Old pleasanton native, was shot at pier 14 last week. Let us know about the release of someone that they gave custody of and was prevented and could have prevented all of this thrift reporter u. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have requested notification prior to this spirit that was not honored and now disparate sentences got all senator Dianne Feinstein has called upon the mayor to commit to federal authorities. I received, senator feinstein is a phone call and i was appreciative of it and i know that she is focusing on the same thing as i am. We both agreed that some think could have occurred as far as notification. Reporter the mayor pointed and years back that up for the spirit and is critical case. Pointed fingers knowing that they could have done more than handed him over could have had a warrant out for his our rest. Arrest reporter it will continue to look for more solutions. They will continue reporter it is now the law you are looking at Alameda Countys new guideline for handling ice enforcement requests for notification when someone is being released from jail right this is hot off of the press reporter Alameda County sheriff Gregory Ahern breaks down the new policy yes we have a new policy reporter he says he wants to make clear that the public understands that the new policey does not allow for anyone to be unlawfully deatined because of an ice request no reporter his overall view with cooperating with ice enforcement . We have to do our best that we make sure for the safety of our communities reporter we will have more from the Alameda County sheriff including what he had to say regarding the pier 14 shooting coming up on kron4news at 6. Haaziq madyun kron4news catherine republican president ial candidate donald trump helped propel this case into the National Spotlight with his comments on immigration. Catherine he was the first president ial candidate to blame the pier shooting on the Us Immigration policy. But now. Hes under fire for having undocument immgrants working at some of his Real Estate Construction sites. Catherine he was asked about that today by our partners at cnn. How can i, how can anyone . We have 34 million in the country. It used to be 11, now youre 34 million. I cant think guarantee anything. But i can say this, we work very hard to make sure that everybody is legal as opposed to illegal. Catherine our coverage of the fallout from the pier 14 shooting continues on kron 4 dot com. Catherine there you can read more about the sanctuary city controversy. Plus the latest on the investigation. Major computer glitches were causing big problems today from wall street to the nations airports. United airlines and the New York Stock Exchange were both temporarily knocked off line. Catherine but the speculation about co ordinated cyberattacks was apparently groundless. Catherine grant lodes is here to begin our coverage. Grant . Grant were going to start with the outage on wall street, and to put it in perspective, the New York Stock Exchange plays a relatively minor role in the buying and selling of securities. Grant this chart from the Market Research firm nanex compares activity on the n y s e with nasdaq. After their computers went down just before noon on the east coast, traders simply shifted to nasdaq and dozens of other exchanges. If we got spooked or panicked by Something Like this, then were in the wrong business. We deal with things that are far greater risk and importance, i think, than Something Like this. Grant trading on the New York Stock Exchange came to a halt for three hours because of what the Company Calls an internal technical issue. Grant the exchange took to twitter to reassure traders. That the problem was being addressed and that it was it an internal issue and not the result of a cyberabout the same time, the wall street journals homepage went down. Grant readers found a message saying wsj dot com is having technical difficulties and the full site will return shortly. About 45minutes later the site was back up. Grant the United Airlines glitch delayed more than 800 flights around the country. Another 60 were cancelled. Grant the airline blamed a malfunctioning router. All three outages came as Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson was addressing a meeting on cybersecurity. The malfunctions at united and the Stock Exchange were not the result of any nefarous actor. We know less about the wall street journal at this point grant this is not uniteds first computer meltdown. Grant the airline briefly halted all takeoffs in the u. S. On june 2 because of a problem in its flight dispatching system. United said then that about 150 flights were affected. Catherine computer glitches grounded Airline Travelers around the country today. United airlines grounded hundreds of flights for more than an hour. Catherine the problem. A broken router wouldnt let airline computers talk to one another. Catherine it was all worked out but not before frustrating a lot of passengers. Catherine kron 4s will tran has more on the situation at sfo this morning. Reporter not knowing if the system wide computer glitch will allow late morning flight to take off on time. Reporter they told you a lot about your flight . They just said that it will be laid. Late reporter United Airlines had thousands of travelers waiting to take off on the first wave of their flight. 925 in we cannot check and until three times. Reporter there were to look at questions about what happened and what does this mean for me. This would be the last time that they would fly United Airlines again. Gave up in number for the Customs Department to resolve the issue of the flight being grounded. Reporter time is your flight . We are suppose the glut on vacation and our flight was for 9 00. Reporter delays were from 30 minutes at to as much as two hours. The passengers all had a smile on their face to know that there was beyond their control. Still, it was nervous even though the problem was fixed. What if the plane did not arrive on time in chicago and a connecting flight in hawaii could have been pushed back as well. International flights will trend kron 4 news. Will tran, kron4 news catherine todays computer glitches have a lot of people wondering about their investments. Catherine coming up. Financal expert rob black will tell us what we need to be checking tonight. Catherine also actor tom selleck is accused of stealing truck loads of water during californias drought. Catherine with it. And a Mountain Lion seen roaming the streets of San Francisco. Diane forecast will come up next catherine its thirty years to life in prison for a woman convicted of driving drunk. And killing a menlo park couple walking their dog. Catherine Marjorie Reitzell was found guilty on two counts of vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated. The judge said she had no respect for the law or for the danger she caused. Catherine the accident happened in october of 20 13. Kamal and balbir singh were hit from behind on chilco street. Catherine this wasnt reitzels first dui. She was also convicted of drunk driving in 2012. Catherine an argument between two people led to a stabbing death in burlingame last night. It happened around 6 pm on gilbreth road near mitten road. Catherine two men had been arguing and one stabbed the other and ran away. Police are still investigating but say the men had possibly worked together. Catherine Vallejo Police have identified a woman fatally shot in a car yesterday afternoon as 25 yearold gina estevez of daly city. Catherine authorities found estevez and man wounded by gunfire at alameda and capitol streets at around 4. Estevez later died of her wounds at a hospital. Catherine the man survived and says he did not see anyone shooting at the car. Residence of interest in the 100 block of broadway street. But it was not occupied at the family and friends are catherine family and friends bart mourning the death of a teenager shot and killed by Pleasanton Pleasanton Police Sunday morning. Catherine police were responding to a burglary alarm at a carkron 4s Justine Waldman has reaction from the teenagers family. Cover sot jonathan was a wonderful kid. The difference between was and is is so huge right now. Reporter the parents of 19 year old john deming are grieving. Their only son fondly called bubbawas shot and killed by Pleasanton Police. As Police Describe it while responding to the alarmat the car dealership early sunday morningdeming did not follow police orders. Reporter he ran away. Starting a chase. And he got in a fight with an officer. Fearing for their safety, then a veteran officer shot and killed him. Reporter linda sot if there are 7 Police Officers and one bubba i dont understand why it is necessary to shot a young man reporter after the shooting police searched the demings home in san jose for evidence. Handcuffing linda at gunpoint and she says officers never explained to her where her son was. The whole time i thought he was in trouble not shot and killed reporter john senior also a police officer. Tells me his son never got in trouble before he questions how Pleasanton Police handled the situation. It is just ridic the amount of force that was used. Talk to him why deploy beanbags. Tase him. And dogs reporter while they search for answers the parents of the recent High School Graduate are planning his funeral. It is just not real to me i still feel him grant its a sign of the drought. And its ann unusual, scary sight for sure. A mountian lion. Roaming the streets of San Francisco. Grant a Security Camera captured this image. The big cat just walking down the sidewalk in the citys sea cliff neighborhood. Grant that sighting was june 30th. Same day. A sighting in the presidio. Grant the day after. July first. The most remarkable location. Gough and eddy streets near Jefferson Square park. Heart of the grant near lake merced. Grant and back on june 29th. Outside city limits. In daly city. A mountian lion stones throw from serramonte mall. Grant wildlife officials estimate the lion is 12 15 months old. There are no plans to try to catch it right now. Grant Mountain Lion sighings are peninsula regions. As the cats live in the santa cruz mountians. Grant experts say the drought has prompted mountin lions to venture further north. Just like deer they target. In water. During the drought. Catherine wildlife officials have set a young humpback whale free after four days of trying. The whale was tangled in fishing gear and had first been spotted near moss landing in monterey county. Catherine a line from a crab pot injured the whales upper jaw and one of its flippers. Catherine its believed the whale is going to be ok. Catherine so far this year 40 whales have had similar problems along the coast. Catherine biologists still dont know what killed a dolphin found on ocean beach monday. The say the dolphin was female. Because the body had been badly decomposed catherine they had problems determining the sex. There have been at least 12 beached dolphins found in the bay area over the last forty years. Catherine west nile virus is on the rise. According to state health officials. Leading to new warnings. Catherine people are being reminded again that the drought, standing water and hot weather are helping the virus to spread quickly. And are being urged to use insect repellant. Catherine mosquitos and birds can carry west nile. And if you thought the drought would reduce the risk contra cost county Vector Control catherine workers say its not the case. Transmitted to people catherine Vector Control workers say there should be no standing water in yards. And also recommend you keep window and door screens in good repair. Diane have a blanket of low clouds already forming. The rainfall total within the last 25 hours just a trace of light showers. Santa clara and fairfield with 15 in. We are pretty much down with the light showers for the night. With another account of it tomorrow. And the lake tahoe area moving all run to the north of us in clear lake. With storm activity currently with those thundershowers. Diane are keeping things with the molester side with our showers. We cannot have any more for tonight. Or evening hours in the afternoon tomorrow. Apache f o g and cloudy conditions leading into deleading oclock hour and the peninsula with that f o g with the 60 degree temperatures for the most part and patchy drizzle. Diane because of the marine layer 20 in hayward 18 for redwood city creek talking about heavy f o g. By 6 00 a. M. There is a history of showers across San Francisco and stretching out to parts of hayward. You see more of the heavier clouds in place. More sunshine will come by friday and will be done with the way showers for the week. Talking about the cooler temperatures because of the showers and moisture keeping things cooler with 72 degrees for antioch 74 oakland, 634 richmond. Diane things will dry up on friday with more clearing in the sky is was saturday he leaned back up into the 80s with more seasonal temperatures and will have more for the forecast coming up in just a bit catherine a temporary win for tobacco companies. Today. A legislative panel chose not to take up a bill on regulating e cigarettes in california. Catherine the decision came after whats described as a heated hearing. A separate measure to raise the smoking age to 21 was pulled from the agenda. Catherine Committee Members amended the e cigarette bill so much senator mark leno the author voted no. Smoking age was pulled because it didnt have enough support. Catherine most americans want to raise the minimum age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21. A recent survey says 7 in 10 smokers want the change and 3 in 4 american adults. Catherine critics say a change could mean more young people becoming addicted. In most u. S. States you have to be 18 to buy tobacco. In hawaii its age 21. This just in to the kron 4 newsroom. Grant we have a fire that we are looking at in sacramento. Prior to that we were looking at a trash fire with a bunch of trash on fire. Pictures are not cooperating when we get those that we will bring them to you prick no reported injuries or structures threatened creek we will keep an eye on that in sacramento. Catherine . Catherine still ahead. Celebrities behaving badly. Next. What singer Ariana Grande was caught doing which has her apologizing tonight. Catherine also whos accusing blue bloods star tom selleck of stealing water during californias drought. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c or wonder. Whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatmen its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a da for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni theres no interfero and there are no complex regimens tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. Johns wort. It also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. Side effects may include tiredness and headache i am ready to put hep c behind m i am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you since catherine the fallout in the cosby scandal is taking some odd turns. Now a bronze bust of the actor has been removed from Disneys Hollywood studio catherine theme park near orlando. Court documents showing that cosby admitted to women he wanted to have sex with. And in washington d. C. A famous chili restaurant is being pressured to catherine remove a large mural of cosby. People say they no longer want to see him on the side of bens chili bowl. Catherine in the meantime a prosecutor who declined to tells cnn that he stands by his decision. Catherine also Los Angeles Police conducting at least one current criminal investigation of cosby. Involving more allegations of sexual assault. Return to catherine actor tom selleck is being drought shamed. A lawsuit accuses him of stealing truckloads of water for his california ranch in Ventura County. Catherine a local Water District says that a tanker truck filled up at a nearby hydrant more than a dozen times hauling the water to a 60 acre spread owned by selleck. Catherine they say thousands of gallons were stolen and nearly 22 thousand dollars was spent to hire a private investigator to track down the culprit. Catherine the lawsuit comes after california communities were ordered to cut water use by 25 percent. Because of the four year dry spell. Catherine representatives for the actor werent returning calls. Catherine pop singer Arianna Grande says shes sorry for her unpatriotic comments. A video of the singer at a donut shop went viral. Grant you can see here in the video posted from tmz. The singer appears to lick the donuts when no one is looking. Then when a plate of donuts is put in front of her shes heard saying this. Thats disgusting grant the singer says her comments were taken out of context in what shes calling a private moment. Grande says it was a comment about obeisity issues in the country. Grande is an american herself. And was born in boca raton, florida. Catherine king selfies. Catherine next. The country thats taking matters into its own hands to stop them from getting hurt. And new fallout from the baltimore riots. Pam catherine next which city leader is out of a job. male announcer this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. Catherine police and that francisco said the gun used in the crime was stolen from a ranger from the bureau creek from his vehicle. And it is not clear as the house than chance was able to get the car. But we do know that it was taken last week. The ranger was on the town on business it was reported Redwood Creek at all procedures were followed. Catherine the u. S. Stock exchange was shut down for a big problem we do not have a lot of details of what went wrong. Only security sits there was no sign of malicious activity. Stocks did finish with sizable losses. Diane a live look at your 15. He did see the clouds rolling pin prick the strait of showers will come in early tomorrow running on route 8 degrees cooler than normal this time of year. 79 degrees in brentwood 69 in martinez and the east bay shore lies in the mid to upper 60s. Seven degrees in oakland. So scattered showers to up the area all day tomorrow. Lanes shourd starting at around 6 00 a. M. And to the afternoon. It will warm up. With heavy f o g action in the Morning Creek and expect that for your morning commute in your 7 day forecast, things will dry up in heat up and go back to the 80s, friday and saturday with plenty of sunshine. Catherine following the death of freddie grade. Also today the police union released a report that glenn tam for the scope of the rest. The war on terra is turning to attack. Isis is now using in cryptic messaging at to keep conversations with recruits fund traceable. It is making prevention of long wolf attacks more difficult. Including the nasdaq are Police Custody in april. Also today the citys police union released a report that blames him in catherine part for the scope of the unrest. Batts was police chief of oakland from 2009 to 2011. Catherine the war on terror is turning to tech. The fbi director says isis is now using encrypted messaging apps to keep conversations with recruits untraceable. Catherine that fact makes preventing a lonewolf attack more difficult. Encrypted messaging app catherine comey made the comments to a senate panel today. He also discussed the need for Technology Companies to be able to break advanced encryption codes. He says isis has 21thousand englishlanguage followers on twitter to recruit from. Catherine the Confederate Flag has been the center of controversy after last months raciallymotivated killing of 9 people in South Carolina. Catherine but theres growing backlash remove it from state grounds. Stacy cohan has the latest. Pray with me, if you would. Catherine house lawmakers began the day with a moment of silence to honor the victims of the mass shooting. What followed was debate on a more permanent move in their memory. Members we are now on senate bill 897. Catherine thats the bill that would move the Confederate Flag off the state house grounds in South Carolina into a nearby museum. I guess were all thinking today itd be nice if we could find a way to get everyone behind a resolution here that we can all live with and say that we respected each other, and weve got work to do to get there, i think. Reporter the measure overwhelmingly passed the state senate tuesday. Reporter but, in the house lawmakers are proposing multiple amendments that could slow or derail the process. Including replacing the flag with another confederate symbol or sending the issue to a referendum. I grew up holding that flag in reverence, because of the stories of my ancestors going into battle reporter governor nicki haley supports the bill. And hundreds of thousands of people have signed petitions to bring down the battle flag. Reporter it will take a twothirds majority in the house and senate to pass a bill with no amendments attached to it. Reporter but amending the bill would force new debate and stall the process. As the controversial symbol of the south continues to fly. Reporter im stacey cohan reporting. Grant selfies are very popular. And can seem like harmless fun. But in russia. Some people are pushing the envelope. And putting themselves in harms way. Grant the Russian Interior Ministry has launched a safe selfie campaign. To warn people against taking dangerous selfies. People are warned against taking selfies with dangerous animals. Grant and taking selfies from high buildings or hazardous areas. Russian police say there have been 100 incidents alone this year. Grant one recent self portrait turned fatal when a 21yearold woman died falling form a bridge in moscow. The number of accidents while people were taking selfies has been growing constantly. People are looking for new perspectives and unforgettable places. They are taking risks and forgetting great photos can be done in a safe environment grant according to young russians. The selfie is a relatively new trend in russia. And while selfies does not seem to be going away anytime soon. Grant russian authorities hope that their campaign can help decrease the number of selfie incidents. Catherine todays huge computer glitch on wall street might have you worried about your 401k. Coming up. Financial expert rob black will tell us what you should be checking tonight. Catherine and next. Taco bell makes getting a chalupa even easier. It took Tim Morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. But only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Catherine and in the world of fast food you no longer have to make a run for the come to you. Catherine the company is teaming up with doordash to offer delivery to 90 cities in california including the bay area. Catherine if that goes well there could be nationwide delivery service. Catherine the fast food chain has been experimenting in recent months. It added alcoholic beverages to menus in some chicago locations. Catherine and it launched an app last year that allows customers to preorder food for pickup. Return to index of diane your 7 day forecast the coming up the connected explanation. My name is julia grinberg. I work in Energy Efficiency for pg e here in San Francisco. My job is to help my customers save money, save energy and save the environment. When it comes to renewable energy, pg e is absolutely committed to creating a clean energy future. One out of every four solar rooftops in america is in our service area. Its wonderful to work in the city where i live and help my neighbors and i feel like the work that i do reflects that every single day. Together, were building a better california. Grant the Us Womens National soccer team are on top. After they won the womens world cup in canada. Grant now president obama has reached out to congratulate them on their victory. Couldnt be prouder of everybody here and the next time i see the mens team i will have to remind them you guys beat the men in viewership. No soccer event has ever drawn more americans than this one. And you guys just made a whole bunch of new fans and, more importantly, i think inspired a whole new generation of young women to make sure that u. S. Womens soccer continues to grow. So you guys are doing good grant the team will be honored with a tickertape parade in new york on friday. Catherine a popular fashion retailer in the bay area is one of five in the country to inherit a high tech Shopping Experience one thats changing the way women in australia are buying shoes. Catherine kron 4 tech reporter gabe slate shows us the design your own shoes studio. Gabe slate tech report reporter the Design Studio is inside the Nordstrom Shoe Department in the Westfield Center in San Francisco. Customers jump on the ipads located here and create their masterpiece reporter everything is customizable whatever you can imagine. You can create heel height, straps, buckles , colors. Reporter chole here has designed a few pairs through the system. And says i undersold it by saying there are millions of options. Sot Chloe Dutschke shoes of prey we have a huge range of styles and shapes the sudden range which means we can cater for smaller and larger issues buses as well s, adjustments. Meaning people who have struggled hard to find shoe size and the pass was no longer have that problem. Youll be able to get the color and style that you want creek anything that you need lee reflect your style. Its a stepbystep process accurate with amazing shoes that list that can sit down with you one on one to help you create the perfect shoe and fit used for sizes. Reporter after a customer designs their shoe they order it right there on the spot and it is delivered to their home within 4 weeks. Reporter i think that is a little long. If it was within 1 week that would better but consdiering it is built from scratch and mailed to you. I guess thats not to bad. Reporter a pair of these make your own shoes average around 200 or less. Reporter depending what you make. They start at 130. These design your own studios have been a big hit in australia so now they are testing this out in america. Reporter time will tell if this is the future of buying shoes but i do believe we will see more and more of this type of experience with technology blending into retail fashion. Reporter gsk4n diane cloudy conditions are expected tonight with morning at all g. The strait of showers with another round cooler than average temperatures and that will show you what is expected for the sunday forecast. We still have instability off the coast that will remain with those chance of showers tomorrow afternoon. We do have cloud coverage in place as you could see at 5 00 a. M. Tomorrow and showers reaching from San Francisco to hayward and oakland. Look a chance of showers that will eventually dry up friday. Diane no more rain showers for the weekend. 74 out in livermore east bay shore line will be in the upper sixties to low 70s. The peninsula will have the patchy fog in the morning for the morning commute. Diane friday, things will dry up and cleared up as cloud wise as well. East bay shoreline at 76 degrees so we are back to seasonal temperatures on friday. Come monday and tuesday with plenty of sunshine keeping things back into the 90s come to stay in to the in leadbellys. Inland valleys. Catherine it came as a shock to a lot of people today when the New York Stock Exchange shut down for nearly 4 hours. The problem supposedly some kind of internal malfunction. Catherine our financial expert rob black joins me now to catherine this was a shock to some people we have now seen this before have we . Yes a couple of years ago. Catherine we did . Yes, this thing happened years ago there is a system that is it sort of trading System Software that was shut down. Other markets were able to trade and trade successfully creek it looks like a horrible had a line but the details things did go smoothly. Horrible headline catherine there was a whisper of doubt of a Cyber Attacks or hat with they tell us . Or what they tell us right away . , do not have an answer to that. I do not had an answer to that was a lot of mixed data. Some were seen some type of data the others were seen Something Different and they cannot trust it so they pulled the plug into the debt figure it out. The good knows that after night 11 we set up march to see back a situation if effort something did happen to the market driftanother one could open in italy. Immediately. I do not want to speculate it could be a glitch. Our Financial System is well grounded and the united states. Hitting alltime highs with our stock market which should be worried about is that you are not in the market. And you do not trust the Stock Exchange . This is a great way to generate wealth. Think birds are crossed. Thinkers fingers crossed you do get insurance. You are pretty well covered in the worstcase scenario, if anything was to ever happen to your account catherine you ride it out. You have to trust the system. Yes you ride it out. In the end is about earnings and is about capitalism and is about jobs. We are in this situation not a panic situation. That head line. Bad headlines catherine nice to see you again. We mission in the evenings. We miss you catherine the apparent increase in shark attacks recently is fueling fascination with the predators. The insiders debbie matanopolous is in los angeles with details on new gadgets catherine that can protect us. Reporter i have two words for you shark week. Taking us inside a point of view of the great white. Reporter summer deadly sharp attacks are front and center on the new secret that are piling up on North Carolina beaches. The cinematographer at expert says they can be dangerous. The message is all wrong. A shark attack is searching you out looking for you and attacking you. Reporter the Discovery Channel is using new technology to track these preachers insist there is a reason they are making a move toward our beaches. Animals are migrating and moving into areas where especially North Carolina. Reporter the team are placing new tax and technology up with a speedometer to cut the top speed of the shark while capturing its every move for systems that we have been able to use for a short week above every year would come to a par where we have three systems, and remote systems. Reporter have more on this story s seven. Catherine you can watch all your4. After the insider entertainment tonight airs eight catherine new information about the gun that was used by Francisco Sanchez on pier 14. Colon to gather the facts and will be right back. male announcer this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. Catherine now at six. Catherine kron 4 cameras were rolling when police recovered the weapon used in the deadly pier 14 shooting. Catherine tonight. More questions than answers into how the murder suspect got ahold of the gun. We now know belongs to a federal agent. Catherine good evening, im catherine heenan. It is yet another twist in a story that has grabbed the nations attention. Reporter the u. S. Bureau of Land Management says one of its agents guns was used in the shooting death of a woman walking on a popular San Francisco pier. Gary reporter blm spokeswoman dan wilson said the Service Weapon was and was stolen from the agents car while he was in San Francisco pon business. Reporter Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez pleaded not guilty tuesday to murder charges in kathryn steinles death. He told Television News stations he found the gun on the pier and it accidentally fired. Reporter sanchez has been deported to his native mexico five times and is suspected of living illegally. Reporter a 48hours heads up that is what this new federal immigration Priority Enforcement Program policy states Alameda County will give ice agents prior to releasing someone from jail. Sheriff greg ahern explains how ice civil detainer request where previously handled in his county just a few days ago reporter in the meantime sanchez be remains behind bars. Catherine in the past we would honor the detainers and hold the personevery county except for San Francisco was honoring ice detainers catherine as it relates to this incident in San Francisco do you believe that your counterpart over there acted according to what the policy is . Catherine working with the federal government on how best to impliment the federal Priority Enforcement Program San Francisco pam sheriff ahern says in his immigration and Customs Enforcement is not just a to our Community Reporter catherine san francsico mayor ed lee sanctuary ordinance and the role it played in the release of the suspect and the murder of kathryn steinle. Catherine hes talking about it publicly for the first time. Catherine at issue is the citys similar policy adopted by the sheriff department. Catherine both of them led to the sanchez. Catherine Us Immigration officials had asked to be notified. Hand it over catherine the mayor says hell continue to work with officials to find solutions. Catherine democratic president ial has been talking about the tragedy. Catherine in an interview with cnn, she joined other california lawmakers in condemning san policy. What should be done is that the department of Homeland Security, which as i understand it, urged them to he got out of prison another time. You know heres a case where weve deported, weve deported, weve deported and he ends back up in our country and i think the city made a mistake. The city made a mistake not to deport someone that the federal government felt strongly should be deported. Catherine sen. Dianne feinstein says San Francisco mayor ed lee should start cooperating with federal immigration officials who want to deport felons like sanchez. Catherine state sen. Jeff stone says hes drafting a bill that would require all california cities and counties to fully cooperate with federal immigration officials. Catherine our coverage continues online. On our website. Theres raw catherine video of the suspects arrest, reaction from the victims family and uptothe minute information on the investigation. Thats all at kron 4 dot catherine com. Reporter 48 hours heads up that is what is the federal Immigration Party and for that Program Policies take Alameda County will give icy agents prior to releasing someone from jail. Sheriff explains how i see ysabel detainer request well previously handled in his country just a few days ago. In the past we would honor the decanters and how a person. Every county accept for San Francisco was honoring icy e d tenors. Detainers reporter as it relates to this incident in San Francisco did you believe that your counterpart over there reacted according to what the policy is . Reporter he says his office has been working with the federal government on how best to implement the federal party Enforcement Program said it was established back in 2014. Yes prior to this yvette in San Francisco. Event reporter sheriff says his opinion working with immigration and Customs Enforcement is not just a matter of public safety. It makes good sense. Those i see each officials a danger to our community. 2ice reporter haazig madyun kron 4 news. Catherine we now know what caused nearly 40 people to get sick the east bay. Catherine today Contra Costa Health services released its report the antioch water park. Catherine kron 4s Charles Clifford is details. Charles . Reporter yeah, last month 34 kids swimming in whats called the sports pool here at the antioch waterpark when they suddenly started complaining of burning eyes and skin, throat irritation and trouble breathing. 17 of those kids were taken to the hospital and checked out. Today the Contra Costa Health services released some details on what they believe happened reporter plastic look at getting ill from helicopter partnership with abc set an electrichelicopter a partnership with abc seven new spirit reporter pumping into a pipe attached to the broken pot and a pop started working again and ejected all those chemicals and two people creek which made those kids sick creek our Health Services says the list of recommendations with antioch which operates the water park on how they can fix the problems says, it was brought with an Automated System that should have more human oversight. System malfunctioned at some kind of way and in need have a good human oversight and case if something malfunctions it is corrected in a timely fashion. A reporter all the polls were closed and now have since been recalled occurred before pool is still shut down to having to about 15 to respond to the Health Services recommendations and then possibly, that some of apple can open. Swimming pool catherine firefighters in the east contra costa Fire Protection district have delivered a vote of no confidence to their chief. Catherine thats because of the failure of a ballot measure that would have raised money for the district. Catherine theyre also upset because 2 fire stations were shut down earlier this year. Catherine the district is down to only 3 stations. Leaving them short staffed. The fire union says the chief hasnt done enough about the problem. Catherine the board doesnt seem to the chief diane we have mostly cloudy skies for most of the evening. The usher flow with 32 in fairfield instability in the coastal area. Diane at 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow hayward and vallejo will exploit that special export tax that moisture. Will expect moisture diane 64 vallejo at the east bay shoreline more at the 70s and general and low 70s and San Francisco. 70s, and the north bay. Waste heat things up back into the 90s, when i return catherine new at six. Catherine the popular bay bridge lights arent going anywhere for a while. Catherine we just got word that a maintenance contract approved today should keep them twinkling well into the next decade. Catherine the Bay Area Toll Authority approved a 10year, 2point1 Million Dollar contract with Philips Lighting to maintain the lights. Catherine they were first installed in 75th anniversary celebration. Catherine the light show was suspended install more durable lights. Catherine the bridge will light up again early next year just in time for the super bowl. Grant happening now. Grant two things to be aware of. One under the Golden Gate Bridge. The other near it. For the first time. Inspectors. Using ropes. Will be dangling off the bridge. Grant theyre checking for cracks or unstable sections of the bridge grant so if you see the spectacle. No need to worry. There is reason for concern if you planning on driving over the Golden Gate Bridge late tonight tomorrow. Or over the weekend. Grant doyle drive is closing for several days. As crew work to ready the new tunnels for traffic. This is a sneak peak of that it looks like to drive through the new tunnels. Grant the bridge and 19th street will be open during the closure. But not doyle drive. Also known as presidio parkway. That shutdown starts tomorrow night at 10. And lasts until five oclock monday morning. Catherine and cyber glitch caused a delay in their trade caused a delay in flight and stock trading and bill cosby emmetts that he gave clues to in least one woman he wanted to have sex with barrett kids are expensive. So im always looking to get more for my money. Thats why i switched from uverse to xfinity. They have the most free on demand tv shows and movies on all my devices. Its perfect for me because my kids are costing me a fortune. Im going to cabo [ music plays ] dont settle for uverse. Xfinity is perfect for people who want more entertainment for their money. Sign up today or get started with this great offer. Call or go online today. It took Serena Williams years to master the two handed backhand. But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. H hat geico could save them money on car insurance, right . You see the thing is geico well, could help them save on boat insurance too. Hey okay. Im ready to come in now. Hello . Im trying my best. Seriously, im. Im serious. Request to come ashore. Geico. Saving people money on more than just car insurance. Catherine Vallejo Police have identified a woman shot and killed in a car yesterday. As 25yearold gina estevez of daly city. Catherine she and a man were both shot and found on alameda and capitol streets. Estevez died a short time later in a hospital. The man who was injured says he didnt see who shot at the car. Catherine police searched a home on the 100 block of broadway street. But no one was there. Catherine 40yearold Brenda Martinez has been charged with murder. For allegedly beating her neighbor to death with a baseball bat in san mateo on saturday. Police say martinez turned herself in saturday night and admitted to killing her 66yearold neighbor. Catherine the neighbor was found dead of head trauma. And the baseball bat was nearby. Martinez was scheduled to be arraigned this afternoon on the murder count. Catherine Stock Traders and Airline Travelers frustrated by today. Catherine Government Security experts say the glitches were not the result of malicious attacks. Catherine grant lodes is here to show us what happened. Catherine grant . Grant honestly at an usher if they truly know. But we will find out soon. Grant if you were a United Airline traveler, what was happening this morning was exactly zero. Grant this is what the arrival and departure board looked like at portlands airport. Grant planes. But plenty of frustrated passengers. They keep changing it. Grant a short time later computers went down on wall street and trading on the New York Stock Exchange came to a halt for hours due to date in turn technical issue creek taking to twitter based in a that was not a result of a cyber breach. The wall street journals home page went down. Steading that it was having technical difficulties and the fall website would return soon. All three outages were over within hours. President obama was agreed with his cyber attack advisers. Cyber security advisers. Grant it is another indication of how dependent we have become on computer technology. Three times just told me its an hour and a half delayed our professionals have looked at this, and more importantly, the the Information Technology professionals at the New York Stock Exchange, at United Airlines and the wall street journal have been looking at this, too. And what i can tell you is that as it relates to at least the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines, that theres no indication at this point of any sort of malicious activity being responsible for the technical issues that theyve endured today. Catherine a distrubing new report about the Collateral Damage if a cyber attack shut down parts of the us power grid. Catherine it could cost as much as one trillion dollars to the us economy. Catherine the report from the university of cambridge outlines a scenario of an electricity blackout that leaves 93 Million People in the new york city and washington dc areas without power. Catherine the losses come from damage to infrastructure and business supply chains, and are estimated over a fivethere have been 15 suspected Cyber Attacks on the u. S. Electricity grid since 2000, the report said, citing u. S. Energy department data. Diane light showers here and there. Santa clara at one. And fairfield at 18 in. As well. A look ahead with a mostly cloudy conditions and medical stocks fog. Temperatures and low sixties for the inland valleys. Patchy drizzle again. Patch fog diane and dropped a two or of little sprinkle spirit the rain is up to the north of us pushing into the ukiah area and 30 recut area. I cloud is in place. Showers what tomorrow morning at 6 00 a. M. During your morning commute and by 10 00 a. M. It will go out to hayward, fairfield and vallejo as well. With a sprinkle or two. We will be done with the rain showers at the tomorrow afternoon with friday coming in with more sunshine and cloud cover it will push off. Because of widespread low cloud with afternoons having more sunshine creek. Diane the east bay shoreline is much cooler because of the pettifog and drizzle south bay regions with widespread cloud coverage and temperatures will not get as warm mostly ended 7 8. Expecting light showers. Diane the peninsula and San Francisco with the microclimate temperatures in the 60s what pettifog and the morning hours. We will have thursday and friday with more warmly trend continuing with the hottest day of the weekend which will be on sunday. Morning and tuesday as well at last you until mid week. Diane you can always download are free mobile application to get more updates on our forecast. Catherine the fallout from bill cosbys admission that he gave quaaludes to at least catherine one woman he wanted to have sex with continues to mount. That revelation was unsealed in Court Documents this week. Catherine now there are reports that the woman whose 2004 lawsuit led to the deposition catherine in question might ask the judge to unseal all of cosbys testimony. Catherine and the prosecutor who declined to charge cosby with a crime back then told cnn that he stands by his decision. Based on a regulation from teen years ago i think we did not have probable cause to believe that a crime occurred and the first place. Another was evidence was not sustained to get to the jury. Seoul if we had the statement is still would have been admissible. Catherine a tribute to cosby is no longer welcome at Disneys Hollywood studio catherine theme park near orlando. Workers have removed the bronze bust. Catherine orlando locals and disney fans have actually been demanding that for months. Catherine then theres the large mural of cosby at a wellknown chili restaurant in washington d. C. Catherine the owners of bens chili bowl are being pressured to get rid of it. Catherine meantime Los Angeles Police are confirming that theyre conducting at least one current criminal investigation involving cosby. Still ahead. Catherine catherine a bombshell out of baltimore. Why the citys Police Commissioner is now out of a job. And actor tom selleck. Accused of stealing water to hydrate his massive ranch in southern california. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c or wonder. Whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatmen its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a da for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni theres no interfero and there are no complex regimens tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. Johns wort. It also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. Side effects may include tiredness and headache i am ready to put hep c behind m i am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you catherine happening today. Catherine actor tom selleck is high over his use of water use during the drought. Reporter again used indicate stanley murder was being linked to a gun stolen from a ranger. And Law Enforcement ranger had his government issued semi automatic weapons stolen from his car in San Francisco. That is the same gun used in the murder occurred the various policies and procedures of how a federal officer must bore his vehicle in a car is now being investigated to make sure that he felt the proper procedures. Reporter mayor, ed lee talks on camera for the first time about the controversy will century policy. And how it played a role in this murder of cake stanley. Kate reporter he will review the policy and look for better ways to deal with cases like this. Reporter here in dublin, the sheriff said his deputies will no longer honor the civil detainment. They will follow the party Enforcement Program to give ici e 48 hours when someone is released from jail. Try to give them 48 hours notice of the content the enforcement action that they so desire. Reporter and Contra Costa County looking into results as to what made two dozen children sick at a water park. The injection of chemicals and to the poll of higher rank as normal which make the children sick. They have in regards to moving father to keep this from happening in the future of the city has that recommendation spirit that helped agency has sent the city recommendations they have until the 15th of this month to respond. He always make sure that everyone in his family was ok and that he knew that they loved the heat that they were loved. Reporter the Contra Costa County Sheriffs Department says this is an open investigation. Reporter dan Justine Waldman hear from the husband of brittany maynard. The california woman who moved to oregon to end her own life telling us what will happen state ephors were stopped to test the die with dignity law. Catherine and kharkov fire near scar rage lane. 95 per cent content and no injuries and no buildings were threatened. Grant . Water over his use of water during this historic tom selleck accused of stealing water for california ranch ventura, calif. A lawsuit accuses actor tom selleck of stealing truckloads of water from a public hydrant and bringing it to his ranch in droughtstricken southern california. Grant a Ventura County Water District claims a tanker truck filled up at a hydrant on more than a dozen occasions and hauled the bloods star. 30 say the calleguas municipal Water District spent nearly 22,000 to hire a private investigator to document the alleged thefts, which date back two years. Grant the lawsuit comes after california communities were ordered to cut water use by 25 percent compared with 2013 levels amid a fouryearrepresentatives for selleck did not return messages seeking comment wednesday. Diane the east bay shoreline is looking like the upper 50s. And low to mid 50s with the pettifog in place so keep that in my with the morning commute. Looking at the temperatures was 75 degrees for normal averageabnormal average per it normally is about 85 degrees. Diane you will feel most of the warm up, saturday and to sunday with sunday be the warmest day of the weekend. It will last until midweek would think up and to the 90s will return. Catherine keeping your children safe and the dog days of summer. Oh remotes youve had it tough. Watching tvs get sharper, bigger, smugger. And you . Rubbery buttons. Enter the x1 voice remote. Now when someone says. Show me funny movies. Watch discovery. Record this. Voila. Remotes you are back. The x1 voice remote is here. Sign up today or get started with this great offer. Call or go online today. Catherine a health alert tonight. Catherine after traces of asbestos were found in childrens crayons and toy crime lab kits. Most of the items were made in china and sold at dollar stores. Catherine a Watchdog Group is now calling for a ban on asbestos in consumer catherine asbestos has been linked to Serious Health problems, lung cancer. Catherine summer is a time when children tend to spend more time outdoors. But heatrelated illness can be particularly tough on catherine cnns holly firfer has advice on how to keep your reporter there is no shortage of Outdoor Activities available right by. Reporter but experts say its important to recognize that children and adults tolerate heat very differently. Children are at higher risk for heatrelated injuries because they have thin skin and they dont manage the Heat Exchange well 11 05 10 fluids through their skin and so they need extra fluids relative to what an adult does. Reporter according to the centers for Disease Control and prevention infants and children younger than four are among those at the greatest risk for heat related illness. Reporter for babies under six months, doctors suggest keeping them out of direct sun reporter have them hydrated prior to going out reporter and drink every 2030 minutes. Reporter for older kids reporter anticipate and plan ahead. They, too, need to drink before going out. Reporter take frequent breaks to rehydrate reporter and avoid sodas with caffeine. Reporter and while water is usually sufficient. After about an hour, water is not enoughutilizing a sports drink can be helpful for the extra electrolytes reporter parents should be able to recognize these symptoms of heat illness. Faintness, reporter extreme tiredness, reporter nausea, reporter fever or muscle spasms. Reporter . All signs that medical attention may be needed for a child. For todays health minute, im holly firfer. Southwest is having a sale because when theres a reunion every cent should go to a killer dress. Never gonna get it by en vogue and heels. And a blowout. Mani pedi. Three weeks of tanning. Facial. A backup dress. Bronzer, lip gloss. Book for as low as 73 dollars oneway now at southwest. Com. It took Tim Morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. But only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Gary giants in their last game of the series gary top of the 6th. 00 game gary when your teams doesn t score against this guy . . Gary the ball game is soon to be over gary 41 mets but without buster posey due to strained right calf gary this is the second straight game he has missed gary fan decided to bring work to the giants afternoon game gary top 6th gary 00 score gary Brandon Crawford looks like he will make a nice out but overthrows joe panik gary ball jumps all the way over to right field mets would score gary jake peavy not getting the help in this game 10 mets gary bot 6th gary same score gary jacob degrom would have a great outing for mets gets hunter pence to strike out swinging gary top 9th gary 20 mets gary 9th inning hasnt been kind to the giants in this series gary jean machi gives up this tworun homer gary 40 mets gary bot 9th gary 41 mets gary tie, but grounds out to end the game gary final 41 mets gary giants lose two of three games in series against mets gary day off tomorrow gary 18yearold shortstop Lucius Fox Gary who the giants signed from the International Pool for 6 million last week visited his new team at at t park today gary fox who is from the bahamas but played High School Ball in florida is ranked the 3rd best international propect by mlb. Com if he had stayed in the draft he would have likely been a 2nd round pick gary here was fox today on joining the giants gary may become a minimum of three years to know if he is any good. Right now he is good at the bank with 6 million. Catherine good to see him with the entire family. Everyone is happy. Gary says it is a right it is a life changing ordeal. At exxon was he going to get a rolls royce or a mercedes . He says mercedes. He did not even blink an eye. Gary former and now blue jay josh will headline the allstar home run derby he is only tied for 8th in the majors with 21 but was the leading vote getter for the allstar game breaking the alltime record with more than 14 million votes gary here are the participants gary Josh Donaldson gary Anthony Rizzo gary Todd Frazier Gary we brought you thiks last night from the pittsburg, gary san diego game at p nc park gary during the rain delay gary the wind takes this tarp and wraps up the grounds keeper gary players looking on rush to free him gary luckily, the grounds keeper gets free pirates star Andrew Mccutchen cant believe it gary and so todaythe grounds keepers drew this next to third base gary a memorium for the grounds keeper engulfed by the tarp yesterday gary it reads gary rip tarp man july 7, 2015 gary with an outline of the man in the dirt gary honoring the guy swallowed up by the tarp gary great defensive player country jordan. Better player on the loss angeles clippers says he is going to dallas. But to cannot sign him until july 9th, officially. So in his than the clippers are and the hotel wont with him. Along with mark cuban. Try to get tam and change his mind and keep him here. For years 80 million. As we speak, the clippers and bomber who used to work with bill gates and microsoft are in de rome. They are trying to do all of this stuff toward china on the internet, they are all excited, please contact and asian plantthey are all excited, please, thatcome back laughter gary again a long way to get to the duke and duchess. Have you met them . Catherine know. I have not. She always looks nice. She looks pretty ordinary s week. But these two they are nice and young. Catherine they seem just pretty normal. Grant they also like fresno. Catherine laughter catherine coming up. Taco bell, delivered right to your couch. Leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. On us. Get your first months payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. Make the most of summer. With volvo. Catherine the new Pilot Program being rolled out here in San Francisco. Catherine the tech giant said this morning that up to 78 catherine we are back with more news at 8 00. And maybe some showers. Diane things will clear up come friday, that what seasonal temperatures this weekend. In fact; sunday will be the warmest day. The insider from hollywood. Your 24 7 celebrity conversation. Its stressful how much weve felt overall these years. Are we going to spend the rest of our life doing this . Scott cuts the kardashian cord. We uncover his shocking personal wealth. As brody jenner distances himself from kim and company. Then the rosy days are over at the view. Ive decided its time to move on. Whos getting her seat and is Nicole Wallace next . Ariana grandes antiamerican problem has social media boiling mad. Plus, as the hawk hammers those killer sharks in sharknado 3. I know youre a little timid around sharks. The oceans ultimate predator. If you hear anything like no. I dont like this at all. Now, hollywood from the inside out. Its the insider together with yahoo yahoo rosie perez out at the view. Another one bites the dust. You got here just in time for all those crazy shake ups. What is happening . Apparently so. Were going to go inside and what these changes mean. The view goes through their hosts kind of like the kardashians go through their men. Lets talk about that. Kourtney and Scott Disicks split still trending big time. Tonight, we go insi

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