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The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Katty ka i ay kay in washington and this is bbc world news america. The centers for Disease Control in the u. S. Meets to decide who gets the first doses of a covid vaccine. It is a highlyue sensitive iss indias capital suffers its deadliest month from coronavirus, with huge pressure as overwhelmed hospitals rea the u. S. Attorney general says he has seen no evidence of fraud that could affect the election results. Itta is a stement very much at odds with his boss. Katty welcome to world news america on pbs and aund the globe. Complicated vaccination roll out in u. S. History. Health officials are working out how to distribute a covid19 vacce as several Drug Companies inch closer to approval. Experts say the first batch could be available by christmas, but supplies will be limited. Since hospitals are overflowing with infected people at the moment, who gets the vaccine and frontline healthcare workers will be the first in line in december. In january, nursing home residents an emergency and medical technicians, firefighters and police will get the next round of vaccines. High risk adults are eected to follow in february. In march, o people wier preexisting Health Conditions could be expected to get their shots. Followed by critical workers such as transportation workers and possibl teachers. Its not until may that the general population could start getting vaccines, possibly issued to people in descending order of age. Ieden, the head of the disease prevention center. Thank you for joining us. About who gets a vaccine and when in america . Dr. Frieden the advisory schedule for children and adults. Transparent and s base. Its based. Save as many lives asai possibl. Be particularly to those communities underserved. And be fullyransparent. No backroom deals. Make clear what the recommendations are and on what basis. There is some roomofor differencepinion. Health care workers first versus people over 65 first. We can get workers in nursing homesor the elderly, and residents of those homes vaccinated, the better. They count for 40 of all of the deaths in this country. If we can get them vaccinated in december and january, that would be a huge savings of lives. Katty its interesting you mentioned several times the issue of transparency and being open with the american public. The food and Drug Administration is coming under political pressure from the white house to make sure the vaccines get approved as quickly as possible. Are you concerned that people might not have confidence in this process . Dr. Frieden this is the first time in history there has been an Antivaccine Movement before there is a vaccine for the condition. There is every reason to be concerned. Public opinion polls are showing low rates of trust. That reflects many months of politization of the response. Thats why its so important this is kt with the scientists, the commiokees that t it, and go through an open process. Will be complicated you are looking at a two dose vries. The pfizercine has to be kept at subarctic temperatures. The vaccine is many months away. Until it comes,to we all hav double down on protection protocols, otherwise we will see skyrocketing cases, hospitalizations and deaths, as the vaccine is comin in. Katty how can we ensure things like the two vaccine process . You can imagine peoe getting the first dose and forgetting they have to go back in three weeks, or thinking they have had enough. How will Health Officials deal with the practicalities of this . Dr. Frieden his is one of the challenges. A two dose series is more than twice as hard to give. You have to fi the people a second time, make sure they get the same vaccine at the right time. Its very difficult. Thats why its unfortunate the u. S. Congress has not allocated money for a vaccine rollout to states and cities, and anything like the quantity needed. This requires a great deal of planning. One of the ironies is that countries that do vaccination campaigns are in some ways better equipped to do this than the u. S. , which has gotten out of the practice of doing that mass vaccination campaign. Katty very intesting. Thank you very much for joining us. There is a lot that america can learn from other countries around t wld and how they are rolling out their vaccination campais. India, which has the secondhighest number of covid cases the world, has experienced its deadliest month in november. Cases inre the city falling, but the number of daily deaths is high. I see you wa icu wards dont have enough to meet the needs. It has been a dark month for delhi. These ancient funeral ruals are how many indians say goodbye. As a modernday virus claims lives, cremation is overwhelmed. In india, its customarily to wear white at funerals. Buo you are never expected t trust like this. But he never expected to be drsed like this. S home video she jokes s was fitter than her son. She died of coronavirus. He said he struggled to find her medical help. By the time he did, he believes it was too late. The major problem in delhi, we are searching. In this nation divided by rich and poor, covid19 has become a leveler. Even the c struggling to find beds. This intensive care unit at one of p delvate hospital delhis hospitals had capacity. E it is adding press the health care system. With beds that capacity, some patients are being kept at the emergency ward. They have as sheassed the worst of the virus and has this morning. People are not taking precautions. They are running around in the rkets, they are not aring masks. They are careless. This is what many say caress looks like. Markets, which continue to be crowded. This coronritual is urging oppers to maintain social distance. An economic pressure making lockdown doctors are urging people to be vigilant. Im sure people think this will not happen to them. It is crucial that people understand that it is their own the disease goes in the next few weeks or next few months. Ar but the mory, another family prepares to say goodbye. Cases are starting to fall, but cannot wipe away the pain of the past. Bbc news, delhi. Katty this vaccine canno ce quick enough for all of us all over the world. But in the meantime, whether in india, america or thele u. K. , peave to be responsible for their own safety protocols. That is what health ruficials are ling with. The u. S. Attorney journal says the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the president ial election. He was speaking to the his comments further undermine president ial presibsnts unntiated claims that the eltion was stolen. This is worth notingr ecause bill bs been a ally of President Trump. Yet, here he is saying the election was not rigged or stolen. Why is he spking out now . It is interesting. Before thelection spoke about theotential for widespread fraud, saying mail lloting was susceptible fraud. After the election he said the Justice Department would be investigating allegations of fraud that they would take seriously. Fraud, that they would take seriously any allegations. Bill barr is saying yesid not found ce and its noteworthy because the Justice Department fding charges would have been one of the last hopes of the trump campaign, for something that could change the course of thelection, something that could change the results of the election. As we know, joe biden one fairly. Katty mp president till love this comment. And all the keyill. Rudy giuliani, his chief private wyer came out with a statement saying, with all duect res bill barr has not done any investigation. They have their own evidence, even if it has not been held up in court so far, nearly 35at cas he lawyers have been across the country. Various cases donald trump will continue to push ahead with his allegations. Quite honestly,hese allegations that President Trump has been raising about the election has been lucrative for his fundraising efforts. He has raised over 180 million to fund his campaign to challenge the vote. Katty i saw that. Do you think this could prompt cascade of other republicans here in washington to come out and say its time now for everybody, including the free and fair elecnd joes was a biden won . Dt know if we will see something explicit. The governor from wisconsin bill barr needs to there has been no evidence of voter fraud. You will see a lot of rorepublicans try to danced the issue. The Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell talked about coronavirus legislation that the new administration will want to push. Avrepublicanstalked about joe bidens nominees to be cabinet officials, and whether they will be conrmed or not. Whether they endorse the fact that joe biden won, they are accepting the reality that on january 20 e biden will be the next president. Katty ky always tro produce evidence that there was no evidence. On joe bidens announcements of his economic team, is the thexpectatio the top members their Senate Confirmation . I think janet yellen, who is his appointment be the first woman treasury secretary, will get through easily. Ens nominee for t office of management and budget of management and budget, the first woman to have the has been criticized from the progressive left, liberalsk who th she is too much of a centrist, and republicans who chafe at her cri. Cism about th if there is anyone that he has put forward, she may have th toughest road ahead. Katty thank you very much. With a vaccine for covid19 well on thee way, there ncerns about its efficacy and safety. There are also incasing concerns that misinformation circulatingin o could turn people against being vaccinated. The World Health Organization says the world is not only fighting the pandemic, its also fighting an infodemic of misinformation. Athere is the report on story. Everic since this pand started, we have been faced with a barrage of information about covid19. Fuit can lead to con, distrust, and in some cases, protests against pubc health advice. Now wi there is a fresh push to separate fact from fiction. I spoke to the trainee solicitor who is taking part of vaccine trials in london, and production and the production designer who lives wrah hermother, about new covid vaccines. Making sense of scientific opinion and the resul d coming out ficult. I think there are a lot of opinions flying around. R,twit instagram, tiktok. I would like to be vaccinated. I have mixed feelings. I am not sureow much i trust the vaccine yet, because it happened so quickly. We feel many people are making a decision, not based on odthe nformation, but based on some information may have seen on social media or elsewhere. They believe it because they have not had access to the right informatio the who and governments have teamed up with big social Media Companies to come up with better ways of getting accurtoe informatioeople, like this whatsapp feed. Dufacebook has intd notification screens, flagging false information for People Choose to share it, but it can still be shared. A number of studies looking at peoples attitudes are underway. Peeliminary data from 17 countries suggesle from ethiopia, india and saudi arabia feel the most confident about taking one. 85 said they would be immunized. More spticism in countries including germany, france, the u. S. Nd the drc, where fewer would take a vacci said they the sciencey ones have more of a negative impact than the ones questioning motives of people. This professor has been studying peoples attitudes to vaccines for more than two decades. What we need to focus on is building the resilience, and eling that space. You cannot filling that space. One of the big anxieties is safety. We can talk about the fact that processes are bei followed carefully. We are shortcutting other parts of that Long Development process. Social media to tgetking to Accurate Information out there. The battle against covid cannot be won in hospitals and science labs alone. Part of the fight needs to happen online. Katty we dont just have to produce the vaccine, we then have to persuade people it is safe to take it. A quick look at newsar frond the world. China successfully put a probe on the surface of theic moon, is due to send back to earth to kilos of rock. If successful, the mission will become the first roundtrip mission to the moon via spacecraft since the 1970s. Cuamnesty international d google of helping the vietnamese government to silence its critics. The governments communist authorities said Tech Companies were rough were complying with removingnd propaagainst the state. Social media platforms in vietnam were becoming human rights free zones. Facebook and google roid they onlyht content that breaks local law. Sou are watching bbc world n america. Still to come on tonis program. Muslim leaders inrance way out president macrons moves to clamp down on radical islam. Is this the right way to go . Katty t conflict in ethiopia, specifically in thisio r has been dominating the news agenda. While ethiopians have been fling the fighting into neighboring sudan,li ested refugees are also being affected. The you and Refugee Agency has warned food has run out and are warning of an impending humanitarian crisis. Tigre is home to 2000. There are thousands of ethiopian refugees. This is now plagued by the conflict. The United Nations now is, warning th unless something they might be running out of bathingupies, and food and water. Eit looks lhey have not been receiving muchneeded help in the past four weeks. ] katty Frances Muslim counselors are due to meet Emmanuel Macron after was asked by the president to p with a charter to si. The council, which represents nine different muslim associations, has been asked to include several thclarations in text, includingecognition of the french values, rejection of islam as a political movement,n and a ban on fore influence. She receives regular abuse frs. Those she calls the hat they say her brand of scarves and turbines don always cover a womans hair enough. President macron wants to curb islamist influence,l ut requiring sign up for french values is wrong, when muslims are already seen by many as not fully french. El we targeted. We feel like everything that you do wont be enough. You have to prove that you are french. You have to eatork, drink wine, you have to go out, veu yout o wear a hijab, ve to wear miniskirts. It is ridiculous. The new charter is part o a broader strategy to curb foreign influence, driven violence, and win back young people who feel forgotten by the state. Mr. Macron is targeting in the list is targetingis islamts and this is difficultto terri in more ways than one. They are behind the government, but these reforms are sensitive. Frances cherished laws on states secularism means that mr. Lacron is trying to stop the spread of politi islam without being seen to interfere in practice or single out anyone faith. One of paris is leading imams supports the idea of a charter. He spoke to us from hiding because of Death Threats he received after calling for reform. After the attacks, we are in the spotlight. We have to go the extra mile to show that we are well integrated, we respect the law and want to liveon in hawith others. This is the ice we have to pay because of thes. Extremi the extreme right isse on the ri, as well as fear and racism. Recent attacks in the name of islam has increased pressure on the government to act. Butit secin islam are key themes for rightwing parties, where president macron is looking for votes. She voted for him in the last election, he was a real hope, she said abandoned. E just feel katty y, in germt least four people have been killed and several others injured after a car drove through a pedestrian area. A 51yearold man has been arrested. Police say the circumstances are still not clear. The bbc reporter is there and he sent us this report. The carnage inflictedt the heart of the city. The driver had plowed through shoppers in one of its busiest pedestrian eyes streets gusts pedestrianized streets. A ninemonthold baby werwas one of which was killed. Ma we always see theses on tv and think it wont happen here, and now it has. I have no words and i wonder how can such a man have this idea. On the right the vehicle used as a weapon. Police managed to stop it as the attacker tried to escape. Some eyewitnesses described screaming as the car sped along with area. They say some victims were hit with such force that they were thrown in the air. Tobut the driver did not he continued his deadly journey. The suspect is a 51yearold man. He had been treating heavily and was thought to have Mental Health problems. But there was no evidence he was motivated by eremist ideology. Our thoughts are with the victims next of kin. Peopleiv whose were extinguished from one second toa the next by sueinous crime. Among them is a baby, a truly horrific thought that parents would have to mourn the death of their chil its just terrible. At the roman gates, tributes for those killed. This city, claimed as germanys oldest, is the latest in europe to be mouing after a deadly vehicle attack. Katty so sad for the people there tonight. It is december the first. With christmas fast approaching, more than 150 santas took to the shores of australia, swapping sleighs for jet skis. Hundreds of participants wrote us record for the mos santas on jet skis. Guru there was such aecord, which was set at 129. Why than 10,000 was raised for chils charities. Thank you for wat narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. Anby contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Nic the height of the conflted into vietnam he became a single parent of two ung children. We moved a lot. We slept in rest areas. We slept in our car. I didnt realize that we were acally homeless. It makesalour world really if we happened to stay in a motel that a happened to have tv, it was really special. We loved nova. Especially when it would be about space. Ld we walk for hours about the universe. Watching nova, i felt big, like, my mind was big, my ideas were big. The trajectory of my life changed. I could see a world outside of our poverty and i felt like things were going to get better. S opened up a world i didnt know existed. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening, im judy woodrf. The newshour tonight, getting the vaccine who will be t e fi be offered a shot to prevent covid . We break down the critical decisions. N then, the bienda what the president elects team say about its planor an economic covery plus, boomerang making sense of why the pandemic is forcing millennials to move back home with their parents. Im a 36 year old woman who is living with her parents and theres no end in sight. Woodrf all that and more on tonights pbs newshour

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