Hes never had a call like this one he says 2 people that were on board that plane were going to be sent. 2 stanford medical, but both deny treatment and no injuries were reported now we later see that in this dramatic Instagram Video take a look at that video again the coast guard says 2 planes were flying together when one of them went down with a man and woman inside. The pilot of the plane that went down as david less use a skier and popular brand owner of her t ca outerwear his friend was flying in the second plane when he shot that Instagram Video and contacted air traffic control. The plane went down off Half Moon Bay just before 06 00pm and sunk about 5 miles west of Pillar Point Harbor and 9 miles south from that area as the coast guard returned from their search they brought back and recover 2 pairs of shoes and a tiny piece of that plane now again both lesh and his passenger are alive and well theyre later seen on the same Instagram Account smiling after the crash. Kudos to a soft landing and an intensive multiagency rescue that led to a very quick response. The harbor master of the sea was the first one out there we get launched in the sheriffs when the eye with their medics on board. Were able to take the rescue but only 2 people in the d a. Now this is what the plane looked like just before it crashed this purina is also less than a mile from Half Moon Bay airport. So its unclear if they were leaving from the airport turning. Well and ntsb are also investigating what caused that crash reporting live in princeton tiller to sackey kron 4 news sailor. Thank you very much and now joining us live via face and lee pell to the pilot who was flying nearby and shot the video you just saw that. Plane going and im sorry if i didnt pronounce your name correctly is that its like we live right now. Yes, we are and it looks like both of your together so youre the pilot of the plane that was there when it went down in is that your friend, the pilot who ended up in the water. To tell us what happened. How youre flying a vote on this and theyre there for the mission that a 3,000 feet adl of water. And i just lost all power seem to be something that was fuel related. I did everything i could to restore power. At about 30 seconds to deal with it. Realize you know nothing was really working. And so got the seat belts on nice and tight we just prepared for a water landing a list europe look to slap so same in nice and slow and just held above the water at about 5 feet until its fully stalled it we skipped along the water for a few 100 seat the attack was like very minimal as soon as not hard at all. Immediately open the door got out of the way and i knew we only had probably 2030 seconds so your plan has gone so just grab to take a quick inventory of all is in the airplane that can help us out there floating around. So i got my cell phone. They hare the keys of the car and i some stuff to slow without their area. O c cushions and window shades grab those and just kind of cell in the way for 20 or 30 seconds the airplane was gone and started floating around out there. This is an amazing story of those of us who. Dont know anything about aviation other than getting on board a certainly are standing here how calm you seem to handle all of this. Selee comes to mind of the landing of course in new york. That have you a train specifically for this kind of incident. When youre doing your College Training they do obviously train you for. The landings on whether the land or. I also read a lot of airplay magazines a lot of the ntsb reports and i die and this i actually am seaplane rated as well doesnt doesnt hurt as those. Atlanta airplanes on water. Normally the floats fortunate that this sea was so calm because you know the risks that could be involved if there were some. Sick significant waves out there which im surprised with the winds that weve had today that the waves word. So bad tell me what it was like when the plane. Sake and now youre out there all alone clinging to some flood flotation devices how long did you have to wait for help to arrive because that water is cold and you can get hypothermia pretty fast. Yeah, i got old pretty quickly. I think after about 20 minutes or so i started to freeze up pretty good. You know i was was actually able to call myself like hold on whose line above us a circle and he was kind of in the wrong spot, so i got was able to guide him, a visually with my cell phone to where we were and he circled until the coast guard came which just helped to you know the search and rescue efforts to get to us quicker. But i was i was just getting cold out there friend goes with his life guards used all the better. Breast started to i think frees up i would guess i had another 30 or 40 minutes, maybe an me out there, im not i would have been at the bottom of the ocean. Let me ask on a you are watching all of this unfold. What was going through your mind to you. Took the camera and started taking pictures what else was happening in your head. Its its its absolutely some real during your friends call from a knee and asked for help, you know its its something you never want to hear and watch them go down a suspect and so trying to process and for about the first 10 or 15 minutes no idea what his condition was in what he called me or its quite early. But im some of process that right now so he says. He had the cell phone he could talk to you, but you are on the radio so i take it you are you had put out a distress and youre trying to direct to the rescue teams to the exact location. Exactly so immediately calls 30 day a troubling i read says are killed or if theyre talking Traffic Controllers i i b lazy to call. I told these fights over much of the season. And i just circled until until the coast guard got youre in a great job became very properties all i think we got we had in can serve up he considered city. You look back and go ahead, im sorry. I was a i think were in the water for maybe 4045 minutes of mike a. So youre looking back now this experience so what is you are take away from all of this. You know i think i would do a few things differently its not be far. Is a flight of 2 songs kind of you know following him. It was just me out there probably would have been one out talking to you know some kind approach control. I would have been maybe a little bit close to land but i think it is important too. You have the right Safety Equipment side of the nyse have of the you know lights after something out there that i think is just most importantly to revert back to training to stay calm. Go through the steps that you you know been drilled into you. Throughout your training and those steps are stay calm fly. The airplane dont freak out dont stall and spin it into the ocean because thats how you die if you can maintain control that airplane until the moment it hits the water. The new 5 laws. You know the coast guard is nice enough to come walk out of the water. What did the rescuers say when they found you. Well yeah, right you said you could say hi. Michael air. Has didnt say what you find is no water describe what happened on the rescue. So just swam up asked if they were ok, im asked if there was anybody else in the water and stay out tha na. And just kind of wanted to see. Just wanted to kind of feel and how they were feeling. Where you dropped by the helicopter go up by boat. I was dropped by helicopter, so you know what the conditions are in the ocean so talk about that for anybody else who falls into trouble in this kind of situation how much time do they have in that cold water and things really worked out as best as they could for these guys right. Absolutely able to hang out and ritht there to watch and then be able to get their location to a son. Let us get to them quickly. That was because by the time i got he was already. Probably pretty decently mildly hot that theyre making moving into severely hypothermic they water well rob, your body. He 25 times faster then the air well so. Its up take in consideration, you know, its the right gear out there with you at there just lucky that there is no injuries in. And it worked out perfect. So all in being there. Still in the air really help make the difference in terms of the rescue you be able to get there as quickly as the as the coast guard to get there. Did that really make the difference for the rescue. It certainly helped for sure. The ocean is a big place and once that plane disappeared which is hard enough to find. Talk about hard to find people in a in a vast ocean. That is hugo means even if you have the coordinates of where the people are at if this search teams say. Conditions are perfect like they were really that you know any kind of see state. I say we had a time still so that was stuff. It all came together. Yeah, it, im sorry we didnt get your name since we have you can eat real quick us your name and your position with the coast guard. Yeah im a city officer first class on a Helicopter Rescue swimmer michael sullivan. All right, thank you so much over so so david last you have someone in the plane with person is ok and and you also did not panic because of the lifeguard training. Get no shoes us call really was freaking out. She did a lot better in the the now is doing almost starting to freeze up pretty good buys. She see a grey and various kind of hanging on the water talking i also real is an experience it is. Will you lost a plane and im just curious about your flying career al long of both of you been flying in and our unit continue. Obvious line for a little over 9 years i just brought this airplane. I have other plans 9 years. And having fun girls, 10 years the us im definitely not on top another smaller plane right now. You know theres terrifying for me to florida now as youre a heartbeat i just want to serve going to be 6 months to find it took me 3 months to you know bunch of upgrades to it and i want to be looking for another on his son is a good home. And on what about you how long youve been flying. I got about 4 years good to have around 1500 hours and obviously experience anything like this and a few yesterday for them for nothing but will you also be his differently now that youve seen what happened to your friend david. Oh yeah, this is huge learning experience. The other people. Owen and thanks for joining us. Were so happy that those of you are ok. It couldnt have turned out really any considering what you went through so congratulations to both of you for keeping your head says about you and and doing what you did to get through this. Yeah yeahs to quite the experience some blood to survive it. Thank you for speaking with us to an amazing story of survival incredible video and just thank you for talking with us. I cant get over how come you both i think im more nervous than you are yeah his own state. You guys have a good night stay have a big dinner and celebrate what you did and then a hopefully i will talk to you soon we want to follow up on this. Thanks over last of the coast guard well week. Absolutely so scarred was using feels good. Coming up was huge we first told you about this amazing story through a breaking news push alert. You can get alerts when breaking news happens with the kron 4 mobile app and we encourage you to download it today. That was something yeah. All right now to a story youll only see here on kron 4 news 9 horses have now died at Golden Gate Fields just this year and this evening. We have learned that there was an additional horse and i just on sunday in front of a crowd of people bringing the total to 10. Well boys they are stone is following this story he joins us live from Golden Gate Fields tonight, you know jay are we havbeen talking earlier in the year about what was happening in Southern California and now were getting similar reports here. Exactly and weve weve had some reports earlier this year, pam just on a smaller scale. I will tell you it was actually a viewer who reached out to me about this story she was here on sunday, she saw all of this go down that she felt it was important that everyone know that there was another horse death here at Golden Gate Fields, the 10th of the year. Youre looking at a 3 yearold horse once known as mister frank trailing the other thoroughbreds towards the end of this race, a Golden Gate Fields on sunday. Minutes after this video, mister frank fell to the ground and died in front of a crowd of people that have horse to die this year at Golden Gate Fields. Realizing i my friend behind me just really sore. My other friend and i we just got to take her. She was i mean we were all actually i think everybody sitting there. Watching this beautiful animal going into effect. Laura johnson was there with her friends and said this was her first time seeing a horse ta those a Golden Gate Fields acknowledge that it was a very tough day. They believe mister frank had a cardiac event possibly a heart attack in the 1st half of the year 9 horses died training or racing at Golden Gate Fields, 30 at santa anita, both tracks of the same owner changes of recently been made no raced a medications limited use of whips a world renowned trainer band and a new safety rail. But sunday, the 3 yearold horse still die. Started going with my girl. You know dollars. I you know a little bit but. You know we we are not going back and in fact we. Make them aware. Happened just in case it matter to them. Those with Golden Gate Fields to say that horses here receives some of the best out mister frank had several examinations before the race and there were no red flags laura says that doesnt matter. Shes concerned about the animals and then and went down there i didnt see that my. You know you want it to be ok just couldnt. And its inexpensive maybe you wont see now track officials do tell me that this track Golden Gate Fields is one of the safest. In the nation. But state wide were now talking about 40 horse deaths. This year alone. Reporting live in berkeley j r stone kron 4 news say are thank you developing story tonight. The man arrested in connection to this attack in San Francisco is back in jail tonight. Austin vincent was released after his First Court Appearance and then ordered to wear an ankle monitor but at his 3rd quarter parents judge kristine can rule that vinson is a Public Safety risk and she sent him back to jail. Kron fours grant lotus has been following developments in this story as its been unfolding for days now he joins us now with the. The latest twist in the case grant and can vincents Court Appearance today comes about 2 weeks after the attack that was caught on surveillance cameras. And became the center of this ongoing debate really about the homeless problem in general in the bay area San Francisco, specifically vincent was back in court today. He pleaded not guilty to the 2 new charges assault with a Deadly Weapon and making criminal threats. The new charges stem from a february 4th incident near 4th and brandon in the city where vincent allegedly threatened to kill a woman and her friends as they waited for a ride share car. In court today. Judge kristine then aiken ruled Austin Vinson is a Public Safety risk and she refused to said bail. His Attorney Public defender was not policed. You know obviously upset about the situation. My focus is remain on austin is helping austin and im just going to keep helping them navigate through this complex system. Theres always a balance thats time and we believe that balance definitely merits a keeping the defendant in to advance Public Safety. Vincent is due back in Court Next Month prosecutors say they will try to consolidate these 2 cases they have now into want can and now back to you thank you grant a San Francisco man says his 13 yearold son saved him while hes being attacked by a homeless man, the owner of exo extra falls on columbus. In north beach says a man walked into a store started harassing customers when he got the man out of his shop thats when he says the suspect attacked him and began choking him. He says his 13 yearold son grabbed a baseball bat and threatened to hit the man that man took off. But later returned to the shop and thats when he was arrested by police. San Francisco Police say the suspect faces charges of assault king threats and false imprisonment. A step outside were going to be a live view the embarcadero and the babe or is here to give us a look at our weather. Yeah, you know its something the mark with those guys i was just thinking out there i went and probably had a lot and they were very fortunate. Diaz, as you can imagine you have to have a very smooth landing your head to your local pilot year. So the thing is about landing in the ocean that they teach you need talked about that is the swells. Yes, so you can get these big troughs in there and if you land into those swells in the waves. Thats bad news gets its up and down you youre taught to land parallel. So you kind of want to land in the trough. Sideways so that you dont get cost of their lucky. It was pretty flat and you can imagine that whole process though going to their mind their claim is going to go down theyve got to hurry up and think about exactly where theyre going to be where theyre going to land what angle to come in at and use a pilot, i mean youve got youve gone through those metal stature mind and thats a lot to think about now when youre going down when youre going you know its going to happen so, yeah, one of the scary things yeah, the good news for them it was great interview to see tonight said all worked out his 2008. All right the outside tonight. We have had some of the patchy fog oree forming out that the winds have kind of been picking up outside in spots uh through the evening hours but now beginning to miss you can see a hand of some patchy forward right along the coastal areas will see more of that and there the wind cna been blown around around the bay area some 40 mile an hour gusts, but were likely going to see some stronger winds by tomorrow afternoon, especially near the coastline. Some those winds maybe as high as 30 Miles Per Hour got a cold front that is bearing down on the Pacific Northwest you see the raindrops up in their direction kind of fall apart, makes its way further to the south here and so were going to see some of the high clouds from that may be deepening the marine land thats aut it. Temperatures outside right now 60s inside the baby at 62 degrees in dublin 67 degrees in concord 61 now in the San Francisco 59 in nevada 59 in petaluma and 61 degrees in the napa valley tonight, increasing clouds out there we may see a couple patches of trees along the coastline and then tomorrow morning fog giving way to some sunshine and some warmer weather and then that building ridge of High Pressure taking over. And that is going to bring some hot temperatures to some of the valleys. Good news is with the winds were seeing some very nice air quality last few days going to stay good. Again for tomorrow all the way inland, but that may begin to change a little bit as guess were going to see this cold front swing through and then High Pressure be is a nose its way back into california that will bring the temperatures up and also compress the air little bit that means lets mix in the atmosphere and that probably poor air quality as we head toward the weekend. But yeah, it looks like right now just some patchy fog trying to form begin to develop overnight tonight moving inside the bay, maybe some of the valleys early on too. But then as we head toward the afternoon that begins to clear out will start to warm up the temperatures very nicely though for the fog. He is now back on shore in the san jose tomorrow should be sunny and warm into the afternoon, some 80s there by the latter part of the day into San Francisco, little cool a little breezy at times still may be sneaking up and low 70s and in oakland becoming mostly sunny and pretty mild afternoon. Numbers there in the mid 70s in the afternoon to get your tentative coming up in a few minutes. I thank you High School Students on the peninsula have a new School Supply item the new trend their school is setting to try to keep students focused in the classroom and remembering 1619 a special event in San Francisco this evening to help us all learn from our nations start. 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Thats yes for less. 20 to 60 percent off Specialty Store prices for every room and every budget. At ross. Yes for less. It has been called americas original sin slavery in this country began this month 400 years ago thats when the first 20 african slaves were brought to jamestown virginia tonight. So 350 people gathered in San Francisco for a program called remembering 1619 the equal Justice Society organized the event. It featured a reception and a 04 00am artistic presentation dramatizing the struggles the triumphs and the resilience but the people of african descent brought to the united states. The program is designed to connect the dots between then and now Eva Patterson is president of the j s. So its very important to know americas history. Its important to know that the only way that they could rape us tell us dustin lynch, us was to see us is not human and that few of us has carried over to the present day which results in black people being shot and just warship numbers and the like and so its very important to make the link between and slate meant and racism and whats happening now. They will just a society is holding a year long observance of the 4 100th anniversary of the start of flavor its part of an effort to educate shine a light on history and ultimately invoke the quote, better angels in human nature. Weve got some low clouds and fog trying to form along uhoh, looks like someones still nervous about buying a new house. Is it that obvious . Yes it is. You know, maybe youd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. I didnt know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. Yep, theyve been doing it for years. What are you doing . Big steve . Thanks, man. There he is. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and renters insurance. 2 of the 3 jurors or is removed yesterday from the go should trial may face contempt of Court Charges should order the members of the jury to be replaced all 3 of them because of serious misconduct allegations kron fours Haaziq Madyun was in court today, he has this report. Judge treated thompson tells the court that it was a demonstrable form of misconduct that led to mondays dismissal of 3 jurors in the goal ship trial here in oakland. The judge went on to say that the misconduct centered violating the courts order to not discuss the trial with anyone including fellow jurors outside of the courtroom of the 3 jurors dismissed t judge says to allegedly violated the courts order and would did not derek out his defense team argued that all 3 violated the court order because the one who did not participate in the misconduct did not report the misconduct of the other 2 all of them going at the same time is never heard. That before criminal defense attorney william cole has been keeping an eye on the trial. He says, although this missing 3 jurors at was is highly unusual. He says he doubts that there will be any criminal charges filed well, ive never heard of that actually happening. That somebody is found in contempt of court and punished for some kind of juror misconduct seems unlikely that the county is going to start prosecuting. But this certainly puts serious a trial is now in jeopardy. The next big hurdle for jury deliberations there are 5 viewers who have scheduling conflicts in of the september including one juror requesting to take the whole month of the judge told the jury that any proof love prepaid not refundable travel arrangements will be taken into consideration. At the Alameda County superior courthouse in oakland has it made you cry for to us. The santa rosa doctor charged with Second Degree murder remains in jail tonight on million bail. A judge set bail for 72 yearold Thomas Keller today, 3 million for each of the murder counts calories accused to levels of addictive opioids and narcotics to 4 patients in 2016 2017. Today he pleaded not guilty to Second Degree murder of the patients and elder abuse of a 5th patient who also died state attorney general Javier Becerra says keller is the first doctor in california to be charged with Second Degree murder for overprescribing opioids kellers attorney claims 3 of the deaths were suicides and the 4th accidental. The San Pablo Police department is offering a reward in an unsolved murder case, 22 yearold row bill to dessie was shot and killed last month. Police found him in his car on stanton avenue. He had been shot police are now offering 20,000 for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect in his killing. A San Jose Police dispatcher is charged with felony fraud. An accused of cashing in Disability Insurance after returning to work. Prosecutors say 41 yearold Wendy Vaccaro of campbell took a leave for about 4 months but did not notify the Insurance Company to stop sending her 5600 monthly checks. Karl is due in court tomorrow. She faces jail time if she is convicted. A nonprofit the group is suing San Franciscos mayor and Police Department after failing to get access to records about a police raid on a freelance journalist. This is Surveillance Video of that police raid that happened back on may the 10th officers broke into bryan carmodys home with a sledgehammer and pick ax in a lawsuit filed today, the First Amendment Coalition Says it wants to know whether the Police Department authorize officers to search the home, the office and the phones of journalist, brian comedy. The lawsuit also seeks to learn what role elected officials may have played in the raid decision take a look at this a picture is of a 9 millimeter semiautomatic handgun about 2 pounds of methamphetamine. 3 pounds of marijuana heroin and us currency. Investigators in the east bay say they found all of them at a home in contra costa county. They arrested the homeowner 32 yearold james runkle last friday investigators first started looking into wrongful when they say they suspected him of owning a handgun illegally. I want to check back in with live karnow to see whats ahead for the rest of the workweek weather yeah, they were just our heat things up around the bay areas High Pressure begins to build in little blustery around the bay area for tomorrow right now partly cloudy outside is were going to see some patchy fog moving in but its taken some Time Temperature wise numbers, not bad at all right now 60s in the bay, even 70 degrees right now in antioch along the coastline we do have some patchy fog 59. In Half Moon Bay, but here we go weve got some changes coming our way in the long range forecast, pretty impressive looking cold front going to bring some rain above the Pacific Northwest there you go for tomorrow afternoon you see that all the way from vancouver down through Seattle Portland even far northern california, but then fall apart as it runs right to rich of hope High Pressure over california. That ridge is going to be semi permanent in the next week, its just going stick around just some minor fluctuations were going to crank up the temperatures outside i flimting with triple digit. I think as we look toward the weekend. So heres a tenant him were going to see those temperatures warming up starting tomorrow maybe some mid 90s, the warmer spots inland that will continue through thursday and friday just some minor fluctuations we might see a little offshore wind. That happens well see more sunshine and warmer weather out along the coastline near triple hit digit heat on sunday cooling down by the middle of next week. Thank you lawrence. In santa rosa families in coffey park a beginning to get a sense of normalcy again after the deadly tubbs fire destroyed their neighborhood back in october of 2017 according to the city of santa rosa majority of the homes in coffey park or somewhere in the construction process. Kron fours michelle kingston takes a look at the progress there. That comes in it comes in. Were learning that you can lose on so. Newport ri bush on his son over standing outside of their brand new house they moved back in november and say it feels normal when finally feels like home again its it looks certain with a neighborhood again so we have. Constructi under way we have homes finished we have traffic coming through kratt kyis home is still under construction. He hopes to be in by christmas. He says about 100 homes in the neighborhood are already rebuilt. According to 87 of the homes lost a copy park which is a total of about 1350 or so. Are somewhere in the construction process you need are submitted for permit or construction of a to anywhere between the neighborhood is working now on getting this playground up and running for fam lies by this winter. In are spending time preparing for the 2 year they hope to celebrate how far theyve come. Its. So its really exciting i can we do back in my house and raise my kids in his neighborhood. In santa Rosa Michelle kingston kron 4 news. School is now the largest Public School in the country to ban cell phones students have to lock up their phones during class and lunchtime teachers gave out special locking pouch is to all 1800 students on the first day of School Last Week as kron fours spring. Kelly tells us the new policy is already making a difference. After years of wasting precious class time confiscating cell phones from students. San Mateo High School is now making kids lock them up in special to coaches that require of magnet to unlock them with us the cell phones go into the pouch is at the first bell and our only freed up after their last class their captain the patches even during their lunch break. Teenagers are some people come screenagers averaging upwards of 6, 7, 8 hours a day on their screens. And so this addiction during school days kind of preventing them from being president from engaging in a teachers engaging their classmates. Just a week into the new school year in the assistant principal says their own already seen a change in student behavior. When you walk by a new kind of peeking fashion students heads are up facing the teacher. Last year you know you could see half sometimes 3 courses students looking down or on their phones are just phones physically out. Some students say they are also noticing more social interaction between students during their breaks at lunch, i definitely notice how theres more students outside is more students talking our hallways are a lot louder than they were last year for the other students i talked to say they do not like this new policy. That keeps them away from their devices counties my phone. As like this knowing. That is locked. But youre not supposed to your far right so i mean. You can just like now you can at all like is that you can sneak in class. When before been i can do that at all the magnetic bases that help unlock the pouch is will be kept in every classroom and at the entry points. So cell phones can be fried in case of an emergency that requires students to get in touch with their parents. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. Family and friends and Law Enforcement officers from all across thestate of california remembering a fallen chp officers, a public memorial and private funerals were held today for andre moye junior, the 34 yearold was shot to death in Riverside County during a traffic stop last week. Well the some oi had been with the Highway Patrol for about 3 years his family said it was his dream job. He is survived by his wife his parents and his siblings. Lawmakers are renewing their commitment to keep lake tahoe blue state and federal leaders representing the tahoe area came together today for an annual summit. Governor newsome was the keynote speaker, he says Climate Change is no longer up for debate. Nam self evident. The hot again hotter. Lets again weather. The drives are getting drier. Congressman Tom Mcclintock was the only republican at the event he dismissed to the argument of Climate Change and pointed instead to what he calls mismanagement of californias for us as the driver of the massive wildfires here. Happening tomorrow House Speaker nancy pelosi will be honored here at home the San Francisco Democrat Party is set to present pelosi with a Lifetime Achievement award at its heart of the resistance dinner, organizers say they want to honor pelosi because she demonstrates commitment for fighting for the people. The dinner starts at 6 oclock tomorrow night at the air Continental Hotel on howard street. A bay area city is building the future in flights. Well show you whats being called an aircraft built for adventure and why its makers chose to use the bay area to build them. And coming up in sports. The as go head to head against a team with lookrodeo. 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And its built right here in vacaville and we chose after looking all over the country because of the innovation is in the area just a 15 minute flight away we can go to a Beautiful Lake Lake Berryessa and train our pilots there its the perfect location to test of this aircraft in particular which is making waves in the Aviation Industry quite literally because its just as at home in the water as it is in the air to land on the land and water. Which means you can you can make any lake your your runway. You can fold the wings and you can put it on the trailer. And whats truly mindboggling is that the entire plane weighs just over a 1000 pounds and take the same gas he might put in your car, it actually prefers pulling up to the chevron and just fill it up there. The designers of the icon a 5 went to Great Lengths to make the aircraft user friendly and approachable although keeping safety in mind the entire aircraft as a parish in case of an emergency. The icon a 5 can travel about 400 miles and fly about 90 knots, max, but its makers say its main purpose is to take pilots on an adventure a lot of aircraft more about transportation how to go from point a to point b as fast as you can and carries much stuff. And this is more about point a to point a its more about how much fun you can have along the way in vacaville on the via de janeiro. It takes icon about a month to construct the aircraft at their headquarters in vacaville so far theyve made about a 110 icon a 5 costs about 300,000. To finnerty making it easy to access all your favorite entertainment at home. All right as the west coast versus east coast the pinstripes are in as a big time opponents for both the as and giants started the coliseum with the yankees. The as right in the middle of perhaps the most daunting stretch of their season just finishing a fourgame set against the astros and tonight hosting the new york yankees, aaron boone as yanks have the best record in baseball have won 15 of their last 19 bottom of the first one of yankees. Matt olson. How about this hammers one to right field and into the budweiser section for a 2 run homer his 26 of the season to one oakland. Then on the very next batter mark hanna goes the opposite way to right center solo blast back to back homers for the as for a 3 one lead and in homer bailey. Evening, new york often salant including a 2 strikeouts right here. Aaron judge bailey gave up only a run over 5, 2, thirds with a punch outs. Fantastic county for bailey bottom of the 6th for one as Stephen Piscotty around one to the left side for a base hit Chris Cameron maybin can handle the role on the turf that allows olson and canada score. As go up by 5 oakland winds 6 to tied with the rays for the second wildcard spot big win. The giants visiting the cubs at Wrigley Field part 2 of their road trip. Bottom of the 3rd game tied at 2. Anthony rizzo dials up his second home run of the game off tyler bt. This one a majestic drive to right 3, 2, cops. Top of the 4th kevin paul r has been very reliable for the giants goes up in the zone pulls it deep to left gone for a solo homer 3 all new ball game. Jonathan lucroy. Lines when the office away just past the outstretched here is that the play from paul are right here that was really. Something else 3 all and then lucroy in the 6. Be bias scores what would be the eventual winning run the final 5, 3, cubs, the giants stopped the 4 and a half games back. Now to the nfl another raiders practice means another opportunity. To become experts in helmets raiders practice moved alameda, Antonio Brown was there this morning working out using a new helmet according to jon gruden that helmet was certified. Not known if this changes the status on his latest a grievance. Also worth noting the frostbite recovery is progressing. Despite all the headlines, britain maintains a be has not been a distraction and we to see him go to work. Ive never had a guy show up with frostbite. Unfortunately we got that thing under control and this grievance saying is is no laughing matter its on this really important to him and all support your players. Well things that they believe that we also understand the leagues position. Im confident and hes going to be a heck of player for us and the regular old. And finally team usa soccer star carli lloyd of the reigning world cup champs made a special appearance at eagles Training Camp today. Making a serious cake to be the the teams kicker, the 2 time fifo player of the year, but it multiple 40 yard field goals as well as. 55 yarder performance and you know, especially in a time in the nfl where kicking has become extra i want to sign her up were really why not really really cool the bears going to use during the thanks mark. All lets ahead. Guys weve got some warmer weather on the horizon going to start to get hot in just when you thought you were done painting. You discover paint bleed under your tape. Not with frogtape frogtape is the only painters tape treated with patented paintblock technology. Paintblock reacts with the water in latex paint to form a microbarrier against paint bleed, giving you the sharpest lines possible. Get professional results with frogtape. No messy lines, no paint bleed. For sharp lines every time, frog it . 6, 7, 8 big dreams start with small steps. But dedication can get you there. So just start small. Start saving. Easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. Chase. Make more of whats yours®. All right take a look at this a window washer had to be rescued from a high rise in chicago today, firefighters say the man was on the 58th floor. When one of the ropes securing him broke firefighters on the rooftop toss the worker some additional role they then secure that role. Well the man slowly made his way to the rooftop to safety. All right coming up next a news continues our 24 7 streaming Service Called kron on on is commercial free katherine standing by in the newsroom was what were working on catherine. Thank you pam and well weve got more continuing coverage out of Half Moon Bay. A word to people survived after the crash of a small plane, not only survived theyre talking about it. And yet another race horses died at Golden Gate Fields, the say only on kron on were going to have reaction from the Horse Racing Community back to you. All right catherine, thank you very much. Lets check in laura. All right guys one last check of the weather and looks like were going to see a warming trend kicking into gear as early as tomorrow can a lonely out there on the Golden Gate Bridge right now just a few cars going on by not much in the way of cloud coverage, a ship that likely to form as we head throughout the night tonight, but tomorrow, were waking up some patchy fog early on the temperatures going to be the 50s and the 60s by noontime will those numbers warming up very nicely in fact maybe clicking over the 80s in some of the valleys by noon lot of 70s inside the bay lunchtime and some 60s along the coastline in the afternoon youll have the sea breeze out toward the beaches, the getting hot inland probably talking about some mid 90s in the hottest valleys a lot of 70s a few 80s inside the bay. All right, lets get you around the bay and check things out for tomorrow into San Francisco, if you head to the sunset. Well little cooler there but not bad 65 degrees becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon little windy out there as well watch out for the win really to be gusting out toward the ocean beach to see some stronger 2030 mile an hour gusts. There late in the day about 74 degrees in the marine about 73 degrees downtown San Francisco, 77 in the mission youll see 60s into daly city about 66 in Half Moon Bay, 61. Im on terror 69 in millbrae and sunny skies, there 71 in burlingame 75 degrees in san carlos in 3 and warming up amount about 79 in palo alto the south bay looking nice are quite looking fantastic, you get enough of a sea breeze in the south bay with tends to a bowl a lot of blues there. They will clear out nicely tomorrow also mid 80s in the campbell mideighti in the san jose 86 in morgan hill them we start to get things a lot of the hot side as well head samir ballys tomorrow up in the 90s about 94 in pleasanton 93 in dublin 94 in livermore about 79 degrees breezy in the afternoon in hayward 74 and cast valley 93 in walnut creek 86 him raga about 81 degrees in both berkeley and richmond right through the delta tomorrow were going to feel that delta breeze but not before squeeze and lots of sunshine temperatures looking really nice in the 80s by tomorrow after a very couple mideighties in of late about 70 degrees and 95 getting hot in santa rosa and 79 degrees in mill valley. So check it out your 10 a 10. Were going to see those temperatures a heating up over the next few days as High Pressure begins to build in out of the desert southwest, some of those numbers getting near triple digit heat over the weekend. I think will cool down a little bit toward the middle of next week. All right, thank you and thanks all of you for being with us tonight have a good night. Its time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help keep us asleep . Yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, all beds are on sale save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus free home delivery. Ends saturday. Two people odd on it last week. You know whos moving it . No. Still working on it. Sienna, i need Something Real or i have to file that coke possession charge. I keep telling you it wasnt mine. This guy paid me to yeah, i believe you. Which is why i gave you a month to work it off. So far, nothing. Now you only have three days left. Wait, wait, wait, ive got something else. My friend, isabelshe works at the club with me sometimes. Anyway, she has this new boyfriend. He hits her. Thats horrible, but we dont do Domestic Abuse cases. Um, how about murder . What . She said her boyfriend killed someone. An old girlfriend, he beat her to death. Thats why im so scared for isabel

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