Transcripts For KQED BBC World News America 20240712

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Being said led to asian americansei harassed and targeted and what is bng said in response. For all of you watching on pbs and around the globe, welcome to wor news america. The United States reported 30,000 new ronavirus cases on thursday, a reco. Texas and florida are seeing surging infections. Someti restrs are being reimposed in both states. Meanwhile the u. S. Prime Vice President says that we are in a better place. Here is jon sopel. Jon florida was one of the first states to lift the shutters, despe not meeting guidelines. Now coronavirus cases are skyrocketing, up 60 n hours and the governor is hitting the pause butto urging people to maintain social distancing and wear masks, but its not going to be an easy i need you to tell me how do i play a saxophone in sing with a mask on. Jon listen to these people. You cannot mandate someone to wear a mask g th mask is killing people. And they want to throw gods wonderful breathing system out you are all turning your backs on it. Jon with the u. S. Recording more cases than any other time in the crisis, the president is on the pressure is on the pres. Trump i can name jung flu. Entan name 19 diff versions jon la partiy after a Campaign Stop that has in dozens of Campaign Staff having to quarantined with covid symptoms. In tulsa, you defied local Health Officials. Vice president pence i want to remind you, freedom ofpeech and freedom to assemble is enshrined in theit conion of the United States. Jon the Vice President downplayed the surging cases. Vice president pence there may be the tendency among the American People to think we are back to the place we were two months, aat we are in a time of great losses and great hardship on the American People. The reality is, we are in a much better place. Jon thesresident insists it because so many more people are sang tested, like here in francisco, that more cases are being uncovered. Thats only part of the story. Public Health Officials are far less sanguine. To deal with the all the taken sacrifices of the past three months could have been for naught. Far fromlattening the curb, america seems to be fattening it. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Laura texas, which began reopening on may 1, sought 3000 new cases on thursday. For more, i am joined ive my guest from the Baylor College of medicine in houskn, texas. Th you for joining us. Can you describe what you are seeing in the Emergency Rooms right now . The ers are starting to fill back up again. Not only do we see the regular patients retn as we have opened the hospitals up, but we are seeing an uptick in coronavirus cases and a huge uptick in coronavirus hospitalizations. Laura are youorried that your hospitals could potentially be overwhelmed as this carries on . If you look at fre informatio the text texas medical center, the demand for icu and regular hospital beds have started to grow. We have started to reach and maybe exceed our capacity for handling patients. Last wk i was working in the er and had several patients we did not have space for a a hospital and needed to try to transfer them out. There was not a single bed at any otherostal in the area for a patient with coronavirus. Laura the mayor of houston said the infection rate has tripled in the last three months. What happened . The main thing that happened is the mayor and the county judgngwho have been d valiant jobs trying to care for the people of houston were overruled by the governor. Governor abbott essentially reopened the ste, said the local politicians were not allowed to put masking orders on the people who lived in cities, and as a result, people went to bars. They were not wearing masks. You see the consequences. Its very ironic that Governor Abbott back in april said we have demonstrated the ability to corral the coronavirus andhen a few days ago he said, it is reading at an aacceptable ra it must be corralled. The only thing that changed was the name when the governor let the horse out of the barn. Laura now the governor says the bars should close early. Will that stop the spread . Actually, he just issued an order to shut them downnd dialback t restaurant openings. The restaurants have b opened to about 75 capacity. They are dialing it back to about 50 capacity. Is may help. The problem is when you look at theee numbers that she will a growth in coronavirus cases if anything is open you will see growth as opposed to a stayert home o i understand the governor and others want the economy to reopen. Ethe big differe is, when we are in phase one, we were growing at a linear rate, which is much more acceptable than when he opened it up to phase two. We started growing exponentially. Its great he dialed it back, but he ne ds t let all the wood back to phase one of the reopening, dial i all the way back to is one of the reopening. Ut ofwise it will get hand. Laura thank you. In the months since george floyd was killed, everything has been debated from Police Violence to statues from the confederacy. I am joine by t president of the naacp. Ar you think minneapolis is right to move fowith this . Absolbeely. We had tn to reimagine how we approach Structural Racism as it exists in america, from how relationship with communities to the type of symbols and monuments that they present to young minds that are developing Critical Thinking skills. If we truly believe and agree that all humans are created equally and endowed with certain inalienable rights, which is in our constitution, we need to make sure that is a lived experience in our Public Policy and the agencies that serve our citizens. Laura the house of representatives passed a policing the last night. Is america ready to stop shielding the police from lawsuits . That is the goal. One of the things we must do as a nation is step above partisanship, the divisive nature in which we found ourselves and, particularly over the last three and half years, is the fix we need to come out of. I think november selection is one of the cures if this congress cannot get past partisanship to address the persistent problems that have plagued this nation for decades, if not centuries. Laura as america reevaluates everything, tonight and washington, d. C. Protesters will try to bring downhe statue of president lincoln, the emancipation statue. Ha do you support i needo know more about the premise bind that. Abram lincoln was considered the am abrincoln was considered the great liberator. He was the one to take the principled snd that we would go to war against state seeking to secede based on White Supremacy andlavery. After that, he also oversaw then implementa of amendments to our constitution which gave ricanamericans. As an ship and the ability to participate in the system. I would need to know more about why there is an interest laura do you think america is on the cusp of change finally . I think we are at a unique juncture. Its a juncture where the momentum is we can change. We have to move from ptest to powe at the ballot box in november and from the ballot box to publicolicy that addresses systemic racism that we rrently find yourselves in the midst of it its a great opportunity, whether or not we have the political wl and momentum to carry this energy to novembers election. Laura thank you for being with us. Think you for the opportunity. Laura ilons of children in yemen could be on the brink of starvation of ternational aid s increased. It is a stark warning for the childrens the u. N. Childrens fund. Human was reeling and now its dealing with the coronavirus a break. Jeremy bowen showed us this report which does include start. Ages from the very jeremy she is five years old. The same age as the war. She has cerebral atrophy, caused since she was two months old. The vicious mixture that is a manmade war, manmade hunger, grip on a broken country. Cs her parents are among 2 million yemenis forced to flee their homes because of the war. Her father, abraham ibrahim, says they cannot afford to pay [speaking foreign language] one. My s is not the only unicef says malnutrition has caused permanent mental and physical damage to 40 of yemens under fives. There is food if you campaign pay. Many cannot. Its 20 more expensive than a fortnight ago because ase currency hrashed. Yemen is an easy target for the virus. It citizens immune systems are exhausted. The Health Care System is 50 destroyed by the war. Some provinces have two hospital beds for every 10,000 people. A doctor films this for us in the covid19 ward at his better off hospital in aden. Rich countries could buy thousands more ventilators. They have to turn away most of the patients whose families beg for them to be treated here. This woman had a chance, a bed in a hospital run by the medical charity of unicef. In yemen, 25 of people with confirmed covid19 die, fiv times the global average. It isstated to yemen already has one million casth of covid19e times more than the u. K. , with a population less than half the size. Ee it like the end. It feels like a calamity. They think the world has forgotten them. And its chaotic and archic and desperate. Jeremy are they right to think the world has forgotten them . Unless action is taken straight away, we will see a tragedy of globally catastrophic proportions. Jeremy making everything worse, the separatists are fighting a new war. It is on top of saudi arabia was this intervention five years ago to fight hootie rebels rels alignedh wit iraq. They are fighting for a ceasefire that does not exist. The u. S. Is cutting their operation. Unicef says in a single day a child in yemen will suffer more injustice andhi harthan most old face in a most people face in a lifetime. Whenhe was a baby, her parents had to escape with her from a hospital bombed by the saudis in a raid that killed 19 civilians. Bombed by theaudis in a raid that killed 19 civilians. Now she is five. They try to save her. They feed her with sugar and water, le and prayer. Thats all they have. In this war and this pandemic, it may not be enough. Jeremyws bowen, bbc laura yemens double agony there. You are watching bbc world news. America. Still to come we meet the contact tracers trying outbreant another a la police in these scottish city of glasgow have shot and kied a man they say carried localstabbing attack in hotel. Andrew mackenzie has more for on this story. Andrew mackenzie has more for usn this story. And glasgow has been home torea. Reporter reporter glasgow has been home to asylumseekers. Reporter reporter glasgow has been home to asylumseekers. Do is stay home. You can reporter scotlands first minister says the events are truly dreadful. This has undoubtedly shaken glasgow. The police have dealt with it. Iitnot an ongoing threat. It is not terrorist related incident. Laura lets take a quick look now at the day of austrias other news. E e first t history, the u. S. House of representatives d. C. Americas 51stte sshington, the vote, which occurred largely along party lines, occurred in the wake of protests after george floyd death. George floyds ath. Com s chief of police says that he survivedin an assaion attempt. A gunman opened fire in a wealthy part of the capital. Violence like this in mexico city is fairly rare. Asianameric harassment since the coronavirus outbreak. Out against xenophobia and inflammatory political rhetoric. If you wear a mask there are people are like you ould get stabbed. Knowing if you were really attacked, yo had something to selfdefense. I did not feel safe. When i first came here, i wanted to adapt to american culture. That is why i try to go to those football games, those parties. I realized they will always see yo as different because you do look different. Being american means to me it is who you are. They dont want to be aggressive. We just hope we can feel safe here in the states. Asities opened up, we are expecting a surge of antiasian racism. My sister died of covid. This [beep] chinese brought here. When we go into the streets, we will be harassed even more. Why is that . Sanitize your [beep] pres. Trump i talk about the chinese virus. And i mean it. Thats where it came fm. I can nam kung flu. After politicians use the term chinese virus, the associate asians withse the e. Ist am proud td with my black sisters and brothers. We stand math bla lives er not as a generic group, but a particular group rth a particulial history. We were led to build the railroads. The American Farm economy is built on fipino and japanese labor. Objective i, fetishized. Ed, asian bodies are erased and marginalized and ignored. For older gen z m,illennials, this may be the first time they wemarched. Re fighting against the same oppressive system. Came out with some toothpaste y p group and i wanted to emphasize thata asianmericans belong here. Hatred has no place in our country. Silaa americans speaking out against her dress harassment in the age of coronavirus. New york is revving up Contact Tracing. Italy was hitar at the coronavirus and i have been looking hard at how italy us apprch to Contact Tracing differs from w yorks. She calls herself a disease detective. I will test for covid19. Laura it is important work to her. She has seen it devastate her neighborhood. I have seen the amount of businesses shut down in the last few weeks and months. It has hurt a lot of people. A lot of people have lost livelihoods. Laura is that part of what motivated youo want to be a contact tracer . It is so portant to be reduced. People need to know. What is it, how can it be prevented . Laura new yorks Contact Tracing operation is only three weeks old. Ou people cooperating . They are taking care of othee yorkers. I believe that is why we have we have the share of contracts contacts. 85 of the people who have efinished the interviews giving us contacts. Laura Contact Tracing is being use in new rk and around world to track outbreaks. 4000 miles for mayor in italy, newgovernment is trying approach search application. Laura the italiann minister charge of a new app over 4 Million People have dnloaded. Italians with the app get an alert if they have been in contact with a person with the virus who is elected to share their contacts. The quicker you understand the person ishe positive, better you can track this person the coronavirus in our country. Laura backn new york, americans are wary of sharing their data with the government, for people who will not answer their phone to contact tracers, heres what is next. We will have community specialistwho will go into our communities and not on the door of anyone they were not able to get through to on the phone. Laura the police will help contain t virus, too. New yorkers fear the emergence ofnd coronavirusontact tracing is the key to tracking its transmission. Why Contact Tracing is so important. Before we go tonight, social distancing can be tricky. But fear not Creative Solutions are ahand. Moviegoers next Toon Hollywood cut out versions of them. The idea is to keep people at a fe this since when movie theaters eventually open up your paris, gigantic teddy bears are keeping people from getting to close at the citys legendary cafes. E cuddly creatures of the toes of the internet. Theirvi ss we say, mercy. Absolutely adorable. It is like a teddy bears picnic. I amaura trevelyan. Thank you so much for watching narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and blum kovler foundation; pursuing solaions for amerneglected needs. And by cpbtributions to thistation from viewers like you. Thank you. Girl we are the curio. Woman 1 wow man 1 the adventurous. Man 2 oh daniel tiger grrr ho woman 2 venturing out for the first time. All blast off [rocket explion] man 3 and those who have never lost our sense of wonder. Man 4 whoa man 5 are you seeing this . [qcking] vo we are the hungry. Cookie monster cookie man 6 trong. Muhammad ali i must be the grtest vo the joyful b ross a happy little cloud. Man 3 we believe there is always more we can uncover. Girl more we can explore. Woman 3 we believe. Man 6 . In the capacity for goodness. Vo and the potential for greatness. Man 7 the torch has been passed to a new generation of americans. Man 1 pbs. Man 3 pbs. Girl pbs. Good evening. Im judy woodruff. On the newshour, care in the time of covid. Despite the ongoing pandemic and e upcoming election, the Trump Administration asked the Supreme Court to invalidate the Affordable Care act. And texas and florida again clos bars. Are on the ground in arizona as it reconsiders a reopeningd a dramatic spike in new coronavirus infections. Th the w here is great. People just went crazy and arted to congregate and thats driven the numbers higher tha we eve expected. Plus, itsy. Fri mark shields and david brooks

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