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Positive for the coronavirus. At a News Conference friday Vice President mike pence said 2 of the 21 our passengers and the other 19 our crew members its very likely that of the on the grand princess was a. Exposed on on 2 different. 2 outings, the ship bound from hawaii was due at the port of San Franciscos pier 27 on saturday that due to the coronavirus the Vice President said he will instead docking at an unspecified non commercial port we will be testing everyone on the ship. We will be quarantining as necessary. But with regard to the 1100 member crew. We anticipate that they will be quarantined on the ship. I will not need to disembark white house Officials Say its likely passengers that need to be quarantined will be transferred to military bases. But pence as precautions will be in place we are taking a all the measures necessary. To see to the health of the americans and those involved on the grand princess and just as importantly to protect the health of the american public. And prevent the spread of the disease through communities in this country. Now this point the details are still being worked out between the federal government and the Governors Office in terms of the when and the where but again at this point it is not planning to bring the ship into pier 27, but to a non commercial port at which point everybody aboard the ship will be tested. Can impact all right dan thank you governor Gavin Newsome spent all day today meeting with leaders of several state agencies to plan for whats to come with coronavirus our Capitol Bureau reporter Ashley Zavala has more from the state Emergency Operations center. Governor Gavin Newsome spent the entire day here at the Emergency Operations Center Meeting with cabinet members and dozens of leaders across multiple state agencies media was not allowed inside but cal oh yes did provide us with this video. Sources inside tell me the governor got here at around 6 oclock this morning and was having meetings as of late this afternoon into the evening until this large table caught meeting was meant to coordinate efforts for what could come as the coronavirus situation in california involves the state is also working with the federal government on bringing the grand princess cruise ship carrying now several coronavirus patients into Northern California. Separate from that state health Officials Say there are now 69 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in california with more than 9,000 people tonight self monitoring for the virus in Sacramento County Ashley Zavala kron 4 news. Tonight Contra Costa County Health Officials have confirmed 3 new cases of coronavirus in that county and the 3 nearly identify patients who have the virus and are in isolation at their homes 2 of the patients were passengers aboard the grand princess cruise ship and one is known to have had contact with the covid 19 basin in another jurisdiction. Santa clara county is now reporting for new cases of the virus that brings a total number of cases there to 24. The south bay county is the hardest hit in the bay area among the new patients there are 3 men and one woman fighting the infection. Were also learning that a yolo county resident has tested positive for coronavirus thats according to the Yolo County Health and Human Services agency. This is the first confirmed case of the virus in yolo county. Health officials described the patient as an older woman with Underlying Health conditions. They said she is hospitalized in her condition is improving at this time officials believe the woman caught the virus through Community Spread in the south bay, a Lockheed Martin employee has tested positive for the coronavirus more than 4,000 employees work at the Lockheed Martin office in sunnyvale. Company Officials Say they sanitized the employee area and the common areas on tuesday and the facility is operating normally now. They are asking the people who have come in contact with the infected employee to selfquarantine no other employees have reported experiencing any symptoms. Talking a lot about how to stay safe and protect yourself from contracting the virus but. Theres a lot of information to sift through it can be a little bit overwhelming today kron 4 host of inside bay area politics Catherine Heenan brought on a panel of doctors to get through these rumors and straight to the facts and she has some of that interview in bringing us more of that is kron 4 stella so the money and live in our newsroom with what they clarified today l a. Well now that the coronavirus is here in the bay area people want to know how to avoid it and how long it can live on surfaces. The doctor on the special panel that was hosted by Catherine Heenan says that the coronavirus is pretty weak compared to others when it comes up against a disinfectant. Can the virus to survive cooking is a cook food, the safest right now we know that. Well we do know that the virus survives in the refrigerator for a 10 month so i mercy. I can heat for her with cuts are for a heated surfaces are cooked food and youre safer with with that panda, a refrigerated products are very its very. Virus in terms on surfaces compared to other viruses. I mean its its a coronavirus i have thats where that says a quintuple kind of microscope as a crown as sort of a shell around and show is fairly weak so its pretty susceptible to most cleaning agents. Some light and cheap things like that so its not very hard environment like for instance like a norovirus thats all the different. Just to follow up on that one of the practices that is changing, especially in the travel industry and will be true for bart and muni and others is that theres disinfection practices are getting a lot more rigorous so theyre doing regular more frequent us infections and more infections because. It does set on surfaces and the bars i out on the muni in the bar, you know, the metal bars of people touch are being disinfected more frequently after every day though this in fact and thats making the environment itself safer for all of us. One of the doctors went on to say that one person can potentially spread any virus to up to 20 more people, although that is rare so they recommend just using what they call simple logic if youre sick stay home if youre being tested for the coronavirus dont sneak out and use soap and water when washing your hands of course you sanitizer that is made with more than 60 alcohol and ill bring you more from the special segment tonight at 8 oclock plus an extended version at 9. 30 live in the newsroom allison them only on kron 4 news tell us thank you. Prepare for long lines and limited supply if youre heading to Grocery Stores and pharmacies this weekend, the rush to buy disinfectant products too stay healthy during the coronavirus outbreak continues around forcefully juggle reports from the east bay where store shelves are mostly empty. Joe and lawrence was able to find bleach at rite aid in walnut creek friday but not much else on her list. The store has been out of Hand Sanitizers and disinfectant wipes for about 2 weeks and the shipment expected to arrive during the day likely wont last long for moms a 100 so where. Stocking up for her and that caretakers have managed to find some stuff early on they were on it, you know, not having as much luck as the and neither are they having much luck now minorities market in the same palace varity mall parking lot is also struggling to keep up with them and theyve been out of supply since last week. And merchandiser jenny belair guy says the store does not have a timetable for when their stock will be replenished much like the other establishment, she works with they say now longtime prop walgreens on gregory lane in Pleasant Hill says its supply of wipes and sanitizer comes from china where the Novel Coronavirus outbreak has been the worst. So they say theyll likely be tapped out for an extended period of time customers are getting used to walking into the store only to see empty shelves the net pope house stopped by to pick up their monitors and only a few more last time taking it seriously im dealing with the public i want to make sure that im safe. I want to pass anything on to anyone else. I want to make it so that we all have a good year Percy Jackson stopped by the same pharmacy after a visit to the hospital where he was diagnosed with the flu. He got sick despite getting a flu shot in november. But hes just happy its not coronavirus i just feel for everybody. Comes in contact with any marks may be a good option for Hand Sanitizer they typically dont sell involved, but may have enough of what you need to last a while. Felipe should all kron 4 news. Just in to the coronavirus scare the Grocery Delivery Service announced thursday that it has rolled out a new feature called leave at my door delivering it gives customers the option to have an order left by their door during a designated time frame instead of having and in her son hand off the instacart says that it has been testing the feature recently but decided to go ahead and roll it out because of quote increased demand in recent days, the c ncept of contactless deliveries is something the companies in china adopted in response to the coronavirus there which was first detected in china. Kron 4 is your home for continuing coverage on the coronavirus keep it here for the latest information on new cases on school and business closures or advisories and how to protect your family all of the information is that kron 4 dot com. A live look outside now and show you the golden gate bridge, pam i have a bullet and on my commute into work today. I had a little bit of on my windshield for the first time in like almost 40 talent here is just been remarkable how long we go about any rain. Lets check in with our chief meteorologist anything in sight. Yes, i think were finally going to get to go on we did have a few scattered light showers in fact santa rosa reporting 300 ths of an inch of rain not but well take it and theres more on the way. Outside right now weve got the clouds filling our skies now more that on the way tonight certainly chance of a couple scattered a scout showers out ahead, the main cold front as we head toward the middle of the night, but you see that front still has a ways to go its a making its way in the far Northern California right now. Just about to push india rica showers on the way there that is all going to be sliding down in our direction overnight tonight were going to time out that storm and give you a whole weekend forecast coming up in just a few minutes, thank you are coming up police are calling 3 men who rammed 2 police cars during a high speed chase. A sophisticated burglary crew. Now police need your help to try to catch them plus a new proposal aims to protect workers quarantine during the coronavirus outbreak, the benefits of would give employees put in that situation in a San Francisco state senators advocating for new Affordable Housing why are drivers 50 and over switching to the aarp Auto Insurance program lets take a ride with some actual customers and find out. Hey, well tell me about your experience when you switched to the hartford. When i switched to the hartford, im sitting there, like, man, i shouldve turned 50 years ago. They saved me a bunch of money. You cant beat that. What blows me away about the hartford is their lifetime renewability benefit. Now this is their promise not to drop you, you know, even if you have an accident. I know when im driving, im covered. [announcer] drivers 50 and over can save hundreds of dollars when they switch to the aarp Auto Insurance program from the hartford. Not an aarp member . The hartford can help you join in minutes. To get your free noobligation quote and see how much you could save, call the hartford at the number on your screen. Or go to the website on your screen. The bucks got your back. Cutting red tape for religious institutions to help build Affordable Housing that is the goal of 2 pieces of legislation introduced in sacramento today kron fours Maureen Kelly report as it passed those measures could make 38,000 acres of land easier to develop across california. Pastor at Saint Marks Lutheran Church in San Francisco says theyve been trying to build a Housing Development for low income seniors on their back parking lot for some time now the whole permitting rezoning process can just be daunting for religious institutions and cost money and time. And so thats why these bills are so important the bill shes referring to where the topic of a News Conference inside her Church Friday morning, a state senator scott wieners bill would allow religious institutions and nonprofit hospitals to build 100 Affordable Housing on their properties without having to rezone or go through discretionary approval in high density areas they be able to build up to 5 stories in a 150 units and up to 3 stories and 40 units in more residential neighborhoods. Assembly member buffy wicks bill would make it easier for churches to build on their parking lots, i say its time to build more housing we have an enormous amount of land that churches synagogues profit whether its a parking lot or other land that they would like to use to build Affordable Housing and right now they cant because only for it to the local opposition. Are these religious institutions and nonprofit hospitals to be able to build Affordable Housing and a lot of land that what you can do it. Our them to create that housing its expected that we will know by late august whether the bills have passed or failed. If passed they then head to the governors desk for signature. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. Travel to tennessee today to get a firsthand look at the tornado damage there. He was met upon his arrival by tennessee governor bill lee senator Marsha Blackburn and other top officials the president s survey devastated communities in Putnam County tennessee where a tornado tore a 2 mile long path killing 18 people including 5 children under the age of 13. Many more people were injured some of them critically statewide the death toll stands at 24 people or the power of mother natures unbelievable but take a look out here in San Francisco and its pretty calm and quiet on the embarcadero in the city, yeah, our chief meteorologist though says we should be on the lookout for a few drops of rain. Yeah, im excited about it. I woke up this morning ready to go. I mean. This the first time in over a month that weve been able to talk about rain looks like its going to come in here is not to be huge storm but at this point i dont even care lets just get the rain go on and some showers going to be popping up we had a few of those today more on the way tonight. The cloud cover rolling in a thickening up throughout the night and here we go you see on the Doppler Radar theres your storm system still just off the coastline. So the front has a ways to go so we may see a couple of scout showers out ahead of the system. But you wont see them in front until after midnight time or toward early tomorrow morning, well time that out for you in just a couple minutes, but right now cloudy skies all around the bay area remain dry at this point but that will soon change i think and that will be some good news, mostly cloudy skies tonight, some rain developing late and then morning rain tomorrow and then really turn a partly cloudy skies as we head toward the middle of the day will dry things out throughout the afternoon partly cloudy skies on sunday which is maybe a chance of popup showers late in the afternoon. Temperatures outside where theyre really cool out there low 50s in the San Francisco 50 in half of a hard to think that just a couple days ago, were talking temperatures in the 70s and the 80s outside couple systems off the coastline of both are going factor into whether over the next 7 days, the first front is going to come through that will bring the chance of rain overnight tonight that weve got this next system thats call a cutoff low, its going to drop down and kind of separate itself from the circulation. The jet stream kind of spinning off the coastline and occasionally spending a chance of showers our way as we get into next week. But for tonight, this front is going to come through that will bring with it the raindrops late tonight early tomorrow morning not going to be for rain now for your day all time the south where you see right here we head to the night tonight certainly chance of a few scattered showers out ahead of the main cold front and then really as we head into early tomorrow morning here comes. He is 6 7 oclock in the morning, you see the rain moving scattered showers a kind of tapering off as we head to the middle of the morning and then by the afternoon really to some partly cloudy skies its going to be cool and its going to be breezy outside that we should start to dry things out not a huge rainmaker, but certainly a chance of maybe a 10th of an inch of rain maybe a quarter of an inch in some of the weather parts of the bay areas the system kind of slides on through to get lucky. How about that about a 3rd in half moon bay. It will be plan to be a chilly saturday outside numbers only going to be and low to about the upper 50s the warmest parts of the bay area and then weve got another chance of some rain drops coming our way on monday and on tuesday and maybe the following weekend. In National News tonight with Elizabeth Warren now out of the president ial race the question is who will she endorse if anybody 6 more states are set to vote next week and both Bernie Sanders and joe biden are looking for a boost to their campaigns kinlaw has the latest. I will not be running. President in 2020, but i guarantee. I will stay in the fight. Senator Elizabeth Warren ending her campaign but making no endorsement yet lets take a deep breath. Heard the sanders fellow progressive hoping to win over warren and her supporters potentially uniting the left loves reaching out to millions all strong supporters. She she fought for the campaign was far close what i but so far the recent wave of endorsements have largely gone to joe biden in upcoming primaries michigans governor and senators from illinois and arizona all back to the former Vice President. Sanders indicating he will continue to sharpen his attacks on was very to that is ridiculous. Its ridiculous bernie you got beat by overwhelming support i have from African American community very you got beaten because of suburban women, bernie got beaten because middleclass hardworking folks out there bernie, the raise a lot more money and i have heard the Biden Campaign will also have to brace for president trumps he says of the Hunter Bidens work in ukraine that will be a major issue in the campaign i will bring that up all the time because. I dont see any way out but i dont believe theyll be able to answer this question biden is dismissing those attacks and to think that has your political fortunes rise and theyre coming after you more. Of course theres nothing there there look donald trump has corrupted the soul of this country donald trump has pummeled the middle class. And that was john law reporting. The Trump Administration is deploying troops to the southern border to help support customs and Border Patrol agents, groups of migrants amassed at some locations along the border last week after a federal Appeals Court blocks the socalled remain in mexico policy. The asylum policy requires migrants to wait in mexico until their court date in the u s Officials Say based on the feds decision continued coronavirus concerns and personnel safety. The Defense Department deployed its Crisis Response force in support of customs and Border Patrol about a 160 active duty personnel be shifted from their stand by location in louisiana to the mexico border. Theyre expected to be in place for about 2 weeks. Up tonight at 6. 45 the federal government reporting lots of new jobs for february, but experts believe all that will change we hear from the us labor secretary. On the effect coronavirus could have on job growth meantime cases of the flow remain at an alltime high the number of deaths the centers for Disease Control is reporting tonight thats up next. Z3s7oz z1ncz y3s7oy y1ncy well with all of the anxiety about coronavirus it may be easy to forget about the continuing threat from the flu at the end of february influenza activity was still high in most of the united states. The centers for Disease Control and prevention reports the flu has killed 136 children the season. The size the h one n one flu pandemic in 2009 that is the largest number of pediatric flu deaths ever reported for this time of the season. The agency hospitalization rates among children up to 4 years of age is now the highest the cdc has ever reported the season. Hospitalization rates among School Age Children and young adults are also up. Police calling 3 men who rammed 2 police cars during a high speed chase a sophisticated burglary crew. Now police say they need your help catching them plus flying tales heads to the wine country not napa not sonoma. The hidden dog friendly chance we found in the Anderson Valley town of boonville and nexus 6. 30 a new bill designed to protect workers who may be forced into quarantine how it could help employees during the coronavirus outbreak. And then we can get close i was outbreak is having widespread Economic Impact and that includes the ability for some people to pay their rent as kron fours from tells us now from san jose, the mayor has proposed to moratorium on evictions. We know there could be considerable Economic Impacts we know that one school has already shut down san jose mayor sam liccardo on friday proposing a moratorium on evictions of residents who have lost income as a result of the coronavirus anyone who has lost income is no longer able to pay rent we want to do everything we can to keep them housed certainly that is of great interest. To them but to our entire community. We know its a Public Health and Public Safety issue. If thousands of families are being pushed out in the street. The mayor is proposing an emergency ordinance to prevent families from being evicted from their homes. The temporary closure of the childrens discovery museum, a slowdown at the airport event cancellations like facebooks f 8 Conference School closures and potential layoffs could result in lost wages. That will make it hard to pay the rent says Affordable Housing advocate sean card

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