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Life well planned. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Ros hello. Im ross atkins. This is outside source. Covid19 cases passed 52 million globally as the pandemic its new records, america still worst. We have got to double down on the fundamental Public Health implementation that we have been talking about incessantly, and appropriately. Outside source. California ros californias about to become the second state to hit one million cases, after texas. Prodemocracy politicians are expelled from hong kong. It breached that ng kong will enjoy a high degree of economy high degree of autonomy and free speech. Ros and reports that thousands of civilians have been killed in every tria eritrea. Five days after jill biden wins the u. S. President ial election, donald trump still hasnt conceded defeat. We will be looking into what that means for u. S. Democracy. Ros welcome, to those of you watching on pbs in america and everyone else watching on bbc world news. The pandemic hitting new World Records today, the number of cases worldwide surpassing 52 million at the World Health Organization repeating its warning, we may be tired of the virus, but it is not hired of us it is not tired of us. Ital has passed one million cases, making it one of the top10 worstaffected countries. In the u. K. , 50,000 deaths are linked to the virus. Spain has also reached a milestone, with 40,000. At first, turning to the u. S. , covid19 continues to spread. Californias close to one million confirmed infections. Your state has new restrictions coming. This is the national picture. On wednesday, close to 2000 peoples deaths were recorded. The overallotal since the pand began his 200 40,000. There were 144,000 new cases on wednesday. Every day for the past week, we have seen over 100,000 new cases in america. Unfortunately, this is not Getting Better in the short term. Here is the country is leading Infectious Disease expert, dr. Anthony fauci. This is a situation, particularly going into the fall with cool weather and soon to be cold weather of winter, when people are going to be congregating out of necessity because of the weather, indoors. That makes for a challenging and ominous situation. Ros some states are being hit worse than others. This is a map from the centers for disease control. It shows state in the middle of the country, mark arc blue, are suffering the most. North dakota has the highest number of cases per 100,000, followed by south dakota and iowa. Here is Washington University on the situation. Hospitals are already reaching capacity. And with that issue, and with limited resources by way of ppe in small rural hospitals and private hospitals, we are really in for trouble. Ros those states reopened in the spring and Retail Stores and restaurants stayed open. The New York Times put together this map of how different states are dealing with the situation. Many states in the midwest and south have reopened or are in the process of think so. They are in gray on this map. In florida, you can get a tattoo or go to a bowling alley. And while the economy in florida is opening up, hospitals are filling up. Here is one doctor. We have gotten smarter this time around compared to the second surge. We consider this the third surge for us. We got hit in rch. We got hit in july and august, that was really bad. We are getting hit again. The are seeing an uptick in cases, but we have gotten smarter in knowing when we can remove patients from isolation. Ros some states have paused reopening z other states have been forced to tidy up again. Indiana bringing back restrictions, illinois issue new stayathome guidelines, ohio has warned there could be more closures. Lets look at new york, one of the hardesthit days in the early days one of the hardesthit states in the early days of the pandemic over the summer, but now restrictions are coming back and people can only meet in groups of 10 or less. Here is a tweet from the city as mayor on tuesday, saying 870 new cases. He says this is our last chance to stop a second wave, we can do it, but have to act now. For more in new york, heres our correspondent. Correspondent cases arising there and they are talking about closing schools, something European Countries have tried to keep sacrosanct, but even new york now was wondering about forcing schools to go online. Ros cases in california has cap searched gift. These are pictures from dodger stadium, where people are waiting in line for a covid test. When california reaches one million cases, it will be only the second state to do so. This is the mayor of los angeles responding to the severity, he says we are facing a surge. We cannot act like this fire is is going away, we cant let our guard down, it is still deadly, we cant let our guardown, keep her distance and get a flu jab. Texas, if it were country, it would le would rank 11th in the world in the number of cases. In el paso, so many have died that 10 mobile morgues have been sent to the city. These pictures are from the city of lubbock, where medical tents have been sent. The president of the college of Emergency Physicians has assessed the situation. Ase have seen hospitalizations dramatically increase the past couple of weeks, it first started putting strain on rural hospitals, where they had limited capacity to begin with. As those got overwhelmed, the old way of handling would be to transfer those patients out once they were over capacity, to icus in bigger cities. The bigger cities are filling up. So there is nobody to accept those patients anymore, so we are having critically ill patients staying in Emergency Departments that would really be better served in icus. Lovuubbock lubbock and e paso are the worst city so far, but we are seeing a trend around the state. Ros to what degree is the number of Covid Patients preventing you from treating her patients with other issues . That is inevitable when you have no icu beds available and you have Emergency Physicians who are very well trained to manage critically ill patients for the first three or four hours of their presentation, now managing some of these people for days, which is better managed by a pulmonary Critical Care doctor or icu dr. Icu doctor. So that ties up a lot of our resources and ties up our nurses. Where you normally have an icu nurse that has to patients typically, in the er, nses are managing seven or eight of these critically ill patients because there is nowhere else to put them. Inevitably, that trickles down to other patients who are having heart attacks, strokes, other conditions. There is no available bed space. There is no capacity. Ros britain has summoned chinas ambassador in london in protest of democracy politicians being expelled from hong kong. The u. K. Accuses china of breaking a treaty between the two countries that concerns hong kong. 15 opposition members of the Hong Kong Assembly resigned in protest against the dismissal of their colleagues. China says the resignations are a blatant challenge to the authorities. Lets hear from one of those who walked outcome of the chair of the hong kong democratic party. Power in hong kong is all rested in the partys hands. We all know. Because of the arrangement, hong kongs a puppet coming from the Central Government. Ros carrie lam is effectively the hong kong leader appointed by the Central Government in china. In a last act of defiance, one opposition lawmaker unfurled this banner ian Assembly Building on thursday, saying carrie lam is hurting hong kong, this saying she will stink for 10,000 years. Here is Steve Mcdonnell with his assessment from beijing. Steve the most crucial thing is there a change in the way that places governed. Now, beijing has empowered surrogates in the hong kong administration, especially carrie lam, to effectively dismiss any position politician to be insufficiently loyal to the motherland. Imagine, any politician in the world would love to have the power to be able to get rid of anyone in the opposition that they like. What you have in terms of the separation of powers in that city is very fast disappearing. End in terms of this new power, for example, carrie lam was able to sack those initial four members of the democratic block without courtsaving anything to do with it. Ros a former lawmaker who quit the Assembly Just over a month ago, is saying he is surprised by what has happened this week. This also shocked me, because these four legislators are actually from the moderate wing of the democratic camp. They dont supportither selfdetermination or independence of hong kong, so they did nothing in violation of the National Security law and other laws. So i think it is because beijing decided to disqualify the moderate wing, and the whole camp feels there is no futre for them to stay in the institution. That is why they collectively resigned today. Ros while britains objections to the Chinese Government carries some white because of a treaty signed between the countries went the u. K. Returned hong kong to china in 1997 after more than 100 years of bridges control, under a system called one country, two systems, hong kong was supposed to be a special Administrative Region with much more autonomy that hong kong much more autonomy than china. One minister says that agreement has be broken. It is my unfortunate duty that this breaches the declaration. It breaches both hong kong both china commitment that hong kong will enjoy a high degree of autonomy and freedom of speech under paragraph three of the declaration. Ros chinas view differs significantly, as this chinese official explains. Allow me to emphasize, the one country two systems principle itself does not allow any sedition or violating chinas sovereignty er hong kong. On that condition, all democratic rights in hong kong should be protected. Ros this is connected to what happened a few months back when china passed a new security law that makes it easier for chinese authorities to punish protesters and hung wrong and deal with anything it sees as a serious challenge to its authority in the territory. Crimes of secession, terrosm, collusion with Foreign Forces are punishable by a maximum sentence of life in prison. Damaging public transport could be considered terrorism. And beijinhas a new Security Office in hong kong with its own Law Enforcement personnel who dont come under local authorities personnel. This was the scene in the Hong Kong Assembly this morning, a whole block of seats empty because of the lawmakers who resigned. Despite rebukes from the u. K. , and rebukes from the u. S. As well, the message from the chinese remains defiant. The western politicians have a double standard. We are the relevant individuals to abide by International Law and they should not be in any way interfering in chinas internal affairs, including hong kong affairs. Any attempt to undermine chinas security will not succeed. Ros with joe biden to take office in january, i have been talking to jane from bbc chinese about whether the american stance on chinas likely to change. The Trump Administration can still impose china policies, and i would expect them to continue to confront china, because the trumpchina policy has partially been driven by a gro of very hawkish china hacks in his administration. And these people who want to make their china policy stick, so they can still break china on their way out, and this may do irreversible harm to u. S. China relations, which is already at the lowest point in decades. When it comes to abide in administration, when they heal the country when it comes to a biden administration, when they heal the country and repair relationships with allies, this will lay the foundation for a more comprehensive china policy. And i think biden knows very well that the china right now is different from the china in 2016. It is much more powerful, and he will ddeal he will deal with china much differently than he would in 2016. Ros in ethiopia, warnings of a humanitarian crisis because of a conflict in the region of eri trea. The u. K. Has recorded over 33,000 new cases in the past 24 hours, highest since the pandemic again here is our health editor. We have warnings fro nhs england and others not to retune much into the figures, they can be distorted by cases from previous days coming through, and actually, the rolling average is more accurate. That is still around 23,000. Public health of england have told me this morning that it could reflect infections picked up just before lockdown, because it takes five or six days for symptoms to deliver. So there could have been more activity than. And it could be that a leveling off in cases isnt happening, because they are reflected half term before, with fewer people getting tested. Anyway, it amounts to hospitals with more cases meaning more spital admissions for those who are sick, meaning fewer beds for other types of surgery. Ros im ross atkins paid this is im ross atkins with outside source. There are now more than 50 billion cases of globally in the pandemic continues to hit new records. California becomes the second u. S. State reached one million infections. Ethiopia, Amnesty International says it has evidence scores and maybe hundreds of civilians have been killed in what it is saying is a massive is a massacre. The government began military offensive against forces who control the region. The government ordered its people to mobilize. We know already the hundr of people have been killed in this fighting. Herere the latest pictures from the region. Ethiopiantate tv Shows Government troops in the region, and government jets have attacked arms depots belonging to the regional government. This video is said to show troops taking control of an airport. Here is their commander. We have come here with high morale. We are determined that this force has to either surrender or be destroyed, wherever it is. Ros it is all most impossible to independently verify information from the region. Some telephone lines have been cut, roads are blocked, we got this video from reuters monday. Journalists were turned away from this military base that had reportedly come under attack. You can see suvs and pickups outside the base filled with government soldiers. Next, the account of one man on the border. We could hear a lot of gunfire. The whole village panicked. But thanks to our special forces and militia men, a lot of our soldiers lives were saved. Ros five people 5 Million People live in this region. Thousands are fleeing. These pictures come from neighboring sudan and we are told 11,000 people have crossed from ethiopia, some with injuries, an estimated half of them children. Dr. Catherine sozi is with the u. N. And this is what she is hearing. Shortages of basic commodities are reported. There are reports of intermittent electricity supply. And it is not only effecting civilians, but our humanitarian operations as well. Add rising anxiety among the population, including our staff, has one can well imagine. Ros there are tensions between the Ethiopian Federal government and the regional party. The Peoples Liberation front has been simmering for years. When the Prime Minister came into power in 2018 he ended the gional government, and you can imagine that upset people. Relations went further south he 2019 when the Prime Minister dissolved of the Ruling Coalition made up of several ethnic parties. He merged them into one single political party, but the tigre People Liberation front refused to join. This year in september, the tblf defied a nationwide ban on elections and that was declared illegal. The Prime Minister says his argument is not with the people of tigre, but the political party. The objective was clear, to make the country ungovernable. Ros this conflict is about one part of ethiopia, but it has much wider implications. Listen to the analysis from william at the international crisisroup. There is eritrea eritrea considerable risk that the is considerable risk that eritrea, ethiopias northern neighbor, thats involved in this. There are refugees flowing into eastern sudan, wartime supply route for tigray. If the conflict spreads, it could weaken the ethiopian government, could cause problems in somalia, leaving a security back security vacuum there. It could have very serious regional implications. Ros the situation is also playing out in the ethiopian capital of addis ababa. Police have arrested two people on charges of attempting to so chaos two sow to sow chaos. The humanitarian situation seems to be bad. But like everything else, we are not getting clear information because of a blackout in the region. So now, it seems it is difficult to provide humanitarian assistance in that area. But we know that thousands of ethiopians are fleeing the region and crossing the borders towards neighboring sudan and also there are fears that there might be an influx of displacement in thatrea. So it seems that the humanitarian crisis might continue, so long as the fighting continues and so long as there is a shortage of basic supplies. Ros every week on oside source, we produce a video on the bbc website on a main issue of the weekend this time, no surprise, we are looking at the u. S. Because america is in uncharted territory. Joe biden has one, but the president believes this. They are trying to steal an election. They to reagan election. And we cant let that happen. Ros this is the secretary of state. There will be a smooth transition to a second trump adminiration. Ros the president is not accepting defeat, so as american democry in crisis . There is no shortage of people making the case, and Foreign Affairs magazine says this president has severely damaged american democracy. Donald trumps been consistent, alleging widespread voter fraud in 2016. There wasnt. He says the se this time, again without evidence. Antishares videos like this, asking, is this what our country has come to and he shares videos like this, asking, is this what our country has come to . Those are mailin ballots being counted legally. Are those actions having an impact . We know that some americans no longer trust the system, and their words echo the president. There are questions about irregularities, questions about integrity. There is a tremendous amount of fraud based on what we have heard from reputable sources. Ros facebook has taken down groups voted to this. And we are seeing on the streets that trust in u. S. Democracy is being eroded by the president and by a slew of misinformation online. Before that, the system itself was working. Here is the New York Times telling us Election Officials nationwide find no fraud. And remember, that is an election with record turnout in a pandemic. Media organizations project the results. All of them, including fox news, say joe biden has one. End of vote counting has continued spite president s interventions. With this is to working, there are pressures within it. Some argue, e way america chooses its president makes a crisis likely. The Electoral College system awards winds to individual states. Joe biden leads donald trump by 5 million votes but his victory rests on relatively narrow wins in a small number of ates that give him the electoral geordie needs. Msnbc host chris hayes argues that is a risk, tweing, the Electoral College is a disaster waiting to happen, under a polarized country it will keep stress testing the system until breaks, not to mention you can lose the popular vote and become president , as donald trump did. All these factors mean american democracy is being scrutinized by a watching world. In a way, it always has been. In 1989, president reagan spoke of the u. S. As a shining city on a hill, a beacon to the world certainly, america has long been vocal in his promotion of democracy. That becomes harder when some americans believe there elections canbe trusted. And surely, that mistrust will outlast the trump presidency. A reminder, you can get much more on the u. S. Election on the bbc news website, bbc. Com news. In our top story, the number of confirmed cases worldwide has surpassed 52 million. Thanks for watching. I will see you next week. Goodbye. Narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. 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