We need to make sure theyre in line with the party. So the party in his version of political reform is restoring the party as the vanguard for the society in every realm. So not the demonstrate awkization we would imagine. We conclude with zac brown, the front man of the Zac Brown Band. He was alive i was defiant when he made me walk the line. Mike allen, Graham Allison and zac brown when we continue. Rose funding for charlie rose has been provided by the following and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. We begin with politics and we are join by mike allen cofounder of, yes and editor of the axios am newsletter. Great to see you. Great to be at your table, charlie. Rose great to see you in new york. Let me begin with general kelly. I thought that was a very very emotional moment. Not just externally, were hearing inside a huge impact on the staff. One of the insiders at the white house saying that general kelly is looking like the moral core of trump white house. People watching his surprise appearance in the White House Briefing room to say that discussions about conversations between families of the fallen and the president should be sacred. And of course general kelly talking from very harsh personal experience lost a son. The greatest man that he knew, general kelly said, lost a son in combat. So hes experienced this and charlie viewers in the most clinical term walking through what happens when soldiers lost. How is he brought back, how is the family known. I think he was trying to shock both the public and the press into saying this is not a normal like punching bag partisan sport. This is something that causes tremendous pain. Not politics. Who started it. It was the president of the United States who brought up the idea that perhaps general kelly when he lost his son had not been called by president obama and of course everybody goes to the press office and says so was general kelly called when he lost his son and the press office said on background that he was not. So this is where the conversation began. But charlie, i got emails from my readers at axios am who said this is an unbelievably painful topic. I think its a little bit what general kelly was speaking to. We dont care who started it. This is causing tremendous pain. But general kelly too took criticism online. He too did not acknowledge the fact that this had started in literally his house. Rose so the implications are what . Implications are like charlie i have said how many times have we had this conversation nine months to the day, nine months to the day that President Trump took office. I keep telling you theres going to be a fight that he is going to regret picking and im on every single time. The last time i thought that picking on the female mayor of san juan puerto rico when her island had been wiped out. Hes tripled down on that and as you is he saw yesterday the president said as to grade, the administrations response to puerto rico where 80 of the people remain without power one month on, you saw the president give himself a ten twice. So he gave himself a 20. Doesnt regret that. This fight over the families of the fallen soldiers, the gold star families, general kelly among the hats he wears a fermenter four star marine general, now chief of staff, a gold star father. In the long run they may regret picking that fight. Its too personal and i think even for people who follow politics in the most casual way they stay off. Rose they pick the fight or the woman raised the question, the Congress Woman picked the fight. Thats a fair point. The Congress Woman who questioned rose she said she was listening in. Lets not dispute it, she was in the car. Rose also i thought drew the anger of general kelly. Completely fair. Rose she shouldnt been listening in. If i look at the conversation online and the emails and text i get thats true a lot of people do think that. Rose secondly, there is this question, yesterday president bush made a speech. He talked not specific policies but attacking a sense of truth and what they thought was just to tell you what the president said, president bush basically said he said bigotry and golden. Rose golden bigotry, discourse degraded by casual cruelty. This sets a national tone and provides permission for cruel tree and bigotry. He didnt mention trump by name. He didnt have to. Its completely obvious to everyone who he was talking to. The bushs whatever they said publicly i can tell you, they started reporting privately, the bush familiar here was very much against a trump presidency. And it was based largely on trade. It was based largely on issues. Now its personal. And now president bush paid a big price in 2000. Youll remember its hard not to remember in 2000, remember he talked about a different kind of republican. He talked about republicans who would be compassionate conservativism. He paid a price for that in republican politics back in 2000. But now were seeing thats where his heart is. Rose in fact his father in 1988 talked about a kinder gentler america which was a reflection. Heres whats interesting to me. Is it possible that were moving towards some kind of Real National dialogue about where we are in terms of whats happening in the political dialogue in this country . At some point well be coming together so you have a perfect story. I agree with you that all the markers are there. All the hinges and triggers are there. But a dialogue has to have both sides and theres no sign that the president is going to engage in this. If he were going to he would have played his cards differently from the beginning. Imagine after the president won election he was strong. He had surprised people and he had won big electoral victory, lost the popular vote of course. But when the president was most politically strong after he won right after he was inaugurated and before he did the travel ban. Imagine if he had gone and visited a mosque. Imagine if he had gone to a bar. Imagine if he decided to have this sort of dialogue but theres no sign that in the political math that this president is doing, that thats what hes looking for. Rose you got steve bannon out there encouraging primaries in which republican establishment will be challenged. Youve got paul ryan saying today to me again, that identity politics has gone way too far number one. He also says that he thinks that the president may be overweighing who is in his, who is in his base. That he thinks that the president may be think that the basis for the right than they actually are. Fascinating. He may think its bigger than it is. Like the calculus of this white house is that in these times and karl rove said this in 2004 when he was running the reselection of president bush, at this time you dont need 50 . You just need your voters. Its the 38 , yes. Its not 28 and thats the danger for this president. Thats why he moved so fast for the high flying cabinet members. He said he was going to drain the swamp. Thats the kind of thing that could soak in with the trump voters. The feedback im getting from trump voters today is theyre not shaken by this. They do not see a Tipping Point in this National Conversation. Like the most clinical people charlie will say to you and these are some of my friends who voted for President Trump, they say we didnt vote for President Trump for moral leadership. They said anybody who thinks that we voted for President Trump for moral leadership misunderstands the election. They voted for him for much more clinical reasons because they thought he would help the economy and it wasnt clinton and all these other words. Could we have this disthat the low expectations for President Trump individual a certain insulation from him against the kind of National Conversation that you and i see brewing. Rose what percentage do you think the far right, far right and i even include White Supremacists in that. What percentage are they of the trump constituency . Its more than we thought. Rose oh really . And i thought rose more than 10, 15 do you think. Im not going to put a number on it because i just dont know. I can tell you that i missed, the night before the charlottesville rally, like i missed the importance of that because there have been fringes in the south. Like you and i have covered it for a north decade. I went to school in western virginia so like we know that fringe. What we saw after charlottesville that fringe is probably less than its portrayed but more than we thought. Its a sizeable enough part of the Trump Coalition that for whatever reason, he will not walk away from it. Rose interesting thing about david brooks piece and davids been writing some sense where these times call for you to take a stand with respect to the current political discourse and some sense where the country is going. And some sense of the disengagement from the liberal order. I dont mean that in terms of the liberal right left frame but in terms of the west and after the war. The United States sort of leading the coalition of nations to help other nations in terms of the Marshall Plan and that whole thing and building these International Organizations like the united nations, like trade organizations like nato all of these other organizations that came forward theres some sense does the United States believe in those institutions does it work to support them or is it turning it back and will people be judged not only about the wrongness of the political debate but also in terms of where the country may have made a turn away from its traditional leadership role in the world. Thats where you get people seeing only half in just the german chancellor Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world shes of course engaged in these institutions. Just this week you see president xi of china who the wall street journal called him the most powerful leader since mao who is wanting. Rose economists calling him the most powerful person in the world. Thats right. More so than the president. Rose china says we want to lead. We realize what we have done, we want to lead. We dont want to be the only leader but we want to lead and we want to play a role not just in the Pacific Region but in the world. Of course thats a wolf in sheeps clothing but its appealing to many like potential allies, former allies and thats why president xi is strong and engaging in the South China Sea and other places like you dont want in any way sugar coat what china is doing. I think its very possibly the u. S. Eventually will be headed toward a confrontation. Rose thank you so much. Happy weekend, charlie. Rose chinas 19th communist Party Congress began this week. It is president xi jinping first time which marks the end of his first five year term. In his opening speech he called for a National Rejew nation and declared a new erika. Essex pecked to solidify his leadership. His name and political theory will be foremanly inscribed in the Party Constitution next week. His inclusion elevates him to the form leaders. Joining me now is Graham Allison a professor at the Harvard Kennedy school. His latest article in the wall street journal is called behold the new emperor of china. Im glad to have him here. Its good to welcome him, hes been looking closely at this 19th Party Congress. Everybody believed its very very important so i began with that. Why is it so important. I think were together to see defining moment in which either xi turns out to be more or less like the leaders that went before him, tao, a party man who is part of a collective leadership thats theory one. Or three two hes crowned in effect as the emperor with no time limit. Not only for second five year term but without any obstacle to a third term. If the latter, we will see that hes consolidated his power to an extent that i think were going to see a surge of initiatives both at home especially the economic reform area and also in tough thing the authoritarian structure which hes done and abroad as he tries to stand up more. If the first, actually he has to settle for just being more of the same. I think well filed a china thats a little, you know, more cautious. Rose we have seen someone who accumulated power. Hes more power in his five years than tao when he left being president. Absolutely. Everybody would agree that hes transformed the collective leadership in a manner that nobody anticipated so than hes almost in control of things now but hes been consciously moving the pieces and hes had this any corruption inquisition in effect run by his best body. Which basically instilled fear in everybody and taken down even members of the Standing Committee. Rose hes taken down people who might be opponents for him. Absolutely. Rose were they guilty of corruption. Well i think if you said, since ping should be richest floor just been almost everybody who had power is rich in china. If you said who could we get for corruption i think is virtually everybody. Rose he has certainly accumulated more power. Right. Rose there is a two teller limit right now. Right now. Rose he could change that. Its a custom. Its not really written in law but theres a limit, two term limit thats plus theres a 68 year old retirement policy. So we will see in choice of to either keep his buddy who runs the Anticorruption Campaign who is now 69, hell either keep him on the Standing Committee and erode the custom to retire at 68 or he will have an opportunity. Secondly in general the custom at this point, he awe noints s possible successor. Hes not going to pick anybody i believe theres not going to be a visible punitive successor. Rose how much opposition is there to him and is it in certain institutions like the military or some political leader. Who is his competition. His two predecessors who actually appeared at this Party Congress at the meeting. Theyre sitting there. Each of them represent factions and they have members of their faction that are part of the current Standing Committee that are in a collective leadership of pushing back. Because it wasnt by accident that the group that the communist Party Leadership shows collective leadership. All these people live through mao. Having a single leader who turns out to be a madman, caused deaths in each of these peoples family. So this is really personal for all of them. Thats why they were so careful in instructing collective leadership and why many of them have been so unappeary that hes undone the collective leadership to have one man rule. Now many chinese will say even in public hes not even the ceo hes the coe, the chief of everything. So hes trying to take and pretty effectively but because in taking other people down for corruption and since in principal everybody could be had, everybodys pretty nervous. And so normally in a kind of palace politics, groups would sort of go against him. Initially many chinese experts thought they would go after them and get rid of him. Rose xi jinpings thought on chinese on socialism with chinese characteristics. Right. Rose thats his political philosophy for the country and for himself. Thats a very important thing. You picked up on exactly the right thing. So theres only the only person who in the litany of the china and its communist parties have the thought of is mao. Remember the red book. Thats the thoughts of mao. Even for ping rose made modern china. Thats right. He wasnt going to call himself the thoughts he said ive got the theory. After that, no president of china was prepared to put his name on anything. They got the ideas but they know whats wrong. So in saying im putting out officially the thoughts of xi jinping, hes elevated to the level of mao. Thats a very big sign. The idea of socialism in chinese characteristics is also fascinating. His first idea hes articulated is the china dream. Its a china restored to its natural place at the center of the universe. The sun around which all the other countries of ashu in the first instance orbit. Rose is it in that story china is going to be bigger, stronger, richer so by 2021 their first centennial founding of the communist party will be at the low of the lowest european and the second centennial theyre going to be richer than the americans. Rose are you talking about per capita. Yes. Per capita both for 2021 and an the u. S. , yes. Ger in total rose in macro economics. Yes. Rose right, right. So when you look at political reform hes basically saying dont expect us to. Hes got his form of political reform but its not the one you and i would like. Western watchers have said china has got to become more like us. Its got to become more democratic but it becomes a market economy and is now about 70 a market economy but its a different kind of market economy. Its a stateled market economy. Hes actually moved recently to say we need to have a party member on the board of all these Companies Like alibaba and continueson and wildlife buzz we need to make sure they are in line with the party. The party in his version of political reform its restoring the party as a vanguard for a society in every realm. Not the democratization. Rose right now its the party rules. If you look at the three andahalf hour speech on 20 different occasions he says the party leads the society. The next one the party leads the country. The next one the party leads the economy. The party leads the military. The most important one is to revitalize and relegitimize the party which has been corrupted and so the Anticorruption Campaign is trying to make out a legitimacy for this 70 that want to rule everybody else. Why should you allow either rule this when im a member of the party when youre richer than i am. Mpany or youre a military guyh or otherwise. Youre trying to legitimize the party and thats a pretty far stretch. Rose when you look at populous support beyond the party, does he have a lot of populous support in china. He does and its a fascinating thing. Lots of company try to do polls that give you a pretty good indicator. Cant do free polling the way you do here but its right good out 80 of the people think hes doing great. What do they think . They think were doing so much better in the economy than our competitors. If youre delivering the goods to me its slowed to 6. 8 . My god were strag ling for 2 . If someone came along and said that rose thats primarily because of the rising middle class. Yes. 300 Million People have become middle class. Theyve got this fantastic consuming middle class. Secondly youve got people being proud to be chinese. China were standing up, we playing a bigger role. So i would say so far. And the Anticorruption Campaign has been extremely popular because many people have been ex exploited by this corruption. Rose how about internationally where does he want china to be. He praised what china had done in the South China Sea. Were going to continue to do that. Does china want to play a more increasingly aggressive and significant role globally . I would say thats a great question. And i would give the answer which i agree with by the worlds best china watcher until he died two years ago who you had frequently on your show founder and builder of singapore. So i asked him, are chinas leaders like xi and his buddies series about displacing the u. S. In the foreseeable future as the predominant power in asia. That seemed like a fair question. And he said of course. Why not. Who could imagine otherwise. How could they not aspire to be number one in asia and in time the world. Rose theres also the question where china is with the United States. How do they define the relationship today with the United States. They would say seriously competitive. They try to dress it up a little bit. But when they wake up in the morning and i described this in my book actually because i got from two extremely good sources very close to the horses mouth of people that watch china carefully. When they da scribe to themselves what they think the u. S. Is doing to them. They think the u. S. Is trying to contain them, try to restrain their growth and their natural resumption of the great rejuvenation of the natural strong predominant china in the region. Rose are we trying to do that . Well, i would say maybe in half hearted way. I say to my chinese friends wait a minute, if we were seriously trying to do that, let me tell you a dozen things we would be doing. So you must either think were feckless, we have an objective but were so feckless doing the thing were doing or that doesnt make sense to me. I dont believe thats what were trying to do. I think were more confused what weve been trying to do. Weve been trying to integrate them into the International System in the hope if they are integrated and over time they become more democratic and when they are more democratic they would be more rule based and be a more responsible stakeholder. Thats our story but that story looks shaky. Rose what do you say to secretary tillerson where the u. S. China relationship has gotten out of whack and china went too far in the South China Sea and we should be paying more attention to india. India has more population than china. India has a democracy and india has the capacity to become everybodys powerful when we talked the last time i was with you, the argument in my book is that with the rising power and graduately the ruling power were going to be through a period of deep structural stress for a whole generation. The question of how were going to manage it is the question we should be focused on now and for that i believe if we just keep doing what weve recently been doing its going to turn out quite badly. I would say business as usual would likely produce history as usual and is war, actually war between the u. S. And china. I can imagine that happening. I can imagine actually god for bid kim junun with the u. S. And nobody wants a war with china. Rose nobody wants a war with north korea and they tonight want them to have nuclear weapons. Nor have they done a lot to stop them. Nor have we stopped down with them. This is what weve talked about before. My view im a hundred percent subscribing to, if you would imagine, adult would sit down one or two americans with one or two chinese the way henry and joe sat down when you were doing the opening to china and talk about what do you really care about and what do i care b its a huge convergence of interest. If you were going to build on those convergence of interest to find something to do in the north korean opinions law is something we dont like. We have to talk about the regis specially on the opinions law. So they say and theyre prepared to fight about the fact theyre not going to have a unified korea thats a military alignment. We did that in 1950 and we beat you back to the 38th parallel. We say were not abandoning south h korea. Its a poster child. Its a democracy its the 13th largest economy in the world. Its a success. So were not abandoning south cree. What could we do deny the two of us. Theres some space there if we were examining, henry said this, we never had people sitting down seriously talking about this subject at length with flexibility with the chinese. Rose i find that stunning. Its dumb founding. For sure it didnt happen in the Obama Administration and for sure it didnt happen in the rose none of those, Carl Flemming and those people. Basically you have to have somebody whom the president trusts personally and somebody with the chinese president. And they have to go without constraints. To explore options rose i guarantee you that barack obama said i had that conversation with xi jinping and in california and other places. I guarantee you they had that conversation. I may say they began a bit of that conversation but my stone view i think from both american and the chinese side. If you go back to look at now the transcript of the henry conversation. To start off, the chinese were insistent that we were going to have to somehow shift our focus when we thought of china from taiwan which we recognized which we had a military alliance with bay julia beijing and sell our life down the river. Lo and behold we did come to recognize beijing as the capital of china even though beijing and taiwan are prepared to say theres only one china they disagree who it was. Thats a bit of artful diplomacy. Exploring that degree of flexibility for people who objected to that policy would call accommodations. Rose are you saying since the nixon administration, henry kissinger, that george bush 41 and jim bakker and chris never had that kind of conversation. Are you saying talking about bill clinton and ping and brezezinski. At that time we were not. The Nuclear Issue became a big issue in the clinton administration. We were not talking to china about korea hardly at all. Tillerson, theres a few sides mentioning it today. I dont know if his relationship with trump is that secure and he would be loosed for such a discussion. The meetings that he has are like meetings where you sit with somebody for 45 minutes and ive got my talking points and you got your talking points. Its a quite different thing. But if you go back to kissinger, they sat 18 hours in the first thing. Just talking. So let me get you to help you understand on you youre seeing this situation. Let me tell you how im seeing nald trump trump and xid jinping spent in florida. Trump went down and gave an amazing interview to the wall street journal. He told xi jinping said you can solve the korean problem. And he told me its complicated. And i said why is it complicated. Let me tell you and he told you theres a story between china and north korea. So trump is not a careful student of history. Rose what do you think about this. I recently talked with kissinger about this in a group of people. We talked about the idea of the trump visit. Trauma is going when to china. First week of november. Rose this is that xi jinping hes already going to be emperor. Rose here donald trump going to beijing but hes stopping places along the way. What should he be asking. I think he should say to xi theres a very real prospect this bastard is going to drag the two of us into a war that neither of us want and both know would be catastrophic but we should remember north korea only did this once before in 1950. In 1950 mao did not want a war with the u. S. The last thinged in world he want was to fight superman. This is five years after world war ii. Rose there have been no china. The u. S. Did not want to fight china. Low and behold we got dragged into this war and most of the american killed in that war were killed by chinese and most of the chinese killed in that were were killed by americans. So this has happened. Look and see what this guy is doing. He is going to continue testing icbms and hes going to be threatening to us and provocative and one day the two of us are going to find ourselves somewhere we dont want to go. So heres what i say d im going to give you two people and you give me two people. They go off for two days all by themselves and tell them no constraints. They come back and say anything. They can say i have to leave korea completely. They can say you have to take over the whole place. They can say you have to take over north korea and take responsibility for it whatever. Im perfectly prepared to listen to anything. So go off and find two or three ways that would be lousy that im going to hate but it would be better than the alternative. Rose great to see you. Graham allison. Zac brown is here hes best known as the front man of the Zac Brown Band. New york times called the three time Grammy Award Winning GroupCountry Musics favorite bar band. Their six studio album makes a return to what made them one of the best selling acts in Country Music. It is caldwell come home. Rolling stones says the album is steeped understanding that made brown famous. Here is zac brown performing the single my old man right here in our studio. He was a giant. I was just a kid. Doing everything he did. I can still remember him and the lesson he taught me growing up and learning how to be like my old man. He was defiant. When he made me walk the line. My old man with callous on his hands and dusty overall. My old man. Now i finally understand, i have a lot to learn from my old man. Now im a giant. Ive got a son of my own hes always trying to go everywhere i go. Do the best i can to raise him up the right way some day wants to be like his old man. My old man. I know one day well meet again. As hes looking down my old man. I hope hes proud of who i am. Im trying to fill the boots of my old man rose im pleased to have zac brown at this table for the first time. Welcome. Thank you, sir. Rose you have a understanding of how a Country Music song works. Is it formula or what. I think its just capturing a real emotion. If you could take something and really makes you, to me great art whether its music or painting or whatever it is, if it really makes you feel something then its working. Rose how do you go about writing a song for you. What are you looking for to unlock that kind of emotional charge. Sometimes ideas will hit like just in passing, you know. Would you like see something or hear somebody Say Something and it will kind of ring a bell. Youll hear something that you know that youre going to believe in for a long time and then thats where youre writing a song about. We did that on this new album, welcome home. This was the most personal album that weve written and we set it out to be that way about our family and about our lives and kind of the ups and downs. Rose which of these songs do you think will surprise people the most coming from you. We, the cover song we did on there is an old john prine song. All the records we write every one but one to honor somebody. Rose another song by another artist. Thats right. Rose you pick it and try to give it a new thats right a new life and new breath. A song we think people should be. Rose what do you want for a career and life in music. For me its really dedicating your life to the music. Where you just wake up one day and decide i want to go be a music or i want to figure out some way to make myself famous on the internet. This is life long. I love music, i can make a music since i could talk and sing. Rose how long have you known since youve want to be a musician. Way back then. I was annoying all my siblings and everyone else. I remember summer camp i got the put the guitar down award. I carry my guitar every day to school with me. It always felt like home base wherever i was, if i had my guitar then, you know, i was entertained. Rose what is your camp ground. My camp experience as a kid helped me lot, transformed me in a lot of ways. Were building a sleep away facility for kids. Sleep 300 kids every week for nine weeks during the summertime. Different with different abilities. Kids who never been in the woods before or kids that have a dison order. Mainstream kids that have a poverty of spirit. They may go to a wealthy school and come home and play video games and they dont know how good they have it. You put them on an equal Playing Field and teach them a different way to be. It comes from something outside a normal authority figure. You can really transform a kid and give them a new way to be or a new goal. Some of kids might go back to an underprivileged kind of area. Theyre aware they can break a cycle maybe that might be around them. Rose are you evolving in a particular way in terms of what you want to say through the music. Is it the same today essentially as it was say ten years ago. No. You know, i tended to be pretty free with how we do it. The last album before this one, it was a study in the range of the band. We did songs that ended up on the seriously sinatra channel. We did like swing tune and did a rock tune ended all number one on the rock chart. We had three songs go number one on the country chart. And everything in between from reggae to all of my band mates are very diverse and very studied in different things. Rose whats the Common Element of all that whether its reggae or whether its sinatra or whether its pop music sung by its either good or its not. It either makes you feel something or it doesnt. Rose is it talent youre born with or is it talent you are learn. I think its a little bit of both. I think youre either born to really love something enough to sit behind closed doors for 20,000 hours and practice it. Youre either born with the passion and the love to do it but youre not just born able to come out and shred up a guitar. Youre not born with that. Something drove you to love or motivated you to spend the time doing it. So the word talent can be a little misused sometimes like wow this guise guys really talented. What i think people are born with, theyre either born with hustle or theyre not and ive learned that working with other artists who have the talent and ability but they dont have the hustle. Theyre not willing to grind and spend the type doing it. And like youre talking about, if theyre doing something they really love and the first person comes along and says you cant do that and they believe them, thats it. For some people the first time theyre courageous and put themselves on a fence and open up their chest to someone, then theyre met with that kind. Youve got to be stubborn enough to know what does it for you. Rose does anybody ever tell you or was your route different in the sense that early on somebody said youre really good at this. Yes. You definitely have some people who believe in you and recognize and say do you know what, youre really good at this i hope you can do it. It helps you get through the times when people say youre not going to go do this, you need a plan b, go get a degree because if you fail what youre trying to do for something to fall back on. For me its a waste of energy because im putting my energy into a way to work. I dont believe in a plan b although i created a lot of stuff i want to do aside from playing music. I definitely think you got to just be stubborn enough and hold fast to the things you love to do. Rose tell me about this picture. That was taken in nashville. One of the nice we were working in the studio diego the director of my film company took that picture and hes unbelievable. I found him on youtube. I found a video he made a youtube and was one of the most beautiful things ive ever seen. Rose my old man, where did that come from. So, the leader of the band was one of my all time fate songs and that was my song for my bad. Rose leader of the band. Leader of the band. I wanted to write a song worthy to sing to my dad and i tried a bunch of times. Never hit it on the hid. It was never good enough. Rose for you. For me to sing to my dad. So i also inherited some parents along the way. My friends parents who took me in and ive always been kind of a pin ball ive been living on my own since i could drive, since i was 16. Rose on your own meaning supporting yourself. Meaning i had some help financially but i was living without any adult supervision from the time i turned 16. So the parents of my friends took me in. One of those was a man need Rodney Shelton and i gave him the nickname a long time ago old man. He passed away a couple years ago. He had a back surgery that went back. He thought me a lot with knives and my hands and doing things. He was the over alls line in there was for him. When he passed away, thats when that song came to be. Rose hi death inspired you to write the song. He did but its the song ive been waiting thats good enough to sing to my dad and its for the dad that stepped in when they didnt have to do that. Hopefully people will want to call their dad and connect with them after they hear it. Thats the goal. Its definitely an emotional song. Rose ill tell you an interesting story that happened to me. Someone asked me who would i most like to interview and without thinking i thought instinctively my father. Thats the one person i want to interview. For a month after that men of all ages would come over to me and they would say what you said about your dad is exactly the way i feel about my dad. If i could have one more conversation, it would be with my dad. Sure. Now that im a dad its written from that spur speculative too. My sons three years old and thats a full circle thing hoping that he wants to be like me like i want to be like my dad can. Rose we all want to please our dad too. You said this is a return to kind of minimalism for you. It is. Rose back to the basics. The last record was a great venture and all the thing we can do. This one we did commercially called the foundation. It was written intlierly all these songs were drafted for this album written to be margin and to kind of get back to that album for this project. Rose james taylor an inspiration for you. Big time. When i was six grade seventh grade my mom had me listening to james failure and light foot and great guitar players and great here sists. The james taylor greatest hits i played two of them until they snapped. I listened to them back in 7th grade. Nirvana was out then but i was listening to this and some people said i was list anything to rocking chair music but it spoke to me. And james taylor is one of my top three all time. Rose this album Zac Brown Band welcome home. Its great to have you here. Thank you, sir. Rose keep it up, keep it up. Ive seen Northern Lights paint the sky in shades of green. My heart knows its way back home when the win sings that old familiar song. Ive been all around the world, seen things that no one would believe, thought i was looking at a picture, some fancy magazine everywhere ive been, it kills me every time if a man could devise i could be in two places at one time two places at one time. Ive seen ive seen the morning a million times. And the santa rosa rains. My heart knows the way back home. When the wind sings that old familiar song ive been all around the world seen things no one would believe thought i was living in a movie on that giant silver screen. Everywhere ive been, it kills me every time, maybe id be satisfied if i could be two places at one time. Two places at one time how can i keep what i got when i dont know what im missing. Needing islands when im home, miss my family when im gone and im gone, im gone gone ive been all around this world, did things that no one would believe. Never thought i would move so many people that gave this life to me everywhere ive been, how it kills me every time, if a man could just maybe i would be satisfied, if i could be two places at one time. Rose for more about this program and early episodes visit us online at pbs. Org and charlierose. Com. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org rose funding for charlie rose has been provided by and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Youre watching pbs. Kacyra it kind of was, like, the bang that set off the night. Rogers that is the funkiest restaurant. Thomas the honeywalnut prawns will make your insides smile. [ laughter ] klugman more tortillas, please khazar what is comfort food if it isnt gluten and grease . Braff i love creme brulee. Sobel the octopus should have been, like, quadripus, because it was really small. Sbrocco and you know that when you split something, all the calories evaporate, and then theres none. Whalen thats right