Pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Headlines for viewers in the u. K. And around the globe. Lewis Prince Charles leads the u. K. In remembrance. Two minut to mark the anniversary of the end of the world Second World War in europe. President trump lays a wreath in washington and is joined by several Second World War veterans. In the u. S. 20 million jobs lost as the coronavirus pushes unemployment to its highest level since the Great Depression of the 1930s. A father and son charged with murder after the Fatal Shooting of an unarmed black man in the u. S. State of georgia. As the u. K. Government decides whethe or not to ease lockdown measures, people in wales will be able to exercise outside more than once a day. From the lifting of one of the strictest lockdowns in europe, how the people of spain are coping with their daily commute. Today is the first day i leave home and go to work. I am afraid. We do not know what will happen if we catch the virus. Hello and welcome to audiences in the u. K. And around the world. We are covering the latest Coronavirus Development here in britain and globally. Europe has been marking the 75th anniversarof the defeat of na zi germany in the Second World War. Events are scaled down because of the pandemic. The president expressed gratitude for the countrys liberation for the nazis. A moment of silence was led by Prince Charles and his wife camilla in scotland. Nicholas witchell reports. Nicholas in streets largely deserted due to the lockdown, britain remembered and gave thanks for the day when the Second World War in europe came to an end. The nations tribute led by the prince of wales with the duchess of cornwall at the war memorial. A cannon marked the start of the twominute silence and moments of remembrance across the nation. [silence] nicholas as the silence ended, the prince of wales laid his wreath in tribute to the Second World War generation, which overcame the tyranny of nazi germany. The coshad been high, nearly 400 members of britains Armed Services lost their lives and a further 60,000 civilians. Over the white cliffs near dover, two spitfires, the wartime aircraft, flying today in remembrance of the feud. Linking communities with the events of 75 years ago as todays political leaders gave tribute to the wartime generation. All of us who have been born nce 1945 are acutely aware we owe everything to the generation who won the Second World War. From across the u. K. And the world who came together in world war ii to fight for our shared values, values of freedom, democracy, peace. Nicholas on this day in 1945 many tens of thousands of people took to the streets in joyous celebration that the war in europe was over. At 3 00 they heard a broadcast by pri minister Winston Churchill. Yesterday morning at 2 41 a. M. At general eisenhower headquarters, general goebbel, a representative of the german high command, and a unit, the designated head of the german state, signed the act of unconditional surrender, german air, land, sea forces in europe will endfficially at one minute after midnight tonight, tuesday the 8th of may. Nicholas at Buckingham Palace that evening Winston Churchill appeared on the balcony with the king and queen and his daughters, elizabeth and margaret. Later the two princesses joined the crowds. As elizabeth recalled in 1985 we cheer the queen and king on the balcony, then walked miles through the streets. I remember lines of unknown people walking down whitehall, all of us just swept along in a tide of happiness and relief. Nicholas the contrast tween the crowded streets of may 1945 and those same streets today is striking, yet 75 years after the end of the Second World War, a nation and lockdn looked beyond its present challenges to give thanks, thanks which will be expressed tonight in a special broadcast by the queen. Nicholas witchell, bbc news. Anchor leaders across the world have been commemorating ve day. Anchor in the United States President Trump met veterans at the world war ii memorial in washington. He was accompanied by first lady maloney a trump melania trump. In france president macron lit the grave of the unknown soldier. In germany chancellor merkel led a ceremony at a war memorial and expressed gratitude for the nations liberation from the nazis. A father and son have been arrested and charged in the u. S. State of georgia for the Fatal Shooting of an unarmed black man. Gregory mcmichael and Travis Mcmichael were detained thursday, both charged with murder and aggravated assault. Ahmaud arbery had been jogging in february when he was accosted by the parent. For more than two Months Police did not crge the mcmichaels. A video circulated and caused outrage over the failure to take action against the two men. The Georgia Bureau of investigation says both men were taken into custody shortly after agents became involved. Paced on our involvement in this case, we hit the ground running wednesday morning and within 36 hours secured warrants for two individuals for felony murder. I think that speaks volumes for itself. We realize emotions are very high here for a period of time and still are to a great extent. We understand that and respect that. Anchor let speak to our washingt correspondent, gary odonoghue. I want to make sure i have the sequence right. No action for a while, then a video is released an almost immediate reaction, is that right . Gary that is about the sum of it. The shooting took place onhe 23rd of february and authorities, local prosecutors in that area, brunswick, georgia, effectively said it was selfdefense, these guys were trying to conduct a citizens arrest and there is nothing to see here. Then there were complications that emerged with connections between the elder of the two, currently accused, and law enforcement. He had worked in law enforcement, another in an office. Finally earlier this week when the video emerged, not exactly clear when prosecutors first saw that video, but when it emerged there was nationde outcry about it. So much so that joe biden called the contents and evidence in the video a lynching. Anchor what has been the reaction in georgia and Ahmaud Arberys family . Gary arberys family are glad these arrests have been made. They say he was an innocent man out having a jog on a sunday afternoon. He was effectively shot dead for no reason at all by a father and son who are now in custody. Many people, including the president s daughter, have questioned why it took so long for authorities to take any action. The president desibed this morning as incredibly disturbing. There have been questions asked whether there might be charges in terms of a hate crime, but georgia is one of a handful of states in this country that does not have hate crime laws, so this will be prosecuted, if it gets to court, as a straightforward murder case, but it is really the evidence of the video made public that people have found incredibly shocking, almost too shocking to watch. Anchor thank you. Staying in america, 20. 5 million americans lost their jobs last month as the coronavirus pandem pared the economy. Unemployment rates for april soared to 15 , the highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. True economic damage may be worse as it does not include workers whose hours have been cut or those unable to look for work because of stayathome orders. Monthly job numbers since the 2008 financial crash show how quickly the labor market has collapsed. The economy has shed more jobs than w lost in the whole of the last recession. A colleague of mine spoke to mira hussain about the unemployment verse. We w e increase in unemployment in the hispanic commity has been almost 19 . That is huge when you compare it to previous months where the Unemployment Rate would have been around 6 to 7 . Historically we have seen it was the black sector that suffers the biggest brunt of job losses, but in this last expansion in the labor market, we see the minority communities and black community has been gaining jobs. Liz has been one of the strongest labor markets for that community. In fact, something President Trump has touted a bit. We have seen a drastic reversal of that quickly. Anchor earlier, a former head economist at the u. S. Labor department joined the bbc to give her analysis. Heidi the Unemployment Rate is reported that jumping up from 4 to 14. 7 . It was a huge increase. Even that understates how many are facing job loss as a result of the pandemic because many, in order to be counted as officially unemployed, you have to be actively seeking work. There are a lot of people t of work because of the pandemic and cannot look for work because they are not allowed to. Everyone has been ordered to stay at home. There are lots of people misclassified as dropping out of the labor force instead of unemployed. There are a lot of people misclassified as being employed, but not at work, when they are furloughed. They should be counted as unemployed so we can really get a sense of how many people are not working right now. If you added all those factors together, the Unemployment Rate would be 23. 6 right now. We are seeing this astronomical job loss right now. To pile on with the grim news, we are still in the middle of this. The surveys we got the results from today were from mid april. We saw another 6 Million People apply for unemployment benefits. It is going to get worse before it gets better. Anchor u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson will not be announcing dramatic changes to the lockdown this weekend. Instead, opting f a cautious approach when he addresses the country sunday evening to make sure there is no second wave of infections. For more than 31,200 people have died of coronavirus in the u. K. , a number which increased by 636 in the past 24 hours. You can see this chart over the last four weeks. They set out the. K. Governments approach. We have to be realistic that there wl be no overnight change. We will be very cautious as we loosen restrictions we have, there is data we are outlining on a daily basis that shows we are not out of the woods. There are still major challenges with this virus. We will be living with this virus for some time to come. Anchor four nations of the u. K. Can set their own lockdown rules. Nicola sturgeon said scotlands lockdown could be lifted at a different rate. I, with the leader of ireland, spoke to the Prime Minister. Four u. K. Nations may move at different speeds if our data about the spread of the virus says that is necessary to suppress it. Anchor the welsh minister announced changes to the wales lockdown, only after evidence showed the virus is less easily outdoors. We want to allow people to go out to exercise more than once a day, but we will strengthen our regulations to make it clear that that exercise must be local. Anchor with me is our lyrical correspondent ben wright. For those who are not u. K. Constitutional experts50 of us in this conrsation, are they allowed to do what they want in terms of the lockdown . Ben they are, they are responsible for their own rules. The general rules are set by the u. K. Government. That is what Boris Johnson have has wanted to do. They talk about a harmonious approach. In the u. K. We have had a deevolution of powers to the constituent members of the u. K. Scotland has control over their own education system, housing, financial measures. Even though we have seen complete alignment between nations of the u. K. , i think we are beginning to see the potential for that to stop start to soften as the leaders of scoand, wales or Northern Ireland look at what is in our own best interests. There was concern, particularly in scotland, when we looked at the british press, previewing what looked like a significant relaxing of rules when the prime makes his announcement sunday. That is not going Prime Minister makes his announcement sunday. Changes will be modest. A bit more exercise, recycling centers opening, libraries possibly reopening. I think they will try as much as possible to keep the four nations alive. Anchor if i had an essential journey i can go from london to cardiff, if there was a need for it. The u. K. Would want one policy, given that aone can travel anywhere. Ben that is why they say it is a potential recipe for chaos. If there starts to be significantly different meaging out of edinburgh, belfast, cardiff and london. Which is why minters talk all the time about how to get the messaging right. I think it did get muddied over the past few days. People are sitting here waiting for guidance, and they are picking up that the rules are changing in wales. The government in london will be aware it needs to keep a coherent, single message about the direction of travel. I think it is pretty clear. There will be no significant move at all in the coming weeks to relax lockdown measures, simply because the disease is still prevalent and the death rate is still high, and there is no sign yet danger of a second wave has receded enough for a significant lockdown to be lifted. Anchor thank you so much. Spain is slowly starting to open after one of the tightest lockdowns in europe. People can leave their homes to exercise outdoors and Small Businesses have been allowed to serve customers again, but there are still strict rules including compulso wearing of masks, hygiene procedures and shops in social distancing. Some are not following read of the regulations. Damian grammaticas reports from madrid. Damian this is a country cranking into motion again, but cautiously, keeping their distance. Rush hour wiout the rush. It is compulsory now on public transport, even when stations are mostly empty. Today is the first time i leave home and go to work. I am afraid. You do not know what might happen. You might catch the virus. Damian handed out to anyone who does not hand them. They are not taking any chances. This is really uncomfortable. You cannot breathe easily, but for my protection, i need it. Damian most people in spain are confined inside their houses, so this limited opening brings risks, among them, as people come out, they behave in a way that enables the virus to spread again. A street party on the first day the lockdown was lifted was exactly what authorities feared. Those who took part have been fined 1000 euros each. Police move people along. Businesses open, distancing is enforced. One custer in shop at a time. A first visit to a hairdresser. A friendly greeting, but feet must be disinfected, hands cleaned, and more gloves and masks. By government order. This is a highrisk place. Risk, yes, there is. Until there is a vaccine, erybody is at risk. I hope for the best. Damian the places swabbed down before a new customer is allowed in. Getting people to maintain safe separation is a problem. With rules relaxed, not everyone keeps their distance. People are very aware what the situation is. There are basic rules we should have. A lot of people. We tried to keep it as safe as possible. Damian underneath the surface there is real nervousness. Even if spain starts to relax and embrace its newfound freedoms. Damian grammaticas, bbc news, madrid. Anchor i want to bring you uptodate with news from downing street. Downing street released a statement saying the Prime Minister has spoken to the president of the European Commission. Doing street says both lders welcome good cooperation between the u. K. And the e. U. On the coronavirus, including the effort to repatriate citizens. They congratulated the European Commission on 7. 4 billion euros raed at the pledging conference. He welcomed u. K. For the 388 billion pounds pledge. The Prime Minister give an update on the u. K. s domestic response than the two leaders talked about the need for ongoing cooperaon. Lets take a look at other stories making the news. Italy has become the third nation in the world to record more than 30,000 deaths from the coronavirus. The others are the u. K. And the u. S. Italys daily death toll is 243. A disagreement over the appointment of a chairperson to a key commiee led to fights breaking out on the floor of the hong kong legislature. The scuffle is the latest sign of rising tensions between probeijing and prodemocracy counties in the territory, due to hold elections in september. The government owait announced the country will go into total lockdown from sunday until may 30. The small gulf country reported more than 640 new cases of the coronavirus in the past 24 hours. The interior minister is expected to seek the armys help to enforce the lockdown. Lets end the program by returning to our main story, the 75th anniversary of ve day, the defeat of a nazis in wwii. Advanced, britannia. Long live the cause of freedom. Long live the king. [bell tolling] [drums] narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french d more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuingolutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Narrator yo re watching pbs. Mr. Rogers its a beautiful girl we are the curious. Woman 1 wow man 1 the adventurous. Man 2 oh daniel tiger grrr woman 2 those venturing out for the first time. All blast off [rocket explosion] man 3 and those who have never lost our sense of wonder. Man 4 whoa man 5 are you seeing this . [quacking] vo we are the hungry. Cookie monster cookie man 6 the strong. Muhammad ali i must be the greatest vo the joyful. Bob ross a happy little cloud. Man 3 we believe there is always more we can uncover. Girl more we can explore. Woman 3 we believe. Man 6 . In the capacity for goodness. Vo and the potential for greatness. Man 7 the torch has been passed to a new generation of americans. Man 1 pbs. Man 3 pbs. Girl pbs. Is provided by. Real life conversations in a new language like spanish, french, german, italian and more. Babbels 10 to 15 minute lessons are available as an app or online. More information on, babbel. Com. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation;

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