the public at risk. Mayor breed released a statement on the website and they have a whole web site that she put ice era here at tracks the progress, im the alternative housing for the homeless. And the show the site shows that im close to 2800 hotel units have been acquired and only just over a 1000 are currently occupied. Marion county is giving renters a break extending their moratorium on evictions now through may 31st. The county board of supervisors passed a resolution for people who are struggling because of the covid pandemic this a resolution bans evictions prompted by the loss of income related to covid through may 31st renters have up to 90 days. After the expiration of the resolution to come up with that rent without a late fee. Our coverage continues online go to kron 4 dot com weve got all of the latest angle, everything you need to know about the coronavirus. And theres also some other news breaking from overnight a deadly freeway shooting on i 80 it happened just west of the bay bridge in San Francisco. Kron fours rana harvey has the latest. Chp believes this was a targeted and potentially gangrelated shooting leaving one person dead and 2 others injured. Well, heres what we know so far this all happening westbound on i 80 near fremont street. The shooting happening overnight all 3 people were transported to a local hospital after that shooting occurred the shooting involved a Gray Infiniti 2 door sedan and a silver honda accord, a 20 yearold male was fatally shot and a 19 yearold male also was shot and suffered major injuries. Now both of these men were occupants in that infinity the driver of the honda suffered minor gunshot injuries as a result of the shooting. Chp is asking anyone with information to come forward that may help them and their investigation a raid on harding kron 4 news. The white house has rolled out a new testing blueprint to help states we open their economies but some experts say were all doing our part by staying at home. That could mean an increase in energy bills. You can save by setting your heat to 68 or lower. Unplugging and turning off devices when not in use. Or just letting the sun light your home. Stay well and keep it golden. The white house is pushing back on criticism that coronavirus testing has been too slow by releasing a list of testing guidelines for states to follow washington dc correspondent Trevor Shirley spoke with officials in charge of the testing effort. The white house says its new testing blueprint will give states a safe path towards reopening their economies but we are going to make sure they have the supplies and the capability of at least testing. 2 of their population every month admiral bridger was says that 2 goal will surpass the level of testing any worlds in the world, including south korea, a country widely praised for its successful Testing Program and your wallet promises. The states wont be left to fend for themselves. The federal government is assuring that they have the supply chains that the supplies are match with what they need to do to test your watches states already have what they need it really is remarkable how weve gone from just a few 10s of thousands of tests a little over a month ago to well over 5 and a half million today, were still allowing our Testing Capacity compared to where we should be but chelsea boyd an epidemiologist in Research Fellow at the nonpartisan R Street Institute says theres still much work to be done and a lot of the governors when they speak theyre talking about how teeyre having a hard time picturing test your watch says the blueprint state by state approach will allow the federal government to successfully ship testing resources where theyre needed and i have very confident every confidence. That working together in the kind of partnership we invision that the states will be able to attain their goals and your watch as the white house plans to re evaluate the blueprint after may and june reporting in washington, im Trevor Shirley. Santa cruz is fed up with people going to the beaches who dont live around there and now they might put more restrictions back on the beaches after just loosing them up because what they saw over the weekend take a look. This is the Pleasure Point they say there are far too many people far too close together and who arent even from the county they just opened up their beaches to ease the local shelter in place order. And county spokesperson jason hoppen says those rules might just be tight back up again. What we saw when we have a large number of people on that that looked to be a refuge counties where there are more restrictive measures in place on parts beaches central to our candy recreational. Its important to physical Mental Health to maintain a. But theres no central reason that route across very large to recreate. So they actually kick people off the beach if youre not from there between friday and sunday Law Enforcement Santa Cruz County issued 200 citations. And now theyre thinking about limiting beach access again limiting what you can bring to the beach and in forcing tighter parking restrictions and more overall enforcement. How about on the beach is a pacific a mile here doesnt look that bad this is on tuesday. And you can see there were not crowds but over the weekend and Pacifica Police ordered more than 700 people. To leave the beach because they did not live within 5 miles again pacific open the beaches just for people who live nearby and Law Enforcement in San Mateo County say they might start citing people and that could include a fee a citation ranging from 50 or even up to 10,000. If you are violating the rules. Kron 00 04am morning buzz, a Little Something for everybody whether youre waiting for sports growing okorn teen belly botching a home haircut or working on your cold and 10 lines. Plus where to find out i hope you enjoy the little commercial break, i know i did because john was singing to his are you singing and to graham enjoy it. Yeah, i was just singing, im a little get no makeup strong or weak front Office Triple x. What you need to get a better so i have a quick you go out its going to be chilly now its going to be a little cool out there this good morning to definitely get the jacket on and that light if youre up the coast anyways be keeping a jacket on all throughout the course of the day today taking a look outside right now weve definitely got fog that this is your view from sutro tower where fog a streaming into areas like San Francisco, the golden gate and else where closer to the coast. Visibility right now has actually improved since this morning suckers got dire economic and as we make our way on into the afternoon that fog that we have been seeing is going to continue to eventually inch could be some cloudier skies overhead that so much of his ability impact this afternoon tomorrow morning though another foggy morning for central workers to be taking 2 roadways temperatures in the 50s and 60s with san Mateo Redwood city and fairfield each in the low 60s. Pittsburgh at 66 degrees low conquered at 59 degrees for your current temperature High Pressure that wasnt place is now exiting the region giving opportunity for some cooler coastal air to be pushing in one of the reasons weve got all this cloud cover is because of that and also a cold front thats been settling into the bay area this is getting results and cooler temperatures not just today, but the next few days till tomorrow friday and saturday will be clear but just about the same us today temperature wise highs in the 70s for the most part then come sunday and we see a slight chance of showers for the north bay out theyre going to reach any further south than that though theyre really breaking apart by the time they reach the bay area. This is a very dry and april and start to make todays daytime highs eventually in the 60s and 70s thats noticeably cooler than yesterday was Napa Santa Rosa and and yockey 79 well hayward and San Francisco in the upper 60s, san jose holds on to the upper 70s tomorrow and friday as i mentioned very similar temperature wise, but weve got more sunshine on these days after morning fog saturday and sunday really cool for the weekend highs at their warmest only in the low 70s him but with most of us for the weekend actually only in the 60s thats a look at your forecast all send it back to you darya. Unless youre following check table tennis still no sports in the buzz and dont hold your breath doctor fauci just said that some entire seasons might have to wait until next year and others. I happen, but its going to be hard to pull off like baseball. If the nba figures out a way to restart it wont affect the warriors since they were going to the playoffs anyway before coronavirus froze everything but steve kerr says the teams regular zoom calls have been productive. Its different for us because you know we were down to 17 games but were out of the playoffs here and it feels like the end of the season for our team its and it just does the of the offseason in fact we have zoom call bob myers and i got on zoom our players are all home roster last week. And it and it was just a chance to check in but it was also a chance for bob to update the players. His contact with the league and and the latest news. But it also kind of felt like. Annual Team Accident many. Like the scruff on the beard. Maybe if were lucky and its a full actually get to go to sporting events by christmas and a lot of the guys might look like santa claus by then with their beards and maybe their bellies growing. What you havent put on a few pounds. It doesnt look like 40 niners coach Kyle Shanahan is put on any weight but hes got a corona beer going and i did it i think he looks terrific. More like a 40 yearold man now then my teenage son shaving your beard is one thing cutting your hair isnt quite as easy call for brooks keopka revealed his quarantine cut his girlfriend got a little carried away with the shears. To put sunscreen on his scalp when he goes out and gets calls ladies no matter how bored or how long your hair is getting remember bangs are hard to pull off. Well rosalia can because shes a beautiful spanish singer i cant pull it off i also cant do my own highlights that would be a mass so as we go forward youre going now youre going to notice a lot more routes showing. Look at pinks husband carey hart, the adventurous motorcycle racer let their 8 yearold daughter give him a reverse mohawk which apparently made him go crazy. Now i think it just looks like that many took over and he took it all off and if youre working on your tan like so many beach goers have been in southern california. Dont get this close and wear a mask if the county requires it. Even if youre naked. Police in the Czech Republic cited more than a 100 sunday. Theres for defying the countrys face cover rule. Do you notice anything else. The missing swimsuits its a nude beach. They didnt tell them to put on tops or bottoms just to cover up. There are cheats these these teams now this is a joke picture, but trust me i wore a mask walking the dog the other day, i got a call of a tan i got the lines not not quite as bad as they did, but you now i was not that long all and i just signed up for the new Antibody Test that quest labs is doing. I put the link right there on the screen in case youre interested get quest test dot com. You dont even have to go to the doctor but in that case you do have to pay the 119 actually has won 29 with all the fees yourself which i did and i dont think i had covid i never got sick. But who knows maybe i just had no symptoms and now i have antibodies even though the fda is not sure yet if that boosts immunity like with other viruses. Peace of mind. Im not to midmay but i will let you know so stay tuned, and thats the vines. Lots going on lets go in the newsroom and see whats up on kronon today theresa i would we have significant news coming out of the white house a breakthrough on a treatment for patients with coronavirus. Well have much more coming from the meeting including doctor found his comments about how the drug is doing and tests and doctor fauci calling it a breakthrough. Also locally in pleasanton theyre handing out ppe to nurses and were going have a live report on that and of course much more weve got the governor speaking at noon and marin county is going to be announcing some changes in the state and place order but they say that theyre going to be easing some restrictions and a and a positive way so well have a report on that as well back to daria. A special thank you parade for an 8 yearold in virginia. Got some props for his generous. Gesture he donated his entire penny bank. A piggy bank site to a hospital. He saved up 7. 87 and he wanted to say thank you so he gave the whole amount to the hospital the staff was so touched that they throw a parade in his honor and they even got an extra fun going with 3,000 and you see how those fire trucks where the parade well sandra fell is gonna hold the fire truck parade for our hero of the day for kron 4 this morning which is john super grandpa diego. He is turning 99 years old this friday may 1st 99 you could see he was in the u. S. Navy, hes one of the hat there. He served in world war 2 and look thats the bench. She made me he make steps tolls and were working stuff, i because a j d on the left hes a barber and hes one of john super grandpas grandsons in fact john has 7 kids 18 grand kids 31 great can bring kids and 2 great great grand kids and thats a lot and hes 30 years to the sarah fell Fire Department he was captain and even in retirement as you can see hes keeping busy. So if youd like to get it on that theyre going to be gathering this friday at 04 00pm at the sandra fell Community Center and this is how you can spotlight someone that you think is doing a great job or something good con for dot com slash features slash kron 4 heroes and we will highlight them right here on the morning news. Take a peek at the 7 day around the bay forecast. You can see that weve got a little cool down now 77. And hovering in the 70s mid 70s and low 70s this weekend. So i would still say sunscreen but at least its nicer for a walk outside you will be too hot. Stay safe. Today on an allnew dr. Phil. Parents and their gen z kids back under one roof. I feel like im in a fraternity house. But are mom and dad. He said, i cant wait to tell dr. Phil how crazy you are. Taking things too far . You said she sent the police to your job when you didnt show up on time. I was positive somebody had come in and murdered you. You might need to come stay with me. Its dr. Phil, still working from home. Ive been talking these last few weeks about the challenges of staying safe and not panicking during the covid19 outbreak. But what can be more nerveracking than having your unmotivated gen z move back home because their school is shutdown, or theyve lost their job or jobs,

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