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Even though the downtown proper has not been burned, but seen the embers theyve seen with these winds can do hn the wind is for us to pick up again. Tomorrow, so they dont want to endanger anybody yet now the good news is the evacuation area has not grown, but it is. Massive and thats the are you see in that beige color and all those red dots represent the fires that have popped up inside entire complex of fires that are burning every time number drops to start to fire another red dot appears the larger the dot. The hotter that particular fire is burning and you can see theyre all nestled up into the canyons and ridges and the slopes of the mountains there east of guys are evil and it is very tough terrain. The air really is their best way to fight it and were told that today. Theyre really going to hammer it from sara stinson is live near the fire lines this morning and sara you were there. 24 hours ago and counted i think 10 or 12 homes that burned to the ground yourself and now we know there at least 21 homes in those structures that were destroyed. At 21 homes and of 56 structures burned to the ground its devastating to see when you pass geyser ville proper you tend to come into this way about 4 miles later news. Thats when se e those burned down homes. I just saw cal Fire Fighters drive right by me, theyre doing a touch shift change right now and the firefighters who got some some rest overnight. Theyre heading to the fire lines. They said that those fire lines were. By the guys are so thats why i cant see any fire. If i went up there would not be able to go live because theres no service its very. Are old driving up there right now they had a little briefing talk to the firefighters who were tough and all night. They told me they worked in on. Up to 21. A 21,900 acres so it really spike there and im or if you remember yesterday, i said. Definitely more than 10,000 acres. See driving through geyser bill there is te but you can see the town that and then on impacted. But then when you drive further, you see charred land around home homes and vineyards. Yesterday fire crews worked quickly to put out the flames that grew in every direction from that fast when that we saw with our own are on the kron 00 04am morning news. Focused on air drop food from aid from above to help fire crews on the ground. And this morning of going live i expected it to be warm. Winds not not very much wind at all when i talk to firefighters, they told me that was a very helpful last night as they were. Lines helping to get them to get that far established so that if embers and do strike in. And then create another fire. In ignite another huge fire. So thats what theyre working on right now controlling all containing it the hopefully within the next hour or 2 will get well get word from cal fire hopefully that containment has gone up. But for today. Crews in the sky, theyll have those air drops. Probably later this morning because right now the visibility just terrible, ill pan over here, so you can see just 10 terrible visibility so thats what theyre working with hopefully. They can get it all wrapped up because tomorrow, those winds are expected to pick back up so theyre kind of in crunch time right now. For now live in geyser ville Sarah Stinson kron 4 news sara mentioned you know how smoky was shes got the mask on and thanks for that view of this month too. But its better that it be that way high winds whipping this not flames again, you know how unfortunate just make real tough to breathe kron fours will tran actually. Is getting a taste of that himself. Well youve been out there all morning long we know that at times here. Respiratory a track and get sensitive the smoke, how you holding up. Right now breathing is a huge issue we dont see the huge tower marine flames because theyre in a remote area, but as far as as breathing goes. Good news bad news. It is not windy firefighters. Were seeing that is good for the firefighting efforts but lack a wind is keeping the smoke, sitting on top of us and you can see just the thick blanket of smoke. That is almost of i had to make an analogy its like me putting you down on the ground and me sitting on top of your chest. Thats how it feels like you can see the vineyards the grid has been burned at this location this home has been just a rock by the fire. You can see that car often the distance that was destroyed did not stand a chance. And right now even flames, it ont see the is still small during you can see just from the rooftop this particular home one of 21 homes that went up in flames yesterday when the fire just race through this area. So quickly that within a span of several hours from wednesday into thursday. It exploded to 10 1000 acres. By late this early afternoon, they can throw more resources at it were hearing possibly as many as 2000 firefighters, a jump of 700 firefighters being thrown at the king cake fire. Just to make sure that it does not is 0 0 fatalities. 0 injuries and 0 people missing at this particular point. Cal fire is crisscrossing all all through this area to make sure that the hot spots dont give them a problem later on will swing the camera over here and ill quickly show you its even here it looks like fog, but its not smoke and hopefully our camera can capture the sun. The sun is up and it is an eerie sight. It is way behind the thick a blanket of smoke and set of being orange. It looks like its cold in read because of all that smoke eyes back to you. And were going to see a lot of that smoke wafting down here the San Francisco and the media bay area thats not going to predict now ah and then winds going to pick up bushel the north that lot of people are out of their homes right now see you i can we go back its because the winds could whip up and didnt want this fire to get back into guys are proper it has it has been. So far on skates honestly that the all clear for guys real may not happen until after this weekend when event is over which means. For people staying with family or friends or at evacuation shelters if they have to stay there just a little bit longer. Conference christina tape cho is at the command center in Sonoma County now with a look at that christina. Here at the Sonoma County fairgrounds and the fairground act as an Evacuation Center as well as a place for people of large animals that need to house them during this time as well, but also as dorian mentioned really acts is the hub for all information for officers any crews working as actually have some information on not just the containment cap, the kind of the. 50 firefighters have to really work containing this place and so right now containment is at 21,908 excuse me. The fire is at 21,900 acres and containment isnt about 5 is which is which is what it was and just last night actually im joined here with one of our Public Information office. Robert fox for the robert thanks for joining us this morning. Tell us when it comes to the firefighters who are working. On the ground in this case. What type of battle that they has to have to work on this place. So you know i in the areas where the fire is actively burning out very inaccessible a steep rugged terrain so that does cause some issues but the crews are well aware of that on and so you know i we were talking a little bit earlier about this fire. Obviously its margin spreading very quickly at the beginning but what are we hoping for with now on weather conditions are very favorable for us to gain containment and get our lines put in were aware of the winds that are possibly coming in weve upped our numbers considerably from yesterdays operational period over 1200 firefighters that are currently out there battling this fire. And that was about double right. Yeah that was actually over know were in the 500 range yesterday. And were over 1200 now a sign incident. Now when were talking actual containment and where the fire is burning right now obviously we have thousands of boots on the ground out there working to battle the blaze, but were not quite sure what areas are burning get this morning, its still very early right. Yeah, here in the information havent actually been out there, but the crews are out there and theyre working theyre getting into those areas that are. Have the highest need working on it so you know i cant say that theres one specific location is more important than the other we have crews are all around the fire. Were trying to get as much of it as we can strengthen and a Container Lines put in before that possible incomes. Last question for you when it comes to people at home with the message that cal fire has 40s people with it are evacuees are people here in the area. You know the biggest thing. Were very familiar and very savvy with wild fires in this area of the state. The biggest thing that i can in part on the public is if youre asked to leave. Please do that when youre in the area of these fires and we have evacuate you we cant by fire. Theyre then to protect your life. So if youre told or asked to evacuate please do so. I mean really so if anyone is really not following those rules and regulations it takes resources away from people we could work on getting higher out sooner. Absolutely it takes our crews away from fighting the fire. 30 is always life safety first and then it moves to the fire. So theres people that are in the area that are threatened by that fire were going to change our tactics stop fighting the fire and just concentrate on getting them out of the area safely. You make sense robert thank you so much for joining us really appreciate it. Ok so that is again Robert Foxworthy with cal fire telling us about exactly how these firefighters are back battling the blaze, were going to continue to bring you updates on exactly you know where that fire is going moving throughout the day once we have more reports on that but for now im live here at the Sonoma County fairgrounds Christina Tetreault on for news all right, thanks christine, a. Time now is 9. 11 will take it. Well be back still ahead another round of power shutoffs for people across all of Northern California but particularly here in the bay area. Well tell you how much longer how long expects a longer how long expects a power to be out. That life of the party look walk it off look one more mile look reply all look own your look. With fewer lines. Theres only one botox® cosmetic. Its the only one. Fda approved. To temporarily make frown lines. Crows feet. And forehead lines. Look better. The effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. Side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. So, give that just saw a puppy look. And whatever that look is. Look like you. With fewer lines. See results at botoxcosmetic. Com right now in a look at the weathers going to be another hot 01 00am and with the still air were actually in pre smoking in the bay area today thats exactly right now use at least for most of the day still enjoying blue skies. You kind of see the haze, yeah, it wont be able to miss a later today. So you definitely want to plan may be more in activities today. Its going to be a combination of high. Hazy and smoky and gap no good get inside and especially keep an eye on those in your family that may have respiratory conditions. This is your look outside from snow and if you look really closely there out in the horizon, what you are seeing is the evidenc of that smoke already filtering in now this is pretty far south in the bay right here and youre already being able to see it so yeah, what we are seeing this morning is definitely already an impact from poor air quality has that still air and High Pressure means that smoke is just going to settle right into the bay today. So maybe plan an indoor activity get to a cool spot to because today is going to the hottest one of our forecast ahead. Air quality will be the worst up in the north bay as you see in those orange areas are in the sonoma and napa counties, you know youre a little closer to the contained fire and us you are already releasing the hazy conditions and youre just going to see it continue on into tomorrow. These calm winds thats one of the reasons why the smoke is staying with us. The one winds picking up as it will help to stir some of it out all others are negatives because as we make our way into tomorrow and winds pick back up and stay with us on through sunday were going to see extreme fire danger returning winds regularly gusting up to 3040 50 Miles Per Hour for the north bay peak, wind gusts in the same areas topping out above 70 Miles Per Hour east bay could see 40 to 50 mile per hour gusts to explaining why so many of us are likely to lose power as we work our way on into tomorrow night and into sunday. We both have we have a combination of high wind watches as well as fire weather advisories that take Effect Tomorrow. Those fire weather advisories ,re going to last for long, its going to be pretty quickly upgraded to red flag warnings as those conditions do become so extreme as far as winds are concerned thus fire danger is concerned as well, lets take a look at where were sitting right now temperatures the 60s and 70s. Pacifica sitting at 71 degrees weve got. Berkeley at 73 napa at 58 degrees santa rosa in petaluma each 54 fairfield at 60 degrees currently so has been a mild in com start to the day a lot calmer than yesterday which as you remember was very breezy for the north bay. This one calm cool very dry still for north bay neighbors. Today will be hot and dry for those crews. Fighting the kinkaid fire at least with calm winds a chance to hopefully draw containment lines around it before winds do pick up tomorrow right now is that window to hopefully get ahead of this giant blaze. 80s 90s for daytime highs today just as hot as yesterday for a lot of the bay. San jose oakland Mountain View up to santa rosa and napa all these areas in the 90s. Well, San Francisco, redwood city novato and hayward all into the upper 80s very close to 90s in these areas. Tomorrow not going to be as hot still warm though sunday will be cooler, this is good news because a lot of us are going to be without power sunday, you dont want it to be in the 90s as you lose power and so we are going to see daytime highs only in the 70s other than that with winds picking up saturday night sunday into monday these are the days were looking at for fire danger as well as Power Outages after that we do look to return to normal and just ahead of halloween. A daytime highs will be in the 70s for next week, plenty of sunshine and overall looking at a calmer forecast after this weekend is over. Robin. How about some calm traffic to the drive here to the richmond sandra fell looks fantastic. This commute is over going just to get high. Were delay free here at the pay gates looking much better from what was out there just about an hour ago, so its a great trip here across the span into the north bay 7 minutes so to make it out to highway one oh one. We are still hot spot free and now free of a backup at the bay bridge toll plaza weve been waiting for this and it has happens on a friday if we dont have any problems are extra issues that will keep traffic tied so Nothing Happened this morning. Youre clear through the maze clear through the tolls only 10 minutes to make that friday morning drive into San Francisco, a lot of folks take friday, a trough and it definitely reflects and the the morning commute so one oh one still a bit northbound from 3rd to cesar chavez southbound from 2. 80 out to 3rd just a little bit of commute traffic lingering north to 80 slow approaching one on one, but the 2. 80 stitches looks great continuing to downtown San Francisco. Were checking in on 5 80 and the from to 38, making your way to downtown oakland both are roughly 20 minutes and then no problems on 2. 80 leaving san jose making your way into cupertino james all right, thank you very much robert. The breaking news this coming weekend, the potential for power shut off across large sections of the bay area because of that big wind event thats going to increase the threat, a wild fires breaking out so this is pg es map and the gun had uncovered in all the areas where they have strong concern about fire danger and thus may turn the power off of course the north bay theyve got an active fire burning right now so there potentially see more communities thrown into the dark this weekend, the peninsula hills wrapping all the way down to the south bay and of course the east bay hills as well, well zoom in to the east bay because thats where were seeing at least some indication from pg e about when they might shut off the power. All weve heard is at alameda county. So this whole section of hills right behind oakland down through hayward you could be lookin cut at 05 00pm saturday and lasting through 02 00pm on monday again thats the latest indication from pg e and then on the farther inland side were looking at Contra Costa County all these communities in the foot hills around mount diablo again you got all the hills that flank 6. 80 on both sides you could see your power turned off anywhere from 10 00pm on saturday until 2 oclock monday afternoon again, those of the estimates from pga. We havent heard anything about any of the other parts of the bay. But as we pull the map wider youll see that all corners of the bay area are in on this we could be seeing massive power shut off north bay east bay, south bay. And the peninsula. Daria so this is your first rodeo when you were the first time the pga needed this. You need to do some things today before those Power Outages hit over the weekend. Make sure that for example, your kit right youve got that emergency plus up like it may be for earthquakes. Its been sitting in your garage forever. Youihavent checked the bag. Work because theyre going to need new batteries. Food and water you always want to make sure you have those cash would be good too Little Things like the garage door wont work. So you need know. James, i know you had to look life idea how to open the garage door because you probably never had to do it well and. The based on the time i leave for work and maybe you do to it before the sun comes up so everything is completely pitch black out and have the benefit of daylight to help me figure out what the poll so figure that out now right exactly those the kind of things it. Generator lets say you thought about investing in a generator you need to know what kind you need how much power how does a work with if you wanted to use it pg actually their websites really good. It goes step by step away need to do with that consider what youre going to do when the power goes out like maybe a friend or relative is going to have power you guys could coordinate go to their house or they could come to years depending on who has power who doesnt the biggest thing is if you have medical problems and you need for example, an oxygen machine or any other kind of thing to stay alive or treatments that you just cant miss that need refrigeration and that kind of thing you dont want to have a plan in advance also right now. Well youve got power download the kron on app ap because that way if the lights go out, you cant power your tv for example you can get kron on the go and even more than that morning news, which is all on and everything all of our newscast on there. Its 24 7 streaming News Coverage. All day and all night and commercial free and that app is free right now. Back update you on the situation in los angeles because they have a big fire as well with the 4,000 acre fire burning right now its called the tick fire and its homes in the path of this fire is it ripping through some country kenyan sides will be back with more on that in a minute. All right were back with the update on some breaking news have to mention that weve just discovered this morning of the story out of the south bay apparently a body. Of an infant has been found at a waste facility in san jose was at the green waste recovery building there on charles street, San Jose Police say the body was discovered on a Conveyor Belt as workers are sorting through the materials are coming through that building. Doctors are going get out tops determine how that baby died Course Police will be launching an investigation into what happened well keep you updated as we a fire that i burning out of control in santa rosa county. This is the video we brought you yesterday were a photographer was escaping the flames on both sides of the road. Much better though the wind has died down the fire has expanded now to 21,000 900 acres and its only 5 contained. They did a count and they found between 49 and systems is at 5356 structure, so it seems north of 50 structures we just know that 21 of them are confirmed as being residential buildings homes. So there are plenty homes that have been burned down and this no one in geyser ville proper that area of 2000 people thah had to be evacuated the downtown geyser ville area. But these are the outlying houses that are in the hills. Can see its steep terrain and the winds were really whipping it again today those winds back off. So this will be a good chance for the firefighters to try to get the upper hand thats what theyre going to be doing at fact when we come back were going to take a closer look. On the ground and from the skies. Crews in out in full force trying to attack this thing on this one day where the winds are calm enough they can hopefully get the upper hand. Going to follow the breaking news on 2 fronts one is the is now almost 22,000 acres and the other breaking news is the s th theyve already announced even the times for your neighbor the east bay for me in the north just said standby, but powers probably going will get a lot more clarity on that the closer we get to the weekend. We want to start though with quick update on the can kate fire thats the situation we have some new numbers to share with you this morning. Perhaps when he went to bed last night it was at about 16,500 acres burned well, this morning were upwards of nearly 22,000 acres burned and still only 5 containment we also have a count and it looks like a around 50 buildings were destroyed in this and they think 21 of those. Were homes. So there are people who lost their homes in this and there are still about 2000 people out of their homes that have been evacuated from geyser ville proper the downtown area with has not been burned, but the entire area is evacuated because they dont want to see any of this happened in the downtown area you can get see was we drove through the outlying area where the fire farst gone. Now we have some like are also some encouraging news to from cal fire. They say they have no reports of anybody missing so no calls coming in heard fro and no reports of any fatalities for now anyway, which has also been very encouraging rye and were im also we have live shots were fanned out around the areas that have been as the fire line areas where were getting the latest from cal fire and also the Evacuation Center. So we can hear from people who are out of their homes. Going away. But apparently is a heartbreaking. Thing in thing could happen to so close home. This is a. Responses we had 2 years ago when we had those major fires roll through the eyes the same that are leader right now suffer in those fires 2 years ago that rebuilt yet theyre already on the run again. Ere making sure but home is safe. Theres no break in snow burglaries no looting. In the downtown area but again theyre reinforcing the l stay out. Its too dangerous. Theyll keep an eye on everything make sure 6th theyre also continuing their t cut to this area. Power was still running through the transmission lines. It turns out pg e said that 10 minutes before the fire broke out indeed they had a failure on one of their transmission towers at this was something they confessed in a report to the California Public Utilities Commission yesterday, identifying this transmission tower that had a faulty. A line on it and theyre looking now to see if that was in fact the cause of the fire as a said they d energized the distribution lines that take the power street your home or ee large transmission lines with those giant towers that kept the power on they decided to do that because they didnt think the winds were Strong Enough to cause any problems at least on that front. In hindsight maybe we have made a different call but in any of that pg e seo is defending their decision. So both will do investigations and p g says it will cooperate with cal fire. In the determination of whether their equipment was in fact the cause well see. Lets get a look at the weather because the other story that were following is the Power Outages feet pg is going to cut power. This week because of the. Winds that were expected and the winds we could see tomorrow or Even Stronger than we saw the first time lulea what were going to be seeing with these winds darya and james is that theyre going to be very strong and theyre going to stay with us for quite a long time to do so from saturday nights tomorrow night on through sunday, and eventually into monday a prolonged event with winds gusting regularly as high as 50 Miles Per Hour over a wide area with those peak easily 70 Miles Per Hour for some other areas. So thats were going to close out the weekend. Were starting the weekend on a much different note you guys have also been talking about how much calmer does today. Thats the opportunity for crews to get ahead of the king cake fire hopefully draw some containment lines. But its also going to do is allow a lot of that smoke to settle on into the bay today. So your immediate concern here in the bay is poor air quality that youre already seeing on this view from berkeley right here. Its going to be hot. Its going to be smoky not your ideal day to spend outside. So plan your friday indoors get cool place to go, especially if you do have respiratory conditions. Maybe find a good place to go where you can just take it easy air quality will be affected all across the bay but will be especially bad as you would expect in Sonoma County moraine county and into portions of napa county to so calm winds today, this is good news for firefighters, we are going to see those winds picking up though like you guys said on into tomorrow night, spreading rapidly across the bay and we are going to see some of our peak wind gust as i mentioned above 70 Miles Per Hour for the north bay, very breezy for Half Moon Bay come by sunday morning 20 to 30 mile per hour wind gusts easily gusting up to 40 Miles Per Hour at times. Sonoma calistoga in petaluma much the same and wind gusts in the east bay around 40 to 50 Miles Per Hour. So yes, very windy conditions in all these areas. Why we are going to see a loss of power for so many areas that looks like an even wider swath than we did see last time around in some cases. Fire weather watches high wind watches both take Effect Tomorrow night so today is our window between 2 wind events here were going to stay calm today, were going to be very hot. Were going to be very hazy. Take it easy today. We will be cooler at least as we do work our way into the windy finish to the weekend. San francisco peaking at 88 degrees today, so oakland 90 degrees, poor air quality can be very hazy across the day, san jose also going to be hazy the daytime high up at 90 today. Robin. All right, thank you john lets check in on traffic want to check the drive into San Francisco, it looks great for now no problems or delays here leading up to the bay bridge toll plaza your commute and out about 40 minutes ago and it Holding Steady so 10 minutes after fremont street, heres a trouble spot, 80 south and whipple while its technically gone, but its still slow was blocking thats no longer the case but out of the way with the traffic has not recovered so it is solid from to 38. The guadalupe parkway 16 minutes from 85 to one oh one, 80 looks good at 11 minutes from 2. 80 to 2. 37 back to you. Because of the fire in Sonoma County. We are warning people the air quality is not going to be very good. Yeah matter of fact theres a spare the air day in effect right now and joining us on the phone is ralph bohrman. From the bay area air Quality Management District Attorney talk more about not only today situation but what were looking for this coming weekend. Thank you so much for joining us. Is it just for people that are young or old or have respiratory problems or is this something should all stay indoors. So right now were monitoring the situation were im getting a little feedback. Were monitoring the situation what we expect is that its very possible that this may be similar to air quality that we experience in the wintertime when we have a spare the air alert. So so well be in the unhealthy zone. It it depends of later on when the smoke really hits us in later on in the afternoon as when push it down. Air quality is moderate for now that that will change time goes on and the will bring that bring closer to the surface level where we breeze. Is it your expectation that well see these conditions continue into the weekend or is this going to be today event mainly. Well we believe right now will probably see this continuing tomorrow, but im you know conditions, wind conditions are pretty tricky. So. Right now it looks like tomorrow today and tomorrow and then well make another later on tomorrow. Just put you know like a bandanna over my face see people with their shoe europe over their face and their knows that thatll be okay is is that good enough or not. Ricky things like and then as their surgical masks to absolutely nothing to protect you against are masks meant for particles which are called in 95. And even with those there a lot a caution that you need to keep in mind for example, they dont work if you have facial hair. They generally dont children and the work usually only when theyre uncomfortable, which means there. Its trouble breathing. You really why take it off because it its a they just feel uncomfortable and that only when they when they are working to some extent. Thats good to know i think a lot of people say for my my breath and ron and thats not going to do it best recommendation if you can just try to stay indoors. I suppose and make sure their filters in your in your home or properly cleaned or working. Think to do very good. Thats thing to do yes stay indoors with the windows and doors closed. You know here in a vehicle that the air conditioning unit to recirculate andf youre filtered air like a. A mall or Movie Theater or call your city and they may be able to direct you. I wanted to know just out of curiosity when youre even a lot of smoke whether its like an on the fire line or just less to a lesser extent what will happen there. Is that reversible like staying there forever does the lungs clean it out eventually. So im not really a Public Health expert, you know all of all air pollution is really based on exposure over period of time so if youre talking about short period of time. Im like you we may in a wildfire or you no longer periods such as you know you live right next to the highway like you know the 2 Different Things and so theyll impact you and your health very different ways ok and has got right is just a couple of days that were looking at the bay area. Thank you so much, appreciate your time this morning. Youre welcome. Make sure to download the kron 4 on mobile app its free and and with the power shut off and all of these alerts about the air in the 7 day a week a News Coverage commercial free and the app is free right now too. Announcer 5 million kids use ecigarettes. Its an epidemic fueled by juul with their kidfriendly flavors. San francisco voters stopped the sale of flavored ecigarettes. But then juul, backed by big tobacco, wrote prop c to weaken ecigarette protections. The San Francisco chronicle reports prop c is an audacious overreach, threatening to overturn the ban on flavored products approved by voters. Prop c means more kids vaping. Thats a dangerous idea. Vote no on juul. No on big tobacco. No on prop c. 9. 45 is that im following some breaking news this morning Actress Felicity Huffman has been released early. From prison. This is video from an earlier court appearance. She served only 11 of her 14 day sentence for pleading guilty to the college admissions. Cheating scandal, currently, but a fairly for Good Behavior this morning. Letter out and set a sunday and set us on so she served sentence at the federal correction is to dublin of course in Contra Costa County been following that story happened must still serve though 250 hours of Community Service and she also has to pay a 30,000 fine for her role in that cheating scandal. Also following another fire as well. This one also in the north bay of this one burning in marin county its called the mere fire about 58 acres in size right now its 20 contained. No evacuation orders have been issued yet and highway one could remain closed between their beach and Stinson Beach depending on the firefighting progress chp suggest that maybe hes panoramic highway as a detour. And over in San Mateo County firefighters are dealing with education fire there this is often highway one north of gaza creek road. Thats a 20 acre fire. But it has spread to 75 baker so a couple of smaller fires are burning right now in the east bay theres a fire. There theres a grass fire near mines road in live more that crews had to fight that grew to about 50 acres and they were able to stop the forward progress its 60 contained right now. And then a followup on the a fire from the fire that were talking about richmond remember this one near highway 5. 80. This was a 2 acre buffer between the fire and nearby building. So that was good there were no buildings burned and that you can just see is very small of course follows latest at a Southern California too because theyve res there as well a wind driven wildfire is a matter of fact. Near los angeles thursday afternoon forced evacuations also destroyed at least half a dozen homes as it spread fairly quickly through the Canyon Country area. Last update that we had is that the fire was at 4,000 acres in size only 5 contained that fire has forced the mandatory evacuation now 50,000 people in the Santa Clarita area and those living near the fire have been told to stay vigilant be aware watch where the fires turning in at any moment, you also could be told about that. 50,000 people in Southern California up here weve got about 2300 headed. Yeah that are evacuated so. Surely has gotten to be a suddenly very give fire season here in california, state. Our lets talk more about the winds john in the weather ceoing to be key factor Going Forward into the weekend john it absolutely is guys up plenty of changes going on this weekend. Were starting the weekend much different than or about to be ending it. Its going to be a windy and cooler finish the weekend but as for today, hot and hazy day ahead of us this is some new satellite imagery coming in right here. We do see the kinkaid fire up there and just how dense that smoke is up in the north bay, those light winds have been pushing smoke southward some of it making its way offshore other amounts of smoke now really starting to settle in the bay, you can stately see it as far south as the south bay over San Pablo Bay napa county marine county and sonoma counties youre really starting to its just really going flatten out on top of the bay later today, youre going to see it as the sun goes down, especially in that red sunset that youre likely going to see smell it too so if you have respiratory conditions. This is what youre picking up on and this is what you should avoid much as possible maybe plan some indoor activities its already going to be hot. Now with those hazy skies. You dont spend too much time outside you can kind of pick up on the haze here from berkeley adjust the shot looking a little overexposed thats that hes look that we do have going on this morning its going to be more noticeable later today, both looking at it and breathing it in 60s and 70s for your current temperatures across the bay, san mateo and alameda at 66 redwood city one of our cooler spots as well as nevado each in the 50s. Santa rosa also in the 50s at 54 a much cooler and much calmer start to the morning all across the north bay than what we did experience yesterday these calm conditions certainly not good for the air quality at settling in with us, but it is good for firefighting as it is another hot and dry day ahead look at how bonedry these humidity levels are up in the north bay, so its good to see winds coming down that 3rd factor really needed to subside in order to gain the upper hand on the kinkaid fire. Its very calm around the vicinity of the fire right now winds are in santa rosa, both looking at calm winds as well as the rest of the bay area were going to stay that way through today and into tomorrow early on tomorrow evening, winds pick back up and stay extremely breezy through sunday on into monday to winds will regularly gust as high as 3040 even 50 Miles Per Hour across the north bay as you can see here on this map, those purple areas showing where its going to be the most significantly. Windy and for the east bay we could see winds also gusting as high as 40 to 50 Miles Per Hour walt off wind gusts in the north bay, topeka, 70 Miles Per Hour doesnt should be no surprise that fire weather watches and high wind watches will take Effect Tomorrow in similar areas as to where weve seen ilar to where they were yesterday upper 80s to low 90s. So another hot day in addition to poor air quality plan indoor activities today and take it easy tomorrow, not quite as hot sunday, a lot cooler which is good news. As thats the day so many of us will be without power all through the day. At least it wont be in the 90s when we lose power highs only peaking in the 70s. Robin, thank you john. Off to the golden gate, a beautiful shot here while one the drive into San Francisco, not bad and all we never had any problems in the north bay are nothing too serious to really jam up traffic so 22 minutes nevado to the tolls even the bay bridge 80 west is looking good. This friday morning earlier we have some slow traffic out there its filled back to the bottom of the maze thats about it and never stretch through the maze so youre good heading into San Francisco at 13 minutes after fremont street richmond sandra fell another bridge, another commute that has improved 8 minutes to the north bay. So that is right on time nothing to worry about highway for just about back at the limit 18 minutes there to roll through Contra Costa County and the nimitz recovering from the crash i told you about in hayward 80 south and whipple that is out of your way and now were down its stake decreasing too. 38 minutes from to 38 to 37. Minutes from to 38 to 37. Well sup. Wh whacha doing . Im watching food. Get em delivered with doordash. Im watching food. 6, 7, 8 big dreams start with small steps. But dedication can get you there. So just start small. Start saving. Easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. Chase. Make more of whats yours®. Try my 3 steak and parm loaded curly fries. Get em delivered with doordash. Tv broadcast here on channel 4 however, the news continues on kron on. Thats right a 24 hour streaming nerve. A new service weve got resist is standing by with a look ahead. But fire is raging in north bay this morning bringing a 100 of acres and well tell you how far those fire crews have come and how bad and its impact acting the air quality throughout the entire bay area. Plus the winds are picking back up again this week in creating a major wind event and triggering another round of potential Power Outages by pg and because of the upcoming potential outages removed the pay wall for act kron on so be sure to download the app on your mobile device for free commercial free updates. All right, thanks a lot ladies and were also monitoring a weather conditions and the wind today we dont see a lot of wind but tomorrow we will and thats why pg e has issued an alert that you see the lights go out and thats what youre gplooking at here is their map indicating areas. Where they potentially could shut off the power theyve gone ahead and colored those in that beige color you can see its across a wide stretch of the north bay will slide the maps over the east bay because the east bay hills, all behind richmond emeryville berkeley, oakland all of those areas could potentially see their power shut off as early as 05 00pm saturday night not to come back on until at least 02 00pm monday afternoon brace yourself for a long weekend of Power Outages and well see the same story play out in the hills around san jose and also the hil the bay. So the matter where you are youre likely going to have neighbors family or friends. That are going to be without power. And its probably going last until early next right, so that means today should do things like fill up the gas in your car and make sure you have batteries. And water and cash and make sure james you not a user here yeah i think and we are still looking at warm smoky conditions today and then some cooling tomorrow when the winds pick up. Thatll do it for us here on the kron 4 morning news again our kron on coverage continues here and just a few moments to stay tuned for that in the meantime we will see you back here. We all have things we love and long for. A place, a feeling, a moment. But only kerrygold can take you there. To irelands lush, green pastures. Where grassfed cows produce rich, creamy milk for the most delicious taste imaginable. Thats no ordinary cheese. No. Its kerrygold. Kerrygold. The taste that takes you there. Announcer today on an allnew dr. Phil. A dna test. Amanda contacted me. I thought it was a scam. Announcer a shocking discovery. Dr. Phil what goes through your mind when you find out you had Three Sisters you didnt know you had . Announcer nonstop drama when dad drop as bomb shell. 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