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Hand and in the stomach but she is expected to make a recovery and as you would expect the shooting prompted a massive response from not only Gilroy Police but a number of other agencies as well and theres an army of a officials right now. At the gilroy garlic festival which is a crime scene. Theyre continuing to search because they think they think that this gunman may have had help yeah and so weve heard already from the police chief scott smith, he came out last night spoke to the media. Heres a portion of what he said about what we knew about the shooter at that point. In killed. It appears as if though they had into the festival the uh the creek which borders. They use some sort of a tool to cut through the fence to be able to gain access to the secure fence line. And thats how they got into the festival area itself. All accounts are that it was an automatic weapon and weve heard video from witnesses and you can hear the pop pop pop in rapid succession. The question is you know it was very chaotic. Did people see that one gunmen were there 2 gunmen what did he have help and that is why theyre continuing the search this morning for a second person were waiting were just a few hours away from the News Conference that will carry hopefully we get more details about that because they are still investigating and finding things out this morning absolutely and for more from the scene the actual festival site itself we want to go to kron fours will tran hes standing by. With more on exactly whats happening now that the sun is coming up, well we can get a better view of the scene behind you. Let me give you the lay of the land before i show you whats in behind me let me show you whats in front of me you leave you can move the camera this is an active crime scene with more investigators arriving to the scene by the minute. You can see that car door opening i saw about 5 cars with their headlights on park there as they will get out and they will go into the park around this is an active crime scene. What have been have there only been one shooter. But they believe as you guys talked about a possible second person which is why theyre treating this as an active scene to collect evidence and to look at the park grounds to see if they can get any evidence that might be able to track them down i tracked down i should say the second person involved in this they have to assume that there is which is why more people not fewer people but more people are arriving to the scene ill step out of the way and let me show you theres an ambulance finally leaving this area this ambulance was parked in the overnight hours. This is basically one of 2 entrances to the festival but hadnt been here many times this is pretty much the main entrance. Yes, there were metal detectors at the seniors, so they can you havfor weapons. Th is on the left side screen you see all those cars over their part thats just below it thats where the creek is so if you listen to investigators this person use a bolt cutter some kind of tool to go through that area and then go through the fencing area will zoom in and see the fencing area through here to prevent people from going through in 41 years they never had a problem until yesterday at 00 41pm in the afternoon the evening. When shots rang out heres video from witnesses who were there. Everybody was having a great time this is the festival in gilroy in fact in pretty much the bay areas first outdoor activity. So many people from the bay area across the country they come to this festival. To shots at first. Many vendors when all of a sudden people were confused. They didnt know that was back fire fireworks but after hearing a whole bunch of shots they knew without a doubt to run for their lives. Many people jumped into vendors booths to high they ran behind bushs they did all that they could unfortunately there are those who could not get out of the way including that 6 yearold boy that you were talking about plenty of witnesses at the scene and investigators will try to track them down to get their statements as to exactly what happened. We were here we tracked down the investigators as well. Heres what some of them had to say about the mass shooting. You know you think wed screamed and if we were to screen he would attorney shot this that the maligned were street lined up with him. So we just ran you know him as lotus gun and start shooting in going straight for 10 so. Yeah, it was just like so in real we still have a process and all you know we just left a tip that he shot 2 people in 2 seconds with 2 minutes before that to go the bathroom and he was like 15 feet away from us when he was loading his gun and started shooting randomly you know. Witnesses could not believe what they heard what they saw they all ran out as quickly as they possibly could as far as we know this morning at least 15 people were injured. We dont know exactly the conditions this morning. Hopefully the number of killed remains at 3 and does not go up, but theres always that possibility as far as the gunmen, his name has not been released to the ,ublic at this time we do know that he was carrying an Assault Rifle. This is an area see that sign this as speed limit 35 Miles Per Hour havent been here multiple times. That line stretches from the entrance was just basically a below their word dips to the ground. You see thousands of people all lined up here and ive seen them smiling is a great time to be had because there are metal detectors and the slow going through here thats why the line is backed up all the way to the intersection and this gunman obviously knew that there were metal detectors which is why they use star. This person news bolt cutters to get through or some sort of tool to get through. Its member i talked about more people are showing up as i look up i can see this look at this. Another basically infantry platoon you might want to call it fbi members showing up to the scene as well so they are coming here, theyre getting help from nearby Police Departments and as you can clearly see National Agencies all the help that they can get and to tap into their expertise back to you. All right, thanks the how much will now weve got a couple maps to show you want a wider view and then one more closely in view of the areas you can kind of get a lay of the land is the wider view. It shows the garlic Festival Grounds right there in the center of the screen deal right high school to the right and then in the upper left you see the developed uvas creek reservoir or preserve i mean that is where police sink if there is a second person perhaps that second person headed in that direction and thats why theyre searching that location as well just try to track down and verify and confirm if there was a second person involved and theyre also obviously searching outside of the grounds because they want to see if there are any other clues did he leave a bag somewhere. As you were saying james, what is there a getaway car right where did where would did he come from exactly get to that sensing and then you can explain exactly where the fencing is that he cut through so this is a screen of the actual fairgrounds map. For this years festival of the very top of the screen to see that cow train. Icon thats where will the station thats the main gates coming in and use all looking down that shot from his Vantage Point you can see the creek there in the foreground and the fencing surrounds the edge of that creek that goes all along the right side of your screen following the water all the way down to the bottom left in the bottom left corner bottom right corner. I mean you see the amphitheater and thats the stage area where weve heard reports from band members were performing at the time that they met they play locked in eyes on the shooter, so they think that he came and somewhere that campus year. The band tin man was just doing their encore when they heard the shots and the best information we have is from the singer jags and green who said that he actually saw the gunman and he died he dove under the stage and that he heard someone show why are you doing this and that the gunman said because im really angry then and again this only lasted about a minute. But the gunman was able to continue on from that location in the corner of your screen and she died or if we can bring that up one more time i just want to point out where the tents are located because we heard witnesses reporting that he was shooting in the area of the 10s right actually just right near the at the theaters that role of white tents. Theyre okay where people were you know some vendors were selling them at rest area which uses about a baseballsized feel right you guys will field size and theres lots of activities for kids is a rock wall theres a. You know a lot of different booths there and so families were congregated in that area just to the right as you can see of gourmet alley so we have heard witnesses who are in the 10s who are in the amphitheater and those who are all long gourmet alley kron 4 Sarah Stinson is live at the killer and Police Department which is also piecing together. All of what the witnesses say, and theyre cell phone video this morning, sarah. Yeah theres a lot for investigators to go through including that video youre talking about witnesses statements and then and of course their own experiences as they. Came on to the scene. All right so we just lost the video you can credible response that there was weve also had the audi a dispatch where we heard them calling out to get help to the scene interwoven with those who were you know screaming for help in fact theyre even a pickup trucks and people that are seen helping other people as they try to get them to the hospital lets listen to some of what was going on live as it happened. Yeah and you can just hear the frantic, you know sounds of those voices in the recordings we want to show you more of those moments too as these. First shots rang out theres the garlic festival. Heres another clip. Take a quick listen. Indeed who would do such a thing he was killed by the police and just one moment after he opened fire killing 3 people including a 6 yearold boy and there are more witnesses describing how the families were just running for their lives. We went back to shooting started weve been lucky that we were their power to almost 6 oclock and we all look back went crazy and then we heard. When we got on the ground in shooting that close my knees just told me one of ladies who escalating the next to the head guy shot we had we could my 100 kids on the ground. The Thai Government or a friar second dinner in the shooting started. And he was an army veteran and he talked about it you can you imagine the a little kids having to deal with th r people scene in hospital. And we algesoer Holding Hands conducting a prayer circle. Obviously sending their thoughts and prayers to the people who have been impacted by this mass shooting. And the big question this morning is why and how the shooter was able to do what he did we actually heard from a counterterrorism expert talking a bit about that take a listen. Tells me obviously youve got some premeditation here somebody didnt decide that morning to go out to the festival a fake if theyve gone to the effort to find a way into the facility in um ive asked youve got some premeditation here in terms of a 6 yearold i mean in the business on from that is the counterterrorism business one of the questions you have his motive, whether theres political motive, you look at this here and youve got to wonder whether this is just some local issue random act of sort of tragic violence were going to go to motive very quickly, im sure the police already have some ideas. But boy a 6 yearold tells you that were dealing with somebody who had some severe mental issues. There are calls immediately after this uh for a gun control. We have heard politicians speak out this morning and we want to show you some of what they had to say here is the quote from Vice President joe biden running for president right now this violence is not normal. How many more families will have to lose a loved one before we fix our broken gun laws we must take action starting with real reform. Our thoughts are with everyone in gilroy this evening and is enough. And weve also heard from california senator and president ial hopeful kamala harris, speaking similarly saying quote simply horrific im grateful to the First Responders who are on the scene in gilroy and my thoughts are with the community tonight. Our country has a gun violence epidemic that we cannot tolerate kron 4 is doing continuous Team Coverage of this story it is. The most important story happening in the bay area and thats why we are going wall to wall with it well continue with updates were monitoring a live from gilroy when that press conference is going to start from the police its effect expected to have around 10 oclock this morning as usual. We will continue live coverage on air and on kron 4 dot com. And as we head to break this morning will be back with more coverage but here is a look at some of the images. Additional images that have come into our newsroom since the shooting broke out well be right back. Ibigger, tastier strips spicy chof juicy chickenbo. With crunchy batter. Spice them up with hot sauce or cool them down with buttermilk ranch. Try my 100 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo today. Only at jack in the box. If you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. Talk to your rheumatologist. Right here. Right now. 6 17 is the time right now and it is a monday morning a lot of people have to head to work you want to know the weather and traffic so lets find out starting with john in the Weather Center john. Guys and yeah if youre going outside to get to work this morning, youre noticing skies on the greater side of things definitely some low lying cloud cover that is filtering in not just across the. A core the bay area but really for most of us today, so you can expect to hold on to this. A great start to the day such as youre seeing from for a few more hours before sunshine does eventually return on into the afternoon today, 50s and 60s are your current temperatures with concord at 61 degrees oakland in hayward right at 60 San Francisco, san mateo in berkeley right around 56 to 57 degrees. These numbers cooler than yesterday, especially down in san jose in Mountain View down 7 to 9 degrees from 24 hours ago thats something thats going to continue on into the afternoon. We traded in those triple digits and those 90s for some 6070s and 80s out the warmest for this monday. So some really pleasant weather. Robin. All right, thank you l your c taking a look at 92 the trip across the 70 oh bridge looking pretty good right. No big problems of just the morning commute filling in this is completely normal were at 17 minutes to make it for 8. 80 over to one o one were also checking the bay bridge traffic 80 wesson to San Francisco. Your cash lanes and fast track lanes are quite slow. But if you plan on car pooling those lanes are wide open as usual. So well put it at 15 minutes, not bad at all to make your way into San Francisco. Checking in on the Richmond Center fell the last time we looked at it we didnt have much of a back up now. Its packed here at the tolls but only 11 minutes to make it to the north bay hot spot free with the drive times on the rise for highway 4 6 80 and the nimitz would want to one still at the limit heading north 29 minutes, san jose to menlo park back to you. Robin and at 6. 19 will continue re in just a moment of the shooting at the go red garlic festival that is killed 3 people and sent upwards of 15 to the hospital 22 say, heres what we know at this hour about the mass shooting in gilroy of the garlic festival. The shots were fired at 5. 41 by a guy who cut the wire by a fence the festival and just started randomly shooting people killing 3 people including that little 6 yearold boy that you see here before the police were able to shoot and kill the gunman. That child Steven Romero is being remembered this morning his mother was also shot and injured shes being treated at the hospital. She is expected to survive, but now in the wake of all of this we have a massive manhunt under way looking for a possible second person involved thats what some witnesses told police and so other tracking down those leads see if that verifies out or not police asking for anybody who may have witnessed what happened shot still pictures may be shot video of what happened to please give them a call theres the number on the bottom of the right Information Panel theyre asking to call for a wait 8, 4, 6, 0, 5, 8, 3, let them know that you have video. But honestly you can call your local Police Department doesnt matter they will route you to the right person suggest call 911 and tell them that you have video or photos of what happened and theyll put you in touch with the investigators there are still a ton of investigators right now this morning on the scene as well as a big line of cars that were deserted. By people who for hours were looking for each other trying to reunite with their families up kron fours michelle kingston with that part of the story as families were being reunited. This parking lot is being used as the reunification center, its also where a lot of the media had to gather and we spoke to people who were at the garlic festival who came here to meet back up with friends and family. They tell us that they saw the shooter they heard the gunshots and that it was absolutely terrifying. Anything or anybody can more kids and her sisters say the s where they nly about 15 feet were selling honey at the gilroy garlic festival in his lotus gun and then start shooting in going straight for 10 so. Yeah, it was just like so in real we still have a process that all you know our kids is they just left there tend to go to the bathroom when the shooter opened fire. You know you think wed screamed and if we were to screen he would attorney shot this that the maligned were street lined up with him. So we just ran you know. In gilroy michelle kingston on 4 new so there are a lot of questions about the gunman this morning we do believe the police know who he is they are also investigating where he got the gun from. And then again if he had help thats the big question. Were waiting. For a News Conference to happen within the next few hours will carry that and in the meantime we actually had a chance to hear from an fbi former fbi agent. And you kind of describes hear what the investigative process is likely happening right now. And their sole intent and purpose right now is to determine was or second shooter and if there was second shooter did anybody provide any type of Material Support or act as a lookout for the actual shooter who police were able to to to neutralize last night. The critic haleigh trying to determine a motive here is to prevent to try to get out for the next one. The fbi is hyper focused right now on the domestic terrorism threat, im not suggesting. This is terrorism per se yet. But they look at it from 4 components could this possibly been racially motivated was this an Anti Government and tie authority set of violent extremism was this an portion of that. Of those 4 things and obviously everyone does not exactly fit into those neatly into those but trying to determine what possibly could have caused this person to do this. We may get some of those answers in the press conference thats coming up ddaif they said it was 10 oclock this morning. You want to keep track on kron 4 dot com for and also we always send push alerts when breaking news happens. Just like when started happening yesterday or f 5 just after 5 30 in the evening so make sure you download the kron 4 mobile app will send you any updates as. These press conferences reveal more information and the reaction continues to come in in fact we have president ial candidate beto orourke now tweeting his response to the tragedy and you can see a portion of that on your screen. It reads quote, sending love to all who are hurting tonight and all who are affected by the 40,000 gun deaths in america each year. We can accept this as our fate or we can change it following the lead of the students marching for their lives and for all of hours. I know we can end this crisis back with more live coverage in just a minute well. Im at the crime scene where is still very much active fbi atf and other Law Enforcement agencies are at this location. It is under lockdown coming up well talk about the youngest victim, stephen people helping people in the parking lot trying to with them to the hospital as police swoop in and end up killing a gunman who opened fire. He killed 3 people before the police were able to kill that gunman. Of dozen or more were injured there in the hospital this morning. They are. Shots ringing out there on the final day 5 30 in the eveni band on stage was doing an encore performance as the festival was wrapping up and that is when the gunman apparently cut through some chainlink fencing along the creek side of that park entered the park area and as daryn mentioned began, what appears be randomly firing on the crowd was still a manhunt under way at help. So that is something that were covering this morning and were waiting for a press conference to happen that might give us more information. Right now the only person that has been named as a 6 yearold boy who was shot and killed hes one of the 3 people who was killed. We know his name we already have reaction from his family that is grieving this morning and cowboys will create will tran is live at the scene covering that portion of the story will. There could be other younger victims. But youre right area, hes the only one so far identified and he was identified by his family members by his grandmother as well as his dad before we get to reaction from the grandmother let me show you exactly whats going on. This morning, this an active crime s hours ago, im sure volunteers. Were showing up getting ready to open their garlic festival instead right now it is swarmed. Filled with Law Enforcement officers from local departments. As well as the fbi and atf they have taken over. This festival this campground here because they need to collect evidence they need to look at everything they possibly can. They would have done that had their only been one gunmen because they need to collect evidence but because there is a possible second person out there. This makes this seen even that much more important as they hope to collect evidence to see if they can track down the second person will zoom in and you can see theres a police car moving from the left or the right of your screen. All those cars parked alongside here. This areapis as close as we are allowed to get to the festival on the left side of your screen look at all those cars james and darya presumably those of cars from the volunteers that they ran for their lives. There was no time to even hop into their cars and leave this area. They ran after there. Shots ring out. This is one of about 2 entrances into the festival and yes, let me just clear this up right now there are metal detectors at the gilroy garlic festival. So they are careful about that but they did not anticipate that anybody would used bolt cutters some sort of tool to cut through a fence by the creek and the creek is right in front of you its a bolo the area here so it dips underneath but i can hear running water. This person presumably went through that area. This is pretty much the heart of the gilroy garlic festival with core may alley right in front of you beyond those trees. The concert areas to the left of your screen on the right side of your screen thats where most of the omfrom all over then at 5. 41, their lives would never be the same as ripped through this area has multiple shots rang out at for so many people didnt know what was going on when you hear a pop or 2 you think is maybe some a car backfire fireworks and then it kept going where it was there was no meant no doubting at that there was a mass shooter. On the ground and they ran for their lives and fortunately there were those in front of the shooter at the time they could not get away, including a mother and her 6 yearold son Steven Romero who was shot. He was killed his mother still in the hospital this morning. She was shot in the stomach. And the hand expected to survive her injuries. Frantically the dad called he was not at the festival he called around to multiple hospitals so did the grandmother. Finally they were able to get the hall horrible heart breaking news that little steven was gone. And someone home my son who had. And then the with when something for fun. Something that they want to. Something you can hear sadness heartbreak, other shock in her voice. Now we dont have the name of the shooter at this Time Police Officers have not released it to the public his name is circulating on social media but until we can confirm it were not going to go with it, but we do know that he came in with an Assault Rifle and started randomly firing at people. Fortunately there were Police Officers the time so the even have to race to this location. There were Police Officers on the grounds they were rushed to the shooter, the situation and about a minutes time so the casualty and the injured those numbers could have been a lot higher had it not been for the Police Officers who jumped into action and theyre getting help those Police Officers have been placed on paid administrative leave obviously they will be talked to but in the meantime this scene here is filled with Law Enforcement officers who continue to come into this area and its not scaling down if anything james and darya its wrapping up especially with the sun up at this time making clearly get a look at the campgrounds without the vendors and the people at the campgrounds at this time frozen in time exactly the way they want it so they can go through the meticulously looking for evidence back to you know you think because it is and will such a remote country location, you know to me you think. You wonder if the shooter thought he could get away with more than he did they were able to neutralize him after just about a minute. Well unfortunately with his death theres no way you can question him which is why theyre asking the public for information what do they see what did they hear did he talk to them before firing now becomes the painstaking process of talking to witnesses and if youre wondering if there are surveillance cameras at the scene im not sure yet. But chances are no cameras, ive been here multiple times ive never seen cameras mounted because when its not used for the threeday festival. Routinely it is a park where people come to play soccer and have picnics all right we should know a lot more well hear from the police morning with their updated as the investigation unfolds here in the early hours of this monday morning kron 4 Sarah Stinson after joining us live from the Police Department. Where that part of the story continues to develop sarah. Yeah theres going to be a press conference here at the Gilroy Police department at 10 oclock but you know with a couple hours still to go until then i did just reach out to the Police Department to see where theyre at in their investigation in terms of the gunman and and if they have found out if there is a second person who helps that man break into the festival. And you know release that gunfire but. As we know this it was a huge undertaking the fact that police were able to. Come into contact with the shooter within one minute just goes to show how. They did you know its it was a very tricky situations person, know are centrally broke in through a fence using some tours sort of tool. And then just became i just releasing gun fire with Assault Rifle. I mean theres thousands of people there we know a 100,000 people go to this festival all throughout those 3 days and this was the last day of the festival so within that one minute time that man just started you know releasing gunfire, we know that 3 people were killed and 15 people were injured in the chaos running for their lives. We did catch up with the Gilroy Police chief scott smith eu says officers were able to come into contact with the gunman. And then after that the chief says he called for mutual aid that we know that we caught up with the police chief lets hear from him about where the rotten help they need from the public. Any witnesses because there was quite a number of people in the park. Anybody that witnessed this incident. Can tell us anything that took many photographs that perhaps videotaped anything that might be are relevant to this investigation to please prague fact that paul ryan is just day. Incredibly sad and disheartening. That that is theres so much good for our community. All right has to suffer from a tragedy like this. And this is hitting really hard really hitting really home for a lot of people people grow up growing to go into this festival its part of just gilroy california just people love going the garlic festival and you know its just a tragic thing that this would happen at this festival thats wise is National News people tuning in just feeling for the people involved this morning a motion only physically recovering from this and in the meantime people want answers. They want to know why this would happen. And thats why were here at the Police Department trying to get you those answers we also want to know who those 2 people are or killed. In addition to the 6 yearold stephen romero. So we want to know more about those 2 people and then also just want to find out more about the gunman and why this person would do this obviously theres no reason that makes any sense to anyone. But does help as were trying to grieve in and understand this why did this happen who is this person so stay tuned, were making these calls our email and the Police Departments trying to get any possible update we can for you at home so stay tuned as we learn more for now live in gilroy Sarah Stinson kron 4 news. Thank you sarah. And of course keep it tuned. Kron 4 sarah mention because a 10 oclock when that press conference starts you can catch that not only here but also on our 24 hour streaming news app kron on that will bring you live uninterrupted coverage of that press conference if you havent downloaded it today, check it out go to kron on dot tv to download it now. 6. 41 want to get caught up on weather traffic before you leave the house on monday morning john good morning. Good morning. Yeah, a little bit on the gloomy side out there today we do have some low lying cloud cover that is streaming in across the bay area so youre going to notice that as youre getting outside not just at the Golden Gate Bridge but really anywhere that you are heading out this morning as for our current temperatures there, nice and cool in the 60s and 70s but later on today, were actually not going to see too much of a change were going to hold in the 60s and San Francisco and half monday while those of us in mill valley, Oakland Hayward freeman redwood city were going to urge enjoy a day in the 70s livermore san jose conquered tools and the oc on the 80s a noticeable cool down from yesterday. We said goodbye to any sort of advisories concerning the heater fire danger here across the bay area. Although to our south and portions of the saturday at the southern end of the Central Valley that heat still hangs on again for the bay area today finally a little bitter leaf after what was such a hot weekend. Robin. All right. Thank you john lets check in on the morning commute now its going to be very crowded right now from hayward over to the peninsula. Were tracking the drive here on the san mateo bridge, not a lot of room between the cars right so its definitely packed, but its also nice and quiet so no big problems to worry about you can make it in 20 minutes, thats a good average. The bay bridge back up spills to the bottom of the maze but moves well across the upper deck once again a hot spot to major problems increasing drive times but well call it moderate. Don Martin Bridge 15 minutes whos more information right now and the Gilroy Police are investigating a home about a mile from the home about a mile from the shooting. This is not just a headache. 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Well we were just sitting down and have their drink and relax and all of a sudden we get far. A huge crowd of people running and screaming and we were told to get down that there was a shooter and then we heard the shot. And so we are got under the table and i was very scared. To what to do i i mean its a scary feeling in the world. Im never think its going happy people all kinds things can happen. And i certainly didnt think can happen guillory at the garlic festival. And not only is our ar1y investigators right now at the gilroy garlic festival which is a crime scene. But weve also just learned, they have descended upon us house about a mile away well be back with more details on that just a minute. Covergirl Trublend Matte Made Foundation its transfer resistant so it stays on you and nothing else. From covergirl pair it with the new trublend undercover concealer. A lightweight full coverage formula in 30 shades. From covergirl. A lightweight full coverage formula in 30 shades. 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Presumably the home of the gunman, the police are searching right now we have the the map zoomed out enough so that you can see towards the bottom of the screen that indicator is where the shooting happened at the go or garlic festival and about a mile away to the northwest that second icon is the intersection where police have descended on the home will zoom in to get a better look at the neighborhood standard suburban neighborhood next to a strip mall and mile away about a mile away kron 4 Sarah Stinson is heading there now what weve heard is that police are coming in and out of the home parent lee carrying evidence bags. So were going to look for more information as to exactly how that homes connected to the gunman. And what they found if they found anything so far i we just know that theyre investigating the shooting as far as the gunman goes so it could be that. Theyre also. Investigating whether or not he had help. It could indicate you know where help came from 2 were not sure exactly why theyre searching the home. But we have a live report are headed to the scenes will have that shortly we also have the dispatch audio as it was happening live last night in gilroy when the shots were fired. Shortly after 5. 30 lets listen to that. You know theres gunshots here the good so. Well heading over there. Sides are ready. Weve been that we would have power to almost 60 com and we all look back noon when the fireworks i guess somebody guys shot governor crowd went crazy and then we heard. Take a minute. Well leave a star witness statements that there was a second mitchell involved in some way just dont know. Police shot and killed the gunman and this morning were waiting for an update that should happen around 10 oclock thats about 3 hours little more than 3 hours from now so keep it tuned kron 4. For the very latest on that now lets get a look at weather and traffic john. Well guys we are looking at some a cloudy skies across parts of the bay but as for mount diablo right now skies, nice and clear overhead. You can see look at that sunrise out in the distance over mount diablo su to mak you morning temperatures right now in the 50s and 60s so a cool way to start things off definitely nicer than we were this weekend when temperatures so warm, especially during your afternoon hours and even during the morning noticeable o compared to yesterday with san jose and fairfield down 8, 9 degrees from 24 hours ago, trading in 90s in triple digits today for daytime highs at their warmest only in the 80s, ive got more on your forecast. Still ahead robin all right, thank you john, its check in on the bay bridge you want to take a look at the traffic on 80 west. Heading into San Francisco is very quiet. But also very slow if you need to use are right now know that youre backed up beyond the end of a lot be on a 80. Its me on west grand as well sort of going back and forth between the bottom of the maison west grand so put it at 19 minutes here to make it into San Francisco, not a bad drive, but definitely crowd coming in. Heres a look at some more numbers highway for picking up were now at 29 minutes antioch to concord and still looking decent on 6. 80 pitch, a cult a danville at 23 minutes, well look at some more drive times coming up back to you thanks a lot rob 6 yearold boy among the 3 were killed by a gunman. At the garlic festival before police shot and killed him and we do know. The fbi is searching a home about a mile away right and you score the you knperfect outfit . At ross ooooohhhh game on now, thats yes for less. Nothing beats getting the latest trends at 20 to 60 percent off Specialty Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Lowwe do it right too with dstylish collectionst. That pull it all together. So you can rethink your bathroom without rethinking your budget. I mean, if you havent thought abfrankly, youre missing out. Uh. The mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. Your marshmallows. Get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. My bad. Geico. Its easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. Can i trouble you for another marshmallow . And realize you can get yoyeverything you need. Ross oh, yeah. Yep. Yes . To feel like a boss . Thats yes for less. 20 to 60 percent off Specialty Store prices for every room and every budget. At ross. Yes for less. This morning we continue to follow the mass shooting at the gilroy garlic festival it is still. An active scene behind me. W that the fbi is now at the shooters house will have all the details coming up, right afte local news station. I have to be want help. In a slow does gun and start shooting in going straight for our a mass shooting at the gilroy garlic festival families running for their lives 3 people were shot and killed including a 6 yearold boy the gunfire broke out at a little after 5 30 last night as the fair was wrapping up for the day. One of the victims in that shooting was young 6 yearold stephen romero, theres his picture. His mother was also shot and wounded, shes being treated at hospital right now is expected to survive, but their family now torn apart by this tragedy. Our cameras caught up with the grandmother talking about how shes grieving for her grandson this morning. This was such a happy too

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