This map shows the area where people need to leave. However fire Officials Say it is to get them out of the area to help the firefighting effort. At this time. Lives are not in immediate danger. But the threat of the flames has led officials to not take any chances. Also. We have heard an area near coffey park is no longer under a mandatory evacuation order. You check the kron four website. And the city of santa rosas website as well. jr stone cal fire has been constantly updating its maps. Show where the fires are burning. This shows the major fires going tonight in wine country. The areas shaded in red. That is where a fire is burning or has burned. A red flame icon means the fire is active or not fully contained. A black icon means the fire is under control. justine also today, governor jerry brown and californias two us senators were in Sonoma County. For a first hand look at the fire damage. jr all three say they are stunned by the devastation and want to do what they can to help the victims. Kron 4s Charles Clifford is live for us tonight in santa rosa with details. Charles. Well, its been nearly a week since these fires started and the end is nowhere in sight. Here in santa rosa today ,some of the states top elected officials were on hand to see the damage for themselves. Natssaturday afternoon, governor jerry brown along with u. S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and kamala harris, were given a tour of and briefing on Fire Fighting efforts across the region. Sot this is truly one of the greatest if not the greatest tragedy that california has ever faced. Sotit destroys subdivision, it destroys wild places, it shows no favoritism, it just moves. Sot and it highlights the danger that fires present. Its unpredicatable. Its not logical in the way that it burns. The senators also said they would work to help those who have lost their homes, mainly through beefing up fema resources. Sotthe dollars have to come. Sotthere is a bill right now in the us senate, the Wildfire Disaster Fund act, if you can believe it wildfires are not considered natural disastesr for the purpsose of fema funding. So there is some work being done. The trio also reminded everyone that these fires are far from over and that safety needs to come first. Sotpeople have to be on guard and if youre asked to evacuate, please do. Sotif people are told to move they need to do so. Take it seriously. This is just part of the dangers that we face. Finally, senator feinstein also said today that fema is already signing people up for Disaster Relief and that individuals could be eligible for up to 32,000 dollars in relief funds. In santa rosa, charles cliffor kron 4 news. jr stone we have been sending updates throughout the day with the kron four mobile app. The app is free to download for apple and android devices. Be sure to enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. Anchors toss to anny for a check on the fire conditions in the north bay. anny hong dry, gusty offshore winds bringing critical fire weather conditions to the north bay and elsewhere through the day as upper trough is ejected from the region. Warming trend will peak sunday and monday. Cooler with a slight chance of rain for the north bay by later next week. Tonight we continue to share the devastating stories of those who lost everything in the Sonoma County fires. A santa rosa couple expecting their first child are among them. They spoke to kron 4s Hermela Aregawi about their difficult journey. Hermela . This couple just bought their first house here 11 months ago. He is a contractor. And together they say theyve been working so hard to renovate it. And prepare the home for their first child. And in literally minutes. They lost almost everything. . This is what their home looked like. And as you can see there is little to nothing left of it. Completely burned down to the ground. The kennedys say they evacuated around 2 30 monday morning. They were in and out of sleep. Smelled some smoke but didnt think it was anything major until a friend called them and told them that theres a fire in their neighborhood and that they should evacuate. They walked outside and saw neighbors in a frenzy. Just throwing items in their cars and taking off. The couple says they grabbed a few things and left in a hurry but still thought they would be able to return back to their home. And instead they returned to absolutely nothing. They lost her car so shes about four months pregnant and without a car right now. They just got married last year. So all their wedding gifts are gone. The were preparing a nursery. The crib is no longer. And they had just grabbed the last of their items at their parents house as well so they say they literally lost everything. Lets take a listen. Happen, is this real. And other days its like oh yeah this is real. jr stone one thing the city of santa rosa has done is launch a web page where people can look up houses and see if they survived the fire. We have put a link on the website. This is a live look at the map. The red indicates vegetation. If a home looks gray, it is likely destroyed. You may see roofs. But that is not necessarily a guarantee the home itself survived. We have seen a few neighborhoods where the houses appear to be untouched but that was not exactly the case. You can view it for yourself on kron four dot com. justine now to the story of a woman from santa rosa, who survived the massacre in las vegas, only to have her home burn down a week later. Michella flores says her house was not under an evacuation order. Flores was in the process of moving. She has seen one close call after another this month. Michella flores survived vegas massacre, returns home to wildfire damageit doesnt register. You just know theres. You try to find things in the ash, and were worried about everybody else. I mean were living out of an Evacuation Center for a little bit. Theres a ton of people there, so its tough to think about processing it, because theres a lot going on still. justine michella says she didnt have time to grab anything before the fire forced her and her parents. Out of their home. Coming up at eight. We have dramatic video from when the tubbs fire first erupted. Watch as a sheriffs deputy nearly gets trapped in the flames. And we are hearing from more victims tonight. We found one santa rosa man who literally lost everything in the fire. And we are checking on reports of looting and price gouging. See what our Stanley Roberts found. jr stone we are also following a raging wildfire in napa county. That is the atlas fire. This video was taken this morning near st. Helena. You see the vineyard in the front. And the tower plume of smoke behind it. Many wineries are racing to pick their grapes to protect the crops from the smoke and flames. jr stone the nuns fire is continuing to be a challenge for Fire Fighters in the napa valley area. They are working right now to battle flames that are making their way downhill headed east. justine kron 4s Ella Sogomonian show us the incredible images of the thick smoke. Just behind the famous welcome napa valley sign. Sot Ella Sogomonian, napa valley as we speak the nuns fire is still spreading it is burning just over this hill behind me and there are spectators lining up by the iconic welcome napa valley sign to watch in awe as these flames continue to grow. Tourists normally make a stop at this welcome sign off highway 29 by yontsville for a snapshot beside napa valley grapesbut saturday they were looking beyond the vines and into the mountain tops where the nuns fire continues to rage. The applebys are locals who for decades passed by the sign but never made the stop until now. Sot pat appleby, napa valley local theres a lot of structures and people up there too. So thats pretty sad i dont know what to think for them its a hard time. Sot ruth appleby, napa valley local devastation my heart goes out to all the people who have actually lost their homes but amazingly enough those people who have lost their homes they have very high hopes and theyre very positive and i dont know how they can do that because it affects me when i hear that someone has lost their home. The nuns fire has consumed 46 thousand acres and is only 10 percent contained. But fire crews are working in the steep terrain on the ground and in the air using 6 helicopters and four airtankers that are using local Irrigation Water from nearby farms to continuously fill up their water supply. Sot Ella Sogomonian, napa valley the Napa County Sheriffs Office reports that there were unfortunately two more fatalities that were found in one home they are working to confirm the identities of the two and have already notified the next of kin of the people that succumbed to those flames. In napa valley Ella Sogomonian kron 4 news. jr stone the Sonoma CountySheriffs Office has released body cam video of one brave deputy. Driving through the tubbs fire. Take a look. 41 door to door the deputy was going hometohome conducting emergency evacuations. All as the flames raged around him. The deputy is then seen carrying an elderly woman to his car from a home surrounded by flames. Embers then fly off the officers car as he speeds through what seems like walls of flames. Hats off to this officer and the many other Emergency Responders this evening. jr stone a santa rosa man who lost his home in coffey park to the tubbs fireis now out of a job, too. justine he tells kron 4, he was let gobecause the company van he drove got burned up in the fire. Reporter Spencer Blake is live in santa rosa tonight looking at this familys additional hardship. Spencer. Sam fiddler says it was normal protocol to take his Company Vehicle home with himand now he feels like he got fired simply because he didnt have time to take the van out of the fire zone. This awas the home sam fiddler and his family had been renting for a few years. Like all the other homes on sumatra driveits completely destroyed sunday night. I thought we were gonna be able to come back but after another hour or two went by it was pretty clear to me that we werent going to be able to come back home. On the street in front of his home, was this mercedes van, property of the Office Equipment rental company he works for. It, too, was completely torched, as were the copy machines inside it. Fiddler shared the email he got friday from his boss who lives on the east coast with kron four. In it, the Company President says quote had you followed instructions, the truck and the copiers would not have been destroyed. I was just basically trying to get my family out, ya know that was a priority to me. If i had more time i would have got the van but when Something Like that is going on, thats really the last thing you think about. Fiddler says taking the van home was normal and approved, though his boss says in the email that fiddler was only supposed to take the truck home once he lived closer to the warehouse. The boss also claims fiddler had already quit which he denies. His girlfriend, hailey was shocked to hear one more piece of horrible news after the fire. It was a sad time. Kind of angry almost. And then hearing about his job made it a little bit harder. To have that thrown on top of things is really something that you dont think about. Its crazy. Right now the couple and their oneyearold daughter have a place to stay with family outside of the fire zonebut looking for a job and a house at the same timewas not something they had planned. Fiddler had sent an email thursday asking his superiors for more work uniforms, since his other ones had burned something a person who had quit would not have sent. Thats when he got the reply about him no longer being an employee. So far the Company President has not replied to our request for comment. Live in santa rosa, Spencer Blake, kron four news. justine turning to weather now, meteorologist Lawrence Karnow has our forecast. anny hong dry, gusty offshore winds bringing critical fire weather conditions to the north bay and elsewhere through the day as upper trough is ejected from the region. Warming trend will peak sunday and monday. Cooler with a slight chance of rain for the north bay by later next week. There is another fire that is keeping firefighters busy in santa rosa tonight. Hear from there is another fire that is keeping firefighters busy in santa rosa tonight. Hear from people who woke up to sirens and were told they needed to get out of their houses. And kron four viewers have been sending in reports of price gouging and looting. Our Stanley Roberts went to investigate. Well show you what he found. justine continuing our breaking News Coverage of the deadly north bay firestorm. Looters in the santa rosa area casuing problems. jr stone police have made a handful of arrestsStanley Roberts reports. San francisco police, if you are here announce yourself. There are two types of looter patrols in and around santa rosa. Police radio chatter there are the different Law Enforcement agencies and the there are people like were out here holding down the neighborhood we got lights out back neighbors next door, neighbors next door we got neighbors on every block were on the radios talking to each other and just generally making sure no one takes our neighbors stuffrex barneywhile agencies like sfpd are rolling around responding to report of looters local neighbors are standing there ground yes we had a bunch of looters on the street, fire guys sherif and sfpd knocking them down as soon as we call them so we got nothing we got nothing being stolen a bunch of people on foot getting caught getting dragged out of here so if your trying to come and get your stuff its safe just let these guys do their stuff in the meantime. I see you got your bats, yea were just trying to keep the neighborhood safe its been pretty quiet around here there was one sign off wikiup that said my kids got caught looting on londonberry you mind if we walk around yea sure so while there are two types of looter patrols there is only one sanctioned by Law Enforcement agencies so if you decide to venture off into a neighbor if anybody comes in the area in the meantime whether if a disaster tourist or coming to checking your stuff. We dont know stay off the street otherwise where assuming your looting and deal with you accordingly make sure youre in a marked Police Cruiser otherwise youre on your own the gate was unlocked the sliding glass door was moved but it was still locked they might have tried it but was unsuccessful but the good open gate was worth the walk throughthe cops have been on regular patrol they have been in and out here every two minutes at least so where doing a pretty good job of keeping things as safe as we can in santa rosa Stanley Roberts kron 4 news j. R. justine, when i was out there earlier this week. A man in Rincon Valley said hours after they were evacuated. People broke into their house. They didnt leave any expensive jewelry behind but pretty shocking nonthless. justine i saw so Many Police Officers out patrolling looking for looters. Which i hope gives people who were evacuated some piece of mind, knowing officers are out there watching out for them. Still ahead. Evacuees are returning to a popular neighborhood in napa county. A familys reaction as they return to rubble. And another wildfire erupts near santa rosa. We will take you to the front lines and hear from people who woke up to firefighters telling them they needed to evacuate. This is the new comfort food. Grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. A better way to grow, a better way to eat. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. justine we have new numbers tonight on the north bay fires. The atlas fire in napa and sonoma counties is the biggest. Having burned over 50thousand acres. It is now 48percent contained. And the tubbs fire which has devastated santa rosa has charred over 35thousand acres. It is 44percent contained. jr stone the nuns fire. Which is in Sonoma County. Has burned over 46thousand acres. It is 10percent contained. And the pocket fire is 5 percent contained tonight. Its burned nearly 11thousand acres. justine overnight. A new fire broke out in Sonoma County near santa rosa. Forcing mandatory evacuations for those living off highway 12 near pythian pithynn road. jr stone thats where kron fours Philippe Djegal spent the day. Speaking with Fire Fighters and an evacuee who stayed behind to protect his home. Philippe NatsFire Fighters watch in horror before heading in for battle. As smoke billows from the mountains north of highway 12. Near Sugar Loaf Ridge state park. Nats fire crews from across the state, many pulled from the nunes fire, rushed into the danger zone, that just hours earlier was issued a mandatory evacuation. Rob edgar im actually staying at home i didnt leave. Just as rob edgar says he was starting to feel like the worst was over. His home is again, in the line of fire. He says flames were shooting from the mountain, when he and his family were forced out of bed at around 230 in the morning. Rob edgar lives near fire all of a sudden it was all of a sudden lights, sirens, sheriffs, uh, Highway Patrol firemen banging on our doors, sirens going off, telling us to evacuate. Them coming to the door, coming in our backyard, telling us to get out. His wife and three of his kids evacuated safely. While he and his youngest son stayed behind, stocking up on water to use to keep his house wet, and hopefully prevent it from burning to the ground. Rob edgar lives near fire it was white smoke and it was small when we went to bed, and uh, yeah, it was a shock absolute shock. By midafternoon cal fire says the fire had grown to 300 acres. In the thick of it. Staged near homes surrounded by woods. Fire fighters covered rooftops with foam to protect from flamesnats Rick Crawford lafd we have several air tankers, ground resources, dozers, um, and several airplanes fixedwinged aircraft. A 747 made several passes, dropping fire retardant on the winddriven fire and the Fire Fighters themselves. Some neighbors who left the area, left their sprinklers on as a last line of defense. And, right now, rob edgar says water may be the difference between keeping his home and losing it. Rob edgar lives near fire i think were kind it, but this one here, uh, this one here, uh, kind of us up. This one was different. And, since rob knows that his family is safe and sound at Evacuation Centers and with friends and family. Hes going to stay back home and watch the house, until he says its so dangerous that he notices Law Enforcement leave. Rosa, Philippe Djegal, kron four news. justine the nuns fire has destroyed parts of the ledson winery and castle. In kenwood. This video is courtesy of the chp. Taken from highway 12. Helicoptors were dropping water over the historic buildings. The winery sits below the sugarloaf ridge. Ledson is just one of the many wineries ruined by these deadly fires. justine the atlas fire has burned more than 50 thousand acres across napa and sonoma counties. jr stone some residents are now returning home. Reporter steve large caught up a couple whos silverado home was reduced to ashes. So it was a full three bedroom, three bath. This was bill and Janice Mathis home. The three bedrooms. Three bathrooms. And everything else. Reduced to ashes. Bill mathis napa county for me, its confusing. The couple is left trying to sort out whats next in their lives. Janice mathis napa county in this moment, im realizing you dont put your boots on and your gloves on and go sift through stuff. Theres nothing to sift through. More than 100 homes across this silverado neighborhood in napa burned down in the atlas fire. Two people died. On this day. Napa county search and rescue teams were meticulously combing through debris. The silveradoresort escaped major damage. But strong winds downed power lines all around the grounds. Reporter these burn trees show you just how close the flames came to the silverado resort. These pga tour signs from last weekend are still up. The resort says cleanup here will take the rest of the month. Pg and e is staging heavy equipment here. Crews working on restoring power. For those who survived the fire but are now left with no homes. The first thing we think of is were fortunate. The question becomes what next. And how to move on. If you dont move on, you move down. It feels like we are seeing home after home. Destroyed. We will take you to one of hit neighborhoods in santa rosa. The bay area is stepping up in the middle of this disaster. A look at the massive donation effort underway. justine the fires that started on sunday night have now claimed 40 lives. About 100thousand people are under evacuation orders. And at least 57hundred homes and businesses are destroyed. I spent much of the week in santa rosas coffey park. A community crushed by the fire. The devastation in coffey park is beyond comprehension. Most of the development is gone. Homes are smoldering. Cars are burnt and melted. All that is left standing are stone chimneys. Kent craigie escaped the fire with his family. Nothing else. His home of 21 years is now burnt to the ground. Sot it happened so fast the embers raining down we had time to just run away with nothingnats water on house a group of men tried to stop a fire from spreading, by spraying water on it. Even turning a hose on the house Still Standing next door trying to save it. Sot i know a family lives here with kids and stopping someone from losing their stuff is kinda an important thingnats meowa rescued cat with its sniged whiskers, looked desperate to be reunited with her owner. But not all pets could make it out alivesot i could hear dogs howling crying and dying it was apocalypticcoffey park a shell of what it once was a family filled neighborhood now destroyedsot it just devastation it is sad my house is ok all of my neighbors arent i just dont know where to go from here justine turning to weather now, meteorologist Lawrence Karnow has our forecast. anny hong dry, gusty offshore winds bringing critical fire weather conditions to the north bay and elsewhere through the day as upper trough is ejected from the region. Warming trend will peak sunday and monday. Cooler with a slight chance of rain for the north bay by later next week. The search is on for two bay area Police Officers. Those men broke into a house just to save those inside from fire. Why the family wants to find them. And support comes in many forms. The sign that has popped at one north bay establishment. North bay establishment. Because everyone likes easy. Sure do. Because everyone is on the go. Because we all like to save energy, but sometimes we slip up. Reaching up. Ssssh because sometimes we want it cool at night, then toasty in the mornings. Introducing the easy to use, energy saving, adjustable from everywhere, easy on the wallet and the eyes, nest thermostat e. E is for everyone. In santa rosa pgande crews have been working in coffey park to restore gas service. About 29thousand customers from sonoma and napa counties do not have power. About 300 workers were out there today. Some were laying gravel and tamping it down. After possibly fixing a gas line. Other crews were clearing the debris from the streets and gutters. jr stone a number of groups continue to donate to fire victims. An alumni group from Piner High School in santa rosa organized a donation drive. It was held this afternoon at a Youth Community park. Just across the street from the high school. They were able to help 200 phs families and other victims affected by the fire. The group gave them clothes, shoes, and sleeping bags rachelle albini i came up on tuesday and handed out a car load of stuff and saw the need was far greater then just the individuals we knew. We started reaching out on tuesday night through facebook and people were just overwhelmingly responding with cash, gift cards, going to target and spending 500 dollars, going to costco and getting pillows and blankets. Its just been an amazing the heart of the human right now. jr stone the group still have loads of items that were donated. They say theyll hang on to it, until everyone finds housing and see what people will need. Rachelle albini, who helped kick start the drive. After her brother lost his home in the fire. Thanks the hundreds of people that voluntereed today. justine in the midst of the devastating wine country fires. People are sending notes of encouragement. One person put this note on her front door before evacuating. It reads. The love in the air is thicker than the smoke. It has become a rally cry across Sonoma County. The woman says it was given to her daughter when she was getting groceries. She put it on her door and took the picture before evacuating at three am. justine one family who lost their home in the tubbs fire needs your help tonight. They are searching for the Police Officers who rushed into their burning home. And saved them in the Early Morning hours. jr stone friends of this family actually reached out to me earlier this week. Kron fours Terisa Estacio met with those family members who walked her through that dramatic night. estacio live it was truly an honor to talk with this family today i am here in santa rosa just off of fountaingrove pkwy near rincon ridge. The zechowys lost everything in the tubbs fire but that is not why the reached out to us they are on a mission. They want to find the officers who came to their rescue risking their own lives to save their entire family. estacio there is little left of the zechowys home. Only the stone pillars next to the mail box still stand. Heres what their home. Used to look like. But the santa rosa family isnt really focusing on what is gone they are grateful about what they do have each other. Stephen zechowy. Everything important to me is in this room. And they add it is all because of the incredible selfless actions two Police Officers. Heres what happened it was early monday morning the family says the wind knocked out the power. They did not think much of it stephen. I thought maybe we would lose some food however, as they slept. Fire erupted in their neighborhood and quickly spread thats when two Police Officers rushed into their burning home zechowy they said go, you have a minute to go your house is on fire mia. I heard my dad say get the kids. Jill zechowy says they grabed their dog, shoved everyone into a car including the jills inlaws sleeping in the front of the house, and drove as fast as they could they have nothing left. They went to target to pick up some essentials they are hanging out at stephens office for now, and staying at a friends home. When i spoke to them it was a tearful exchange. As they told me the reason, they are speaking up is this they want to reach out to the officers they dont know who saved them jill. It is hard to put into words but they risked their lives for us and their families support what they do, so thank you stephen. They saved us all. estacio jill also told me that she just wants to give them both a hug really a remarkable story in all of this tragedy this family so touched about being alive despite losing everything. j. R. since these fires broke we have had dozens of live reports from the north bay. Earlier this week i was in the santa rosa area as well as the sonoma area. Here is some of what i came across. The video coming from the north bay this week has been nothing short of devastating. Monday we were there as the hilton hotel in santa rosa burned. Hours earlier and a quarter of a mile away near coffee park we were broadcasting on Facebook Live shortly after eric schieberl learned that his house had burned to the ground. Sot schieberls neighbor feared the worst but upon arriving back to his homelearned that it had survived. Coming a matter of feet from being destroyed by fire. Sottuesday new evacuation orders were given in the oakmont area of santa rosa. Most there evacuated, some refused to leave. Sotwe were on the frontlines as firefighters in oakmont worked to put out flames near homes in the area. Unfortunately at least two homes up in the hills of oakmont burned to the ground. Many left in shock wondering what to do next. Sot just have to start over i guesssot just have to next. What to do wondering left in shock ground. Many burned to the Oakmont Hills of homes up in the at least two unfortunately the area. Unfortunately at least two homes up in the hills of oakmont burned to the ground. Many left in shock wondering what to do next. Sot just have to start over i guess with the Alaska Airlines visa signature card you get a companion ticket every year. So why not take someone that you see all the time. Someone like, i dunno, me . I mean i always spell your name right and put a little unicorn in your foam. No pressure but i really need to get out of here. Theyve been playing the same playlist for three months and im pretty sure youre not supposed to eat scones for dinner this many days in a row. Mexico, hawaii, costa rica, i dont really know. Im a quick packer. mark so what is happening to the Oakland Raiders . The team that entered the year as a popular super bowl pick. Is now trying to dig its way out of a threegame slump. On the brightside, the silver and black. Could jolt their season back into form. The lastplace bolts coming to to town and the strong possibility of derek carr suiting up the latest details on dcs recovery. Plus, wild fires ravage northern california. How the blaze impacted a valued member of the raider family. And details on the teams plan to assist with relief efforts. All those stories and more coming up on the sword and shield zone. And we begin with the most important headline right out of the gates. Barring any major setbacks, derek