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And its going to be a big change for people it can be make you feel a little bit all to stop e coronavirus s from spreading across our state. In fact in a letter to President Trump the governor warned he predicts more than half of our state will be infected with the coronavirus within an 8 week period that if we do absolutely nothing we go about our regular life thats 25 Million People and to stop that from happening that is why the governor put the order in place. So what does this mean for people its nothing new for us in the bay area but lets take a look at our screen and refresh our memories means grocery stores, gas stationand banks will remain open pharmacies will remain open. Restaurants will be open for takeout only people are allowed to go outside for exercise children can play outside as long as they keep that 6 feet of distance, the National Guard will assist with delivering medical and other supplies and step instance volunteers are very limited now due o the fear of the coronavirus but this is a major step for california in fightinthe coronavirus lets hear from governor Gavin Newsome. This is noa permanent state. This is a moment in time. And we will meet this moment together and we will look back at these kinds of decisions as pivotal decisions if we to be criticized at this moment. Let us be criticized for it. Taking this moment seriously. Lets be eyes for going full force and meeting this virus head on. And that is the only way to do it is what gets governor Gavin Newsome says he did not sawhen this order is going to end so with that in mind it is a little scary, but now i feel like were getting a little used to the unknown at this point its just important that we remember we dont leave the house unless is for an essential reason and if youre going to go exercise again keep at 6 feet of distance between you and other people and that is super crucial because you do not know if someone or even yourself has the coronavirus you could be showing no symptoms weve seen that with people who have tested positive for now im live in San Francisco send it back to you guys, thanks a lot of thing is california is not an island and neither is the us and now were talking james about taking yet another state. Another a step to distance ourselves from the rest of the world and try to put a lid on this pandemic yeah absolutely and well see how effective it is and governors order comes after. He issued that sobering warning that sarah was just talking about that potential for 25illion californians to get coronavirus over thenext couple of months again that if the state does thing and just lets it spread organically but the pe is that the shelterinplace order will stem those numbers. And also to included in that letter to the president we 25 million was and every quest that the president leave this Us Navy Hospital ship mercy docked near los angeles until september 1st he says that that move would help ease the overcapacity at local hospitals that potentially could be overrun and help free up those thousands of beds to treat the most seriously affected. Within a day or 2 were told least 5 days too get the mercy operation allies then you actually have to move that ship so one should not over promise either on the east coast or the west coast. How quickly you can get those hospitals up. Currently the mercies in up in port in san diego being a get Maintenance Work done so that the finish that and then hopefully move it to as the governor would like to the port of los angeles now the governor is also calling on the federal government tohelp provide to mobile hospitals to provide nearly 500 exa beds, each california has about 90,000 bets right now in hospitals across the state but could need up to 20,000. More beds depending on the ze of the surge of patients dont forget. Theyre trying to protect the hospital workers themselves so theyre calling on a reted workers to come help. In california in the bay area and the like and all over the country were hearing stories about hospitals not having enough. Downs classes mask gloves to protect their health care workers. 2 emergency room doctors in new jersey and Washington State were hospitalized because they have been working and now they can there in isolation they cant work and there are you know and that fear of protecting a. You know not being able to protect other so this coronaviruis spreading around the world and continues to be on the rise without 244,000 cases. Around the world in the us there are more than 14,000 cases in 205 deaths in california. 1030 confirmed cases and 18 people have died. In the bay area taking a look at the numbers 450 cases in the 9 counties that were tracking take a look at the screen and you can pick out the county and thnumber that youre interested in in santa clara county. They have the most 889 cases were 6 deaths in san mateo county, 89 cases and one death going down the list 70 in San Francisco county 42 contra costa, 35 alameda, marine 18 salon a tense and i will not a sonoma 9. Now to a still reporting cases in that county, but again we are at lacking the number of tests that we need nationwide. So they say act is if you have the virus act is this as if your neighbor has and doesnt know it because thats how it spreads and thats the only way were going to stop a james yeah, i mean really maintaining that social distance between us. Thats something in San Francisco. Theyre really pushing to try to keep the numbers down in terms of new cases rising that shelter in order place isomething that governor i should say that mayor london breed is really ying to enforce noticing mixed results in terms of the reidents compliance kron fours dan kerman takes a closer look. News confence thursday, San Francisco mayor london breed said most san franciscans are colying with the new order requiring they stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But she also made it clear what that does and does not mean this is no a vacation this is not time for social gatherings we want to discourage the gatring of large groups as much as possible the citys Health Director says compliance is the only way to not overwhelm the Health Care System which the city is now trying to expand we aleady had 70 new north nurses higher. Hired, and we expect that scores more this Weekend Police are now routinely patrolling to make sure residents and businesses that are not essential are complying with the order if in the event that we keep having to go back to the same group of people are saying people weve worked with the City Attorney on a tie protocol on when to enforce. And that enforcement can be a citation it could be an arrest also during the News Conference the mayor called out the president for calling the coronavirus the chinese virus, this is a time not for divisiveness is the time for us to come together and to support the residents of our city and not ma people feel excluded. So this continues to be a problem where thcontinues to stand by his messaging around his labeling of the coronavirus and we want to make clear that that is not something thats acceptable or tolerated here in San Francisco, the citys Emergency Operations center has expanded to include disaster workers and has now relocated to the moscow knee center to allow for social distancing. For the sa purposes, the city is in the process of leasing 3500 hotel rooms to relocate those and single occupancy hotels. The 2000 single adults currently in shelters and Navigation Centers will also be spreadout in new pop up shelters. We envision standing up. Probably about 2500 ros this would be about excuse me for a 2500 spaces in shelter. 1500 of them will be too people who are currently in shelter will st be moved. And then another 1000 for the vulnerable populations i identify on the street also as part of the citys effort they plan tolease hotel rooms for First Responders so they dont go back home. And risk infecting loved ones and those in their community. In San Francisco. Dan kerman kron 4 about the urgent call to action that the medical whole system and the cntry needs. And there is an urgent call for medics and volunteers. This is all over the naon and particularly hear the stories the city of coma has issued a call. They want retired medical professionals to register to help. Were certainly in a unprecedented times unchartered waters. You know were all taking it, you know day by and learning as we go to pandemic continues and it es escalate. That bill so there may be a need for additional resources. Theres a website for you to if you have medical experience to register put your name there your Contact Information so that you re tell them youre ready to volueer if youre needed and to get yourself registered you need that website weve got a link so the easiest thing to do go to kron 4 dot com weve really tried to make that a onestop shopping place for all of your knees get infoation there you can know how to volunteer you can know how to help your neighbor or where to get help if you need chains and today volunteers in San Francisco Salvation Army are going to be packing up meals for people in need. During this pandemic ankron fours will tran isactually live for us in San Francisco with more. On that part of the story will. James the coronavirus as changed everything in our lives including how people get food that they desperately need. Im actually im actually at the Salvation Army headquarters and you can see the food being dropped off right now. Volunteers will get ready to start putting together boxes. This is what they normally do anyway, but you can see the food delivery person there are gloves on they have the tables exactly 6 feet long so theyre make the practice it social distance and thats just for the volunteer standpoint for those who need it what their lives will change as well, heres major with the Salvation Army. As we show whats going on tell the viewers out there. How is coronavirus changing your the way you do business. Well we have to be more cautious on the way we do things how we help people out food is a basic necessity that Everyone Needs so we dont want to cancel, but we want to augment make sure everyone gets what they need so we made the provisions today and Going Forward 2 to be 6 feet apart when we do things when people get food over a bag in the food so the virus doesnt spread but we want to help people a little bit different as you said in the past people would Just Exchange one bag for the other can you explain that oh yes, um yes, we did the bag exchange so we give them the back one week. And then they will bring back the same bag and we give another bag so trying to environmentally friendly. But this time were just given bags and they can keep we dont act germs and different stuff like that sir despite San Franciscos ban on san francis on plastic bags thats out the window because of coronavirus it is for the time being yes, what are some of the other things that have changed for the Salvation Army Source Program sets you guys do such a necessary service. Worst still trying to keep our partners going but you know that the kroc center here we had to like ansar fitness and youth programming for right now but were working on with the city right now in dc. Why f. To have some type of Child Care Services here hopefully starting next week and with meals for the kids as well so the basic stuff we had to trim back a little bit but were sold during the Human Services part of the Salvation Army and they are taking health and safety seriously. I can tell you james is hard to can you pull back the first layer, this man has 2 layers. A plastic gloves just to make sure he and the pele who need the food are safe. Interesting times we live in guys back to you. All right, thank you very much well. Our coverage continues i told you thata crown for got 4 dot com because we really have. Everything there that you need to know the latest on all the outbreak news in the bay area, california and then of course across the world with our interactive map ways to say safe. What the shelter in place means and how you can get help if you need it, im not only monetarily right well, but with food with volunteering and also with what the government is doing were still wting for this sort of check in the mail idea where congress is going to how families that are struggling to make ends meet john. Weekend is another nice day ahead of us today tomorrow on into sunday, even a very pleasant weekend for more rainfall in the forecast. There is a chilly start to the there is a chilly start to the morning tho organic at this price. Is this for real not exactly thats bargain bliss setting in youre basking in the glow of orangic produce at shockingly low prices. I guess the choir isnt real either . Oh no, their real. Their here every sunday afternoon. Grocy outlet jingle Grocery Outlet reprise found one found one er found one. 7. 6 on this friday morning skies looking pretty nice over San Francisco as well as the rest of the day got a glow from the horizon making its way under some low clouds hanging t a little closer to the coast. Temperatures right now mostly in the 40s but a few of us are also in the 30s out this time this morning, dublin at 39 right now napa sped a limo santa rosa say alina also in the 30s. So if you are stepping outside this Early Morning do so with that jacket ready to go and make sure to be bundled up because even though we are dry, it is chilly. Dry conditions seen on satellite radar and were going to stay that way today into tomorrow as this week ridge of High Pressure remains in place. A low preure area invested dancing storm system will change this up come sunday night just a couple of scattered showers on sunday before moay tuesday and wednesday widespread rainfall is to be expected now we have 2 systems were talking about here that heard in the combined effects, this first one you see right here. But the second a colder system thats going to work its way down from the gulf of alaska, this is going to result in a drop in temperatures in addition to the rainfall that will get on monday and that means lower snow levels on into tuesday and wednesday so good snowfall event up in the sierra come those latter 2 days of the rainfall that. Well those of us in the bay area just see 3 solid days of showers before it looks like well clear out into friday and saturday as for temperatures today, warmer than we have been we are into a pleasant start of the weekend. Before that big on subtle moves in especially monday of next week. You do see monday tuesday and wednesday getting cooler cloudier in rain here after such a nice conditions over the weekend. James. Ill take it actually because we have breaking news 7. 18 right now and this just in to kron 4 its official. You dont have to file your taxes until july 15th. The us treasury secretary just tweeted out that at president s direction, us tax day is moving from april 15th to july 15th and that gives you additional time to file and make payments without interest or penalties. James all right and u c davis item 5 were also working to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus theyre actually getting closer to testing how primates react to the virus ich is a big step. In helping lead to a treatment. Researchers are developing a robotic system thats capable of running 1400 coronavirus tests a day and you see davis is working with both the center for immunology and Infectious Diseases and the California National Primate Research center to get these tests up and running the partnerships are expected to help speed up. The validation of tests by the us food and Drug Administration and hopefully that means well get a vaccine sooner now. For your money this morning how cayou socially distance yourself if youre at a National Park and the costco maybe banning returns on some highdemand items. Jane king is live at the nasdaq with those trees cut cost co and even open everything is closed here. Jane californias on lockdown know. I will thats right you know i thk theyre still open may be different costco stores. Yeah thats right are reportedly banning returns on items like toilet per soap rice is people panic by course and theres been shorta those things now 3 employees at different costco warehouses in the northeast, texas and illinois told Business Insider their stores that recently implemented a policy to reject returns on items that are in high demand, although custer did not confirm that the National Park service will waive entrance fees during the crisis park leaders say its critical to ep the parks open it provides people open space a chance to connect with nature to stress really get some exercise. They do say though those parts of the park if they start to get crowded, they will close those off so like the Visitor Centers and things like that and amazon giving way to free months of kindle and limit end the Kindle Unlimited trial gives you access to over a million books audio books and current magazines on any device that has the kindle app and normally cost 9. 99 a month and Dominos Pizza hiring workers since more americans are getting fo delivered it meandelivery people and pizza makers managers and others, those interested should visit jobs dot dominoes dot com live from the nasdaq, im jane king back to her all right, thanks a lot. Jeanne, more changes coming james, yeah thats a 20 with the us the highest level of travel advisory. That weve seen whatever well ave more on that coming up in a minute and heres a quick live look at the bay bridge theres been hardly any traffic pretty mu like weve seen all week long with most non essential. Employees stayinat home and honoring the shelterinplace order were going to have more. Traffic checks but also more updates on the coronavirus and it get to kohls and stack the savings with an extra 15 off save on shark vacuums get 50 off serta and save on kids apparel plus, take 10 off your kids saleurchase of 50 or more. Plus get kohls cash plus buy online, free 1 Hour Store Pickup shop kohls and kohls dot com. So, i go to floor decor where i find every imanable tile, wood, laminate or stone without compromising my design. Cause one aisle doesnt cut it. I needn entire store. Explore floor decor in person or online. 7. 23, heres a live look at San Francisco international the Us State Department if you havent heard is now warning americans not to travel abroad. In fact the department issued its highest level of travel advisory proper zizic midjune takes a cler look at that and what it might mean for travelers. In light of a level for Health Advisory be issued advising us citizens to avoid all International Travel due that 19 the spokesperson fol sfo International Airport says there is information air travelers in San Francisco should know for starters, its important to note that. As a poll remains open for business. We are one of the locations that has been identified as whats called essential infrastructure if youre coming from china iran anywhere in the Schengen Area which is most of europe and now the uk and ireland. Youre ing to be asked to selfisolate at home for 14 days upon arrival the customs and Border Protection is the agency in charge of the screening process. So theyll probably ask those passengers and questions. Ifhose passengers are showing any then be referred to the uld centers for Disease Control also was in customs. For further evaluation and tree if necessary now than ever before travelers are advised to be absolutely certain before booking a flight. The international or domestic too unsure whether or not your travel really qualifies essential thats probably an individual decision for each passenger but leader encourage passengers to look at their Relevant Health order to determine whether or not it Still Necessary to travel airport Officials Say travelers will find that most retaistores are now closed at sfo with the exception of newsstands and shipping services restaurant, however remained open but only serving food to go. In San Francisco has a menu from 4 news. California is the first stateto put a stand home order into effect. What does this mean for welcome back it is 7. 28 here on a friday morning just hold on for the ride today. Guys i know were all in this than we ever have been because now its not just the bay area sheltering in plano now weve got the entire state of california getting in on all the fun of social distancing and sheltering in place becse governor Gavin Newsome if you havent heard already has now ordered. All 40 Million People are 40 million residents of e state to now stay in their homes and pretty much do. Well weve been doing here the bay area for the past week kron 4 Sarah Stinson in fact alive as a prime exame of what a lot of folks are going to be doing from this point on working from home sarah. Yeah, im finally working from home in my apartment in San Francisco, thousands of people in the bay area have been doing this all week long some even started last week. But now over 40 million californians will join in doing this and this is the first order of its kind across the country really fighting the coronavirus in stopping this outbreak, the whole point is to prevent this from spreading we know that its become you know every day we have more cases of people testing positive governor Gavin Newsome put out the order yesterday went into effect at midnight and wh into effect telling californians to shelter in place in fact in a letter to President Trump for the governor warned him saying he predicts mo than half of our state will be infected with coronavirus within an 8 week period that if we do absolutely nothing that would be 25 Million People but to prevent that from happening thats why he put this order in place, but what does this mean for people well nothing new for those in the bay area were kind of used to that at this point take a look at your screen though to refresh yr memory grocery stores, gas stations, and banks will all remain open pharmacies open as well restaurants will only be open for keout people are allowed to go outside for exercise as weve seen people do across San Francisco. Children can play outside just keep that 6 feet of distance very crucial. The National Guard will also be assisting with delivering medical and other supplies stepping in as volunteers are little too scared to donate their time because of the coronavirus shoot step for california though in fighting the governor Gavin Newsome he m explains how this will be enforced. People ask well how would you enforce as i say theres a social. Contract he. People i think recognize the need to do more and to meet this moment. People will self regulate their behavior that begin to adjust. I dont believe that the People California need to be told through Law Enforcement that its appropriate just that home isolate tech themselves about the essential. Central patterns of life. But do so by socially distancing themselves from others and do so using common sense. And theres really been a shift on sial media between people of all ages starting to take this more seriously, especlly the younger generations now that we know that its not just the elderly who is most susceptible to testing positive and then being hospitalized with seeing celebrities social Media Influencers a lot of people across the country now putting out this message to stay home and do not leave unless its for an essential reasons now governor Gavin Newsome did not say when this order is going to end its until further notice. So this continue with his life of the unknown, but i think people are really starting to get a grasp of what it means to work from home have the kids at home. Its going to get in that routine for now lives in San Francisco send it back to us in the studio it will be an adjustment for a lot of people thank you very much sara. 18 people have died in california, one of them in the south bay and in gilroy woman wants you to see and know her father who died of coronavirus so that th theres a face to these numbers that were hearing about every day 66 yearold gary young went to the hospital for a cough. It just wasnt going away. And he was told to go home and see his primary care doctor. He ended up at the hospital he was tested. Positive for coronavirus put into isolation. We talked to his daughter. She wants to share her story so you know how serious this sense. I got to still be here. Its he may be you know if they catch him on tuesday. We dont know one way or the other i just know that there is you know always that possibility because they didnt sent home that he could still be here. I lost my dad, you know it people dont take this seriously and so it hits home for them and it hithome for me and the reason i decided to come out and tell my story is that some of your stress appeal. This is awful. She thinks it was probably Community Spread because he didnt really travel. But she says her dad loved to shake hands and be with people james. Alameda county has rely some inmates early to prevent the spread of the virus in their jail more than 300 inmates were released this week and the Sheriffs Office says most of them were low level offenders whove already served most of their time. The process began on tuesday to release those prisoners Sheriffs Department says that those inmates were vulnerable to becoming seriously ill and he says the release was done out of compassion but it is being handled responsibly. It was done in a way that was sensitive to the needs of those people. But it was also done in a wato protect Public Safety because obviously were not going to let a bunch of criminalout that we know are going to go do bad things in the community. There may be more inmates released in the coming days, the Sheriffs Office ays that theyre working right now with the das office to find other inmates who may qualify f early release, san fncisco, another bay area counties are also looking to do the same thing. Bart by the way is temporarily cutting back on Service Hours after they noticed a dramatic drop in ridership no surprise there really. Bart ridership has declined by 90 during this Weekday Service will be day. 05 00am to 09 00pm and then starting next saturday, the 28th Weekend Service ll be from 08 00am to 09 00pm part says that theyre feeling the Economic Impact of the decline in ridership they say theres already been a 60 million reduction in revenue. In the south and the fortyniners are trying to help fight the coronavirus and the effects which is so many people suffering not being able to pay the rent and buy food. They are responding and responding by donating kron fours r fladeboe explains. What we do now. Help determine the outcome of this crisis. 49 ers president el grito on thursday announcing a generous donation to support employees in the Greater Community in response to the covid 19 Public Health emergency today. The 49 ers are committing 500,000 to support both our workforce and the most vulnerable populations in our community, th 49 ers will immediately invest 49,000 to support a newly created fund for nonprofit organizatio in santa clara and san mateo counties addressing the crisis. The 49 ers are partnering in the effort with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation comcast and local government. The players are going to play a big role in social media and the social Media Campaign which to learn more about but i do want to make this point. That even my son started to take this more seriously when sports top flight. And i say that because the 49 ers and sports franchises like this have an influen on our communy. The donation was announced outdoors amid socialdistancing precautions as the 49 ers have closed most teen facilities in keeping with the countys shelterinplace order. We will continue to partner with our elected leaders behind me. To identify pressing needs and how we can leverage our resources to help those combat this Public Health emergency. In santa clara rob fladeboe kron 4 news. This emergency and now with an escalating to a statewide shutdown and shelter in place it can be scary. Stressful if you want to talk to somebody theres an 800 number 895 5990 that you can call it to help line. You can also text talk with us to 6, 6, 7, 4, 6, and go to our website weve got as i keep saying not only this resource there weve got links tab ways that you can help people or if you need help and all of the information and we know is up to the minute update on kron 4 dot com james all right more impacts of the coronavirus in the east bay with the tesla factory in fremont. Closing down on march 23th, its part of the effort to slow the spread ofcoronavirus tesla said it made the decision after talking with local state and federal officials and decideto go ahead and reduce operations temporarily with the shutdown its new york factories also going to be suspending service but other facilities like its gigafactory in nevada and the one in china are going to remain open for now. Of america by the way will allow its customers that are experiencing Financial Hardship from the coronavirus to defer payments on mortgages and credit cards. The b of a a representative that we ard om says theyre going to be working on a case by case basis to allow their customers to pause payments, not only a credit cardand mortgages but also on auto loans too. And its not just be of a making these changes in fact home loans that are guaranteed to fannie mae and freddie mac are ordering lenders to offer flexibility in theayments to their customers regulators are expecting the entire mortgage industry will follow a similar policy. Homeowners being encouraged to call their lender right now to discuss what their options are in some cases you may have your payments deferred for up to 12 months. Well this morning temperatures on the cool side. Were in the 30s and 40s right now for much of the ba area, im talking a easant weekend followed this is gonna be americas favorite breakfast. They just dont know it yet. ding these are a few of my favorite things. Wendys uses freshcracked es on all o breakfast sandwiches. Not whatever. This stuff is. ding thats right. See you in the morning you up for this . And change the world. Here at abie, were inventing dicines of the future. And happier, while mang medicines that help people right now. Because thats the present we wanted to live in. And thats the future we all want to see. Abbvie. Here. Now. Abbvie. New colgate optic white renel removes teyears of yellow stains. Thats like all the way back to 2010. Do the dougie remove ten years of yellow stains with new colgate optic white renewal. We find a way through it. Its about taking ca of each other. Its the small parts that make a big difference. Athevy, we promise to do ours. Were offering chevy owner complimentary onstar crisis assist servic and wifi data. If you need new chevy, interestfree finaing for 84 months with deferred payments for 120 days on many of our mos popular models. You may even shop online and take delivery atome. Its just our way of doing our part. Welcome back 7. 44 on this friday morning. We are in for a pleasant weekenahead of us skies are generally clearing out and temperatures warming up as compared to where they have been so far this week. You can see outside from timber on theres definitely some low clouds hanging out right along the coast. But youre also getting more and more blue as the sun begins to rise over the horizon, its going to be a Beautiful Day ahead of us temperatures have been chilly this morning though so if youre heading out for a morning walk definitely layer up because dublin here in the 30s as is most of the north bay. Most of the rest of us are in the 40s as of right now for your current temperatures by the time we work into the afternoon youre going to notice a lot more bright skies than what we saw over the past few days High Pressure is now in place having replaced that low that is gradually slipping further eastward. We have a couple of dry days ahead of us tomorrow notably being a beautiful one before yet another storm system makes its way into early next week now this is going to provide rainfall starting sunday night just some light showers sunday evening, though it will be monday tuesday and wednesday that we really start to see widespread rain across the day and its not just this one system but a second one working its way in from the gulf of alaska, its going to slow this thing down a little bit but its also going to result in much cooler air some monday temperatures still in the 60s and snowfall at higher elevations, but by tuesday and wednesday as this cooler air moves in from the north you also have that cooler impact and that means snow at lower levels of the Sierra Nevada was even some bay area mountains and just a cooler feel in general across the bay come tuesday and wednesday. After that thursda and friday do look to be drying back out after a prolonged rainy start to the week. Temperatures today in the 60s our warmest of the week so far but not as warm as tomorrow is about to be it will be a day in the upper 60s for some and maybe even a couple of 70s out there too. Now sunday, were still going to be mild and a lot of sunshine to start but by sunday night youll notice, the clouds and the showers pushing in setting us up for that monday tuesday and wednesday rainfall. James all right quick check of the san mateo bridge this morning as were keeping an eye on comey conditions around the bay for those essential workers that are still heading into work this morning. As you can see traffic is everybody traveling at the limit here in both the east and westbound directions of the san mateo bridge connecting the east bay to the peninsula all the other bridges showing us a similar scene so its fairly easy going out there. Youre not supposed to fly internationally a global do not travel advisory has been issued by the state department. The President Trump is going to meet with fema. Hes going to speak with all 50 state governors via phone about what the federal government can do darryl forges has t latest. Da now fosse cracking antiviral treatments wasnt just partly used against malaria its going to be very exciting. I think it could be. The game changer and maybe not a vaccine. Still some time away it has changed everything. And it will for the for the foreseeable future Carnival Cruise is apparently now offering up its fleet. If we should need ships with lots of rooms. And theyll be docked at new york and los angeles and San Francisco different places a Field Hospital on us soil, Washington State around 10 million californians told to shelter in place a trillion national stimulus. On the table if we just get everybody stays home for 6 months. Then you know its hard to its going to be like the great depression. Clusters cropping up at least 46 positives now at this one the illinois care home 3 dead 4 others infected in just one extended new jersey family hospitals across the country are rapidly running out of masks gowns protective eyewear that they desperately need clear being asked to reuse and recycle single use respirators and surgical masks when you go through pain. The cdc now advising use homemade mosque cg bandanna scarf for care of patients with covid 19 as a last resort and in areas with Community Spread consider allowing asymptomatic exposed providers to work while wearing a face mask, here is one face of this growing pandemic the choke he threw up. The pain a headache and heres another. I feel your lifestyle is necessarily just floridas beaches, were still open. You got to figure out how to get these people off the beach unless you can figure out how to have completely isolated from anybody else. I mean this is an individual can take responsibility because even if you dont suffer much you can give this to others. Load up to 20 of coronavirus hospitalizations in the us are between 2044, according to a new federal study. People need to pay attention. No matter your age some us congressman have not confirmed that they have the virus. Georges entire legislature told to selfquarantine for 2 weeks after a state senator. Teted positive in france now to leave home you need a certificate stating where youre going and why theyve cited thousands i am not going to imprison anyone in the state of new york i am not going to do martial law in the state of new york, but they are considering converting new york citys hotels into hospitals, the European Union now urging netflix and others to stop streaming hd so we dont all actually break the internet while we hunker down. Well the coronavirus pandemic has altered life as we know it, but the rough times. Are bringing out also the best in people across the world we have Martin Savidge n with a closer look. These may feel like dark ys with headlights of contagion fear and hoarding that humans sunshine still exists. Random acts of corona kindness are erywhere like a front porch in columbus ohio. Sister put on a concerfor a 78 yearold neighbor who had shotherself offfrom the virus and the world. Dressed in their best the 69 yearold delighted their audience of one. In italy where somebody had died and so many more isolated. They sing to each other from balconies at night voices echo through the streets. With canine the in spain where there are also suffering to say thank you to doctors and nurses battling to save lives. People step outside and the everywhere. In houston that irmas southwest restaurant know ordered closed. A couple left something behind a 9,400 tip. To pay your guys over the next few weeks the anonymous note said. This is beyond i mean. Word spread really dont we have to let our staff know that we may be off work for 15 to 30 days, you know on that is the gift we got today should have stopped at a cleveland watering hole also closing the customer added a Little Something extra to is less than 30 bill. 2500 for the staff. When the nba stop the games, Cleveland Cavaliers basketball star kevin love started thinking about the arena staff without work. He donated a 1,000 from his foundation to them, hoping others would follow his lead in their towns. They did. Teachers may not be rich like athletes. But they have a wealth of knowledge and on fabook many are sharing it to answer questions a help others learelsewhere, the elderly are on the minds of many people offered a grocery shop for those who cannot work may not want to leave their homes stores have begun allowing older customers their own exclusive shopping hours to limit exposure to crowds. And when coronavirus concerns prevented her from going into a North Carolina nursing home to show her grandfather something. A young woman stood at his window. Simply pointing to the engagement ring. The virus forcing us apart seems also to be bringing us together. Closer than weve been in a long while Martin Savidge cnn. As we head to break, heres a live look outside San Francisco International Airport dont forget the Us State Department has issued a travel ban on all International Travel. The highest level that theyve issued before well be right back. Welcome back and thanks for joining us here come from morning news. Lets go back and i want to update this story. So lets go to the front of the story because this is breaking news just in to kron 4 Contra Costa County is now confirmed its first coronavirus death. They died in the hospital yesterday. We dont have many details about this person other than they were in their 70s and did have a preexisting a Health Condition plus a history of recent travel overseas. Were waiting for more details on that so this death would bring the total now to 19 who have died in california earlier james we also showed you and told you about a 66 yearold gilroy man a father who died his daughter wanted to share his face with everyone so they would know how serious the coronavirus is. All right coming up in the next hour here for kron 4 morning news, california shut down now as you know governor gavin newsom has ordered all 40 million. Residents of the state to shelter in place like weve been doing here in the bay area this week well tell you what it means for a local news station. Another death in california a hitting close to home in the bay area Contra Costa County just confirmed. Its first coronavirus death. It is a person who died in a hospital yesterday theyre in their 70s and did have a preexisting condition and had a history of recent overseas travel. We expect they will get more details later on this morning. 2 more on our big story which is the big change now everybody in california has ordered to shelter in place not just the bay area that means 40 Million People are told to stay home kron 4 Sarah Stinson is one of them now reporting from her home in San Francisco, sarah. There thousands of a bay area residents are becoming used to working from home theyve been doing it all week long other kids at home. Its been an adjustment but now all of california is going to be joining in on this. This is a huge step for california really paving the way for the rest of the country in taking measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus and this is a stay at home order put out by governor Gavin Newsome yesterday went into effect last ght over

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