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Life well planned. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. This is bbc world news america. [chanting] laura india faces protests after two more die in delhi. Coronavirus is on the rise but italy managed to keep the infection ra low. Why it is working. After the chaos in cleveland at the president ial debate, we ask kindergarten teachers what grnd rules they would like to see before the next clash. Welcome to world. The country is once again going through grief and outrage following the deaths and alleged gang rapes of two young women. In 2012 there was anger after the Sexual Assault and murder of a female student in delhi. Many hoped that would lead to change in the way Indian Society treats women. The nation is in shock again. In 2012, there were almost 25,000 reported rapes in india. The latest fures show the number has grown. In 2019, there were more than 32,000 reported rapes. That is an average of 88 rapes every single day. In 2012, the chances of a case leading to a conviction for rape in india were one in four. Seven years later, despite promises from the government, the figure has hardly changed and few rape cases in india lead to a conviction. For more, a reporter reports on the recent events that sparked a call for action. Devastated and heartbroken, another indian mother torn apart by grief. Under indian law, we cant show you her face, nor the face of the victim, her daughter. Her death came two weeks after four men allegedly brutalized, tortured and gang raped h. Some details, two horrific to elaborate. A heinous crime but one which india isll too familiar with. She was a dalit, formerly known as untouchable, the lowest in the cast system. Her case brought forward the powerlesess felt by those at the bottom of it. The girl, stripped of her dignity in life and death. The police, they told us, hastily cremated her body in the dead of night despite their protests. Ipent the whole night crying. I didnt know what had happened. They could have shown us her body and let us conduct the last rites. One doesnt get closure if this isnt done. They beat some people. They started beating family members and kicking them at the funeral ground. Is this any way to behave . The treatment of this dalit family by police has sparked nationwide outrage. The incident, barely 200 kilometers from the capital city, delhi, exposed indias social faultlines. This case is about caste supremacy. They committed this offense and as i as a dalit girl she wasnt supposed to assert her rights even as a human being. Dalits in india suffered due to a caste system. Those from the upper caste often use their status to humiliate those beneath them through physical and many times sexual violence. India sees 87 rapes every single day, but the barbarity of this crime has once again brought protesters out of the streets. In 2012, a young student was brutally tortured and gang rape donna moving bus in new delhi. The case attracted global headlines and sparked unprecedented protests forcing the government to introduce the Death Penalty for rapists in india. But it has achieved little. This is biggest demerit of policing in india. Whether it is a police station, the subculture in which the police operate, the cloud of maulinity that permeates policing needs a major course correction. The dust has barely settled, but news of another gang rape and murder are dominating headlines. A 22yearold woman allegedly drugged, tortured and raped, died on her way to the hospital. A grim reminder of the realities on the ground. A shocked india reflects today. What more can be done to stop this horrific trend . Laura there is so little change. Now to the rise in Coronavirus Infections around the world. Parts of europe are facing a new wave of cases. Madrid has resorted to a partial lockdown for a second time. Italy was the first country in the west to be slammed by the pandemic, but now the infection rate is lower than others in europe. How h italy managed to stay on top of the virus . Our correspondent reports. Too young to grasp how their world has changed and how they are part of the battle. A new initiative by italy to ease the pain of generation covid with drivethrough testing for children. Rapid negative results allow them back to school, a tool by the once global epicenter, now a pioneer of covid recovery. We suffered a lot. For lockdown, we had many problems for the kids. If the families are happy and the children can have a normal life, i am happy. Italy was the First Western country crushed by the virus. Almost 36,000 have died. Now, la dolce vita is returning. Italy taking seriously the safety, with disposable menus and contact tracing. I feel much safer in italy. The people around me follow more, they will have the mask and they care. Why does there seem to be more compliance with the rules here than in britain . We were the first and we had a long quarantine. We really felt it. Italy is enforcing restrictions with Police Checks and fines of up to 00 euros for breaking them. It has been rarely needed. Mask wearing his scrupulous and the national stereotype of rebellious itaans has turned on its head. Im really proud of italians. They followed the rules. But the war is not over yet. We have to wait and see what will happen in october and november, but right now, things are going very well. The fight goes on with mass testing starting at schools. Whether it is the widespread availability of testing, the longer lockdown or the italians being scared into compliance, it is part of pinpointing exactly why italys spike is lower than others. The fear now is that by reopening schools later than the rest of europe, italy might just be behind the curve. Italy is on alert, but they hope to show others how to stay standing. Laura for more on the handling of the pandemic in europe and what lessons we can learn in the u. S. , i am joined by a professor of Infectious Diseases a vanderbilt university. Thank you for being with us. Do you think the italians are better refollowers than americans . I wouldnt hav thought it originally, but i am very impressed with what is going on in italy at the present time. The lockdown was very acute and prolonged. That knocked down the transmission of the virus. That is phase one. It had to be maintained. All the compliance with mas wearing, all of the widespread testing, the case finding, quarantining, all those other good things have maintained those gains. We are not doing that here. We have a careful population and we have a careless population. We are not nearly on the same page laura so what do you think we should be doing about the careless population here in the United States . We need leadership. We need national leadership. It has not been forthcoming, and what can i say . We really need that, because once you have national leadership, we can bring the governors together and make sure that we model that throughout the country. For myself, i think we should all be Wearing Masks the moment we walk out of our front doors in the morning. We need to observe social distancing. Those simple things are so very important. Laura the italians are also doing mass testing in schools, something that we are not really doing here. Why this failure on mass testing in america, and so many different initiatives everywhere . Once again, we dont have a National Policy, and we havent had a focus on creating a testing environment. The availability of tests driven through National Policy such that by now, we could be doing much more widespread testing. Mind you, we are much better than we were a few short months ago, but we still need to improve. We need to get rapid tests, rapid results, and be able to follow up when we have positives widely across the country. I dont think there is a single Public Health person that is not looking for that. Laura what do you think the fall holds for us in the United States as it gets colder and people gather indoors . What will that mean for the virus . We are worried that because we are closer together for a longer amount of time indoors, there will be more covid spread and lets not forget, influenza. That virus will visit us also. It looks just like covid, but it is the one we can do something about. We should all get ourselves vaccinated. The recommendations are simple. If you are older than six months of age, get vaccinated against influenza. October is the golden month in which to do that. Laura thank you. I am getting my next week. Thanks for being with us. Thank you. Laura the u. S. Economic revery did slightly better last week than initially expected. The latest jobless claims totaled 837,000, a slight decline from the previous week. The news was grim for many workers. Disney and u. S. Airlines american and united announced they will for low tens of thousands of employees, and yesterday, we learned the gdp plunged more than 31 . Could we see a rebound in the next few weeks . Joining us is our north America Business correspondent. Is the recovery slowing and losing momentum . The video on growth reflects what is happening in the Second Quarter of the year. That really was othe coronavirus or the coronavirus shock first hit the u. S. Economy. That is why you see such stark figures. This huge contraction. But when you look forward, the comparisons are hard to make a quarter to quarter. People are predicting a sharp rebound, from this dramatic decline. The first phase of the pandemic is the shock to the system. The second is this kind of recovery, and what economists are looking is to see how fast the recovery will be. We are getting close on the job market where we have seen improvements in may and june. The pace of the rebound has begun to moderate and i think that is what is worrying economists. When you hear announcements from Companies Like disney or from the American Airline industry, it pois to this problem that Many Companies are still struggling with the aftereffects or the aftershocks of the coronavirus. Laura this recession is hitting the lowest paid and people of color the hardest. Any sign of a second stimulus package to rescue those people . There has been a lot of praise for the steps Congress Took to help americans struggling with jobs that were lost, trying to meet their rent and mortgages and put food on the table. We understand that House Democrats are going to vote on a bill sometime after 6 00 p. M. There is a debate already taking place on the floor in which we understand one lawmaker said that negotiations with the u. S. Treasury led by Steven Mnuchin are still ongoing. That being said, the prospects dim as every hour passes. As one group of economists put it, they say if you start to see the house vote moving forward, it does suggest the chances of a stimulus bill being passed before the president ial election , those chances get pretty close to zero. Laura michelle, thanks for being with us. In other news from around the world, the eu initiated Legal Proceedings against britain over its plans to override parts of the brexit deal. The u. K. Government passed the controversial intel market bill, which the eu sees as a contradiion of the commitment to avoid a hard border between ireland and northern ireland. The eus move doesnt necessarily jeopardize trade negotiations. At least 60 people have been arrested in hong kong at a prodemocracy march on chan Chinas National Day come a marking the founding of the national day. There was a sweeping National Security law. Police banned the march sighting coronavirus restrictions on Group Gatherings and violence at previous rallies. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come, the rise in extremism is center stage in the u. S. President ial race. We report from portland, hearing from farleft and farright groups. A disputed region between armenia and azerbaijan is seeing fighting that causes death and injuries. The Deputy Foreign minister of the armenian authorities spoke to the bbc. The situation remains tense. The fierce fighting continues along the line of contact. Whether situated in the capital, ereby the airstrikes continued , as has been the case several times. The problem is, unfortunately it is not only the line of contact that is being attacked by azeri forces. It is alsoivilian communities, towns and villages that are being targeted by the azerbaijani forces. There are a number of casualties among civilians in Many Regional Centers as well as the capital. Laura if you watch the debate between President Trump and joe biden, i was there in cleveland, you could practically hear the shouting when i was there, you know they clashed over the proud boys, a White Supremacist Movement which trump refused to condemn,hoosing to focus on leftwing demonstrators. Our north america correspondent has en to meet members of both groups. It has become the u. S. Capital of radicalis most American Cities have seen some demonstrations this year, but here, they haventtopped. It has become a huge election issue. This is what almost every night has looked like in Downtown Portland in the four months since the police killingf george floyd in minneapolis. Hundreds of protesters on one side, Law Enforcement agents on the other, and there have been many flashpoints of violence. Some feel over aggression by the Security Forces has exacerbated tensions. The white house says this is demonstration this is rioting by anarchists for antifa. A riot is the voice of the unheard. If you dont want riots, maybe you should listen. It is not antifa in the streets, it is the people in thetreets. It is the people that dont have food, the people that cant pay their rent. The people that deserve life. They are in the streets. It has led to lossoflife. In late august, a convoy of Trump Supporters drove past the protesters in portland, some firing paintballs at them. One trump supporter from a farright group was shot dead. Leftwing activists a leftwing activist suspected of killing him died in a police raid on his home. The neofascist group the proud boys held a rally, addicting thousands would attend. In the end, it was a few hundred. There marches some told me they were looking for confrontation again. This is an american city. I am an american. I see my brothers and sisters living here in portland dealing with this on a daily basis. I want to help them and that is why we are here. We are here to shut down this violence and bring Awareness Among national attention. Hopefully donald trump sees this. He has already decreed this an anarchist city, which is great. The president could only manage this. Give me a name. White supremacists. The proud boys. The proud boys, stand back and stand by, but i will tell you what. Somebody has to do something about antifa and the left. The proud boys have reveled in his response. Back in portland at the same time as the proud boys gathering, a different world on display. The rally, still focused on why so many black people are killed by police. They say we are trying to destroy democracy. They know that is garbage. They are following the rhetoric that dehumanizes us so they can lower the value of our lives to justify committing acts of violence against us. Those at this rally have been taking to the streets night after night. Many americans support their effort to bring change. For many others, these scenes make them more determined to vote for donald trump. Laura the firstresidential debate was full of namecalling and rule breaking. Things School Teachers deal with all the time we asked two educators how they would impose order. You need to wait your turn. Run by democrats. Two minutes. Neither of you will interrupt the other. He called that debate was an experience for us all that reminded me very much of how my zoom meetings go in kindergarten or in person when the schoolyard disagreements happen. I saw three grown men step on each others feet and yell. If i were moderating who is on your list . I would be sure to restate and reset expectations when those are being broken. There were consequences to not following the rules that they agreed to follow. I would also incorporate nonverbal cues, so we have different voice levels we use, level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. At five, we motion that we are going to be a level zero friend. We show that so the candidates can see from me how i can moderate nonverbally. You do not speak when the other person is speaking. If that is hard for you to do, put your hand over your mouth. Press your lips together, do somethg to help you remember it is not your turn. I would also make sure the candidates buy into the norms before we started the session, because if they agree to it, they need to be held to it. Your campaign agreed that both sides would get two minutes for swers under uninterrupted. You have three warnings and after the third warning, i will be pulling your mic or you will lose your two minutes of response time, which wilthen go to your opponent. I know right now, we are going to take a fiveminute quiet time so everybody can help themselves get back together. Maybe look at some notes, then we can come back. Who is on your list . It is hard to get a word in. Laura excellent ideas. If 2020 wasnt strange enough, we should see more full moons this year than we are used to. Usually we have 12, roughly one per month, but this year, 13. The october harvest moon is expected to glow tonight so you can expect scenes like these. The harvest moon is called that because it provides enough light for farmers to harvest their crops throughout the night. According to nasa it should stick around for three days. The next one will be a blue full moon and that is due on halloween. Full moons on that day are extremely rare. The last time it happened was in 1944. Spooky. I wonder what it means for the result of the u. S. President ial election. Who can say . Look how beautiful they are. Remember, that is where the expression once in a blue moon comes from. Im laur trevelyan. Thank you so much for watching bbc world news america. Have a narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish,rench and more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this station from viewers like you. Thank you. [bright music] pbs american portrait is. A platform where anyone can come and share their stories. Theres a whole great li of prompts to get you started. When i was 18 and joined the marine corps. When i decided to accept myself and excel. And its been an amazing journey ever since. This project can help bring us together. To listen to each other. To understand what it really means to be an american. You should be a part of pbs american portrait. Because ur story is powerful. Because it may inspire a change in life for others. And the american story wouldnt be complete without your story. To join, go to pbs. Org americanportrait joins, and be a part of history. Judy good evening. Im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight, a political stalemate as the nation reels from more than 200,000 dead from covid, and millions more out of work. Congress and t white house remain divided over providing relief. Then, trusting information. How the director of National Intelligence spreading russian disinformation complicates knowing what to trust. And unfinished business. How Older Americans are embracing a minimalist lifestyle in these trying times. I think with the combination of just how things are in the world right now, people are really wanting to jump into vans

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