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And im pam moore and there are also more deaths tonight here in the bay area 6 residents at the gateway care and rehab center in hayward died today, they were among 35 residents and 24 Staff Members there who tested positive for the virus kron fours tale of the second joins us live now at the gateway care and rehab center with the latest on what happened there. Taylor. The up him earlier today i saw 2 people possibly from the mortuary dressed head to toe in personal Protection Equipment. Theyre on their way leaving the facility now again the Public Health Department Confirms that 59 people tested positive here for the virus. The Alameda County Public Health department and staff at gate we care and rehab center in hayward in full defense mode trying to control the spread of the coronavirus within this facility, 35 residents and 24 staff here tested positive for the coronavirus 6 of those residents have since passed away in addition, were learning more about cases and hes bay postacute center in castro valley, they have 26 confirmed cases, 17 of them are employees and 9 our residents so far no deaths reported there at this time. Right now the Public Health department is providing support and guidance on how to control the spread of this virus inside the facility for now were live in Hayward Taylor bisacky kron 4 news. Thank you taylor, there are also cases at the santa rita jail in Alameda County. 11 inmates tested positive for covid19 over the past 4 days. An investigation is underway to identify Staff Members who had close contact with any of those 11 people. The santa rita jail says it has been dramatically reducing the number of inmates in the jail since the outbreak began and because of that ghost ship warehouse fire defendant Derick Almena will be released from santa rita the Alameda County District Attorneys Office made that announcement this evening. The da says it will be seeking a specific order that almena have no contact either directly or indirectly or through a 3rd party with any of the families of the victims or any of witnesses in the case. El nino will be monitored electronically. He and max harris were charged with 36 counts of Involuntary Manslaughter for the deaths of 3 dozen people at the warehouse fire in oakland. Harris was acquitted last month. The judge declared a mistrial for al mean after jurors deadlocked his trial remains set for july 00 06pm tonight Health Officials have confirmed more than 4,000 cases of coronavirus in the bay area here are the latest numbers by county Santa Clara County still has the most cases and the most deaths with 46 people losing their lives so far San Mateo County has 21 deaths 10 people have died from covid19 in San Francisco there been 7 deaths in Contra Costa County 16 in Alameda County 10 in moran. 2 deaths each in napa and solano counties and one death is reported in sonoma county. A troubling report for African American communities, new numbers show more blacks are dying from covid19 in the countries hardest hit cities, including new york, detroit and chicago. The California Department of Public Health also released new data today. Kron fours noelle bellow joins us from the newsroom with what weve learned noel. And its important to remember the numbers sent out today are very preliminary and are reflective of less than 50 of covid19 cases and deaths in california so far the department of Public Health says the data sent out today is roughly in line with the diversity of california overall latinos accounting for 30 of cases, whites making up the most with 37 . Asians with 14 and blacks with 6. Now though africanamericans are making up a smaller percentage of deaths in cases in california right now. Doctors and Health Experts say thats due to limited access for testing in their communities. Even though underlying conditions generally put them at greater risk. It is very painful to see. And ive seen it throughout my entire medical career that the Health Disparities the Minority Community but particularly the Africanamerican Community puts them at risk apart from corona arrive by a virus issues puts them at risk for diseases. Much more so than the general population. The double whammy that you suffer now is when you have this terrible virus which essentially praise in its ultimate deleterious effects when people with those underlying conditions covid19 bringing to light a historic challenges doctor Anthony Fauci and other Health Officials explained wednesday. The disparities when it comes to health care and African American communities. Is this this is no different than any other hill. Demographic doctor Desmond Carson works with Lifelong Medical care in the east bay, he says africanamericans are already more likely to fall victim to cancer diabetes and chronic hypertension. Which would make a fight against covid19 a harder battle breast cancer. Black women and i because they get diagnosed later got no seeking behavior as well as the lack of facilities is going to make is going to end up with us hand in the works out historical limited access to proper Affordable Health care and the lack of testing in america. As my doctor carson says will continue to see African American communities hit harder. The problem in this country is that we are lacking testing where we lacking testing were lacking testing where testing cannot be afforded so that typically excludes the people who live a that includes of people live in west oakland that People Living north ration is so you dont have that suv it means that date is already scoot. Now the White House Task force has requested the cdc assemble data on the unique impact being seen in minority communities across the country. Health experts say now that states are releasing the ethnicity data counties should use it to better allocate resources such as testing and treatment and neglect and communities can am of course right now experts say those in these communities should take this as a reminder to double down on those social distancing directives. Noel thank you for that report some possible good news tonight, california is early action against the coronavirus pandemic may have saved thousands of lives that is according to ucsf doctor who says both government and Business Leaders took the right steps kron fours gayle ong has details. From the grand princess cruise ship docked in the bay carrying copa 19 patients last month to facebook canceling its conference in february for signals to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously people are looking at california as a Success Story and seeing what it is that we did that seem to have a work we spoke with doctor bob wachter chair of ucsf department of medicine who has been vocal about california showing early signs of flattening the curve everybody took it seriously and said even though we havent seen many cases here we believe that we believe the science were going to stay at home and do the right thing its been almost 3 weeks since governor Gavin Newsome issued the first statewide stay at home and 8 in the country in his Daily Briefing governor newsome described a steady but slow growth in covid19 cases in the state he also talked about securing supplies like and 95 masks and ventilators that as of wednesday, the governor announced the highest death rate in the state and a plea to take the coronavirus seriously depends on you it depends on 40 million others in the state of california and their commitment. To following through on the stay home orders, their commitment to have appropriate face coverings its a message Public Health officials and leaders have been echoing Santa Clara County was first he would cope a 19 in the bay area and saw early signs of Community Spread that led to aggressive restrictions. There is a pretty bold thing to do. But in retrospect its these are decisions that saved thousands of doctor wachter says its not a time to declare victory the virus is still in the community and people need to continue to follow stay at home orders. Gayle ong kron 4 news. This take a live look outside along San Franciscos embarcadero on what kind of cloudy today and its looks likes a little cloudy tonight as well but if youre tired of the weather all you have to do is wait rights Lawrence Karnow because it always seems to be changing and its going to change a for the nicer. Well get a really strange season of course better part of winter is more like spring and now the first part of spring almost more like winter, but finally. I think were going to see the wheel changing here and that means some nice weather coming our way outside though right now we do have some cloudy skies. The fog has made his way back into the bay tonight were going to see more of that thats a pretty common feature for this time of year and fog. Well that will keep you cool special on the coastline today, no exception 50 degrees below the average in San Francisco today, 64 degrees in oakland 66 for a high in san jose 67 degrees spot on the average there and live more 68 and comfortable in concord and 65 degrees in santa rosa. Now that area of low pressure that moves through the bay area that brought us the rain over the weekend, the heavy rain again on monday that has moved all the way into Southern California at least the core of the low now you see the wrap around moisture that counter clockwise rotation come around the backside of that system and thats what were watching for now some of that moisture eventually working its way right back into the bay area bringing with it a chance of a few showers overnight tonight and maybe even tomorrow, Southern California right now they are getting the bulk of the rain boy they had a whole lot of that this year certainly a pretty impressive ears in the rain begin to pile up again the snow. The San Gabriel Mountains as well and more that on the way for tomorrow as well as the low slow to move out of town around the bay area right now just false echoes showing up in the green there otherwise some clouds begin to move it along the coastline, but no rain to be had just yet that will likely change though overnight tonight as were going to see this another weak wave us of system rolls way back into the bay area and bring with it a chance of some rain mostly cloudy skies for tonight a chance of some showers and clouds yeah were going to see that the whole mix of clouds and sunshine for tomorrow with just a slight chance of a light shower over the mountain tops mostly sunny as we head in toward the weekend with some warmer temperatures in fact were going to see some 70s breaking out around the bay area that look like theyre going to stick around for some time to come. Temperatures outside right now youve got numbers in the 40s and the 50s you got to 38 degrees is in the bottle 54 in san jose and 55 degrees and hayward low pressure is going to scoot down in the Southern California still spinning around bringing with it, a least a slight chance of a shower overnight tonight and tomorrow otherwise some clouds and some sunshine throughout the day. But it looks like some improving weather coming in our direction. Well check that out with your 10 10 forecast in just a few minutes guys back to you thank you. Lawrence, newly released documents show the National Stockpile is almost out of and 95 respirators surgical masks face shields and other supplies. Desperately needed to protect medical workers who are treating coronavirus patients. According to the documents released by the House Oversight committee about 90 of all personal protective equipment in the stockpile has been distributed to states and local governments. The remaining 10 is being held in reserve for federal workers House Democrats say the Trump Administration is leaving states to fend for themselves competing with each other. Coming up at 1030 new questions rising tonight over who is in charge of those pp ease. Meanwhile, california has a new plan to equip the States Health care workers with those much needed and 95 mask as our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala explains the plan is the state will get hundreds of millions of masks on a monthly basis. California set to spend about one billion to open up a massive flow of personal protective equipment into the state the governor confirming 200 Million Masks most of which are and 95 is will come from several sources in vendors but will be shipped from china do so in a way that secant a secure um the anxiety that many of us have not the Health Care Workers in the state of california within the Hospital Systems and our Community Clinics and our Skilled Nursing facilities adult day care centers. But also our grocery workers are dmv the front line employees the money paying for this comes from californias Disaster Assistance account. Hello. Yes director Mark Ghilarducci says counties with the highest concentrations of coronavirus will get equipment immediately and that doesnt mean that the rest of our counties in the state are not going to get pp. That means that as as as through the process of the National Program through the leveraging of these pharmaceutical corporations hospitals that normally procure through those. Those particular entities will be able to get pp asked about reports of fema seizing equipment from other states state leaders say the federal government was part of californias new supply chain effort that weve just simply had. A really outstanding relationship with fema. And we havent had those issues that said well always cautious about what were reading and what were seeing. The state is also set to start using new fda approved technology that will sterilize and clean 80,000 used and 95 masks a day to make them reusable the director of cal oh yes says the machines are expected to be in california next week in sacramento, Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. You see San Francisco is also jumping in on the effort to try to protect Health Care Workers university started making face shields with 3 d printers ucsf says its team makes about 300 shiels each day right now, but it helps to ramp up production by partnering with manufacturing facilities that have many printers that can be run 24 hours a day. Sonoma State University could turn into a care side for coronavirus patients if needed county Health Officials are considering opening up the Recreation Center gymnasium to coronavirus patients with mild to moderate symptoms some of the dormitories could house people who are showing symptoms but who have not been diagnosed as well as older adults with Underlying Health conditions. The plan is just in case if and when area hospitals become overwhelmed with coronavirus patients and run out of rooms and the former home of the Sacramento Kings is turning into a temporary hospital that homeless arena can fit up to 400 beds. It is set to open in 2 weeks to help hospitals make more room for seriously ill patients, this friday is a property tax deadline in california but many homeowners affected by covid19 cant make those payments. Kron fours kate rooney explains how bay area counties are trying to provide some relief. More than 2. 3 million californians have filed for unemployment in the last 3 weeks that property taxes statewide are still due on friday. The state has not offered an extension or relief mandate the Tax Collectors an individual counties are offering late payment penalty cancellations this was really. An agreement in a discussion of treasures across the state because under existing state law. They have said that they cannot extend the date be on april 10th and so the way to an opportunity who have a ive Financial Hardship to pay late 2 local counties, San Francisco and san mateo were able to extend their payment deadline to may 4th. After that and for the remaining 7 bay area counties beginning friday late payment penalty fees will be waived until june 30th to qualify for that reprieve taxpayers must fill out a form at their time of payment and include documentation of covid related Financial Hardship. That includes doctors notes letters from employers or other proof of loss of income we understand that theres a lot of financial pressures people are under whether its mortgages or rents or utilities, but also the longer this goes on we know this is going affect even more. Individuals and businesses and his is become serious so we are very well aware that despite no state mandate last week governor newsoms Office Released a statement thanking county treasurers and Tax Collectors for providing relief with the penalty cancellation fees. Meanwhile, many elected officials are urging folks to make their payments on friday if possible if the date were extended and this cash flow of those who are able to pay for example did not come true. It could impact the ability uh of local governments to basically provide needed Vital Services those who feel they do qualify for the late payment penalty cancellation should check with their county treasurer and Tax Collector to confirm specific instructions, reporting in San Francisco k rooney kron 4 news. Even in the midst of all thats going on this is the holy season for 3 of the main religions of the world judaism christianity and islam for the Jewish Community passover its most celebrated holiday started tonight. Talks with the retired rabbi about the worship and the celebration of passover in this time of coronavirus. There is a tremendous sadness is it permeates the Jewish Community at this time that we cannot sit around the table with a you say parents and grandparents and children grandchildren and its its a real sadness that were feeling passover is probably the most celebrated festival in. I once the jewish world. More to celebrate passover in some form than any other holiday that we have and therefore it becomes high class ago family normally families gather around the table many generations, its a multi generational and then there are those in the community who are reaching out via phone and internet and skype and zoom to bring cheer and hope were trying to encourage them to realize that just as the place in egypt indeed. And we were liberated. This plane will land. And we will be in their liberation we know that this will and we hope that everyone in the meantime stay safe and healthy. Passover and on april the 16th tomorrow and on Easter Sunday i will have more of my interviews with religious leaders as they inspire their culture of congregations and their communities during this holy season on how to navigate the covid19 crisis with faith with hope and with love. From producing spirits to Hand Sanitizer distillery on mare island is now a Hand Sanitizer factory. This is inside the savage and cook distillery for the past 2 weeks in Assembly Line made up of furloughed restaurant bartenders waiters and waitresses have been bottling up and packaging Hand Sanitizer distillery had to close its tasting room because of the shelterinplace order. So the owner figured producing Hand Sanitizer would be a good fit. We didnt think too much about it we didnt do a budget or anything we just said look were going to. Call it making a bet, but weve got to do what we can to help the first stages pretty much the same still alcohol up to up to required proof. From there and set up putting in a barrel. Were blending it with Vegetable Glycerin and Hydrogen Peroxide why didnt barack site is there to clean up the solution for any bacteria or viruses that might be alcohol taller. The distillery is producing 15,000 gallons of sanitizer a week with a goal of reaching 60,000 that would amount to more than 2. 4 million 4 ounce models of fda approved sanitizer theyre giving some away to organizations helping the homeless. And theyre selling the product at a discount to bay area Hospitals Police and Fire Departments post offices and municipalities in need. Coming up close to businesses and people Wearing Masks our nation went through something just like this more than a century ago ahead we get a glimpse of what life was like here in the bay area during the 1918 flu pandemic plus this bay area woman says call the 19 almost killed her only on kron 4 she shares her experience fighting the illness and how you can help a bay area nonprofit help young step by step, were going to figure this out. Were gonna find a way through this. Were working really, really hard in hospitals, our nurses are techs, all the docs. Its about staggering when people get sick so that the hospitals can cope. Were gonna go through an awful lot of these all across puget sound. People have been stepping up and donating personal protective equipment. We stay at work. For you. You stay at home for us. Just no know were all with you. Thank you,thank you so much. Thank you doctors nurses whaso lets do the rightver chanthing, today. Ow. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. A local family is taking a big step to help young people affected by the coronavirus pandemic kron fours jason dumas tells us about a raffle is going on now. Bring the blaze in her family founded the Second Chance project in 1998. It is a nonprofit with a mission to serve under privileged youth we serve a minimum wage where we can help them to be our next generation of leaders. And we want that happened today so we support them with different types resources. Educational resources to to clothing and since the covid19 pandemic brittany and her family felt an even bigger obligation to help you make a teachers not impact any impact is worth so weve been making phone calls sending Text Messages the emails in for a meeting of her collegiate athlete ive reached out to my past coaches just to say hey we all come together they settled on a 5050 raffle that will be live until april families are being impacted which is not being in school. How would his workers youth that are so we dont want them to the resources for supplies and they might have had access to it they were in their School Setting so we want to send out School Supplies to those chairs in those homes. Second part of this is that individuals are being impacted by knee injury. So were trying to work for the ticket youre awful were 50 of all proceeds will go to the individual. To be released from usual bahraini can use that money how they see you can find all the details of the covid19 relief challenge at Second Chance project dot org. Reporting in San Francisco, im jason dumas skrine for news it is folly of someone making a difference in your community we have a new section on our web site called kron 4 heroes. I have to do is fill out a quick formed let us know about your hero. You can find the page on kron 4 dot com. Coming up the wild wild west. So thats how some state leaders are calling their efforts to get much needed personal Protection Equipment to Health Care Workers who needed tonight the questions a state leaders are asking the federal government as they deal with another frustration plus why a Southern California nursing home, caring for dozens of coronavirus patients was evacuated today. And our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic continues on kron on the 24 hour local news streaming service is free to download right now so you the best way to predict the future is to create it and change the world. Here at abbvie, were inventing medicines of the future to create tomorrows that will be healthier. And happier, while making medicines that help people right now. Because thats the present we wanted to live in. And thats the future we all want to see. Abbvie. Here. Now. Who is in charge says the question many state leaders are asking as they deal with a growing need for personal Protection Equipment. Yeah, theyve been complaining that they have to compete for this equipment. There is a lot of confusion over who at the federal level is in charge of getting those supplies to each and every state leyla santiago reports. The state have been told youre on your own its a wild wild west. We are running dangerously low on pp. Those supplies are being by the federal government nearly a month after President Trump declared covid19 a National Emergency states are still sounding the alarm on supply shortages and theres another frustration mounting among states. Understanding whos taking charge of the federal response fema has taken the lead coordinating role cope with femas administrator pete gaynor largely out of the public view one congressional aide tells cnn no one really knows whos in charge whos making decisions were briefing the president earlier he asked me to come out and talk a little bit. Trump Senior Adviser and soninlaw Jared Kushner has taken a more prominent role in the federal response at times taking charge unapologetically i got a call from the president. I told me he was hearing from friends of his new york at the new york, Public Hospital system. I was running low on on critical called a barrel plus check to make sure we have the inventory we went to the president today and earlier today the president called mayor de blasio to inform him that were going to send a month of supply. In a letter to femas administrator the House Oversight committee is now questioning kushners involvement stating in part. It appears that mister kushner is unclear about basic facts regarding the purpose of the strategic National Stockpile where kushner is one of many stepping in to respond to the unprecedented pandemic including others like Vice President pence rear admiral pulock check and fema administrator gainer fema provided this video showing how theyve chartered in more than a dozen overseas flights with supplies secured by private u. S. Companies, half of it goes to prioritize hot spots. They tell us the other half goes to the private market now a source of frustration for states competing with others for the same supplies whats happening is that were having to secure. Hopefully if were able to get our hands on products from china from australia whether its final 8 ers or ppe and were paying 6 to 7 times a price that we want. As some states compete others have turned to each other california governor Gavin Newsome sending 500 ventilators to fellow states including new york, new jersey and illinois its really for some progress for others with such uncertainty ahead states continue to say its not enough. Now as leyla santiago reporting as we told you at the top of this newscast, the National Stockpile of personal protective equipment is almost empty kron fours Maureen Kelly shows us how a Maritime Company in the north bay is pitching in. There are completely overwhelmed after hearing from a doctor in new orleans about the dire conditions, theyre facing prison. Bradley stop making underwater mapping equipment and sausalito shop and switched over to making face shields instead laser time really focus on the site for counties that you can for together. It doesnt use any rubber bands or latex trucks so we started counting the years. It was just a you know the person that we can do to make a big difference. So far theyve cut a few 100 samples and given them away free to local medical workers like these nurses at Sutter Health of otto and sent others to hospitals across the country now theyre trying to soar supplies to make more we got contacts all over the by 5, 6, from the for all just might call him a lot like there were out a and b is going to be weeks or months Football Game or you probably has also been working on a prototype for disposal cardboard positive air pressure respirator we started making this with the idea knocking around now and im so were were designing with the concerns of using things that are just rolling a Facebook Group has been launched by several maritime businesses in the marine ship area of sausalito to help find the funding and materials needed to keep production moving jonelle kelman who has been organizing the effort says this echoes back to what happened at this waterfront during world war 2 got all the big battle ships here is also for the civic center. So theres a history of innovation and creativity but also of service on them and you know rising up in time the more to really be able to survive community, but also the country this network of maritime businesses says there are more solutions in the works. And theyre committed to doing anything they can to help with this shortage of personal protective equipment morning kelly kron 4 news. A Southern California nursing home had to be evacuated today after Staff Members did not show up for work Health Officials started moving 84 residents from the magnolia rehabilitation and Nursing Center in riverside. This is where 5 employees and nearly 3 dozen residents tested positive for coronavirus the county decided to evacuate the residents because only one employee showed up the past 2 days to work once everyone gets moved facility will be closed to new patients and the Staff Members will not be allowed to work at other facilities. The chase center in new york city will serve as a hospital starting on friday the 470 bed facility includes i see you beds for coronavirus patients and they expect to have one nurse for every 6 i see you patients. The facility will also have 20 ventilators and be able to Exchange Electronic medical records with the area hospitals the promise of a sobering and deadly week in america by the countrys top medical officials appears to be proving to be true. According to Johns Hopkins university there are now more than 431,000 coronavirus cases and almost 15,000 deaths in the United States. The u. S. Still has the most number of infections in the world. But Officials Say there may be signs the coronavirus curve in america may be flattening out nadia romero reports. Were getting closer you see the numbers were getting much closer. Getting our country back to the way it was getting President Trump taking an optimistic tone. His aides holding intensive discussions on a plan to reopen the economy with big bang in may we could do it in phases we go to some areas which you know some areas are much less affected than others flags are flying at halfstaff in americas hardest hit state new york. Despite reporting their highest number of deaths tuesday Governor Cuomo says putting life on pause seems to be working. We are flattening the curve by what we are doing. Former president obama seemingly agreed tweeting in order to shift off current policies. The key will be a robust system of testing and monitoring something we have yet to put in place nationwide hostage now President Trump is taking aim at the World Health Organization alleging they acted too slowly to sound the alarm on the initial outbreak in china were reevaluating our our funding with respect to the world heart Health Organization senator Lindsey Graham says hes pushing to cut money for the w h o in the next appropriations bill theyve been deceptive. Theyve been slow and theyve been chinese apologist the w h o says this isnt the time to politicize the pandemic police. Politicizing called eat. Do you need to be all of your country. Will be very important to defeat this dangerous. Vyas in washington nadia romero kron 4 news. A live look at the Golden Gate Bridge on this wednesday night quiet and dry for now lawrence joins us from home with a look at what we can expect in the days to come lawrence. Yeah guys it is hump day during and just didnt seem the same right now just one day after the other, but hey weve got some good news. Weve got some nice weather ahead coming up in your 1010 right now were still dealing with that same storm that brought us some rain over the weekend and into monday as well so here we go the very latest you can see the satellite image you see the rotation, the core low all the way into Southern California but that moisture just wrapping around that system. And certainly theres a chance that we could see a few showers overnight tonight and even a chance a couple of popup showers as we head in toward tomorrow afternoon. But all in all this what were looking at a long range forecast. Yeah you can see change coming our way as were going to see that low still spinning around for another day or so on there you go you see some of that moisture speeding up into the bay area so expect couple of buildups over the mountain tops locally as will see that system kind of slowly working its way southward in fact, boy it just wants the whole lot is a slowmoving system nowhere to go finally all the way down the ball on arizona, then we clear out your skies here. The fog does make a return of the coastline you can see that on saturday as we get into a sunday course at Easter Sunday, were looking at just a couple of passing clouds and thats a really nice weather as we get into monday with an offshore wind beautiful all with the coastline into tuesday and then change again with another weak system on wednesday, but no rain it looks like after the system comes through looks like were going to dry things out some improving weather coming our way the weekend looking nice temperatures popping up in the 70s on sunday by monday and tuesday looking good mid 70s on monday as well and that weather how about that once we get things going on looks like we could very well be looking at 70s monday right into the following weekend. That looks like a good forecast guys back to the studio all right lawrence, thank you very much a deadly pandemic such as the one were dealing with today is nothing new. Back in 1918 the flu, pandemic sometimes known as the spanish flu in American History killed millions of people around the world and push on much of the United States under a lockdown historians in the bay area are funny some similarities to what life was like here back in 1918 compared to right now kron fours michelle kingston takes us back into. These are letters from 1918 mary rhodes wrote to her husband who was away on business in washington d c telling him what life was like in berkeley during the flu pandemic newspapers wrote about who was sick who had died and who was recovering a bit different than what is being reported today that the community is smaller and so they knew more that people um but there was a lot privacy issues all kinds of things are front in the newspaper back in those about everyones everyday life that you dont see today. You dont out today were seen the number of people while the case is that we dont know who they are. 1918 newspaper clipping show as makeshift hospitals were created in some people were arrested for not Wearing Masks in public in berkeley businesses were shut down when cities like oakland and San Francisco you know started doing these measures that really helped prevent some deaths so. So that some or what whats happening now 2 once we started thinking about. Have you know protections and keeping our distance from each other that in our numbers have gone down Lisa Guerrero with the Contra Costa County Historical Society found an urgency ordinance from the town of walnut creek. In 1918 during the pandemic it was unlawful to go anywhere without a mask, they were to consist of no less than the thickness of 4 pieces of medical cause she also found this Public Service announcement that circulated in martinez that reads coughs and sneezes spread diseases says dangerous as poison gas shells, they didnt believe that this was serious. At the beginning then just like today where people didnt believe it was. It was serious, it was just the flu, everyone, you know no big deal. And it turned into being a big deal just like this is turned into a big photos from a family in berkeley in 1918 similar to what were seeing today with the coronavirus pandemic people doing what they can to flatten the curve in the east bay, michelle kingston kron 4 news. A Birthday Celebration lifting spirits how a Southern California woman literally went up to wish her friend a happy 91st birthday but first surviving covid19 only on kron 4 a bay area woman shares her fight against the deadly a high fever dry cough body aches, we know the symptoms of coronavirus but do we know. How they actually feel a bay area woman spent 4 weeks in the hospital fighting for her life. Now in isolation. She talked exclusively with kron fours Justine Waltman about recovering from covid 90. I was a Healthy Human being and this fire just diminished need to like almost dead. Finally feeling better after a monthslong battle with coronavirus stacy allegro spoke only with kron 4 news low recovering in isolation in sonoma, its just a day had its fair that i close my eyes on. Not to wake up. The 58 yearold cancer survivor believe she got covid19 from her husband after he traveled to morocco, they started with that really cough. Its a terrible caught. Its like the worst conflict ever had in my favor would come back can spike to be anywhere between a 10201 and after 9 days of coughing so bad it bruised her body she went to the emergency room. And that will come in an isolation ward wis i these nurses Walking Around and you know all that is a blue line on the floor. That they cant pass for 7 days, your says and doctors cared for her at kaiser in sandra fell. She felt her body failing her. The 9 times were so in the hospital because i there and plan their guy. I didnt have my family now out of the hospital and in isolation. The Recovery Process is still cough lingers energy is low, but shes been fever free for 4 days and shes also doing exercises with a breathing machine once an hour to strengthen her longest. And let that go up as high as it can like that, but she is alive and in the end thats all that matters i wish i could bottle this gratitude because i know that some day its going to fade. But right now, i dont know that theres another more grateful person on the face of this or and me. Stacey has so much gratitude for the nurses who cared for her. She says she would not be here without them in the newsroom, im Justine Waldman kron 4 news at the vatican 8 employees now have the coronavirus the holy see press office reported the latest case in a statement today. It says the new case is a person who left rome in the 1st half of march in order to assist the sick relatives. The employee was hospitalized after showing symptoms of coronavirus of the 8 cases of the virus within vatican city so far to have recovered. Other big stories tonight, senator Bernie Sanders is out of the president ial race speaking from his home today, the vermont senator announced he is suspending his campaign and said he looks forward to working with former Vice President joe biden the Health Crisis halted in person campaigning for both sanders and biden and prompted many states to delay their primary elections uk Prime Minister Boris Johnson is responding well to treatment this video of johnson was taken before he started treatment for the coronavirus the 55 yearold was diagnosed with covid19 about a week ago and was taken to the intensive care unit on monday. An official spokesperson for him announced today that he is in stable condition and breathing without support a sense of normalcy is returning to the place where it all began wuhan china reopens today after a 6 month long coronavirus Lockdown People are now lead to leave wuhan as the trains and airports resumed services. Local Authorities Say they expected 55,000 people to leave the city by train alone today. This is really sweet. This is one way to play bingo and still keep your social distancing intact. This is a retirement facility in quebec city canada, seniors, their play bingo outdoors on their balconies balcony bingo is played there twice a week so the residents on both sides of the building can take part a loud speaker is key to making the game work for everybody that is something tyler perry is helping out Senior Citizens during this time of need. The actor producer picked up the tabs during the senior hour at 2 grocery chain stores in georgia and louisiana. A manager at one of the store says the reaction was heart warming. It was amazing to see their reactions are some people cried im which of course are very emotional. Now so made me tear up. Some people were just like. It happened this be happening. This is just quality do this. Shes definitely a southerner perry is a new orleans native and he currently lives in atlanta. Last year he used his private plane to send supplies to hurricane survivors in the bahamas. A Southern California woman battling a life altria lot life altering illness, 91 yearsold tonight dinner friends didnt let the coronavirus get in the way of her celebrating her birthday as Kimberly Cheng reports she found a way to make the day special from a distance. Its a tradition that even coronavirus i met her in 1994. And since day one we seem to get along and it just continued to grow until it became a mother Daughter Relationship over 2 decades or so lucy cavazos and Marjorie Jones became family. If there is a major life moment for one of them you could bet the other would be there ever since she was diagnosed with alzheimers we try to make every day, especially every birthday and holiday really special for her, but the coronavirus pandemic threatened to end the 20 year streak of celebrating together assisted living homes, including the Kensington Redondo beach where margie lives were forced to shut the door to visitors for nearly a month that was so devastated. I wasnt gonna be able to see her on her birthday fortunately, the kensington have come up with a plan to help families reunite with residents on the second they would use a construction with to elevate them about 30 feet so that they can look into their loved ones say no. The equipment arrived just in time for marches 91st birthday on april 7th. The Green Special has a beautiful to be there, im to at least see her through the window, it was kind of bittersweet. Because i really just wanted to be there with this was as good as it for now and it was in credit. A very exciting and the look on her face said it all got a from mixed. Another story showing the importance of kindness and checking in on our seniors through all of this that was Kimberly Chang reporting other families by the way can now also visit with their loved ones in their facility and getting outside feels really good more now than ever before. Its spring. The season we plant, we garden, we grow things. We bring new color to our outdoor space. Were here to help you make your home the best it can be. Up next the news continues our 24 7 streaming Service Called kronon it is commercial free noelle bellow standing by in the newsroom tonight with what were working on noel. Well, pam and ken were continuing our coverage on the 6 people reported dead and dozens more infected at an east bay nursing facility. Its one of 2 new sites experiencing an outbreak of covid19 will look at whats being done to stop the spread of the virus will also be speaking with an addiction specialist life about how those who are recovering addicts and still continue that process during quarantine thats all coming up next 11. I know well thank you very much make sure to download the kron on app to get 24 7 commercial free local news coverage, lawrence. Hey we are looking at some maybe a few showers overnight tonight guys weve got that low that just a stubborn system just slow to move out of town and thats really to kick eastward very fast. So there it is spinning around right now its going to bring more clouds into our skies kind of interesting down below those in the upper level clouds down below are actually seeing some fog moving on from the west. So a couple things going on in the atmosphere and looks like we could see a few showers overnight tonight so that said heres the forecast to see the rotation a mostly energy all the way into Southern California Santa Barbara Point Conception in los angeles, san diego and the core of the system sweeney even further to the south into baja well well see some of that wrap around moisture certainly the chance of a couple of popup showers here in the bay area but not going to be much then finally that moves out of town as we get lot of part of friday and we start to settle in for the weekend and the weekend looking good temperatures are going to be a little cool tonight, 40s and 50s but not really cold as we head into the day tomorrow the should be a nice day of an youre still going to see a mix of sunshine. Some clouds a slight chance of a few sprinkles outside mid 60s in livermore about 66 degrees in santa rosa, 64. In hayward 61 in San Francisco 50s along the coastline of the patchy fog there but here we go your 10 attempt looks like some improving weather as we go over the next few days in fact we get the weekend Easter Sunday at the easter bunny hop into town and enjoying those 70s outside and how about this guys by monday maybe some mid what we do now will forever change our tomorrow. So lets do the right thing, today. Lets stay at home. Lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance please, six feet apart at least. Lets look after ourselves, as well as others. It will all be worth it. We can all do our part. So those on the front line can do their part. And when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. Im natalie morales. And im craig melvin. And this is dateline on mynetworktv. When they tell you your life passes before your eyes . You think about everything that happened in your life and, you wonder am i ready to die . Craig melvin he was a hollywood stuntman, but this was no hollywood stunt. This was a hit. Craig melvin shot four times and left dying on the floor. Mark gayman somebody definitely wanted him dead. Craig melvin but who and why . Youll meet lots of possible suspects. Garrett warren oh, my gosh. Craig melvin including his exwife, an actress once married to movie mobster, joe pesci. But she had a strong alibi. Do you know who shot Garrett Warren . I dont know

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